Get your 16GB - Class 10! - G2 and Desire Z Accessories

Just bought this:
WINTEC FileMate 16GB Mobile Professional Class 10 microSDHC Card with SDHC Adapter
For $27.99 (not including shipping)! From the reviews it's gotten so far it looks like a steal for the price! Better get yours cuz I got mine!

Thanks for the heads up

Thanks! I just ordered one
Sent from my HTC Vision using XDA App

Order one
Sent from my HTC Vision using XDA App

According to the reviews, some people are getting crappy speeds of 6MB/s or less. I don't think I will gamble on this one because the cards seem inconsistent. I doubt the life expectancy is very long either.
Sandisk and other reputable manufacturers make cards that are consistently above the class rating. There's a reason they cost more: they spend money on QA.

You're welcome for the "thanks" if you got it from me... Otherwise ok, parallel thinking.
adrienspawn said:
For a MicroSD, the best right now is the Wintec 16GB Class 10 one at 30$.
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Luckily its backed with neweggs great customer service so I don't feel like its that much of a gamble.
Sent from my T-Mobile G2 using XDA App

I actually just stumbled on it today while browsing thru the site, thought to myself "hhmm X-Mass day so there's gotta be some deals going on today!?" and BAM! found this
adrienspawn said:
You're welcome for the "thanks" if you got it from me... Otherwise ok, parallel thinking.
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I have one and I barely get 6 Mbps with it on HDTune, I have an Adata 8gb Class 6 that outperforms it, but it is a good deal for such a large card if speed isn't an issue.

lightningtrip said:
I have one and I barely get 6 Mbps with it on HDTune, I have an Adata 8gb Class 6 that outperforms it, but it is a good deal for such a large card if speed isn't an issue.
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The best speed I get out of the card, interestingly enough, is when I boot into Clockwork Recovery and mount it. I can hit about 11MB/s write. LOL. I think my SD/Trans-flash card reader is messed up because I get abysmal rates with it.

I bought this card a month ago from Fry's. I never really tested, I just mainly wanted it for the capacity. That being said, using this command on my linux box
dd count=1k bs=1M if=/dev/zero of=/media/test.img (/media being the name of the card)
with it being mounted in my pc, I got this
1073741824 bytes (1.1 GB) copied, 12.051 s, 89.1 MB/s
Not bad!.

Oh wow, that's what I got an 8GB for a little bit before I got the G2. Though that one is a Sandisk. How can I tell what class it is?

theratdude64 said:
Oh wow, that's what I got an 8GB for a little bit before I got the G2. Though that one is a Sandisk. How can I tell what class it is?
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There's usually a little number inside a circle, somewhere on the card. Sometimes it's not in a circle. It will be either a 2,4,6,8 or 10. If it doesn't have one, you can assume it's a class 2.

Newegg has had this card at this price for a while. There isn't any rush to get these. They sell out, and then come back in stock a week later.

I just bought me one of these:
WINTEC FileMate 16GB Mobile Professional Class 10 microSDHC Card with SDHC Adapter
from FRY's Electronics in Manhattan Beach Ca. for $32 (IMHO pretty cheap for a in store price).
I Just ran h2testw on the card and got 15.2Mbp/s write speed and 17.5Mbps read speed, so at least the one I bought was legit.

Here's the thing: the greater the Class on a card the better it will perform reading/writing big files. This also means that if you're trying to create/copy/move many little files from/to the card you'll be better served with a Class 2, wich doesn't take so much time readying the card for a reading/writing operation as the higher classes.

banjolas said:
Here's the thing: the greater the Class on a card the better it will perform reading/writing big files. This also means that if you're trying to create/copy/move many little files from/to the card you'll be better served with a Class 2, wich doesn't take so much time readying the card for a reading/writing operation as the higher classes.
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Ok, and if you want to partition your sd card for ext. They recommend class 6 or higher
Sent from my T-Mobile G2 using XDA App

Got mine in the mail today and I can confirm it's a Class 10.

There is now a 32gb one, too. I didn't see this last time
Search for 32gb class 10, I can't post links yet.

