[Q] GPS on transformer - Eee Pad Transformer Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hi guys,
Noob here so my apologies in advance if this is a silly question but can anyone clarify how exactly the GPS system works on the transformer? I understand that if I am connected to a Wi Fi network then that network is somehow used to calculate my position, but what happens if you move outside of wifi range? Does GPS stop functioning or does the built in GPS chip somehow pull data from somewhere else?

All the gps chip does it reads the location data from the gps satellites, the way that google nav works is that it uses the data as reference and then uses the internet to download the relevant map tiles. I haven't tried but i think the new version of GMaps caches that data locally if you have data access while planning a route, otherwise you will need to either find an app that can cache that data for you, or you need to use a program with locally stored maps like copilot or sygic aura.
The gps chip does not depend on data to pull location, but the maps for your nav app has to come from either the internet or local storage.

lacrossev said:
All the gps chip does it reads the location data from the gps satellites, the way that google nav works is that it uses the data as reference and then uses the internet to download the relevant map tiles. I haven't tried but i think the new version of GMaps caches that data locally if you have data access while planning a route, otherwise you will need to either find an app that can cache that data for you, or you need to use a program with locally stored maps like copilot or sygic aura.
The gps chip does not depend on data to pull location, but the maps for your nav app has to come from either the internet or local storage.
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Thanks! So basically this means, that if I'm using the transformer on the road and assuming no wi fi connection, Google Maps with voice navigation is potentially useless unless i can use my phone to feed the transformer with internet access right?

I think I read that future updates of nav will allow a full download of a route cached to phone or tablet to allow 'offline' navigation to a destination. The new vector graphics for maps make the data sizes much smaller and presumably would allow for enough data to be stored for route deviation.

samiur666 said:
Thanks! So basically this means, that if I'm using the transformer on the road and assuming no wi fi connection, Google Maps with voice navigation is potentially useless unless i can use my phone to feed the transformer with internet access right?
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yea, potentially it may not work, but if you can get that map data cached you should be good.

Cheers! Appreciate the help.

Check out coPilot
It has maps that are stored on your tablet. Not as fancy as Google maps but works when you have no wifi.

I have not used my Transformer on the road yet. I find that the GPS on the Transformer is about on par with the Galaxy Tab I had. Using GPS Status I do get a lock on 8 or 9 satellites, but the error of margin hovers between 10 or 40 meters.
As for navigation I can confirm that I used the Navigation app on the Galaxy Tab (no 3G). My route was cached (not the best route selected) but it did work and it did get me to my destination with voice commands. Google maps will cache. So it should work just fine on the Transformer.

I kind of have to object to some of the statements above. I find that the GPS-chip in the TF is inaccurate and not very usable for navigation purposes. To support my conclusion, underneath are two screenshots of GPS Test.
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One is taken on the TF and one is taken on my HD2 (Android ROM). The pic taken on the TF (the first one) is at the best possible accuracy. Most of the time it is around 25-30 feet. My HD2 at the exact location has a steady 7 feet. There seems to be a big difference and 30 feet is especially for navigation too much. That 30 feet is the difference between driving on the highway or on a paralel road. Other cellphones also have a accuracy of 5-10 feet.
So it looks like there is a difference between 'regular' GPS-chips and the one on the TF.

Did you have the TF indoors, or outside under open sky when you tested it?
25 ft is accurate enough for street nav, not great, but will get the job done. Back when I first started using GPS nav (10 years ago), 20 - 25 ft accuracy was common, and it still got the job done.
Although, I really don't know why anyone would want to use a 10" tablet sitting loose on their seat for street nav. Screams "bad idea" to me.

ELTinos said:
I kind of have to object to some of the statements above. I find that the GPS-chip in the TF is inaccurate and not very usable for navigation purposes. To support my conclusion, underneath are two screenshots of GPS Test.
One is taken on the TF and one is taken on my HD2 (Android ROM). The pic taken on the TF (the first one) is at the best possible accuracy. Most of the time it is around 25-30 feet. My HD2 at the exact location has a steady 7 feet. There seems to be a big difference and 30 feet is especially for navigation too much. That 30 feet is the difference between driving on the highway or on a paralel road. Other cellphones also have a accuracy of 5-10 feet.
So it looks like there is a difference between 'regular' GPS-chips and the one on the TF.
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It's an unfair comparison, first 16 feet accuracy is more than good enough for navigation purposes, second the HD2 has A-GPS which allows for more accurate positioning. This isn't possible with the transformer because it doesn't have a cell radio.

