Best MySQL App? - General Questions and Answers

I want to be able to run queries on a remote database. Is there an SQL application out there that is similar to MySQL Workbench for PC? Or at least the SQL Editor that is part of MySQL Workbench?


Share Killtest 000-033 Questions and Answers

There are 201 questions and answers in killtest IBM 000-033 test. Share some below.
Which user account is required in the LDAP registry for configuring access to IBM Tivoli Application Dependency Discovery Manager V7.2, its objects, and its services?
Which command can be executed on an IBM Tivoli Application Dependency Discovery Manager server to verify that WMI has been correctly configured on a Windows gateway server?

[Q] Offline database + sync

we have Web and desktop applications that uses MS SQL server database. Now we would like to develop iPhone/iPad application that would use the same data. However the problem is that our users are supposed to be able to use this app in the places where the internet connection is not available. We decided to use SQL lite and sync the data beetween MS SQL Server and SQL Lite.
So, my question is: Is there any framework for synchronization? Or any other solution or best practices?
I am pretty sure that this situation is quite common and we are not the first who stuck with that problem...

[Q] Sync database of android app with web server database

I am a noob in android development, I developed an android application using sqlite database. I have same application on web server in php using mysql database. I want to sync the changes of whole database(including all six tables) on web server with my android app database. How do I do it? I need to know how do i check if there is some updation in web server database and if there is some updation then how do i get those updations to my android database automatically.
Is there a way to do it without GCM and SyncAdapter?

[Q] Sync database of android app with web server database

I am a noob in android development, I developed an android application using sqlite database. I have same application on web server in php using mysql database. I want to sync the changes of whole database(including all six tables) on web server with my android app database. How do I do it? I need to know how do i check if there is some updation in web server database and if there is some updation then how do i get those updations to my android database automatically.
Is there a way to do it without GCM and SyncAdapter?
AnilSRawat said:
I am a noob in android development, I developed an android application using sqlite database. I have same application on web server in php using mysql database. I want to sync the changes of whole database(including all six tables) on web server with my android app database. How do I do it? I need to know how do i check if there is some updation in web server database and if there is some updation then how do i get those updations to my android database automatically.
Is there a way to do it without GCM and SyncAdapter?
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hello there, I'm not sure if this is what you are looking for but it seems to reference what you are questioning.
hope it helps. it has videos and code examples. sorry for external link.

How to connect android chat application with web chat application?

I am developing a chat application in web as well as in android. All the things have completed on web portal, I used nodejs and redis server for that. Now on android side I have very little experience, but some how managed to create a simple chat application using XMPP and openfire and also connected my Openfire with MYsql database. I can see Openfire users and tables in my Mysql database. But what I want is to connect both web and android apps, like facebook messanger app.. But I don't know how to connect both. I don't want to create user ID's in openfire as those are already in user table.
Or m I doing this in wrong way, should I use common protocol on both web and android?
Please guide me, if someone have done this before.

