[Q] [Android 2.2] XT720 Chinese 2.2 ROM - Milestone XT720 General

Think for Dexter,Cameras, video, media library button is Normal,Media Library can not scan the radio volume is not adjustable and so on, have been normal.
The same installation method and Dexter

This seems to be based on Dexter's ROM as it has the dexter folder inside ramdisk.tar
If some of our common problems are fixed as I think you state, it may be a good way to pull some patches into Dexter's official ROM. I have run a comparison of the system partition on both images, the differences are in the table below.
It looks like they dumped a bunch of the default apps. I notice they also added a few back in that aren't in ours. Some libs are different as well. Not sure how much of the differences are due to language so
I will also attach a HTML version of this report as it is a bit easier to read (it is color coded).
Folder Compare
Produced: 2/20/2011 2:03:41 PM
Mode: Differences
Left base folder: C:\xxxx\stock221v12a\system
Right base folder: C:\xxxx\SC_2.2_XT720_Beta1_b.rar\system
Name Size Name Size
app 64,783,319 app 39,334,043
+AccountAndSyncSettings.apk 138,395 <> +AccountAndSyncSettings.apk 62,739
+ApplicationsProvider.apk 28,429 <> +ApplicationsProvider.apk 14,570
+ArcPhotoworkshop.apk 855,809 <> +ArcPhotoworkshop.apk 478,992
| << +ArcSoftService.apk 31,976
+AtCmd.apk 261,831 <> +AtCmd.apk 106,556
+AudioEffect.apk 234,491 <> +AudioEffect.apk 182,719
| << +AutoBackgroundData.apk 14,759
+BatteryMonitor.apk 50,926 <> +BatteryMonitor.apk 29,082
+Bluetooth.apk 288,792 <> +Bluetooth.apk 121,363
+Browser.apk 712,283 <> +Browser.apk 312,739
+Calculator.apk 114,861 <> +Calculator.apk 57,095
+Calendar.apk 499,601 <> +Calendar.apk 404,785
+CalendarProvider.apk 216,816 <> +CalendarProvider.apk 101,686
| << +Camera.apk 235,454
+CameraMoto.apk 689,756 <> +CameraMoto.apk 687,248
+CertInstaller.apk 66,586 <> +CertInstaller.apk 26,031
+Contacts.apk 1,247,756 <> +Contacts.apk 738,147
+ContactsProvider.apk 299,431 <> +ContactsProvider.apk 134,706
+DefaultContainerService.apk 17,671 <> +DefaultContainerService.apk 9,621
+DeskClock.apk 338,123 >> |
+DMService.apk 227,909 <> +DMService.apk 104,356
+DownloadProvider.apk 110,581 <> +DownloadProvider.apk 43,248
+DrmProvider.apk 22,383 <> +DrmProvider.apk 10,634
| << +DrmSvc.apk 14,990
+Email.apk 1,454,100 <> +Email.apk 761,189
+ExtDispService.apk 29,675 <> +ExtDispService.apk 14,410
+Facebook.apk 2,063,494 >> |
+FMRadio.apk 699,098 <> +FMRadio.apk 504,630
+Gallery3D.apk 708,852 <> +Gallery3D.apk 487,495
+GenieWidget.apk 1,065,528 <> +GenieWidget.apk 763,795
+Gestures.apk 1,327,053 <> +Gestures.apk 172,766
+GoogleBackupTransport.apk 36,237 <> +GoogleBackupTransport.apk 35,368
+GoogleCalendarSyncAdapter.apk 114,964 <> +GoogleCalendarSyncAdapter.apk 113,439
+GoogleContactsSyncAdapter.apk 123,981 <> +GoogleContactsSyncAdapter.apk 122,282
+GoogleServicesFramework.apk 832,982 <> +GoogleServicesFramework.apk 1,400,188
+HTMLViewer.apk 14,503 <> +HTMLViewer.apk 7,239
| << +ItfunzFastPowerManager.apk 132,743
+LatinIME.apk 9,135,068 <> +LatinIME.apk 484,586
+LatinImeTutorial.apk 170,665 >> |
+Launcher.apk 3,210,807 >> |
+LiveWallpapers.apk 1,158,441 <> +LiveWallpapers.apk 1,063,186
+LiveWallpapersPicker.apk 44,481 <> +LiveWallpapersPicker.apk 25,239
+Location.apk 75,554 <> +Location.apk 35,832
+MagicSmokeWallpapers.apk 235,920 >> |
| << +Maps.apk 5,860,294
+MarketUpdater.apk 11,659 <> +MarketUpdater.apk 8,921
+MediaGallery.apk 1,104,817 <> +MediaGallery.apk 754,899
+MediaProvider.apk 99,702 <> +MediaProvider.apk 49,949
+MediaSync.apk 226,569 <> +MediaSync.apk 71,533
| << +MediaUploader.apk 301,058
+MessagingProvider.apk 30,219 >> |
+MilestoneOverclock147.apk 90,485 >> |
+Mms.apk 1,069,185 <> +Mms.apk 625,933
+MobiReader.apk 2,232,438 >> |
+MotAccuWeatherWidget.apk 1,171,585 >> |
| << +MotHstcmd.apk 32,496
+MotoAtCmdPlugin.apk 109,907 <> +MotoAtCmdPlugin.apk 47,200
+MotoCarDock.apk 288,638 >> |
| << +MotoDebugScreen.apk 117,620
+MotoGAL.apk 950,224 >> |
| << +MotoHome.apk 4,444,202
+MotorolaSettingsProvider.apk 20,778 <> +MotorolaSettingsProvider.apk 12,820
+Music.apk 839,307 <> +Music.apk 254,085
+Mynet.apk 140,463 <> +Mynet.apk 44,636
+NetworkLocation.apk 210,711 <> +NetworkLocation.apk 100,163
+OpenRecovery.apk 4,320,467 >> |
+OverlayProvider.apk 56,838 >> |
+PackageInstaller.apk 73,519 <> +PackageInstaller.apk 24,712
+PersonalPortal.apk 1,843,550 <> +PersonalPortal.apk 1,116,106
+Phone.apk 1,939,111 <> +Phone.apk 860,302
+PhoneConfig.apk 11,083 <> +PhoneConfig.apk 5,468
+PicoTts.apk 25,597 <> +PicoTts.apk 12,546
+ProgramMenu.apk 312,222 <> +ProgramMenu.apk 142,783
+ProgramMenuSystem.apk 11,227 <> +ProgramMenuSystem.apk 10,803
+Protips.apk 83,599 >> |
+QuickOffice.apk 4,671,105 <> +QuickOffice.apk 3,429,322
| << +RootExplorer.apk 227,551
+Secclkd.apk 11,198 >> |
+Settings.apk 2,686,943 <> +Settings.apk 1,097,259
| << +SettingsProvider.apk 37,234
+SetupWizard.apk 761,356 <> +SetupWizard.apk 592,879
+SKTHiddenMenu.apk 108,520 <> +SKTHiddenMenu.apk 69,196
+SoundRecorder.apk 105,777 <> +SoundRecorder.apk 73,906
+Stk.apk 81,453 >> |
+Street.apk 288,914 >> |
+TaskManagerActivity.apk 53,049 <> +TaskManagerActivity.apk 27,394
+TelephonyProvider.apk 100,940 <> +TelephonyProvider.apk 53,071
+thumbnailservice.apk 36,398 <> +thumbnailservice.apk 20,562
+TtsService.apk 44,345 <> +TtsService.apk 25,767
+TvoutNotice.apk 26,828 >> |
+Twitter.apk 1,977,373 >> |
| << +UCWEB.apk 2,438,837
+Usb.apk 22,181 <> +Usb.apk 19,831
+UserDictionaryProvider.apk 17,579 <> +UserDictionaryProvider.apk 9,907
+Vending.apk 1,844,811 <> +Vending.apk 1,845,231
+VideoPlayerMoto.apk 302,766 <> +VideoPlayerMoto.apk 222,254
+VisualizationWallpapers.apk 172,861 >> |
+VpnServices.apk 36,978 <> \VpnServices.apk 19,464
+WapPushSI.apk 37,930 >>
+WorldClockWidget.apk 330,052 >>
\YouTube.apk 688,263 >>
bin 5,951,060 bin 5,950,662
etc 3,759,954 etc 3,791,323
+nuance 431 |
|\vsuite_config.xml 431 >> |
+permissions 22,870 +permissions 23,759
|| << |+com.motorola.android.camera.xml 184
|| << |+com.motorola.android.sktdrm.xml 826
|\platform.xml 8,532 <> |\platform.xml 8,411
\apns-conf.xml 150,497 <> \apns-conf.xml 181,408
framework 11,195,497 framework 9,437,935
+android.policy.jar 97,228 <> +android.policy.jar 95,332
| << +com.motorola.android.image.jar 4,094
| << +com.motorola.android.internal.baton.jar 56,593
| << +com.motorola.android.sktdrm.jar 6,718
+com.motorola.atcmd.base.jar 39,544 <> +com.motorola.atcmd.base.jar 39,512
+com.motorola.webkit.jar 6,261 >> |
+core.jar 2,155,691 <> +core.jar 2,155,219
+framework.jar 2,874,016 <> +framework.jar 2,996,427
+framework-res.apk 4,667,892 <> +framework-res.apk 2,738,056
+framework-tests.jar 8,987 <> +framework-tests.jar 8,931
+monkey.jar 34,110 <> +monkey.jar 34,094
+mot-framework-res.apk 4,274 <> +mot-framework-res.apk 3,918
+pm.jar 10,960 <> +pm.jar 10,952
+services.jar 650,540 <> +services.jar 642,069
\svc.jar 3,805 <> \svc.jar 3,831
lib 67,316,697 lib 70,473,597
+hw 223,468 +hw 137,551
|+gralloc.omap3.so1 85,223 >> ||
|+lights.sholest.so.lnk (r) 895 <> |+lights.sholest.so.lnk (r) 923
|\sensors.sholest.so.lnk (r) 899 <> |\sensors.sholest.so.lnk (r) 177
+modules 3,201,510 +modules 3,201,494
|| << |\overclock_droidx_21.ko 14,016
|\overclock_milestone_21.ko 14,032 >> |
+libandroid_runtime.so 532,336 <> +libandroid_runtime.so 528,176
| << +libarcsoftservice.so 2,365,776
+libdlnahttpjni.so 55,104 >> |
+libdlnajni.so 99,512 >> |
+libdlnaprofileparser.so 9,168 >> |
+libdlnasysjni.so 5,076 >> |
+libdvm.so 683,444 <> +libdvm.so 683,440
+libopencore_motojanusreg.so 52,940 >> |
+libopencore_motoma1.so 65,412 >> |
| << +libphoneloc-jni.so 9,357
+libril.so 31,716 <> +libril.so 35,824
+libskia.so 1,117,896 <> +libskia.so 1,113,784
+libskiagl.so 43,120 <> +libskiagl.so 43,112
| << +libSwypeCore.so 1,163,272
\libutils.so 159,948 <> \libutils.so 155,764
persistent 1,017,143 persistent 1,017,311
tts 16,305,656 tts 6,457,984
\nuance 9,847,672
usr 3,459,383 usr 3,952,423
build.prop 5,713 <> build.prop 5,102
default.prop 210 <> default.prop 213

