[INFO] OpenVPN - Eee Pad Transformer Android Development

I just got OpenVPN working and thought I would share:
Installed tun.ko
Note: Skip this step if you are running Prime or any other ROM with the tun.ko module pre-installed.
Installed BusyBox using BusyBox Installer (Market). Installed to /system/xbin
Installed OpenVPN using OpenVPN Installer (Market) to /system/xbin
Installed OpenVPN Settings (Market)
Replaced OpenVPN binary with the one from:
UnBZ2'ed the file (I used 7-Zip on Windows for this)
adb remount
adb push openvpn-static-2.1.1 /system/xbin/openvpn
adb shell
chmod 555 /system/xbin/openvpn
Created /system/xbin/bb directory (requested in research I did, not sure if required)
mkdir /system/xbin/bb
Symlinked Busybox ifconfig and route /system/xbin/bb
ln -s /system/xbin/ifconfig /system/xbin/bb/ifconfig
ln -s /system/xbin/route /system/xbin/bb/route
Set up my usual OVPN config (configs must have absolute paths to certs!)
OpenVPN settings > Advanced > Load tun kernel module ON
OpenVPN settings > Advanced > TUN module settings
Load module using > insmod
Path to tun module > /system/lib/modules/tun.ko
I think this is everything I did, there was a bit of trial and error so I may have forgotten something.
Checked and the thing still boots afterward

Thanks a lot , will report back when i try it.

I get
insmod: init_module '/system/lib/modules/tun.ko' failed (Exec format error)

Assuming you have installed BusyBox, check the md5sum of your tun.ko:
# cd /system/lib/modules
# md5sum tun.ko
Response should be (or at least this is what I get):
7e09817dc4661b732f1a77fff76a10e6 tun.ko
If you don't get that response, I suggest you re-download the tun module, decompress it again and re-push it to your Transformer.

Busybox is installed. Tried both installers and both versions.
Md5sum is right.
Any other ideas?

Are you running stock? If you are running a different kernel the module probably won't work.

Thanks worked a treat

thanks works perfect

I am getting my Transformer within a week. Can't wait to get this going on the device... Thanks a ton!

It's running and connected but my IP is still showing up as my regular ISP 3G IP when I open a browser and go to www.ipchicken.com
Any idea why the traffic doesn't appear to be routing through it?
It shows as 100% connected and the key icon is white in the taskbar...

duckdown said:
Any idea why the traffic doesn't appear to be routing through it?
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The default behaviour of OpenVPN is not to install a default route pointing out of the tun interface, unless the system you're connected to has IP forwarding and NAT enabled this wouldn't work anyway.
I can't post links, so google "openvpn config" and go to the first link. Look for the section titled: "Routing all client traffic (including web-traffic) through the VPN."

Hey man, thanks for the reply.
The directions said to add this line to the config file
push "redirect-gateway def1"
But I've done that and it still doesn't seem to be doing anything.. IP is still showing up as my regular 3G network
Am I doing something wrong or omitting a step that you can notice?
Thanks again for the help

Oh, hm, on second look it wants me to add that line to the SERVER's config file.
I have no access to the servers config file -- I pay $4 a month for my VPN and do not run the OpenVPN server myself.
Is there anything I can do from the client side?
It works perfectly fine in Windows, routing all traffic through the VPN as it should..

duckdown said:
Oh, hm, on second look it wants me to add that line to the SERVER's config file.
I have no access to the servers config file -- I pay $4 a month for my VPN and do not run the OpenVPN server myself.
Is there anything I can do from the client side?
It works perfectly fine in Windows, routing all traffic through the VPN as it should..
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You might actually be able to just use the "redirect-gateway local def1" line in your own config, as I understand it the "push" directives in the server conf are just sending config to the clients which could just as easily be done client side. I might be wrong, but it's worth a go. Otherwise you can set up routes in the client config too, but you may have to remove your existing default route via some scripting or something.

duclicsic said:
You might actually be able to just use the "redirect-gateway local def1" line in your own config, as I understand it the "push" directives in the server conf are just sending config to the clients which could just as easily be done client side. I might be wrong, but it's worth a go. Otherwise you can set up routes in the client config too, but you may have to remove your existing default route via some scripting or something.
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This is correct, I have this and the exact same conf works fine on my desktop.
However on my tablet no data gets routed. Also my tray is getting spammed with "Connected".

Kevincod said:
This i correct, I have this and the exact same conf works fine on my desktop.
However on my tablet no data gets routed. Also my tray is getting spammed with "Connected".
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I forgot the part with the modified openvpn, I replaced the binary and the routing works great now, however I still get spammed with "Connected" in the tray.
Seems to be a common issue: http://code.google.com/p/android-openvpn-settings/issues/detail?id=74#c0

I can't get the traffic to go through the VPN for the life of me.. This thing is mental

Check out thread 1118465, in The general section. Found that /system/bin/ip was not setting up route/gateway correctly, and openvpn was not using the busybox ip
fix: mv /system/bin/ip /system/bin/ip.bay
This then forces use of busybox ip. Worked for me.