seshmaru said:
It's an unfair comparison, first 16 feet accuracy is more than good enough for navigation purposes, second the HD2 has A-GPS which allows for more accurate positioning. This isn't possible with the transformer because it doesn't have a cell radio.
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Nor do stand-alone GPS receivers but they still have a more accurate reading than >20 feet. Having said that though, I used mine purely as a test to see if it would navigate OK. I did this with no wi-fi connection and then I deliberately went off the navigation path. It re-routed without any problems and I never had any issue with the TF telling me I was on a different road, despite being in a neighbourhood where the streets are very close together.
So, my own findings tell me that if I ever needed to use my TF as a navigation system then I would have no such problems with inaccuracies. I do agree with some other posters though. Using a 10" tablet to navigate isn't really practical.
When I'm at home I sometimes load Google Maps purely to see how accurate my location is. Every time I do this the best I can get is accuracy to within 20 feet however, the blue arrow is almost always right on top of my head. Perhaps the GPS chip is more accurate than the 20 feet indication suggests???

Under open sky. In-car the inaccuracy is more then 20 feet, more like 30-40.
Although I had some little problems with wrong positioning while on the road due to the inaccuracy, my point was that there is a big difference between GPS-chips. Before the TF was launched, there was already discussion whether it was real GPS of aGPS that was on the TF. I read some threads on it and the conclusion was that there supposedly is some sort of aGPS+ in the TF.
As long as you're able to get from point A to point B without any accidents, it's fine by me. Advantage btw of a 10" screen is that you can watch a movie when stuck in traffic ;-)

Accurate enough to get a really good idea of where you are, and how to get where you need to go.
As someone above mentioned, navigating with a 10" tablet isn't really all that practical.
I do have a potential use - there's a nautical navigation application (forgot the name) for lakes and such. A good buddy just got a boat, and has the app on his iPhone. It helped us find some gas up at the far end of the lake where we were. Also had average depth (topographic) type maps - all preloaded so you don't need a data connection.
One of the biggest uses I can see for a tablet when I'm away from home will be on motorcycle trips - when stopping for lunch or whatever, I can whip out the tablet and check my location and review my route. I'm pretty darn forgetful, so checking routes a few times is a good thing.
I would LOVE LOVE LOVE it if Google Maps would allow you to selectively cache map data, such as being able to select a whole state or multiple states. Maybe only the map data (no satellite images and such), which wouldn't take up too much space.


GPS - will this work

Hello All,
Junior Newb here.
I'm thinking of purchasing an HTC Touch Pro(1) Sprint model from someone here. I am not planning on getting a sub from Sprint. I am purchasing the phone mainly to use as an GPS for when I am motorcycling as I do not have a mounted GPS on the bike. I am unclear on how GPS actually receives its signal? I have read and best I can decypher is GPS units gets their signal from various satellites. I have also read were various cell phone companies have their own spin on GPS software of their own creation? Am I going to be able to use Google maps on this phone and have it do what I want it to do? I am eons behind times,in case you hadn't guessed that by now. Also will the GPS be readable if I have the phone stuck in my chest pocket and pull it out going down the road? Can someone chime in on how long battery life would be with this scenario as well? I know the battery life listed in spec sheets are usually not even close in the real world.
GPS works by checking the different time stream data from several satellites - the receiver (in this case the phone) uses this to produce your position (and by changing position over time - speed).
Honestly - for 99.9% of people, this as it is - is useless. You then need to put this info into mapping software. Google maps is ok, but IMO itsnt very good for using while driving (prob much less for while on a bike!). Personally i use tomtom for in car and google for walking (so if you're checking your position & local roads, then riding - stop & repeat then google maps will prob be fine).
If you read more on the forums (and the web in general) you will come across 2 other "types" of GPS:
aGPS - assisted GPS - works by using your known position (roughly) from mobile/cell towers, this allows the GPS receiver to get a lock quicker.
quickGPS - this downloads the almanac data from the web so youre device knows where the satellites are. If you dont do this, it will download the data from the satellites themselves, but this takes longer.
Neither are any use on their own - they simply improve GPS lock times (from turning on, to having your position).
Battery life - depends on many things including your rom & radio, software, battery condition etc etc.
Remember - for google maps to work you will need a data connection (watch the cost if its not part of a deal).
If all you want is a hand held or bike GPS - then i think you're looking at a very bad choice in the touch pro! if you want a phone, pda, web browser, gps etc etc then it will probably do everything you want.

