[Q] Remote Microphone operation for spying - General Topics

I couldn't find a discussion for this subject around, but we have a situation in our country at the moment where we would really be worried of phone bugging, so please help with an advice.
Is there a way for the government or cellular phone providers to listen to the mobile phone microphone when not in a call?? (in standby)
i read a lot about this, some they it's possible, and some say it's impossible.
and if it's possible, is it so for all phone brands? I am sure that the manufacturer can easily inset an electronic relay to physically disconnect the phone microphone, but do they do it? or not? or they don't need to do it as it's impossible to use the microphone for spying by the government?
please excuse my caution, as we do have a critical situation around here.

No it wouldn't be possible I presume. None of the phone manufacturers would allow that sort of thing. Even if they did I don't think it would be possible unless you were to allow it.
Sure, you don't even see that sort of spying in movies!

Well, they might hide the real technologies in movies to hide it, and put some fiction technologies

Any other ideas regarding this issue?

I say its completely possible. As long as your phone is connected to a cell tower. "Whoever" could very well have access to your phone. For example, internet companies can access your computer remotely and browse inside your computer. I know this for a fact, I got in trouble for downloading movies. Same situation with your phone all it is software, a flip of the switch. But they wont be spying on you unless they have a reason to.

so it is possible to turn the microphone ON remotely, this is bad new.
and in these countries, they don't need good reasons to do so


trace/track a GSM mobile telephones location

Hi All,
I know it is possibile to trace/track a GSM mobile telephones location all over the world.
I also know some compaines does this for chargeable service.
I am VERY interested in getting this for free! (I bet you are also).
Anyone know how to do this without empty our pockets??
in fact, i have the same interest.
who wouldnt love to know how to do this?
The only information you can get out of your own phone, is the ID of the basestation it is attached to. This is held in a register in the phone internals that can be read via the RIL interface.
It is also stored in the SIM. If the phone is totally powered off it will attempt to connect to the last known good base station on power on. (Quicker than sniffing around all available frequences for an suitable station.)
While a change of basestation could be detected by software running on a phone, only the Telco's database has the location of all active phones, so they can inform the basestation to contact your phone if there is an incoming call or data.
This data is theirs and theirs alone. It is valuable and confidential, hence the charge for any use of it.
In short all you can find out from your phone is where it is. But you know that anyway.
Erm... I just wrote this and then I realized that you want to track the device via GSM and not GPS. This will only work with GPS (can be activated in the background), sorry.
Just look for an application that allows you to track your device if its stolen. Some of the programs still work after changing simcard (which is not really interesting if it did not get stolen in the first place...). If everything is set up, you can easily receive a sms with the current location (you need to activate the programm by sending a sms).
If you need to know the exact position of the device like every second, you can use a jogging-trainer which logs the speed etc. But this will only store the positions on the device (you can upload them to your computer, but this can probably not be done via any wireless connection.
My english is not the best, I am sorry. But I am sure you're gonna understand everything ;D And no, I don't know any programs name because I don't use them.
Stephj, are You talking about GSM or CDMA? Because for GSM I know for sure that the Telco knows a bit more - at least it is possible to triangulate the user's approximate position using three or more base stations (and probably user's signal strength for each base station too). So the DB should hold more info about the base stations available to user's current position, as for example "ready to go base stations" or something like that.
For tracking the phone, you can try GLympse or LookOut, Look out is better if you loos your phone, it synchronize with their website, and can see the location on the phone anywhere in the world, even can delete your data from your web account on look out.

I want to create an unstealable phone.

