[REQ] Wifi recovery.img - Xoom Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Can someone who's rooted their wifi xoom grab me a copy of the stock recovery partition?
You can grab it from an adb shell with something like
dd if=/dev/block/mmcblk0p6 of=/mnt/sdcard/Download/recovery.img​and then
adb pull /mnt/sdcard/Download/recovery.img​

Yes, please give us a copy of the stock recovery partition from WiFi Xoom.

umm not sure if this worked or not but i used the commands you gave and this is what it pulled

Here ya go.

Thanks so much!!
By playing around with my recovery partition, I was able to pull the stock system and boot images from my wifi xoom! I didn't want to mess with my recovery partition until I had a good copy to restore.
I've thrown my images up in the Developer section.


110 Error RUU 1.56 Fix - 100% unroot too!

Update - 2/21/2011
If you have bricked an HTC EVO this will likely NOT work for you and this is the wrong info to be reading. I have gotten a few emails from this link about EVO 110 errors.
12/26/2010 - This thread is super old now:
If you ran the 1.56 RUU and your phone no longer turns on visit htc.com, go to support, choose Hero (Sprint) and download the 2.1 system update.
Remove battery from your phone and start it up again, then run the exe file that you just downloaded -
------All the info below is kept for reference -------
(As of 3/31/2010 - I am 10 for 10 for getting these back and working!! 3/3 of going back to 100% stock)
Edit: I have no longer kept track... its been over a month and I know personally I've done about 15 more of these... with about half being return to stock.
If you need to contact me, PLEASE EMAIL instead of using private messages, it'll probably turn into a google talk chat anyways, so add me on there, [email protected] (Its just easier than having to log in here and reply to private messages, since I get emails on the go as well.)
So you just ran the 1.56 RUU and got a 110 error. Now your screen turns on and stays black and if you plug the phone into USB you see the HTC logo. Unplug it and see the RUU menu.
Like you, I decided to attempt to roll back using the RUU 1.56. I was hit with the 110 error, and nothing but fastboot would work, I was able to launch ./fastboot-mac oem boot to get into the system.
I tried ./fastboot-mac boot image/bootname.img and a billion other things like everyone else who is having the issue, but just like them I had no success. In the second post below are the steps to resolve this issue. This will either take you to your first Nandroid backup or to whatever ROM you choose to flash once you get recovery back. I have not found a way to get back to 100% stock, but at least your phone wont be a brick.
EDIT:As of 3/30/2010 @ 8:30 PM I was able to get my phone completely 100% to stock. I was able to do this by retrieving a Nandroid restore from someone who used flashrec to make their initial backup. This restore does not touch the recovery image but I was able to boot into my recovery then write the HTC recovery back on top of it. I now have 100% un-rooted phone. See Post number 2 for the right way to do this.?
I've helped a few people over log me in now.
I'm willing to continue doing this but it is cutting into my family time, I will do this for a "respectable" amount of money.
Feel like I've helped you??
Buy me some coffee!
(Zip attached includes fix and stock folders. Use the fix folder FIRST to get completely booted. You can use the stock folder if you want to get 100% stock after you have a running unrooted system but have RA recovery.)
Steps to resolve:
(You SHOULD have a Nandroid backup of some sort, if not download a ROM... Fresh1.1??)
1) Boot the phone to black screen
2) Plug phone into PC/MAC - The HTC logo should appear at this point
---- If you've been doing anything else, rerun the RUU and let it fail and reboot to the HTC logo.
3) PC - fastboot oem boot | MAC - ./fastboot oem boot
(Make sure you turn on USB Debugging under Settings --> Applications --> Developer)
4) Root your phone using asroot2
adb push asroot2 /data/local/
adb shell chmod 0755 /data/local/asroot2
adb shell
/data/local/asroot2 /system/bin/sh
mount -o remount,rw -t yaffs2 /dev/block/mtdblock3 /system
cd /system/bin
cat sh > su
chmod 4775 su
5) This is where your Nandroid backup comes into play.