PowellEB said:
Check out thread 1118465, in The general section. Found that /system/bin/ip was not setting up route/gateway correctly, and openvpn was not using the busybox ip
fix: mv /system/bin/ip /system/bin/ip.bay
This then forces use of busybox ip. Worked for me.
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We had to do the same thing to get Cisco VPN working. the system IP was not routing properly, so renaming it forced using the busybox IP


dhcpd on Android/ARM

Has anyone tried compiling dhcpd for Android/ARM? I'm working on a Wireless Router application for Android, and having the phone be a dhcp server would make PC setup really easy.
No, but if you get it working, I'd gladly pay (for the program, not dhcp ).
Is it possible to set it up to a non-adhoc wireless access point? My WiFi card doesn't work for adhoc under Ubuntu :/.
I've been using dnsmasq, works great..
Any reason why you want to use the source from openbsd?
You can get DHCP server from here:
It's currently compiling on my phone but everything looks good so far.
I guess you could also the udhcp from the busybox project. I think it's smaller.
npace said:
Any reason why you want to use the source from openbsd?
You can get DHCP server from here:
It's currently compiling on my phone but everything looks good so far.
I guess you could also the udhcp from the busybox project. I think it's smaller.
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Oh, awesome! I didn't realize busybox had a dhcp daemon. Linux/ARM is supported too, and it seems to be running fine. I'll make sure it's actually working now.
Bleh, dnsd isn't working properly. Might need to compile within the Android build environment. (None of the busybox networking related commands seem to work, even basic ones such as nslookup.)
Basically what I'm trying to do is have the phone be a DNS, DHCP, and gateway server, so that the PC connection setup is painless: just associate with a the phone's ad hoc network.
What's the busybox's default pass? Mine seems to have it, but I can't figure it out.
Koush said:
Bleh, dnsd isn't working properly. Might need to compile within the Android build environment. (None of the busybox networking related commands seem to work, even basic ones such as nslookup.)
Basically what I'm trying to do is have the phone be a DNS, DHCP, and gateway server, so that the PC connection setup is painless: just associate with a the phone's ad hoc network.
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did you try the udhcpd applet in busybox?
JesusFreke said:
did you try the udhcpd applet in busybox?
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Nah, failed with a bunch of errors and I didn't bother looking into it further:
busybox udhcpd -f
udhcpd: /etc/udhcpd.conf: No such file or directory
udhcpd (v1.12.2) started
udhcpd: can't open '/var/lib/misc/udhcpd.leases': No such file or directory
udhcpd: is interface eth0 up and configured?: No such device
The missing files ones are obviously fixable, but the last one about the eth0 I have no idea about.
Koush said:
Bleh, dnsd isn't working properly. Might need to compile within the Android build environment. (None of the busybox networking related commands seem to work, even basic ones such as nslookup.)
Basically what I'm trying to do is have the phone be a DNS, DHCP, and gateway server, so that the PC connection setup is painless: just associate with a the phone's ad hoc network.
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I'm a little confused about what you're trying to do here. In page 5 of the iptables thread, alansj has a script that will setup the wifi connection, forward the traffic using iptables and enable dnsmasq to serve as a DHCP server. (rale00 also deserves credit for building dnsmasq and the original script)
If I'm missing something here, what is it that you want to do differently?
Koush said:
Nah, failed with a bunch of errors and I didn't bother looking into it further:
busybox udhcpd -f
udhcpd: /etc/udhcpd.conf: No such file or directory
udhcpd (v1.12.2) started
udhcpd: can't open '/var/lib/misc/udhcpd.leases': No such file or directory
udhcpd: is interface eth0 up and configured?: No such device
The missing files ones are obviously fixable, but the last one about the eth0 I have no idea about.
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You need a udhcp.conf file like this one:
Then you'll need to change the interface from eth0 to whatever the wifi one is... do 'ifconfig' with your wifi on and you'll see the interface name.

USB tethering without root (not SOCK5)

