[Q] How to deal with user profiles on Android tablet? - Android Software/Hacking General [Developers Only]

An Android smartphone is personal (like your wallet). My Android phone goes where I go, it's mine, I don't pass it around or keep at least one eyeball locked on it if I do. It's like an expensive watch which I protect physically.
While I'm waiting for my Adam tablet I keep wondering: How will I manage it? A tablet really seems more of a family device. I'll pass it around, it may spend most of its time in the living room, like a magazine or a book, ready to be picked up by everyone: Kids, in-laws, visitors.
Chances are, I'll leave it at home to be torn apart by kids and wife, when I drive to work: I already carry my smartphone and my laptop. I might take it along for a business trip, just like a book or a DVD, but when I leave the hotel room for lunch, it will be left behind, while my smartphone will tag along, hopefully sync'ed with all the latest restaurant and sight-seeing info, street map data and e-mails I just collected on the tablet before leaving.
There are issues of personalization, privacy and data/application synchronisation and I wonder what the Android philosophy is in these cases:
1. Do they support the notion of user profiles, preferences, private data, credentials, so regular users of an Android device can have their "own" view on it? While I would want to show off my cool new gadget to just about everyone, I wouldn't want them to browse my e-mails or flip through my browser bookmarks.
2. Is there any idea on synchronizing more than just a minimal set of data manually between an Android smartphone and an Android tablet? Perhaps with a cloud as intermediary?
3. Can private data be encrypted and protected? Actually I'd want the tabelt to detect the presense of my smartphone and serve as a smartphone extender when it does. It could mean things like easy-lock up (unless somebody else is using the device), automatic sync'ing or auto-mounting smartphone storage/data/applications. It should still open up, when my smartphone is not present, using perhaps a somewhat more extensive authentication procedure. But without some kind of authentication all my personal data must be safe and encrypted from any prying eye.

there's a how to
There are instructions on how to set up encrypted user profiles. I'm using it on my Nook Color. xda-developers won't let me post the link because I'm a new member. Go to LTRConsulting dot com and click on the howto link.

try the app switchme


Apps My wife wants

Hi There!
My wife, a doctor who is still studying, is wondering if there is a way she can use her new android phone to take better quality notes at lectures. Previously she was using a WM65 with Word, and taking text notes, but it was not possible or very difficult to add diagrams, or highlight important words, or draw arrows to particular things. Is there a great quality app that handles taking notes easier? Happy to pay.
Secondly, she has a forerunner watch which won't download her running data such as the track she ran, average speed, etc. Can she use her phone for that data collection and find a nice app to transfer it to her PC to view in a usable format?
We are also lastly looking for a cross platform (Windows 7, Android) shopping list application. Happy to pay, but would prefer one off cost. Needs to be simple and able to be shared across 3 devices nicely.
I think Evernote could do the first and last thing, taking notes, with schemes (maybe, not sure) and make a shopping list, which is cross platform, since you make an account on Evernote's site, and you have the Windows' program and the Android application to keep track, and it's off cost up to a certain storage
Hope I've been of help, just look for Evernote on google!

How would I go about making an app like this? (Not Commercial)

For my school, I am planning to create an app that will allow people to be aware of upcoming events and general information about the school for new students and parents.
My IST (Information and Software Technology) teacher said that if it was successful, we will be able to publish it as the school's app and thus awarding be brownie points and overall a beneficiary. My school is not a dodgy one in terms of behavior etc and most people have smartphones, and not retards with iPhones with like #SWAG#YOLO#INSTAGRAM#FACEBOOK.'
Basically it's supposed to display stuff like a map of the school, things like upcoming exams and events like carnivals. I am hoping to add something that will allow you to put your grade as preference and thus only notify you of things that concern you. Basically like a news feed but for your school life.
Will it be able to be pulled off? If it is I will start with Android and move on from there.
I don't see why it would be impossible, but it seems you are taking the difficult road for something that could be done simply.
If there's planned events, you simply need to maintain a calendar/agenda one can sync to. With Google Agenda/Calendar, you can do just that. Share one or multiple agendas people can sync with. The upside is that people can use a multitude of apps, whether on their smartphone or computer to sync with that calendar instead of using a closed app.
The downside, is that its meant to manage a calendar/agenda, thus not really usable for the other part of your project, posts with general informations and news.

