[Q] Missing Apps? - Eee Pad Transformer Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Please delete this, I'm dumb. >_<


[Q] How to remove Singtel preloaded Apps and Animation?

I just bought a LG-P500 with Android Froyo. I rooted my phone and now I want to remove the stupid preloaded apps and animation from Singtel since I am a Starhub user. Any kind soul out there can guide me? Thank you first for the help.
Bringing up my post. Someone please help
anyone? Would like to know how to do it as well.
1. root your phone.
2. find the offending apk in /system/app and delete them, backup them if you need to prior to deleting

[Q] mms/sms no auto convert mod

Hi... Does anybody know where to find this mod? I really need this for my ICS P6800.
Appreciate your feedback..
Take a look if this help
Handcent: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.handcent.nextsms&hl=en
or Go SMS Pro: https://play.google.com/store/apps/...esult#?t=W251bGwsMSwxLDEsImNvbS5qYi5nb3NtcyJd
I know both of them but i need something like this http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1371755

[Q] [Request app] Original messaging app

Hey anyone has the original messaging app that comes form factory?
Edit: wrong forum, can someone move this thread pleas?

[Q] Apk Downloader?

Hello Everyone,
Well I'm posting this question hoping to get some help :/
I really want to get the Play Store app as APKs
I tried the "APK DOWNLOADER" as an extension and as a website "http:/ /apps.evozi.com/apk-downloader/"
but both didn't work... i'm getting this "Ops, we are out of quota, please try again in another hour or try others apps. - Server ID: storage2:- "
Any way to fix that? or is there any other way to get APKs?

REQ: Docomo Arrows X F-10D System File Backups

Hi everyone... i temporary rooted my device coz i really wanted to remove bloatwares since i wont be using this phone in japan....accidentally I deleted a few apk where I thought bloatwares.. now i cant use the default dialer and the i cant save contacts.... i tried to use other replacement app but still i cant use them.. can anybody help me.. I have a Jellybean 4.2.2, Build No. V12R44A... I need back up of APK's coz I need to use the dialer and so for me to save contacts.
If Im in the wrong section kindly move it to the proper one. Im new here and its my first post.
Hope you understand. Thank you..
Diece said:
Hi everyone... i temporary rooted my device coz i really wanted to remove bloatwares since i wont be using this phone in japan....accidentally I deleted a few apk where I thought bloatwares.. now i cant use the default dialer and the i cant save contacts.... i tried to use other replacement app but still i cant use them.. can anybody help me.. I have a Jellybean 4.2.2, Build No. V12R44A... I need back up of APK's coz I need to use the dialer and so for me to save contacts.
If Im in the wrong section kindly move it to the proper one. Im new here and its my first post.
Hope you understand. Thank you..
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
try to download and install the update file
Hi Hechis thank you i do appreciate your help however , I downloaded the file but when the update fails, the application force closes.. I think I also deleted an update file. Im not sure... but I really do think that what i need is a system file back up.. Pls someone help me..

