[Q] for WP7 Devs: Are there SPECIFIC CHALLENGES that should merit DEVVY AWARD nominat - Windows Phone 7 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Some of you know know me from my years here at XDA-DEVS using Windows Mobile Platform... and for creating the cross-platform recognition program for Outstanding Achievement in Touchscreen Application Development: the Devvy Awards. They are way slower than i would have liked getting off the ground, but anything non-commercial, and thus high-integrity-based takes extra resources.
In any case, in a few weeks, the long postponed tribute awards to Windows Mobile developers will take place -- from nominations gathered over last year. At same time, nominations will open for each of the 5 current touchscreen OS platforms -- with a reluctant neglect of Symbian this year.
Many of the AWARD CATEGORIES FOR APPS/WIDGETS etc are similar platform to platform, but there are differences too.. i.e., Android has Android-specific award categories (and challenges), so does iOS, webOS, etc. THUS MY QUESTION:
WP7 is so new that I don't truly think it's had appropriate proving time, but nonetheless it was decided to allow nominations for app-dev in WP7 for the few months of 2010, the qualifying period. And my question is, looking at this list below, are there any VERY SPECIFIC TO WP7 "challenges to developers" that are not reflected below that might merit being formulated into an award category.
Please keep in mind these are not ONE-OFFS... This is the establishment of structural precedents for the Devvy academy, if you will. So the nomination categories must stand the test of time and be relevant next year and the year after and so forth.
If you prefer to PM me, please do. I am asking this question pretty late, but the question struct me late -- and there is no other body of people on earth who can answer it than right here. Thank you. /quicksite
Outstanding Achievement in Creative Use of API's and Hardware by a Fitness Application
Outstanding Achievement in Developing of a Full Featured Chat Client (i.e. picture sharing, location aware, instant receive)
Outstanding Achievement in Integration of Social Applications into the Operating System APIs
Outstanding Achievement in Use of Geo-location Data to Deliver Actionable User Content
Outstanding Achievement in Development of a Full Featured Barcode Capture Application
Outstanding Achievement in Development of a Full Featured Podcast Grabber
Outstanding Achievement in Development for a Replacement Music Player
Outstanding Achievement in Development of a Full Featured Note Taking App
Outstanding Achievement In an E-Reader App
Outstanding Achievement in a Full Featured News Reader Application
Outstanding Achievement in Theme or Skin Development for [DEVICE]
Outstanding Achievement in Development of a Camera Modification App
Outstanding Achievement in Non-Native Browser Experience
Outstanding Achievement in Graphical Optimization for Speed and Performance in Games
Outstanding Achievement in Development of a Sports Application
Outstanding Achievement in a Streaming Radio Application (Pandora, Slacker Radio, TuneIn, Last.fm,)
Outstanding Achievement in a Streaming Music Catalog (MOG, Rhapsody, Rdio)
Outstanding Achievement in Usability and Creative Use of Speech Recognition APIs
Outstanding Achievement in a Map and Direction Client
Outstanding Developer Resource
Outstanding Achievement in Development and Support of Tethering
Outstanding Achievement in Live Tile Feature
Outstanding Achievement in Splash Screen Design

Hi again. I realize this is hard to answer given how short a timeframe WP7 has been out. Let me re-phrase and could I get a reply please from just ONE developer -- that all I need -- just one developer on WP7:
I'm about to go live with this list. To me and the 3 other volunteers who compiled lists, it seems pretty good. Just someone reply please to say
"Yes, looks good, go with it"
That way I know I haven't left out any OBVIOUS omissions... This is just a fail-safe to see if there is something obvious we are missing. Thanks


DEVVY AWARDS BEGIN! Voting on WindowsMobile starts Dec 22. Other OS noms begin 12/27!

VOTING BEGINS ON THE WINDOWS MOBILE OPERATING SYSTEM "DEVVY AWARDS" on Wed December 22nd. For all the latest news and updates, explanations of how to vote, eligibility, go to http://DevvyAwards.com ....
Nominations for ANDROID, iPHONE, PALM, BLACKBERRY, and WINDOWS PHONE operating systems begin on Monday December 27th....
Hello XDA-Developers! Less than 1 year ago the idea struck me after seeing the typical end-of-the-year RECAP news stories and "BEST OF" lists of all varieties in the tech world:
"Where is the list of best touchscreen apps AS DETERMINED BY APP DEVELOPERS THEMSELVES... and not by some tech editors, or special panel of distinguished CEOs of XYZ Wireless Startups?"
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
This was on or about December 20th, 2009.
The answer I found was: There ISN'T such a list because there ISN'T a peer-to-peer "academy" of sorts, of touchscreen application developers -- on par with actors, writers and directors in the film industry --- or musicians and songwriters in the music industry. And it struck me:
The hardware & over the air Delivery system pipeline is more or less complete now in the post iPhone new paradigm of the multi-billion dollar touchscreen phone industry: It goes like this:
• Touchscreen devices: plentiful
• Operating systems: many to choose from
• App marketplaces: Download via Over The Air app stores right on the phones
• Connectivity & Bandwidth: Cell Providers have 3g and 4g networks and more
Wifi is also supplanting cellular connectivity in many cases
Product differentiation from carrier to carrier and phone maker to phone maker will not be very hugely distinguishable in 3-5 years.
What is the driver of the gargantuan business that every statistic shows is changing behaviors, changing methods of delivery of services, changing whole concepts of product development?
APPS, everyone knows that. But to hear the tech industry report on apps, by and large, you would think they fall out of the sky and land in the app stores, since the vast majority of reporting that mentions the word apps is always framed in a context of "WHO'S GOT MORE, APPLE OR GOOGLE? WHOSE APPS ARE BETTER? WHOSE SYSTEM IS MORE OPEN? WHOSE HAS MORE CENSORSHIP? WHOSE INTRODUCES "viruses" (!)? WHOSE NUMERICAL COUNT IS A GAME CHANGER? WILL IT PUT PALM OUT OF BUSINESS? DOES BLACKBERRY HAVE A CHANCE?"
Tech Reporting is sloppy and unfocused in the touchscreen world, and the central player in the entire arena of revenue generation for ALL players are App Developers, and that is due to the same truism that applies in film business as it does to this new industry: hardware is not king. CONTENT is king.
This industry is nothing without apps and everyone knows it. It was the missing link that created a revenue model. Yet, just as the Hollywood Screenwriter is often the last person to be consulted regarding the success of a film he or she wrote, so too in the touchscreen world the App Devs are, in the view of this author, treated on the whole (and with some exceptions) as interchangeable widgets the gatekeepers collect toll from at the tollbooth.
I didn't like that last year. I like it even less THIS year as the industry further matures. And thus the Devvy Awards were born to create that PEER-TO-PEER recognition system, where, if there must be end of year "Best of" lists of Apps, App Developers shall be the final judge and arbiters of what constitutes quality, performance, and high achievement. Or at least their deliberations will now have a voice and a public outlet of expression and dissemination.
This is year one, and we're in beta. But with a team of 2 people, we've worked our rears off to make this happen and do it with the highest integrity possible.
Earlier this year many of you answered the Call for Nominations in the multiple categories for Devvys recognition for the Windows Mobile Operating System. We thank you very much. That was Part 1 which enabled this entire process to lift off the ground. The Devvys do not exist without you, the actual developer communities.