I was wrong, the 32gb one is not a micro, sorry. However the 16gb one is back in stock now.


which 16gb memory card

hi i'm after a 16gb memory card but don't know what class to get, as cheap as possible but it must be from a well known manufacturer
Probably doesn't matter what anyone says - whichever brand person X stands behind, somenoe else will say it failed on them and to go for brand Y.
Having said that, I have a 16gb Kingston class 2 which has been perfect, cost about £25 or so when I got it. Recently picked up the same but a class 10. That one was about £80 including shipping as I wanted to see the speed difference, etc.
Not sure what others people will swear by. I don't swear by Kingston, but I have yet to have one go bad on me...
isaw said:
Probably doesn't matter what anyone says - whichever brand person X stands behind, somenoe else will say it failed on them and to go for brand Y.
Having said that, I have a 16gb Kingston class 2 which has been perfect, cost about £25 or so when I got it. Recently picked up the same but a class 10. That one was about £80 including shipping as I wanted to see the speed difference, etc.
Not sure what others people will swear by. I don't swear by Kingston, but I have yet to have one go bad on me...
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And was the Class 10 worth it for speed?
I've used both Kingston and Sandisk in the past - and currently have a 8GB Class 6 Sandisk in my desire. It's been just fine.
I'd like to make the leap to a 32GB card, but I'm slightly concerned the Class 2 one available might have issues. (Although I've read many contradicting posts on that subject too!)
Between an older 16gig class 2 and the 16gig class 10 yes - galleries rendered much quicker, seemed more responsive, etc.
But between a class 6 and a class 10... meh. Not worth it at the moment.
Does it matter what class you get? Because so far I can only find a 16bg class for over just £20.
Using Team Group 16GB microSDHC Class 6.
Got it from ebay
Go for Classe 6 it's almost like a C10, but cheaper (and you won't really notice any difference).
KameoRE said:
Go for Classe 6 it's almost like a C10, but cheaper (and you won't really notice any difference).
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And you won't with a decent Class 2 either!
Sent from my HTC Desire using XDA App
Well, i can tell the diff between my shipped in Desire's Samsung 4G Classe 2 and my previous Sandisk 8G Classe 4... My Classe 4 is faster.
I got a 8gb class 4 Kingston.. its fast enough for me...
Sent from my Desire using XDA App
I took the risk and tried the 32gb, online for $40au... failed miserably and still scarred by the copious time spent trying to copy, format, reformat, copy... with most ending up in the lost.dir (except for 1.2gb that ended up working).
Since then, have got a 16gb SanDisk. It's only a Class 2, but haven't had any issues with speed whether it be reading or writing. Avi's play in sync... Good bang for the buck.
Mind you, I only went for SanDisk because they were always good to me in the standard SD days, but have heard plenty of good word on Kingston and Lexar.
32gb on ebay are 75% fakes.
I just got my Kingston 16gb Class 10 card. Do you guys think my card reader's speed is maxed out and it might be able to go faster than this?
I'll be getting THIS ONE when they get it back in stock.
Well, just got a Kingston 16Gb class 10 and can't use it, because it's defective .
But I'm not blaming Kingston, it can happen with any brand and I'm gonna exchange it... Hopefully I have a Sandisk 16Gb class 2, a not-very-fast-but-working-SD-card....
Teppic24 said:
I'll be getting THIS ONE when they get it back in stock.
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Is this website reliable for the quality of the card? it will be 100% original?
dorittos said:
Is this website reliable for the quality of the card? it will be 100% original?
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i've ordered that card so will let you know what its like when it arrives
i got mine from ebay (team class6 16gb)
no issues so far
Just to share with you I gotten myself the Toshiba 16GB Class 4 MicroSD in HK about 44USD
A bit on the high side, but the card is made in Japan
Working fine (using A2SD+) till now
dorittos said:
Is this website reliable for the quality of the card? it will be 100% original?
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very respectable web site. selling genuine items

