Frankenstein FROYO vd25xxx DK28 EXT4 only... NOT SUPPORTED... - Epic 4G Android Development

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Link to new EB13 ROM thread coming soon...DEPRECATED...UPDATED 2/12/2011 7am est...EXT4 only,CWM3 preferred.(less problems trying to support RFS)...FASTEST/CLEANEST ROM 85.6mb zipped...This version may still format your system and data files,make a nand backup before install...
Must flash DK28 modem in Odin if you dont already have it installed.Install CWM3,which will convert you to EXT4 once rebooted into recovery (If you want "No Journaling,install the before the ROM)...Now Install ROM through CWM3...Enjoy
Version vd25xxx :::
●In this version I changed some minor things and will be working on the details of everything that comes with the Base ROM,MyROM,and each will have more info also.So Now you have a choose of 2 ROMs.First choose is a clean slate base ROM (85.6mb). Then you have MyFrankenstein,this ROM is what I run on my phone,this has more apps and just works (120mb),I will be posting more info on whats inside soon...
Version v25xxx :::
●This version will not format any data before install,and it will backup and restore everything in the install process(so you can install over any ROM now if your using EXT4).The no journaling mod is now cooked into the install.This version has Swype as the only keyboard and the market is now installed by default (black markets wont work due to the update intervals).Also changed the notification bar to 50% black transparent(looks better).New kernel.Fixed some other minor issues. Launcher Pro is back and is the only launcher (to fix the contacts bug,long press and re-assign to contacts,then restart). Google maps update is still buggy,I suggest uninstalling the new update once installed via market and uncheck update automatically.
Version v24xxx :::
●This is a clean base ROM,stripped of pretty much everything...In conjuntion with 2 update.zips (Critical_Apps and found in download section) this will let you create your own ROM from the start.If you open these 2 .zips you can remove what ever you want or add whatever you want.I have done the hard part to figure out what can be removed safely 100%,so now you can have peice of mind when it comes to what can be removed from a ROM.I give you a very slim base ROM to build off of,this is as close to a kitchen as you will get until we have somthing up and running with diffrent kernels and themes and boot animations etc... that you can pick and choose from.
Ok so here it is,my first ROM,this is a combination of several ROMS,plus alot of goodies not included in others.
ADDED in V23xxx:::
● Cleanest ROM around,blank slate (gives you the option to add what you want from the start,I did all the testing to make sure base ROM is stable)
● Launcher Pro 0.8.3 (not modded,only because the next update will over write this anyway,everything needed to mod is in the download section)
● AD blocking built in (this does not harm any benchmark results from showing)
● Added Nexus S TV shutdown ani (its in Frankenstein Boot/shutdown,this can be opened and remove what you dont want,then flash,some people may not like boot sound or ani,same as before though)
● Core Apps (this can be opened up and remove what you dont want,then flash)
● NoN Critical Apps (I dont have any of this stuff installed on my phone,actually I dont have alot of the Core Apps installed on my phone either)
● Added EXT4 no journaling (this must be installed after EXT4 conversion and before you install the ROM,thats if you want no journaling)
ADDED in V18:::
● Added microbes LWP.
● PNG optimized even more. = more speed.
● Changed lock screen icon to HAL eye. = classic android.
● ViperROM under-volt hack (not in the kernel). Im seeing a good 20% battery life increase,no BS.= Thanks BThomas22x.
● This is by far the fastest ROM out at the moment,posted scores dont lie.
● REBUILT,only works with EXT4....
● pre-rooted,deodexed with CWM redirect
● Recompiled dvm cooked in (stable for me) = Thanks MeatCurtains
● EXT4 support = Thanks Dameon87.
● Launcher Pro integrated,its the only launcher installed,this prevents
2 a.core processes from running.
● Custom Launcher Pro icons = Thanks Zeinzu.
● Custom wallpapers (in a zip) = Thanks CM team.
● Added live wallpapers,also includes Nexus S LWP and Microbes LWP...(in an
● Viper sound hack = Thanks BThomas22x.
● Midnight Dialer = Thanks Midnight.
● Inverted Google search.
● ClockPackage.apk added = alarm clock,world clock,stopwatch,timer.
● Wireless tether 2.06 RC1
● Battery 1% mod = Thanks ????.
● wifi scan interval set to 5 minutes.
● Gingerbread youtube.
● More pure black added to theme in v18b.
● *New Blacked out MIUI music player = Thanks to me.
● Black Genie Widget = Thanks to me,work in progress.
● Inverted Gmail = Back and working perfect,Thanks ????
● Cooked initramfs = Thanks noobnl
● Cooked build.prop = 56m heap (helps with flash)+ 60 max events.
● GPS fix = Thanks Mammon88
● Data governer killer = Thanks BThomas22x
● Some Heroes icons = Thanks earthbound[iap]
● As much pure black as possible = battery saver.
● No Sprint bloatware.
● New boot ani/sound,Nexus shutdown ani/sound.
● Custom ringtones,2 new for now,look for A_LOUD,and system,
these tones have been amped up.
● AOSP calculator - Thanks CM team.
● Programs auto zip align at boot = Thanks Mammon88 I think.

