zune streaming problems, arrive or wp7? - HTC 7 Pro

Hey everybody, I am having some issues here, not sure if it is a problem with wp7 in general, or specific to arrive. I have Zune pass and absolutely love it, ability to stream music via Zune on the background kind of makes up for no Pandora or background play with other streaming apps such as slacker or last fm. My problem is with how choppy Zune streaming is right now for me. If I'm on evdo streaming basically stops when I get a text and it would say opening for about 10 seconds before usually skipping the song altogether... Now, I get that data connection is idle when text comes in due to no simultaneous voice and data being available on cdma but I've never had that big of an issue with streaming apps and Android. Over WiFi, same thing but not as bad, which really puzzles me as there should not be a problem while on WiFi?
Is this issue specific to arrive or all windows phone 7 phones have that problem? It seems as if I'm browsing the web, Zune rarely streams at all. Would going to att and getting Samsung focus fix this?


HTC Streaming Media only works in foreground?

Does anyone know a tweak to make the HTC Streaming Media app continue to work when the back light is off, or the screen is locked etc...
It just stops playing on my Diamond when streaming and not in the foreground.
Thanks in advance
I have the same problem with my HTC elfin. I have tried several of the possible fixes listed in these forums; however, none have worked perfectly so far. I can listen to streaming internet radio fine without lossing connection; however, I can't listent to music from my shared folder's over my home network without loosing connection after the first song. The first song will play until the end but the network connection is lost as soon as the device goes to sleep and will not play any of the next songs in the list. I would also love to finally have a fix for this.

[Q] Help me switch to WP7!

So I got my hands on a Samsung Focus and decided to give WP7 a shot. Much to my surprise, I can't put the phone down. I've gone so far as to pull the SIM from my Galaxy Nexus and started using the Focus as my daily driver.
However, as with anything I have a few gripes (which I hope have resolutions). Any help would be appreciated!
Streaming music is dodgy at best. I've used wpFandora, Metro Radio, and Zune Pass and with all of them I get constant drops, song skips due to buffering problems, etc. I don't have these problems on Android or iOS devices. So, is this inherent to WP7 or maybe just the Focus?
Is there any way to prevent screen time out in music apps? I use my phone while driving, and having to wake it and unlock it to change media is troublesome and dangerous.
Bluetooth. When paired to a BT headset, there's no ringtone played on the headset. If I'm listening to music and the phone rings, it mutes the music (but doesn't appear to PAUSE) and that's it. The only ring is from the phone itself, nothing over BT
Really, that's it for me. I really hope these are fixable and/or device specific because I'm salivating to pick up a Lumia 900 once its available!
Sent from my SGH-i917 using XDA Windows Phone 7 App
Not sure I can help you with the first. I use T-Mobile, so my coverage is poorer than your but my network less saturated, and I almost never have trouple with streaming Zune Pass.
Press the Volume rocker once, either up or down, while at the lock screen. This will show the media controls, and allow you to pause or skip music (and change volume, of course). True apps can also disable the screen time-out (I don't think there's an option in the built-in player), though the effect on battery will be significant.
It takes the phone a second (literally, as in about 1000 ms) to sync to the headset when a call comes in. After that, the headset will either play the ringtone or text-to-speech the caller, depending on the headset and the settings on the phone. Also, on music playback that supports Pause (i.e. Zune Pass streaming, but not radio), the phone will pause music playback when a call arrives.
HTC HD7, build 7720 (quite out of date, by intention; your Focus should be on a newer version). It's possible the problems you are having are Focus specific. For example, there used to be a really bad bug where the Focus would vary the Bluetooth volume continuously while on a call, making it sometimes impossible to hear. I thought they fixed that though...
definately make sure that focus has all the updates installed (including firmware)
Also since you like streaming - check out tune in radio. it finds all the local stations around here and even tells you when shows are on like bob and tom.
Granted, if you have a headset plugged in you can also use the fm radio.
Streaming is normally not a problem at all. Might be the network towers you are on, but then other phones on att / verizon or whatever should have the same issue.
update all your focues firmware to get best experience out of it

