[Q] building ASOP generic ROM and applications - Android Software/Hacking General [Developers Only]

I'm a veteran Android app developer but i am new to building roms, especially in the whole android build system.
It all started when trying to build the secured version of su.... i'm still unable to build it, the build system seems to ignore hte includes and claims there are undefined references to functions like get_property etc...
My main question is, i saw in the android build tree under /external that there are tcpdum, pcap and many nice to have applications i'll be happy to load on my device and compile for it (yes it's rooted)
My main steps in building (after checking out using repo) are:
run the . build/envsetup.sh script
run lunch generic-eng from the root of the srouce
run make
now my question is how do i make sure ALL the applications in the external folder are built ? should i change the build/code.mk to include their LOCAL_SRC name ? or is there a parameter i can pass to 'make' that should do the trick ?
Another question regarding the su itself is that it's Android.mk file did not contain LOCAL_MODULE_TAGS := sentence and i had to add it myself, anyone managed to successfully compile that file ?
Also anybody got some documentation regarding how to use the sqlite3 functions (or is it the std library and the documentation exist in the sqlite3 site ?)

it seems to be a small problem with 2.3, once i checked out 2.2, compiled it using:
. build/envsetup.sh
launch generic-eng
all the binaries were built, since target was arm then all the binaries should be ok with the devices that use 2.2.
After the build i downloaded the su-binary from the git to $source_root/external/su-binary
changed the name in the Android.mk to su-binary so it wont collide with the system/external/su and run mm in the $source_root/external/su-binary dir.
Everything was build nicely.
I'll check the sqlite3 docs for refference but i'll appreciate anyone that knows the IBInder interface and the like that can explain the intnet send code (why not use am binary like in prev versions ? )


[Q] Cross compiling C software for my android

I've download the Android source with "repo", and it includes cross compiler toolchains for various architectures.
I want to build a package (for now, mtd-utils) for my android phone (a htc hero), but I'm having limited success understanding how to get this working. I was thinking there was something I could do, like change my $PATH and set up some other environment variables, that would use the tools from the toolchain instead of the system default ones, so that the binaries would be built for the phone instead of for my computer. But it certainly doesn't seem to be that easy...
I've reverted to attempting a "Hello world" program, but when I try to compile even that using the included toolchain tools, I run into trouble:
$ $HOME/src/mydroid/prebuilt/linux-x86/toolchain/arm-eabi-4.4.0/bin/arm-eabi-gcc -static -o hello hello.c
hello.c:1:19: error: stdio.h: No such file or directory
hello.c: In function 'main':
hello.c:5: warning: incompatible implicit declaration of built-in function 'printf'
so I tried a couple of other variants:
$ $HOME/src/mydroid/prebuilt/linux-x86/toolchain/arm-eabi-4.4.0/bin/arm-eabi-gcc -static -I $HOME/src/mydroid/bionic/libc/include -o hello hello.c
$ $HOME/src/mydroid/prebuilt/linux-x86/toolchain/arm-eabi-4.4.0/bin/arm-eabi-gcc -static -I $HOME/src/mydroid/ndk/build/platforms/android-8/arch-x86/usr/include/ -o hello hello.c
but they both give (different) errors about what other include files are missing when referenced from somewhere.
Is there some "easy" way to android-ify a source tree, so that I can build sources using the cross compiler toolchains? Or should I fetch a different cross compiler toolchain to use, like benno did in his document from 2007? He uses a codesourcery toolchain and builds with that instead (as referenced in other articles here on the subject).
Would much appreciate any shared tips or experiences on how to accomplish this.
The tool chain is fine the problem is non of the include/lib are set up correctly to find the needed version of the includes. Remember the default includes under linux depend on glibc and android only supplies bionic.
Have a look here for more info on setting up bionic:
Though if you get the full source for glibc (or precompiled arm binaries) you could compile a dependant program staticly (I think that's what busybox does)
Building for older versions of Android
I was actually able to compile a program manually today, specifically one of the programs in the mtd-utils package. After lots of jumping back and forth, I have found out that the 64 bit version of Ubuntu is what I needed, and also sun-java-1.6, contrary to almost all information I found out there. Then I was able to build AOSP, and then I was able to get "agcc" working, the wrapper that sets environment variables automatically as needed.
So I compiled the app, but it didn't work on my Android. Trying to run it in an adb shell gave approximately this error (from memory):
/bin/sh: ./program: No such file or directory
though the program was there. I didn't use strace, but concluded that this is because of a missing shared library. I have a very recent version of AOSP, while the phone is running Android 2.0 or something like that, so that's a plausable reason why this is happening.
I tried to rebuild the program using "agcc -static ...", but that doesn't work because I don't have the static version of libc after building AOSP, so it just dies with a linker error complaining that it can't find -lc.
So now I need to figure out how to build for old Android version using my checked out version of AOSP, or I need to figure out how to check out an old version of AOSP using repo.
Any tips would be much appreciated.

[GUIDE][HACK]Cross Compiling for OSX on Linux with AOSP

Hi Folks
I wasn't sure where this should belong but as it is a bit of an Hack this forum is probably the most appropriate
This short tutorial will show you how to patch the Android Build System to allow you to cross-compile Android AOSP host tools ( adb, fastboot etc ) for OSX using a linux based machine. This is something Google said was impossible or at the very least unsupported.
You have a linux based machine and working copy of the AOSP source tree.
You can/have successfully compile(d) a full Android Release from this tree.
A basic idea of how the Android Build System works is beneficial.
Getting Started
I've set-up a git repository which contains a binary copy of the OSX SDK 10.6 and the apple-darwin10-gcc cross compiler. So first things first. open a terminal and set the root of the AOSP sources tree to the current directory.
STAGE 1: Copy the OSX SDK
Step 1.
Clone the repo with the SDK and toolchain
git clone https://github.com/trevd/android_platform_build2.git build2
Step 2.
Create /Developer directory at your filesystem root, this is a known location for the SDKs
sudo mkdir /Developer
sudo chown $USER.$USER /Developer
Step 3.
Copy and unpack the SDK package
cp build2/osxsdks10.6.tar.gz /Developer
cd /Developer
tar -zxvf osxsdks10.6.tar.gz
rm osxsdks10.6.tar.gz
cd - # back to aosp root
STAGE 2 : Swapping the Toolchain
This is where the fun begins :laugh:
The Android Build system has the majority of the infrastructure in place already to build for OSX, the only problem is that you need OSX to build for OSX. However we can remedy that with a couple of dirty hacks :laugh:.
The prebuilts/gcc/darwin-x86 directory contains a toolchain compatible with osx ( mach-o binaries ). We are going to swap this for a linux compatible ( elf ) executables.
Step 4:
Copy and unpack the elf compatible darwin cross toolchain
cp build2/i686-apple-darwin-4.2.1.tar.gz prebuilts/gcc/linux-x86/host
cd prebuilts/gcc/linux-x86/host
tar -zxvf i686-apple-darwin-4.2.1.tar.gz
cd - # back to aosp root
Step 5:
Remove the mach-o binaries and symlink the elf binaries in it's place
cd prebuilts/gcc
rm -rf darwin-x86
ln -s linux-x86 darwin-x86
cd - # back to aosp root
Step 6:
We also need to replace the mach-o version of the ccache executable which live in the prebuilt/misc directory
cd prebuilts/misc
rm -rf darwin-x86
ln -s linux-x86 darwin-x86
cd - # back to aosp root
STAGE 3: Patching the build system .mk files
We need to patch a couple of files in the build directory namely the build/core/combo/HOST_darwin-x86.mk the main crux of this is swapping the ar tool for libtool so static libraries can be created without error.
patch -p1 < build2/build.patch
If the patch has been applied successfully you should see the following
patching file system/core/adb/Android.mk
patching file build/core/combo/HOST_darwin-x86.mk
patching file build/core/combo/select.mk
patching file build/core/envsetup.mk
patching file build/envsetup.sh
You are now ready to cross compile!! :good: ..... well not quite, but nearly.... here's why!
The Android Build System will attempt to build both the Target and Host files for most modules so I'd advise using a lunch option which already has a full target built for it or alternatively you can build the generic sdk using the following commands at the AOSP source tree root.