Frankenstein FROYO EXT4o vd25xxx (fastest/cleanest base ROM) 85.6mb
MyFrankenstein FROYO EXT4 vd25xxx (This is what I use on my phone atm)
Core Apps (Open and delete what you dont want before you flash via CWM3,nothing here is needed for the ROM to run stable)... Just added stock email (full description of .zip coming soon)
NoN Critical Apps (Open and delete what you dont want before you flash via CWM3,nothing here is needed for the ROM to run stable)
DK28-Odin-Modem-PIT_ _OCR-CWM3 +Full DI18.tar.md5 (everything needed to get started,and will help to convert back to stock DI18 if wanted/needed.)
Live Wallpapers...
Frankenstein Boot ani/sound + Nexus S TV shutdown/ custom sound...FIXED
Samsung Widgets (Open and delete what you dont want before you flash via CWM3,nothing here is needed for the ROM to run stable)
Sprint Apps (Open and delete what you dont want before you flash via CWM3,nothing here is needed for the ROM to run stable)
MIUI Music (black themed)
AOSP Lock screen (menu capacitive button does not unlock,,,I use this)
NoAOSP,removes AOSP lock screen.
TouchWiz 3.0
Blacked out Apps (Google search,Gmail,Genine Widget)
Launcher Pro icon pack (not flashable)
Black Menus,Grey Text...
Grey Menus,Black Text...
3G to 4G icons Black Menus,Grey Text...
3G to 4G icons Grey Menus,Black Text...
Wallpaper Pack (not flashable)

Trying now will let you know soon

Nice Halloween/Munsters Rom

I am going to try and add a wallpaper pack inside the ROM soon.Pictures really wont do any justice,its all the extras you may not be able to see,but you will be very happy with the pure speed and battery life.
Anyone else gonna test this,really no need to test,its working great for me.

Is it me or is there no DL link?
Really sorry about that everyone,the black market and gmail were last minute dumb things to add without testing.
EDIT::: Ill theme them myself,try to finish soon,and maybe add them to the official release deodexed rom.

ecooce said:
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JimboKern said:
Is it me or is there no DL link?
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Yeah... it's just you.

Haha that wasnt there a minute ago I swear!!!

Hows the speed anyone?

Blazin fast...I know thats one sided.....I just feel real bad,35 people downloaded the one with the black market and black gmail,they FC.I have learned never release till tested fully,I literally added those 2 at the last minute.I was trying to stay current.

The 3G or EV icon is showing as 4G so when I turn on 4G I have two 4G icons....... FYI
EDIT: Also getting FC on wireless tether as well.

