[REQ]Can someone make this music player run ?????? - Android Software/Hacking General [Developers Only]

I put this music player (dump from Meizu M9) in \system\app then restart. I can find it in the programe list but it refuse to run.....
It can play FLAC and APE.....So,could anyone help me??
Thanks in advance.


Delete music from TouchFlo3d music player

Okay so I have been starting to put my music more organized so theres not such a big mess when i try to find my songs. The problem is that when i delete old music i have on the device through file explorer, some of the files can still be played! I can't find the files but they still play on my music player.. And some of the deleted songs turn up as a (!).
Anyone know how to fix this?
Sorry for my bad english
I have been trying to figure this out too..

Help Urgent==Mp3 problems

Hi everyong"
wmp cannot play mp3 files today. no prob for wma file.
i didnot install any media player. what i can do. i likes player from TF 3D Screen,

Haykuro 5.0.1Gr4 Regular MUSIC problem

Hi, i would like to notice you that the integrated music player in G build cannot play MP3 file. I used ASTRO file manager to access the music folder /sdcard/Music in the SD, then when i click on mp3 file the device says that "impossible to reproduce this file"... Is it a bug or there is another way to let play mp3 files?? thanks in advance...
i tried to flash back the H version and with the same SD card tha music player can play the music...that's all
I've been using this build and listening to mp3's on my new stereo bluetooth headphones with no trouble at all. I wish i could give you more help with your problem. Anyone else?

Window Media Player not working!

Dear all,
i was cook my Original rom to engery rom. when I go to window media to play the MP3 and video is can't play. I tried for alot of time, it just can play on the touchflo.
could someone tell me how to solve it .
Best Regard,
Email: [email protected]
try another player ...
Just like tcmpmp!
Maybe some codecs are missing in your rom.

[Q] how to customise the music player in htc explorer unroot?

plz anybody help me.. i installed poweramp player from market it worked for me at the same time my htc music player also work nicely.now the poweramp player expired so i unistalled that and i installed again(i downloaded for 4shared). that poweramp wht i installed now is working but its not recognising all the songs from that music folder(it a folder in which i saving all songs in sd card) so i uninstalled poweramp. now in my htc music player not recognising the song in my sd card.. plz some body help to resolve this problem..