Android Tricks For Newbies

Perhaps you purchased your
new Android phone because
you’re really into the latest
wireless technology, or
perhaps you purchased it
because you’ve been admiring
new phone covers on Etsy
(totally adorbs, btw). Either
way, we hope our top 10
Android tricks help you
uncover new functionality in
your smartphone.
Access a hidden menu
We’re not sure why you’d need
a hidden menu, but if you enjoy
living your life in the shadows
and the dark of the night, read
up on how to create and access
a hidden menu from your home
screen. You’ll be able to keep
both spies and perhaps your
children out of your secret
Easy Phone Sync
If you think of Apple’s iOS and
Google’s Android system as
mortal enemies, consider the
Easy Phone Sync a skilled
mediator between the two. If
your desktop has iTunes and you
want those songs on your
Android phone, download the
Easy Phone Sync so the systems
can talk to one another and
share data.
Near Field Communication
If your Android has Near Field
Communication (NFC)
functionality, you can use your
phone to swipe a “tag” you
create on an electronic device.
Swiping the tag will tell the
device to do whatever it is that
you have pre-programmed it to
do, like turn on the lights in
your house or fire up your
Swype keyboard
If you have a strange index
finger twitch, or perhaps bulky
fingers that are constantly
causing your keyboard to
autocorrect improperly, the
Swype app will allow you to text
or search without ever having to
pick your finger up from the
keyboard. Utilizing Swype will
reduce your autocorrect
embarrassment and risks of
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, all in
one easy download.
We love widgets. Mostly, we
love saying the word
“widgets.” But widgets are
actually pretty cool, too. They
allow users to check out lots of
important information in one
spot on the home screen, like
news, weather and traffic. Here
is Techland’s list of the best
Android widgets for 2013.
Control phone from
The AirDroid app is amazing. It
allows you to send text messages
through your phone from your
desktop computer. It also allows
you to locate your phone from
your desktop, and move all your
data to and from your phone.
Talk to text
Please don’t be the person that
drives and texts at the same
time. Really, there is no need to
do something so dangerous. Just
hit the microphone button when
your keyboard is open for
texting or searching, and
Android’s powerful voice
technology will do a pretty
bang-up job of understanding
Utilize Dropbox
Consider the Dropbox app as a
Cloud system for all your
devices. Although you can
always back up your files on
your Google Drive account,
Dropbox adds a layer of
functionality to the process. If
you use Dropbox on your
Android phone, all of your
uploaded files become available
on all of your devices, and many
users find the interface easier to
navigate than Google Drive.
Get organized
As of April 2013, the Android
operating system boasted over
800,000 apps in its app
marketplace, Google Play. Even
if you’re not app-happy, it’s
probably a smart idea to
organize the apps you use by
type so that you can easily find
what you need on your phone.
The Android operating system
allows users to create folders
for their apps. Check out this
tutorial for information about
how to create folders.
Use Maps offline
is as
directions on Google Maps and
then running into difficulties
with internet connection once
you’re already en route. Next
time you look up directions,
click on the button “Make
Available Offline” so you can use
your map regardless of
Hit The Thanks Button If I Helped You
which one is the trick part?
all i get throu the text is just explanation about the app
but i guess it might help for noob thou,

