Programming - General Questions and Answers

I have Visual Studio 2008 Professional and want to program with Visual Basic for my Omnia with Windows Mobile 6.1 Professional, but there are no tools in my toolbox..i want to make a picturebox into my form.
I have installed the Windows Mobile 6 SDK already, what am I doing wrong?


Making WM Apps

I am looking to make some wm apps.
i have got:
visual studio 2008 pro
wm6.1 sdk
wm6.5 development tool.
Do i need anything else?

Development - Programming

I have a question regarding software development for windows mobile, what do i need to install with visual studio 2008 to start developing apps for wm6.5? thanks for now...
The windows mobile 6.5 sdk.

Developer tools

What tools are people using to write apps for the HD2
What tools do you need if you just want to create a cab with some registry tweeks in it?
Try WinCE CAB Manager for creating cab-files. It's not free, but you can use it I think for 3 weeks before you have to buy it.
For developing you can use Visual Studio, .NET Compact Framework, Windows Mobile 6.5 Developer Tool Kit and Windows Mobile 6 SDK.
I know there are other possibilities to develop applications without .net, but I think this is a good starting point.

Emulating MS Mobile on HTC HD2

A n00b question..
Visual Studio 2008 C++
MS Mobile Pro SDK
MS Mobile OS 6.x
I want to add the HTC HD2 to the Microsoft Device emulator.
I got Josh's .NBH file and tried to convert it to a .BIN, but the resulting file could not be read by the emulator.
Is there someplace I can find the .BIN (preferably with the skin (.XML and .PNG/.BMP files))??
Thanks so much.
As far as I know, there is no way to emulate a device rom using the MS Windows Mobile emulator.
Oh, thank you, Steven; that is what I have read online, but I was hoping that it was not true. :/
Could someone be so kind as to point me to emulation alternatives, preferably accompanying MS Visual Studio?
Yesterday I basically found what I needed with the MS Mobile 6.5 SDK (includes WVGA).

Programming on Symbol MC75

I have a Symbol MC75 with Windows Mobile 6.5 Professional. I also have Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate. I understand that 2010 has no 6.5 support. What other options besides VS 2008, MCL-Designer, or PocketHPH do I have to develop an application for this device?