And now, all we ask from you ---- is that you vote.
Thanks to everyone at XDA-devs for helping nurture this project and give it a chance to breathe. Happy Holidays to all!
2010 Nominations list: Devvy Awards: Windows Mobile OS
JULY 2010 •• UPDATE •• To those of you who are wondering "why all the delays?" It's a small 1-person operation this first year. Couldn't be helped without a paid staff.
To those of you first seeing this thread -- and wondering: "what are these DEVVY AWARDS?" ... Welcome, they are a brand new, first-time-this-year, peer-to-peer recognition of achievement awards for outstanding application development on touchscreen devices
NOMINATIONS ARE NOW RE-OPENED FOR WINDOWS MOBILE, seeing as this is the swan song year for the entire OS, forever.
werdna72 said:
For whatever reason (and I've just seen some of the 'history') I was unaware of the awards until today, when I saw a posting in the Topaz forum.
Just to clarify, am I right in thinking it is now too late to nominate people for WM categories? If that is the case, I hope certain people (Co0kie Monster, for example) made it on to the list - and I look forward to being able to vote for them as a (hopelessly inadequate) gesture to show my esteem, gratitude and amazement at their work, skill and devotion.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Long story short:They *WERE* closed and voting was set to take place. But. we found huge holes in the categories, and it wasn't right. And I had a choice of whether to hold to a date, for arbitrary pride purposes, or get it right and be late. I've chosen the latter.
SO NOMINATIONS ARE NOW RE-OPENED FOR WINDOWS MOBILE, seeing as this is the swan song year for the entire OS, forever.
This was heavily influenced by Microsoft's decision to kill to death "Windows Mobile" and start anew with Windows Phone 7, which to me was shouting out the only opportunity to properly honor and tribute to the whole collection of Windows Mobile developers of the past 6-7-8 years here at XDA, who made "adequate" WM OS software come alive with SPL, ROMS, tweeks, mods, APPS, etc, transforming partially usable phones into amazing devices -- that otherwise wouldn't have been.
For those just hearing now of the DEVVY AWARDS, please spend a few moments with your last phone, even if you've moved on to Android. Help get this right and recognize GREAT ACHIEVEMENT IN SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT for touchscreens, in the Windows Mobile OS Division.
For those who already heard of it and wondered, wtf? All I hear are postponements. When will you get your act together? Just please read the following. ... or not. Thank you all for patience, for helping develop a peer-to-peer recognition system untainted by marketing dollars and DEALS that push out of the way fairness and quality.
These awards have been developed for first time this year, as a peer-to-peer recognition program, developer-to-developer and developer-and-end-user --- untainted by the engadgets and CNETs and all the other heavily funded and sometimes heavily biased and sometimes even heavily clueless Big Organizations who believe they can run the touchscreen industry from a TOP-DOWN view -- where they say what's good, and therefore it is.
There's a pricetag for high integrity and bottom-up: no staff, no funding. And that has meant huge delays in getting the DEVVY AWARDS launched properly. As its "founder", if that's the right word, from Day 1's initial ideas at end of December 2009 to open-thread formation discussions and input in January-February, I've never wanted to do some funky little ho-down quickie vote. I've wanted to do it right, setting a very high standard. This took time --- 3, 4 times longer than I imagined as it was just one person, me, doing the behind the scenes prep work -- with one exception -- orb3000 who was kind enough to post about DEVVYS yesterday on XDA portal page. He's been a solid champion & supporter of this project all along.
We had some setbacks, but THE DEVVYS ARE happening; they just weren't quick. Next year? they'll be quick.
Thank you much.
** Go Directly to Post #2 for NOMINATIONS LIST thus far.
** To See the Original Post from December 20, 2009 announcing the formation of the Devvy Awards, please jump to Post #20 below, where it is now archived for transparency of process.
CONT'd -- Part 2 of ALL NOMINATIONS for 2009 Devvys for Windows Mobile only
For the Windows Mobile OS Division, there are 12 Devvy Award Categories for Recognition of Achievement in Application Development, Utilities, ROMS, Theming, How-to Guides & Instruction.
Below these notes is a simple Blank Nominating List for the 12 Categories. Select and COPY this Nominating List to then PASTE INTO your post: so that you can keep your entry formatted consistently with all previous Nomination entries.
Then further below the Blank List is the Complete List of Nominations "so far" as submitted by XDA members in posts to this thread.
It is termed "so far", however, due to the holes in several categories we discovered when preparing the actual online voting ballots -- which in May were ready to be send out before we placed a HOLD to determine how to best address these holes of incomplete nominations.
Our solution, imperfect as it is, was to return to the XDA-Devs community -- the peer-based pool of developers themselves, try harder to get the existence of these awards, out in front of a larger percentage of community members, re-open these nominations and ask: Would you please help us make these nominations thorough and complete. Windows Mobile will cease to exist as a forward moving platform by October. This is a great way to pay tribute to the many people HERE who made the platform so usable, moving far beyond where MS always left off.
You can nominate yourself; you can nominate any number of people, even multiple people in one category
SCOPE of the Devvy Awards: The Devvys are industry wide, peer-to-peer recognition. There will be separarte OS/Platform-specific Divisions of Recognition of Achievement beginning with Windows Mobile, which had been XDA's entire scope until Android, followed later in 2010 with the Android OS division, and later (occuring on the Devvy Awards website) Blackberry, WebOS, and iPhone )
••• Blank Nominating List for the 12 Categories •••
Division 1 ...... WINDOWS MOBILE Operating System
1. Outstanding Achievement for New Application Development for Windows Mobile
2. Outstanding Achievement for Essential OS Replacement Interface Components & Functions for Windows Mobile (these would include Keyboards, Dialers, Contacts, Notification Systems, etc)
3. Outstanding Achievement for Interface Shell & Application Launcher for Windows Mobile
4. Outstanding Achievement for Utility/Applet/Scripting development for Windows Mobile
5. Outstanding Achievement for Widget development or Plug-ins for "Today" or "Home" Screen for Windows Mobile (these are differentiated from utilities & applets due to their plug-in nature, but more specifically pulling in & displaying realtime updatable information from Web or other full-scale sources)
6. Outstanding Achievement for ROM Performance & Usability, per individual phone device running Windows Mobile
7. Outstanding Achievement for Theming & Skinning development for Windows Mobile, (across all ROMS, applications, wallpapers)
8. Special Achievement in Device Operating System Level Engineering for Windows Mobile
(Covers foundational works like HardSPL, as well as Driver development and the enabling of Linux, then Android 1.5 to run native on a Windows Mobile device)
9. Special Recognition for Multiple-Year Achievements in pre-2009 Development of the Most Widely-Adopted Apps & Utilities on the Windows Mobile platform*
(* These will not be pitted against each other. All nominees who have been posted and seconded with an explanatory reason or rationale will receive Recognition Awards. Each of the developers of foundational apps & utilities (pre-2009) which achieved widespread adoption as almost "essential apps" should be recognized. )
10. Special Devvy Recognition for XDA ROM Chefs Hall of Fame from all the early years of XDA-developers website's outstanding ROM development
Division 2 ..... Sitewide Information Access & Support
11. Outstanding Achievement in Instructional Writing & Design, including Tutorials, Guides, User Manuals, Wiki Writing & Editing, and Video Presentations.