Kingston SD cards

Has anyone here had any experience with kingston sd cards? Just bought a class 4 16g card from newegg for 35 including shipping.. The reviews were pretty good and I know theyre a pretty big company so I think i'll be ok but wanted to see if anyone here could confirm or deny this
*I'm just sayin...
ive got a pny 16 gig, and it works great. i know kingston makes good ram, so id imagine that a kingston sd card would be worth its money, and i cant see a big brand memory product being garbage, especially in 2011. that price is a win no matter what though.
How much was the card? I would love a bigger card. And what did y'all do to transfer memory from one card to the next?
Sent from my HTC Vision using XDA App
If you have the moola, get this from Newegg, it's Class 10 so faster speed
WINTEC 32GB Micro SDHC FileMate Mobile Professional SDHC Model 3FMUSD32GBC10-R
It's around $82.49 with free shipping.
I've read a few reviews on Wintec cards, and not a lot of them are good. They work fine at first, then start to degrade quickly. To top it off, people say that when they try to get it replaced through Wintec, Wintec claims that its user error or abuse.
PatrickHuey said:
How much was the card? I would love a bigger card. And what did y'all do to transfer memory from one card to the next?
Sent from my HTC Vision using XDA App
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He said in the OP that its $35 and free shipping.
I have 16GB for two years already and now i bought 32 gb ... both are working well so far.
16gb are going from $22-$35 shipped right now - class 10 speeds. Pick one up if you are using the stock 8gb. I just ordered one myself.
I've used two different Kingston SD Cards. They worked well for me without any issues. My previous was an 8gb Kingston class 4 and I currently have a Kingston 16gb Class 4 card.
The 8GB is nearly 2 years old and is working just fine. Have used it in multiple cell phones and currently serves as a flash drive for work using an adapter. The 16gb works just as well with some added space.
icce007 said:
If you have the moola, get this from Newegg, it's Class 10 so faster speed
WINTEC 32GB Micro SDHC FileMate Mobile Professional SDHC Model 3FMUSD32GBC10-R
It's around $82.49 with free shipping.
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I heard to many horror stories about wintecs... I wanted somethin reliable
*I'm just sayin...
gbarayah said:
I've used two different Kingston SD Cards. They worked well for me without any issues. My previous was an 8gb Kingston class 4 and I currently have a Kingston 16gb Class 4 card.
The 8GB is nearly 2 years old and is working just fine. Have used it in multiple cell phones and currently serves as a flash drive for work using an adapter. The 16gb works just as well with some added space.
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Yea I went with the class 4 as from whhat I've heard anything higher doesn't yield much results (at least in a cell phone) but its working nice so far
*I'm just sayin...
I've also heard bad reviews about the wintec cards too. Let us know what you think about the Kingston.
Sent from my HTC Vision using XDA App
I bought a Kingston 8GB Class 4 MicroSDHC for my previous phone, the Nexus One, a year ago and I was very satisfied with it. It's way cheaper than the Sandisks and it works great so yeah, highly recommended!
ctraywick1 said:
Yea I went with the class 4 as from whhat I've heard anything higher doesn't yield much results (at least in a cell phone) but its working nice so far
*I'm just sayin...
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From my experience I would have to agree on the class. To be honest, I think even a quality class 2 card would do just fine on a mobile device.
The class is an indication of the minimum Write Speed (class 4 = 4mb/s class 6 = 6mb/s, etc) The Read speed is generally much higher than that, so even if you are running applications from the SD card, performance shouldn't be hindered by a lower class card.
The only instance I can think of that performance would be affected is if you record a lot of 720P video with your phone. In that case, a faster write speed *Should* help with stuttering issues.
Now if we were talking about a high end SLR camera, then hell yes, speed makes a huge difference. I run a Kingston Class 6 in my SLR and it handles everything just fine, including HD video.
Just my 2 cents...
What it really comes down to is how fast the SD card adapter is in our phones, which I haven't figured out yet. If it'll fully utilize a class 10 card in terms of max write speed, then I would totally go for a class 10 card.
Can anyone verify the max speed our phones could support? (No guesses, please)
Sent from my HTC Vision using XDA App
I like Samsung cards personally. The performance has always been well above it's rated speed, and I've never had one corrupt/fail on me.
When you have a spare 10mins then give this a read:
Newegg says shipping is $9.99
convolution said:
Newegg says shipping is $9.99
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Must have been a promotion. My shipping was free. ANd to update everyone else it works like a charm. Dont really notice anything as far as normal phone function because I dont store apps on SD but My Titanium, Nandroid, and Just general SD backups to the PC are noticably faster.
Kingston is dead to me...
So, used to be a big proponent of Kingston, but they've seriously slipped over the last couple years (and not just flash, I've had major problems with their desktop memory, too, but that's a story for another forum). I bought the SDC4/32GB from Newegg. Supposed to be 32GB class 4 card. Wow. First one they sent wrote at 2MBps, read at 3MBps. Sent it in for a replacement, and I got one that wrote at 3MBps and read at 3.5MBps. Tried formatting it with my phone, with the official sdformatter utility, with Windows, with Linux, nothing helped. Third replacement was back down to 2/3MBps. Hardly class 4. And no, it wasn't my device or anything like that. I've got an actual class 4 8GB Sandisk card that came stock with my phone, and it does 5/7MBps on the same devices on which I tested the Kingston. And the Sandisk can record 720p without stuttering. Recordings from the Kingston were like watching a slideshow.
Very much done with that. Sent it back (again), got a refund, and now I've ordered that class 10 Wintec 32GB. Curious to see how it performs, and I'll stress it right away to see how it handles in the long run (do a bunch of writes and reads the first week to make sure it won't crap out right away). I'll report back here with my results, but they can't be worse than the Kingston. And from what I've read, it may be hit or miss, but when I get a hit, it'll be a class 10!