10 apps to reinvent yourself in 2016

Clear your head
Mindfulness, the act of focusing on awareness, both in your mental and physical state, is becoming an increasingly popular way of managing stress, attention issues and overall well-being.
The free version of Headspace offers up 10 mediation sessions. All it asks of you is 10 minutes a day and listening to a calm, British voice guiding you through the process of finding your inner Chi. There are also unguided sessions. After you polish off those, you can purchase individual meditations (one off or Series) from the apps library of hundreds of self-soothing options. (iOS,Android)
Elevate Brain Training
Your body and mind feel good, but what about neural plasticity? Are you as smart as you used to be or want to be? Probably not (especially if you had to reread the last two sentences more than once). Elevate Brain Training works on memory, comprehension, math and concise writing. It actually starts by testing you on all these metrics, which can be quite daunting, especially when it comes up with a rating for you on all those factors. Once it has a benchmark, the training begins with 35 brain games (free version). You can get more training by paying $4.99 for the pro version. (iOS, Android)
Sleep Cycle Alarm Clock
There are the lucky few who wake up without an alarm clock. Then there’s the rest of us, buzzer hitters, alarm ignorers and overall sleep-walkers. We need something different to get us out of bed. Sleep Cycle Alarm clock tries to work with your own sleep rhythms to help you wake up more easily.
The app uses your iPhone’s microphone to listen to your sleeping (you keep the phone by the bed, as you always do) and then, based on when you set the alarm, it will wake you up during your lightest sleep phase, which should help you feel more rested than if you’re jolted awake by an alarm during your deepest sleep. Don’t worry about waking up late — if you set the app for 9 a.m., it'll start watching for a good time at 8:30 a.m. (iOS, Android)
Protect yourself
GT Recovery for Android
Accidentally deleted messages or contacts on your Android devices? Or lost photos from the SD card on your Android device? No need to worry now! GT Recovery for Android is capable of recovering messages, contacts, photos, video, audio and documents on/from an Android phone or tablet. Due to the ease-to-use interface, it's ideal for everyone. Scan, preview and recover. Simple clicks bring you what you want.
Directly scan and recover SMS, contacts, photos, video and more
• Recover photos, video, audio and documents from SD cards inside Android devices to a computer.
• Retrieve deleted contacts, including names, numbers, Email & addresses.
LastPass and 1Password
Isn’t it finally time to dispose of all those little slips of paper with your passwords for every service you use?
Apps and services like 1Password and LastPass take the password guesswork and management out of your hands. You simply remember one very strong master password and they’ll generate strong passwords for you, store them and retrieve them and even input them automatically (on the web and Android, at least). They’re mostly free, though the mobile and business options will cost you.
Better yet, if you can’t remember a long password, the latest versions of these apps will let you log in with your finger — as long as your phone has a fingerprint reader. 1Password: (iOS,Android, Windows) LastPass: (iOS, Android, Windows)
Organize your life
Perhaps you’d have more luck getting things done in 2016 is you had a little help. That’s Coach.me’s perspective. It lets you enter goals big and small, track your own progress and then use the app to hire coaches (they have over 5,000), starting at $14.99, to help you achieve goals. Once you sign up, you’ll get a steady stream of emails from your own coach pointing you to a ton of different goals and coaching options. (iOS, Android)
Google Photos
You have photos, Google has answers — perhaps the answer. Last summer, Google introduced Google Photos with unlimited cloud-based storage. All you have to do is install it on your mobile devices and let the app collect and store all of your photos (there’a also a desktop uploader to collect photos from your PC or Mac). The "Assistant" will suggest movies and collages from your photo collection, and it'll also notify you when contacts share an awesome photo or album.
The free version will store a high-quality copy of every picture. If you want the original resolution, though, you can only store up to your amount of allotted Google Drive space (you can always buy more storage). Even if you just go for the free option, think of the peace of mind that comes with knowing that all your priceless photos are stored safely in the cloud. (iOS, Android)
Put your financial house in order
Even before Intuit bought Mint, it was one of the best personal-finance services on the web. As an app and with the backing of Intuit, it’s even better; one-stop shopping for all your financial accounts, reports and budgetary matters.
Just pour all your account info into the app and you’ll instantly get a world-view of your spending habits, including cash flow, monthly budget, bill reminders and a spending breakdown. You can use that knowledge to make meaningful financial changes for the rest of 2016. (iOS, Android)
You know how when you pump gas you work extra hard to make the final bill round up to the nearest dollar? Stop doing that. In fact, for the rest of 2016, let the spare change bills come and then invest the rest. That’s the snappy idea behind Acorns. You give the app access to your main bank account and then every time you make a purchase — for, say, $1.25 — Acorns will take the remaining 75 cents and invest them in the stock portfolio of your choice.
The app tracks your investment performance, tells you about your latest round-up amounts, the overall size of your account and lets you deposit and withdraw funds at will. Just think, 2016 will be the year you save and, perhaps, make money without even really trying. (iOS, Android)
Work smarter
You can grouse and gripe about office productivity and communication, or you can do something about them.
Asana is a powerful project and team-management tool that helps you watch over projects big and small from start to finish. It’s easy to assign tasks and make sure everyone knows what’s due today, tomorrow and next week. You’ll also see when stuff is past due. (iOS, Android)
cool, thanks for the list.
Skalofrio12 said:
cool, thanks for the list.
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EDITED [Q] Why is /u0026 in the names of my apps? How am I being hacked & tracked?!? Total N00b needs help!