(Browse to your nandroid folder, find your first backup and copy all of the .img files except system and cache to your SD card root directory)
NOTE: At this point you should dismount the SD card if you mounted inside of Android OS(Sense/Launcher)
6) run adb shell (PC - adb shell | Mac - ./adb shell)
7) type su
8) Run the following commands (if you get out of memory errors, type su again and try once more)
NOTE: Do not copy the "#"'s in the commands, the # just means you are running as SU, as opposed to the "$"
# flash_image recovery /sdcard/recovery.img
# flash_image boot /sdcard/boot.img
# flash_image misc /sdcard/misc.img
9) now... type reboot recovery
This time you should get your recovery menu, should have been RA or whatever you used... from there I did a complete nandroid restore and my system booted.
Also, after I did this I did try to let it boot without doing a recovery and it wouldnt go anywhere... but I'm fairly impatient... it may have wanted to load. I figured it best to do an entire Nandroid restore though.
100% Stock Configuration Work Around
Non-Rooted Nandroid Backup:
I was able to get my phone completely 100% to stock. I was able to do this by retrieving a Nandroid restore from someone who used flashrec to make their initial backup. This restore does not touch the recovery image but I was able to boot into my recovery then write the HTC recovery back on top of it. I now have 100% un-rooted phone. I'm not sure how to go about posting a 127MB file, what do you think it the best place?
After restoring the Nandroid backup I tried this:
Dustan-Bonneys-MacBook:tools dustanbonney$ ./adb shell
$ su
su: permission denied
Then I rebooted to recovery (I used RA 1.5.2)
Dustan-Bonneys-MacBook:tools dustanbonney$ ./adb remount
remount succeeded
Dustan-Bonneys-MacBook:tools dustanbonney$ ./adb shell
/ # mount -a
mount: mounting /dev/block/mmcblk0p2 on /system/sd failed: No such file or directory
/ # cd /sdcard
/sdcard # flash_image recovery /sdcard/Stock/recovery.img
flashing recovery from /sdcard/Stock/recovery.img
/sdcard # reboot recovery
I was booted to the Triangle and exclamation mark... I pulled the battery and booted up normally.
Stock Kernel - 2.6.27-533ce29d [email protected] )
Stock Build - 1.56.651.2 CL85027 release-keys
Other things that should be mentioned:
If you used RA 1.6.2 - I was unable to get my boot.img or the stock boot.img from the RUU's rom.zip to flash back to the recovery partition. I had to use the RA 1.6.2.img and "flash_image recovery /sdcard/recoverynamegoeshere.img"
It seems that if you've flashed the radio update, the RUU does not write the radio back successfully. Others have had issues going back to the stock radio using the upgrade.zip option as well.
I attempted to use the boot.img, recovery.img, from the RUU's rom.zip with no success. I might try it again. I was able to get to stock recovery (Triangle and exclamation) and to the Hboot menu... but from hboot I had to run the RUU and rebrick the device cause I couldnt get anything at that point, even fastboot oem boot wouldnt load.
There have been times when I get weird issues writing the flash recovery, boot, or misc and when you reboot and load "fastboot oem boot" it wont look like it goes anywhere.... check "adb devices" and your device should be listed. From there do an "adb remount" and then "adb shell" and reflash once more and then "reboot recovery".
If all else fails, I'm available for a small fee.
[email protected]
Anxiously waiting your news. Just encountered this problem today.
Updated ...
imekul said:
Anxiously waiting your news. Just encountered this problem today.
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Wow! If you've fixed this, I think you're everyone's hero now. We won't have to worry about using the RUU now
I was going to try something similar to this today, but i was unable to brick my phone using the 1.56.651.2 RUU. I was running Flipz updated radio and DamageControl v2.0r2.. The RUU completed successfully..
I was reading over the forum post in http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=645002 and i read that you could boot the system using the command 'fastboot oem boot' I was going to try to use FlashRec to do the work of Flashing the recovery, then booting into recovery and use nandroid.. but you beat me to it! Good work!
I attempted flashing a new recovery image this way with no avail... I also attempted only
flash_image recovery /sdcard/recovery.img
and still was unable to boot the phone into recovery. I think it had to have been something with doing boot.img and recovery.img at the same time... I dont know what the misc.img does and I'm assuming data.img is userdata... but I did them all and then it worked...
Other users also tried flashrec and with no success... right track though.
chavo2005 said:
I was going to try something similar to this today, but i was unable to brick my phone using the 1.56.651.2 RUU. I was running Flipz updated radio and DamageControl v2.0r2.. The RUU completed successfully..