. build/envsetup.sh
lunch sdk-eng
make sdk
This will stop target dependency errors occurring when you build individual modules.
NOW we're ready to cross compile.
STAGE 4: Building Modules
At present module build is very much a piecemeal process. To build adb for example we need to build the dependencies first. This is not too onerous as most host modules have very few dependencies.
Building adb
adb has dependencies on the following libraries
I've found the easiest way to compile the dependencies is to navigate to each directory in turn an use to "mm" build system command to compile the individual module. the commands I run to compile adb are as follows.
From AOSP Source Root
cd external/zlib
USE_DARWIN=true mm -j8
cd ../openssl
USE_DARWIN=true mm -j8
croot # go back to the AOSP root
cd system/core/liblog
USE_DARWIN=true mm -j8
cd ../libcutils
USE_DARWIN=true mm -j8
cd ../libzipfile/
USE_DARWIN=true mm -j8
cd ../adb
USE_DARWIN=true mm -j8
All being well you should now have and adb binary located at out/host/darwin-x86/bin/adb. running the file command on this binary should produce the following output
adb: Mach-O executable i386
Although this method is a little rough and ready, it should produce the desired results if you need to cross compile for OSX. The eventual goal would be to compile a full OSX Android SDK on linux in a similar manner to the way the windows-sdk is currently compiled. This requires more investigation as compiling the windows sdk on linux employs a little bit of trickery on the part of the build system.
Final Notes and FAQs:
Why can't I just type make <module> from the root?
Doing this triggers building of additional modules such as LLVM and clang which are to deployed out/host/darwin-x86/bin the build system then attempts to use binary later on. These are obviously built for the Mach-o architecture and as such are incompatible with the linux. This results in a build error which can and would be resolved by the above mentioned trickery ( see conclusion )
I use OSX binaries (along with Windows and my native Linux) in one of my projects. Thanks, I have always relied on finding compiled binaries elsewhere. Lack of an OSX aapt held up an update at one point.
One of those things that you don't really use until you need it, but I will try to remember to give it a shot. I don't have any doubt that it works.
mateorod said:
I use OSX binaries (along with Windows and my native Linux) in one of my projects. Thanks, I have always relied on finding compiled binaries elsewhere. Lack of an OSX aapt held up an update at one point.
One of those things that you don't really use until you need it, but I will try to remember to give it a shot. I don't have any doubt that it works.
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Thanks. Yes this really is an edge case. Hopefully It will help some folks out.
Regarding aapt in particular.... It's perfectly possible to build aapt, however, we need to do some slight of hand with the clang and clang++ executables as libpng on which aapt depends uses these 2 binaries as part of it's build process.
Here's the build list and the clang trick if you want to try it some time.
mkdir out/host/darwin-x86/bin
cp out/host/linux-x86/bin/clang out/host/darwin-x86/bin
cp out/host/linux-x86/bin/clang++ out/host/darwin-x86/bin
I started off with a clean out/host/darwin-x86 directory so I didn't miss any dependencies.
like I mentioned the clang "swap out" is something the make win_sdk option does automatically so with it a little more research I should be able to get the mac build to do the same but you'll have to "fill yer boots" with the ghetto method for now
For reference here's a link to the sdk building instructions http://tools.android.com/build which describes how to cross compile the windows sdk on linux ( in case anyone was wondering what the hell i'm on about)
My use case has come up
I will be cross-compiling for OSX today...specifically with aapt in mind. I will report back, but I fully expect it to work as described.
mateorod said:
My use case has come up
I will be cross-compiling for OSX today...specifically with aapt in mind. I will report back, but I fully expect it to work as described.
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Cheers Man!
Hopefully no bitrot has crept in since april and now. I know I've changed my OS version since to Lubuntu 13.04, not like the OS version really matters any.
mateorod said:
but I fully expect it to work as described.
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Then you Sir, are either Drunk or a Fool! LOL Keep expectations Quantum and only decided when the result is observed a'la Schrodinger Cat
okay...So I was trying to compile SlimRom (so as to get an OSX aapt binary with the SlimRom changes) and things did not necessarily go as planned. There were enough changes to the SlimRom android_build that your build/build.patch does not apply cleanly. I spent some time and tried to modify the patch so that it would work for both SlimRom, AOSP and probably others, but each android_build repo has some differences in surrounding the HOST_AR line, so commenting that just was not portable between flavors. Not cool.
Anyway, turns out that this method does not quite work out of the box for non-AOSP versions (not that you claimed that it did). I got some unfamiliar errors related to (I believe) some OSX toolchains. But in both times I tried this, I actually had to pretty immediately swap out of that flavor and so I was unable to do much debugging. (I keep all the flavors I build {CM, AOKP, SlimRom, PAC, PA, OpenPDroid, etc, etc, etc} all layered in one android/system/jellybean directory. It saves a ton of space, but only allows me to do one thing at a time.)
So the only feedback I have is nothing...I even formatted my hard drive in-between and forgot to put up a paste, so the errors are currently lost to history.
Things that I noticed, for better or worse
You recommend putting the SDKs in the root dir. I believe the documentation is recommending the Developer be placed in home (as per the SDK/ADT bundle docs).
You might want a
mv android_platform_build2 build2
line. I normally wouldn't bother, but it looks like you are trying to post a line-by-line guide.
I would put the recommendation that a full build be available to the out folder (or a built generic sdk) right at the top, since it is a preliminary step. I had to revert my handwritten changes, then build, then reapply the changes and rebuild since I thought it needed a clean out dir.
Did you have any trouble with git reverting the toolchain swap? On two separate machines, I had to go so far as to delete .repo/projects/prebuilts/gcc/* and prebuilts/gcc/darwin-x86/arm/arm-eabi-4.6. It kept complaining of that the project in the .repo folder was a bad match. No amount of git trickery (which I am not terrible at) let me back out more easily.
I am willing to try again...but I have some other small things to attend to first. It is an admirable hack you have here sir. I will return to it soon and report back once more.
mateorod said:
okay...So I was trying to compile SlimRom (so as to get an OSX aapt binary with the SlimRom changes) and things did not necessarily go as planned. There were enough changes to the SlimRom android_build that your build/build.patch does not apply cleanly. I spent some time and tried to modify the patch so that it would work for both SlimRom, AOSP and probably others, but each android_build repo has some differences in surrounding the HOST_AR line, so commenting that just was not portable between flavors. Not cool.
Anyway, turns out that this method does not quite work out of the box for non-AOSP versions (not that you claimed that it did). I got some unfamiliar errors related to (I believe) some OSX toolchains. But in both times I tried this, I actually had to pretty immediately swap out of that flavor and so I was unable to do much debugging. (I keep all the flavors I build {CM, AOKP, SlimRom, PAC, PA, OpenPDroid, etc, etc, etc} all layered in one android/system/jellybean directory. It saves a ton of space, but only allows me to do one thing at a time.)
So the only feedback I have is nothing...I even formatted my hard drive in-between and forgot to put up a paste, so the errors are currently lost to history.
Things that I noticed, for better or worse
You recommend putting the SDKs in the root dir. I believe the documentation is recommending the Developer be placed in home (as per the SDK/ADT bundle docs).
You might want a
mv android_platform_build2 build2
line. I normally wouldn't bother, but it looks like you are trying to post a line-by-line guide.
I would put the recommendation that a full build be available to the out folder (or a built generic sdk) right at the top, since it is a preliminary step. I had to revert my handwritten changes, then build, then reapply the changes and rebuild since I thought it needed a clean out dir.
Did you have any trouble with git reverting the toolchain swap? On two separate machines, I had to go so far as to delete .repo/projects/prebuilts/gcc/* and prebuilts/gcc/darwin-x86/arm/arm-eabi-4.6. It kept complaining of that the project in the .repo folder was a bad match. No amount of git trickery (which I am not terrible at) let me back out more easily.
I am willing to try again...but I have some other small things to attend to first. It is an admirable hack you have here sir. I will return to it soon and report back once more.
