[Q] Decompile question - Eee Pad Transformer Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

So I am trying to decompile framework-res.apk for Honeycomb 3.0.1 and when I try to do it the same way as I did for my phone I get the following error. Any idea how to fix this?
D:\android-sdk-windows\tools\apktool>apktool d framework-res.apk ./out
I: Loading resource table...
Exception in thread "main" brut.androlib.AndrolibException: Multiple resources:
spec=0x01080212 drawable/default_wallpaper, config=-nodpi-v4
at brut.androlib.res.data.ResConfig.addResource(Unknown Source)
at brut.androlib.res.decoder.ARSCDecoder.readEntry(Unknown Source)
at brut.androlib.res.decoder.ARSCDecoder.readConfig(Unknown Source)
at brut.androlib.res.decoder.ARSCDecoder.readType(Unknown Source)
at brut.androlib.res.decoder.ARSCDecoder.readPackage(Unknown Source)
at brut.androlib.res.decoder.ARSCDecoder.readTable(Unknown Source)
at brut.androlib.res.decoder.ARSCDecoder.decode(Unknown Source)
at brut.androlib.res.AndrolibResources.getResPackagesFromApk(Unknown Sou
at brut.androlib.res.AndrolibResources.loadMainPkg(Unknown Source)
at brut.androlib.res.AndrolibResources.getResTable(Unknown Source)
at brut.androlib.Androlib.getResTable(Unknown Source)
at brut.androlib.ApkDecoder.getResTable(Unknown Source)
at brut.androlib.ApkDecoder.decode(Unknown Source)
at brut.apktool.Main.cmdDecode(Unknown Source)
at brut.apktool.Main.main(Unknown Source)

No one can assist me with this? I would like to make some xml edits to the framework-res that I am currently useing.


[Q&A] [KERNEL][STOPPED][ICS][CM10][CM10.1][] PH85 P920 KERNEL [Linux 3.0.21]

[Q&A] [KERNEL][STOPPED][ICS][CM10][CM10.1][] PH85 P920 KERNEL [Linux 3.0.21]
Q&A for [KERNEL][STOPPED][ICS][CM10][CM10.1][] PH85 P920 KERNEL [Linux 3.0.21] [03/04]
Some developers prefer that questions remain separate from their main development thread to help keep things organized. Placing your question within this thread will increase its chances of being answered by a member of the community or by the developer.
Before posting, please use the forum search and read through the discussion thread for [KERNEL][STOPPED][ICS][CM10][CM10.1][] PH85 P920 KERNEL [Linux 3.0.21] [03/04]. If you can't find an answer, post it here, being sure to give as much information as possible (firmware version, steps to reproduce, logcat if available) so that you can get help.
Thanks for understanding and for helping to keep XDA neat and tidy!
will this work in su760 , sorry newbie here

[Q&A] [Kernel] MA6 Kernel [CM10.1 - 20131121] [CM10.2 - 20140318] [CM11 - 20140824]

[Q&A] [Kernel] MA6 Kernel [CM10.1 - 20131121] [CM10.2 - 20140318] [CM11 - 20140824]
Q&A for [Kernel] MA6 Kernel [CM10.1 - 20131121] [CM10.2 - 20140318] [CM11 - 20140824]
Some developers prefer that questions remain separate from their main development thread to help keep things organized. Placing your question within this thread will increase its chances of being answered by a member of the community or by the developer.
Before posting, please use the forum search and read through the discussion thread for [Kernel] MA6 Kernel [CM10.1 - 20131121] [CM10.2 - 20140318] [CM11 - 20140824]. If you can't find an answer, post it here, being sure to give as much information as possible (firmware version, steps to reproduce, logcat if available) so that you can get help.
Thanks for understanding and for helping to keep XDA neat and tidy!

[Q&A] [KERNEL] [CM] Cempaka Kernel v3.0

Q&A for [KERNEL] [CM] Cempaka Kernel v3.0
Some developers prefer that questions remain separate from their main development thread to help keep things organized. Placing your question within this thread will increase its chances of being answered by a member of the community or by the developer.
Before posting, please use the forum search and read through the discussion thread for [KERNEL] [CM] Cempaka Kernel v3.0. If you can't find an answer, post it here, being sure to give as much information as possible (firmware version, steps to reproduce, logcat if available) so that you can get help.
Thanks for understanding and for helping to keep XDA neat and tidy!
This kernel is compiled with -o3 or -ofast optimizations ? If not, can you compile it with sabermod toolchains with -ofast optimizations ? Thanks you.
Sorry for my bad english

[Q&A] Shinkumara Kernel for Royss S6310 Deluxe Edition

Q&A for Shinkumara Kernel for Royss S6310 Deluxe Edition
Some developers prefer that questions remain separate from their main development thread to help keep things organized. Placing your question within this thread will increase its chances of being answered by a member of the community or by the developer.
Before posting, please use the forum search and read through the discussion thread for Shinkumara Kernel for Royss S6310 Deluxe Edition. If you can't find an answer, post it here, being sure to give as much information as possible (firmware version, steps to reproduce, logcat if available) so that you can get help.
Thanks for understanding and for helping to keep XDA neat and tidy!
Ini kernel baru atau masih sama dengan yang kmren kang?
Instalation Aborted when I Flashed the zRam, can you tell me why? What should I do?
Cara instal zram nya gimana kang? Semalem ane coba ko aborted terus
Use english please
You can download again now, link updated
Thanks' it is work.. on my phone.
@dedi saputra great, what kind of your phone? S6310 or s6312? Need someone test it on s6312

[Q&A] [Tool][Decompiler] Fernflower

Q&A for [Tool][Decompiler] Fernflower
Some developers prefer that questions remain separate from their main development thread to help keep things organized. Placing your question within this thread will increase its chances of being answered by a member of the community or by the developer.
Before posting, please use the forum search and read through the discussion thread for [Tool][Decompiler] Fernflower. If you can't find an answer, post it here, being sure to give as much information as possible (firmware version, steps to reproduce, logcat if available) so that you can get help.
Thanks for understanding and for helping to keep XDA neat and tidy!
ostar2 said:
Hello, I would like to share this java decompiler with the community. FernFlower is the first analytic decompiler for java. It will decompile class files and jar files to human readable java code. Unlike JD-GUI it does not decompile to byte code. It also will deobfuscate the source if you ask it to. This tool should work well with dex2jar. The files are attached. It requires java to run.
I take no credit for creating this tool. I will still however release the decompiled and deobfsucated source code.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
now it is possible to use this promising FernFlower decompiler online: javadecompilers.com