This is a program I wrote a while back that allows transparent tethering over USB without requiring root access. It works by simulating an unencrypted OpenVPN server and then internally running everything through a Java-based NAT. I get decent speeds off it, but your mileage may vary. It's a bit beta! Might explode! Wear eye protection!
It has a really basic website at http://lfx.org/azilink/, but to spare your eyes I'll just paste the instructions below:
Required files:
- ADB from the 1.1 SDK or from http://lfx.org/azilink/adb.zip
- OpenVPN 2.1 (not 2.0) from http://openvpn.net/index.php/downloads.html
- AziLink.apk from http://lfx.org/azilink/azilink.apk
- AziLink.ovpn from http://lfx.org/azilink/azilink.ovpn
1) Install OpenVPN on the host. I use version 2.1_rc15, but any version should work. Apparently if you use version 2.0 you'll need to remove the NO_DELAY option from the AziLink.ovpn configuration file. You can find OpenVPN at:
2) Enable USB debugging on the phone. From the home screen, this is under
Settings>Applications>Development>USB debugging.
3) Install the Android USB driver (if you don't already have one installed).
See http://code.google.com/android/intro/develop-and-debug.html#developingondevicehardware
4) Install the program. You can either use ADB to install by typing
"adb install azilink.apk" with the file in the current directory, or you can browse (on the phone!) to: http://lfx.org/azilink/azilink.apk
Either way you might need to allow installation from unknown sources
under Settings>Applications>Unknown Sources.
Configuration steps:
1) On the host, run "adb forward tcp:41927 tcp:41927" to set up port forwarding. Be sure to use adb from the Android 1.1 SDK! The version from 1.0 will lock up under heavy load. If you don't want to download the entire SDK, you can get a copy of ADB+drivers from http://lfx.org/azilink/adb.zip
2) On the phone, run AziLink and make sure "Service active" is checked.
3) Right click AziLink.ovpn on the host (not in the web browser!) and select "Start OpenVPN on this configuration file." You can find this file at: http://lfx.org/azilink/azilink.ovpn. If you're using Linux or, god forbid, MacOS, you'll also need to manually set the nameserver to (the phone's NAT IP address).
Nice work around.
Wow, amazing work! I'll definitely have to mess around with this tomorrow...
OpenVPN 2.0.9
Thnx for the manual..!! Took me something to get it working, i'll find out, that it isn't working with OpenVPN version 2.0.9
OpenVPN 2.0.9 doesn't recognize the following rule in azilink.ovpn:
socket-flags TCP_NODELAY
And it worked with version 2.1rc15...
So no more Internet Sharing on Windows Mobile...
OpenVPN 2.0.9
Thnx for the manual..!! Took me sometime to get it working, i'll find out, that it isn't working with OpenVPN version 2.0.9
OpenVPN 2.0.9 doesn't recognize the following rule in azilink.ovpn:
socket-flags TCP_NODELAY
And it worked with version 2.1rc15...
So no more Internet Sharing on Windows Mobile...
Ok I'm a complete noob and I've played about with this but can't get it to work. How do I run adb? As in the very first step? Where do I type that. Do I need to install adb and how do I do it?
Got it working
Man this is awesome.
I realised i needed to run the adb from cmd. see when i tried to open adb.exe it just kept closing.
thanks alot. this rocks
ps im writing this off my tethered pc
zecbmo said:
Ok I'm a complete noob and I've played about with this but can't get it to work. How do I run adb? As in the very first step? Where do I type that. Do I need to install adb and how do I do it?
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Nah, you can just unzip adb and run it directly from that folder. It's a command line program, so you'd need to run it from a command prompt (cmd.exe). I'm not sure whether adb needs to run as an administrator or not (I disable all that UAC garbage in Vista). If you have the proper driver installed, then the ADB command should return immediately without saying anything. If it says "waiting for device..." that means it wasn't able to find the Android debug driver.
I know this is all a bit hacky, but now that we've got root and wifi tethering I figured that there wouldn't be too much interest.
its working great like. im using this cus i havent rooted my phone yet. tethering was the only reason why i wanted to root it but this is a great alternative
Works Great. Thanks for the easy instructions.
Here is translation of post on Russian with images http://androidteam.ru/faq/azilink-tethering-with-android-usb.html
I have repacked all in one zip, and make some command files to make process a little easy.
another trick that may help on XP machines, probably other versions as well.
Create a shortcut to adb.exe on your windows desktop (mine is located in C:\and\tools)
Modify the 'target' (right-click,properties) of the shortcut to read C:\and\tools\adb.exe forward tcp:41927 tcp:41927 <I think this is the right code, I'm still using tetherbot on 1080>
That's it. Once everything's set up connecting is easy. one click on the computer, no cmds required
does this allow for media such as flash on web site to play on the laptop?
clevetbs said:
does this allow for media such as flash on web site to play on the laptop?
