With the help of sbrissen, i proudly present you with the Puzzle Mod!!! Its not the mod phidelt is working on. and yes...the reboot options still work!
=====================Must be on EB16/EB11/EC10 with cwm installed to use this!!!=======================
as normal...i am not responsible for what you do to your phone...flash at your own risk!!!
Flash This Mod After Flashing everything else you want so you dont nuke the Mod!!!
Instructions :
Download the file
Wipe dalvik
flash the new Mod
Wait 10000009478587 years for it to boot
and BOOM!!!! you have the puzzle unlock
no more stupid glass
EB16/EC10 Standalone : http://www.megaupload.com/?d=FWWWB0Q0
EB11 Standalone : http://www.megaupload.com/?d=I2EXFWDN
Credits got to sbrissen and phidelt82!!!! you guys better love them...maybe rub their butts!!!!
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA App
no problem, waiting for some1 to try a theme so i can see if they need to be re-ported, i use the mod in my theme too so idk and i finally have my phone where i want it, so i dont feel like testing that out...if any1 else would care to test it for me...plz
Is this based on EB16 PnP 0.3?
Are you able to release just the mod?
Swyped using USCC Mesmerize
based on pnp 0.2....dont know how to just release the mod till i talk to phidelt...im stupid sometimes...just wanna make sure i do it right
edit : testing to see if mod works alone
a lot of us are on 0.3 so you should put it in there. if it works on its own that would be better though lol
Sent from my SCH-I500 using Tapatalk
BakedTator said:
based on pnp 0.2....dont know how to just release the mod till i talk to phidelt...im stupid sometimes...just wanna make sure i do it right
edit : testing to see if mod works alone
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I doubt it will work standalone, the edit's are to the framework.jar file.... Why'd you base it on 0.2?
cause i didnt realize that pnp .3 was out...lol as least for us...fixing now and will reupload
im going to put it out in the pnp .3 rom and standalone incase anyone has troubles one was or the other....uploading both now
Updated OP with all newer versions
This doesn't change the add-ons that we've flashed, correct?
yes, when you use a theme, it breaks the puzzle lock.
Thanks Tator for all your help
jbreakfield said:
This doesn't change the add-ons that we've flashed, correct?
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this does remove addons that you have flash...if you flash the PnP with the mod...
you will have to reflash your addons found on the OP for the PnP for your phone
Dikvega said:
yes, when you use a theme, it breaks the puzzle lock.
Thanks Tator for all your help
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np vega...use the stand alone
Thank you dude! One question, say I wanted to taker off mods howe do I do that? re flash?
Swyped using USCC Mesmerize
cpfeifer said:
Thank you dude! One question, say I wanted to taker off mods howe do I do that? re flash?
Swyped using USCC Mesmerize
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yup...reflash the version of PnP that phidelt82 released
we have to port it to the themes first
Swyped from my Mesmerize
bdemartino said:
we have to port it to the themes first
Swyped from my Mesmerize
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shouldnt have to if you use the stand alone. the stand alones over right the android.policy.jar and that where the edits where made to make this mod happen
BakedTator said:
shouldnt have to if you use the stand alone. the stand alones over right the android.policy.jar and that where the edits where made to make this mod happen
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I was referring to
yes, when you use a theme, it breaks the puzzle lock.
Thanks Tator for all your help
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But yes I do understand that you can just flash the standalone after a theme. Thanks man!
bdemartino said:
But yes I do understand that you can just flash the standalone after a theme. Thanks man!
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no problem what-so-ever...im just happy to help everyone get the things they want...plz dont forget to thank sbrissen and phidelt82 everyone, for this mod
So I don't understand how this all works, they built the mod but you released it? Sorry if I got that wrong.. I'm just confused.
Swyped using USCC Mesmerize
I took no part in the making of this theme!! It is the handy work of 928Droid!!
I love the features of 2.2, but I not really fond of the stock look so I did some searching and found a pretty nice theme. It was originally made for the Droid but with very minor tweaks will work on the Nexus.
Download MetaMorph version Here in the first post.
Use the MetaMorph version and don't apply the services sub-theme and it should work perfectly.
Grab a services.jar from another Nexus theme and push it to system/framework so you will have the white clock and notifications.
Looks cool! Very sleek.
A port of the Black Glass theme he did would be much appreciated!
I wanted to install it but I didnt think it would work on my nexus.
i cant figure out which theme that is grrrrr
Bump'd it. Links up. I MM'd this on top of Kang-O-Rama froyo. Worked fine. FC loop when it got to "phone". If this happens to you, just reboot, go back to MM and start where it left off...skipping "services"
Update.zip of this theme
Made an update.zip for you guys that dont want to get involved in Metamorphing
@JupiterDroid : thank you, it works, but I've just lost my language for all android UI. Now I just can choose between US and Spanish, while I need french
Any workaround for me to get french langage back?
this theam is really awesome....... why cant we ask the original developer to have actual development in this section....
chowdarygm said:
this theam is really awesome....... why cant we ask the original developer to have actual development in this section....