Scrolling through the apps installed on my phone, and it is hit or miss on which of the Android and/or Google apps have \u0026 in the middle of their names. Not all, but it seems the important ones do, that downloaded and installed in the middle of the night hours or days after the initial purchase and set up of the phone. Isn't Gmail, Chrome, Android Web View, Device Unlock, Calculator, Device Health Services, and most Google services already installed in Android phones? It's even in some of the apps I installed later on, but not all. I have looked it up, both here and using different search engines. Not too excited with the results, nor do I have the IT brains to understand all the jargon. Would someone here please explain it in layman's terms? BTW, I know I have been hacked/tracked by my ex for a while now. Would \u0026 happen to be a way to remote access and monitor my phone usage?
EDIT: Nothing was synced to old phones, devices, or accounts. This isn't the first new device he has gained access to. There have been several brands and models, phones and laptops. Your guess is as good as mine, and the police, as to how it is being done. Sometimes he leaves "<rooted>" on the screen or turns on 911 only it locks up the phone a few hours after bringing it into the house. He works in the tech industry. No, this isn't my device I've asked this on. This really hasn't been as fun as it sounds.
Thank you all in advance!
I will put my tin foil hat on while anxiously waiting your replies.
(I know, funny not funny. Either has been having to live with his BS.)
Checking back and bumping. There was just one reply on another thread. Please, someone has to know of this Google and Android system hacking apps combo floating around in Google Developer and Firebase. It's a real thing, and my nightmare now. I will not censure if you developed it or are using it on someone other than me. However, I beg you to reconsider if you are. There are days that I feel that worrying about the safety of my kids and if he does show up somewhere I'm at with a grudge to settle is too much to handle. Not everyone has the ability to get through that. I did not deserve his controlling abuse when we were together and there seems to be no way to get out from under his thumb currently. The local cyber cops have been of no help. They either do not believe this happening, these types of apps exist and what they do are possible (One said, "Those kind of things are just in James Bond movies"), or they think there is no imminent threat because there aren't bruises and the little I do have in the bank has not been touched after closing and opening numerous accounts to keep him out. I make just enough to support my kids and myself. Banking, online shopping, and social media are impossible, and the time is now spent trying to end this on my own. Please, help is needed. One of the members on here has to know what the hell this is.
Thank you again.
ripppani said:
\u0026 seems to be the escape sequence of the Unicode character &. \u0026 cannot do any damage by itself, but it can be and probably is a result of incorrect encoding or decoding of text strings, which in turn could be caused by hacking. If you don't know what Unicode is, here is the Wikipedia article.
I am not sure whether the "<rooted>" really represents that the device is rooted, but you generally don't want someone untrusted to root your device, as rooting it allows the one who rooted it to have unrestricted access to the device.
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He has had remote unrestricted access to my devices. The <rooted> is one of his reminders he is there, as well as <bootloadermode>, or the locking up or turning on 911 calls only. This hasn't been fun, either having it happen en use or waking up to it. I do not allow this. New devices, new Google accounts, never syncing, and never logging into old accounts. However, no one seems to be able to figure out how he gets into new devices once they enter the house. New routers, modems, entire internet accounts, he still weasels his way in. The hacking apps are Google Developer based, this I know. Try getting info on that out of Google without a warrant. Cyber cops have brushed this under the rug since there has been no physical or financial harm, as of yet.
He lived with me when we were dating. Is there a device that may be in my home that could hi-jack my wifi, allow him to sign into my device, and show it as my device while VPN-ing an address even after all the changes? (I seems to travel all over the place on occasion according to my IP addresses that show up) The location tracking and call/text monitoring is real, as he has shown up or had let things said in my private (ha!) conversations with others slip. Of course he has nothing to do with this. (ha! again)
Any help or input on this would be greatly appreciated. I have looked things up at the library until my eyes bled. I can only comprehend so much without an IT background. I do not have the money for a cyber forensic investigator, and I know the local police probably have me on the Crazy Crying Wolf list. Which is just as embarrassing as knowing that having a complete lack of privacy in my life is a total nightmare.
Thank you again.