Yeah for some reason I thought some people would like that,thats the one plcebo I added...Ill fix to 3G on the next update if 2 more people complain,lol,no Im joking...How do you like it?
Anyone else getting FC's on tether,,,I had this problem with pre 15,so I switched back to pre 14 and it worked again.Then I seen 2.05 RC1 and put that in the rom,I then odined back to DI18,then flashed the modem,then flashed my rom then did clockwork 1 click.And 2.05 RC1 works for me,,,I would revert back to pre 14 for now,,,Ill update the ROM with pre 14 and update tomorrow.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App

I kinda figured it was on purpose.. Meh, I dunno... I barely use 4G (battery killer) but I would like to know if I am on 4G vs 3G. Nothing I can't change myself though..... Its pretty damn fast and slim 478MB after install. I'll probably change the theme and boot animations....... I'm also going to uninstall WT and reinstall it or a different version so I'll let you know. Thanks for your work and actually to everyone who puts in the effort!!
Its damn fast without animation tweaks in spare parts... So can't wait to install that and see how it moves!
EDIT: You also have the mass storage issue that's been fixed in Bonsai

I kept wanting to remove the Livewallpaer apks just to slim it down more,I dont use them.And I wanted to take out Sprint genie weather and news apk,but I use that sometimes.So I think I found a good medium,without taking out to much,and the things I took out are always replaced with something better and free from 99% of everyone that roots there phone.But this will be a community ROM,I will bend to the will of the people and add,remove and tweak and update as much as possible.I hoe you got v4 of this ROM.

If you want to take things out you can always post a store like Viper (Great Idea) so people can put them back in if they want them... I say make your ROM how you want and share it, that alone is enough!!

Looks great!! Keep up the good work!!!

So this is not deodexed?
Also Im already running DK28 do I still have to Odin back or am I good to go.

So is this ROM deodexed, and pre-rooted?? Does it support cwm re-director??? Zipaligned??? Not complaining, just asking...