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He is already a member of xda so who knows...
How to change the location of the file on which theme is applied.
For instance, how to change the path from /system/app to /data/app?
Where ever you are man...
Thank You for this theme , you got a very nice taste ...
JupiterDroid said:
Made an update.zip for you guys that dont want to get involved in Metamorphing
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did you already take the files down?
SiNJiN76 said:
did you already take the files down?
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The link in his post doesn't seem to be valid, but the link in his sig works just fine.
BlackElvis79 said:
The link in his post doesn't seem to be valid, but the link in his sig works just fine.
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Thanks...but he doesn't have a link in his sig.
SiNJiN76 said:
Thanks...but he doesn't have a link in his sig.
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wow, that was quick. THere was one there yesterday. Sorry bout that. I guess he pulled it.
can anyone port just that keyboard skin as an update.zip?
would be much appreciated
SiNJiN76 said:
Thanks...but he doesn't have a link in his sig.
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Here is the update.zip made by JupiterDroid. Again, I made no adjustments or mod to it, I'm just posting it for anyone who missed it.
BlackElvis79 said:
Here is the update.zip made by JupiterDroid. Again, I made no adjustments or mod to it, I'm just posting it for anyone who missed it.
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Yeah sorry guys,
Had a few problems with my mediafire account
would someone have time/interest in modding the notification tray to remove "droid" image? i'd like to post a bundled rom for noobs that includes this theme over kangorama...
lpasq said:
would someone have time/interest in modding the notification tray to remove "droid" image? i'd like to post a bundled rom for noobs that includes this theme over kangorama...
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...also the "droid does" in search widget
Thanks to invisiblek =)
here you go: http://www.mediafire.com/?se3bdls6zlg843l
all credit goes to haxzamatic
flash from recovery
$ md5sum GalaS-Beta-0.1-CM6-RC3-Inc-Port-signed.zip
80fd2f5e6d35f37562fb4d153a357162 GalaS-Beta-0.1-CM6-RC3-Inc-Port-signed.zip
refer to the original post (link in this thread's OP for cmparts_ui.xml, wallpapers, sounds, and other things that did not come over)
Thanks invisiblek for pointing out the theme porter, makes porting sooo much easier.
nfcrockett said:
Thanks invisiblek for pointing out the theme porter, makes porting sooo much easier.
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np, remember though, you will still need to manually copy xml files, as it only does png's
Could someone send me the CM6 HTCLockscreen.apk Please?
[email protected]
or host it here?
Will this theme work in Ruby 1.1.1?
Im running SR-RC3 and tryed to flash this via recovery and just got a bootloop. This is for the incredible correct? I use clockwork recovery method. It said it installed but then just got a boot loop. Can someone help would like to flash this theme to check it out.
Its only meant for CyanogenMod 6.
Sent from my Incredible using XDA App
flashed in in recovery on cm6 and all i got was a stupid bootloop
Is there any way that someone could send me the lockscreen.apk???
sirmims said:
flashed in in recovery on cm6 and all i got was a stupid bootloop
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What version of CM6? As far as I know this version is only supported up to RC3. The framework and several apps changed since then in the official releases which would cause a boot loop.
patchnauty said:
Is there any way that someone could send me the lockscreen.apk???
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There is no apk for the lockscreen in CM6. It is part of the framework.
Build 6.0.2 is there a galaxy mod that would work for it?
Oddity said:
There is no apk for the lockscreen in CM6. It is part of the framework.
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Thank you so much. Noone was able to answer that question
sirmims said:
Build 6.0.2 is there a galaxy mod that would work for it?
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Nope, if you would like to port one, by all means have fun! Scroll up a bit for a link to the theme porter. Otherwise if I get some time maybe ill update to cm6.0.2 and ruby 1.1.1 one of these days
So heres two of the themes I've ported lately.
Backup before you install, there might be minor 9patch issues, you might need to change your cmparts colors!... and please don't complain about something missing.
Soon I'll release a way for just about any theme to be injected into your rom with out have to worry about frameworks, roms and the other issues that arise from theme porting... this will be built off of the script I'm using now. Why not release this script? because its tricky to use and I'm going to make it friendlier to use by putting a gui on it.
These or for cm6 stable.
I take no credit for these themes only the port.
I won't be doing nightlies, but anyones is welcome to use the source to port it to a nightly, just respect the original creators work and give them props.