I was reading over the forum post in http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=645002 and i read that you could boot the system using the command 'fastboot oem boot' I was going to try to use FlashRec to do the work of Flashing the recovery, then booting into recovery and use nandroid.. but you beat me to it! Good work!
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What do u mean by 3) PC - fastboot oem boot | MAC - oem boot?
blankd3ckskat3r said:
What do u mean by 3) PC - fastboot oem boot | MAC - oem boot?
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if your using a pc type fastboot oem boot
if your using a mac type ./fastboot oem boot
Thanks Regaw
regaw_leinad said:
if your using a pc type fastboot oem boot
if your using a mac type ./fastboot oem boot
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Trying this right now.
So far, am getting lots of "mtd: write error" and "mtd: re-read error" Out of memory errors for flashing the recovery image. Guess I'll give this some time, and try to su again and reflash? Or should I kill it as soon as the Out of memory errors pop up and try again?
If you get errors like...
adb shell
flash_image recovery .........
(out of memory... etc)
just su again... so you really su twice
its what I had to do.
imekul said:
Trying this right now.
So far, am getting lots of "mtd: write error" and "mtd: re-read error" Out of memory errors for flashing the recovery image. Guess I'll give this some time, and try to su again and reflash? Or should I kill it as soon as the Out of memory errors pop up and try again?
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Trying it a second time, and so far am getting a bunch of Out of memory errors. After the first one "finished," I did as you recommended and typed "su" a second time, and then typed the "flash_image recovery /sdcard/recovery.img" command.
So far, looks like it's giving the same errors the second time around.
This second attempt, it ended with "error writing recovery: No space left on device."
Just to be sure, I checked the SD card, and that has over 1 GB of free space.
If you're willing to allow something like logmein.com or some way for me to remote assist you, I would like to try. [email protected] if you're in.
imekul said:
This second attempt, it ended with "error writing recovery: No space left on device."
Just to be sure, I checked the SD card, and that has over 1 GB of free space.
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Sounds awesome. Thanks. I'll e-mail you now.
Dun Dun Dun... The results are in!
imekul said:
Sounds awesome. Thanks. I'll e-mail you now.
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dfbonney is the man!!
After a friendly little session on LogMeIn Express, I am good as new! How awesome!!
imekul said:
dfbonney is the man!!
After a friendly little session on LogMeIn Express, I am good as new! How awesome!!
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We ended up just needing to run
adb shell
fastboot oem boot
adb shell
//flash commands here
that seemed to do it. so make sure if you're having issues to restart the device and try again!
Edit: Also, we didnt get data.img to work so we only did boot, recovery, and misc.img's

[DEV] Custom Recovery P500/Thunderg

Full release post is here and I'll update at xda soon.
I got all the bugs worked out thanks alahkel & fughy for testing and of course Amon-Ra for original source.
New link version 2.2.1 Version 2.2.1
New version 3.06 Version 3.06
Thanks to you for the whole great work you've done!
We really appreciate that.
really GREAT WORK !!!!
Please, i need some info, how use adb on P500.
Absolute AWESOME!!!
Thanks !
works like a charm. I have installed your custom recovery. Backed up everything with nandroid, tried KeruROM, flashed back my original branded ROM from nandroid backup.
Everything works. I'm not going to try flash back my original recovery mtd, there is no reason to do it, but have a dd backup just in case. I don't know if it is safe to tamper with recovery mtd, cause I'm not sure if it is re-flashed after every system shutdown. I don't think so, cause I haven't found recovery.img in /system.
I have two questions regarding flashing custom recovery. I haven't used this command:
# mv /system/etc/install-recovery.sh /system/etc/install-recovery.sh.bak
cause, i didn't found this script on my phone. Is it ok?
Second question: Is it mandatory to copy flash_image to /system/bin with this command?
cat /sdcard/flash_image > /system/bin/flash_image
Can't we use /data/local/tmp directory and running flash_image from there as we used in the process of rooting the phone? This way we don't have to remount /system in rw and do not have to modify it.
Now I'm going to explore ROM modding ;-)
Vintersorg said:
Thanks !
works like a charm. I have installed your custom recovery. Backed up everything with nandroid, tried KeruROM, flashed back my original branded ROM from nandroid backup.