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Thanks for this, It sounds like you've suffered an exercise in frustration there. I wasn't aware that "SlimRom" had a different aapt ( just out of general ignorance and not having paid any attention )
SDK - My Tree last time I used this was /Developer directory in the root - I think It comes from what the toolchain is expecting, I just gave it what it wants
mv android_platform_build2 build2 - Yep I did mean that it's the git clone line which wants changing
git clone https://github.com/trevd/android_platform_build2.git build2
SDK Recommendation - I shall move that to the top, even though it is already in there, It should probably be highlighted better and possible it's own "Stage"
Reverting the toolchain - Ahh , It appears I work slightly different from most in this respect. I have a general mistrust of SCM's ( I lost too much code on too many different SCM's, Probably through my own inability to use them correctly but ) what I do to revert to change is
cd prebuilts/gcc/darwin-x86/host/
rm -rf i686-apple-darwin-4.2.1
repo sync i686-apple-darwin-4.2.1
You can do this "trick" on any project in the source tree it's only on rare occasions where I screwed up badly that I have to delete anything in .repo/projects but I also have my distro in their own individual directories with there own full git trees, which is a massive waste of space and has a ton of redundancy due to the AOSP repositories being mirror by every single one but switching between them is a lot easier
If SlimRom's changes are localized to aapt, I'd be more inclined to drop it into the AOSP build and try that... If you have a link to slimrom's frameworks/base repository I'll grab it and try it myself.
On a final note there's a "full version" of the HOST_darwin make file in the build2/core/combo directory the changes to envsetup.mk and select.mk are minimal and can easily be applied manually. You don't need to patch the adb makefile if your not building it.
Again Thanks for the feedback

[GUIDE] Understanding the Android Source Code

Hello XDA,
I have been going through many guides over XDA, there were many that taught you how to compile from source, but I didn't found a single guide that could explain how Android source code works or what are so many folders, files and commands for, so here it is, a lengthy yet informative guide for aspiring devs. And yeah, I'm not a dev, just another guy who learns by exploring many things and likes to share it.
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Note - I own an HTC Explorer(Pico), so many things that are written *might* be exclusive to it, or others with some changes.
Describing the Android Source Code Folders -​
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
I'll take CM11 as an example to explain this.
Now the folders, in alphabetical order-
1. abi - This folder contains a sub folder called cpp which actually contains many C++ files linked to many places.
2. android Remember this?
repo init -u git://github.com/CyanogenMod/android.git
Yes, it's that android.git folder.
Have a look at this also.
3. art - Yeah, it is the folder that deals with the compilation of the latest android ART runtime. If you're looking into source directories of some other android versions, you won't fins it obviously.
4. bionic - Bionic is mainly a port of the BSD C library to our Linux kernel with the following additions/changes:
- No support for locales.
- No support for wide chars (i.e. multi-byte characters).
- its own smallish implementation of pthreads based on Linux futexes.
- Support for x86, ARM and ARM thumb CPU instruction sets and kernel interfaces.
5. bootable - Boot and startup related code. Some of it is legacy, the fastboot protocol info could be interesting since it is implemented by boot loaders in a number of devices such as the Nexus ones.
6. build - The main entry point of the build system resides here - envsetup.sh, if you follow the instruction in source.android.com you will see that the first step before you do anything to build Android is to use the command source build/envsetup.sh
The script will check few things to make sure all the needed application available in the local machine. It also setup the devices that can be built, which is extracted from the directory device.
7. cts - the compatability tests. The test suite to ensure that a build complies with the Android specification.
8. dalvik - This is the folder responsible for the compilation of the Dalvik runtime for the Android devices.
*Have a look at the difference between the two(art and dalvik) folders and you'll have an idea of how things work in that case*
art -
dalvik -
9. Development - This directory contains application that are not part of the deployed app in the OS. There are some useful application such as widget builder, etc
10. Device - It contains the device specific configurations for many devices.
Note - Many people ask me what, the folders like 'common' and 'generic are for, so here -
> common - This directory contains gps information and also a script that allows you to extract proprietary binary files from your phone to be part of the build process.(You can try to have a look at your device's device tree and then the cm.mk file, where you could find relations of these files. In my case, it shows like this:
# Include GSM stuff
$(call inherit-product, vendor/cm/config/gsm.mk)
# Inherit some common cyanogenmod stuff.
$(call inherit-product, device/common/gps/gps_eu_supl.mk)
> generic - This directory contains the generic device configuration that is called ‘goldfish’. This is the device classification used when building the emulator.
> Google - This directory contains the Android Accessories Kit code. It contains a demokit Android app that allows you to control the ADK board. The ADK firmware can be check out here http://code.google.com/p/microbridge/. There is a good article about this here.
> sample - This directory contains a full example of writing your own Android platform shared library, without changing the Android framework. It also shows how to write JNI code for incorporating native code into the library, and a client application that uses the library. This example is ONLY for people working with the open source platform to create a system image that will be delivered on a device which will include a custom library as shown here. It can not be used to create a third party shared library, which is not currently supported in Android.
11. docs - I contains an important sub-folder called source.android.com. Contains tutorials, references, and miscellaneous information relating to the Android Open Source Project (AOSP). The current iteration of this site is fully static HTML (notably lacking in javascript and doxygen content), and is and/or was maintained by skyler (illustrious intern under Dan Morrill and assistant to the almighty JBQ).
12. external - This directory contains source code for all external open source projects such as SQLite, Freetype, webkit and webview.
13. frameworks - Ah, one of the most important directories. it contains the sources for the framework. Here you will find the implementation of key services such as the System Server with the Package- and Activity managers. A lot of the mapping between the java application APIs and the native libraries is also done here.
A special note on this one - I'd recommend new users to not to play with any file/folder inside the frameworks folder, maybe your ROM doesn't boots then.
14. hardware - Hardware related source code such as the Android hardware abstraction layer specification and implementation. This folder also contains the reference Radio Interface Layer(RIL - To communicate with the modem side) implementation.
15. Kernel - It's not a default folder in the source code, but it's a part of device configuration set-up. It contains the kernel source of your device.
16. libcore - I'll explain this one with the important folders inside this, since every folder performs a different function.
dalvik - DalvikVM runtime for Android
dom - Java test classes for DOM
expectations - Contains information about the test cases
include - Some C/C++ include files that used for Array and String handling
json - JSON based Java implementation
luni - Contains test source code for loading .jar and .dex files
support - Contains support class file for testing Dalvik
xml - XML pull and push implementation
17. libnativehelper - I have no idea on this one. If someone knows, share your knowledge. :good:
18. ndk - Contains build scripts and helper files for building the NDK
19. out(Everyone's favorite directory ) - The build output will be placed here after you run make. The folder structure is out/target/product/. In the default build for the emulator the output will be placed in out/target/product/generic. This is where you will find the images used by the emulator to start (or to be downloaded and flashed to a device if you are building for a hardware target).
20. packages - Standard Android application that are available as part of the AOSP - Camera, SMS, Dialer, Launcher, etc
21. pdk - I believe that 'pdk' is the Platform Development Kit, it's basically an SDK/set of tools that Google sends to OEMs to evaluate their framework ahead of each major Android upgrade since Android 4.1.
(Thanks to @yowanvista )
22. prebuilt - Contains files that are distributed in binary form for convenience. Examples include the cross compilations toolchains for different development machines.
23. sdk - This directory contains lots of apps that are not part of operating system. There are quite useful apps that developers can leverage on and can be enhanced further as part of the operating system.
24. system - Source code files for the core Android system. That is the minimal Linux system that is started before the Dalvik VM and any java based services are enabled. This includes the source code for the init process and the default init.rc script that provide the dynamic configuration of the platform.
25. tools - Some external important tools that help in compiling. Not sure though. :/
26. vendor - This directory contains vendors specific libraries. Most of the proprietary binary libraries from non-open source projects are stored here when building AOSP.
One thing - Beyond the above you also have the hidden .repo directory that contains the source for the repo utility. It also holds the manifest specifying what git repositories you want to track for this Android source project. If you have your own additions you could automatically track them by adding a local manifest here. For modifications of the platform framework there are some instructions available in the device/sample folder of the source code tree. That will show you how to add APIs to Android without having to modify the core framework.
Now, many people ask me the difference between the 'Breakfast', 'Lunch' and 'Brunch' command. So, here's what these commands are specific for:​
You may not ever use this command , but in order to explain brunch, we have to explain breakfast first. Breakfast is a function used to configure your build. It keeps track of a list of officially-supported devices to build for, and allows you to choose one.