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If you've got enough bandwidth. I'm not really sure what bitrate flash video runs at though.
Many thanks for this, aziwoqpd. I've not had the time to root, but have been looking for an easy way to tether. A usb connection is great, since the battery drains so quickly anyway it's nice to keep a charge going.
sonikamd - thanks for the suggestion, it's a great idea. Unfortunately my XP doesn't want to accept your syntax. I wish I could offer something else, but my skills (ha!) are nonexistant. I'm embarassed to say that I had to refresh my memory on how to maneuver around command lines...
Got any other suggestions?
Thanks again for all your work!
the AziLink.ovpn file wont download for me.
works fine for me, GREAT WORK!
Okay, so I'm trying this out on a mac. I've successfully built openvpn and have my tunneling device (/dev/tun0, /dev/tun1, etc.). I run the adb forward command and it starts the daemon successfully, I fire up azilink on the phone and it says it's waiting for the connection, I fire up openvpn and the phone changes to stating that it's connected. Openvpn does not exit out - it starts the tunnel - BUT in the logging it reports " ROUTE: problem writing to routing socket" twice (which oddly appears to be a non-fatal error to the application), and traffic is unable to flow. I'm guessing it's something about openvpn not correctly manipulating the darwin routing tables, but I've been unsuccessful thus far in figuring out the nature of the problem so I thought I'd check here.
I'm running the straight azilink openvpn config file, which means if I need any syntactical changes for darwin I haven't applied them. The openvpn documentation is not terribly good and I was unable to find any documentation of routing command differences for MacOS (if that's even the problem, of course).
Edit: I forgot to mention, I've been trying to ping known-good IPs by address to test the routing - after my first attempt at loading a web page failed I figured it best to remove name services from the possible list of problems. The bytes sent count was slowly incrementing (up to about 23K bytes in ten minutes of diagnosis), and the inbound count got up to about 900 bytes in the same period, so clearly *something* was getting through - unless those counters are counting all traffic into and out of the phone and just going over the cable - but I got no ping responses, no websites could load, and by all appearances from the terminal, no data was moving.
lindsayt said:
I'm running the straight azilink openvpn config file, which means if I need any syntactical changes for darwin I haven't applied them. The openvpn documentation is not terribly good and I was unable to find any documentation of routing command differences for MacOS (if that's even the problem, of course).
Edit: I forgot to mention, I've been trying to ping known-good IPs by address to test the routing - after my first attempt at loading a web page failed I figured it best to remove name services from the possible list of problems. The bytes sent count was slowly incrementing (up to about 23K bytes in ten minutes of diagnosis), and the inbound count got up to about 900 bytes in the same period, so clearly *something* was getting through - unless those counters are counting all traffic into and out of the phone and just going over the cable - but I got no ping responses, no websites could load, and by all appearances from the terminal, no data was moving.
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The byte counters only include traffic that OpenVPN is forwarding, so something is making it over. Did you try changing the DNS server to either or an external address like OpenVPN on MacOS and Linux won't set the nameserver automatically.
Also, there's a bit of a problem with pinging. The app on the phone can't generate ICMP ping packets since it isn't running as root. When you send an ICMP ping, the phone translates it to a UDP ping, sends it, and translates the reply back to a ICMP ping. Unfortunately, probably about 50% of hosts don't reply to UDP pings. Some that I've tested with that do work are lfx.org and he.net.
I'll see if I can give it a quick test on a Mac sometime tomorrow.
EDIT: I managed to get it working, although T-Mobile's so-called "transparent" web proxy is barely working today so I was having trouble accessing websites without getting errors. SSH was working fine, though. Anyway, here's what I did:
1- Installed a MacOS port of OpenVPN called Tunnelblick (didn't have XCode handy to compile my own and it's got a pretty GUI)
2- Copied azilink.ovpn to /users/azi/library/openvpn or whatever it is
3- Click the Tunnelblick icon in the upper-right, go to details, click "set nameserver"
4- Remove the TCP_NODELAY line because it was complaining that my kernel didn't support it (and would cause my connection to timeout after about 30 seconds).
5- Clicked connect
If you want to see what traffic's going over openvpn, you can just run "sudo tcpdump -n -i tun0"
wow ... this works great ... tested using a german G1 under linux (arch 686), win vista (x64) & win xp (x86) ... pretty good speed and low latency (actually i can't notice any latency at all - no mather if using wlan or 3g)!