12. Outstanding Community Achievement Providing Consistent Practical, Helpful, Clear Feedback and Q&A Support in any Forum (Multiple Recognition Awards in this Category, not voted on, but rather derived from the nomination rationale posted here, for any XDA-helper (including the Developer), in any or all Forums)
•••( End of Blank Nominating List ) ••• (end your copy & paste selection here)
List of all Nominations thus far: (for Windows Mobile OS only, plus XDA Community Awards)
1••••• WINDOWS MOBILE Operating System
1. Outstanding Achievement for New Application Development for Windows Mobile
- Ageye (G-alarm, G-profile, Infinity)
- A_C (S2U2 - Enhanced Notification System and Message Preview on lock screen; S2P - new advancements)
- Barguast (Groovefish -- WM Client to web music service Grooveshark)
- 6Fg8 (Power radio)
- scilor ("Fahrplanauskunft" - finger-friendly app for bus/train wayplans/routes/schedules in Germany; considered highly useful)
- MiToNiOeS (iPhoneToday) (**Should this be under "Apps" or Interface Shell?)
- microfi - (Nitrogen Music Player w/ equalizer) (lightweight, finger navigable, highly skinnable, feature-rich playlist)
- supbro - for Avatar visual dialer
- sleuth255 - Sleuth's myLocation Service: your phone always knows where it is!
noonski - multiple apps
2. Outstanding Achievement for Essential OS Replacement Interface Components & Functions for Windows Mobile
(these would include Keyboards, Dialers, Contacts, Notification Systems, etc)
- dotfred
- PCM keyboard by tene
- suprbro -- for iDialer with Google Voice, iContact (shared credit; derived from work by larna ... and.. others? )
- Burt -- for iContact picture-list edition
- AvianWaves -- for iContact AE picture-list edition
- Finger Keyboard (insert name of developer)
- several people for revamping the Windows Task Bar: artemis? at least 2 other developers whose names not yet listed)
- s.l.i - (ThumbCal - customizable finger friendly calendar) (Dramatically improved WM's calendar functions which were all tiny in size requiring stylus to hit tiny targets everywhere. Made all functionality FINGER-NAVIGABLE, with tremendous number of options like day view, week view, agenda view; skinnable, including excellent skin set to make overall more useful. Should be standard on windows mobile)
Missing names
3. Outstanding Achievement for Interface Shell & Application Launcher for Windows Mobile
- ssj5trunks - (iFonz 2.0) + (androkkid) (Android-like interface w/ drag & drop app launcher & layout editor; complete androkkid widget framework & specifications for 3rd-party Widget development; phenomenally current developer with advances in UI/functionality from Android OS but developed for Windows Mobile usage; notably transforms WM device into the "HTC Hero SenseUI" user experience
- MiToNiOeS (iPhoneToday)
- (................... ) -- for FEWidgets (Drag & drop widget-based interface based on look & feel & functionality of (is it SonyEricsson Xperia?) )
Missing names.
Q: UltimateLauncher, PointUI, Winterface, SPB Shell, or the other shells?
4. Outstanding Achievement for Utility/Applet/Scripting development for Windows Mobile
- OliNex (Hard Spl)
- OliNex (TP2 Hard Splash)
- Mort (MortScript)
- A_C (S2U2)
- noonski - (XDA_UC Autoconfiguration User To User)
- Dave Shaw - (XDA Shutdown) (simple, highly useful utility that can remap to power button; easily skinnable)
- JZSmartMort -- his Mort Script implementation & UI for enabling all web browsers to be available from one icon, make OperaMini be your default browser, sets font sizes in OperaMini, button remapping, more)
- ........................ (M2DC - TouchFlo Manila Customizer Utility & theme saver)(highly used in many many ROMS)
- CRCinAU - DeviceUpdate - an 'appstore' type application to automatically download and install from a list of selected applications
- ........................ (S2U2C Customizer; extended options added)
- SciLor - HD2 / Leo Multitouch .NET CF DLL ( adds MultiTouch-Support to your existing .NET CF software very easily);
5. Outstanding Achievement for Widget development or Plug-ins for "Today" or "Home" Screen for Windows Mobile
(these are differentiated from utilities & applets due to their plug-in nature, but more specifically pulling in & displaying realtime updatable information from Web or other full-scale sources)
-- WMD (?) -- a whole set of "androkkid" Widgets including HTC-Hero-like clock with weather, calendar/appt widgets.
-- there are other widget developers for androkkid, for FEWidgets UI shell, and maybe others...)
6. Outstanding Achievement for ROM Performance & Usability, per individual Windows Mobile phone device
(Ideally, there should be at least 1 other ROM released by other developers for that particular phone device in order to have a comparison validity)
Missing Phones, developer names, their ROMS
HTC Hermes
- Que PPC
- Jasjamming - his series of Black ROM's for Hermes.
(Literally thousands of people not sleeping because of upcoming releases... There were complete threads removed by mods becuz of off-topic excited posts like: "I can't wait, how long do we have to wait?!?!" )
HTC Wizard
- CRACING ( CR96 Touch HD )
HTC Polaris
- pcarvalho eXtreme ROM
HTC Universal
- Beasty & Laurentius WM6.1
HTC BlackStone
- Miri
HTC Rhodium
- NRGZ28 (ENERGY roms)
Q: is OliNex in this category also? The compilation of this list had some confusion
- DSI DXA (ONYX roms)
HTC Herald / T-Mobile WING
- Ivan.... - (JustStable series for WM 6.1); (JustHome series for WM 6.5) (Some of the most efficient ROMS ever produced, with high quality control, constant upgrades until fully stable, solidly themed)
(ttrans, itje?, aserg? pdaviet ?)
- kholk
This nomination crosses multiple phone devices: .. (Q: Is this proper placement?)
- ChainFire - FPU Enabler, GFX Boost, HD2 OpenGl ES 2 Patch/Driver
FPU Enabler, one of this things that simply makes our phones better. FPU Enabler...well it enabled FPU lol, on such devices the Omnia line of phones and htos with Snapdragon. GFX Boost, an app which again makes our phones better. Enabling "QTV" mode for certain surfaces making the whole phone to run smoother. Related to the MSM7xxx chipset which is really popular choice of HTC these days. HD2 OpenGL ES2 Patch, is yet again another app by chainfire designed for the people! Patches yet another failed driver by HTC/Qualcomm. It increases OpenGL 2 performance on snapdragon phones by around 500%!. Simply amazing.
HTC Raphael
7. Outstanding Achievement for Theming & Skinning development for Windows Mobile
(across all ROMS, applications, wallpapers)
- MSkip (ProPlus series for Spb Mobile Shell)
- Bob_55 (S2U2)
- Livven (Simplegloss)
- kane159 (HOLLBLACK)
- Rajivshahi WM7 theme for VGA
- ssj5trunks (Androkkid) (ifonz) complete interfaces
- bluemetalaxe -- under two categories for huge icon sets
- ?? htcthemergloss?? -- did entire beautiful collection of apps
Click HERE to continue on next post.
