Help on dev - Windows Phone 7 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

hello. i'm starting to learn to program apps as a project for university . i would like to know if is there anyone willing to help with source code . If possible know of a irc channel where i can ask questions when i cant do it myself.
I was having the idea of creating a GPS app, using maps. The porpuse was to create an app wich can grab locations in Portugal wich will be highlighted with a picture. People click on it and it'll show details and history. Also while people are travelling if phone location is on with app on , if people are nearby something interesting it'll alarm them to get their attention.



I'm facing serious proplem in my garduation problem and i need help
The problem is i want to develop android app using google maps api
i want this map to be interactive ... as i collect the data of traffic and send it ti my server ... the map on the app use these data and based on it show the traffic status
so how i will connect the app to my server .. and make the map use it and make its calculations . i also want the amount of data sent to be minimum
i'm still beginner in android .. so please help me
I have never created an app with this api .... but
I have never created an app with this api. But because nobody else answer you….. . I can inform you that you are not the first you try something like that so you can Google it and find:
To start creating an android application :
To develop in the api you need :
To use the api you need :
w w
good luck . I hope somebody more experienced let you see a piece of code
First you got no answer yet because your thread title only says "help".
Second, maybe you should do some research yourself. Don't let others do the work for your graduation project.
Research is part of that work.

[Q] Help from app developers

i am looking for help building an app for androids..
i need advise or if someone wants to build the app for us and all credit will go to the developers that help on our web page and radio station, unfortunatly i can't afford to pay anyone but all due credit will go were it is supposed to... including in the app and on the website and radio credits... we will get your name out there!!!
i help run a internet radio station and we are looking into creating an app to stream our radio station...
i hope that i have posted this in the right area...
if you feel you can help us out, please respond to me asap!!!
thank you all for your time...
Media Director
Does it have a streaming website that the app can run off? How nice do you want it?
If you use technology as shoutcast, there already are alot of apps that can play such streams.
You will have to provide more information.
Give as much information as you can in your thread, what you want the app to do, how it should perform, look like etc.
Many moons ago i requested something similar (well i say similar, nothing alike, but an app that did not exist lol) and some kind gent here on xda helped me too
Thank you all for your interest!!!
What i am looking for is very simple... i would like to play the stream from my site... send me a message to get the site... it wont let me post it. with a main background of my site, link to website(opens browser), song title displayed, just as the site does... nothing fancy or complex like splash screens or multiple pages... just a streaming app...
i applogize for not being specific enough but do really apprieate the reply's and interest.. if you feel you can make this you are welcome to stamp your name all over it, to get your name reconized, i will post due credit on the main website as well...
look at the site and let me know what you can do... i can help by testing, i have access to many devices for testing if need be..
[email protected]

Android development idea

Hello to everyone!
I've been learning to code for a while so to create my own application/software idea but the problem is that I found out that it isn't really my "area". The thing is I still got this awesome idea that I really want to be developed. It's pretty obvious that I'm not just yelling out what the idea specifically is...but... I need someone that:
1- Knows how to develop an app and release to it in "play store".
2- Good all-round(by this I mean can easily jump from one problem to a completely different problem)(I don't need a "programmer or nothing")
3- Well motivated and friendly.
4- This idea obviously needs some funding. I can do that on my own if you don't want to. Without a doubt the profits will be split between us (This will be later accorded when we meet up)
The idea basically is: Develpment of an alternative market. Come on read on... By market I don't mean Aptoid,Snappzmarket where people can steal software...It's a different market.
The idea won't make you a billionare! But it has an incredible amount of potential if done correctly...and that's where I need you.
I currently live in Italy but can travel anywhere in Europe without any problem.
If anyone is interested in this please contact me via PM. I'm relitively new to xda developers but I have been reading loads of great stuff on it so THUMBS UP XDA! I'm not posting my email address for SPAM reasons.

[Q] App for android/iOS, for my business

Hello everyone. I have a quick question...
I currently own and operate a valet parking company and I am looking to have an app created that will give our guests the ability to either scan, using QR scanner, or send a text to a dedicated device so that we can have their vehicle up front and ready for them, 15-20 minutes before they walk out the door.
That is the basics of it, and I know there are other apps in the playstore which do this sort of operation, but I want to create my own.
So my question is, and I have done some research on it within XDA, but wanted to seek the guidance of someone who has done this sort of work. What are my best options for creating and getting this app developed, running, and installed within android and iOS?
Hopefully I am asking this in the correct forum location, if not, please advise me where to post.
Thank You very much!
newman79 said:
Hello everyone. I have a quick question...
I currently own and operate a valet parking company and I am looking to have an app created that will give our guests the ability to either scan, using QR scanner, or send a text to a dedicated device so that we can have their vehicle up front and ready for them, 15-20 minutes before they walk out the door.
That is the basics of it, and I know there are other apps in the playstore which do this sort of operation, but I want to create my own.
So my question is, and I have done some research on it within XDA, but wanted to seek the guidance of someone who has done this sort of work. What are my best options for creating and getting this app developed, running, and installed within android and iOS?
Hopefully I am asking this in the correct forum location, if not, please advise me where to post.
Thank You very much!
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You can post your requirement on freelancer dot com and set your price. many freelancers are available to do the work.
Once the app is developed, you can publish your app in google play.
theBlueRed said:
You can post your requirement on freelancer dot com and set your price. many freelancers are available to do the work.
Once the app is developed, you can publish your app in google play.
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Click to collapse
Great, thank you!

I need knowledge

greetings, i'm student who has recently started to develop android applications on Eclipse, first that nothing i want to ask everyone ,
where do you think is better to develop appilications on eclipse or android estudio? ,
i want to know if there is a recommendation for book's about android develop ,
is there a page, video or a book who explain about how to use social networks as facebook in an android app
the last question is about , i recently finish a certified on movil applications, but my school does not offer a good one so, mine knowledge is short, to short i would said, so i start this project on my school about an app who tell the students all the events or notifications about school, but, i want to know if i can download that information from the oficial page on facebook
you may think why i want a application if facebook do the work? well not all stuents like facebook and not all of them check it often so with a special app it would be a better wait to communicate the information in my school
i would appreciate any kind of help, thanks.
ps. i from mexico , so if my grammar have error i would appreciate if you can correct them.
Thread closed

