I just put WP7 on HD2. Now I would like to add Sylfaen.ttf font so I can read Georgian. I had no problem with original WM, where as you can put the font into windos\fonts directory and tweak the registry. Is there a way of doing the same in WP7?
I am interested in getting HHC (HTC Home Customiser) working on smartphones. I understand it's possible to simply over-write files in HTCHome directory to change the icons and clock font. Does anybody care to elaborate?
Nevermind. I figured it out. Gonna have some fun now and replace all my junk
How did you get HHC to work on the Vox?
The application doesn't recognize that HTCHome Plugin is installed since it's ripped. I am in contact with the author to rectify that - for the time being you can simply replace whatever PNG from the respective folder from HTC Appearances into the \Windows\ directory to change icons, weather, clock fonts and such.
Are there a app that changer icons for windosmobile standard devices
Moved as not software release.
Not sure there is as think all programs are made for PPC, you can make a .dll with icons change the .lnk's to use the resource .ico's.
ok but dont know how to do that
As per title, how can I change PPC system font? I want to change all the font that covers today screen, sms and email font, and all.
Before posting this msg, I have searched the forum and got this.
very clear tutorial. but the thing is, the trial program he offers (Font Creator 6.1) doesn't support save font function, which makes that tutorial useless.
One more thing, can I just change the font without jeopardizing the original tahoma or halveneutica font? Say, I want Droid Sans font used by my PPC, but when I have to revert back to Tahoma, it is there.
Sorry for my bad english,,,
thanks before,
Anyone know how?
I've renamed a font to replace the default HelveticaNeue Thin font and dumped it in windows/font -- and it looks great (mostly) except for weather. Current weather usually only displays part of a digit and always (usually only) the degree symbol.
I'm not sure if this is something that needs to be done before copying over the font file or if there's a registry entry that I can edit for this.
Help would be appreciated.
Moved as not theme release.
Sorry guys but..how do i install themes in WM 6.1
Best regards
6.1 is very old and most of the themes that you will find here are for 6.5 and up.
what do you mean by THEME? what theme do you want to install? maybe it's not for winmo 6.1 at all. or maybe it's a shell theme.
sorry for my bad english
you will find some .tsk files, which are standard themes for windows mobile 6.1
to install such files, simply put them in the "windows" directory, or directly on the root of SDCarte or additionnal memory. Then you can go on the phone settings, in the "Today" options and select which one you want.
A .tsk file is a kind of .cab file.
A .tsk file will change colors of menubars, maybe colors of fonts too, background picture too, this by modifying registry and copying pictures.
If you don't take the .tsk which fits your screen resolution, you will not see the picture in background.