1. Outstanding Achievement for New Application Development for Windows Mobile
2. Outstanding Achievement for Essential OS Replacement Interface Components & Functions for Windows Mobile (these would include Keyboards, Dialers, Contacts, Notification Systems, etc)
3. Outstanding Achievement for Interface Shell & Application Launcher for Windows Mobile
4. Outstanding Achievement for Utility/Applet/Scripting development for Windows Mobile
5. Outstanding Achievement for ROM performance & usability, per individual phone device (must be 3 or more ROMs released for that device in order to qualify)
Beasty & Laurentius WM6.1 professional for HTC Universal
Tomal V10 WM6.5 for HTC Universal
NRGZ28 Energy Photon2 28008 Dec 4 for HTC Rhodium
6. Outstanding Achievement for Theming & Skinning development (across all ROMS, applications, wallpapers)
Rajivshahi WM7 theme for VGA
7. Outstanding Achievement for Theming & Skinning development for Windows Mobile, (across all ROMS, applications, wallpapers)
8. Special Achievement in Device Operating System Level Engineering for Windows Mobile
(Covers foundational works like HardSPL, as well as Driver development and the enabling of Linux, then Android 1.5 to run native on a Windows Mobile device)
9. Special Recognition for Multiple-Year Achievements in pre-2009 Development of the Most Widely-Adopted Apps & Utilities on the Windows Mobile platform*
(* These will not be pitted against each other. All nominees who have been posted and seconded with an explanatory reason or rationale will receive Recognition Awards. Each of the developers of foundational apps & utilities (pre-2009) which achieved widespread adoption as almost "essential apps" should be recognized. )
10. Special Devvy Recognition for XDA ROM Chefs Hall of Fame from all the early years of XDA-developers website's outstanding ROM development
11. Outstanding Achievement in Instructional Writing & Design, including Tutorials, Guides, User Manuals, Wiki Writing & Editing, and Video Presentations.
12. Outstanding Community Achievement Providing Consistent Practical, Helpful, Clear Feedback and Q&A Support in any Forum (Multiple Recognition Awards in this Category, not voted on, but rather derived from the nomination rationale posted here, for any XDA-helper (including the Developer), in any or all Forums)
Thah's a good idea !!!
so here are my nominations :
For windows mobile software :
- Ageye for his wonderfull apps --> G-Alarm, G-profile & in a close futur infinity !!! --> http://ageye.de/
- A_C for his excelent apps S2U2 and S2P --> http://www.ac-s2.com/
For Windows mobile ROM :
miammiam for his amazing HD ROM : Eclipse !!! --> http://blog.celogeek.fr/mobile/mobile-blackstone/mirroir-pour-les-roms-de-miammiam/
** Jan 31, 2010 update message : Devvy Awards for 2009
•••••••••( Nominations, Continued )••••••
8. Special Achievement in Device Operating System Level Engineering for Windows Mobile
(Covers foundational works like HardSPL, as well as Driver development and the enabling of Linux, then Android 1.5 to run native on a Windows Mobile device)
- schaps - (Advanced Config tool)
- OliNex (hard spl )
- (aserg policies ??)
- darkstar62 - developed Android OS running native on WMphone, from scratch, linux drivers. As someone asked him "Will there be any ways to run Windows Mobile games on it?" "Yes -- reboot your phone .Our Android installation doesn't replace Windows Mobile -- it runs completely from storage card. So in effect, you can dual boot (though you need to boot Android from WM; you can't boot directly in yet).
- ChainFire - FPU Enabler, GFX Boost, HD2 OpenGl ES 2 Patch/Driver
FPU Enabler, one of this things that simply makes our phones better. FPU Enabler...well it enabled FPU lol, on such devices the Omnia line of phones and htos with Snapdragon. GFX Boost, an app which again makes our phones better. Enabling "QTV" mode for certain surfaces making the whole phone to run smoother. Related to the MSM7xxx chipset which is really popular choice of HTC these days. HD2 OpenGL ES2 Patch, yet again another app by chainfire designed for the people! Patches yet another failed driver by HTC/Qualcomm. Increases OpenGL 2 performance on snapdragon phones by around 500%!. Simply amazing.
9. Special Recognition for Multiple-Year Achievements in pre-2009 Development of the Most Widely-Adopted Apps & Utilities on the Windows Mobile platform*
(* These will not be pitted against each other. All nominees who have been posted and seconded with some explanatory reason or rationale will receive Recognition Awards. Each of the developers of foundational apps & utilities (pre-2009) which achieved widespread adoption as almost "essential apps" should be recognized. Examples of those deserving of multi-year recognition:
- vijay -- dialers, phone tools
- Menneisyys -- expert reviews, browser & other software complete roundups and reviews
- Mort (Mortscript),
- tene (PCMkeyboard,
- A_C for S2U2,
- dotFred's apps,
- Alexander Roshal (PocketRAR)
- Christian Ghisler (Total Commander CE) who greatly improved usability of our devices.
- .................... (QuickMenu)
- larna + suprbro + burt (iContact - non-Picture-list, and Picture-list editions)
- noonski
- PaulDgroot -- for early theme work on the newer phone dialers
- bluemetalaxe -- for his outstanding collection of "iphone-like" clean, polished icons usable on various interface shells such as iFonz, androkkid, and many others. Nothing like a visual that encapsulates the name & function of the app or utility just thru its clean stark visual design.
- ChainFire -- For: WMWifiRouter, KaiserTweak (base for all the "Tweaks" apps), Kaiser 3D Driver, and CFC (ChainFireCompression) (WMWifiRouter monumental program that added huge functionality to our phones that even HTC ripped off in there wifi app. KaiserTweaks a simple application that has just simply not gone away. First with the kaiser and has been reborn in all the other tweak apps. Kaiser 3d Driver: Driver that turned our kaisers from lame no gpu device into something we could actually be proud. The biggest of them all, CFC. Almost every new HTC devices comes with Manila, and thanks to CFC this great UI is even better. It can be reasonable to say that almost every custom rom with manila has Chainfires CFC in it. This CFC has even gone to other phones such as the omnia 2 and x1. If its Manila, CFC made it better.
10. Special Devvy Recognition for ROM Chefs Hall of Fame from all the early years of XDA outstanding ROM development
(Missing names; This is a list that only the most veteran members of XDA can fill in ... for example, for the T-Mobile Wing: PapaMopps, itje, ttrans, ivan, aserg, several other clean minimal ROMS)
2 •••• Sitewide Information Access & Support
11. Outstanding Achievement in Instructional Writing & Design, including Tutorials, Guides, User Manuals, Wiki Writing & Editing, and Video Presentations.