Everything works. I'm not going to try flash back my original recovery mtd, there is no reason to do it, but have a dd backup just in case. I don't know if it is safe to tamper with recovery mtd, cause I'm not sure if it is re-flashed after every system shutdown. I don't think so, cause I haven't found recovery.img in /system.
I have two questions regarding flashing custom recovery. I haven't used this command:
# mv /system/etc/install-recovery.sh /system/etc/install-recovery.sh.bak
cause, i didn't found this script on my phone. Is it ok?
Second question: Is it mandatory to copy flash_image to /system/bin with this command?
cat /sdcard/flash_image > /system/bin/flash_image
Can't we use /data/local/tmp directory and running flash_image from there as we used in the process of rooting the phone? This way we don't have to remount /system in rw and do not have to modify it.
Now I'm going to explore ROM modding ;-)
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Flash_image doesn't have to be there but for simplicity I put it there so it would be in ATH. The install-recovery.sh is an evil script that will rewrite a recovery on boot with stock recovery(that only is there on some phones after an official ota update) so rom markers please remove it if it exists.
Any chance the p509 optimus t is similar enough for this to work? I'm willing to be the guinea pig if it should work.
Joeseph Mother said:
Any chance the p509 optimus t is similar enough for this to work? I'm willing to be the guinea pig if it should work.
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Its close enough it has a very good chance of working but will take a guinea pig to verify. Kernel should be close enough to try. Only differences I saw in the ramdisk of p500 & p509 was model number and lang of en GB and en Us repectively. I had a bad/corrupt dump to work off of on the p509/T. I could use a good dump source with a md5sum to verify its not corrupted in uploading/downloading.
make sure you do this 1st to backup your stock recovery
from terminal or adb shell
dd if=/dev/mtd/mtd2 of=/sdcard/recovery-dump-T.img bs=4096
please upload that dump for me with a md5 too and I'll work on an official.
Can it be done without root? As normal user?
Thanks of all to drellisdee
I want to advertise that the custon recovery file is no more available at Media fire link that suggest us.
Waiting that the file will be restored is there someone that can upload it???
Thank's of all!!!
Are you just wanting kernel & recovery dumps, because I think I've already changed most other things on my system
Installs, starts off saying E:Bad boot message "
Button layout is correct.
Usb mounting works.
Wipe appears to have worked.
Backup fails with Error:Run 'nandroid-mobile.sh' via adb!
I was looking for just the custom recovery (recovery-RA-GNM-thunderg-1.1.0.img.zip). Now it's available again!!!!
I think that i 've to apply it anyway.
Then if you say that some new rom and kernel are incoming it could be great!!!!
I hope to learn the necessary to help in development ... in this time i accept your works...
Joeseph Mother said:
Installs, starts off saying E:Bad boot message "
Button layout is correct.
Usb mounting works.
Wipe appears to have worked.
Backup fails with Error:Run 'nandroid-mobile.sh' via adb!
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You get that error on nandroid if battery is below 30%
Joeseph Mother said:
Are you just wanting kernel & recovery dumps, because I think I've already changed most other things on my system
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yes I only need the recovery one.
ruigui said:
Can it be done without root? As normal user?
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It was last post on previous page... Can these backups be done as normal user, or must it be as root?
ruigui said:
It was last post on previous page... Can these backups be done as normal user, or must it be as root?
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Recovery menu?
Only with root settings....
drellisdee said:
You get that error on nandroid if battery is below 30%
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I wish it was that easy, battery was 90%.
Stock T recovery:
md5: b18bd6e79c7b962739816a2f1d4bdacf
personalweb said:
Recovery menu?
Only with root settings....
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You didn't understand. If i am working on a terminal emulator, must the following command be done as root or can it be done as normal user?
dd if=/dev/mtd/mtd2 of=/sdcard/recovery-dump-T.img bs=4096
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[Q] <HELP> deleted framework-res.apk [WiFi model]

Call me what ever you want, but it's too late...
I have a US WiFi Zoom and I accidentally deleted the "framework-res.apk" in /system/framework/, but I do have a backup in /mnt/sdcard/
Fastboot is still working, but I can no longer boot in recovery (I have/had CWM installed).
The normal startup get stuck on the boot screen.
As far as I understand you cannot flash a file directly from fastboot, but need a .zip file made in Linux for this purpose.