Further Ports:
As you guys might know I have an Evo now but I'll still stick around and help out my buddies in the Hero forums... so I can't port every HDPI theme, my porting technique isn't 100% but the script does alot of the work. The script literally takes 30 minutes to an hour to run.... so in short I probably wont or can't port every theme out there as is just not possible but some themes port very easy, if one of you guys see and issue with a theme I post here just fix it and repost it cause I won't be fixing it.
INexus mdpi port download
INexus OP
Dark Edge UI:
Dark Edge mdpi port download !!!
Dark Edge OP
This has some issues with black texts anyone is welcome to try and fix this, I don't have the time atm to do it myself... unless bribed.
Buufed Rom:
Working on finding the full theme apparently is hard to find around here, either buff theme or Buufed theme.
Later... going to a b-day party.
Inexus looks good so far..just flashed it and no issues yet.. GJ on the port..
Sent from my reborn hero...froyo is so nice..
downloading inexus now---I'm stoked and cannot wait to get my hands on darkedge! great work and thanks so much
nevermind, I'm getting bootloops with the #99 nightly and dec's #9 kernel
Going to check out the iNexus right now, thanks a lot man!
norm12 said:
downloading inexus now---I'm stoked and cannot wait to get my hands on darkedge! great work and thanks so much
nevermind, I'm getting bootloops with the #99 nightly and dec's #9 kernel
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Yeah this only works on stable build. Hopefully someone can maintin it for the nightlies
Sent from my HERO200 using XDA App
I'm an idiot! I just saw that in the OP---my bad ya'll. I might flash back to check these out later on
norm12 said:
I'm an idiot! I just saw that in the OP---my bad ya'll. I might flash back to check these out later on
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Yeah I didn't notice it was only for stable either and flashed over #99 to get a loop. So I reflashed CM6 Gold, nandroided, wiped, stable, and now booting up inexus.
teejaymarx said:
Yeah I didn't notice it was only for stable either and flashed over #99 to get a loop. So I reflashed CM6 Gold, nandroided, wiped, stable, and now booting up inexus.
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I'm doing that now as well
wheres the link for darkedge?
ASimmons said:
Dark Edge UI:
Dark Edge mdpi port download !!! soon having issues with the lock screen.
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godwearsgucci said:
wheres the link for darkedge?
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the answer is in the OP clear as day..
bk718 said:
the answer is in the OP clear as day..
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Well... he had it worded funny. In all honesty the soon should've been before the "!!!" and that's why I was slightly confused. Sorry.
Sent from my HERO200 using XDA App
Do u need to flash gapps with this theme?
Sent from my HERO200 using XDA App
Tiffany84 said:
Do u need to flash gapps with this theme?
Sent from my HERO200 using XDA App
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nope should be in there.
Hey ASimmons, any progress on the Dark Edge lock screen?
jtpterp said:
Hey ASimmons, any progress on the Dark Edge lock screen?
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Yeah its finished couldn't port the lock screen since the ud rom has a custom one... but the biggest issues is the black text for the dialog. Since my porter only does pngs and the dark edge has white text most of the dialogs can't be read... not sure if I should post as is or make the xml edits myself. Its really time consuming.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
ASimmons said:
Yeah its finished couldn't port the lock screen since the ud rom has a custom one... but the biggest issues is the black text for the dialog. Since my porter only does pngs and the dark edge has white text most of the dialogs can't be read... not sure if I should post as is or make the xml edits myself. Its really time consuming.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
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Whatever you want to do man. All the effort already is extremely appreciated
Sent from my HERO200 using XDA App
Ill work on it and see if I can't fix that. There are some minor 9 patch issues ill try and fix to... what ever I have will go up tomorrow.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
Would something like this work on CrunchySoft 2.1.7?
AxiomFour said:
Would something like this work on CrunchySoft 2.1.7?
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send me a link and I'll look, like I said this will port any rom's png over to any other rom. The biggest issue are the 9patch's and the xml edits. xml edits can be gotten around by porting to a rom/theme that is similar but the 9 ptach porting is so tricky and its never 100%, but it does most of the work and if you do see and issue in a 9 patch all you really need to do then is decompile the 9patch and fix the strechies.
DarkEdge going up soon?
well...got board so i ported this (vluhd suggested this 1) and here it is...test by me and all looks well, if you got any problems with it plz let me know and ill do all i can to fix it...you know the deal...flash at your own risk...im not responsible for what you do to your phone!!!!
all credit goes here : http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=851741
------------------Must be on EB16 PnP ROM to use this------------------
instructions :
standard backup
wipe dalvik
flash in cwm
wait 26 year for it to boot (thanks dalvik, bastard)
and enjoy
Download : http://www.megaupload.com/?d=IAPKHCZV
if you like it just give some thanks
Looks great! Is it possible to get the lockscreen or is that a seperate download?
i4get75 said:
Looks great! Is it possible to get the lockscreen or is that a seperate download?