A GPS Grading System

Well it seems the GPS on our Captivates has been improving over time due to adjusted Jupiter files, ROM updates, improvements in some leaked builds, and now a new GLGPS Daemon port, etc, but still seeing posts by lots of folks who still have trouble achieving good results. So, while the improvement quest continues, was thinking it might be helpful to have a common scoring or grading system for people to use when reporting on their gps results.
Would appreciate any comments on the usefulness of this, or agreement or disagreement with the descriptions. Just seems to me that currently it is often difficult to know what someone means when they say their GPS is good, best its ever been, or terrible.
(Note - to be most helpful to others please post your grade/results and anything you've done that has improved the gps performance.)
It would go something like this:
Captivate GpsGrade
A Common Way to Report GPS Effectiveness
Grade = A. Description – Performance is excellent at all times and very consistent. Applications such as Maps, Copilot, Google Nav, MyTracks always perform perfectly. Tracks as recorded by MyTracks consistently show the route accurately. GPS Locks are quick – under 30 seconds, and accuracy shows 5 to 10 meters or better as measured by lbstest, or GPS Test applications. When used for navigation, there is no drifting off of the road, no lag, and no overshoot of intersections. In short – its how we would want it to be.
Grade = B. Description – GPS function often works as expected, but occasionally does not. Usually no problem seeing several satellites and get locks within 30 seconds but always under a minute. Navigation apps are usable but sometimes there is a small bit of drift and sometimes will lag or show overshooting of intersections. Tracking via MyTracks is often accurate to the route taken, but sometimes off by a bit. Locks are sometimes lost but the system usually locks on again in just a few seconds. Accuracy often around 30 meters. Its not quite what we would like, but can live with it. Might call it pretty good.
Grade = C. Description – system achieves locks but often takes 60 seconds or longer. Locks are sometimes maintained while moving, sometimes not. Erratic performance. Can sometimes get Apps like Maps and Nav to work, but often have trouble with them or the system shows being on the next road or off the road. Routes recorded by MyTracks show inaccurate performance – route shown is close to the one taken but has occasional gaps with loss of lock. Accuracy is between 30 and 50 meters. In other words, performance may be good enough for location based services to be used, but not too useful for map or navigation functions. Mediocre.
Grade = D. Description – system sometimes gets a lock but cannot maintain lock. GPS Apps are not useable do to poor performance. In GPS Test or lbstest can sometimes see a couple satellites, but trouble getting a fix. Basically the GPS Icon is flashing pretty much the entire time. Awful would describe it.
Grade = F. Description – system does not work at all – cannot get locks, and cannot use any GPS Apps such as Maps or Nav, ever. Its just horrible.
good idea.
The problem with this, is most people have no idea how to properly test anything. For this to have any meaning, all tests should be conducted as follows:
Using multiple devices - not just a Captivate but another phone as well on another run
Not holding the phone in your hand - we know this can cause signal issues
Repeatable routes (testing on the same route)
Driving - walking does not allow for fast enough position change to reveal problems
No other apps running on phone - try to reduce any type of processor or storage contention issues
1. Mount device in car mount in the front windshield - other windows may have tint that interfere with signal reception
2. Launch Google mytracks - start driving after 10 seconds (fixed time for lock - equal for all)
3. Drive route with local and highway speeds and turns
4. Repeat with another device
5. Compare MyTracks recordings
Turn-by-Turn nav is a nice way to view accuracy BUT it has no way to record measurements. Comparing devices with a tool like Googles MyTracks is the only way to show that the captivate GPS sucks or not - maybe other phones suck too in certain environments.
This same methodology should be used before and after any mods as well - otherwise it is all hearsay.
alphadog00 said:
The problem with this, is most people have no idea how to properly test anything. For this to have any meaning, all tests should be conducted as follows:
Using multiple devices - not just a Captivate but another phone as well on another run
Not holding the phone in your hand - we know this can cause signal issues
Repeatable routes (testing on the same route)
Driving - walking does not allow for fast enough position change to reveal problems
No other apps running on phone - try to reduce any type of processor or storage contention issues
1. Mount device in car mount in the front windshield - other windows may have tint that interfere with signal reception
2. Launch Google mytracks - start driving after 10 seconds (fixed time for lock - equal for all)
3. Drive route with local and highway speeds and turns
4. Repeat with another device
5. Compare MyTracks recordings
Turn-by-Turn nav is a nice way to view accuracy BUT it has no way to record measurements. Comparing devices with a tool like Googles MyTracks is the only way to show that the captivate GPS sucks or not - maybe other phones suck too in certain environments.
This same methodology should be used before and after any mods as well - otherwise it is all hearsay.
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Are there actually people that have GPS that is consistently accurate to 10 meters or less? I can't even get a lock like that standing in one spot on a sunny day. If I don't enable wireless networks, my GPS icon will flash forever.
ChaoticKinesis said:
Are there actually people that have GPS that is consistently accurate to 10 meters or less? I can't even get a lock like that standing in one spot on a sunny day. If I don't enable wireless networks, my GPS icon will flash forever.
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Yes, many of us has GPS that works fairly well. I have had my phone since launch and running the stock GPS config.... it works OK.
My GPS is an A. I got a replacement and has worked perfectly since.
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
ChaoticKinesis said:
Are there actually people that have GPS that is consistently accurate to 10 meters or less? I can't even get a lock like that standing in one spot on a sunny day. If I don't enable wireless networks, my GPS icon will flash forever.
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Results are extremely variable. Your phone sounds like mine. By trial and error I have gotten mine to an "A", but only by doing these four things 1) flashing new ROM - Assonance (5.0), 2) installing Da_g's GPS fix, 3) Removing the rear cover and just using my Bodyglove cover, and 4) when in the car plugging into car charger.
There are other solutions and reported good results from other ROMs and methods, but these are the things that work for me. I have done extensive testing with each of the four items, including MyTracks recordings, to validate the impact they each have. Good luck with yours - it IS possible to get a working system.
Mines grade b at most.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I897 using XDA App
Where can I get this Da_G fix? I'm using Assonance 5.2 and it works fairly well - about a C+ or B I guess. I tried searching XDA for the Da_G fix and couldnt find anything
PixelPerfect3 said:
Where can I get this Da_G fix? I'm using Assonance 5.2 and it works fairly well - about a C+ or B I guess. I tried searching XDA for the Da_G fix and couldnt find anything
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You can get Da_G's fix at the post below. Three options - I have been using the Google version and had good success with it.