Has anyone tried this ROM? I don't understand if the OP is saying those issues are fixed or still present ...

It is just translated version, same bugs
Sent from my Milestone XT720 using XDA App

Could we have been working this since March already, this is the previous ROM that is now known as WanHu ...


Manila2D_2_0_19191432_04 Transformer FRA|GER|ITA|NLD|SPA|DAN|NOR|SVE|PTG|RUS|PTG|CZE

since everybody tries WWE Roms, but would like to have Manila2D in his native language i come up here with a .cab-package that support almost every language for WWE roms (0409).
Basically, this transforms your english Rom [WWE 0409] in your prefered language.
This package is made for Manila2D_2_0_19191432_04 taken from MEGA.
This package is no Manila2D Installer, its just language files for existent Manila2D.
Package contains: FRA | GER | ITA | NLD | SPA | DAN | NOR | SVE | PTG | RUS | CZE . dont ask for others!!! was hell of a work.
1.Choose native language *.cab
2.Untick small Box in Settings > Home > Items > ' TouchFLO '
3.Install on device and accept reboot.
3.Tick small Box in Settings > Home > Items > ' TouchFLO '
1.Untick small Box in Settings > Home > Items > ' TouchFLO '
2.In Settings > System > Remove Programs > ' c3ro Lang_Manila '
3.Tick small Box in Settings > Home > Items > ' TouchFLO '
4.Back to default WWE (0409).
Download: ALL_LANG_Manila2D_2_0_19191432_04.zip
Download: CZE_Manila
have fun
CZE language added as separate .cab (pls test)
no turkish bro
Hungarian language you do not
tuncayt said:
no turkish bro
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
provide me a turkish ROM based on HTC Touch2 (codenamed Mega)
MTom said:
Hungarian language you do not
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
provide me a hungarian ROM based on HTC Touch2 (codenamed Mega)
Since theres no word about the functionality,
over 200 downloads in 1 day and no complaint
thanks for adding czech lanuage, but i have problem.. when i want install it, wm say “Installation was unsuccessful. The program cannot be installed because it is not digitally signed with a trusted certificate.” i try change HKLM\Security\Policies\Policies\0000101a for install it but no way, where is problem ?
MarekSochor said:
thanks for adding czech lanuage, but i have problem.. when i want install it, wm say “Installation was unsuccessful. The program cannot be installed because it is not digitally signed with a trusted certificate.” i try change HKLM\Security\Policies\Policies\0000101a for install it but no way, where is problem ?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
how about the other people that downloaded CZE version?
c3ro said:
how about the other people that downloaded CZE version?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
no problem so far with others!