[ROM] NFX-Hero 2.2.1.update1, 9/5/2010 Friendstream+Deodexed/ODEX+JIT & more

Updated 9/5/2010 12:15AM,
NFX-Hero 2.2.1.update1 Deodex and ODEX
Formerly known as ZenHeroFX
You will now be able to use any kernel you want so enjoy the freedom!!! thanks
Name and graphics changes
More Scripts added to GScript (enable and disable A2SD, Wired Tether, and more)
Added jbed java
Now wireless and wired tether supported (wired can be done by script or apk)
some more tweaks
modified Darktremor Apps2SD 2.7.5 RC3c for better porformance.
and includes the prior changes
Dalvik moved to Cache partition
KidFrame by PhilD41
to much to list, download and check it out
If you dont want to run A2SD this will have 130 megs free in Data after full install.
with A2sd running you will have 150 free in Data
Wired tether is now located on sdcard just use es to install from card. this is due to it not liking being built in
ok this was reworked once installed it will run at 710 for now till kernels are reworked again, this has the jit in it already but not enabled. this doesnt use zips anymore this uses scripts right from within the phone.
in the app drawer there is a program called Gscripts click it.
To setup your GScripts complete the following steps:
1. After opening GScript press the menu button and select "Add script"
2. A new window will open.
3. Press the Load file button
4. Select a script from the list (each is obviously named as to its function)
5. Ensure Needs SU? is checked
6. Now select "Save" and you have added your script
7. To run just select it from the list in the main GScript screen
8. You must reboot the phone for the change to take effect.
After running a script, just touch the screen to stop GScript from auto closing.
Very Special thanks to zach.xtr and his work on the Gsripts that made this possible
Dalvik moved to Cache partition ( approx 150 megs of space after rom installation)
And JIT that is actually Stable at this point of testing. This is due to having 130megs of space for dalvik to now run in.
This is still built on 2.1 but should be as good as it gets till we secure a Froyo port.
Odex (no themes, faster)
Deodex (themeable, slower)
Download NFX-Hero 2.2.1.update1 Deodexed
Download NFX-Hero 2.2.1.update1 Deodexed Mirror by scott2020
Download NFX-Hero 2.2.1.update1 ODEX Remember no mods or themes on ODEX unless made for ODEX
Download NFX-Hero 2.2.1.update1 ODEX Mirror by scott2020
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NANDROID, NANDROID, NANDROID, I hope that is clear enough.
Remember I am aimed on the smoothest and fastest running system, anything beyond that is optional. I supply the JIT for the people that want to use it at their own risk. I have provided what I consider a great rom STOCK, with OC even better and for the few that JIT loves your phone, well hell it is just fun.
I however am not expecting everyone to be able to use jit this is why I include the ability to disable it also.
I have managed to get jit to run successfully on all roms, but it takes time sometimes it takes perfect others it might take 2 or 3 tries.
Special thanks to the People that where helping through the testing. There input was very valuable.
beezy420, Papa Smurf151, regaw_leinad, urushiol, chromiumleaf, cp0020, sekarpdkt, whatsleft4her, and darrick913. If I missed anyone please let me know so I can give credit where it is due.
Reserved for future addons, and updates
New files for NFX-Hero release
non-optimized browser and streaming media player this is if you have stutter while playing vidoes
Battery Icons and percentage.
Thanks to the work of JsChiSurf and the icons from mrinehart93
Download here
DO a Nandroid backup always before flashing
old files will be updated so for the new name and graphics.
all files below are for the older releases I will leave them posted for now as not everyone has updated.Live Wallpaper and Launcher2 addon. I dont support them but many have asked for them. This does not break the Weather wallpaper.
ZenHeroFX 2.0 Stock boot image if you want to revert back from OC
691 mhz Kernel for Zen Hero, thanks to urushiol
691 no memory managment 691
691 With medium memory management
also the 710 and 768 kernels are located at this post
2.1 SU superuser unsecured if you have an issue with the 2.2.2
Droid X libs, if you are having an issue with it, as I cant remeber whether or not they where added
Battery Icons and percentage.
Thanks to the work of JsChiSurf and the icons from mrinehart93
Download here
This will wipe dalvik so expect a long boot. DO a Nandroid backup always before flashing
Super Circle Battery with %
This was born from this thread on the Desire forum go there to see the photo of what his mod looks like.Download Here
To remove the circle battery and return to stock battery Flash This
New HtcDesire Lockscreen fix themed for zen hero Thanks to JsChiSurf. menu+menu unlock disabled Download Here