[Q] Google Navigation shows GPS position off by 200 ft

I wonder if others see this too or if my HTC Sensation 4G is broken.
When I'm in Google Navigation I often see the position 200 ft east of the highway.
I might add that I run the phone w/o a data plan so I'm loading the plan over WiFi and then start driving. It does not seem to make much of a difference if I wait for a stable GPS fix or just start driving an let it fix on the road.
The behavior is very annoying, as the Navigation app grabs on to parallel or incoming side roads and reroutes all the time, wasting lots of battery and heating up the device.
PlanBForOpenOffice said:
I wonder if others see this too or if my HTC Sensation 4G is broken.
When I'm in Google Navigation I often see the position 200 ft east of the highway.
I might add that I run the phone w/o a data plan so I'm loading the plan over WiFi and then start driving. It does not seem to make much of a difference if I wait for a stable GPS fix or just start driving an let it fix on the road.
The behavior is very annoying, as the Navigation app grabs on to parallel or incoming side roads and reroutes all the time, wasting lots of battery and heating up the device.
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Do you have a case on your phone? If so, try the app without the case to see if you get the same results.
I get about 20 ft error (average). But it can jump up to 50 or so. But I have a MIUI installed. Also adding that I am on a data plan and I believe using cell towers in conjunction of gps narrows down the error.
No case
Thanks, really good question, but my phone is naked so to speak. I don't use any case.
Unfortunately I have learned that Assisted GPS (AGPS) is a feature that does not work with cell towers, but with a data connection. Only if a data connection is present can the helping hand of assisted GPS (search Wikipedia for assisted GPS) work to find you a faster GPS fix.
Do you use Google navigation and do you see similar issues, like position jumping off the highway and attempting to enter the highway from a side road?
PlanBForOpenOffice said:
Thanks, really good question, but my phone is naked so to speak. I don't use any case.
Unfortunately I have learned that Assisted GPS (AGPS) is a feature that does not work with cell towers, but with a data connection. Only if a data connection is present can the helping hand of assisted GPS (search Wikipedia for assisted GPS) work to find you a faster GPS fix.
Do you use Google navigation and do you see similar issues, like position jumping off the highway and attempting to enter the highway from a side road?
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Once and a while but I cannot reproduce it.
You can try some of the fixes from crypted in the dev section. Just keep a backup of your gps.conf file if you want to test it. But the fix is for AGPS use.
What you can try is possibly sygic, but it's not free. I think its like 17 bux. But you can try it for a week.