[4.10.2012][NT 5.10.8835.35 V1]Spark_ML_51240108_R_5690905a_22505021U by ansar

Dear forum members,
This is the new WP7.8 Build 7.10.8835.35 for hTC Spark / Trophy
//// ROM Screen Shots ////
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
//// ROM exec summary ////
>> An updated NT WP7.8 ROM build 7.10.88835.35 and
>> with 5 versions i.e. 5 sets of display languages as
>> 1L (En-US) / 18L / 3La / 3Lb /3Lc and custom rom RUU_Spark_ upload names
>> HTC_Europe_5.12.401.08_Radio_5.69.09.05a_22.50.50.21U_WP7.8_7.10.8835.35_NT_1L_V1_by_ansar
>> HTC_Europe_5.12.401.08_Radio_5.69.09.05a_22.50.50.21U_WP7.8_7.10.8835.35_NT_18L_V1_by_ansar
>> HTC_Europe_5.12.401.08_Radio_5.69.09.05a_22.50.50.21U_WP7.8_7.10.8835.35_NT_3La_V1_by_ansar
>> HTC_Europe_5.12.401.08_Radio_5.69.09.05a_22.50.50.21U_WP7.8_7.10.8835.35_NT_3Lb_V1_by_ansar
>> HTC_Europe_5.12.401.08_Radio_5.69.09.05a_22.50.50.21U_WP7.8_7.10.8835.35_NT_3Lc_V1_by_ansar
>> are designed for Spark / Trophy
//// ROM change log ////
>> V1 WP7.8 built 7.10.8838.38 is like V1 8773 and include
>> - AT&T code Scanner and
>> - Hearing Aids
>> ********************************
>> New Tech [NT] 7.10.8773.98 Total Unlock custom ROMs with
>> 3 versions i.e. 3 sets of display languages as
>> 18L / 3La / 3Lb and custom ROM upload names
>> HTC_Europe_5.12.401.07_Radio_5.69.09.05a_22.50.50.21U_NT_Tango_8773_18L_by_ansar
>> HTC_Europe_5.12.401.07_Radio_5.69.09.05a_22.50.50.21U_NT_Tango_8773_3La_by_ansar
>> HTC_Europe_5.12.401.07_Radio_5.69.09.05a_22.50.50.21U_NT_Tango_8773_3Lb_by_ansar
>> are designed for Spark / Trophy 7
//// ROM change log ////
>> 8773 version is able to run the following apps
>> - WmdcLauncher
>> - SearchKeySettings
>> - Winco wAppStore
>> - AdvancedConfig
>> and many other
//// Main Characteristics ////
>> Embedded 7.10.8773.98 update
>> Total Unlocked with following unlocks
>> dev / interop unlock Hard Reset Resistant
>> ansar unolck for U2M8107 full operation
>> dft latest unlock [CUSTOM_FullUnlock, CUSTOM_XBLUnlock]
>> [Please do not use this ROM for MarketPlace pirate downloads]
>> Wi-Fi tethering for Internet sharing
>> All latest Titan OEM apps (10) plus Stocks
>> The following AT&T OEM apps (3)
>> AT&T FamilyMap
>> AT&T myWireless and
>> Vodafone MyWeb
>> Latest Titan CSConn_DB, Media share and operatorpkg packages
>> VOIP driver
>> Front camera driver with
>> a button next to video one to enable it
>> Although there is no such hardware in Spark / Trophy 7
>> upside down photo and video can be taken!!
>> Embedded custom apps (6)
>> AdvancedConfig.xap (V by Julien Schapman
>> BTFileTransfer.xap (V 1.01) by Cotulla
>> Registry Editor (V by Julien Schapman
>> TouchXplorer (V by Julien Schapman
>> U2M8107 (V 1.2) by ansar
>> USBModeSwitch (V 1.16) by ansar
>> for internet tethering from PC/Laptop through Spark / Trophy 7 usb
>> Additional Characteristics with the use of the U2M8107.xap as
>> Market Place to access
>> other device app markets as Samsung, Nokia, LG and in future
>> Dell, Fusitsu, Acer etc
>> ansarUC customization
>> userUC customization and
>> registry tweaks
//// In the 1L ROM the following language is included ////
>> 0x0409 English (United States)
//// In the 18L ROM the following languages are included ////
>> 0x0409 English (United States)
>> 0x0407 German (Deutch)
>> 0x040C French (Français)
>> 0x0410 Italian (Italiano)
>> 0x0C0A Spanish (Español)
>> 0x0809 English (United Kingdom)
>> 0x0405 Czech (Čeština)
>> 0x0406 Danish (Dansk)
>> 0x040E Hungarian (Magyar)
>> 0x0413 Nederlands (Dutch)
>> 0x0414 Norwegian (Bokmål)
>> 0x0415 Polish (Polski)
>> 0x0416 Portuguese (Brasil)
>> 0x0816 Portuguese (Português)
>> 0x040B Finnish (Suomi)
>> 0x041D Swedish (Svenska)
>> 0x0408 Ellenic (Ελληνικά)
>> 0x0419 Russian (Русский)
//// In the 3La ROM the following languages are included ////
>> 0x0409 English (United States)
>> 0x0404 Chinese (Traditional) (中文(繁體))
>> 0x0804 Chinese (Simplified) (中文(简体))
//// In the 3Lb ROM the following languages are included ////
>> 0x0409 English (United States)
>> 0x0412 Korean (한국의)
>> 0x0411 Japanese (日本語)
//// In the 3Lc ROM the following languages are included ////
>> 0x0409 English (United States)
>> 0x043E Malay (Malaysia)
>> 0x0421 Indonesian (Indonesia)
>> all the rest functionality as in stock ROM
//// ROM prerequisites ////
>> You must have RSPL/HSPL installed
>> IMPROTANT NOTE: Installation of the this ROM does NOT destroy HSPL
//// ROM installation instructions ////
>> phone must be flashed with RSPL and HSPL//// prerequisite ////
>> close zune //// and any other program ////
>> connect phone to usb
>> if phone is on then press and hold power button until will turn off
>> press and hold volume down button //// phone to bootloader ////
>> press power button and keep holding volume down button //// phone in bootloader ///
>> double click on ROMUpdateUtility.exe //// follow on screen instructions ////
>> disconnect phone from usb
>> connect to the internet with a wi-fi router
>> connect phone to usb
>> run zune //// wait for zune to sync ////
>> click on NEXT
>> click on NEXT
>> click on CANCEL //// cancels zune checking for updates ////
>>.. Remember that even if you perform a Hard Reset
>>.. the device will not loose the dev / interop unlock!!
DownLoad Links
WP7.8 ROMs
Build 7.10.8838.38, Password: Apollo11
[4.10.2012] V1 Spark_HTC_Europe_5.12.401.08 1L [0409] download link
>> Spark_HTC_Europe_5.12.401.08_Radio_5.69.09.05a_22.50.50.21U_WP7.8_7.10.8835.35_NT_1L_V1_by_ansar
[4.10.2012] V1 Spark_HTC_Europe_5.12.401.08 18L [0409/.../0419] download link
>> Spark_HTC_Europe_5.12.401.08_Radio_5.69.09.05a_22.50.50.21U_WP7.8_7.10.8835.35_NT_18L_V1_by_ansar
[4.10.2012] V1 Spark_HTC_Europe_5.12.401.08 3La [0409/0404/0804] download link
>> Spark_HTC_Europe_5.12.401.08_Radio_5.69.09.05a_22.50.50.21U_WP7.8_7.10.8835.35_NT_3La_V1_by_ansar
[4.10.2012] V1 Spark_HTC_Europe_5.12.401.08 3Lb [0409/0411/0412] download link
>> Spark_HTC_Europe_5.12.401.08_Radio_5.69.09.05a_22.50.50.21U_WP7.8_7.10.8835.35_NT_3Lb_V1_by_ansar
[4.10.2012] V1 Spark_HTC_Europe_5.12.401.08 3Lc [0409/043E/0421] download link
>> Spark_HTC_Europe_5.12.401.08_Radio_5.69.09.05a_22.50.50.21U_WP7.8_7.10.8835.35_NT_3Lc_V1_by_ansar
WP7.5 ROMs
8773 Tango
[10.04.2012] Spark_HTC_Europe_5.12.401.07 New Tech 18L [0409/.../0419] download link:
>> Spark_HTC_Europe_5.12.401.07_Radio_5.69.09.05a_22.50.50.21U_NT_Tango_8773_18L_by_ansar
[10.04.2012] Spark_HTC_Europe_5.12.401.07 New Tech 3La [0409/0404/0804] download link:
>> Spark_HTC_Europe_5.12.401.07_Radio_5.69.09.05a_22.50.50.21U_NT_Tango_8773_3La_by_ansar
[10.04.2012] Spark_HTC_Europe_5.12.401.07 New Tech 3Lb [0409/0411/0412] download link:
>> Spark_HTC_Europe_5.12.401.07_Radio_5.69.09.05a_22.50.50.21U_NT_Tango_8773_3Lb_by_ansar
Mango 8107
[07.02.2012] Spark_HTC_Europe_5.12.401.06 New Tech 22L [0409/.../0411] download link:
>> Spark_HTC_Europe_5.12.401.06_Radio_5.69.09.05a_22.50.50.21U_NT_Mango_8107_22L_by_ansar
Till next version enjoy!!
Regards, ansar
>> I hope you realize the time needed for research & development to ceate these facilities
>> You may donate here Support my Research & Development
Thank's for your work ansar !
Is this ROM updatable ?
So if there is a new update from Microsoft, is there a chance that I receive an uptade notification to update my phone with Zune, or am I forced to flash again when you update this ROM ?
Thank's for your help.
silah390 said:
Thank's for your work ansar !
Is this ROM updatable ?
So if there is a new update from Microsoft, is there a chance that I receive an uptade notification to update my phone with Zune, or am I forced to flash again when you update this ROM ?
Thank's for your help.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
It should be and will be tested when an update will be available
Regards, ansar
Thanks for this new rom, works fine !
Total unlock? Can you give us some explanation? How is it different from full unlock?
With this rom, you can install xaps directly on your phone without your PC
Great work as usual, Ansar. One question, any of you guys having any missing notifications on locked screen? Would I have to reload? Or is it something that is happening (which I quite lke)
Sent from my BlackBerry 9900 using Tapatalk
I will release a newer version with some more improvements
It will become identical to Schubert and Mozart NewTech 8107 22L TU ROMs
This was possible after flash ROM optimization
Edit: The new ROM uploaded and dl link in post #1 is updated
Regards, ansar
Hi ansar, I recently flashed: [NewTech 8107 21L ROM]Spark_Europe_5.12.401.05_Radio_5.69.09.05a_22.50.5 0.21by ansar
What's the best way to update to this rom? I guess flashing from HSPL will erase all settings I have now? IS there a better way?
RezzZ said:
Hi ansar, I recently flashed: [NewTech 8107 21L ROM]Spark_Europe_5.12.401.05_Radio_5.69.09.05a_22.50.5 0.21by ansar
What's the best way to update to this rom? I guess flashing from HSPL will erase all settings I have now? IS there a better way?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Just flash the NewTech 22L TU, is the best till now and be happy!!
Regards, ansar
ok, guess I'll be flashing again
thanx for your roms and other other hacks! I'll see if I can contribute something soon for your hard work
RezzZ said:
ok, guess I'll be flashing again
thanx for your roms and other other hacks! I'll see if I can contribute something soon for your hard work
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Drop a feed back line here after flashing!!
Regards, ansar
flashed the rom yesterday and all works well . Like the Gold colour for my tiles!
I also played a bit with u2m8107 to change to different marketplaces like nokia's, samsungs and LG's. I don't see a ACER/DELL/Fujitsu/ZTE section on my trophy. Is this correct?
Also, tried setting it back to SPARK afterworks but now if I want to download apps from the marketplace I get error 80004005 . Have to look into that.
edit: perhaps it's because I changed some profile settings on www.windowsphone.com... I entered my dutch phonenumber there but had a us account (so I could download more apps in the Netherlands when WP7 just came out)...
edit2: just found a reply from you ansar about this error... Guess I've been a bit too enthusiastic with that feature.. Hope it will work in a few days again...
I use to change to one marketplace and
return again to the original device one
Regards, ansar
Thanks, I'll test today
Please, If someone could provide me the values (hex OR decimals) for the following registry key entries, I would be grateful:
(They are located in [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\ControlPanel\Volume])
I have a little background noise in calls, so I am thinking about changing the AxdBAtten to a lower level, what do you think?
"Volume" 0xB333B333(3006509875)
"MaxInCallUIVolume" 0x0000000A(10)
"MaxdBAtten" 0x0000002D (45)
"MinInCallVolume" 0x00001111(4369)
Thanks, because I see that they are different from mine, could you write the values for these keys also;
I think after flashing this rom I will lose the activation code. How can I find the original activation code before I flash this rom?
antonis9891 said:
Thanks, because I see that they are different from mine, could you write the values for these keys also;
Key 0x00000002(2)
Screen 0x00000002(2)
Mute 0x00000007(7)
MaxSystemUIVolume 0x0000001E(30)
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
sh_mohanna said:
I think after flashing this rom I will lose the activation code. How can I find the original activation code before I flash this rom?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
what activation?
---------- Post added at 08:03 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:01 AM ----------
ansar.ath.gr said:
I use to change to one marketplace and
return again to the original device one
Regards, ansar
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
hmm, marketplace still not working :'(.
When trying to install a app I get a marketplace error (Error code:80004005)

[7.10.2012][NT 5.10.8835.35 V1]Gold_7Pro_ML_51240104_R_5710902a_22515021U by ansar