Ok the new Samsung Road SMS. This allows you to use the camera so you can type and walk while still seeing everything in front of you. This screen cap is of my tv just trying to give you an Idea of its purpose.This will work on any hero rom!!
Stock Rosie themed for zen Flash from recovery
Original Rosie Expresso themed Just incase you want it back
Sprint HTC Bloat - This will intall bloat to data/app for easy removal
this zip contains:
Hows the Battery Life?
chefthomas99 said:
Hows the Battery Life?
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Stock speed for installs, kernels that work with my stock rom also work with this rom plus a new 691 listed above. Battery life should be very good as it has been tweaked to give best performance with minimal impact.
Looks good!
Does this mean your first ROM will be called HeroFX? It needs a name !
nfinitefx45 said:
Stock speed for installs, kernels that work with my stock rom also work with this rom plus a new 691 listed above. Battery life should be very good as it has been tweaked to give best performance with minimal impact.
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Thank you kind sir - gonna give it a try as I am running CM6 now.
Is there still a slight lockscreen lag with the overclocked kernel. Also is there any keyboard lag in the rom.
mjhuffer said:
Is there still a slight lockscreen lag with the overclocked kernel. Also is there any keyboard lag in the rom.
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lag if any should be so minimal that it shouldnt be an issue for anyone. the lock screen runs extremely smooth.
flashing and now waiting for it to boot up..but what themes would work with this..because i always use this theme
edit: the theme works well with this
c00ller said:
Looks good!
Does this mean your first ROM will be called HeroFX? It needs a name !
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My first rom will remain as is , for the reason of people looking for stock rom, will easily distinguish that it is exactly that.
socalsfinest93 said:
flashing and now waiting for it to boot up..but what themes would work with this..because i always use this theme
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nandroid backup and give it a shot, this entire rom has been resigned so themes should not have an issue.
man friday came fast lol
cp0020 said:
man friday came fast lol
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Well all the testing and 0 bad feed back so I decided to let her rip especially since beezy420 and I are working on a new port together and I am finishing my legend port soon hopefully, although it has been a major pain in teh ass. LOL
I didnt see it mentioned, and going to try the ROM anyway just for giggles...
just wondering, does this have VVM?
(the only feature I can't live w/o for long. ... and yes, I have tried GoogVoice, tyvm.)
kingdazy said:
I didnt see it mentioned, and going to try the ROM anyway just for giggles...
just wondering, does this have VVM?
(the only feature I can't live w/o for long. ... and yes, I have tried GoogVoice, tyvm.)
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Yes all feature of the stock rom are there and work, plus some added fun!!
I see that it has messed up icons in audio player. Also, does it have the bug where it shows the old bottom icons (non-espresso) before showing the newer mytouch3g style icons?
derekwilkinson said:
I see that it has messed up icons in audio player. Also, does it have the bug where it shows the old bottom icons (non-espresso) before showing the newer mytouch3g style icons?
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yes I am working on the icons in the music player, that is not a bug it is a backgraound that is displayed until it loads. I have managed to replace most of them, but not all yet, these will be corrected with a flashable patch that will not wipe the system.
nfinitefx45 said:
Well all the testing and 0 bad feed back so I decided to let her rip especially since beezy420 and I are working on a new port together and I am finishing my legend port soon hopefully, although it has been a major pain in teh ass. LOL
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The legend 2.2 port?
thatguythatdid said:
The legend 2.2 port?
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2.1 r4 I think the 2.2 will be a while before it is released
socalsfinest93 said:
flashing and now waiting for it to boot up..but what themes would work with this..because i always use this theme
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For the most part you could port that pretty easily. Maybe thirty minutes if you know where to look. I'm gonna port the lyrical ink from zenslide. done LOADING
i'm not getting an delay when pushing the menu unlock key