As I do not have skills, nor a Linux OS to build this, I would very much appreciate if someone could help out here, or direct me how to flash a file directly from fastboot.
Thanks in advance,
Get wifi system image and fastboot flash system system.img
Or if you have USB debugging enabled, just use adb to copy the framework-res
Thanks, sangreal06,
I believe the USB debugging is only getting me into the /mnt/ folder.
But, if I understand you right, I can grab roebeet's root-prepped and updated HRI66 system.img here:
and flash it by:
fastboot flash system system.hri66.rootprepped.img
fastboot reboot
After the device reboot, you will need adb to fix su permissions:
adb remount
adb shell chmod 6755 /system/bin/su
is this correct?
Yes, but that file is for 3G. It is not compatible with wifi model
Thanks, sangreal06, for catching that one, it probably saved me a lot of grief. I guess the one to use will be Scourge1024's:
Stock MZ604 (Xoom Wi-Fi) recovery.img
or, am I better way of waiting for the stock SBF, announced to arrive within short?
Also, will this require that I re-root?
Thanks in advance,
Boot into clockworkmod and flash the zip below.
How to get back into recovery: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1041192
File: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/18315605/XDA/Framework.zip
Thanks so much bwcorvus,
I'll d/l the recovery.img at [RECOVERY] ClockworkMod Recovery v3.0.2.5
It worked perfectly, I'm back! I guess that's a mistake I wont do again. I really owe you one, put it on my tab.

Recovery Problem.

I have problem with CWM v5.8.3.4, while i flash, restore, back, everything it still back to recovery mode, can`t do nothing.
CWM v5.8.3.4 -- Here is your problem, you used ROM manager to update recovery. There are red flags on this pretty much everywhere Dx
You've gotten into the bootloop, see my PERI tool (Link in sig) and try and run the bootloop-fix there, if you can get adb working. You can also try it manually (Again, adb permitting) in roach2010's recovery touch thread, he provides the fix there.
If you can't get adb working at all, you need to NvFlash back to stock, wheelie thread is again in my signature.
Good luck.
By the way, you can get back into Android by Cold-booting the system. Hold volume-down, then press power and keep holding volume-down till it boots. Don't press volume-up or anything else, that'll put you back into recovery.
I was tryin` but while i want to flash someting apx turning off and can`t do nothing :/ Erm, how to fix can`t use my tablet about 1 month
have you tried coldbooting ?
Hold power and volume down. Should get you out of recovery.
Yes, i do mate, and can`t do nothing. It dont see sd card and tablet memory :/
Okay I have the same problem, i used the cursed Rom Manager and now im stuck in the endless boot cycle, I can cold boot and I have tried to flash roachs cwm but nothing. Ive read where roach gives a code that might fix it, but i have no ideal what to do with that code or how to use it, and i see where thing o doom said the fix is in his signature but im not having much luck with that either. If you could maybe explain to me how im supposed to use roaches code or post the link that explains it here, I would sure appreciate it. Thank you.
Sent from my Transformer TF101 using XDA Premium HD app
Any ideas please? :/
Start an adb shell session with your computer connected, or in a terminal app on your tf, then run roaches fix (type it in) to the terminal app/adb shell session.
"then run roaches fix" u mean write app/adb shell session ?
And now i got another problem:
"E: Can`t mount /sdcard/
Biggest problem for now, i can`t turn on debuging :/
okay I opened terminal emulator on my tablet and typed in roaches fix exactly like it says
adb shell dd if=/dev/block/mmcblk0p3
and this popped up
*daemon not running. starting it now on port 5038*
*daemon started successfully*
error: device not found
255 [email protected]:/ $
what am i doing wrong? thank you so much for your continued help
Ive also tryed the peri and easy recovery with no luck, I think my bigest problem is i dont understand the adb thing, ive tryed searching about it and im lost.