SD card recommendation?

I never bought one before.... so, please recommend me a solid performer.... and price does not really matter but I always like the price/performance ratio..... 16-32 is fine.
Sent from my Desire HD using XDA App
i just picked up this 32GB one, works great, says its a class 4, but im getting class 6 speeds.
cool, thanks.
it really is down to the class speeds, if it's too slow then it will be a pain to use (ie the stock one)
quite reasonable
I always recommend anything class 6 or 10 if size bigger than 4 gb or you will suffer when transferring files
Sent from my Desire HD using Tapatalk
Scandisk 16gb class 6
Sent from my Nexus One using XDA App
What about this one:
kevinm2k said:
What about this one:
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I would completely avoid using ebay for SD cards! They are alot cheaper but you will be lucky to get a genuine card, Ive heard that over 90% are fake. Often you will be lucky to get 2GB on a card and it will probably break within a week.
"This is a brand 16GB Class 10 Micro-SD memry card and comes supplied with a full sized SDHC adaptor and comes in a memory card case with no other retail packaging. All of our memory is 1000% genuine. This 16GB memory cards use Intel memory chips.
Please note: printing on the memory card may differ slightly from our image."
wow 1000% genuine. that's a whole 10x more genuine than an actual genuine one!
I might be cynical but if the seller uses bad English and grammar in his advert I would be careful! Also if they are genuine cards why would the printing differ?
Best spending a little extra and buying from a trustworthy website.
I am using a patriot class 10 16gb off amazon for £26 which I'd recommend without hesitation
The joyflash one looks more legitimate as they are a known company.
However that patriot one just posted is cheaper.
What difference do the brands make I know sandisk and kingston are the best known, but what differences is there between them 2 and the joyflash and patriots?
I've used Sandisk, Kingston and a couple of other ones in my desire HD and best one I have found so far is Lexor 16gb class 4 , quite fast for copying files, HD video records without stuttering and for £14.99 off play it was a bargain
Remember that class speeds are a minimum, known brands are more likely, in my experience, to understate the class thus you know a sandisk class 6 card is going to be a fair bit faster than a no make class 6
I've got a 16 GB SanDisk microSD Card in my DHD.
It's reliable, cheap and the speeds are descent.
I would post you a link to, but it looks like I am not allowed to do this right now with my few posts^^
Adata 16Gb Class 10
Just spotted this one:
Looks quite cheap, anyone had any experience with that brand?
ghostofcain said:
I am using a patriot class 10 16gb off amazon for £26 which I'd recommend without hesitation
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Sounds interesting. I was thinking about 64GB but can't find patriot nor any other at a reasonable price. Top capacity is 32GB at least for patriot class 10. Is there any known limit for class 10?
wander_jarra said:
Adata 16Gb Class 10
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I'm using one of these and for 30 Euro you will hardly get anything better. Don't expect any super performance though, it performs exactly as advertised: ~11MB/s write speed.
Why do you need such fast sd cards? How oftern do you plan on transfering large files in a hurry? Personally when I transfer something from my phone I just leave it charging while it does it. What's the hurry? You can still use your phone while it's doing it.
8igdave said:
Why do you need such fast sd cards? How oftern do you plan on transfering large files in a hurry? Personally when I transfer something from my phone I just leave it charging while it does it. What's the hurry? You can still use your phone while it's doing it.
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I would hazard a guess it's more about apps2sd and dalvik2sd. Whilst I personally think that on this phone apps2sd is something that isn't worth bothering with, if you are then you want the fastest card you can get to avoid lag.
I forget who said it but I saw recently the comment "you all moaned when you had no internal storage so we got 1GB now no one wants to use it".
I agree though Dave, when I'm doing SD backups to PC I use it as an excuse to grab yet another brew.