If you do not put a device, the script will output a list of available devices to build for, and you can then choose yours. Breakfast then goes on to configure your build environment with the correct variables to create your device-specific rom.
Defined simply, brunch is equivalent to
breakfast [device name] && mka bacon
This means that it sets up your build environment to be configured for your device, and then commences the build process. mka bacon is just CyanogenMods’s way of saying build the code for your device. It’s generally only used for officially supported devices (ones that you use can choose through the breakfast menu).
This ones also pretty simple to explain. It’s used EXACTLY like breakfast, the only difference being the choices you have to build with it. Using lunch, you can choose non-official or non-standard builds for your device. This includes special debug versions and also allows you to build CyanogenMod for use on the Android Emulator. To build after running lunch, simply issue the command mka.
For other commands and help, I recommend you to read this article.
Few common Terms​Hey, do you ever find few terms on xda, related to development that go over your mind? Well, I recommend you to have a look at this post by Recognized Contributor @TheByteSmasher and give him the Thanks he deserves.
Understanding Android Makefile (Android.mk)​Well, I bet if go through many folders of the Source Code, you might find the file named Android.mk! Here are few important things regarding that -
These Android.mk files defines how to build that source code. There are well defined specific rules for Android.mk files. Let me summarize them.
Name: We need to define a name for our build (LOCAL_MODULE := )
Local Variables: All builds may have some local variables so to start a new build it is good to clear all local variables (include $(CLEAR_VARS))
Files: We need to write all files we want it to be build (LOCAL_SRC_FILES := main.c)
Tags: Define tags for build. (LOCAL_MODULE_TAGS := eng development)
Libraries: If build needs to be linked to other libraries, we need to define them (LOCAL_SHARED_LIBRARIES := cutils)
Template file: We can define whether our build is executable,library or something else by including template file (include $(BUILD_EXECUTABLE))
BUILD_EXECUTABLE, CLEAR_VARS, etc. variables which are the absolute address of the template files are defined in build/core/config.mk.
Now an example -
The following Android.mk builds a simple APK. The codes beginning with a has(#) are the comments to tell you what the lines actually means.
LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir)
include $(CLEAR_VARS)
# Build all java files in the java subdirectory
LOCAL_SRC_FILES := $(call all-subdir-java-files)
# Name of the APK to build
# Tell it to build an APK
include $(BUILD_PACKAGE)
Last line in Android.mk file builds the APK file. Different source code types must be built differently so we can also use $(BUILD_EXECUTABLE), $(HOST_JAVA_LIBRARY), $(HOST_PREBUILT) etc. variables according to our source code. (Definitions like my-dir, all-subdir-java-files are in build/core/definitions.mk). We can add LOCAL_MODULE_TAGS variable to Android.mk file to determine that module to be installed in that source code built. Here are the some defined tags and their meanings.
Makefile tricks. ​
>Build helper functions
A whole bunch of build helper functions are defined in the file build/core/definitions.mk
Try grep define build/core/definitions.mk for an exhaustive list.
Here are some possibly interesting functions:
print-vars - shall all Makefile variables, for debugging
emit-line - output a line during building, to a file
dump-words-to-file - output a list of words to a file
copy-one-file - copy a file from one place to another
>Add a file directly to the output area
You can copy a file directly to the output area, without building anything, using the add-prebuilt-files function.
The following line, extracted from prebuilt/android-arm/gdbserver/Android.mk copies a list of files to the EXECUTABLES directory in the output area:
$(call add-prebuilt-files, EXECUTABLES, $(prebuilt_files))
Understanding the Device Tree​Note - This is by no means complete, and there will be omissions as have explained all this top of my head and copied pasted certain bits that I have here on my own device tree.
Android.mk - this will tell the build system to include and to build sources specifically for your device. I have explained a bit of it above as well.
AndroidBoard.mk - this is for the kernel, the build system uses that to drop the kernel image in place.
AndroidProducts.mk - specifies the appropriate device's make file, to use for building. i.e. device/htc/pico/pico.mk(In my case), This is device-specific as well.
device_codename.mk - Every device has a codename, and there is a file named as the codename of device. It specifies the properties and extras to copy over into the final output, in this case, it could be for example, pico.mk
BoardConfig.mk - This is the meat of it all, this is where compiler conditional flags are set, partition layouts, boot addresses, ramdisk size, and so on.
LOCAL_PATH := $(my-dir)
ifeq ($(TARGET_DEVICE),pico)
include $(call all-makefiles-under,$(LOCAL_PATH))
^This is how the build will use that to build recovery, sensors, lights and camera (of course there will be more), its saying 'Yo Builder, go into each of the directories specified, and build the respective sources'
LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir)
include $(CLEAR_VARS)
# include the non-open-source counterpart to this file
-include vendor/htc/pico/AndroidBoardVendor.mk
^ This one is pretty simple and tells the build system to go to the vendor tree of the device and include AndroidBoardVendor.mk for building.
$(LOCAL_DIR)/cm.mk \
^Just specifying the makefiles of the device.
Now in this one, I'm taking a BoardConfig.mk file that I found over the internet with a suitable explanation of it. Credits to the post over stackoverflow for the valuable efforts.
LOCAL_PATH:= $(call my-dir)
TARGET_PREBUILT_KERNEL := device/lg/gt540/kernel
TARGET_PREBUILT_RECOVERY_KERNEL := device/lg/gt540/recovery_kernel
# This will vary from device!
TARGET_CPU_ABI := armeabi
TARGET_CPU_ABI := armeabi-v6l
TARGET_CPU_ABI2 := armeabi
# OpenGL drivers config file path
BOARD_EGL_CFG := device/lg/gt540/egl.cfg
# Dependant, not to be taken literally!
# Dependant, not to be taken literally!
BOARD_KERNEL_BASE := 0x02600000
# this will be device specific, and by doing cat /proc/mtd will give you the correct sizes
^That is an excerpt, notice how we specify kernel's base address, this is how the boot.img gets generated after compilation is done and yet again, gets dropped into out/target/product/lg/gt540/boot.img. Also, more importantly, we're telling the build system to use the target platform for cross-compiling the sources (*TARGET_BOARD_PLATFORM*/*TARGET_CPU_ABI*) There will be more information in there such as conditional flags to pass to the compiler, for an example. we specified the directive HAVE_FM_RADIO to tell it, when it comes to handling the source for the FM radio system, to conditionally compile parts of the source. Again, this is hardware specific and mileage will vary, also this applies to the address for boot. In a nutshell, this is saying 'Yo Builder, read the damn variables and remember them and apply them when cross-compiling those source files!'
Now that the internals of each of those Android build make-files are shown.
Now, onto the vendor/ part of it, in AOSP, simply, once again, correlation and corresponds with the device/ tree, as in continuing with this example, vendor/lg/gt540/ which gets picked up by the lunch. There's more make files in there but the general consensus is there's a directory called proprietary which contains the proprietary libs (due to close-source etc) that gets copied over. The copying over of the libraries gets specified in the file device-vendor-blobs.mk, in this case, gt540-vendor-blobs.mk.
Adding your Own Apps in the Source Code​The following part of the guide will tell you how to make your own apps to compile with the ROM and be a part of it.
1. Add the App's source code to packages/apps/name_of_app
2. Regardless of how you put the source in packages/apps/, assuming that the source for the app has an Android.mk Makefile, you can get it to automatically build and install the resulting file in your $OUT directory (and thus your .zip) by simply determining the name of the project, which is typically defined in Android.mk with this:
3. Add the project to device.mk (or whatever .mk) in the device folder.
Have a look at an example here
Compiling specific parts of a ROM​
To compile an app-
make app_name.apk -j4
Wait, there's some more things you must know for compiling a *specific app* ! Thanks to @thewisenerd head over to this post.
To compile other parts you also need to enter the folder name, here are some examples from /frameworks/base [Credits-XDA University Article]
make android.policy (the power menu and lockscreen)
make framework (the initial framework files)
make framework-res (the initial framework resources)
make services (the services.jar file)
More examples:
make sdk (builds the android sdk)
make modules (builds all modules)
make installclean (removes all staging directories, such as out/target/product/boardname/system)
make clean (removes the whole /out directory)
make recoveryimage (builds the recovery from /bootable/recovery, customizable if wanted!)