[MOD/ROM/THEME]-24-05-11-Sense 2.1/3.0- CoreDroidMoDv6.6 by MC (FAST/STABLE/EYECANDY)

CoreDroidMoD for the Desire S
Proudly presenting to you the most attractive ROM with stunning visuals for all HTC Desire S phones!
This ROM is a port of Sergios DesireHD (ACE) ROM whose builds have always been packed with detail in every part! Sergio has been a CHEF on XDA for quite some time, cooked for TP2, still cooking for HD2 and now cooking for the DesireHD and has given me his blessing to port it over to our Desire S.
About CoreDroidMoD
Based on the latest official release 1.36.841.3
RAM Optimisations
Speed Optimisations
Fast, Stable & Eye Candy
System and User Apps Zipaligned
Fully De-Odexed
Init.d Scripts Support
Fully Themed
Hosts file updated
Adfree app provided for Host Update
Added Task Killer tweaks
Custom Bootanimation support
CRT TV Screen on/off animations
Sense 2.1 and Sense 3.0
SDCard tune up/Speed Hack
Brightness Tweaks
Huge Code Cleanup
Latest Stock Kernel
Automatic ZipAlign by Wes Garner
MMS options size changed and set as 300K by default (only takes effect with a Wipe install)
Build.prop tweaks (gps/3g/edge etc)
and much more!!
Extra 3rd Party Apps On User Data:
HTC Translator Widget
Titanium Backup
ES File Explorer
System Apps Moved to User Data for easy update/removal
Amazon MP3
Google Quick Search Box
Adobe Reader
CoreDroidMoD 5.4 Download Links:
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
CoreDroidMoD 6.6 Download Links:
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
You will need to download all parts to extract the ZIP for each ROM
Also the first boot will take longer than usual, this is normal as the ROM is De-Odexed and the Dalvik Cache needs building.
REMEMBER - If you like my work, please hit my thanks button to show your appreciation
Hopefully this should be my final and last update as it is more than complete.
I have another project i am/will be working on and time will not permit 2 projects...
Hope you enjoy the ROM!!
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How to flash? What do you need?
HTC Desire S S-OFF
Radio S-OFF in order to flash new radio (Radio not included in this MOD)
Recovery ClockworkMod (latest official build!)
When can we expect the next update?
As soon as i get time away from my busy schedule lol.. kids, work and the wife!
Can I update without losing all my apps and settings?
Yes, each release can be flashed without losing your data. But I recommend making a Nandroid Backup before updating/flashing.
I want to remove all Sense Related stuff, is this possible with this ROM or do i need to install a non-Sense related ROM?
I have attached a sense removal script with default launcher. Just run that through recovery and you should end up with a non-Sense ROM
After I loaded a new ROM and performed a restore, I have duplicate ringtones/notifications/alarms?
You can fix this by clearing the data of "Media Storage" (Menu->Setting->Applications->Manage applications->Media Storage->Clear data), then reboot.
How can i Change system/app/... apks skin or icons?
Since this Build is optimized and Odexed you will need too take some precautions. First you will need a APK Deodexed that you trying to change. Then from within the Build you will need to delete the apk and the respective odex file.
(Changes to the browser)
1. Inside Build system/App you will find Browser.apk and browser.odex you will need too delete both files.
2. You will need a browser.apk Deodexed which contains the Browser.apk & Browser.odex merged into one bigger Browser.apk
3. Make the changes and then push it to system/app (don't forget 1st step)
Another way would be to use an Android kitchen to deodex the entire system/app and then you will have the system/app deodexed then just change what you like.
I dont like the 4x5 app drawer in CoreDroidMoD 5.4 & 6.5, can i revert back to the 4x4? or I dont like the 5x5 app drawer in CoreDroidMoD 6.5
I have attached the 4x4 & 4x5 version to this post. Just flash it through recovery, reboot and wait for it to re-build the dalvik cache. for CoreDroidMoD v5.4 and for CoreDroidMoD v6.5
CoreDroid_Desire_S_V6.6_Rosie_Trans - 4x5
Im not too keen on the keyboard in this ROM, can i get the stock one back?
Just flash this zip through recovery, reboot and wait for it to re-build the dalvik cache.
I dont the like the included fonts, is there anyway i can restore the stock fonts?
Just flash CoreDroidMod Stock Fonts zip through recovery, reboot and wait for it to re-build the dalvik cache.
Should I use a task killer?
Task Killers are NOT advised! They do nothing but kill your battery and stop processes that aren't supposed to be stopped. Besides Task Killer tweaks have already been applied to the ROM