Missing names; many are Moderators of forums; such as the Mod for Q&A main forum; many of you know these names at the drop of a hat)
- Menneisyys -- expert reviews, browser & other software complete roundups and reviews
- nir36 -- guides a-plenty; Moderator of Q&A forum
- ace10134 (How to Guide (For Wing) l How to Cook (Wing) l How to Flash TP2 l How to Flash via MicroSD (TP2) l How to Format MicroSD to FAT32)
- Mr. Makk (for his excellent universal tutorials)
12. Outstanding Community Achievement Providing Consistent Practical, Helpful, Clear Feedback and Q&A Support in any Forum (Multiple Recognition Awards in this Category, not voted on, but rather derived from the nomination rationale posted here, for any XDA-helper (including the Developer), in any or all Forums)
- nir36
- orb3000 (welcoming the newbies and participation in the Anti-Spam Team)
- noonski
- Menneisyys
Missing names
•••••• (End of Nominations List )•••••••••••
You may wish to copy and paste this next BLOCK of text into your reply post, to make it easier to add your entries:
Division 1 ...... WINDOWS MOBILE Operating System
1. Outstanding Achievement for New Application Development for Windows Mobile
2. Outstanding Achievement for Essential OS Replacement Interface Components & Functions for Windows Mobile (these would include Keyboards, Dialers, Contacts, Notification Systems, etc)
3. Outstanding Achievement for Interface Shell & Application Launcher for Windows Mobile
4. Outstanding Achievement for Utility/Applet/Scripting development for Windows Mobile
5. Outstanding Achievement for Widget development or Plug-ins for "Today" or "Home" Screen for Windows Mobile (these are differentiated from utilities & applets due to their plug-in nature, but more specifically pulling in & displaying realtime updatable information from Web or other full-scale sources)
6. Outstanding Achievement for ROM Performance & Usability, per individual phone device running Windows Mobile
7. Outstanding Achievement for Theming & Skinning development for Windows Mobile, (across all ROMS, applications, wallpapers)
8. Special Achievement in Device Operating System Level Engineering for Windows Mobile
(Covers foundational works like HardSPL, as well as Driver development and the enabling of Linux, then Android 1.5 to run native on a Windows Mobile device)
9. Special Recognition for Multiple-Year Achievements in pre-2009 Development of the Most Widely-Adopted Apps & Utilities on the Windows Mobile platform*
(* These will not be pitted against each other. All nominees who have been posted and seconded with an explanatory reason or rationale will receive Recognition Awards. Each of the developers of foundational apps & utilities (pre-2009) which achieved widespread adoption as almost "essential apps" should be recognized. )
10. Special Devvy Recognition for XDA ROM Chefs Hall of Fame from all the early years of XDA-developers website's outstanding ROM development
Division 2 ..... Sitewide Information Access & Support
11. Outstanding Achievement in Instructional Writing & Design, including Tutorials, Guides, User Manuals, Wiki Writing & Editing, and Video Presentations.
12. Outstanding Community Achievement Providing Consistent Practical, Helpful, Clear Feedback and Q&A Support in any Forum (Multiple Recognition Awards in this Category, not voted on, but rather derived from the nomination rationale posted here, for any XDA-helper (including the Developer), in any or all Forums)
----------------- end of nominations list ------------
**ORIGINAL POST announcing these awards: DECEMBER 20, 2009
Jan 31, 2010 UPDATE:
1. Nominations close end of day today (Jan 31)
2. The Voting mechanism is still being finalized. Very likely to be run on PollDaddy.com web software voting platform. The formatting and actual voting process is only now being worked on, as nominations were being occupying me full time, with help of 3 volunteers.
3. Please bear with us. Deadlines and timelines have slipped. It's been a very imperfect process, and will continue to be imperfect during this formation year of these peer-to-peer awards.
1. "The Show Must Go On!" ... "However..."
The voting start date has slipped, unfortunately. It will begin in February, but the exact start date is not yet known, as time is needed to set up the ballot system and voting rules.
As the Awards Coordinator, I believe it is better to slip and adjust, and ask that you go with the flow this year, than to fall flat onto one's face, and get key steps wrong, which would mar the results.
2. Please provide feedback immediately re suggestion for how long the voting period (actual casting of votes) should last.
3. Especially in the Device ROMS Category, there have been some holes of missing nominations. This is due to an inability to properly publicize these nominations in all of the Device-Specific Forums of this site. That is where the vast majority of people who come to XDA-devs spend all their time. Thus:
4. As Coordinator, I have decided I will consult with the Devvy Awards Volunteers, along with several XDA-Devs moderators, to determine which Categories will be temporarily withdrawn from the voting process. In other words: Voting will take place in February for all the awards in this Windows Mobile OS Division. However, every attempt will be made to schedule a later voting period, down the line, for those categories that are either empty or incomplete.
5. These Categories will likely be scheduled for this "Late Voting" period at the same time the Android Division of the Devvy Awards are voted on several months from now.
6. Announcement of Recipients of the 2009 XDA Devvy Awards in the Windows Mobile Division will also be determined thru this conferencing with colleagues here.
Please post suggestions and any concerns or questions in this thread.
Thank you much.
** Go Directly to Post #2 for NOMINATIONS LIST thus far.
... or read on below for explanation of the XDA Devvy Awards.
Hello XDA Devs! An Urgent Request for Your Contributions. There are huge holes in the WORK-IN-PROGRESS Nominations List below (Post 2)
A preliminary set of nominations has grew organically from THIS THREAD started in late December 2009, but not enough people have become aware of this thread's existence. This is an imperfect process, but with high-spirited intentions: to recognize the amazing bodies of work that have been developed here on this site. Please give this effort a push by looking at the preliminary list below, and scouring your mind for the chefs and Application Developers you have been most familiar with as you've modded your phones.
Intentions were to close nominations mid-January and begin voting quickly thereafter. But responding to some huge holes in the field of nominations to date, we are extending the Nominating Period until January 28th, 2010, with voting to begin end of January and run for 3 weeks.
(Jump to Post #2 to view current list)
Special thanks to orb3000 and Darkseid83 for volunteering to assemble and aggregate list.
You may nominate as many people as you choose, you may nominate people & applications in multiple categories, you may even nominate yourself, and we strongly recommend it. This is a very large community with specialty forums that tend to limit members' participation to the hacking/mod threads related to their phones only. Thus don't be modest. Many many people here have contributed major advancements over the years that have greatly extended the functionality and ease of use of Windows Mobile Phones, and now Android* Phones as well. The 2009 Awards seek to recognize all of these major contributions, many of which were developed 4 and 5 years ago. This is not a competition, so please take a little time to show some appreciation for the people and works that have made your touchscreen phone experience that much better through their years of hard, focused work. Thank you.
======== SOME BACKGROUND =========
This is year one of the DEVVY AWARDS -- Finally, peer-to-peer Recognition of Outstanding Achievement in Application Development for Mobile Phones -- nominated this year by XDA-dev community members -- and voted on by XDA-dev community. (Next year expanding to adjacent development communities working on other platforms).
This is unlike the Smartphone and "Top Ten" and other awards that tend to organize around a limited number of brand-name "pay" applications whose distributors tend to also advertise on the various smartphone magazine websites, and who select their juries based on who-knows-what qualifications, and then announce their awards -- all without any transparency, and with a "from on-high" top-down approach.
The Devvies, by contrast… like the Emmys, Grammys and Webby Awards… are to be industry achievement recognitions nominated by and voted on by people who actually work in the trenches and, in this field, develop and program applications, utilities, widgets, user interface shells, replacement core functional components like keyboards and contact managers and dialers, and who cook ROMS, design themes, skins, icon systems, create tutorials, wiki entries, How To guides, or make videos demo-ing how to install and tweak all of the above. The Devvy Awards are specifically not about competition, or simplistic compilations of "Best of" Awards.