Bluetooth streaming to car stereo

Im using my Nexus 5 to stream Google Play Music (all access) to my Jaguar XF (Meridian system).
I can connect fine, and music streams, but i get the odd 'drop' that lasts for a second or less. There doesnt seem to be a pattern to it. It happens on locally stored music as well as 'streamed' so i dont think its a 'cloud' issue.
Anyone seen anything similar ? i am trying to see if it happens when an email comes in, or an SMS, or some similar issue but i cant spot anything.
Unsure therefore whether its a Nexus 5 hardware issue ? an app issue ? a bluetooth issue ? a Jaguar issue ?
wilbur-force said:
...Unsure therefore whether its a Nexus 5 hardware issue ? an app issue ? a bluetooth issue ? a Jaguar issue ?
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I experience the same thing from time to time. When I first researched the problem, I read that Google Play Music, for some reason, uses a data connection even when playing tracks that are on the device. I then saw that the hiccups occurred only during times when the signal was weak or changing bands. Have you noticed what kind of connection you have when the skipping occurs?
You should trying using another music player. I noticed that skipping issue on GPM on all my car and trucks. I use Power Amp and i have no issues, but i guess if you are streaming directly from GPM thats your only option.
Most definitely happening from streaming instead of playing from the sd card. Even then you have to force the phone to use from Device Only as leaving All Music chosen will still try to stream music you already have on the phone. And even further still if you decide to try to do a random playback list you can't go into the queue and chose a song without being connected to data. It's completely stupid. Not really sure what you could do though seeing as you use the All Access service.
Thanks both.
I will try another player to test the theory. it would be a shame if its GPM as I got the £7.99 deal and Im very impressed with it to be honest. particularly as i subscribed on a shared account to wife and kids all get access too
I've never had this happen with my N5 while streaming BT audio using Google Play Music, but I only play On Device music so no data connection is required for me....
signal was weak or changing bands.........
wilbur-force said:
Im using my Nexus 5 to stream Google Play Music (all access) to my Jaguar XF (Meridian system).
I can connect fine, and music streams, but i get the odd 'drop' that lasts for a second or less. There doesnt seem to be a pattern to it. It happens on locally stored music as well as 'streamed' so i dont think its a 'cloud' issue.
Anyone seen anything similar ? i am trying to see if it happens when an email comes in, or an SMS, or some similar issue but i cant spot anything.
Unsure therefore whether its a Nexus 5 hardware issue ? an app issue ? a bluetooth issue ? a Jaguar issue ?
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I've only noticed this when I receive some sort of notification and I don't have the device on Silent/Vibrate. But I have noticed that when occasionally streaming that the quality/sound drops and then picks right back up. I'm sure that will have to do with me driving around and it relying on network.

[Q] Audio Pause when connecting to WiFi

I've got a weird problem with my Nexus 5.
When I listen to audio (typically with BeyondPod, but also with Google Play Music and ES Media Player) the audio sometimes pauses.
After a while I have noticed a pattern. It appears that the playback pauses when the device connects to / disconnects from a WiFi network.
I have also occasionally experienced it with WiFi switched off. I haven't analysed in detail when it happens, but it appears to happen when GSM connection is acquired / lost.
Is this a 'known problem'?
Is there any known workaround?
I get this with streaming app Spotify.
I've put it down to a kernel issue, I'm using Franco kernel and some other users have mentioned it also
Used to have this problem with the Franco kernel as well. Don't have the problem anymore now, but can't explain why.
If you are streaming, then of course changes in connectivity will result in an interruption, no? I assume the problem does not occur when playing music located on the device?
PhilipTD said:
If you are streaming, then of course changes in connectivity will result in an interruption, no? I assume the problem does not occur when playing music located on the device?
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True! But I should have been more specific.
This is happening when listening to music offline so they are local files.
I read an idea that the phone prioritises the switch from WiFi to Data (this is the only time when my stutter occurs, leaving the house and coming back) and so music playback stutters very briefly as a result.
outofthisworld said:
...This is happening when listening to music offline so they are local files...
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Ah, that's why I asked. I seem to remember reading somewhere that when playing music with Google Play Music, the app requires connectivity even when playing local files. If that is indeed the case, then connecting/disconnecting could cause the interruption. So, I suppose the next step would be to test with a music player.
Further clarifiaction
Just to clarify further:
What I'm experiencing is not a 'stutter', but a pause. - I have to manually restart the playback.
I only listen to 'local' media - not streamed. I don't know how it reacts when streaming.
I'm using stock 4.4.2 (rooted).
Popup-ch said:
Just to clarify further:
What I'm experiencing is not a 'stutter', but a pause. - I have to manually restart the playback.
I only listen to 'local' media - not streamed. I don't know how it reacts when streaming.
I'm using stock 4.4.2 (rooted).
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I see. Sorry I misunderstood.
PhilipTD said:
If you are streaming, then of course changes in connectivity will result in an interruption, no? I assume the problem does not occur when playing music located on the device?
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As I drift out of WiFi range and into data my streaming music doesn't pause. The song loads at the beginning I assume and ends up seamless during the network transfer.
Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
bblzd said:
As I drift out of WiFi range and into data my streaming music doesn't pause. The song loads at the beginning I assume and ends up seamless during the network transfer.
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You're probably right - it must at least buffer ahead.
I am having the exact same problem as the OP. I get pauses whenever my Nexus 5 goes from wi-fi to cellular, cellular to no signal, etc. It happens with many different apps like Pocket Casts, Google Play Music, DoggCatcher, Poweramp, both streaming and local file playback. Drives me nuts, especially when I am in the car. Used to happen with my Nexus 4 too.
The ONLY fix I have come up with (I am completely stock/un-rooted) is to download podcasts or playlists and play in Airplane Mode. This completely fixes the issue, but is not practical as I have to stay offline whilst listening to audio.
Also worth noting, it doesn't happen when I am playing local video files, e.g. a video podcast. If there is anyone that can help please do as at this rate I am going to have to start carrying an iPod touch around, and I have enough gadgetry already.
meatierwhore said:
I am having the exact same problem as the OP. I get pauses whenever my Nexus 5 goes from wi-fi to cellular, cellular to no signal, etc. It happens with many different apps like Pocket Casts, Google Play Music, DoggCatcher, Poweramp, both streaming and local file playback. Drives me nuts, especially when I am in the car. Used to happen with my Nexus 4 too.
The ONLY fix I have come up with (I am completely stock/un-rooted) is to download podcasts or playlists and play in Airplane Mode. This completely fixes the issue.
Also worth noting, it doesn't happen when I am playing local video files, e.g. a video podcast. If there is anyone that can help please do as at this rate I am going to have to start carrying an iPod touch around, and I have enough gadgetry already.
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Didn't think of testing Spotify offline with aeroplane mode turned on. Will try
meatierwhore said:
I am having the exact same problem as the OP. I get pauses whenever my Nexus 5 goes from wi-fi to cellular, cellular to no signal, etc. It happens with many different apps like Pocket Casts, Google Play Music, DoggCatcher, Poweramp, both streaming and local file playback. Drives me nuts, especially when I am in the car. Used to happen with my Nexus 4 too.
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I'm glad to hear that I'm not the only one experiencing this. My guess is that there must be some app that receives a notification when the connectivity changes, and for some reason pauses playback. Maybe if we can cross-reference installed apps we could find the offender?
Is there an easy way to see what apps are installed?
Popup-ch said:
I'm glad to hear that I'm not the only one experiencing this. My guess is that there must be some app that receives a notification when the connectivity changes, and for some reason pauses playback. Maybe if we can cross-reference installed apps we could find the offender?
Is there an easy way to see what apps are installed?
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I have tasker. Tasks include: WiFi near, cell near and wifi connected
Haven't tried airplane mode yet, been v forgetful
outofthisworld said:
I have tasker. Tasks include: WiFi near, cell near and wifi connected
Haven't tried airplane mode yet, been v forgetful
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I used to use Tasker, but I don't any more.
I tried to use 'Autorun Manager' to see what intents are captured and by whom, but I quickly got lost...
No audio skipping/stutter when using Spotify offline mode after turning airplane mode on.
Suddenly the problem disappeared!
I was clearing out a bunch of games that the kids had installed, and then I realised that the problem was gone!
I haven't done any serious analysis to pinpoint the culprit yet, though.
Sent from my Nexus 5 using XDA Free mobile app
Popup-ch said:
Suddenly the problem disappeared!
I haven't done any serious analysis to pinpoint the culprit yet, though.
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I may have to try to analyse it again, as the problem reappeared suddenly this morning! I haven't installed any new software for weeks, but it could of course be part of some update.