That's the wrong dd command, dd consists of an if=/ then an of=/
Try this.
adb kill-server
adb start-server
adb devices
(you should see the tf, if not, bad drivers/not working connection, fix that first)
adb shell
su (Grant superuser permissions, if you can, and you'll see a # sign)
dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/block/mmcblk0p3
Then flash a new recovery by:
Download and extract recoveryblob from recovery.zip
adb kill-server
adb start-server
adb devices
adb push C:\path\to\recoveryblob /sdcard/
adb shell
su (you'll get # sign again)
dd if=/sdcard/recoveryblob of=/dev/block/mmcblk0p4
I have to thank you for your patience and continued help with my problem, but with that being said I must inform you that I am still completely lost. Im not a developer and I would not even consider myself remotely knowledgeable in the subject. I was just wanting a nice custom ROM and I had found one with cyanogen mod 9 but I messed up by using the Rom manager and now I'm screwed.
I can cold boot into my tablet, and on my tablet I have this computer emulator program, which i can type in the codes you mentioned, but I'm pretty sure that is not correct. what i need is a program like that on my computer, so far I found this link regarding adb, but I'm not sure if it is right direction.....
if this is the wrong direction, can you please point me in the right direction? again I am sorry for my ignorance and when this is all done I will be sure to buy you a freaking case of beer. Thank you
You can run the adb commands on your TF using the emulator app, but you'll need to directly download the recoveryblob used to flash.
Open terminal and run roach's fix (except instead of typing adb shell, you just start from su, then run the dd command from there, since you're already in the tf's 'shell')
dd if of etc
Then you'll need to reflash a recovery, so download Team Rouge's Recovery.zip then use ES file explorer app (download that) to extract the file called 'recoveryblob'. Take that file called 'recoveryblob' then copy it out of the downloads folder (still using ES file explorer) hit the favorites button then hit /sdcard/ (You don't need a microSD card to do this, /sdcard/ [For whatever reason ..] is the Internal storage. [/removable/microSD/ is the external]) then paste the recoveryblob right in /sdcard/.
Open up the terminal emulator and run
dd if=/sdcard/recoveryblob/ of=/dev/block/mmcblk0p4
That should give you recovery! (Then you can reflash a ROM or do whatever you need/Enjoy not having to cold-boot everytime)
Sent from my Tf101atron9000 using XDA Premium HD
Im stuck w8ing for You at Skype: )
Thanks for your info. TF now up and running without the need to cold boot. For information, I did not use a Rom Manager to flash the rom, I used CWM to flash the Gummy Rom.
I finally got my tf101 fixed and I learned something new. I just wanted to thank Thing of Doom for all of the help he offered me and without ever asking anything in return. Thanks.....
If anyone wants to know, here's what I did to fix nefem's completely FOUBAR TF101g.
First I tried NvFlash, then right at the flashing stage realized it's a tf101g Sbkv3, so that was out X.x
Then I uninstalled all the drivers and reinstalled them with PERI, got ADB working through recovery.
I had him try and flash a .zip file for a new recovery so I could run Roach's fix, but for whatever reason the CWM wouldn't mount the Internal storage (mmcblk0p7 or /sdcard/) so I manually pushed the recoveryblob to /sdcard/ and it seemed to work, but when I ran dd if=/sdcard/recoveryblob of=/dev/block/mmcblk0p4 it couldn't mount and find it.
The next thing I tried since internal was acting funky was looking at the log, I noticed that the directory was /system/sbin so I just pushed the recovery to there, adb push recoveryblob /system/sbin, then ran the same dd command with that directory and it worked. Then I just ran roach's fix normally and rebooted, he had rouge recovery!
That was the first part, his internal was still borked for some reason and Rouge couldn't mount it.
I tried various ADB mounts and they all failed, so eventually he put a MicroSD into his phone (or something else) I placed the ARHD superswipe script and a ROM w/ Guevor's kernel on there, then since rouge reads external, superwipe was able to completely format internal storage. From there it was an easy wipe and flash. Once we got a working ROM on there, we noticed that it was still getting stuck at the Eee pad logo (He could cold-boot). So I figured that his bootloader was still messed up, so we took the latest Tf101G stock blob, used the handy Rayman's blob tools to pull out the EBT (bootloader partition) blob, then directly flashed that with dd again through adb: dd if=/sdcard/blob (Removed the EBT extension, important) of=/dev/block/mmcblk0p4
Reboot, and finally it was booting optimally!
It was a tad of trial and error (The internal storage thing really had me confuzzled) but it all got fixed up in the end.
Hope this helps someone somewhere
Thing O Doom said:
If anyone wants to know, here's what I did to fix nefem's completely FOUBAR TF101g.