[Think Tank] Cache DNS Requests on Android to speedup browsing

I was wondering if there is a method to cache DNS requests? I use CM latest and was browsing around in the system folder, when i came by /system/etc/resolv.conf. Here you find the nameservers used by android to resolve DNS.
This got me thinking, because I use a DNS cache on my Ubuntu Box. Might there be a way to do this on Android, to speed up browsing regularly visited websites? Does anyone have any idea how to use a local DNS cache to speed up browsing?
Here's the deal:
- In /system/etc/resolv.conf you find 4 nameservers ( -
- Doing a ping test (count = 1000) to those, i find big differences in latency. Average was 800 on my test on 3G (I live in the Netherlands). I found this number rather large.
- On IRC, when asking this question, they mentioned porting dnsmasq to android and change nameserver to localhost
A ported version of dnsmasq is found here: http://code.google.com/p/android-wifi-tether/source/browse/trunk/res/raw/dnsmasq?spec=svn120&r=120
Copied the file to /system/bin, chmod +x the file, and this one works.
Now here's the thing:
- dnsmasq --help mentions a configurationfile: /data/local/dnsmasq.conf. This one have to be made for android
- how to configure dnsmasq so it uses the DNS servers and create a cache, thus speeding up browsing (in my humble belief)
- how to start dnsmasq on booting android (and making sure it stays alive)
And finally, does it make sense to use this kind of method? Like to apply for a think tank to make this work
That does sound like a good idea. For me it isn't just 800ms to find out the DNS but on edge rather something like about 3 seconds! this would seriously speed the whole thing up! However, how are you gonna find the IP adresses for the first time?
Well dnsmasq creates a cache, using nameservers found in the config file, if i am correct. I am looking into the dnsmasq.conf examples to see what workaround i need.. Should be pretty straightforward
resolv.conf should have nameserver, and dnsmasq should use configured nameservers like and create a cache. Therefore apps use the dnsmasq as DNS server.
Furthermore, i am trying to find out what nameservers are the fastest. are Verizon, while i am in the Netherlands. OpenDNS has a datacenter in Amsterdam, so i figured changing nameservers to OpenDNS would speed things up some more..
Even better would be unbound, though the stated overhead of ~11 MB might be too much for G1/mT3G v1.
Also, do you have to do any tricks to prevent resolv.conf from being overwritten when you switch networks? I know that usually dhclient will rewrite the file, and there's a couple of workarounds, but I have no idea which ones would work on Android.
CM builds already have a dnsmasq binary in /system/bin. It's used for tethering. You could launch it with a different config file if needed (there's a dnsmasq.conf in /system/etc already for tethering). Also, the values in resolv.conf aren't really used by much anymore unless you have stuff linked with uclibc. The resolver in Bionic uses the values of the net.dns* system properties.
cyanogen said:
CM builds already have a dnsmasq binary in /system/bin. It's used for tethering. You could launch it with a different config file if needed (there's a dnsmasq.conf in /system/etc already for tethering). Also, the values in resolv.conf aren't really used by much anymore unless you have stuff linked with uclibc. The resolver in Bionic uses the values of the net.dns* system properties.
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Thanks for the reaction... You are right indeed, i found the dnsmasq.conf:
What you're saying is that i should create another one, but i am wondering what values i should use..
Also, regarding your remark on DNS, how to see the values of net.dns* and how to change them? sysctl -n doesn't show these values, I must be looking in the wrong direction...
You don't have to set an interface at all.
The interface delcaretion limit dnsmasq to listen only on a specific interface (for both DHCP and DNS requests).
As far as I know dnsmasq is caching dns by default you can limit the cache size and set not to cache negative queries but it will cache by default so no special settings is needed.
In addition, Dnsmasq is also function as dhcp server and if you don't want it to try removing all lines that declaring on dhcp settings.
True on that one, i want to use dnsmasq mainly on 3G
On my remark about the dns properties, already found out to use getprop and setprop
getprop shows different values on DNS compared to resolv.conf:
[net.dns1.195]: []
[net.dns2.195]: []
[net.dns1]: []
[net.dns2]: []
You need to be aware of one thing with regards to the resolv.conf file.
If you use the command "getprop", you will see several dns entries in there -- none of which matches the static dns servers set in resolv.conf. The resolv.conf is used by TERMINAL BINARIES.
zrubi said:
You don't have to set an interface at all.
The interface delcaretion limit dnsmasq to listen only on a specific interface (for both DHCP and DNS requests).
As far as I know dnsmasq is caching dns by default you can limit the cache size and set not to cache negative queries but it will cache by default so no special settings is needed.
In addition, Dnsmasq is also function as dhcp server and if you don't want it to try removing all lines that declaring on dhcp settings.
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might as well restrict it to the local interface
you can then turn off dhcp with
I use OpenDNS on my home network which is claimed to be better than ISP dns servers. When you signup/setup you are required to input their values for dns servers, perhaps you set these values from your phone?
Not sure if Android supports this... but the easiest and least resource intensive way to do this would be to simply add your commonly used domains to the hosts file. I believe some ad blocking software used to use this to block ads.
Aside from that... Bind can be run as a caching nameserver and would probably work in conjunction with setprop to overwrite the nameserver values android tries to use...
Another interesting idea might be to run a squid cache with data stored on the SD card... this should theoretically be faster than pulling the pages over 3G, but could be memory constrained.
FWIW I did some testing with timing page loads over 3G/2G/Wifi... and I found that the bottleneck for page loads on the G1 was not in fact the speed of the network connection(3G and WiFi were virtually identical - 12Mbps cable, 2G slightly slower), but CPU time spent in rendering(well, possibly memory related as well, but the G1 is always memory constrained so its hard to tell). The biggest speed improvement I experienced was in turning off Javascript.
I also tested Stock vs Dolphin vs Steel and found Stock & Steel to have very similar numbers, with Steel having a slight edge sometimes. Dolphin was always orders of magnitude slower.
IMHO The only real way to speed up browsing on the G1 would be to utilize an external compression proxy to reduce the amount of data being sent across the network to the G1, or to rewrite the browser/Dalvik VM/whatever to be more efficient. I tried the external proxy method but couldn't seem to get it to work.
good thought...i'll tinker w/ this some
also dot folder
@equid0x Good thoughts... I used Opera on Android, which uses a compression proxy. Runs fast. Might be an idea to look into this for the native browser and abandon the idea to cache DNS.
cyanogen said:
CM builds already have a dnsmasq binary in /system/bin. It's used for tethering. You could launch it with a different config file if needed (there's a dnsmasq.conf in /system/etc already for tethering). Also, the values in resolv.conf aren't really used by much anymore unless you have stuff linked with uclibc. The resolver in Bionic uses the values of the net.dns* system properties.
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I think I have dnsmasq playing nice w/ this config:
it's listening on UDP port 53 -- seems to be doing its thing..
you're right..resolv.conf doesn't affect anything I do.
but I don't see any entries like net.dns* when i
#sysctl net
What am I missing about how Bionic does things?
alapapa said:
but I don't see any entries like net.dns* when i
#sysctl net
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# getprop
Brut.all said:
# getprop
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i can:
# setprop net.dns1
# setprop net.dns2
and it uses dnsmasq for a while, then they change back to t-mobile's (seems like it happens when i change towers or it goes from 3g->edge or vice-versa
does net.dnschange have any ability to control this?
know where I can find any documentation on the dhcp process that populates these values?
edit: just tested again and the settings persisted all night. performance wasn't noticeably different than normal. I'll try to do some more scientific tests and report back..
was this project dropped? anything goin on here?
dnsmasq cpu problem
Hi Guys,
I've implemented the dnsmasq with my adhoc connection. My config file is:
where the dnsmasq-host file is a copy of http://www.mvps.org/winhelp2002/hosts.txt to avoid advertising site.
After few minutes I run dnsmasq I get the cpu at 100% and the process sayd:
dnsmasq: Unknown cmd ''
dnsmasq: Unknown cmd ''
dnsmasq: Unknown cmd ''
I've tried only with few config options but the result is the same.
Do you know what is that?