However i have attached the Sense 3.0 HTC Task Manager if you feel the need to have one. Just flash it through recovery, reboot and wait for it to re-build the dalvik cache. USE ONLY WITH CoreDroidMoD v5.4 and NOT CoreDroidMoD v6.5!
Is there anything else i can do to improve battery?
You can disable "Tell HTC" and "OTA Software Updates" found in about phone > software information. You can also set your phone to use 2g and alternate it to 3g when you need to. Also if you dont use Stocks, News, Hub or HTC Like you can uninstall or freeze these using Titanium Backup (freeze only available in the pro version!).
How come I get low Quadrant scores on GB ROMs?
This is mainly because there aren't any custom kernels yet. We're using a stock GB kernel without tweaks or OC.
Are there custom kernels for GB ROMs?
No not yet. The source code for GB kernels has been released. So it's a matter of time now before we can get to use these.
Stock IME Download Link
CoreDroidMod Stock Fonts Download Link
gna flash your rom and test it asap glad we gettin more people developing.
set up my kitchen and setting up ubuntu for kernel mods
Thank for this verey much appreciated
so far so good jus restoring apps
looking good look forward to your updates
Ive had some time today to look at the Battery Percentage mod/fix and can confirm this is now done
Watch this space...
lol watchin closley lol .. btw iv been using rom since last night and apart form that batt prob roms workin fine
is it possible to add custom boot animations? iv tried adding em to data/local/ but no luck
Battery is fantastic on mine lol...
However i have disabled "Tell HTC" and "OTA Software Updates"
I also "froze" stocks, news, htc like and few other apps i dont use with TB and i charged my handset overnight and in the morning at approx 7a.m rebooted in recovery and deleted battery stats and then recharged it.
It is now on 97% and has been running for over 6 hours so its all good.
Advanced Reboot menu also fixed
I think im going to re-release the complete ROM today with the fixes implemented.
Updated 1st Post with Latest Rom.
Will try and provide a recovery .zip with just the updates for those that have already downloaded the 1st Rom.
is the v54 file the fight one. i think the links stopped workin for downloads. i downloaded it before flashing it now thx very much appreciated
chwads2k8 said:
is the v54 file the fight one. i think the links stopped workin for downloads. i downloaded it before flashing it now thx very much appreciated
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Sorry i took it down as i noticed i didnt update some notification images which i thought i did lol..
Fixing it now.
Looks like your the only one using it.
Trying to get my device s-off'd but it will take a couple of weeks as I'll have to probably send my phone away as I can't afford to buy an Xtc clip , also have a busy time at work so can't go with out phone just now
So hopefully by the time you've got the initial issues sorted out with the rom I'll be able to flash it too.
Can't wait, don't give up, reckon more and more people will need your rom in time
Sent from my HTC Desire S using XDA App
Hmm, it looks like the download link is broken.
Can you maybe fix it =)?
Ok, now it works =).
Maybe the upload wasn't ready.
MarylandCookie said:
Sorry i took it down as i noticed i didnt update some notification images which i thought i did lol..
Fixing it now.
Looks like your the only one using it.
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Click to collapse
Nope . I'm about to install in a few minutes .
yep thx tho only matter of time i guess jus need software to root and s-off phones for other users which im sure aint far along then we shud se alot more.
by the rom is lookin nice lovin the theme
You rom works perfectly. Good work!
But what i dont like is the modded theme in blue.
Is there a chance to get the old one back?
datoml said:
You rom works perfectly. Good work!
But what i dont like is the modded theme in blue.
Is there a chance to get the old one back?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
This is Sergios CoreDroid Rom for the ACE ported to our Desire S so it comes with that theme as standard. Its what the ROM is about, the blue eye candy
You can always flash loveboatcaptains LBC rom which has the default theme i believe.
Sorry cant be of any more help.
can i use custom boot animations?
chwads2k8 said:
can i use custom boot animations?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
This needs fixing, future versions will have the default CoreDroid bootanimation installed as default.
great work...
good to see someone here around ;-)
send you a PM
thx ya man
Sent from my HTC Desire S using XDA Premium App

