[REQUEST]Flashable dancing android boot animation?? - Hero CDMA Themes and Apps

Can someone please provided me with a flashable dancing android boot screen like the one on the new commercial? And if it is possible can I get it with the music, that's the way I like it? Thanks in advance!
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Try absolute system tools. Has boot animations and fonts you can preview then download and install from within the apk
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I am VERY new at this so please forgive me but what is an apk?!?
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I looked up that absolute system tools and I am looking for a free route. I seen other people requesting stuff on here and a someone would make it for them so that is what I was hoping for. Thanks for the reply though!
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babygirl17_06 said:
I am VERY new at this so please forgive me but what is an apk?!?
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an APK is another name for application that you download from the market (or other sources) and install on your phone. Here is a link that explains this application. Note - you must be rooted to use it on your phone.

babygirl17_06 said:
I looked up that absolute system tools and I am looking for a free route. I seen other people requesting stuff on here and a someone would make it for them so that is what I was hoping for. Thanks for the reply though!
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What ROM? I can make it for you and attach it here for you

CM 6.1
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Check back in a little bit, and I will have a couple options for ya.
No music though...

babygirl17_06 said:
Can someone please provided me with a flashable dancing android boot screen like the one on the new commercial? And if it is possible can I get it with the music, that's the way I like it? Thanks in advance!
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Here's one from the MT3G forum

Here are the two that I had on my computer...I just made them flashable to CM for you. One black, one white, both different.
The white one's file size considerably larger than the black one, but looks better.
The black one is pretty much the same as the one in the link above, excepts it is on a black background and says "HTC".
Nandroid first just in case, then flash from recovery.

I tried both and decided on the black one. Thanks ranger!
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Kfunk, it tried the one you suggested but it did not work. Thanks anyhow!
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So is there any way to get music working with the black one?
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babygirl17_06 said:
So is there any way to get music working with the black one?
I believe sound only works on sense roms
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babygirl17_06 said:
Kfunk, it tried the one you suggested but it did not work. Thanks anyhow!
Too bad as it looked pretty cool.
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babygirl17_06 said:
So is there any way to get music working with the black one?
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Not that I know of
Like Kfunk said above, I think sound will only work in a Sense based ROM. I'll do some checking though

Ok thanks!
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babygirl17_06 said:
Ok thanks!
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No problem. Happy to help

ranger61878 said:
Here are the two that I had on my computer...I just made them flashable to CM for you. One black, one white, both different.
The white one's file size considerably larger than the black one, but looks better.
The black one is pretty much the same as the one in the link above, excepts it is on a black background and says "HTC".
Nandroid first just in case, then flash from recovery.
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Thank you for posting this. I love the black one.

tj13 said:
Thank you for posting this. I love the black one.
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No problem.
Sent from my Sprint SuperHero


r2d2 boot animation?

Android central announced the r2d2 boot animation was available for download but it didn't install on my hero. does anyone wanna port it?
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I got it to work on my cdma hero
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alexnaoumi said:
Android central announced the r2d2 boot animation was available for download but it didn't install on my hero. does anyone wanna port it?
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link? I'm just curious to see it
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PMDColeslaw said:
link? I'm just curious to see it
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If you guys can't get it to work I'll port it tomorrow. Shouldn't be that hard... no sound though unless someone else can get that to work.
ASimmons said:
If you guys can't get it to work I'll port it tomorrow. Shouldn't be that hard... no sound though unless someone else can get that to work.
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There is already no sound, so there's no worries there
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alexnaoumi said:
There is already no sound, so there's no worries there
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OK the port would be for cm6... I'm try when I get home.
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alexnaoumi said:
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Thats awesome! +1 for the CM6 port.
Thank you! I was just about to ask if someone had this working on cm6. The only change I would like to see would be instead of the Droid logo popping up would to see a second of the cm6 logo.
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Working on It!!
So gimme an hour or so and Ill post it to a new thread just above this one so everyone can find it.
^^^ thats cool, lol
OK its working... going top optimize for or phones it's jerky...eta should be the same look for the new thread.
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Themed Market Apk.?

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Can you be more specific? I'm testing my newly gained skills maybe I can do something for you
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abadasstanker69 said:
Can you be more specific? I'm testing my newly gained skills maybe I can do something for you
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I've Seen The New Android Market, Themed I Red, Blue, Black, & Pink I Believe It Was! Well At Least The First 3 Colors, Anyways, They Were All In Zip Formats, But When I Tried To Flash Them They Just Caused My Phone To Boot Loop!
Thats Why I Decided To Request A Apk. Instead Of A Zip!
If You Or Anyone Can Help, I'd Appreciate It...
Either Way, Thanx Man!!
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Try this before flashing the zips
My theme has the new market in black.
Sent from my CDMA Hero. I got some hot Froyo-on-Hero action here!
PMDColeslaw said:
Try this before flashing the zips
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Your The Man Bro....
It Worked, Funny Thing Is I Tried Wiping Dalvik, & Deleting The Vending App! But It Must Be The Extra Two Steps That Do The Trick!!!
Really Appreciate The Link!
Thanx Again!!
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Black Themed Market

Anyone know where to get black themed market apk? Anyone who can help, i really appreciate. Thanks in advance.
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Check this thread out:
I'm using this one right now. It's a black transparent market
Or pull the vending.apk from evokings alliance rom- it's black
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there's also a bunch of other color options in this thread, including full black, only the top part black and even transparent ones...
Thanks so much, your a life saver. I really appreciate it very much!
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Wont let me open up the link on neither of the post!
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dreamgirl2011 said:
Wont let me open up the link on neither of the post!
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here try this one. just go to the link above on how to install this!

Nexus prime wallpaper?

Anyone find the nexus prime wallpaper or can anyone make a similar one? I'm talking about the one from the leaked video/screen shots.
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that one is similar
Flash this in recovery.
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bajansurfer said:
Flash this in recovery.
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Lol wallpaper not boot animation
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YourMainDude said:
Lol wallpaper not boot animation
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Lol.... Bin a long day. Oh well, there's the bootanimation if anyone wants.
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bajansurfer said:
Lol.... Bin a long day. Oh well, there's the bootanimation if anyone wants.
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Lol dude I don't like the animation =\ I installed it yesterday and it looks to faded in color... think they should have gave it more of a glossy look ya know? =\
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YourMainDude said:
Lol dude I don't like the animation =\ I installed it yesterday and it looks to faded in color... think they should have gave it more of a glossy look ya know? =\
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Yeah I agree but it might not be the final version. We'll see soon enough I guess.
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On the boot animation. I.will believe it when I see it. Until I see nexus phone boot up without the nexus animation....
bajansurfer said:
Lol.... Bin a long day. Oh well, there's the bootanimation if anyone wants.
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Can you get the wallpaper from the same place you got the boot animation?
They're all right here:
mydroidworld.com/forums/nexus-prime-forum/9641-nexus-prime-wallpapers-ice-cream-sandwich.html (copy and paste to address bar..new user, can't post links )
Note that you'll need an account to download them. Just rename the .zip to .apk and install it as an app.
Here they are in zip format, so you can just download them and use them without installing the .apk: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1297586
No mydroidworld account needed.
Here direct download
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Thanks guys
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Anyone find the nexus prime wallpaper or can anyone make a similar one? I'm talking about the one from the leaked video/screen shots.
What ? no problem, search Internet
johnmaninfuse said:
Anyone find the nexus prime wallpaper or can anyone make a similar one? I'm talking about the one from the leaked video/screen shots.
What ? no problem, search Internet
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I posted that a day before the other thread was made that had the attachment. And I did search before posting, I guess I'm not a professional Googler like you.
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malikadnanm said:
I posted that a day before the other thread was made that had the attachment. And I did search before posting, I guess I'm not a professional Googler like you.
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Don't worry, I searched for it too but couldn't find it. It only popped up on the Droid World forums yesterday. This guys just trolling..
ok 10 characters.

Bootanimatons,themes,splashdcreens and ect.

Can someone tell me what all I need to make bootanimations,splashscreens mods and themes ect.
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discoweezy said:
Can someone tell me what all I need to make bootanimations,splashscreens mods and themes ect.
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alot of time and reading
gimp or photoshop,notepad++,apktools or apkmanger,7zip,nbimg-1.1win32(for splash screens) m10 tools,sdk(from google)and a lot of links off the top of my head,video and audio editor for bootaimations(made from vid clips with audio)
discoweezy said:
Can someone tell me what all I need to make bootanimations,splashscreens mods and themes ect.
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There are quite a few tools that make these things easier.
Splash Screen Creator
Boot Animation Creator
UOT Kitchen
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cmonsterf50 said:
There are quite a few tools that make these things easier.
Splash Screen Creator
Boot Animation Creator
UOT Kitchen
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So I can Google these to find rite or do u kno some good tools off hand
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discoweezy said:
So I can Google these to find rite or do u kno some good tools off hand
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Search xda for the first 2.
I use paint.net, total commander, apk-multi-tool, notepad ++, prob some more, can't think of
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cmonsterf50 said:
Search xda for the first 2.
I use paint.net, total commander, apk-multi-tool, notepad ++, prob some more, can't think of
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Alright appreciate it
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discoweezy said:
Can someone tell me what all I need to make bootanimations,splashscreens mods and themes ect.
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This is the best place to get started on themeing... Read everything that you can and then just jump on in and do your thing. Pretty much any question you could think to ask has already been asked, and answered in that thread.
Here is the link to the UOT Kitchen - not exactly building your own theme, but great for modifying what you already have.
Another great resource if you plan on making themes for the CM7 Theme Chooser
Kfunk said:
This is the best place to get started on themeing... Read everything that you can and then just jump on in and do your thing. Pretty much any question you could think to ask has already been asked, and answered in that thread.
Here is the link to the UOT Kitchen - not exactly building your own theme, but great for modifying what you already have.
Another great resource if you plan on making themes for the CM7 Theme Chooser
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Good looking out appreciate it
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discoweezy said:
Good looking out appreciate it
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I will be expecting to see some good things from you in the near future - Good Luck!
heres the best tutorial on creating your own bootanimations...please dont knock this because its from the Shift forums. it works perfectly for the EVO
How To Create Your Own Boot Animations
Thanks for the info. I finally made my first custom splash using the nbimg tool
hey, was wondering if anyone could help me make this into a splashscreen? i made this 480x800, so, hope thatits right. thanks guys.
foolish.av said:
hey, was wondering if anyone could help me make this into a splashscreen? i made this 480x800, so, hope thatits right. thanks guys.
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Thanks, got a lot of ideas, but I don't understand to turn it into what I want.
my EVO is tha shizznitt!
foolish.av said:
Thanks, got a lot of ideas, but I don't understand to turn it into what I want.
my EVO is tha shizznitt!
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Its a splash screen maker and it a convert it im see if I can find it cause I got it on my computer but I'm.not home but I'm a see if my girl a put the file.in my dropbox then I can give it to u cause I'm over the road rite now
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discoweezy said:
Its a splash screen maker and it a convert it im see if I can find it cause I got it on my computer but I'm.not home but I'm a see if my girl a put the file.in my dropbox then I can give it to u cause I'm over the road rite now
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That would be awesome...is it easy to use? Thanks in advance.
my EVO is tha shizznitt!
foolish.av said:
That would be awesome...is it easy to use? Thanks in advance.
my EVO is tha shizznitt!
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Here's the link wit the instructions and the download its esay and a good tool http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=956434
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Thanks, bro
my EVO is tha shizznitt!
foolish.av said:
hey, was wondering if anyone could help me make this into a splashscreen? i made this 480x800, so, hope thatits right. thanks guys.
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Just in case you still need this - here it is...
Kfunk said:
Just in case you still need this - here it is...
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Thank you!
my EVO is tha shizznitt!