The idea to recognize developers first took hold here in March 2008 when vijay asked "should we have awards?", but then slipped to the back burner in part due to the lack of a guiding initiator who was ready to simply commit to making this happen. In December 2009 xda member quicksite, a UX/usability/information designer, took the torch and mapped out an initial framework.
Well, as no one else has nomintade it yet, here is my nomination for:
Outstanding Achievement for Windows Mobile application development
- Barguast's Groovefish (WM)
This application allows music to be streamed directly from the Grooveshark webste to your Windows Mobile.
The interface is brilliantly simple and extremely user friendly, and the speed of development in the app is outstanding.
Barguast himself has been very active in the application thread, and all users seem massively impressed by his attitude and enthusiasm.
The user-base for Groovefish is growing rapidly, and the support Barguast receives in the thread demonstrates just how much people love this application.
A new version is, we are told, imminent and users are chomping at the bit to get their hands on it.
Please add your support to what many see as the killerWM app.
Thank you for nominating me!
Outstanding Achievement for ROM performance & usability, per individual phone device
pcarvalho for his roms on the polaris => http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=506043
Outstanding Achievement for ROM performance & usability, per individual phone device
tough one
kwbr - BlackStone
pcarvalho - Polaris
I'd like to second the nomination for AC's work on S2U2.
I'd like to nominate Mskip's work on themes for Mobile Shell: Ultimate/ Elegance/Ultimate Elegance.
1. Outstanding Achievement for Windows Mobile application development
- A_C for his S2 applications, specially S2U2
- 6Fg8 for her Power Radio - FM player with RDS decoding (http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=531600)
5. Outstanding Achievement for ROM performance & usability, per individual phone device (must be 3 or more ROMs released for that device in order to qualify)
- Miri for his USPL compatible Blackstone ROMs
Altough, this one is not quite fair to other marvelous developers... They are all great.
6. Outstanding Achievement for Theming & Skinning development (across all ROMS, applications, wallpapers)
- Bob_55 for his efforts in making S2U2 nicer (http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=354111)
outstanding widget development:
> mskip (all his widget proplus- ultimate and elegance)
Same suggestion as before : http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=2033776&postcount=5
BTW, there's no way to see wiki contributions for a user .
I like the idea, although I doubt many users will participate here (it should be stickied).
Anyway, I just have one suggestion: Merge widgets development into Utility/Applet development and call it perhaps "Application Support, Mods and Widgets", because there really aren't many widgets .
rfarrah said:
I'd like to second the nomination for AC's work on S2U2.
I'd like to nominate Mskip's work on themes for Mobile Shell: Ultimate/ Elegance/Ultimate Elegance.
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I second both and I would like to add Miri for his great Blackstone roms!
DaveShaw said:
BTW, there's no way to see wiki contributions for a user .
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I take it you don't just mean seeing all posts to the forum that a user has made - ie click the user name and select 'Find all post by {username}'.
If you didn't mean that just ignore me!
fatmonk said:
I take it you don't just mean seeing all posts to the forum that a user has made - ie click the user name and select 'Find all post by {username}'.
If you didn't mean that just ignore me!
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No, I meant on the Wiki
Just clarifying: you can nominate as many achievements as you like
(This post originally occupied the first post spot on this thread. It is the initial December 20, 2009 post, along with all initial set of updates )
UPDATE #8: Jan 6, 2010 : Based on User feedback, there has been some re-organizing of the CATEGORIES for Recognition, splitting the Recognition into these three larger Headings:
1 •••• WINDOWS MOBILE Operating System
2 •••• ANDROID Operating System
3 •••• Sitewide Information Access & Support
UPDATE #7: Jan 6, 2010 : A beautiful, bold, unique logo has been commissioned for the Devvy Awards... and all 2009 1st Place, 2nd Place, and 3rd Place Achievement Recipients will win a very striking T-shirt bearing the logo, the year, and Category of Nomination. I think any developer would be proud to wear such a shirt. (as for paying for them, I'm going to ask for donations. I am paying a good deal of money for the Logo Design, because I want it to look "A-LIST" in stature, and will also kick in $200 towards the production of T-shirts for winners. In future years there will probably be sponsored device gifts of a significant nature. Year 1 will be more modest, but I think in that way very cool too)
UPDATE #6: Dec 26, 2009: For all those who said the process was too aggressively fast as to be realistic, you're right. Based on various advice, NOMINATIONS now open and extended to Jan 15, 2010. Then Voting takes place Jan 16-Jan 31. ... Please take a moment to add nominees, see the categories in Post #2. Android developers are missing in action so far.
UPDATE #5: Dec 22, 2009: Flexing quickly to suggestions and concern areas, I propose these schedule changes and would like feedback: NOMINATION PERIOD: extended up to December 31, 2009, 8pm GMT. VOTING PERIOD: dramatically extending this to be the entire month of January 2010. List of Recognition Recipients for the 2009 (XDA) Devvy Awards: Published first week in February 2010. Comments?
UPDATE #4: Dec 22, 2009: I am going to use POST #3 as a place where a summary of the latest discussions or unsettled issues are listed, picked from within the body of the whole thread. Right now per Dave Shaw's suggestion I am going to add a category around Tutorials, Guides, Manuals, Wiki Writing, but ask for suggestions about what it should be titled and what it should encompass?
Also: Per the number of people (4 at this time) who've registered concerns about an inadequate process, please could you each comment in the thread to just narrow down a bit further what your biggest concern areas are?
UPDATE #3: Dec 21, 2009: See Post #21: in reply to a comment by Dave Shaw: Should Instructional Design/ Technical Writing be a Category, for wiki and guide contributions?
UPDATE #2: Dec 21, 2009: Honing the nominating & voting process & philosophy: See Post #20: Clarifications: There is no limit on the number of people or achievements you can nominate. There are comments to the effect: "it's really hard to choose within ROMS"... Can I suggest including as many as you feel worthy of notable achievement? ...
Then, the actual Voting process will, hopefully, largely expand the number of people here who are merely offering nominations, thus letting a larger base make those decisions. But that comment in #20 also raised this suggestion from me, and I'd really like to see feedback: in the voting stage, perhaps there should be a vote for 1st place choice, as well as 2nd place choice, as well as 3rd place choice... not just as possible tie-breakers but also to increase the recognition, and emphasize the non-competitive nature of the intention of the recognition. So the results of voting would include, for each category:
First place:__________
2nd place: _____________
3rd place: __________
Comments? Suggestions? Views? ... please help shape this to be meaningful yet not exclusionary in its results
UPDATE #1: Dec 20, 2009
Synchronicity is in the air. I did not see the thread already started by vijay which also proposes developer awards. I posted there that this was complete synchronicity, with this idea being kicked around in posts in other threads over the last month. But as I just noticed, vijay's thread was posted MARCH 3, 2008 -- well over a year ago. And its premise was that "nominations are premature". I couldn't disagree more: the time has arrived; and the time is now. .... I will read that entire thread and see what is duplicative and what is different. But if there is no specific mechanism in place right now, I intend to carry out this gameplan. And if there is, if the concepts are mergeable, I will work with them of course. /quicksite
------------ ORIGINAL POST ------------
December 20, 2009
Fellow XDA-ers: There is so much outstanding development work that goes on here in this expansive, multi-sectioned site... work that not only makes phones more usable, more finger-friendly, take up less resources, but also look slicker too. And now that Android development has catapulted into the Windows Mobile mix with that platform witnessing exponential growth in just these last 2 quarters (all the buzz this Christmas holiday season), it feels right that there be a new form of recognition for outstanding achievement in development for the year 2009.