I want to create an "un-steal-able" phone.
Of course this is impossible, but I want to make it as difficult as possible for thieves to get away with it, and as easy as possible for me to find it.
Phone has available call and text messaging service.
Phone has internet capabilities and "permanent" Internet access. (We will consider 2G, 3G, or 4G cellular access with a data plan to be permanent. Depending on an open WiFi network to be available at all times is unreliable).
Phone is on and has some charge in its battery. (If the phone is off, we can't do anything).
Phone has an accurate GPS receiver.
Software that relays GPS coordinates via an Internet connection. As a backup for when there is no cellular data signal, software that relay GPS coordinates via SMS
Software cannot be disabled or removed without authentication.
GPS on phone cannot be turned off without authentication (alternative: remote activation of GPS receiver via Internet or SMS)
Cellular data and/or WiFi cannot be turned off without authentication (alternative: remote activation of cellular data via SMS)
Where GPS signal can be used for macro location (within 10 to 30 meters), there must be some method of micro location (within a few feet).
Phone cannot be powered off via any button press, on-screen menu, or removal of battery
Phone cannot be wiped by on-screen menu or by computer cable connection
Now I have approached this solution from two starting points: the iPhone running iOS, or an Android-based smartphone. Both have different advantages and technical details. Let's look at how we can meet each of these requirements one by one.
iOS solution:
Unfortunately, if your iPhone is not jailbroken, your choices are not so great. But FindMyiPhone does do the basic job of relaying GPS coordinates. For a jailbroken iPhone, iCaughtu seems to be the best of the bunch from the research I have done and gives you a bunch of cool anti-theft features.
Using the options under Settings -> General -> Restrictions, you can disallow users from deleting apps AND from turning off location services. Of course, you can accomplish something similar by simple setting a password to access your phone. Unfortunately I haven't yet seen any program that allows you to remotely activate the GPS receiver on an iPhone.
Unfortunately I don't think there is anyway to prevent a thief from disabling your cellular connection other than setting a password on the whole phone. This has its advantages and disadvantages.* Similarly, I don't see any way to remotely activate the Cellular Data on an iPhone via SMS.
This is where things start to get more complex and we need to start thinking of actually modding the phone. So far the best RF tracking solution I have found (in terms of size, cost, and effectiveness) is a cheap chinese-made product that I picked up in Asia and cannot find a link to. This one is very similar http://www.amazon.com/Loc8tor-LTD-Loc8torLite-LOC8TOR-Lite/dp/B0012GMDC4/ but the reviews are meh. It is RF-based but does not really give any directional information. Once you are close to the RF transmitter (using the GPS coordinates), you can use the RF receiver to basically play a little game of hot and cold and walk in different directions all while watching if the signal gets stronger or weaker. I've done two real world field test with the similar device and was able to successfully find a purposely concealed bag in a slum twice.
But how do we get this into the phone? If you disassemble the transmitter, it is a very small circuit board, but most phones these days are already packed to the brim. Additionally, these units need power, so you would need to solder it into the phone's power system.
For the iPhone, concerns about a battery-based shutdown are reduced by its "sealed" battery compartment. Of course, with the right tools, someone can get to the battery. But this is not likely to happen quickly and will likely occur in a specific home or shop, from which we can get coordinate data. We only need to delay the thieves long enough to track them. The bad news is that preventing an iPhone from being shutdown via button press is much more difficult. Even with a lockscreen password, anyone can turn off an iPhone with a long power/sleep button press. I found a mod on Cydia that required a password before any shutdown, but it seemed it was only compatible with iOS 5 and I am running iOS 6.
This is the most challenging problem, as the most common method for any experienced phone thief to avoid detection is simply to power off the phone (or disable internet/3G) and as quickly as possible get to a computer and perform a complete wipe using any number of computer programs. A password on the phone can prevent access to the menu options for resetting factory default, but very little can prevent a thief from physically connecting the phone to a computer and wiping it.