First I tried NvFlash, then right at the flashing stage realized it's a tf101g Sbkv3, so that was out X.x
Then I uninstalled all the drivers and reinstalled them with PERI, got ADB working through recovery.
I had him try and flash a .zip file for a new recovery so I could run Roach's fix, but for whatever reason the CWM wouldn't mount the Internal storage (mmcblk0p7 or /sdcard/) so I manually pushed the recoveryblob to /sdcard/ and it seemed to work, but when I ran dd if=/sdcard/recoveryblob of=/dev/block/mmcblk0p4 it couldn't mount and find it.
The next thing I tried since internal was acting funky was looking at the log, I noticed that the directory was /system/sbin so I just pushed the recovery to there, adb push recoveryblob /system/sbin, then ran the same dd command with that directory and it worked. Then I just ran roach's fix normally and rebooted, he had rouge recovery!
That was the first part, his internal was still borked for some reason and Rouge couldn't mount it.
I tried various ADB mounts and they all failed, so eventually he put a MicroSD into his phone (or something else) I placed the ARHD superswipe script and a ROM w/ Guevor's kernel on there, then since rouge reads external, superwipe was able to completely format internal storage. From there it was an easy wipe and flash. Once we got a working ROM on there, we noticed that it was still getting stuck at the Eee pad logo (He could cold-boot). So I figured that his bootloader was still messed up, so we took the latest Tf101G stock blob, used the handy Rayman's blob tools to pull out the EBT (bootloader partition) blob, then directly flashed that with dd again through adb: dd if=/sdcard/blob (Removed the EBT extension, important) of=/dev/block/mmcblk0p4
Reboot, and finally it was booting optimally!
It was a tad of trial and error (The internal storage thing really had me confuzzled) but it all got fixed up in the end.
Hope this helps someone somewhere
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I am having the same exact problem as him with the same amount of programming expertise....I was woundering if you could walk me through it personally as what you've typed above seems like it's in a different language. Thanks very much in advance.
datfinedude said:
I am having the same exact problem as him with the same amount of programming expertise....I was woundering if you could walk me through it personally as what you've typed above seems like it's in a different language. Thanks very much in advance.
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Sure if you'd like.
My Skype name is Datfinedude
Sent from my Triumph using xda premium

Need to flash a TWRP backup with fastboot

Hi. I have to flash a TWRP backup and can't do it thorugh custom recovery due I have a Yotaphone (the phone with a LCD screen by one side and a eInk screen by the other side) and the LCD screen is broken, so I have to use fastboot or adb (as far I know). I cannot even install a ROM because it needs the LCD screen for the first start.
The question if I can do it, cause I know it could be problems with formats.
(I asked this on Yotaphone specific xda forum but no one answered)
eReader Fan said:
Hi. I have to flash a TWRP backup and can't do it thorugh custom recovery due I have a Yotaphone (the phone with a LCD screen by one side and a eInk screen by the other side) and the LCD screen is broken, so I have to use fastboot or adb (as far I know). I cannot even install a ROM because it needs the LCD screen for the first start.
The question if I can do it, cause I know it could be problems with formats.
(I asked this on Yotaphone specific xda forum but no one answered)
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You would probably have better luck flashing the stock firmware or have someone with the same device create an adb backup then restore it via adb.
Or if you know which individual .img files you need, have them pull a copy of whichever individual .img files you need(for example: system, boot, etc) then fastboot flash them or use adb shell to dd the .imgs back onto your device in the partitions they belong in.
@Droidriven ,you are right about it would be easy to fash a stock rom, but the LCD screen is necessary for that due the first boot. Maybe I am a little lucky 'cause I live with person who has the same device as me.
I tried the adb backup -all but it seems to just make a backup of the personal data.
Making a dd backup patition would be the better, but for some reason my device isn't recognized as a MTP device and can only connect in PTP. Tried to change the configuration on the phone but still only works with PTP, and I think in PTP mode doesn't have a mounted folder where I can make this stuff.
What I don't know how to do is the dd within the adb shell. It will work connected in PTP mode?
eReader Fan said:
@Droidriven ,you are right about it would be easy to fash a stock rom, but the LCD screen is necessary for that due the first boot. Maybe I am a little lucky 'cause I live with person who has the same device as me.