Sandisk 32GB too slow!

Just purchased 32GB Sandisk micro SD. To my knowledge Sandisk has only one 32GB micro SD card and it's a class 2. I have had same, but in 8GB capacity. From time to time I copy/backup folders to external SD: Navionics, Epocrates, and TitaniumBackup...up to 460MB. On 8GB it would take a minute or two each, but with new 32GB it takes forever. Both class 2; same manufacturer, but smaller one much faster. Any suggestions?
Infusion of Android
Class it up! Try a class 4 or 6.
nvm: I read later that you mentioned you get a faster speed on a Class 2 8gig than on a Class 2 32 gig. I just need coffee. Ignore my comment
I have a Sandisk 32gb Class 2... and it's slooooow. So I tried a 32GB Class 4, and it's still equally slow. I'm beginning to think it's the device, not the memory card. I'm getting annoyed with how much just having a memory card in the slot slows down the phone. I may just tolerate the internal 16gb and stop using an "external SD" because it's gotten super annoying waiting for it to scan all the time.
I have an adata class 4 32gb and its pretty good copying to and from. I got it from a quality retailer. If you didnt get it from a quality retailer, TEST it with h2testw app on the pc and make sure its real. It will take a long time to test it. Writing will go quick and you wont see any errors, but reading and verifying the writen data will take a lot longer and thats where the errors will show if its truly not a legitimate card.
I got a couple of fakes off ebay that i got refunded for, but these people sell thousands of these things on there and alot of people get fooled because they seem to work fine, UNTIL down the road when you cant read the data and lose a ton of stuff.
If you test it and get no errors on the reading side, you got a slow card and thats all there is to it. Its not the phone becuase it works fine with cards for most everyone. Not many complaints showing up
carhigh said:
I have an adata class 4 32gb and its pretty good copying to and from. I got it from a quality retailer. If you didnt get it from a quality retailer, TEST it with h2testw app on the pc and make sure its real. It will take a long time to test it. Writing will go quick and you wont see any errors, but reading and verifying the writen data will take a lot longer and thats where the errors will show if its truly not a legitimate card.
I got a couple of fakes off ebay that i got refunded for, but these people sell thousands of these things on there and alot of people get fooled because they seem to work fine, UNTIL down the road when you cant read the data and lose a ton of stuff.
If you test it and get no errors on the reading side, you got a slow card and thats all there is to it. Its not the phone becuase it works fine with cards for most everyone. Not many complaints showing up
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Mine's a legitimate card, that much I know. Best Buy doesn't sell china-models, haha
Correction. It's a Class 4 that I bought from Staples.
Sandisk technical chat was a joke and commented:"Well there is no guaranteed read and write speed. Still you can try formatting it with a tool called HP Tool"
My response:"Your comment could be construed as a copout. I believe everyone should have the guarantee that when same manufacturer produces a product and one is classed to have double the transfer capability ...... it should perform as such"
Sandisk chat :"I understand but we do not have any read and write speed on micro SDHC card"
bluetoothless said:
Correction. It's a Class 4 that I bought from Staples.
Sandisk technical chat was a joke and commented:"Well there is no guaranteed read and write speed. Still you can try formatting it with a tool called HP Tool"
My response:"Your comment could be construed as a copout. I believe everyone should have the guarantee that when same manufacturer produces a product and one is classed to have double the transfer capability ...... it should perform as such"
Sandisk chat :"I understand but we do not have any read and write speed on micro SDHC card"