Thus, the Devvies: year one. And XDA Devvies in particular.
I think it’s fine if this occurs quite hastily this year, and I believe that very quickly any various bumps that arise can be solved in XDA collaborative style.
NOMINATION PERIOD: Now, December 20, 2009 until December 28th, 2009 (Update: Propose this be extended to Dec 31, 2009, 8pm GMT)
VOTING PERIOD: Dec 29, 30, 31 (Update: Propose this be opened up to occur throughout the entire month of January 2010)
WINNERS ANNOUNCED: First week in January, 2010
VOTING MEMBERSHIP: I propose it be all XDA-registrants who have had a minimum of one month membership since their join date, and who have posted at least one comment in that period prior to today December 20, 2009 (to demonstrate participation vs lurkers who signs up and go away)
PROCESS: (1) I propose that this become the official nominating thread, and after a week of seeing how this is playing out, perhaps a different thread could be started that contains a poll, which lists the various nominees to date, as a way to capture and coordinate the suggestions made, and make it cleaner to then add additional worthy nominees who seemed to have fallen through the cracks.
(2) I also propose that for a nomination to become officially included, it must be seconded by at least one other member (and perhaps a requirement that this “second” has participated in at least one of the nominee’s release threads?)
(3) Nominations proposed in this thread should include the following minimum requirements:
• User name and profile link of nominee
• The application or other specific achievement of the nominee, with link to its release thread.
• A short phrase description of what the released app/ROM/widget/skin/etc is and principally does.
• A short explanation for why it is outstanding.
But to facilitate ease of participation in rapidly seeding this thread, user names can be listed in a post with simply the description of the object of achievement... and others can add a more complete nomination post after gathering up this material.
(4) Off-topic comments and posts that simply throw water all over the idea may be deleted if they serve no advancement of this nomination process. However, further suggestions, refinements to, disagreements about the current proposals are all welcome, as well as comments endorsing the idea... But, as the ad-hoc organizer of this XDA Devvy process, I will reserve the right to delete comments that, again, are simply here to trash the idea. We all know what excess negativity does to derail anything. And, at the end of the day, if you really despise this idea, go initiate your own.
CATEGORIES FOR RECOGNITION OF ACHIEVEMENT: I propose this start modestly, with not too many categories. Year 2 can refine the process and add or subtract categories of recognition. See Post # 2 for the list of categories.
I will update this post as I can (given this is a holiday crunch) with Most Current Update at very top. That’s it for now. Let’s recognize the great work that occurs here. There are many forms of expression of appreciation: #s of downloads, user comments in threads, donations to the author, and this adds another dimension of recognition. It’s not a competition, and hopefully will never be treated as such. It’s peer-to-peer recognition. We’ve often seen great apps/roms/etc get lots of downloads and users, yet no donations, despite incredible #s of hours of hard work across multiple months. So if nothing more, it’s nice to receive recognition for hard work that has paid off.
/quicksite (If anyone wants to volunteer to help run this, PM me please)
----- Dec 22, 2009: Initial Post -----
There are 2 major issues to resolve as quickly as possible, and thus I ask for as much input as people are willing to write:
(1) New Categories have been added/proposed: #s 7, 8, 9
These need to be sorted out:
• What specific language should be used to capture the Category Name?
• Does the OS-related category feel right? (I'm a not a software developer; just a usability designer, so I don't know the correct terminology)
• Do they encompass the right collection of achievement-types?
• How would you change them completely if they don't sound like they can hold up over time, over years to come?
(2) Voting Period big adjustment:
Enough people are concerned about too aggressive a time-frame to conduct this properly that I propose the changes listed in Update #5 in post #1:
Nominations thru the end of the year, Dec 31st, 8pm GMT
Voting throughout the entire month of January.
(3) What else needs to be discussed/ hashed out? Still looking for a few helpers. Thanks orb3000 for volunteering to help.
orb3000 said:
I am willing to help
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Excellent, thank you. Someone has voted "good idea but not sure how you will execute in this time frame". Fair enough, but this is my framework:
1. Quality of work will prevail, but I am willing to have some clumsiness this first time out, especially in a rushed timeframe. Imperfect (but fair & reasonable) process. If the nominations don't proceed rapidly enough, I will seed this year's nominees, along with any helper helper who volunteers here. It is not hard at all to know which of the applications or ROMS are most appreciated here. If nothing more, a reasonable first-pass list can be compiled by surveying 100 members' sig files.
2. If there's a decent nominee list as determined by those volunteering here, then voting will begin.
3. If an inadequate or too sparse a list is compiled, the timeframe for nominating will be pushed out, thus the voting period as well.
4. If the voting period yields an underwhelming # of votes per category, then the Voting Period will be extended until the end of January.
5. If there still seems to be a statistically too-low number of votes by the end of January, then the 2009 awards shall be deemed a beta, with simply the Listing of those apps/etc recognized in the nominating process as the outcome for 2009. However, even in such a case, amongst those who choose to volunteer here to help pull this together, there will be a conferring of the minds and possibly there will be a set of "Unofficial" choices made for recognition of achievement. And the process will be greatly refined, improved, enhanced, and thoroughly democratic by the time for the 2010 Devvy Awards nominations to begin.
6. Too much pondering on the thoroughness of process on this maiden voyage will just result in paralysis. There will be some form of results for Outstanding Achievement in Development for 2009 regardless.
Please comment on this as well .

Netflix IS coming to Android. Want to be part of it?

I was looking around for jobs on craigslist and found this interesting posting. I'm an XDA lurker, first time poster, so I copy pasted the craigslist job listing below:
Netflix - Senior Android Developer - NF5351 (los gatos)
Date: 2011-04-06, 1:29PM PDT
Reply to: see below
We are looking for a Sr. Software Engineer to help us build the absolute best experience on Android-based handsets and any other platform that may come down the road. In this role, you will participate in the implementation of the Netflix application in all of its various components from the UI shell down to the media playback stack.
It is a great time to be at Netflix and a great time to be working on mobile at Netflix; we currently have more than 20 million members and are now a video streaming company, first and foremost. The goal for Netflix on Android is to enable Netflix users the ability to watch Netflix wherever they are on their Android device.
What you will do:
• You will lead cross-functional discussions across the organization on topics such as code reviews, design reviews, and architecture reviews.
• You will participate in strategic discussions with go to market and hardware partners.
• You will apply your knowledge of Android to build a solution that works across the spectrum of Android device types and operating systems.
Required skills and attributes:
• 5+ years of relevant experience
• Android application live and deployed in the Android Market that makes network calls
• Experience developing in C, C++, and Java
• HTML, Javascript, Mobile Web experience a plus
• NDK experience a plus
• Previous media playback or streaming video playback experience a plus
A few things you should know about us:
• The Netflix culture values self-motivated, high-performing individuals with a passion for both the business and the technology.
• We pay top of market for top talent. We work to attract the best and brightest and pay accordingly.
• Our culture is a bit unique, and we tend to live by our values, so it’s worth learning more about Netflix at blocked link
blockd link
•Principals only. Recruiters, please don't contact this job poster.
•Please, no phone calls about this job!
•Please do not contact job poster about other services, products or commercial interests.
PostingID: 2309405710
No contact info? if the poster didn't include a phone number, email, or
other contact info, craigslist can notify them via email.
Copyright © 2011 craigslist, inc.
terms of use
privacy policy
feedback forum
This job posting is exciting for two reasons:
1 - If its legit (and why wouldn't it be) This is at least tells us Netflix wants to be on Android and is trying to work it out. Not sure when its going to happen though, but at least they're trying.
2 - I'm not much of a techie, but if I was this sounds like a great position. I'm sure some of you guys/gals patrolling XDA (who live in the SF Bay Area) might just be perfect for this job
I would especially love that line close to the bottom:
We pay top of market for top talent. We work to attract the best and brightest and pay accordingly.
From what I understand, Netflix has a great corporate culture, too. It's very results-oriented, which is very nice sounding if you've ever worked in an engineering sweatshop.
-I am not affiliated with Netflix in any way-

Raptr App

raptr wants to make an app for the Android but currently does not have any engineers.
Mobile Application Engineer
Raptr– Posted by raptr– Mountain View, California, United States
Job Description
Mobile Application Engineer
We are looking for experienced mobile application engineers to help bring Raptr into the mobile world, on both iOS and Android platforms. Raptr currently has a popular iOS application; come join our mobile team to further extend that app as well as create a new Android version.
◦Build the next generation of Raptr mobile apps, on both iOS and Android.
◦Create technical specifications and schedule estimates for new products, then execute from start to finish.
◦Convert wireframes and/or high fidelity mockups to simple, efficient and functional code.
◦Maintain and improve existing mobile applications.
◦Recognize innovation opportunities unique to mobile and bring them to life.
◦Break down and solve complex interaction and technical problems.
◦Create reusable components and application development blueprints for partners.
◦Strong working knowledge of at least one object-oriented application development language, such as Java, C/C++, etc.
◦Experience developing for Android OS and iOS. You must have taken an app on both Android and iOS from inception to release.
◦B.S. or M.S. in Computer Science, or equivalent
◦Good sense of usability and design in consumer applications.
◦Track record of full life-cycle development responsibility.
◦Clear communication and writing skills.
◦Passion for quality.
◦A strong interest in all things gaming!!
How to Apply
If you’re interested in any of these positions, please submit your cover letter and resume to [email protected]. Please be sure to paste a copy of your resume directly in the body of the email.
Sorry if I posted this in the wrong place
I hope they can get a good team behind this. I always use Raptr, and complain about it when they make FaceBook post in their comments.
Apparently 2 years is not enough for an Android app to build.

Job Opening: Mobile Application Developer - MOGA| Woodinville, WA

Location: Woodinville, WA
Divison: Consumer Products
Direct Report: TBD
Employment Type: Salaried; Exempt
Qualifications & Experience
5+ years of relevant experience in software development, information systems or equivalent technical environment; minimum 1-year experience in development utilizing Android SDK; iOS and/or WP7 a plus.
Proven experience delivering successful software, including customer-facing mobile applications, preferably game apps currently available via Google Play, Xbox LIVE and/or the App Store.
Solid understanding of in-app analytics and PII best practices.
BA/BS in Computer Science or related field preferred; Interactive Design a plus.
Skills & Traits
Passion for app development, focus on UX/UI, strong project management skills and attention to detail are required.
Proficiency in Java, Android SDK frameworks, XML, web-service technologies, emerging web standards (i.e., HTML 5), analytics tools (i.e., Omniture, Google Analytics).
Ability to plan, drive and complete projects. A thinker and a doer.
Excellent verbal and written communication skills.
Strong problem solving abilities including an ability to influence internal stakeholders.
Ability to take initiative and demonstrate leadership.
Desire to work hard, learn fast, generate ideas and make things happen the best way in a changing environment. Willingness to do whatever it takes to get the job done.
Professional disposition/appearance, and positive attitude and outlook.
Excellent interpersonal and relationship building skills.
Interest in video games a plus.
Duties & Responsibilities
Develop mobile applications for BDA’s Consumer Products division, creating simple interactions for complex functionality.
Work with supervisor and co-workers to prioritize projects, app features and deliverable timelines for maximum business impact.
Manage requirements, documentation, testing and participate in troubleshooting efforts within a highly matrixed organization.
Work with supervisor and creative staff/contractors to drive the process of UI design, apply user tests, specify user flows/screens and direct graphical design within the framework of BDA’s consumer brands, owning the day-to-day execution in the form of design comp reviews, functional reviews with development teams, and presentations to internal stakeholders.
Serve as company-wide mobile app subject matter expert (SME).
Coordinate content delivery with BDA’s consumer packaging teams and websites, including PowerA.com and MUNITIO.com.
Participate in creative brainstorm meetings to provide input for fresh, new ideas, vision and project direction.
Develop and maintain an effective, positive working relationship with other BDA teams and individuals.
Additional marketing responsibilities as assigned by supervisor.
Occasional weekend and evening hours required.
Only local canidates or persons willing to relcoate will be considered (no relocation fee will be paid).
i don't think this is a right section..?
Please read THIS if you would like your job advertised on xda
This is relevant to the Job Board forum

Mobile Project

Hey all!
A bunch of us have been putting together a web-based drawing app with mobile support. In a nutshell, users connect in real-time to draw or chat on a sort of interactive whiteboard. Plenty of these are made in Flash, but we are determined to build it in HTML5 (and JavaScript); a site that immediately works on mobile (because it's not Flash), tailors to everybody from drawing tablet users to people who want to screw around, chat and play games — and with an awesome, modern look that other apps lack. The thing that works so well is these kinds of programs give you a lot of freedom of expression that I think by making more accessible we can popularize, and truly get a future-proof, lasting community going.
Current drawing apps aren't too popular as they're not accessible to the host of many devices people use, chatting's not versatile or user-friendly enough to compete with chat sites, and their designs look god-awful like it's still the 90's. So with what we're after, there's insane potential in this project.
This is the interface. I hope it gives you some sense of what we're aspiring for. It's predominantly HTML, CSS, and JS with server-client communication in HTML5's WebSockets, some points in PHP, and mobile development. If you're good with any of these, message me here, Skype drawplanet or email [email protected]. I'll be more than happy to answer any questions. And if you're critical of anything, nothing's set in stone. It's very much a by the community, for the community type of project.
Also on the hunt for people good with P2P networking, node.js, SQL, or server management.​
At the moment we're hellbent on completing the first build with full-duplex drawing and mobile touch inputs.
A lot of JS goes into developing the tools. PHP's mainly account integration and forum features.
In design of course there's a separate UI for mobile, and in fact for anybody good with Photoshop or vector graphics there's some cool stuff we're keen to create.
Drop a message, or do Skype or email, if it's a project you want to get behind.
Still on the hunt. Fun project, hasn't been done before.
There's 7 devs on board at the moment, though we're looking for a little more expertise in some JavaScript frameworks, particularly Meteor. And while data's handled with WebSockets, we're also looking to do WebRTC and for incompatibility switch to WebSockets. Data management otherwise in SQL, and MongoDB or Redis.
Hit me up a message.