I tried the adb backup -all but it seems to just make a backup of the personal data.
Making a dd backup patition would be the better, but for some reason my device isn't recognized as a MTP device and can only connect in PTP. Tried to change the configuration on the phone but still only works with PTP, and I think in PTP mode doesn't have a mounted folder where I can make this stuff.
What I don't know how to do is the dd within the adb shell. It will work connected in PTP mode?
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Is USB debugging enabled?
Yes, debuggind mode is on. In PTP mode, adb sees my device correctly, in MTP mode appears like ???????
I think maybe the answer is where that you mentioned about "adb shell". As long as I can't see the phone mounted in MTP mode it's the only way I see. Now I am searching for the way on pointing the dd output file outside the adb shell. So the process is:
-adb shell > dd partitions saving them outside the phone
-fastboot partition by partition
Another problem I have is to know which partion is each, 'cause with "mount" I don't get so much information and with "cat /proc/partitions" only have 13 partitions with their size and no more info. I am looking what to "adb push" that can help me. Maybe install busybox.
Trying to backup&restore without MTP, without access to the recovery nor SDcard... Harder is impossible!!!
eReader Fan said:
I think maybe the answer is where that you mentioned about "adb shell". As long as I can't see the phone mounted in MTP mode it's the only way I see. Now I am searching for the way on pointing the dd output file outside the adb shell. So the process is:
-adb shell > dd partitions saving them outside the phone
-fastboot partition by partition
Another problem I have is to know which partion is each, 'cause with "mount" I don't get so much information and with "cat /proc/partitions" only have 13 partitions with their size and no more info. I am looking what to "adb push" that can help me. Maybe install busybox.
Trying to backup&restore without MTP, without access to the recovery nor SDcard... Harder is impossible!!!
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This command in adb shell or Terminal Emulator should give you your partitions and names(obviously you'd type "su" then press enter then run this command)
ls -l /dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name/
The part with "msm.sdcc.1" might be different for your device. If that command doesn't work I'll help you find what needs to go in that part of the command for your device.
su is not found inside the adb shell, and I found this is cause is not rooted. I have to do it through TWRP in android 6.
As I said, I have two devices of my model so I hope I find time tomorrow for doing it. I also hope to can flashing it to the other device in fastboot mode or some way it doesn't need the main screen (remember I have a LCD screen and a eInk)
I will say something when I do the root. Thanks
Finally did it!
It appears each partitions clearly with the "ls" command you give to me. The question now is how to dd outside the phone. Have I to mount the pc inside the shell or what?
eReader Fan said:
Finally did it!
It appears each partitions clearly with the "ls" command you give to me. The question now is how to dd outside the phone. Have I to mount the pc inside the shell or what?
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adb shell should work to dd, you just need to make absolutely certain that you are dd-ing the correct .img to the correct partition(mmcblk0xx), the partition number would go where the xx is.
For example, my recovery.img would be flashed to mmcblk018(the number of my recovery partition.
If you dd an .img to the wrong partition, you'll brick the device, the command has to be exactly correct, no margin for error or easy fix if you get it wrong.
I know all this stuff, but first I need to make the .img of each partition, and I though with adb shell I could do a dd to outside the phone. The TWRP backup I have isn't .img files, they are .win files.
I searched again if its possible to do that and all I found is the xda thread about doing a workaround with adb forward and busybox. If there is no more options I will do that.
What I thought to do is create a backup of the needed partitions and save them in the userdata free space. I think this have to be possible, but as I cannot use the LCD screen I have to do the backup where I do not have to pass thorugh the first boot configuration, cause it is did in the LCD screen. Which partitions have I to backup? Only system and boot? Or there is another tool for creating .img backups?
EDIT: Also found the twrp adb possibilities (http://www.pocketables.com/2014/10/using-twrps-new-adb-interface.html) but have the same problems than with dd
I frequently modify boot and recovery partitions from within terminal app. Here's what I do to grab the boot partition for example(you likely want BusyBox installed first)
cat /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/boot >boot.img
dd if=/dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/boot of=boot.img
Make changes, then reverse the commands to write back. I think cat gives you a more verbatim copy for initially cloning a partition. I have had success with both.
The question that brought me here is what happens if i flash all partitions from a firmware archive and attempt to upgrade a whole system this way from twrp recovery.....