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Kudos to you for challenging them... Unfortunately the world is becoming more and more of a marketing-reality. Something can be marketed as anything. AT&T decided they'd rather call their 3G a "4G network" rather than update to 4G... Sandisk decided to call their Class 4 a "Class 4" without any sort of technical evidence of it complying with the standard... and who's going to stand up to them, just like who's going to stand up to AT&T? Very sad state we've gotten to.
bella92108 said:
I have a Sandisk 32gb Class 2... and it's slooooow. So I tried a 32GB Class 4, and it's still equally slow. I'm beginning to think it's the device, not the memory card. I'm getting annoyed with how much just having a memory card in the slot slows down the phone. I may just tolerate the internal 16gb and stop using an "external SD" because it's gotten super annoying waiting for it to scan all the time.
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Wait, are you saying that if one removes the external SD card that no scanning takes place?!?! If so that bish will be out of there in a hot minute! 2GB isn't worth the headache.
Yes class 2 is like the 3200rpm hard disk. Back in 1990's. Get class 6. I have class 10 it's very fast.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I997 using XDA Premium App
rjan22 said:
Yes class 2 is like the 3200rpm hard disk. Back in 1990's. Get class 6. I have class 10 it's very fast.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I997 using XDA Premium App
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Is the Infuse able to take advantage of the Class 10? I thought I read somewhere anything above Class 6 reads the same on modern smartphones. Anyone have real world experience using infuse with class 2 vs 6 vs 10?
carhigh said:
TEST it with h2testw app on the pc and make sure its real.
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Tested it and it came back 10.44 Mbs read/4.66 Mbs write. This was after formatting it with HP Tool. That is within spec for Class 4, but seemed just too slow. I'll try to transfer same files again and share results.
Infusion of Android
I have a class 4 32 gb that's basically empty....
Write: 6.8 mbps
Read: 21.3 mbps
Is that good\bad\indifferent? lol
I'd appreciate those numbers.
Any opinions about PNY all?
Infusion of Android
bluetoothless said:
I'd appreciate those numbers.
Any opinions about PNY all?
Infusion of Android
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Does PNY make Class 10 16 or 32gb cards? In searching on Amazon 32gb Micro SD Class 10, I'm seeing Lexar, and Patriot. The Patriot gets mediocre reviews saying that it dies frequently, and is incompatible with many devices. I'm thinking of buying the Lexar, but I still haven't seen anyone post any better read\write speeds, so I'm wondering if the Samsung can even read\write faster than class 4.
PNY 16 GB class 10 at $29.99
Infusion of Android
bluetoothless said:
16 GB class 10 at $20.99
Infusion of Android
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That's a good deal... wonder if they have it in-store or only online?
Only online. Recent shipments to stores are 8GB Sandisk class 4. No other choices.
I flubbed on price $29.99
Infusion of Android
bluetoothless said:
Only online. Recent shipments to stores are 8GB Sandisk class 4. No other choices.
I flubbed on price $29.99
Infusion of Android
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Aww, I just think I'd regret only going 16GB... if there are 32GB available, I think I'd be regretting it in a week if I bought a 16GB.
Try they have very good prices, good reviews and a great return policy.
rsrocket said:
Try they have very good prices, good reviews and a great return policy.
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Wanting to buy @ Amazon... I have $300 in gift cards on Amazon, so need something I can order from them. Not a fan of Newegg as they charge Tax in CA, and their "standard" shipping is slooooow (up to 10 days the last couple orders). I have Amazon Prime free 2 day shipping, and no tax here in CA, so I'm trying to stick with them.