Automatic wireless folder sync app needed

I have looked around and cant seem to find an application quite fitting.
All I want is an app that will wirelessly sync just a folder automatically when I have my WiFi turned on, is there an app that can do this?
i.e. Come home from work, turn on wifi and it just syncs.
Many thanks
To any developers about: How hard would something like this be to make?
I think dropbox does that?
Dropbox syncs a folder on multiple devices with a folder on dropbox server.
There is also an app called PCFileSync that syncs a folder over wifi between the phone and a samba share. I am turning it on with Tasker once it connects to my home ssid. Works great!
Sent from my Desire HD using XDA App
samba share? hm........
rsync and ssh would be a much better choice and cleaner, just a script to run.
synflex said:
samba share? hm........
rsync and ssh would be a much better choice and cleaner, just a script to run.
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Tasker+Rsync, and combine it with a ssh key and you can automate it easy.
BTW, I decided to do this today.. I have one which backs up /sdcard/DCIM, and another which backs up the entire sdcard, both over wifi to my Fedora Linux workstation. I'll have to figure out how I want to execute these, but I can do it from GScript Lite, Tasker, whatever floats my boat.
Here's the notes I took, just in case I have to do it again in the future, hope it's useful to some folks..
# Get dropbear/dropbearkey from http://www.elkins.org/dropbear.tar.gz
# Get ssh off device and follow instructions (references at the end) to fix it, name fixed file "sshfxed"
# Remount /system rw
~/AndroidSDK/tools/adb shell
mount -o rw,remount device /system
#exit back to Linux shell
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# Install dropbear and sshfixed from adb push
~/AndroidSDK/tools/adb push sshfixed /system/xbin/sshfixed
~/AndroidSDK/tools/adb push dropbear /system/xbin/dropbear
~/AndroidSDK/tools/adb push dropbearkey /system/xbin/dropbearkey
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# Now get into adb shell and execute in Android..
mkdir /system/etc/dropbear
chmod 4755 /system/bin/dropbear
chmod 4755 /system/bin/dropbearkey
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# Create keys
dropbearkey -t rsa -f /system/etc/dropbear/dropbear_rsa_host_key
dropbearkey -t dss -f /system/etc/dropbear/dropbear_dss_host_key
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# Copy and paste the public DSS key the dss command above outputs and put it in ~/.ssh/authorized_keys on intended host. If you need to know more here, google for how to use ssh keys on Linux hosts. Basically if you're going to [email protected], on machine1 under user account "user" you create a file named authorized_keys in the .ssh directory with the output of the previous command, it tells you it's the 'public key', which is what you want to copy. It has to be all one line.
# Now actually use it all and rsync sdcard to your host For debugging, I suggest trying the "sshfixed -l USER -y -i /system/etc/dropbear/dropbear_dss_host_key" part just by itself and make sure you can ssh to your machine WITHOUT any prompting, password, etc.
~/AndroidSDK/tools/adb shell
# the following is all one line..
rsync -rltDv --chmod=u=rwX,g=rX,o=rX -e "sshfixed -l USER -y -i /system/etc/dropbear/dropbear_dss_host_key" /mnt/sdcard [email protected]:/your/path
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-- References
Get dropbear - http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=8220181
Set up dropbear - http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=442754
Fix ssh client to use urandom - https://www.heiher.info/1592.html
Use it all to rsync over wifi - http://a-more-common-hades.blogspot.com/2010/07/backup-photos-with-rsync.html
Another vote for Dropbox, it works great! Look for referral codes in the comments on Market for some additional free storage. I use it all the time for pictures and vids for the family.
Sent from my HTC Desire using the XDA App
I use S&K sync.
Horrible user interface but once things are set up you need only to start the client on your phone and press the "Start Sync" button.
Supports multiple configuration sets (local/remote directory pairs, ip address, etc), each can be started separately.
Google: "SK sync android"
khaytsus said:
Tasker+Rsync, and combine it with a ssh key and you can automate it easy.
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I'm actually syncing to 2 android phones, with dropbox, rsync and dropbear.
Dropbox is good for documents and such, with small filesize and possiblity of sharing with others.
Using rsync for large files like movies and music folders, also some pictures, notes, keepass, and stuffs I like having around, things that's only going around between my laptop and phone.
Running a crontab that scans for my phone in adb devices, if found, pull a "last sync status" file, if interval > 1 hour or changes made locally, do a local notify-send till rsync is done, then execute dropbear on phone, rsync remote and local, kills dropbear, then push last sync file.
This way, no resources is wasted on the phone, all scanning and verification of device, system, and files were done on laptop.
At the same time I'm monitoring my development phone with frequent ssh rsync when it's in range, push updates, kernels and such across in proper folder structure.
This will ensure changes or new kernels were pushed to phone ready for testing.
Could use the same script for both phone, be it adb+ssh+rsync or pure ssh+rsync, but I personally don't like having sshd running in background when I'm connected to wifi hotspot.
Cleaner this way, less resources wasted on phone, and I can have full control over what, where, and when to sync.
I do realise that there isn't much choice for syncronization in the wild, thus you may like yo try something along the same idea, and you may get your own perfect combo to sync.
P.S. backing up, restoring or syncing bookmarks from browser.db and such could be done this way.