Im using a Verizon Samsung galaxy s3. Rooted. Unlocked bootloader. Stock Rom. Stock kernel. Not overclocked. Android ICS 4.0.4. SCH-I535
So Im sittin in my room and reached in pocket, pulled out phone, unlocked it expecting to see my home screen. Instead I see Google Maps running in the foreground showingme in my exact live location sittin my house. It wasnt just the stationary arrow, it moved it circles as I did. So I pul down my status bar only to find my GPS showing off. Then I went to my location services in my settings menu and it showed all three checked off as well. So I then go back to GMaps thinking that Allow Locations was on in the app and as well that was off....
At this point I didnt like what was going on so I opened up my fake GPS location spoof and spoofed my location to just down the street in a middle of a wash, just incase if there is anyone trying to spy my spot Im atleast going to send him on a goose hunt until I figure this thing out. GMaps verified tjat I was spoofed but still was a live track of me.
By this point I was was like hmmm.... So I opened up my Permission Explorer app and checked which apps have access to my location. None of em seemed out of the ordinary other than this app I downloaded the other night that could have been "suspicious" called space junk pro. So I then went to titanium backup pro and froze this app and still Im being shown a live feed of my location in Google Maps.
Im the type of person who strongly believes my freedom in privacy, especially with cell phones, and have never ran across this problem. Some people may call me a "conspiracy nut" but in fact I just want to find the truths about things.
Everything is basically turned off except my WiFi and my data. That means blue tooth, nfc, dlna, WiFi direct n all that good stufg.
Can anyone help me??? Do you think Im possibly being bugged or tapped?
GPS is obviously on because Im still spoofing my location.
I dont want to turn off the phone just yet because if it is a malicious program, it may turn on when the phone turns on but just be undetected.
Ill be sittin by my phone refreshing every few minutes or so in hope that one ya fine folks could be so kind and gracious to help. Thank you a lot in advanced.
It's just an app that is accessing gmaps. My phone does the same on wake up from sleep.
If you really are that paranoid you will have to remove each app one by one to find out what is accessing gmaps.
And if the one in a million chance "they" are tracking you what will "they" find? And do you think anything you could do would truely stop it? Think again; being paranoid is not worth the time.
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RealMuphukkinG said:
Im using a Verizon Samsung galaxy s3. Rooted. Unlocked bootloader. Stock Rom. Stock kernel. Not overclocked. Android ICS 4.0.4. SCH-I535
So Im sittin in my room and reached in pocket, pulled out phone, unlocked it expecting to see my home screen. Instead I see Google Maps running in the foreground showingme in my exact live location sittin my house. It wasnt just the stationary arrow, it moved it circles as I did. So I pul down my status bar only to find my GPS showing off. Then I went to my location services in my settings menu and it showed all three checked off as well. So I then go back to GMaps thinking that Allow Locations was on in the app and as well that was off....
At this point I didnt like what was going on so I opened up my fake GPS location spoof and spoofed my location to just down the street in a middle of a wash, just incase if there is anyone trying to spy my spot Im atleast going to send him on a goose hunt until I figure this thing out. GMaps verified tjat I was spoofed but still was a live track of me.
By this point I was was like hmmm.... So I opened up my Permission Explorer app and checked which apps have access to my location. None of em seemed out of the ordinary other than this app I downloaded the other night that could have been "suspicious" called space junk pro. So I then went to titanium backup pro and froze this app and still Im being shown a live feed of my location in Google Maps.
Im the type of person who strongly believes my freedom in privacy, especially with cell phones, and have never ran across this problem. Some people may call me a "conspiracy nut" but in fact I just want to find the truths about things.
Everything is basically turned off except my WiFi and my data. That means blue tooth, nfc, dlna, WiFi direct n all that good stufg.
Can anyone help me??? Do you think Im possibly being bugged or tapped?
GPS is obviously on because Im still spoofing my location.
I dont want to turn off the phone just yet because if it is a malicious program, it may turn on when the phone turns on but just be undetected.
Ill be sittin by my phone refreshing every few minutes or so in hope that one ya fine folks could be so kind and gracious to help. Thank you a lot in advanced.
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I think you may accidentally touch and launch the map app. If someone is tracking you, they don't need to open a map app, all you should see is the gps icon on the top of your phone. Just close the map app and if an app is some how triggered the map app should re open the map app. Most gps required apps don't need to open the map app, just the GPS.
Someone's a little high...