Dear forum members,
This is the new WP7.8 Build 7.10.8835.35 for hTC Gold 7Pro
//// ROM Screen Shots ////
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
//// ROM exec summary ////
>> An updated NT WP7.8 ROM build 7.10.88835.35 and
>> with 5 versions i.e. 5 sets of display languages as
>> 1L (En-US) / 18L / 3La / 3Lb /3Lc and custom rom RUU_Gold_7Pro_ upload names
>> HTC_Europe_5.12.401.04_Radio_5.71.09.02a_22.51.50.21U_WP7.8_7.10.8835.35_NT_1L_V1_by_ansar
>> HTC_Europe_5.12.401.04_Radio_5.71.09.02a_22.51.50.21U_WP7.8_7.10.8835.35_NT_18L_V1_by_ansar
>> HTC_Europe_5.12.401.04_Radio_5.71.09.02a_22.51.50.21U_WP7.8_7.10.8835.35_NT_3La_V1_by_ansar
>> HTC_Europe_5.12.401.04_Radio_5.71.09.02a_22.51.50.21U_WP7.8_7.10.8835.35_NT_3Lb_V1_by_ansar
>> HTC_Europe_5.12.401.04_Radio_5.71.09.02a_22.51.50.21U_WP7.8_7.10.8835.35_NT_3Lc_V1_by_ansar
>> are designed for Gold 7Pro
//// ROM change log ////
>> V1 WP7.8 built 7.10.8838.38 is like V1 8773 and include
>> - AbobeReader
>> - SearchKeySettings
>> - WmdcLauncher
>> - AT&T code Scanner and
>> - Hearing Aids
>> ********************************
>> 8773 version is able to run the following apps
>> - WmdcLauncher
>> - SearchKeySettings
>> - Winco wAppStore
>> - AdvancedConfig
>> and many other
//// Main Characteristics ////
>> Embedded 7.10.8773.98 update
>> Total Unlocked with following unlocks
>> dev / interop unlock Hard Reset Resistant
>> ansar unolck for U2M8107 full operation
>> dft latest unlock [CUSTOM_FullUnlock, CUSTOM_XBLUnlock]
>> [Please do not use this ROM for MarketPlace pirate downloads]
>> Wi-Fi tethering for Internet sharing
>> All latest Titan OEM apps (10) plus Stocks
>> The following AT&T OEM apps (3)
>> AT&T FamilyMap
>> AT&T myWireless and
>> Vodafone MyWeb
>> Latest Titan CSConn_DB, Media share and operatorpkg packages
>> VOIP driver
>> Front camera driver with
>> a button next to video one to enable it
>> Although there is no such hardware in Gold 7 Pro
>> upside down photo and video can be taken!!
>> Embedded custom apps (6)
>> AdvancedConfig.xap (V by Julien Schapman
>> BTFileTransfer.xap (V 1.01) by Cotulla
>> Registry Editor (V by Julien Schapman
>> TouchXplorer (V by Julien Schapman
>> U2M8107 (V 1.2) by ansar
>> USBModeSwitch (V 1.16) by ansar
>> for internet tethering from PC/Laptop through Gold 7 Pro usb
>> Additional Characteristics with the use of the U2M8107.xap as
>> Market Place to access
>> other device app markets as Samsung, Nokia, LG and in future
>> Dell, Fusitsu, Acer etc
>> ansarUC customization
>> userUC customization and
>> registry tweaks
//// In the 1L ROM the following language is included ////
>> 0x0409 English (United States)
>> 0x0409 English (United States)
>> 0x0407 German (Deutch)
>> 0x040C French (Français)
>> 0x0410 Italian (Italiano)
>> 0x0C0A Spanish (Español)
>> 0x0809 English (United Kingdom)
>> 0x0405 Czech (Čeština)
>> 0x0406 Danish (Dansk)
>> 0x040E Hungarian (Magyar)
>> 0x0413 Nederlands (Dutch)
>> 0x0414 Norwegian (Bokmål)
>> 0x0415 Polish (Polski)
>> 0x0416 Portuguese (Brasil)
>> 0x0816 Portuguese (Português)
>> 0x040B Finnish (Suomi)
>> 0x041D Swedish (Svenska)
>> 0x0408 Ellenic (Ελληνικά)
>> 0x0419 Russian (Русский)
//// In the 3La ROM the following languages are included ////
>> 0x0409 English (United States)
>> 0x0404 Chinese (Traditional) (中文(繁體))
>> 0x0804 Chinese (Simplified) (中文(简体))
//// In the 3Lb ROM the following languages are included ////
>> 0x0409 English (United States)
>> 0x0412 Korean (한국의)
>> 0x0411 Japanese (日本語)
//// In the 3Lc ROM the following languages are included ////
>> 0x0409 English (United States)
>> 0x043E Malay (Malaysia)
>> 0x0421 Indonesian (Indonesia)
>> all the rest functionality as in stock ROM
//// ROM prerequisites ////
>> You must have RSPL/HSPL installed
>> IMPROTANT NOTE: Installation of the this ROM does NOT destroy HSPL
//// ROM installation instructions ////
>> phone must be flashed with RSPL and HSPL//// prerequisite ////
>> close zune //// and any other program ////
>> connect phone to usb
>> if phone is on then press and hold power button until will turn off
>> press and hold volume down button //// phone to bootloader ////
>> press power button and keep holding volume down button //// phone in bootloader ///
>> double click on ROMUpdateUtility.exe //// follow on screen instructions ////
>> disconnect phone from usb
>> connect to the internet with a wi-fi router
>> connect phone to usb
>> run zune //// wait for zune to sync ////
>> click on NEXT
>> click on NEXT
>> click on CANCEL //// cancels zune checking for updates ////
>>.. Remember that even if you perform a Hard Reset
>>.. the device will not loose the dev / interop unlock!!
DownLoad Links
WP7.8 ROMs
Build 7.10.8838.38, Password: Apollo11
[7.10.2012] V1 Gold_7Pro_HTC_Europe_5.12.401.04 1L [0409] download link
>> Gold_7Pro_HTC_Europe_5.12.401.04_Radio_5.71.09.02a_22.51.50.21U_WP7.8_7.10.8835.35_NT_1L_V1_by_ansar
[7.10.2012] V1 Gold_7Pro_HTC_Europe_5.12.401.04 18L [0409/.../0419] download link
>> Gold_7Pro_HTC_Europe_5.12.401.04_Radio_5.71.09.02a_22.51.50.21U_WP7.8_7.10.8835.35_NT_18L_V1_by_ansar
[7.10.2012] V1 Gold_7Pro_HTC_Europe_5.12.401.04 3La [0409/0404/0804] download link
>> Gold_7Pro_HTC_Europe_5.12.401.04_Radio_5.71.09.02a_22.51.50.21U_WP7.8_7.10.8835.35_NT_3La_V1_by_ansar
[7.10.2012] V1 Gold_7Pro_HTC_Europe_5.12.401.04 3Lb [0409/0411/0412] download link
>> Gold_7Pro_HTC_Europe_5.12.401.04_Radio_5.71.09.02a_22.51.50.21U_WP7.8_7.10.8835.35_NT_3Lb_V1_by_ansar
[7.10.2012] V1 Gold_7Pro_HTC_Europe_5.12.401.04 3Lc [0409/043E/0421] download link
>> Gold_7Pro_HTC_Europe_5.12.401.04_Radio_5.71.09.02a_22.51.50.21U_WP7.8_7.10.8835.35_NT_3Lc_V1_by_ansar
WP7.5 ROMs
8773 Tango
[11.04.2012] Gold_7Pro_HTC_Europe_5.12.401.03 New Tech 18L [0409/.../0419] download link:
>> Gold_7Pro_HTC_Europe_5.12.401.03_Radio_5.71.09.02a_22.51.50.21U_NT_Tango_8773_18L_by_ansar
[11.04.2012] Gold_7Pro_HTC_Europe_5.12.401.03 New Tech 3La [0409/0404/0804] download link:
>> Gold_7Pro_HTC_Europe_5.12.401.03_Radio_5.71.09.02a_22.51.50.21U_NT_Tango_8773_3La_by_ansar
[11.04.2012] Gold_7Pro_HTC_Europe_5.12.401.03 New Tech 3Lb [0409/0411/0412] download link:
>> Gold_7Pro_HTC_Europe_5.12.401.03_Radio_5.71.09.02a_22.51.50.21U_NT_Tango_8773_3Lb_by_ansar
Mango 8107
[07.02.2012] HD7_HTC_Europe_5.12.401.04 New Tech 22L [0409/.../0411] download link:
>> Gold_7Pro_HTC_Europe_5.12.401.02_Radio_5.71.09.02a_22.51.50.21U_NT_Mango_8107_22L_by_ansar
Till next version enjoy!!
Regards, ansar
>> I hope you realize the time needed for research & development to ceate these facilities
>> You may donate here Support my Research & Development
Ansar THX that ROM is awesome !!!!! Everything work good.
Budniu said:
Ansar THX that ROM is awesome !!!!! Everything work good.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Thnx for commenting and bt interest !!
Regards, ansar
Hey ansar,
It's a really nice rom
only Advanced Config isn't work right.. it always shows OutOfMemoryExcerption
Can you Fix it? it's a very important app for me.
regards Nicci
nicci said:
Hey ansar,
only Advanced Config isn't work right.. it always shows OutOfMemoryExcerption
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
But only showed that massage and working good.
Budniu said:
But only showed that massage and working good.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Well if i go to the sounds in advanced config, I don't get any sound to change...
I click on notification sound and then there isn't any to choese..
Is this working at your phone??
You are right. I don't checked ringtones option (I tried only themes). Sorry.
Additional camera modes not work. Showing in camera settings but not work.
Uhm... I think I will wait some days before installing it...
---------- Post added at 09:40 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:36 PM ----------
nicci said:
Well if i go to the sounds in advanced config, I don't get any sound to change...
I click on notification sound and then there isn't any to choese..
Is this working at your phone??
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Hello Nicci
If you have to change ringtone and/or alarms, you should be able to manage it with Registry Editor following first post in this thread!!!
---------- Post added at 10:35 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:40 PM ----------
Trying to update HTC application through Marketplace.
HTC Hub -> ok
Photo enhancer -> ok
calculator -> ok
Connection setup -> after 4-5 times started, before it wrote me "error code c1 something else", close Marketplace and try again later
@ lordmago thanks i already made it with registry ...
but i go back to Newtech 8107 without dft unlock... unless this rom here is working fine .
Advanced Explorer 1.4 is also shutting down with an error :/
regards nico
nicci said:
@ lordmago thanks i already made it with registry ...
but i go back to Newtech 8107 without dft unlock... unless this rom here is working fine .
Advanced Explorer 1.4 is also shutting down with an error :/
regards nico
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Try this last version of advanced explorer: I was using with previous NewTech ROM version and the errors you got didn't happen to me...
Wi-Fi problem or M$oft application having a tanthrum
I installed M$oft application to have a look to my few bonds, connected to internet with Wi-Fi...
To add last bond, I had to close and open the application a couple of times, because it told me there was no data connection on... But I was still connected to the router (to check I updated weather condition on HTC Hub...).
In those few days I was using [NewTech 8107 5L ROM] Gold_WWE_5.10.401.05_Radio_5.71.09.02a_22.51.50.21 U by ansar, this didn' happened... Maybe now it happened accidentally...
Hi all.
Today by U2M8107 I tried change market palce options and I changed that to Omnia 7 and soft reset phone. Ok, nice I had already apps from Samsung manufactured, I installed AllShare. Next I go to U2M8107 and I changed market place options to HTC 7 Pro (Gold) and soft reset. Now I can't launch any HTC apps and I can't install anything from market place (give error 80004005). Any Ideas how to repair that ?
Budniu said:
Hi all.
Today by U2M8107 I tried change market palce options and I changed that to Omnia 7 and soft reset phone. Ok, nice I had already apps from Samsung manufactured, I installed AllShare. Next I go to U2M8107 and I changed market place options to HTC 7 Pro (Gold) and soft reset. Now I can't launch any HTC apps and I can't install anything from market place (give error 80004005). Any Ideas how to repair that ?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Hello Budniu, this I didn't tried yet.
Did you had a look at the following thread? Maybe somebody could be of help, or had similar problem...
Good idea THX, but I did now hard reset (I wanted try original ROM and camera settings in Polish - is wrong only three icons flashlight). Now I install back Ansar ROM - it's awesome. But when I have that problem again I try your idea. THX.
Info on ROM development
Hi to all,
A new 8107 ROM 5.12.401.02 uploaded
An 8773 is under testing and will be released soon
Thnx for testing, commenting and supporting!!
Regards, ansar
On your next version can you include search key function changer also like Dynamics rom has? I find Bing so useless to me.
Loco5150 said:
On your next version can you include search key function changer also like Dynamics rom has? I find Bing so useless to me.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I have not included in any device [HD7,Mozart,Spark,HD2] but can be sideloaded
It is the same case like wmdc. supported but not included
Regards, ansar
Info on ROM development
The 3 8773 HTC_Europe_5.12.401.03 ROMs i.e. 18L, 3La and 3Lb
have been uploaded, see post #1
Regards, ansar
ansar.ath.gr said:
I have not included in any device [HD7,Mozart,Spark,HD2] but can be sideloaded
It is the same case like wmdc. supported but not included
Regards, ansar
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Thanks, downloading now!
Damn this is the slowest DL I ever had from Sendspace. 75mb after 1:20min........ Seems like no flashing tonight..