Configuring a new Product for the AOSP.
Again, I'd recommend you to have a look at this great document.
A detail information about BoardConfig.mk
Well, I believe that BoardConfig.mk is one of the most important files for the device tree. Now, here are few parameters of the file explained-
TARGET_ARCH: set to arm for almost all current Android devices.
BOARD_KERNEL_CMDLINE: not all devices pass boot parameters however if your device does this must be filled out properly in order to boot successfully.
BOARD_KERNEL_PAGESIZE: the pagesize of the stock boot.img and must be set properly in order to boot. Typical values for this are 2048 and 4096 and this information can be extracted from the stock kernel.
BOARD_BOOTIMAGE_PARTITION_SIZE: the number of bytes allocated to the kernel image partition.
BOARD_RECOVERYIMAGE_PARTITION_SIZE: the number of bytes allocated to the recovery image partition.
BOARD_SYSTEMIMAGE_PARTITION_SIZE: the number of bytes allocated to the Android system filesystem partition.
BOARD_USERDATAIMAGE_PARTITION_SIZE: the number of bytes allocated to the Android data filesystem partition.
^The above information can be gathered by multiplying the size from /proc/partitions by the block size, typically 1024.
BOARD_HAS_NO_SELECT_BUTTON: (optional), use this if your device needs to use its Power button to confirm selections in recovery.
BOARD_FORCE_RAMDISK_ADDRESS / BOARD_MKBOOTIMG_ARGS: (optional), use these to force a specific address for the ramdisk. This is usually needed on larger partitions in order for the ramdisk to be loaded properly where it's expected to exist. This value can be obtained from the stock kernel. The former is deprecated as of Android 4.2.x and the latter will now be used in 4.2.x and beyond.
Few *more* external links ​Few great docs that I found over the web-
Credits​>Firstly, My parents.
> @Red Devil, @galaxyfreak, @speed_bot, @Nihar.G and my Team for helping me with all my doubts and even answering the most supid questions that I asked them
> @corruptionfreeindia for the idea.
> Helpful and informative posts over-
CyanogenMod Wiki
Got a query? Ask in the thread. Quote or mention me for quicker replies.
Thanks to @eagleeyetom for featuring it on the portal!
Understanding the Kernel Source Code​Credits for this- Linux.org
I'll basically explain the 'Linux Kernel Source' and since Android is based on the Linux, it's almost same for both.
Now the folders in order-
1. arch - This folder contains a Kconfig which sets up some settings for compiling the source code that belongs in this folder. Each supported processor architecture is in the corresponding folder. So, the source code for Alpha processors belong in the alpha folder. Keep in mind that as time goes on, some new processors will be supported, or some may be dropped.
2. block - This folder holds code for block-device drivers. Block devices are devices that accept and send data in blocks. Data blocks are chunks of data instead of a continual stream.
3. crypto - This folder contains the source code for many encryption algorithms. For example, “sha1_generic.c” is the file that contains the code for the sha1 encryption algorithm.
4. Documentation - This folder contains plain-text documents that provide information on the kernel and many of the files. If a developer needs information, they may be able to find the needed information in here.
See, this folder is just so awesome-
5. drivers - This directory contains the code for the drivers. A driver is software that controls a piece of hardware. For example, for a computer to understand the keyboard and make it usable, a keyboard driver is needed. Many folders exist in this folder. Each folder is named after each piece or type of hardware. For example, the bluetooth folder holds the code for bluetooth drivers. Other obvious drivers are scsi, usb, and firewire. Some drivers may be more difficult to find. For instance, joystick drivers are not in a joystick folder. Instead, they are under ./drivers/input/joystick. Keyboard and mouse drivers are also located in the input folder. The Macintosh folder contains code for hardware made by Apple. The xen folder contains code for the Xen hypervisor. A hypervisor is software or hardware that allows users to run multiple operating systems on a single computer.
6. firmware - The firmware folder contains code that allows the computer to read and understand signals from devices. For illustration, a webcam manages its own hardware, but the computer must understand the signals that the webcam is sending the computer. The Linux system will then use the vicam firmware to understand the webcam. Otherwise, without firmware, the Linux system does not know how to process the information that the webcam is sending. Also, the firmware helps the Linux system to send messages to the device. The Linux system could then tell the webcam to refocus or turnoff.
7. fs - 'fs' stands for File System. All of the code needed to understand and use filesystems is here. Inside this folder, each filesystem's code is in its own folder. For instance, the ext4 filesystem's code is in the ext4 folder. Within the fs folder, developers will see some files not in folders. These files handle filesystems overall. For example, mount.h would contain code for mounting filesystems. A filesystem is a structured way to store and manage files and directories on a storage device. Each filesystem has its own advantages and disadvantages. These are due to the programming of the filesystem. For illustration, the NTFS filesystem supports transparent compression (when enabled, files are automatically compressed without the user noticing). Most filesystems lack this feature, but they could only possess this ability if it is programmed into the files in the fs folder.
8. include - The include folder contains miscellaneous header files that the kernel uses. The name for the folder comes from the C command "include" that is used to import a header into C code upon compilation.
9. init - The init folder has code that deals with the startup of the kernel (INITiation). The main.c file is the core of the kernel. This is the main source code file the connects all of the other files.
10. ipc - IPC stands for Inter-Process Communication. This folder has the code that handles the communication layer between the kernel and processes. The kernel controls the hardware and programs can only ask the kernel to perform a task. Assume a user has a program that opens the DVD tray. The program does not open the tray directly. Instead, the program informs the kernel that the tray should be opened. Then, the kernel opens the tray by sending a signal to the hardware. This code also manages the kill signals. For illustration, when a system administrator opens a process manager to close a program that has locked-up, the signal to close the program is called a kill signal. The kernel receives the signal and then the kernel (depending on which type of kill signal) will ask the program to stop or the kernel will simply take the process out of the memory and CPU. Pipes used in the command-line are also used by the IPC. The pipes tell the kernel to place the output data on a physical page on in memory. The program or command receiving the data is given a pointer to the page on memory.
11. kernel - The code in this folder controls the kernel itself. For instance, if a debugger needed to trace an issue, the kernel would use code that originated from source files in this folder to inform the debugger of all of the actions that the kernel performs. There is also code here for keeping track of time. In the kernel folder is a directory titled "power". Some code in this folder provide the abilities for the computer to restart, power-off, and suspend.
12. lib - the library folder has the code for the kernel's library which is a set of files that that the kernel will need to reference.
13. mm - The Memory Management folder contains the code for managing the memory. Memory is not randomly placed on the RAM. Instead, the kernel places the data on the RAM carefully. The kernel does not overwrite any memory that is being used or that holds important data.
14. net - The network folder contains the code for network protocols. This includes code for IPv6 and Appletalk as well as protocols for Ethernet, wifi, bluetooth, etc. Also, the code for handling network bridges and DNS name resolution is in the net directory.
15. samples - This folder contains programming examples and modules that are being started. Assume a new module with a helpful feature is wanted, but no programmer has announced that they would work on the project. Well, these modules go here. This gives new kernel programmers a chance to help by going through this folder and picking a module they would like to help develop.
16. scripts - This folder has the scripts needed for compiling the kernel. It is best to not change anything in this folder. Otherwise, you may not be able to configure or make a kernel.
17. security - This folder has the code for the security of the kernel. It is important to protect the kernel from computer viruses and hackers. Otherwise, the Linux system(Android in this case ) can be damaged.
18. sound - This directory has sound driver code for sound/audio cards.
19. tools - This directory contains tools that interact with the kernel.
20. usr - The code in this folder creates vmlinuz and similar files after the kernel is compiled.
21. virt - This folder contains code for virtualization which allows users to run multiple operating systems at once. This is different from Xen (mentioned previously). With virtualization, the guest operating system is acting like any other application within the Linux operating system (host system). With a hypervisor like Xen, the two operating systems are managing the hardware together and the same time. In virtualization, the guest OS runs on top of the Linux kernel while in a hypervisor, there is no guest OS and all of the operating systems do not depend on each other.