But yeah, just an app that uses your location
Thank you for the replies.
I killed all apps, cleared ram. Opened GMaps again and then that GPS dot started flashing in my notification bar and so I quickly pulled down my status bar to see if GPS in the toggle was on and it wasnt, so I slid the status bar back closed and then my live location came up again. With no indication in the status of it veing on.
I believe there is a "them" out there and its not like they dont know where I live. I live in an area tjat has been around since the 70's for witness protection. I live in the same small town of the most notorious sherrif in the US. Thats besides the point though.
What Im trying to say is that my GPS is obviously running in the background at all times and I dont like it. Its showing me everything off, so if GMaps can access my live location when Im telling it no then something is wrong.
Im just lookin for some help. Thank you again.
Try a reboot?
Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk 2
Have you tried putting the phone in airplane mode??
I get followed by people I have no idea what organization they are about and what they do is follow you around and keep tabs on you. Its called gang stalking. And if anyone of ya are interesred in the bible its been prophesised and talked about in the book of Enoch and Isiah 14. They are called the "watchers" or "nephilim"
And I think these dang watchers are running my GPS in the background and if any one knows of a way I could "freeze" my GPS or something, like frrezing an aop in titanium backup I would be grateful...
Cool story bro
Sent from my SCH-I535 using xda premium
RealMuphukkinG said:
Thank you for the replies.
I killed all apps, cleared ram. Opened GMaps again and then that GPS dot started flashing in my notification bar and so I quickly pulled down my status bar to see if GPS in the toggle was on and it wasnt, so I slid the status bar back closed and then my live location came up again. With no indication in the status of it veing on.
I believe there is a "them" out there and its not like they dont know where I live. I live in an area tjat has been around since the 70's for witness protection. I live in the same small town of the most notorious sherrif in the US. Thats besides the point though.
What Im trying to say is that my GPS is obviously running in the background at all times and I dont like it. Its showing me everything off, so if GMaps can access my live location when Im telling it no then something is wrong.
Im just lookin for some help. Thank you again.
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Okay seriously? You are on xda. If you are really THAT paranoid revert to a stock ROM and don't install apps that aren't needed. There is almost NO way "they" can still have the bug in your system if you wipe EVERYTHING. Sorry if I am coming off mean but you posted your question in the development section when your problem isn't even close to development related. You should have just waited for more people to reply rather than to go pissing people off like me. Again I am sorry if you I am coming off mean but it really wasn't necessary.
"Everything is basically turned off except my WiFi and my data"
WiFi gives away your location
Thanks, I think its a cool story too haha..... wise guy
Just did a reboot. Everything is still off. Opened GMaps, same thing again. Live location.
I figure airplane mode would solve it sInce it stops all radio transmission, but I cant keep my phone like that cuz I wont get any calls.
Should I just spoof my location Everytime I leave my house... cuz Ive looked in the past to find ways to freeze my GPS but couldnt find anyway. And Im nervous to freeze it in titanium because its a system app and could permantly do something. I have a nandroid but I dont wanna have to restore my nandroid if I use my GPS like 2 months feom now, losing two months of stuff on my phone.
Just turned off WiFi and tested it.
Now GMaps shows my live location with like a 5 mile radius of blue surrounding me. Lol.
Wtf. This shouldnt be happening, right?
Well look here Mr trizkl. I thought XDA is supposed to be courteous as this is a community. Im honestly not trying to piss any one off, ive been coming to this site for years and I know a lot of people are geniuses on here, so I figured someone could help. Ive been very polite this whole time while my phone is frustrating me.
Honestly, you could tell people to just factory reset on about 75% of the problems on this site, but the whole point is that Im trying to solve it without having to go to that extreme.
In my eyes, the GPS is always running in my background and there is no indication why it should be doing this.
To the rest of the folks, I apologize if Im getting you upset in any manner, its honestly not in any intentions to do so.
With wifi it has a better lock than with data. There are no "watchers" searching for you. That would be ridiculous.
Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk 2
You Are fuking crazy
Sent from my SGH-T999 using xda app-developers app
So just through my data, with permissions off and GPS off, GMaps never in the past had the ability to show live location.
It gives a general location.
Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk 2
Just clear data for the Maps app in Application Manager. Your current location is probably stored in cache from your last GPS lock.