[5.10.2012][NT 5.10.8835.35 V1]Spark_W_ML_51260503_R_153000802_2316w0506U by ansar

Dear forum members,
This is the new WP7.8 Build 7.10.8835.35 for hTC Spark_W_VERIZON
//// ROM Screen Shots ////
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
//// ROM exec summary ////
>> An updated NT WP7.8 ROM build 7.10.88835.35 and
>> with 5 versions i.e. 5 sets of display languages as
>> 1L (En-US) / 18L / 3La / 3Lb /3Lc and custom rom RUU_Spark_W_VERIZON_ upload names
>> WWE_5.12.605.03_Radio_1.
>> WWE_5.12.605.03_Radio_1.
>> WWE_5.12.605.03_Radio_1.
>> WWE_5.12.605.03_Radio_1.
>> WWE_5.12.605.03_Radio_1.
>> are designed for Spark_W_VERIZON
//// ROM change log ////
>> V1 WP7.8 built 7.10.8838.38 is like V1 8773 and include
>> - AT&T code Scanner and
>> - Hearing Aids
>> ********************************
>> New Tech [NT] 7.10.8773.98 Total Unlock custom ROMs with
>> 3 versions i.e. 3 sets of display languages as
>> 18L / 3La / 3Lb and custom ROM upload names
>> WWE_5.12.605.02_Radio_1.
>> WWE_5.12.605.02_Radio_1.
>> WWE_5.12.605.02_Radio_1.
>> are designed for Spark_W_VERIZON
//// ROM change log ////
>> 8773 version is able to run the following apps
>> - WmdcLauncher
>> - SearchKeySettings
>> - Winco wAppStore
>> - AdvancedConfig
>> and many other
//// Main Characteristics ////
>> Embedded 7.10.8773.98 update
>> Total Unlocked with following unlocks
>> dev / interop unlock Hard Reset Resistant
>> dft latest unlock [CUSTOM_FullUnlock, CUSTOM_XBLUnlock]
>> [Please do not use this ROM for MarketPlace pirate downloads]
>> Wi-Fi tethering for Internet sharing
>> All latest Titan OEM apps (10) plus Stocks
>> The following AT&T OEM apps (3)
>> AT&T FamilyMap
>> AT&T myWireless and
>> Vodafone MyWeb
>> VOIP driver
>> Front camera driver with
>> a button next to video one to enable it
>> Although there is no such hardware in Spark_W_VERIZON
>> upside down photo and video can be taken!!
>> Embedded custom apps (6)
>> AdvancedConfig.xap (V by Julien Schapman
>> BTFileTransfer.xap (V 1.01) by Cotulla
>> Registry Editor (V by Julien Schapman
>> TouchXplorer (V by Julien Schapman
>> USBModeSwitch (V 1.16) by ansar
>> for internet tethering from PC/Laptop through Spark_W_VERIZON usb
>> Finally 18 for 8773 and 22 languages for 8107 are included
>> 0x0409 English (United States)
>> 0x0407 German (Deutch)
>> 0x040C French (Français)
>> 0x0410 Italian (Italiano)
>> 0x0C0A Spanish (Español)
>> 0x0809 English (United Kingdom)
>> 0x0405 Czech (Čeština)
>> 0x0406 Danish (Dansk)
>> 0x040E Hungarian (Magyar)
>> 0x0413 Nederlands (Dutch)
>> 0x0414 Norwegian (Bokmål)
>> 0x0415 Polish (Polski)
>> 0x0416 Portuguese (Brasil)
>> 0x0816 Portuguese (Português)
>> 0x040B Finnish (Suomi)
>> 0x041D Swedish (Svenska)
>> 0x0408 Ellenic (Ελληνικά)
>> 0x0419 Russian (Русский)
//// In the 3La ROM the following languages are included ////
>> 0x0409 English (United States)
>> 0x0404 Chinese (Traditional) (中文(繁體))
>> 0x0804 Chinese (Simplified) (中文(简体))
//// In the 3Lb ROM the following languages are included ////
>> 0x0409 English (United States)
>> 0x0412 Korean (한국의)
>> 0x0411 Japanese (日本語)
//// In the 3Lc ROM the following languages are included ////
>> 0x0409 English (United States)
>> 0x043E Malay (Malaysia)
>> 0x0421 Indonesian (Indonesia)
>> all the rest functionality as in stock ROM
//// ROM prerequisites ////
>> You must have RSPL/HSPL installed
>> IMPROTANT NOTE: Installation of the this ROM does NOT destroy HSPL
//// ROM installation instructions ////
>> phone must be flashed with RSPL and HSPL//// prerequisite ////
>> close zune //// and any other program ////
>> connect phone to usb
>> if phone is on then press and hold power button until will turn off
>> press and hold volume down button //// phone to bootloader ////
>> press power button and keep holding volume down button //// phone in bootloader ///
>> double click on ROMUpdateUtility.exe //// follow on screen instructions ////
>> disconnect phone from usb
>> connect to the internet with a wi-fi router
>> connect phone to usb
>> run zune //// wait for zune to sync ////
>> click on NEXT
>> click on NEXT
>> click on CANCEL //// cancels zune checking for updates ////
>>.. Remember that even if you perform a Hard Reset
>>.. the device will not loose the dev / interop unlock!!
DownLoad Links
WP7.8 ROMs
Build 7.10.8838.38, Password: Apollo11
[5.10.2012] V1 Spark_W_VERIZON_WWE_5.12.605.03 1L [0409] download link
>> RUU_Spark_W_VERIZON_WWE_5.12.605.03_Radio_1.
[5.10.2012] V1 Spark_W_VERIZON_WWE_5.12.605.03 18L [0409/.../0419] download link
>> RUU_Spark_W_VERIZON_WWE_5.12.605.03_Radio_1.
[5.10.2012] V1 Spark_W_VERIZON_WWE_5.12.605.03 3La [0409/0404/0804] download link
>> RUU_Spark_W_VERIZON_WWE_5.12.605.03_Radio_1.
[5.10.2012] V1 Spark_W_VERIZON_WWE_5.12.605.03 3Lb [0409/0411/0412] download link
>> RUU_Spark_W_VERIZON_WWE_5.12.605.03_Radio_1.
[5.10.2012] V1 Spark_W_VERIZON_WWE_5.12.605.03 3Lc [0409/043E/0421] download link
>> RUU_Spark_W_VERIZON_WWE_5.12.605.03_Radio_1.
WP7.5 ROMs
Tango 8773
[14.04.2012] Spark_W_ML_5.12.605.02 New Tech 18L [0409/.../0419] download link:
>> Spark_W_ML_51260502_R_153000802_2316w0506U_NT_Tango_8773_18L_by_ansar
[14.04.2012] Spark_W_ML_5.12.605.02 New Tech 3La [0409/0404/0804] download link:
>> Spark_W_ML_51260502_R_153000802_2316w0506U_NT_Tango_8773_3La_by_ansar
[14.04.2012] Spark_W_ML_5.12.605.02 New Tech 3Lb [0409/0411/0412] download link:
>> Spark_W_ML_51260502_R_153000802_2316w0506U_NT_Tango_8773_3Lb_by_ansar
Mango 8107
[14.04.2012] RUU_Spark_W_VERIZON_5.12.605.01 New Tech download link:
>> Spark_W_ML_51260501_R_153000802_2316w0506U_NT_Mango_8107_22L_by_ansar
Till next version enjoy!!
Regards, ansar
>> I hope you realize the time needed for research & development to ceate these facilities
>> You may donate here Support my Research & Development
Ansar are a god, so do not get other developers to get you, thank you for your time you're a champion.
PS: Keep it going and do not change because you're a guy who cares about the users and that the morrow would be appreciated.
Sorry for my bad English
Info on ROM development
elpinta25 said:
Ansar are a god, so do not get other developers to get you, thank you for your time you're a champion.
PS: Keep it going and do not change because you're a guy who cares about the users and that the morrow would be appreciated.
Sorry for my bad English
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Hi elpinta25,
An 8773 18L, 3La, 3Lb will be uploaded during the day
Thnx for commenting and supporting!!
Regards, ansar
Thanks for making us SparkW users a version of your rom, I look forward to trying it out and giving feedback (and on the upcoming Tango rom).
The official rom is getting an 8107 update soon, so it might be a good idea to base a rom off of that when it hits. I'm guessing even your rom still has the weird texting in Chinese/Japanese while in CDMA mode issue (I think its a Verizon Trophy driver issue), but I'll load this up on my phone and give it a test spin.
Are you using the drivers from 2.01.605.10 or the newest released rom 2.04.605.02?
Also, you could build this rom without a radio if you want, there is a thread so people can flash whatever radio they want separately.
Info on ROM development
The New 8773 5.12.650.02 ROMs i.e. 18L, 3La and 3Lb
have been uploaded, see post #1
TheXev said:
Thanks for making us SparkW users a version of your rom, I look forward to trying it out and giving feedback (and on the upcoming Tango rom).
The official rom is getting an 8107 update soon, so it might be a good idea to base a rom off of that when it hits. I'm guessing even your rom still has the weird texting in Chinese/Japanese while in CDMA mode issue (I think its a Verizon Trophy driver issue), but I'll load this up on my phone and give it a test spin.
Are you using the drivers from 2.01.605.10 or the newest released rom 2.04.605.02?
Also, you could build this rom without a radio if you want, there is a thread so people can flash whatever radio they want separately.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Other build drivers are also included
Thnx for testing, commenting and supporting!!
Regards, ansar
awesome work i will try right now 2 hours for download
3 diferent files with 3 diferent radios
ansar.ath.gr said:
Dear forum members,
This is the new 8773 update on 14/4/2012
//// ROM exec summary ////
>> a New Tech [NT] 7.10.8773.98 Total Unlock custom ROMs with
>> 3 versions i.e. 3 sets of display languages as
>> 18L / 3La / 3Lb and custom ROM upload names
>> WWE_5.12.605.02_Radio_1.
>> WWE_5.12.605.02_Radio_1.
>> WWE_5.12.605.02_Radio_1.
>> and a NT 7.10.8107.79 with 22 Languages and Total Unlock custom ROM version
>> WWE_5.12.605.01_Radio_1.
>> are designed for Spark_W_VERIZON
//// ROM change log ////
>> 8773 version is able to run the following apps
>> - WmdcLauncher
>> - SearchKeySettings
>> - Winco wAppStore
>> - AdvancedConfig
>> and many other
//// Main Characteristics ////
>> Embedded 7.10.8773.98 update
>> Total Unlocked with following unlocks
>> dev / interop unlock Hard Reset Resistant
>> dft latest unlock [CUSTOM_FullUnlock, CUSTOM_XBLUnlock]
>> [Please do not use this ROM for MarketPlace pirate downloads]
>> Wi-Fi tethering for Internet sharing
>> All latest Titan OEM apps (10) plus Stocks
>> The following AT&T OEM apps (3)
>> AT&T FamilyMap
>> AT&T myWireless and
>> Vodafone MyWeb
>> VOIP driver
>> Front camera driver with
>> a button next to video one to enable it
>> Although there is no such hardware in Spark_W_VERIZON
>> upside down photo and video can be taken!!
>> Embedded custom apps (6)
>> AdvancedConfig.xap (V by Julien Schapman
>> BTFileTransfer.xap (V 1.01) by Cotulla
>> Registry Editor (V by Julien Schapman
>> TouchXplorer (V by Julien Schapman
>> USBModeSwitch (V 1.16) by ansar
>> for internet tethering from PC/Laptop through Spark_W_VERIZON usb
>> Finally 18 for 8773 and 22 languages for 8107 are included
>> 0x0409 English (United States)
>> 0x0407 German (Deutch)
>> 0x040C French (Français)
>> 0x0410 Italian (Italiano)
>> 0x0C0A Spanish (Español)
>> 0x0809 English (United Kingdom)
>> 0x0405 Czech (Čeština)
>> 0x0406 Danish (Dansk)
>> 0x040E Hungarian (Magyar)
>> 0x0413 Nederlands (Dutch)
>> 0x0414 Norwegian (Bokmål)
>> 0x0415 Polish (Polski)
>> 0x0416 Portuguese (Brasil)
>> 0x0816 Portuguese (Português)
>> 0x040B Finnish (Suomi)
>> 0x041D Swedish (Svenska)
>> 0x0408 Ellenic (Ελληνικά)
>> 0x0419 Russian (Русский)
>> 0x0412 Korean (한국의) (8107 only / 8773 in separate ROM)
>> 0x0404 Chinese (Traditional) (中文(繁體)) (8107 only / 8773 in separate ROM)
>> 0x0804 Chinese (Simplified) (中文(简体)) (8107 only / 8773 in separate ROM)
>> 0x0411 Japanese (日本語) (8107 only / 8773 in separate ROM)
>> all the rest functionality as in stock ROM
//// ROM prerequisites ////
>> You must have RSPL/HSPL installed
>> IMPROTANT NOTE: Installation of the this ROM does NOT destroy HSPL
//// ROM installation instructions ////
>> phone must be flashed with RSPL and HSPL//// prerequisite ////
>> close zune //// and any other program ////
>> connect phone to usb
>> if phone is on then press and hold power button until will turn off
>> press and hold volume down button //// phone to bootloader ////
>> press power button and keep holding volume down button //// phone in bootloader ///
>> double click on ROMUpdateUtility.exe //// follow on screen instructions ////
>> disconnect phone from usb
>> connect to the internet with a wi-fi router
>> connect phone to usb
>> run zune //// wait for zune to sync ////
>> click on NEXT
>> click on NEXT
>> click on CANCEL //// cancels zune checking for updates ////
>>.. Remember that even if you perform a Hard Reset
>>.. the device will not loose the dev / interop unlock!!
DownLoad Links
Tango 8773
[14.04.2012] Spark_W_ML_5.12.605.02 New Tech 18L [0409/.../0419] download link:
>> Spark_W_ML_51260502_R_153000802_2316w0506U_NT_Tango_8773_18L_by_ansar
[14.04.2012] Spark_W_ML_5.12.605.02 New Tech 3La [0409/0404/0804] download link:
>> Spark_W_ML_51260502_R_153000802_2316w0506U_NT_Tango_8773_3La_by_ansar
[14.04.2012] Spark_W_ML_5.12.605.02 New Tech 3Lb [0409/0411/0412] download link:
>> Spark_W_ML_51260502_R_153000802_2316w0506U_NT_Tango_8773_3Lb_by_ansar
Mango 8107
[14.04.2012] RUU_Spark_W_VERIZON_5.12.605.01 New Tech download link:
>> Spark_W_ML_51260501_R_153000802_2316w0506U_NT_Mango_8107_22L_by_ansar
Till next version enjoy!!
Regards, ansar
>> I hope you realize the time needed for research & development to ceate these facilities
>> You may donate here Support my Research & Development
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this one is not working
invalid model id is what i get
i have hspl running dft beta mango
elmanortega said:
this one is not working
invalid model id is what i get
i have hspl running dft beta mango
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Click to collapse
Same here
second rom
same problem
All rom. I have same problem
Kevin_lee0417 said:
All rom. I have same problem
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Click to collapse
I have same issue as well
Info on DeviceID
Hi to all,
I have used the original DeviceID 0xPC4020000 in rom building process
Dft have used a 0xSPAW10000 instead of that
You can change the DeviceID in the already posted ROMs with a Hexeditor
It is at the first lines at 0x40 address
In any case the ROMs will be re-uploaded with the above DeviceID
Regards, ansar
Yeah. The reason for the change in model ID was because Spark roms had the possibility of flashing onto SparkW devices without the change.
As an example (pre HSPL installation), I was able to use asars Euro SPL downgrade on my SparkW!! It didn't brick my phone (by some miracle now that I think about it!), but I was unable to use it for installing HSPL from DFT.
Anywho, I might as well wait for the new roms to be uploaded, since I haven't been able to download them via rapidshare yet.
Can anyone explain to me the difference between the three tango roms?
Updated to Tango 18L - Zune Update Available????
Changing the Model ID using a Hex Editor worked great!!!
I am on the 18L, but my phone is saying there is an update .. went to Zune and it says there is an HTC Update available ... can I install it or no?
---------- Post added at 02:14 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:13 PM ----------
jibgilmon said:
Can anyone explain to me the difference between the three tango roms?
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Languages .. 18L has 18 Languages, the other two have 3, you can compare the numbers to the language list in the first post to determine languages
The HTC update showed up with my DFT custom 8107 rom and when I tried to install it from Zune, I got an error message. But it didn't mess up my phone.
Yeah, the three roms have different languages. The first one has a bunch, the second has english, korean and japanese, and the third has english and chinese. I wonder what happens to the languages you don't use. I'm assuming they get installed, but not used. Not sure about that though.
And maybe it's a dumb question, but I have the DFT rom installed and if I install one of these, I'm guessing it will wipe out my programs and settings and I will have to re-set up everything again, right? It's running so good right not, not sure I want to spend an hour or two to do that.
Ahhhh I see now, thanks guys
gpost104 said:
The HTC update showed up with my DFT custom 8107 rom and when I tried to install it from Zune, I got an error message. But it didn't mess up my phone.
Yeah, the three roms have different languages. The first one has a bunch, the second has english, korean and japanese, and the third has english and chinese. I wonder what happens to the languages you don't use. I'm assuming they get installed, but not used. Not sure about that though.
And maybe it's a dumb question, but I have the DFT rom installed and if I install one of these, I'm guessing it will wipe out my programs and settings and I will have to re-set up everything again, right? It's running so good right not, not sure I want to spend an hour or two to do that.
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Yes it will wipe it
Just got into the flashing of these ROMs on wp7. Honestly just HSPL'd and Flashed DFTs because I had it downloaded already the other day. Phone was running smoothly b4, but I'll try this out after I find the changes with the DFT one.
Ok, did anyone flash a Tango rom and if so, what's happening???? How does it compare to the DFT rom?