Auto Mount SMB shares when connected to WiFi with Tasker + Execute + scripts

So I've really grown to like having my local SMB shares from my media server mounted to my Xoom so that I can stream video and/or music or whatever on the fly. I don't like the mountpoints getting all messed up when I leave the network though, and I had less than stellar experiences with both Mount Manager and CIFSManager.
CIFSManager worked, but didn't integrate with Tasker, so I couldn't automate it. Mount Manager (the paid version anyway) came with a Tasker plugin, but I don't think it was fully compatible with the Honeycomb OS and I had a lot of issues with it (called the developer and left a message a few hours after buying it, hopefully I can get a refund for my $2.99).
Then I found the (free!) Locale Execute plugin and decided to just script the behavior I wanted myself. If you have Tasker and local SMB shares as well this could be a good solution for you. Just install the Locale Execute plugin from the market and follow these instructions. I'll post them here because I can't post to the dev section yet, and I'm not really sure if this is dev worthy anyway.
First I setup a profile for my home WiFi network (WiFi Connected > SSID [my home WiFi SSID]. Then I added an Enter action with the Execute plugin:
@!sh /[path]/[to]/[chk_and_mnt_script]/cifs_chk_and_mnt.sh
But I needed to make sure the mount points are cleaned if I disconnect for any reason so I added an Exit action with the Execute plugin as well:
@!sh /[path]/[to]/[umnt_script]/cifs_umount.sh
In Execute the "@" symbol is used to keep the program from echoing commands to "toasts" (the little black notification boxes you get sometimes, like when an app is "granted SuperUser permissions") and the "!" symbol is used to grant the line of Execute code root access.
I removed the toasts but I still wanted some notification as to what was going on and a quick google revealed this xda post: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=773232
In that post I found a little .apk that would allow me to call a toast from a bash script. I've attached it to this post.
In the mount script I run a little check to find out if the "cifs.ko" kernel module is already loaded. If it is I skip that block, but if not I go ahead and load it. This way I always know that the kernel module is available before I try to mount the SMB shares.
Here's the Enter bash script I wrote called "cifs_chk_and_mnt.sh":
lsmod | grep -q 'cifs' #check if cifs module is loaded
if [[ $? -eq 1 ]] #if not
am start -a android.intent.action.MAIN -e message 'cifs.ko kernel module not yet loaded. Loading now...' -n com.rja.utility/.ShowToast #displays toast
insmod /system/lib/modules/cifs.ko #loads kernel module
am start -a android.intent.action.MAIN -e message 'Mounting local SMB network shares...' -n com.rja.utility/.ShowToast #displays toast
mount -o username=[windows login],password=[your password] -t cifs //[host ip]/[share] /[path]/[to]/[mount]/[point] #actually mounts share
#replace "[]" info with your own with NO "[]" and copy and paste line for as many shares as you want to mount
And here's the Exit script called "cifs_umount.sh":
am start -a android.intent.action.MAIN -e message 'Home network lost. Clearing local SMB share mount points...' -n com.rja.utility/.ShowToast #displays toast
umount /[path]/[to]/[mount]/[point]
#replace "[]" info with your own with NO "[]" and copy and paste line for as many shares as you have mounted in the Enter script
Now, like I said, I used the linked (and attached) .apk to display toasts from the BASH scripts, but if you don't want it or care enough to use it then feel free to delete the toast lines or throw a "#" in front of them. If you do want the toasts displayed then you'll have to download it and install it. It won't show in your app drawer.
Anyway, here are the files (I had to add a ".txt" extension to the .sh files to comply with xda's attachment rules, but you can just rename them):
Thanks for this, looks great! I literally just paid for one of the premium smb apps only to find it didn't do quite what I wanted. I'm sure this will be what I'm looking for, cheers.
Something for users to note: The umount script wasn't working for me, after some investigation it turns out that though when mounting, '/sdcard/dir' is acceptable, though the mount command actually considers my sdcard to actually be at '/mnt/sdcard' , so *that* was the dir I had to use when unmounting afterwards. This may be true for others too. I am using CM7 on a Desire.
Looking into this, I found that on my CM7 Desire, mounting the shares worked even if "lsmod | grep cifs" returns nothing, and the file is not in the place mentioned in your script either. To streamline the whole process, I just removed all the complicated stuff from the script and ran the mount command directly, saving time. Just a heads up for others, try it and see if it works for you.
Thanks so much for this!
Unfortunately, I have a couple of problems... When the share mounts, it is not in utf-8 format, so folders with odd characters do not show, even though I have that preference set in Mount Manager!
In addition, the unmount script does not work for some reason. When disabling wifi, I recieve a toast that Tasker got the message and executed my exit task, but there is no toast for the unmount script. I've triple checked for grammatical or directory errors, but there are none. Any idea why the unmount script isn't working?
cavemandaveman said:
Thanks so much for this!