GPS Fixer (GPS + Glonass) (download mirror added)

GPS Fixer - GPS + Glonass
First of all i never found issue in GPS fixing, but y'day was just free and surfing XDA for some good stuff. I have seen many threads regarding GPS fix on various device. so I have downloaded them and checked for curiosity. Also I have plenty of ROMS there on my PC so I have explored SGS1/SGS2 (Non Glonass) device and look for GPS config. Surprisingly all I have found in flashable zip OR aroma installer was all having old configuration which was used in Non Glonass device.
Samsung using only one conf that is for north america.(this what i have seen on many ROMs I have explored). But still samsung stock conf are different on glonass devie and are better.
Who are not knowing about Glonass, just to add in note series we have GPS + Glonass system for better and speedy position tracking. Glonass (Global navigation satellite system) is differenet from GPS )Global positioning system) and launched by Russia. So if you use older configuration there won't have benefit of glonass on your device.
So really I do need to use GPS fix?
No, Really I never have any issue with stock settings. But if you have any issue with fixing you can try this. Also if you have fixed with other tool that may have old configuration then you can try this.
What is difference from other GPS fix
As earlier I have said many i have downloaded from different forum on XDA have old non glonass config. Which really won't get any benefit but worsen fixing time. Also someone have asked me about known tool on market Faster Fix, So I have downloaded and tried that but surprisingly that also having non glonass settings. I have took some screenshot and will post here at end of post.
How I can know My setting using Glonass setting
Just install GPS test from market and check satellite number you are getting (I will add image at end of post). If you are not getting/rarely getting view of satellite number >65 then your setting are using non glonass conf.. Also when you select satellite position view in GPS Test app, Glonass satellite you can see in symbol of Triangle while GPS are round.
How do I test new Settings
-If you applying new setting with other tool/Application then you should clean data of GPS (data/gps - remove all files from here), bcoz your old data may help new setting to fix bit faster depending on location history but it won't catch new when you move to different place and give you false result. first apply new settings then clear data from data/GPS and reboot device. After Rebooting open GPS test application and look for time taken to fix (satellite postion view will show you time)/Number and type of satellite as well accuracy.
So best way to test
-In case you want to test this tool, simply flash it with aroma, this tool auto erase old data. After rebooting check with GPS test as said above.
Some results
Ok so here screenshots with Non Glonass configuration 1.With Non glonass continental setting 2. Non Glonass country setting
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
So what we can interpret here is with this setting none of glonass satellite used to FIX GPS. First image showing satellite number is between 02-25 and second image between 03 -32 but none of it having number more than 65 which indicates Glonass. Also you can see accuracy is also not good. select country setting it was bit approved but time was same on both.
Using This tool with 1.Continental setting 2.Country settings3.stellite position view
You can see here in first image there are 5 glnass satellite there (representing between 65-87) while second image have 3 glonass satellite (72-86)
Also you can see accuracy are much better than non glonass setting. third image is satellite position view with continental setting, you can see there are many triangle symbols which represents Glonass satellite. Also note time took to fix was just 8sec. Again to remind you i was in side Room not under sky directly throughout all tests.
Faster Fix result
Here satellite position view with using faster fix with country settings
Here you can see there is no glonass satellite used to fix position and time took to fix also longer.
Conclusion :
- If you don't have any issue on stock default setting then no need to do anything.
- If you are using custom setting, then clean data from data/GPS folder (remove all files under it) reboot device and carry out test. If it doesn't use glonass satellite to fix, you should update your settings with attached tool.
- I don't find much improvement in continental and country setting, Best result I got is with my continent. so no meaning to make different settings for every country, remember samsung using only one continental setting for all (north-america). But if you are not happy with your continent settings you can try others, it may depends on pool server.
Hope this may help to understand GPS fixing better way !
No need to post lots of screenshot unless you unable to interpret it bcoz I don't wish this thread to be screenshot repository like on battery/score statistic. I have attached here for just better undertandings. Though your result sharing will be highly appreciated and will help to others.
PS : Not disrespect for tools i have tested but I like to credit them for their great work, just issue is database used was old and for non glonass device and samsung also no more using it on glonass device.
Mirror http://d-h.st/5gG
Some useful information about GPS and Glonass
GPS stands for Global Positioning System and is a satellite based positioning system owned and maintained by the US Air Force. The GPS system currently contains 31 active satellites transmitting signals. GPS is used by millions of civil devices to calculate the position.
GLONASS stands for Globalnaya Navigatsionnaya Sputnikovaya Sistema and is also a satellite based positioning system but is owned and maintained by the Russian Space Forces. GLONASS development started in 1976 but it was not until October 2011 that full global coverage with modern satellites was achieved with 24 active satellites. Hence the number of GLONASS-only devices is very limited.