[4.3][24-02-2014]N7100 Hurricane Tools[Note3★HNCC★Modem★Flash★Popup★Langs]-Universal

[4.3][24-02-2014]N7100 Hurricane Tools[Note3★HNCC★Modem★Flash★Popup★Langs]-Universal
Welcome to Hurricane Tools 4.3​​
The MODs / TOOLS below are now NOT only for Hurricane ROM, They can be used for any other compatible ROMs (PUBLIC)
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
- Team Hurricane, its members, friends, dogs, cats, and associates are no way responsible whatsoever for any loss of data, or device functionality.
- Use the TOOLs at your own risk!
- Your warranty is now void
- We are not responsible for bricked devices, dead SD cards, thermonuclear war, or you getting fired because the alarm app failed.
- Please do some research if you have any concerns about features included in this thread tools before flashing them.
- YOU are choosing to make these modifications, and if you point the finger at us for messing up your device, we will laugh at you.​
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Hurricane NoteII CSC Controller [HNCC]
Flash Player support on Stock Browser
Enable Popup Browser
Hurricane Modem Changer Tool (Aroma)
Hurricane Note3 App package [MOD]
Hurricane sipdb/VODB De/Bloater TOOL for ROMs without Note3 MOD
Hurricane Sound Boost Tool
Hurricane Kernel Changer Tool
Hurricane Note2-Note3 Sounds Tool (Aroma) Tool
Hurricane Zero Wake Lag Mod
Hurricane S5 Boot/Shutdown Animation
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Credits and Thanks​
@firasusman: Thank you brother
@mikeyxda for his guide (eliminate zero wake lag)
And sorry if I forgot anyone else.
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Show me the love with Thanks ​
Hurricane NoteII CSC Controller [HNCC]
Hurricane NoteII CSC Controller [HNCC] - Changelog/Features.
Note: I assume you read carefully how to use and how it works...
All Hurricane hidden CSC features of /system/csc/others.xml are:
- Camera: Enable Camera During Call
- Camera: Enable Pop-up Notification
- Camera: Enable Shutter Sound Menu
- SIP: Enable Sub Menu Symbol KB (keyboard)
- Contacts: Raise Name length Limit
- Contacts: Max Speed Dial 100
- Contacts: Enable Call Button
- Contacts: Enable export to SD
- Message: Raise Recipient Limit 999
- Message: SMS to MMS Threshold 999
- Message: Enable Folder View (Disabled to avoid Messaging FC)
- Message: Enable Font Features
- Message: Enable Scheduled Message
- Misc: Disable Phone Number Formatting
- Misc: Phonebook Digit Matching
- Misc: Launcher Rotation
- WEB: Web Exit Option to Stock Browser
- WiFi: Wifi Client 10 for MobAP
- Misc: MultiWindow AddOn App
- Calendar: Enable Calender Export
- Email: Email White Background
- Clock: Clock Enable Auto on off Menu
- Misc: Voice Call waiting-tone 60
- FM Radio: FM Local Tunning
- FM Radio: FM Record Volume 11
- Misc: National Roaming Icon Enable
- WEB: Request Web desktop Site by Default
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Features explained in details:
Detailed Explanation of each CSC Feature
- Camera: Enable camera during call
This will allow you to take pictures using stock camera app during call
- Camera: Enable Popup Notification
This will enable sms popup notification while using stock camera app
- Camera: Enable Shutter sound Menu
This will enable Shutter sound on/off button in stock camera
- SIP: Enable Sub Menu Symbol KB (keyboard)
This will enable sub Symbols on Stock Samsung keyboard
- Contacts: Raise name length limit
This will extend Contact name length Limit to 1280
- Contacts: Max speed dial 100
This will extend speed dials limit to 100 from 10
- Contacts: Enable call button
This will enable call Button in Contacts and phone log
- Contacts: Enable export to SD
This will enable selectable list To Export SD Card In Contacts App
- Message: Raise recipient limit 999
This will extend the limit of stock messaging app recipient list to 999
- Message: SMS to MMS threshold 999
The value after which sms will be converted to MMS. SecMms.apk should be modded for that too.
- Message: Enable folder view (Disabled to avoid Messaging FC)
This will allow you to switch between conversation view to folder view in stock messaging app
- Message: Enable font features
This will enable controlling font features such as size of stock messaging app
- Message: Enable scheduled message
This will enable scheduled message in stock sms application
- Misc: Disable phone number formatting
This will disable phone number formatting. Advised...
- Misc: Phonebook digit matching
This will enable dialer phonebook digits matching letters during search for a contact
- Misc: Launcher Rotation
This will enable launcher page rotation. Stock FW needed, and modded SecLauncher2.apk
- WEB: Web exit option to Stock Browser
This will add exit option to stock brower
- WiFi: Wifi client 10 for MobAP
This will enable 10 devices to connect to your hotspot
- Misc: MultiWindow addOn App
If you have multiwindow app installed, this will enable your settings of which apps enabled in for multi window to be saved.
- Calendar: Enable Calender export
This will enable you to import calendar data from sd card.
- Email: Email White Background
This will convert Email stock application background to white for better reading...
- Clock: Clock enable Auto on off menu
This will enable auto power on/off menu for clock app. Use it if you need it only.
- Misc: Voice call waitingtone 60
I haven't yet tested that
- FM Radio: FM local tunning
This will enable FM radio local tunning
- FM Radio: FM Record volume11
This will enable FM radio recording; not tested yet.
- Misc: National Roaming Icon enable
This will enable roaming icon "R" to be displayed when roaming
- WEB: Request Web desktop site by default
This will force the stock browser to request for desktop view by default
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
How does it work?
If you are on Hurricane ROM, then:
1. The tool will auto backup your current /system/csc/others.xml to /system/others.xml
2. The tool will delete the current /system/csc/others.xml
3. The tool will load the basic features only instead [(Hurricane basic others.xml) needed to trigger your changes)].
4. Then you can enter the main page where you can choose:
- Customize CSC Features: This will let you choose only the features you want and write them into others.xml (activate them)
- Skip CSC Features​5. If you wish to restore your backed up others.xml, just use root explorer to copy /system/others.xml to /system/csc/ and set permission 644.
6. The tool is self explanatory, and will guide you through the process.
How to flash:
1. Nandroid first, just in case.
2. Download and flash the tool, make sure of MD5 before flashing...
3. Follow the tool guide within Aroma.
4. Reboot.
1. The disclaimer in first post of my OP applies here too.
2. Some of the features require modded apks as explained the detailed section above.
3. This is only v1.0. I will enhance the backup / restore procedure later.
Last by not least:
Thanks to @dr.ketan for his amazing scripts, without him, this wouldn't have been possible. He is real gifted and talented person. Credits go to him
Thanks to @mzakirh and @pankaj_GB for testing the tool
MD5: 9C0DDFE02C8BD8F078D2FBF8942DC339
And for that, I ask, show us the love with thanks
With Love,
Flash Player support on Stock Browser
Flash Player support on Stock Browser:
(install the following apps as user apps and reboot)
- http://d-h.st/NeM
- http://d-h.st/9DG
- http://d-h.st/ncS
Enable Popup Browser
Enable Popup Browser:
Flash the attached file through Recovery.
Hurricane Modem Changer Tool (Aroma)
Hurricane Modem Changer Tool (Aroma)
Updated to V5.0...
Ability to change between modems:
- XXUEMJ9 (new)
- XXUENA1 (new)
- XXUENA3 (new)
Hurricane Modem Changer Tool V5.0 Download