Again I turn to physical modding. Would it be possible to modify the iPhone connector in such a way that the pins for power and charging would still work, but the pins for a data connection would require a specially modified cable to conect to the computer? Once my phone is through its initial setup and/or, most anything I need to do as far as data can be accomplished via WiFi. If needed, I would keep my special data cable at my home only and never take it out. But losing the ability to charge from any iPhone cable would be too debilitating to daily usage.
So I ask the experts: how can I improve on or solve these ideas? Is there software out there that I don't know about, either on the App Store or the Cydia Store? Are there ways to remotely control the iPhone's wireless and GPS functions via text? There should be. Any ideas on incorporating a tiny RF transmitter into the iPhone? Is there any way to prevent an iPhone from being shut down via the sleep button? Is there anyway to sabotage the lightning connector in an intelligent way to prevent a computer-based wipe?
*Advantages and Disadvantage of a phone-wide password. Honestly, I would rather not have a lockscreen password on my phone. I'm not a privacy freak and I don't care if a thief sees my pictures of e-mails or Facebook. If my phone is stolen, I'm hoping it is stolen by an idiot and that they WON'T try to wipe the phone. None of my solutions are foolproof. Everything in here is about delaying the thief long enough to track them. If an idiot steals a phone without a password, he MIGHT just use it as is. But if an idiot steals a phone and can't doing ANYTHING with it, he is going to take it to someone who will be smart enough to wipe it MUCH SOONER. Of course, the disadvantage is a loss of privacy, but iCaughtu has a cool solution for that too.
Android solution:
Android phones are much easier to root, and software solutions exist that will work reasonably well even for nonrooted phones. The best software I have seen is Avast! Anti-theft (part of Mobile Security), AndroidLost, and Cerebrus. All of these can report GPS coordinates, and with Avast! at least, you can also see coordinate history online and actually follow the path of your phone through the minutes, hours, and/or days. AndroidLost can report GPS coordinates online OR via SMS!
Avast! cannot be removed without a pin code. It can also prevent the user from during off Cellular Data and GPS. AndroidLost can be used to activate WiFi, Cellular Data and/or GPS via internet command OR via SMS. There are a ton of other internet-based and SMS commands in AndroidLost as well. Even without an active lockscreen password, a thief would be powerless to disable communication between the tracking software and you. In this department, Android truly outshines the iOS solution.
Getting an RF tracker into an Android-based phone has the same challenges as an iPhone.
I haven't found ANY glimmer of hope for a mode to disable shutdown via a long-button-press on Android. At least I found one mod for iPhone, even if it was the wrong iOS version. This is a huge gap in the goal of building an "unstealable" phone for both operating systems. As for the battery: Android phones come in many flavors. Many have removable batteries, so if you want to make life more difficult for thieves you'll have to limit yourself to a phone with a "sealed" battery compartment such as the HTC One.
A computer-based wipe via USB cable presents the same challenges as an iPhone EXCEPT that we're dealing with a more standard interface so that MIGHT make modding an easier task. Is there any way to make the microUSB jack more "proprietary" so that any normal USB cable can charge it but only a specially one can transmit data?
There is one other detailed I am interested in, but which is, I believe, currently impossible since it would require modifications to the lowest level of the phone's software, and that would be an auto-on feature. If the phone's battery dies for any reason (or any other shutdown that is not user-initiated), I would love for the phone to automatically power back on whenever it receives a new power source (either being plugged into the wall or getting a fresh battery).
Why am I so interested in doing this? I live in a third-world country and I travel to many other third-world countries. For 3 years, I guess I had good luck, but in the past year I have had three phones and a laptop stolen from me on the street and I have been punched in the face. Several of my friends have also had phones stolen during that time, and one friend was even kidnapped and robbed. Maybe crime is getting worse or maybe it is just coincidence. I have tried to be more careful each time, but one should not live life in fear or blame ones carelessness alone. It is time to fight back. Money, time, memories, self-respect, and peace of mind have been taken away from me and from people I care about. These thieves bear the real responsibility for these crimes. And the police and government here is largely unwilling, incapable, uncaring, and/or corrupt. Maybe I can help others as well.
Thanks for your suggestions and input.
Your thoughts are well expressed.
Hopefully something is coming fast to consumers.:good:

Someone is getting into a friends phones and I can't work out how...

Hi Everyone,
I am after a bit of help if possible.
A friends has recently been having issues with messages appearing on his phone relating to what he's been doing. I will describe the symptoms below and wonder if anyone might be able to recognise them and shed some light on what's happening.
The messages are appearing not as traditional messages but as alarm clocks. When these alarms go off the name of the alarm is the message. For example "how's your brother" when his brother is at the address.
They appear to be able to see what my friend is doing. They were messing around in the kitchen and an alarm entitled "don't mess around in the kitchen" went off.
They have also been related to shops they've visited so I suspect they have access to the location history of the phone.
All of the devices it has happened on have at one stage or another been connected to their wifi network but, once disconnected from the wifi the messages are continuing even when connected to the mobile network.
I have looked on the phones, which are a mixture of Android and iOS devices and can't find any obvious malicious software on any.
The only common denominator is that they have at some stage been connected to their wifi.
Does anyone recognise this behaviour and is able to offer any guidance?
If so is the person responsible likely to be within range of their wifi or is it possible remotely?
Any help appreciated as it's starting to really creep them out!!
thehappyotter said:
Hi Everyone,
I am after a bit of help if possible.
A friends has recently been having issues with messages appearing on his phone relating to what he's been doing. I will describe the symptoms below and wonder if anyone might be able to recognise them and shed some light on what's happening.
The messages are appearing not as traditional messages but as alarm clocks. When these alarms go off the name of the alarm is the message. For example "how's your brother" when his brother is at the address.
They appear to be able to see what my friend is doing. They were messing around in the kitchen and an alarm entitled "don't mess around in the kitchen" went off.
They have also been related to shops they've visited so I suspect they have access to the location history of the phone.
All of the devices it has happened on have at one stage or another been connected to their wifi network but, once disconnected from the wifi the messages are continuing even when connected to the mobile network.
I have looked on the phones, which are a mixture of Android and iOS devices and can't find any obvious malicious software on any.
The only common denominator is that they have at some stage been connected to their wifi.
Does anyone recognise this behaviour and is able to offer any guidance?
If so is the person responsible likely to be within range of their wifi or is it possible remotely?
Any help appreciated as it's starting to really creep them out!!
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I can give you two ideas come to mind
This is someone who has installed spyware on the target device likely without owner knowing
There are paid developers who make programs that can access a phone in incognito mode viewing all activities from there pc or phone actually trigger the target device to take photos open the mic and listen to anything going on and more much more like viewing passwords typed sites visited
There's one that costs like 399$ for a year subscription its very very advanced crap! And people mainly use these to catch cheaters or watch there loved one be a pervert during there alone time lol....
I would factory reset phone and or search in apps downloaded and look for any unusual icons that don't represent normal Android O.S
Best of luck
Sent from my Nexus 5X using XDA Free mobile app

Is there any attack that bruteforce an Android device with disabled bluetooth?

Recently I had a problem where my phone was hacked.
One of the things that happened was that the supposed person managed to stay by my side and when it left, I looked at my cell phone and Bluetooth was enabled (it was not before). There is a possibility that Bluetooth was already enabled but I don't think so.
After that I had leaked information from the cell phone, including the camera, calls and microphone.
Is there an attack that does this? And how can I protect myself in the future?
Also, how can I know on a non-rooted device if my phone is being monitored? I only find programs that find known viruses and network monitoring programs that are difficult to interpret or do not give veyy useful information.
Is there a way to get proof that my device is infected / being monitored?
unkownuserl33t said:
Recently I had a problem where my phone was hacked.
One of the things that happened was that the supposed person managed to stay by my side and when it left, I looked at my cell phone and Bluetooth was enabled (it was not before). There is a possibility that Bluetooth was already enabled but I don't think so.
After that I had leaked information from the cell phone, including the camera, calls and microphone.
Is there an attack that does this? And how can I protect myself in the future?
Also, how can I know on a non-rooted device if my phone is being monitored? I only find programs that find known viruses and network monitoring programs that are difficult to interpret or do not give veyy useful information.
Is there a way to get proof that my device is infected / being monitored?
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There is a feature in some android devices that automatically enables Bluetooth when it encounters devices that it has previously been paired with at some point, some even have a feature that enables Bluetooth when any other active Bluetooth device comes within range.
Maybe this is what you are experiencing.
Sent from my LGL84VL using Tapatalk

Airplane Mode... Does It Work?

Hi all, I have a question that certainly does border on the conspiracy side but it's something I'm very interested in solving and perhaps since this forum has to do with cellular devices someone in here will have an answer. It is highly appreciated that if you answer, you answer with proof of your claim rather than any conjecture; perhaps provide a graph or a schematic.
I'm sure most of us are aware, if not all of us, that our handheld computers that we often refer to as "smartphones" have cellular, WIFI and Bluetooth capabilities. When we board a plane, we are asked to disable/turn all of that off with Airplane Mode. I'm very curious to know if this actually disables/shuts off these comms. or if there is something actually going on in the background and we don't know because it's in the background.
Is it at all, in any way, shape or form possible that even with Airplane Mode on that the comms. are still operable?
Note; I've never been on a plane of any kind, I know the procedure from videos.
Airplane Mode disables all the transmission functions of Wi-Fi, Bluetooth,etc , but the related services still run in background thus draining the battery.
I see. Sounds strange.