PS- If I went wrong at any place, please do tell, I'm tend to make mistakes.
Reserved 2
I believe that 'pdk' is the Platform Development Kit, it's basically an SDK/set of tools that Google sends to OEMs to evaluate their framework ahead of each major Android upgrade since Android 4.1.
Explicit information:thumbup:
Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 2
Just some more info (and a small correction...)
To make a particular app, I don't think
make name_of_app.apk -j'X'
is the right way to do it...
Search for the packages in "packages" directory, and open up the Android.mk file. You'd see a line that states "LOCAL_PACKAGE_NAME". You need to type in:
make <insert-value-of-local_package_name-here> -j'X'
In case you are doing this for a particular module/shared library, you'd be searching for "LOCAL_MODULE" or "LOCAL_SHARED_LIBRARY" defines.
Also, you could also always rebuild a particular directory, with the
mmm -B path/to/dir
mmm -b packages/apps/Settings
command. This is especially helpful in case of stuff like libaudio, liblights, etc which are device specific.
Also note that some of the defines and variables stick only till the Terminal's closed. There is a workaround for this, i.e. the 'screen' app, which allows you to save a terminal state. Well, that can wait for another day
guidence detailed and understandable
great !!
but could you tell me about propietary files and vendor_blobs.mk ? and how to make it for device that using GB (for example) ?
Awesome !!
This is great.
Thank you.
Thanks for this guide op. Really nice one. :good:
Outstanding job on the guide!! Thank you very much sir. :good:
Thank you very much sir for the detailed explanation........
cleverior.ipul said:
great !!
but could you tell me about propietary files and vendor_blobs.mk ? and how to make it for device that using GB (for example) ?
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Sorry for the wait but I'll answer this after I reach home.
Sent from my HTC Explorer A310e using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
cleverior.ipul said:
great !!
but could you tell me about propietary files and vendor_blobs.mk ? and how to make it for device that using GB (for example) ?
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Okay, I'll tell this with an example.
Have a look at this vendor tree. This for Galaxy Nexus(Maguro).
Now, the important makefile, vendor-blobs.mk
In this case, it is:
# Copyright (C) 2010 The Android Open Source Project
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# This file is generated by device/samsung/maguro/extract-files.sh - DO NOT EDIT
# Prebuilt libraries that are needed to build open-source libraries
# All the blobs necessary for maguro
vendor/samsung/maguro/proprietary/fRom:system/bin/fRom \
vendor/samsung/maguro/proprietary/libsecril-client.so:system/lib/libsecril-client.so \
vendor/samsung/maguro/proprietary/pvrsrvinit:system/vendor/bin/pvrsrvinit \
vendor/samsung/maguro/proprietary/sirfgps.conf:system/vendor/etc/sirfgps.conf \
vendor/samsung/maguro/proprietary/bcm4330.hcd:system/vendor/firmware/bcm4330.hcd \
vendor/samsung/maguro/proprietary/ducati-m3.bin:system/vendor/firmware/ducati-m3.bin \
vendor/samsung/maguro/proprietary/libpn544_fw.so:system/vendor/firmware/libpn544_fw.so \
vendor/samsung/maguro/proprietary/libEGL_POWERVR_SGX540_120.so:system/vendor/lib/egl/libEGL_POWERVR_SGX540_120.so \
vendor/samsung/maguro/proprietary/libGLESv1_CM_POWERVR_SGX540_120.so:system/vendor/lib/egl/libGLESv1_CM_POWERVR_SGX540_120.so \
vendor/samsung/maguro/proprietary/libGLESv2_POWERVR_SGX540_120.so:system/vendor/lib/egl/libGLESv2_POWERVR_SGX540_120.so \
vendor/samsung/maguro/proprietary/gps.omap4.so:system/vendor/lib/hw/gps.omap4.so \
vendor/samsung/maguro/proprietary/gralloc.omap4.so:system/vendor/lib/hw/gralloc.omap4.so \
vendor/samsung/maguro/proprietary/libglslcompiler.so:system/vendor/lib/libglslcompiler.so \
vendor/samsung/maguro/proprietary/libIMGegl.so:system/vendor/lib/libIMGegl.so \
vendor/samsung/maguro/proprietary/libinvensense_mpl.so:system/vendor/lib/libinvensense_mpl.so \
vendor/samsung/maguro/proprietary/libpvr2d.so:system/vendor/lib/libpvr2d.so \
vendor/samsung/maguro/proprietary/libpvrANDROID_WSEGL.so:system/vendor/lib/libpvrANDROID_WSEGL.so \
vendor/samsung/maguro/proprietary/libPVRScopeServices.so:system/vendor/lib/libPVRScopeServices.so \
vendor/samsung/maguro/proprietary/libsec-ril.so:system/vendor/lib/libsec-ril.so \
vendor/samsung/maguro/proprietary/libsrv_init.so:system/vendor/lib/libsrv_init.so \
vendor/samsung/maguro/proprietary/libsrv_um.so:system/vendor/lib/libsrv_um.so \
So, in the source code, the vendor tree is kept in /source/vendor/manufacturer/codename(vendor/samsung/maguro in this case) and the makefile parameters tell it to copy the proprietary files(that are the files in the vendor tree, for instance, open up the vendor tree's link I gave above) to certain direstories in the ROM's zip, in this case, for example, this line:
vendor/samsung/maguro/proprietary/gps.omap4.so:system/vendor/lib/hw/gps.omap4.so \
this tells the builder to copy the proprietary file gps.omap4.so to lib/hw folder in the system.
I hope you'll figure out the remaining and this cleared your doubts.
PS- If I went wrong at some place, correct me.
Great job! Congrats on getting featured on the portal!
The guide is great!
Great guide mate! Maybe you can teach us how to track build error's ?
smileydr0id said:
Great guide mate! Maybe you can teach us how to track build error's ?
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That are mostly easy to track, few can be easily be fixed by seeing the error's line and jumping to that file, and if you are unable to fix, then Google or this thread will help you.
Awesome job man! Keep going
The libnativehelper folder,
Support functions for Android's class libraries
These are VM-agnostic native functions that implement methods for system
class libraries. All code here:
- MUST not be associated with an android.* class (that code lives in
- SHOULD be written in C rather than C++ where possible.
Some helper functions are defined in include/nativehelper/JNIHelp.h.​
This is Awesome!
Thanks #Superuser

[TOOL][LINUX/MAC]One Step to Initialize the Android Build Environment

Journey through the build process
Android is based on the Linux Kernel. Read on Wikipedia .
Before we get started, I created a binary long ago and thought I'd share it which helps you quickly setup your environment. If you're new to this, select option 3 and it should setup the environment for you. make sure to run it with `sudo` perms something like
sudo ./setupEnv
. This will basically install library dependencies and set CCACHE=1 also size of ccache to a max of 15GiB(recommended). It should set your swappiness to 10 so that kernel doesnt swap out memory and lesser IO access == faster compile times. Now that that's over. Let's get into business!
Before we begin you must know at least the slightest of :
1. Java
2. C/C++
3. Makefiles
Knowing these will help you debug the ROM as well as solve any compile issues.
Short description about the folders present:
ART: Default Runtime used in lollipop
Bionic - the C-runtime for Android. It's mostly on BSD-derived sources. In this folder you will find the source for the c-library, math and other core runtime libraries.
Bootable: Contains the source for recovery.
Build - the build system implementation including all the core make file templates.
Device - product specific code for different devices.
External - contains source code for all external open source projects such as SQLite, Freetype and webkit.
Frameworks - this folder is essential to Android since it contains the sources for the framework. Consists of native libraries and core Java classes required for android. Example(ListView,TextView) classes are present here.
Hardware - hardware related source code such as the Android hardware abstraction layer specification and implementation. Also contains RIL implementations.
Kernel- Contains the sources for the Android version of the Linux kernel.
Packages - contains the source code for the default applications
Prebuilt - contains files that are distributed in binary form for convenience. Examples include the cross compilations toolchains for different development machines.
System - source code files for the core Android system. That is the minimal Linux system that is started before the VM and any java based services are enabled. This includes the source code for the init process and the default init.rc script that provide the dynamic configuration of the platform.