Unfortunately, I have a couple of problems... When the share mounts, it is not in utf-8 format, so folders with odd characters do not show, even though I have that preference set in Mount Manager!
In addition, the unmount script does not work for some reason. When disabling wifi, I recieve a toast that Tasker got the message and executed my exit task, but there is no toast for the unmount script. I've triple checked for grammatical or directory errors, but there are none. Any idea why the unmount script isn't working?
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To be honest, I completely forgot I ever wrote this. Still, the unmount issue could be due to your busybox version. Have you tried executing the relevant commands at a root enabled terminal? Do they work there?
Moreover, you should understand that I apparently wrote this to be completely independent of "Mount Manager" or any related app and these scripts are dependent only on: busybox, Tasker, and the Execute plugin.
mikeserv said:
To be honest, I completely forgot I ever wrote this. Still, the unmount issue could be due to your busybox version. Have you tried executing the relevant commands at a root enabled terminal? Do they work there?
Moreover, you should understand that I apparently wrote this to be completely independent of "Mount Manager" or any related app and these scripts are dependent only on: busybox, Tasker, and the Execute plugin.
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I tried executing from terminal and the mount script works fine, but the unmount does not work. It gives me a "no closing quote" error. I'm pretty noobish when it comes to scripts, but it doesn't look like there are errors in the script itself...
Also, if it is independent of Mount Manager, is there a way to include utf-8 formatting in the script?
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus
mikeserv said:
So I've really grown to like having my local SMB shares from my media server mounted to my Xoom so that I can stream video and/or music or whatever on the fly. I don't like the mountpoints getting all messed up when I leave the network though, and I had less than stellar experiences with both Mount Manager and CIFSManager.
CIFSManager worked, but didn't integrate with Tasker, so I couldn't automate it. Mount Manager (the paid version anyway) came with a Tasker plugin, but I don't think it was fully compatible with the Honeycomb OS and I had a lot of issues with it (called the developer and left a message a few hours after buying it, hopefully I can get a refund for my $2.99).
Then I found the (free!) Locale Execute plugin and decided to just script the behavior I wanted myself. If you have Tasker and local SMB shares as well this could be a good solution for you. Just install the Locale Execute plugin from the market and follow these instructions. I'll post them here because I can't post to the dev section yet, and I'm not really sure if this is dev worthy anyway.
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I dont care this post is 5 years old, i dont care that i'm bumping this thread...this little gold brick of information was FINALLY what i needed to figure out how to mount cifs without that "never-gonna-be-updated-ever-ever-again-cifsmanager" apk. I just threw the same basic code into tasker and finally got a mount. thank you! if i was more secure in my manhood, i just might embarrass myself.
the real reason for the bump, instead of mere word wasting, is to help anyone anyone searching for the cifs manager apk, or getting the error "no such device" when trying to mount. The issue is connected to the both the "mount name space separation" in SUPERSU, the old android sdcard permissions and who knows what else.
heres' the code I put into tasker:
su --mount-master -c busybox mount -o username=[USERNAME],password=[PASSWORD],rw,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777,iocharset=utf8,context=ubject_r:rootfs:s0 -t cifs //192.168.xxx.xxx/cifsync /sdcard/cifsync
no brackets of course.
that popped it right online, no issues but my kernel provides cifs.io support through synapse settings app. so it was easy to load the module at startup
loogielv said:
I dont care this post is 5 years old, i dont care that i'm bumping this thread...this little gold brick of information was FINALLY what i needed to figure out how to mount cifs without that "never-gonna-be-updated-ever-ever-again-cifsmanager" apk. I just threw the same basic code into tasker and finally got a mount. thank you! if i was more secure in my manhood, i just might embarrass myself.
the real reason for the bump, instead of mere word wasting, is to help anyone anyone searching for the cifs manager apk, or getting the error "no such device" when trying to mount. The issue is connected to the both the "mount name space separation" in SUPERSU, the old android sdcard permissions and who knows what else.
heres' the code I put into tasker:
su --mount-master -c busybox mount -o username=[USERNAME],password=[PASSWORD],rw,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777,iocharset=utf8,context=ubject_r:rootfs:s0 -t cifs //192.168.xxx.xxx/cifsync /sdcard/cifsync
no brackets of course.
that popped it right online, no issues but my kernel provides cifs.io support through synapse settings app. so it was easy to load the module at startup
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in code format so there will be no syntax issues -
su --mount-master -c busybox mount -o username=[USERNAME],password=[PASSWORD],rw,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777,iocharset=utf8,context=u:object_r:rootfs:s0 -t cifs //192.168.xxx.xxx/cifsync /sdcard/cifsync

