Can some please tell me where to find the system.img file in android 2.3.4. I have the manually update but can't find that file
Can someone who is running Linux OS help me extract .IMG files in this .RAR file so I can flash it via .CWM and delete apps I don't need before flash,
Hello all, I want to make a custom ROOM STOCK for Samsung devices so that it can burn in odin but all the tools (Tool Unpack Repack DAT + IMG) that create the file system.img require the file_contexts that I do not know how to get it (this is Android 4.1.2. File inside the boot)
I realized that I use the make_ext4fs file only because I do not know how it can be used by anyone who can help. I will thank him very much.::
please I need a zip file system for my android car6.0.1, to make hard reset.
There are 5 files in the zip file
Kindest reagrds
I have a problem. I am new in the domain of android customization and that is why I am testing.
I have a PDA file for my old GT-S6102 Galaxy Y, which contains the following files:
I also downloaded a custom ROM from the internet called evo_x2.1 ( which contains the following files:
META-INF (folder)
system (folder)
installbusybox (file)
Normaly this file is supposed to be put on /sdcard and update the system partition only from recovery mode.
But I have a question: Can I edit my PDA file mentioned above by inserting this ROM in it? (so that when I flash this firmware with odin into my phone I will no longer have to update it with this ROM separately afterwards, manually)
I tried to create a system.img which contained the files included in the ROM file and replaced the system.img in the PDA file with the system.img I just created from the ROM file.But when I try to flash the PDA with Odin, it crashes while analyzing the file.
NOTE: there is no md5 hashsum at the end of the PDA so there is no problem concerning the integrity of the file.
Thank you, and any observations are welcomed.
ReznicencuBogdan said:
I have a problem. I am new in the domain of android customization and that is why I am testing. I have a PDA file for my old GT-S6102 Galaxy Y,........
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I don't have this device but, the following area of the forum is also specific to your device as well.
With that guidance...
Your best bet is to post this question within the following Q&A thread that's specific to your device and variants.
Good Luck!
I DO NOT provide support via PM unless asked/requested by myself. PLEASE keep it in the threads where everyone can share.
ReznicencuBogdan said:
I have a problem. I am new in the domain of android customization and that is why I am testing.
I have a PDA file for my old GT-S6102 Galaxy Y, which contains the following files:
I also downloaded a custom ROM from the internet called evo_x2.1 ( which contains the following files:
META-INF (folder)
system (folder)
installbusybox (file)
Normaly this file is supposed to be put on /sdcard and update the system partition only from recovery mode.
But I have a question: Can I edit my PDA file mentioned above by inserting this ROM in it? (so that when I flash this firmware with odin into my phone I will no longer have to update it with this ROM separately afterwards, manually)
I tried to create a system.img which contained the files included in the ROM file and replaced the system.img in the PDA file with the system.img I just created from the ROM file.But when I try to flash the PDA with Odin, it crashes while analyzing the file.
NOTE: there is no md5 hashsum at the end of the PDA so there is no problem concerning the integrity of the file.
Thank you, and any observations are welcomed.
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It doesn't quite work like that, you can create your own Odin flashable file(.tar.md5) containing the custom ROM, but it isn't as simple as just pasting the system.img into the .tar.md5.
Here are some threads for extracting Odin files and for creating your own .tar.md5 using the custom ROM file.
This thread is for correctly extracting the existing .tar.md5:
This thread is for creating your own Odin flashable .tar or .tar.md5:
Sent from my LGL84VL using Tapatalk
So yeah...
I've downloaded a full dump files for my firmware on my tablet.
After i've downloaded the files, i'd extracted it and .IMGs files
were extracted. These were: backup.img, boot.img, cache.img
kernel.img, kapanic.img, metadata.img, misc.img, recovery.img,
system.img, userdata.img and loader bins. How could i flash these
files for my tablet to work again since a firmware needed to
flash on it. Please tell me how or which should i do or which
tool should i use. I need it asap :crying: