[Q] [HTC] WP7 systemcodes - Windows Phone 7 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hey guys,
can someone tell me some codes for my htc hd7 which i can type in like


Ambigram generator..

Hi Guys I am a newbie here, Im just wondering if anyone can make an ambigram generator for WinMo6.5 (HTC HD2) please. I heard its available
in iphone/ipod. Thank You So Much in advance..

[Q] Flipout, Backflip or Quench??

Hi Everyone!
Please i need some opinions couse im buying one tomorrow ,
Which of this 3 phones do you preffer???
Thanks for your attention

[Q] hd2 & hd7

hello guys and gals
i am planning to buy hd7 or if found then hd2. so can u please tell me which one is good and why? reasons for it... thank u.


Is there anyone whos having graphicproblem with widgetlocker at htc wildfire.?
When i unlock my wildfire ill get some kind of graphicfailure,hard to explain in words tho.

[Q] Japanese rom for sensation?

maybe you guys know of a mobile developing site in Japan?
big thanks if you can help.