Android, BBC Sounds and WiFi

Slightly obscure one here. I hope that someone can help!
I have a Samsung SM-A405FN and run BBC Sounds. Occasionally the 'phone will start to 'play' BBC radio with no prompting from me - it will spontaneously start for no apparent reason. The most recent time was at 5.0am this morning when Mrs 2B and I were asleep and my 'phone was charging in the bedroom.
More detail:
At home I have a number of ChromeCast Audio devices. I will commonly start listening to a radio station on ChromeCast from my 'phone whereupon the audio output moves from the 'phone to the ChromeCast. I understand that the audio is not playing from the 'phone, rather that the 'phone is instructing the ChromeCasts to hook up to the BBC and play the radio.
Sometimes I will leave the ChromeCasts to play for many days; the amplifiers turn off overnight and when I turn them on the radio comes on instantly. Just what I want.
My suspicion (and this is only a suspicion) is that when the audio spontaneously plays from the 'phone then it is in some way due to this; for some reason it thinks that the audio is no longer playing from the ChromeCasts and hence plays it from the 'phone. Quite often when I leave the house (and hence away from the home WiFi) then the 'phone will start to play R4 in my pocket (i.e the same problem).
So I guess my question is whether anyone else has experienced this and has an explanation? Failing that, how does Android cope with playing BBC Sounds via ChromeCasts and WiFi drop outs? Is a WiFi dropout an explanation for this? (If it is then the next question is why should the WiFi dropout at 5.0am when it has been stable from 11.0pm to that time?)
Of course my suspicion could be entirely wrong.
Three other things which may help:
- I rebuilt the 'phone from scratch last week because it was doing this. And it's doing exactly the same thing again. I DIDN'T import the settings from before when I rebuilt it; it was a clean rebuild after which I re-installed most of the same apps as I had before (including Google Home and BBC Sounds).
- My wife has the same model of 'phone and largely the same software installed (BBC Sounds and Google Home), but hers doesn't do this.
- I have also had problems with playlists played from Amazon Music and iBroadcast stopping half way through when playing on ChromeCast and not progressing to the next track and wonder if this is related as well.
All help welcomed, thanks.