PNY 32GB Class 10 MicroSDHC - $55 shipped [NEW COUPON Oct-11]

Use coupon code EMCJKJJ45 to bring it down to $55. Pretty decent price for a class 10 chip from a known manufacturer.
Edit: Varying write benchmarks on Newegg and Amazon. Some are hitting class 10 speeds, some aren't. YMMV.
Awesome! Thanks for 2sharing
Just be careful and make sure its genuine, I have heard a lot of stuff about fake cards claiming to be class 10.
Whereas if you go for a good brand it might actually perform better.
I have a sandisk, 32gb, class 4, and i have 20 gb of music of my sensation, it works perfectly, better then my ipod touch! So I wouldnt pay much attention to the class but more to the quality of the card.
Granted the write speed is slow, took me a long time to get the 20gb of music on, but reading speed is somewhere around 10 to 16 mbps, and thats from a class 4!
This one is legit- got suckered in some ebay buys of fake cards, went ahead and bought this one a while back from NewEgg and never looked back. PNY is a good brand. I use this one currently and have had no issues .
Ordered one...
I put in my order at Newegg this morning. Coupon code worked. Unfortunately, since I live in California, I had to pay sales tax so it cost me $3.99 extra
Yep, I bought this card from newegg. It is legit!
meteor999 said:
Just be careful and make sure its genuine, I have heard a lot of stuff about fake cards claiming to be class 10.
Whereas if you go for a good brand it might actually perform better.
I have a sandisk, 32gb, class 4, and i have 20 gb of music of my sensation, it works perfectly, better then my ipod touch! So I wouldnt pay much attention to the class but more to the quality of the card.
Granted the write speed is slow, took me a long time to get the 20gb of music on, but reading speed is somewhere around 10 to 16 mbps, and thats from a class 4!
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It's from newegg and its pny. Can't get more real than that.
Sent from my Sensation
Because the promo code ends today, there is also at Amazon for 56$ if anyone is interested.
they have some class 10 32's at frys for 30$ btw
freco said:
Because the promo code ends today, there is also at Amazon for 56$ if anyone is interested.
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They change price back to 69. As soon as newegg's offer ended they changed it.
Thank for shared
Sent from my HTC Sensation XE with Beats Audio Z715e using xda premium
I got the email promotion and bought it as soon as I saw it lol. Got it in the mail yesterday. Noticable space and performance improvement from the stock 8 gb card. Everything that is on the sd card loads much faster now. This card may not be a high end class 10 card but it is that of a high end class 6 card which should be good enough for phone usage. You will be able to record hd with this card just fine. I've been waiting for it to be instock and on sale since the day i have my Sensation lol. Gotta love new egg.
How can i buy this card from Europe ? The Newegg don't send to Europe.
later edit: meantime i bought from Amazon, they send to Europe
Good price, thanks for shared
Unfortunately my stock 8gb card died. Contemplating between this or the 16gb class 10.
This one (DMY 32GB class 10), at this price, is fantastic. I already put it in my Sensation and the phone is flying (like a pig) with 32 GB. My laptop geting jealous. I warmly recommend it !
I have a 16gb PNY in my Sensation and I have to say I am disappointed with the performance of a so called class 10 card. SD Tools reports write speeds of <8MB/s which is no better than the 8GB Kingston class 4 (though seems to be under rated) that come bundled with the Sensation. Alarmingly, that falls below the 10MB/s minimum for a class 10.
Is SD Tools a reliable app?
anlygi said:
I have a 16gb PNY in my Sensation and I have to say I am disappointed with the performance of a so called class 10 card. SD Tools reports write speeds of <8MB/s which is no better than the 8GB Kingston class 4 (though seems to be under rated) that come bundled with the Sensation. Alarmingly, that falls below the 10MB/s minimum for a class 10.
Is SD Tools a reliable app?
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Test the card on a computer instead.
Sent from my HTC Sensation 4G
Is the rating for read or write? I have a Patriot 16GB C10 that gets 8.6MB write and 19.4MB read.
GideonX said:
Test the card on a computer instead.
Sent from my HTC Sensation 4G
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I think my ancient card reader might hinder things though saying that it's USB 2.0 so will see how it goes thanks.
tuner562 said:
Is the rating for read or write? I have a Patriot 16GB C10 that gets 8.6MB write and 19.4MB read.
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Rating is for write speeds. 10MB/s should be minimum, PNY packaging states up to 15MB.