How GLONASS improves positioning
It’s simple math – by supporting both systems in a receiver, the number of available global satellites increases from 31 to 55. Therefore, more geographic locations are able to receive four or more signals from satellites, which in turn means more successful position calculations and also better accuracy of the calculated positions in challenging environments.
To save power, the GLONASS receiver is only activated in problematic locations, such as in an urban environment with high rise buildings. Therefore, if you are in an open sky environment where there are enough GPS satellites available to calculate a good accuracy position, GLONASS will automatically be switched off temporarily to enhance the battery lifetime.
the region of coverage of GLONASS is at upper northen hemisphere & lower southern but not good near equator due to inclination of satellites.
What is the difference with FasterFix?
I have just installed faster fix and checked, i can't believe this also using same pool like I said above. Yes it does have also old pool settings and may worsen than stock.
I have captured screenshot of faster fix test too. It took 46sec while this tool with my continent setting took just 14sec.
Sent from my GT-N7100 using xda premium
OP Updated now.
I presume that this would work on N7105 as well?
I have check on N7100 conf file and it's bit different than on N7100.
So before using better make backup. Path of files is same but settings are different, so in case it doesn't work then you can restore it.
Works fine on my t0lte with android 4.3. Earlier i had problem to lock GPS and now it seems to lock as it should. :good:
Edit:I was too early. Still searching GPS. Weired, GPS test app locks almost right away but system just searching.
If gps test fixes correctly then may be other issue on system. Have you not used application/setting to restrict location for some app.?
Sent from my GT-N7100 using xda premium
Yes i think it`s caused by a system cos every GPS software i use works just fine (i`we got FIX almost immediately). I have lot`s of system applications witch uses location, but is it a-gps or GPS, i don`t know. I wonder, you mean something to folder /data/gps. I checked that folder and it`s empty.
Any app using location uses A-GPS when GPS is off, You need not to wipe data/gps folder if you have used tool in OP, as this script itself wipe it and that's why your folder is empty. As you have stated every app fixes it immediately then when you getting issue (searhing)?
dr.ketan said:
Any app using location uses A-GPS when GPS is off, You need not to wipe data/gps folder if you have used tool in OP, as this script itself wipe it and that's why your folder is empty. As you have stated every app fixes it immediately then when you getting issue (searhing)?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Every now an then. When i take phone out of my pocket and unlock it, there is in notificationbar GPS icon and notification says searching gps signal. So it must be related to system. The problem is that i think searching eats lot of battery.
I can solve issue by disabling GPS and enabling that again. But it come back in a moment.
clean your system by factory reset , if you have lots of data then use taker for auto GPS ON/Off for certain application(which you want to have GPS ON) only. This will auto ON GPS when your defined app open, and auto off when you exit that app. This also save battery as GPS will remain ON only when you needs. also you have not to do it manually everytime.
I am using it and if you need profile i will give you.
I do factory reset every time i flash new Rom, and this is only android 4.3 issue. I searched on the net for "searching for gps android" and find multiple similar problems.
I installed app Gsam, and it shows that android system was using gps for 7 hours and some minutes. So it is system related.
I read somewhere that problem occurs only indoors. That might explain why navigation apps works, cos i use those only outdoors. I have to check if android gps cannot get fix in outdoors.
I did some more researching. When that "searching GPS signal" appears in notification panel i went outdoors and launched GPS test app (phone was idle). App didn`t get FIX at all. So i go settings and disabled the gps and right away i enabled it and then launched the gps test app. And, bam. FIX right away.
So that must be something about system.
This are a few screenshot showing how fast my phone's GPS locks. I just used FasterFix once and set it to Europe. I'm indoors by the way, above me is the ceiling and the roof.
Delete data /gps folder contents and check.
If your old data have glonass satellite saved then you can see. I have tried more than 5 times but no glonass satellite was used to fix gps on faster fix.
This thing I have mentioned in op too.
Basically our note2 gps is really nice and unless we have issue we don't need fix.
Also you can check your gps.conf file, it will have same settings as it was used on non glonass device.
Sent from my GT-N7100 using xda premium
So, I deleted the gps.conf content and cleared a-gps data but still was able to get lock and see the glonass satelites. Am I doing something wrong or what?
I installed your zip after that and didn't see any difference.
Sent from my GT-N7100
Use faster fix - manually delete contents of data/gps folder - Reboot
screenshot showing you applied from faster fix.
What files you can see in data/GPS folder?
I have Re Tested again and result is same as i have stated in OP.
I have installed faster fix and 4 time tested and not single time it get fixed with glonass. I have used same europe setting like you. Also it took long time to fix.
And after using Europe setting with tool. you can see glonass satellite here.
So may be data have not been cleared (also needs reboot after deleteing gps folder contents) Can you check again what files you have deleted to clear contents.