MD5: 3364C33D32BEC589DF28E4518AFEA784
Updated to V4.0...
Ability to change between modems:
Hurricane Modem Changer Tool V4.0 Download
MD5: 09af179dbd591f0027401d4d17f1219a
- Flash through Recovery.
Show me the love with Thanks
Note3 App package [MOD]
Please Read, Read, and Read
Hurricane Note3 Apps Package (should be compatible with ML2/ML3/ML4/NA1 ROMs). Ported from Note3 Mod Open Project: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2537186
Thanks a bunch to @tamirda and @dr.ketan
Credits to all those who participated in this port:
And thanks to @pankaj_GB
for testing and for his precious help
Huge Thanks to the great DN3 Team for permission to port and modify from their files. :good:
And sorry if I forgot anyone else...
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
- Note 3 Launcher
- Note 3 Settings with Search Options
- Note 3 Multiwindow
- Quad screen: you can split multiwindow up to 4 different apps!
- New Note 3 Signature Lock
- Smart Scroll
- Note 3 Story Album
- Lockscreen effects
- Quick Glance option
- Sounds from Note 3
- Note 3 Fully Working Aircommand
- Note 3 One Handed Option For all screens
- Note 3 White Keyboard
- Note 3 SNote
- Note 3 My Files
- Note 3 Contacts and Phone (with option for popup incoming notifications)
- Note 3 Browser
- Note 3 S Planner
- Note 3 S Finder, Pen Window, Scrapbooker
- Note 3 Apps like SketchBook, Evernote and more
- Note 3 Gallery
- Note 3 Writing Buddy
- Note 3 My Magazine
- SecPhone.apk with call popup notification: can be activated from call settings.
And much more!
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
How to install:
1. Full wipe (including /system /data /cache /dalvik-cache /preload)
2. Flash ROM (DEODEXED) is a must.
3. DO NOT Reboot.
4. Wipe Cache and Dalvik.
5. Flash NOTE3 MOD.
6. DO NOT Reboot.
7. Wipe cache and Dalvik.
8. Reboot and Enjoy
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Hurricane Note3 App Package_v4.0_Download for Hurricane V7.0 and V8.0 and V9.0
MD5 Sum: 789b40d92be2cf6cff82618a3af43ead
- Should be compatible with any deodexed ROM based on ML2/ML3/ML4/NA1
Note3 Black Keyboard
Note2 Keyboard Flashable zip in case you don't like Note3 keyboard is here:
Pen_Thickness_RecognizerDelay.zip for note3 keyboard
Galaxy Gear flashable zip; thx to pankaj_GB
Click to expand...
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Show us the love with thanks and... ENJOY
Hurricane sipdb/VODB De/Bloater TOOL for ROMs without Note3 MOD
Hurricane sipdb/VODB De/Bloater TOOL for ROMs without Note3 MOD.
The tool will allow you to bloat and debloat sipdb languages and Voice VODB languages as per your choices.
Example: If you keep only the language you use, you can save almost ~ 300 MB of system partition space.
If you choose later to install more languages; you can flash the tool any time to bloat again and keep/remove the languages you need.
Languages included are:
From /system/sipdb:
ar_SA.zip == Arabic
az_AZ.zip == Azerbaijani
bg_BG.zip == Bulgarian
cs_CZ.zip == Czech
da_DK.zip == Danish
de_DE.zip == German
el_GR.zip == Greek
en_GB.zip == English - UNITED KINGDOM
en_US.zip == English - UNITED STATES
es_ES.zip == Spanish
es_US.zip == Spanish - UNITED STATES
et_EE.zip == Estonian
fa_IR.zip == Persian
fi_FI.zip == Finnish
fr_FR.zip == French
ga_IE.zip == Irish
hr_HR.zip == Croatian
hu_HU.zip == Hungarian
hy_AM.zip == Armenian
id_ID.zip == Indonesian
is_IS.zip == Icelandic
it_IT.zip == Italian
jv_ID.zip == Javanese
ka_GE.zip == Georgian
kk_KZ.zip == Kazakh
ko_KR.zip == Korean
lt_LT.zip == Lithuanian
lv_LV.zip == Latvian
ms_MY.zip == Malay
nb_NO.zip == Norwegian
nl_NL.zip == Dutch
pl_PL.zip == Polish
pt_BR.zip == Portuguese - BRAZIL
pt_PT.zip == Portuguese
ro_RO.zip == Romanian
ru_RU.zip == Russian
sk_SK.zip == Slovak
sl_SI.zip == Slovenian
sr_RS.zip == Serbian
su_ID.zip == Sundanese
sv_SE.zip == Swedish
th_TH.zip == Thai
tl_PH.zip == Tagalog
tr_TR.zip == Turkish
uk_UA.zip == Ukrainian
ur_PK.zip == Urdu
vi_VN.zip == Vietnamese
zh_CN.zip == Chinese
From /system/VODB:
ar_SA == Arabic
az_AZ == Azerbaijani
bg_BG == Bulgarian
cs_CZ == Czech
da_DK == Danish
de_DE == German
el_GR == Greek
en_GB == English - UNITED KINGDOM
en_US == English - UNITED STATES
es_ES == Spanish
es_US == Spanish - UNITED STATES
et_EE == Estonian
fa_IR == Persian
fi_FI == Finnish
fr_FR == French
ga_IE == Irish
hr_HR == Croatian
hu_HU == Hungarian
hy_AM == Armenian
id_ID == Indonesian
is_IS == Icelandic
it_IT == Italian
jv_ID == Javanese
ka_GE == Georgian
kk_KZ == Kazakh
ko_KR == Korean
lt_LT == Lithuanian
lv_LV == Latvian
ms_MY == Malay
nb_NO == Norwegian
nl_NL == Dutch
pl_PL == Polish
pt_BR == Portuguese - BRAZIL
pt_PT == Portuguese
ro_RO == Romanian
ru_RU == Russian
sk_SK == Slovak
sl_SI == Slovenian
sr_RS == Serbian
su_ID == Sundanese
sv_SE == Swedish
th_TH == Thai
tl_PH == Tagalog
tr_TR == Turkish
uk_UA == Ukrainian
ur_PK == Urdu
vi_VN == Vietnamese
zh_CN == Chinese
Download: http://d-h.st/obk
MD5: 0376d2e47fb66c5df218d0d5ab3b2e6b
Enjoy and show me the love with thanks
with love,
Hurricane Sound Boost Mods
Hurricane Sound Boost Mods.
Updated to V3.0
Ability to change between:
- Original Sound
- Midvol: 58dB
- Ultravol: 60dB
- Extremevol: 63dB
Ability to change between:
- install Camera Sounds.
- remove Camera Sounds
V2.0 http://d-h.st/FFF
V3.0 http://goo.im/devs/wesamothman/Hurricane/Hurricane_Sound-Boost-Mods_V3.0.zip
Hurricane Kernel Changer
Hurricane Kernel Changer
Ability to change stock kernels:
Note2-Note3 Sounds Tool (Aroma)
Note2-Note3 Sounds Tool (Aroma)
Ability to choose between different setups of stock sounds powerup and shutdown options:
- Note2 Powerup Sound
- Note2 Powerup without Sound
- Note2 Shutdown Sound
- Note2 Shutdown without Sound
- Note2 Powerup & Shutdown with Sound
- Note2 Powerup & Shutdown without Sound
- Note2 Powerup with Sound & Shutdown without Sound
- Note2 Powerup without Sound & Shutdown with Sound
- Note3 Powerup Sound
- Note3 Powerup without Sound
- Note3 Shutdown Sound
- Note3 Shutdown without Sound
- Note3 Powerup & Shutdown with Sound
- Note3 Powerup & Shutdown without Sound
- Note3 Powerup with Sound & Shutdown without Sound
- Note3 Powerup without Sound & Shutdown with Sound
Note2-Note3 Sounds Tool (Aroma)
Note2 Audio Sound Pack Flashable zip:
Note3 Audio Sound Pack Flashable zip:
Hurricane Zero Wake Lag MOD
Hurricane Zero Wake Lag MOD.
Lag reduced to [0 -- 0.5 sec]. Thanks to @pratik_193 for testing the mod.
Flash the mod via recovery:
Hurricane Zero Wake Lag without Note3 MOD:
Restore without Note3 MOD:
Hurricane Zero Wake Lag with Note3 MOD:
Restore with Note3 MOD:
With Zero wake lag mod for ROM without Note3 MOD, better battery stats looks like this:
With Zero wake lag mod for ROM with Note3 MOD, better battery stats looks like this:
Hurricane S5 BootAnimation
Hurricane Restore N2 BootAnimation
Reserved 6 (Last one)
Great thread Bro...all in one site:thumbup::thumbup:
Thanks for the credits. You're so kind
Sent from my Note 2 Powered by Hurricane 9.0 using XDA Premium 4 Mobile app
one more tool please to reduce wake lag...:good:
Now that's hell lot of hard work
Sent from my GT-N7100 using Tapatalk
great community work , wes !
So one is advised to first use the DeBloater tool on a comptaible ROM before flashing the Note 3 mod right? Coz I see it says "for ROMs without Note 3 mod..."?
Moe5508 said:
So one is advised to first use the DeBloater tool on a comptaible ROM before flashing the Note 3 mod right? Coz I see it says "for ROMs without Note 3 mod..."?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Yes. Correct. Although I made a version for both ROMs with and without note3 mod. Need a tester.
Anyone interested to test the Languages DE/BLOATER tool with and without NOTE3 MOD version?