Read more about it at http://elinux.org/Android-4.0.3_r1. It's ICS but still gives a understanding of what each folder contains.
You should be able to setup build environment and initialise repository needed through my binary.
The device tree
.Contains the necessary PRODUCT_PACKAGES specified by your makefile which suits your device.
.CPU architecture, Partition size everything is set here.
.A skeleton tree can be created using
./build/tools/device/mkvendor.sh vendor devicename pathtoboot.img
.Doing this will provide a prebuilt kernel and not an inline kernel build process. using a prebuilt kernel is deprecated since it might not work correctly with the ROM you're building
.Custom init files are set here(Different radio types)
.Custom overlays for your device is set here.
.Custom init scripts are set here
Lets examine each of these files:
This file contains vital architectual and build information about the architecture of your device's motherboard, CPU, and other hardware. Getting this file right is essential.
To get a basic recovery booting, a few parameters need to be set in this file.
The following parameters must be set properly in BoardConfig to compile a working recovery image:
TARGET_ARCH: this is the architecture of the device it is usually something like arm or omap3.
BOARD_KERNEL_CMDLINE: not all devices pass boot parameters however if your device does this must be filled out properly in order to boot successfully. You can find this information in the ramdisk.img. (You can learn more about configuring the integrated kernel build-from-source here.)
BOARD_KERNEL_PAGESIZE: the pagesize of the stock boot.img and must be set properly in order to boot. Typical values for this are 2048 and 4096 and this information can be extracted from the stock kernel.
BOARD_BOOTIMAGE_PARTITION_SIZE: the number of bytes allocated to the kernel image partition.
BOARD_RECOVERYIMAGE_PARTITION_SIZE: the number of bytes allocated to the recovery image partition.
BOARD_SYSTEMIMAGE_PARTITION_SIZE: the number of bytes allocated to the Android system filesystem partition.
BOARD_USERDATAIMAGE_PARTITION_SIZE: the number of bytes allocated to the Android data filesystem partition.
The above information can be obtained by multiplying the size from /proc/partitions or /proc/mtd by the block size, typically 1024.
BOARD_HAS_NO_SELECT_BUTTON: (optional), use this if your device needs to use its Power button to confirm selections in recovery.
BOARD_FORCE_RAMDISK_ADDRESS / BOARD_MKBOOTIMG_ARGS: (optional), use these to force a specific address for the ramdisk. This is usually needed on larger partitions in order for the ramdisk to be loaded properly where it's expected to exist. This value can be obtained from the stock kernel. The former is deprecated as of Android 4.2.x and the latter will now be used in 4.2.x and beyond.
The device_codename.mk makefile contains instructions about which Android packages to build , and where to copy specific files and packages, or specific properties to set during your compilation .
This file can be used to copy vital files into the ramdisk at compilation time.
PRODUCT_COPY_FILES: used to copy files during compilation into the ramdisk, which will be located at $OUT/recovery/root.
$(LOCAL_PATH)/sbin/offmode_charging:recovery/root/sbin/offmode_charging \
This will copy the file offmode_charging binary into the sbin folder within the ramdisk.
PRODUCT_NAME / PRODUCT_DEVICE: used for setting the value of your codename. This is the name of the device you load with Lunch.
This is simply the prebuilt kernel image or a kernel you built yourself used to boot the device. The format of the kernel may be in a zImage or uImage , depending on the requirements of the architecture of your device.
You'll need to make a few changes to this file to integrate with the lunch , brunch , and breakfast commands, so that your device shows up on the list and builds properly. You'll also set some variables (see other devices) to indicate what size splash animation should be used, whether this is a tablet or phone, etc.
Some of these settings aren't used for building just the recovery, but you may as well set them now because once recovery is done and working, the settings here will be important.
Again, take a look at a similar device to yours to get an idea of what the settings here should be. It's fairly intuitive.
recovery.fstab defines the file system mount point , file system type , and block device for each of the partitions in your device. It works almost exactly like /etc/fstab in a standard Linux operating system.
/system ext4 /dev/block/mmcblk0p32
This sets the block device at mmcblk0p32 to be mounted on /system as filesystem type ext4
All mountpoints should exist in this file and it is crucial this information be correct or else very bad things can happen, such as a recovery flash writing to the wrong location.
The filesystem type datamedia can be used for internal sdcards as well as setting the block device to /dev/null.
vendorsetup.sh is called when setupenv.sh is run. It is used to add non-standard lunch combos to the lunch menu.
To add your device to the lunch menu:
add_lunch_combo cm_<codename>-userdebug
Then build a test recovery image
Vendor tree.
.Contains proprietary files/libraries
Examples: Vendor RIL, camera libraries
Once you have all this set up, you need to
cd pathToSource
. build/envsetup.sh
lunch device_lunch_name
make recoveryimage/bacon/bootimage/Package/framework/library...
# Output generated in the out/target/product/devicename/
Download executable here : https://github.com/MasterAwesome/environment_setup/blob/master/Release/setupEnv?raw=true
I have added only Cyanogenmod and AOSP to my executable for creating a repository, for others someone fork my repo and create a pull request, if its suitable i'll merge and upload a newer version.
AOSP Guide : https://source.android.com/source/building.html
Cyanogenmod Docs : http://wiki.cyanogenmod.org/w/Development
This can be done using an IDE or by logcats.
Option 1(logcats) :
These provide logs which are created by android.util.log which is used in the Java Classes. They are used to log information as well as errors at runtime. Logcats and dmesg help debug most of the issues.
Option 2(IDE):
Setup a particular IDE(Eclipse or IntelliJ Idea)
Intellij: http://wiki.cyanogenmod.org/w/Doc:_import_to_intellij, https://shuhaowu.com/blog/setting_up_intellij_with_aosp_development.html
Eclipse: http://wiki.cyanogenmod.org/w/Doc:_eclipse
Once you've done that
Once you've imported your source code, you can add breakpoints to your modifications(if any) and then Remote debug it
Right-click "Remote Java Application", select "New".
Pick a name, i.e. "android-debug" or anything you like.
Set the "Project" to your android project name.
Keep the Host set to "localhost", but change Port to 8700.
Click the "Debug" button and you should be all set.
Then go to DDMS perspective and select a process you want to debug (select the process in the list of processes and then click on green bug icon).
Now you can switch to debug perspective.
I personally prefer eclipse for debugging maybe because I'm used to it, you should go with which ever is easier for you.
Will this tool work with all Linux distros?
No. It'll work with everything which uses apt-get(Debian based Distros){Ubuntu,Linux Mint,Elementary OS are some}
Once the tool completes installing and setting up what do I need to do?
Assuming you also initialised the repo using the tool, you could go to the folder and repo sync to start downloading the source code. Follow the build instructions after downloading(In post #1)
Why does this executable required elevated permissions
apt-get install can only install if elevated permissions are given, also, changing sysctl(/proc) also require `sudo` permissions.
How do I trust the tool with sudo permissions, can't that ruin my OS?
Since the executable uses system() calls, I've uploaded the source at GitHub and you can build it yourself. Instructions for building : README.md
Any other questions? post a reply and please dont quote the entire post.
Have a great day
Mac support is on the way...
Sent from my Moto G using XDA Free mobile app
.Mac support added.
.makefile added to provide a simpler build process
Using for Mac
.Download the source code.
.You need to install Xcode from App Store.
.type make make mac
./setupEnvMac to execute it.

[Guide] Building post 2017 android kernel from source

About this guide
I have been building kernels for many machine types and have been fiddling around with custom android kernels for my own phone but to my great frustration the rules changed quite a lot for my new phone. It seems every kernel after 2017 is A LOT harder to build and needs quite some fiddling around te get it to boot. The documentation is terrible the least on the steps and all howtos are all outdated by now. This guide shares with you the secrets to build yourself a modern post 2017 kernel from source. I only own a op7 at this moment but I am pretty sure the rules apply to all devices.
So why do we need to build our own kernel? Well that's simple. I have scrolled through many custom kernels missing a simple module that I need. In my case binfmt. Perhaps you need a specific device driver compiled into your kernel or you want to hack in/patch in some special functions that are only needed by you. Or you love a certain kernel but need that one little adjustment in the configs that this kernel doesn’t have and so on.