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Lock screens are a MOD to the ROM, they are coming in the near future - then we can put out theme's with them.
Ok thanks!
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA App
cool theme there Tator.. Can we see some screen shots?? on a Mes that is!!!
elijahblake said:
cool theme there Tator.. Can we see some screen shots?? on a Mes that is!!!
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can do... but will take a few..been working on a few things so i wanna finish them up before i got to flash more stuff and ill take screen shots of all the themes i have ported and post them to their proper threads
Alright guys! our "Deodexed God" Whitehawkx did it again for us! Here's a Deodexed KH2! with an added bonus! CRT on and off!!!
credits once again belongs to these guys!
The usual process?
Disable Voodoo
Flash Rom
Install busybox
Enable Voodoo
chadster214 said:
Alright guys! our "Deodexed God" Whitehawkx did it again for us! Here's a Deodexed KH2!
credits once again belongs to these guys!
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That was fast. Gotta wait till the new Billing cycle starts to get this one. Hell by then we'll probably have another one.lol
Sent from my SGH-T959V using XDA Premium App
Just flashed KH1, the leaks come out so frequently.
Anyway, thanks a million as always.
Sent from my SGH-T959V using XDA Premium App
Awesome. I was just about to flash back to Froyo to clean this. I figured out why I was getting force closes with phone calls. Apparently GB doesn't like advanced restores for data.
Sorry guys but I removed the download link cause I forgot to include the correct file to enable the CRT ON & off animation. New link incoming shortly.
Whitehawkx said:
Sorry guys but I removed the download link cause I forgot to include the correct file to enable the CRT ON & off animation. New link incoming shortly.
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Any chance you could upload just the changed files? The download's almost done. =| Thanks for the deodex man!
NVM, download 404'd halfway through.
Whitehawkx said:
Sorry guys but I removed the download link cause I forgot to include the correct file to enable the CRT ON & off animation. New link incoming shortly.
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Oh man... how am I supposed to procrastinate at work this afternoon? Ha. Kidding. Thanks... but seriously... I want to procrastinate.
FBis251 said:
Awesome. I was just about to flash back to Froyo to clean this. I figured out why I was getting force closes with phone calls. Apparently GB doesn't like advanced restores for data.
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Great to know I wasn't the only one getting these errors. RaverX3X said Froyo data is incompatible with GB. Did a Titanium restore do the trick for you?
Of course, much thanks to Whitehawkx!
Haven't tried yet, but was going to try only user apps restore, not even gonna restore data for system apps.
I'm waiting for whitehawk's deodex to get uploaded though.
Looks like Chadster isn't around to test this for me. Gonna take a gamble that it's fine. This is 100% stock same as before, but I enabled the CRT off AND ON animation!
Whitehawkx said:
Looks like Chadster isn't around to test this for me. Gonna take a gamble that it's fine. This is 100% stock same as before, but I enabled the CRT off AND ON animation!
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Afternoon procrastination back on... thanks!
CRT ON!!!!! haha what a bonus hawk how do you do it
hey white if you ever need **** tested lol i dont mind doing it inbetween rom building just hit me up if not its cool
mbernusg said:
CRT ON!!!!! haha what a bonus hawk how do you do it
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It actually took me 6 hours of straight trial and error on Saturday to get the CRT ON animation working. Pretty much all the code is there except for the one method that says "do the animation." So I added that in along with a few other misc. things needed and viola!
RaverX3X said:
hey white if you ever need **** tested lol i dont mind doing it inbetween rom building just hit me up if not its cool
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Sure man I can do that NP. Are you on twitter at all?
Whitehawkx said:
It actually took me 6 hours of straight trial and error on Saturday to get the CRT ON animation working. Pretty much all the code is there except for the one method that says "do the animation." So I added that in along with a few other misc. things needed and viola!
Sure man I can do that NP. Are you on twitter at all?
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cough RaverX3X cough and on Gtalk just add cough @Gmail to my nick lol im not hard to find also have facebook and myfail err myspace lol not that i ever use those sence my ex well thats anyways ya i have those
Aha, hawk, just noticed you left the Amend update script in your rom. Any reason for this? I thought CWM 3+ only used Edify now.
now just need to power menu mod this
FBis251 said:
Aha, hawk, just noticed you left the Amend update script in your rom. Any reason for this? I thought CWM 3+ only used Edify now.
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Eh, I always just leave it in. No reason.
Also... nobody should flash this!
Apparently I fuct up when I did the CRT on animation.
@Raver - can you flash this and logcat the error for me? Pretty sure I know why its messing up.
EDIT: Found the reason the CRT ON was not working. Uploading new version now. Hopefully last time lol.
Yeah just noticed that I didn't get crt animations. Whatever, I'll wind up pushing them later.