Lets get through it step by step but I do assume you know something about Linux, you know how to use the terminal and that you have some knowledge on building binaries from source. Ready? Ok lets get started.
These steps are required to be followed to be successful:
1. Set up a building environment
2. Obtain the kernel source
3. Download the proper tool-chain
4. Adjust configuration files to match your needs
5. Build the actual kernel image
6. Backup your current boot.img!!!
7. Trow the image into a anykernel zip and flash it.
8. Close your eyes prey and run the kernel.
You will need:
A fairly fast computer with lets say 4 gigs of RAM and a decent CPU.
A workable linux distribution that you can boot into (I prefer ubuntu bionic at this moment).
The kernel sources for your device.
Lots of spare time.
A attitude that makes you unstoppable.
1. Setting up the building environment
Ok lets first open a terminal. You will need the terminal a lot. As a matter of fact it will be your friend through this guide so better get used to it. Assuming you are on a ubuntu like distribution lets fetch the important packages first
$sudo apt install build-essential bizon flex git
This command will install some of the prerequisites you need to do anything. More packages will need to be installed on the way but at least you will be able to type $make
Now lets create a working directory. Go into your home folder and create a working directory which will later on contain your kernel sources and tool chain.
$mkdir [COLOR="MediumTurquoise"]name-of-your-working-folder[/COLOR]
2. Obtain the kernel source
This one is tricky as my experience have learned me the kernel sources supplied by my own vendor are usually badly documented and contain a few bugs here and there resulting in either build errors or a unbootable kernel. So usually I grab a custom kernel that has minimal changes to the stock kernel and boots by only using a single kernel file without extra kernel modules attached. The custom kernels usually have the nasty building bugs flawed out and thus your chances for success are higher. I used the exkernel in my case and out of respect for the hard work of flang2 I bought the app that came along.
To get the sources google around and find the sources on for example git and click the download or clone button there and copy the link of the depository.
Then simply clone the depository to your working directory so after changing to your working directory type
$git clone link-you-just-copied
Git will now automatically clone the entire kernel source into the source sub-directory. You can change the name of this directory to make you life easier.
3. Download the proper tool-chain
This is where I lost many days and weeks of my life. Where do we find the proper tool-chain for our kernel?
You basically need 3 compilers
There are many versions of clang and GCC and you will need to find the one that matches your kernel and builds for your cpu architecture. I will assume in this guide that your CPU is aarch64 or arm64 (both names are used at the same time).
To obtain clang head over to the following address:
now in the tags and branches you can find the version of android you are looking for. If your kernel is for android 9 then use the android 9 tag. Click on it and then click tgz which will provide you with a huge tarball.
Create a folder in your working directory named toolchain en extract the contents of the tarball into the sub-folder clang.
You can try any subversion of clang there is but I recommend to simply peek into the build.config files located in the root of your kernel source directory which usually specify the exact subversion of clang used.
Time to get GCC which is easier since there is only one version right now.
Head over to
and use the correct version here as well. In my case I picked the latest build. Then do the same as for clang but name the sub-folder GCC or whatever you please to do.
And then finally get yourself the device-tree-compiler
Head over to
and clone this depository into ~/your-working-directory/toolchain/
and navigate to the subdir you cloned it into
then build by typing
any missing package errors will need you to install them using
$sudo apt install missing-package-name
and do make again until the build completes.
If all went well your tool-chain and working directory will look like this:
4. Adjust configuration files to match your needs
Lets first grab the correct defconfig file and setup the build directory. This defconfig file contains the default kernel configuration parameters which you propably want to adjust.
Head over to ~/working-directory/kernel-source-dir/arch/arm64/configs/
see what you can find there. I found the elementalX_defconfig file which is the file I needed to build the Exkernel from scratch. If you are trying a stock kernel dive a little bit deeper into the vendor folder and see if you can find a good config file there.
Alternatively sometimes the config is hidden on your device itself. Have a look at
the file inside the archive contains a valid defconfig for your device but beware your may need to open it with menuconfig first and save it again to make it workable for the compiler script.
Place the defconfig file you like to use into the configs folder.
(Skip the following step if your are going to build your kernel for the first time because we first want to see it work.)
Now head over to your kernel source dir and type the following command
$PATH="~/[COLOR="mediumturquoise"]working-dir[/COLOR]/toolchain/clang/[COLOR="mediumturquoise"]clang-r353983c[/COLOR]/bin:~/[COLOR="mediumturquoise"]working-dir[/COLOR]/toolchain/gcc/a[COLOR="mediumturquoise"]arch64-linux-android-4.9[/COLOR]/bin:${PATH}" \
make menuconfig O=out \
ARCH=arm64 \
CC=clang \
CLANG_TRIPLE=aarch64-linux-gnu- \
now remember to use the correct paths to your tool-chain. In this command I use clang-r353983c but you may use a different version. The same applies for linux-android-4.9.
I would like to thank Nathan Chance for supplying documentation on the clang tool-chain on his github.
If all well you will be presented with a menu in which you can adjust things. First open the defconfig file you wish to use and then save the file after you are done. Now REMEMBER! With this command the menuconfig will save your new file into the /kernel-source-dir/out folder.
(end of the skipped step)
Now it is time to prepare our kernel build using the following command (do this from your kernel source dir) and remember that this command will look in the /kernel-source-dir/arch/arm64/configs/ directory
$make O=out ARCH=arm64 name-of-your-defconfig
If all goes well you will see something like configuration written to .config
Everything is up and ready to go. Your hart will start pounding from this moment on
5. Build the actual kernel image
This is where things get complicated. I hope you have many years to live because this part consumes time, a lot of it.
$PATH="~/[COLOR="mediumturquoise"]working-dir[/COLOR]/toolchain/clang/[COLOR="mediumturquoise"]clang-r353983c[/COLOR]/bin:~/[COLOR="mediumturquoise"]working-dir[/COLOR]/toolchain/gcc/[COLOR="mediumturquoise"]aarch64-linux-android-4.9[/COLOR]/bin:${PATH}" \
make -j$(nproc --all) O=out \
ARCH=arm64 \
CC=clang \
DTC=~/[COLOR="mediumturquoise"]working-directory[/COLOR]/toolchain/dtc/dtc \
CLANG_TRIPLE=aarch64-linux-gnu- \
ready set GO!
This will depending on your machine take between forever and eternally. You will witness many warnings on the DTC build seems normal these days and a few warnings on the CC part. Most important is that no errors are thrown at you.
If all goes well you will see a normal exit status and you will have a “working” kernel image.
“Error?: Well that happens. Try a different build of clang check your command line. And if all that fails try to find out what is wrong in the source and that means digging through thousands of forum pages until you find out whats wrong. But using the google tools usually goes well.”
Almost there go and check
and there should be a image-dtb or image.gz-dtb file depending on you settings.
That is your kernel image right there. The difference in size between image and image-dtb should not be huge. 10Megs in difference usually means your dtb is not good but trying is the only way to find out if it works.
6. Backup your current boot.img!!!
You know what to do here right? Do not skip this step unless you like bricked devices or want to reflash and lose your data and all that kind of stuff. Not sure what you are doing stop here or backup your entire device including system vendor etc.
7. Trow the image into a anykernel zip and flash it.
Ok something changed in the last few years. Unpacking repacking and booting using fastboot somehow gives me problems. Dm-verity errors and all kind of red screens. Signing the boot image results into new errors. Well this is how I did it.
Get yourself a anykernel zip file. I used the Exkernel.zip because it only contains a kernel image which I like. Open the zip in a good zip tool (I used ark) and replace the image-dtb file with the one you created. Place this new zip you created on a memory stick and then….
Flash it using twrp or any tool of choice.
8. Close your eyes prey and run the kernel.
Two things can happen.
1. Blank screen nothing happens. Only god can help you, repeat all the steps.
2. Your android starts booting. Start crying of joy
Check in your android if this is indeed the kernel you build. If so time to make some adjustments to your configs or happily enjoy your boosted phone.
Now please remember. If you plan to distribute your kernel that you do the correct steps of accrediting the original programmer and trow the source online. If you use a already custom kernel please respect the hard work of the maker and communicate your plans with him/her.