[ROM][Sense3.0+Android2.3.4][29 Aug]RCMix 234 v2.1 Lightning quick !!

RCMix 234, Official 2.3.4 WWE RUU 1.45.401.2 base.
WARNING - Lightning fast!! - WARNING
RCMix small talk - Freenode #rcmix or #rcteam
You can use webchat if you dont have any irc client.
Base - 1.45.401.2, android 2.3.4 rom.
Kernel - Stock
Dual CPU script thx Mike for that
screen off -- one cpu active
screen on -- both cpus active
governor -- interactive
Virtuous Auto Install Script - Thx RMK for that (read more about that here)
This feature will do no harm, so if you dont want to use it, just install the rom as it is
Optimized and zipaligned all apks (to leave as low memory fingerprint as possible)
Low memory optimizations
Lots of tweak scripts
Advanced Power Menu
Tweak app, Bloater and some mods from Bulletproof - courtesy of RomanBB (great stuff man)
- Rosie 5/4 column on/off
- CRT animations on/off
- Battery % and colour change
- dB signal on/off
- Overglow/bounce on/off
- Custom Personalize button
- Show/hide recent apps in dragdown menu
Latin IME (more dictionarys added by me) + Stock HTC IME
Sliding animation on keyboard popup
Camera with extended options (panorama and bitrate), Thx virtuous team for that
SMS/MMS backup feature
Big MMS support
Cifs Manager
Updated maps
ES File Explorer
Latest Market app
Latest Superuser + su binary
TMobile WIFI calling + Video Chat and Visual Voicemail (please test that) (possible to uninstall if not needed.)
Titanium Backup
Rom Manager
Screenshot with Power+Home
+ more
Known bugs:
you tell me...
Custom Recovery (so you can flash the rom hehehe)
Personalize button is alligned to browser as default, can be changed in settings/tweaks/sense you have the personalize button when you press menu, so waste of space to have it on home screen
To save some battery change the wifi power settings.
To make the battery last longer, turn off pocket mode in settings/sounds.
Fixed camcorder FC
Changed Dual CPU script
Added more dictionarys to android keyboard
Added Glasskin
Rebased to latest official european RUU
Added Tweaks and Bloater from Bulletproof rom (great stuff!)
Dual core always on (need to be tested, if it drains to much battery, we will change that)
Added Auto Install script
Added Latin IME
Added Cifs Manager
Added Google +
Added WIFI Calling + Video chat and Visual Voicemail (for TMobile users, can be uninstalled for those who dont need it)
Latest Market app
Lots of tweak scripts
Fixed all broken widgets/lockscreens and closing browser on some sites, THX to Baadnwz for that!
Small bugfixes, maps fixed and hosts porper linked to data/etc
Initial release
RCMix 234 v2.1
MD5: ceda34babda5c717df91b39c559ab824
for now, there is just the included stock.
Recommended radio - 10.56.9035.00U_10.14.9035.01
None yet
To do:
Make a Desensenized version
Add more language to Latin IME
Tweak auto brightness values
Fix RTL support
Thank you:
Virtuous team
If you like this rom, give it a star
if you're planning to get dropbox for android,
please be one of the first 24 that use this link,
if you use that link both me and you will get 250mb space extra! (its free)
Vodka shots/donations appreciated ​
a nice user banner for those who wants it
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
Autoinstall tutorial for dummies
Autoinstall tutorial for dummies
Thanks tinky1 for that one ​
Autoinstall script (txh RMK) will install all apps in sdcard/RCTeam/app.user folder.​
Option 1.
If you are coming from ANY other ROM, do this before flashing RCMix with autoinstall script.
Create a folder named RCTeam on the root of sd card, in that folder, create a subfolder named app.user.
(OPTIONAL) Use file explorer which allows you to go to data folder in your PHONE memory. You need to go to data/app folder, then select all wanted apps, copy and paste them to your newly created RCTeam/app.user folder on sd card root. I used Root Explorer, not sure if other file explorers will have same functionality.
Put all your apps you usually install after a fresh install into RCTeam/app.user
Flash ROM, sit back and enjoy autoinstall
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Option 2.
If you already flashed RCMix with autoinstall script, do this to make your apps autoinstall on next reboot.
Put all your apps you usually install after a fresh install into sdcard/RCTeam/app.user folder
Skip step 1. and use steps 2. and 3. from Option 1.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
You can also use the script to batch install apps
Put all your apps into sdcard/RCTeam/app.user folder
Reboot the phone, sit back and enjoy autoinstall
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
one more reserved
Thank you a lot Robo!
Yor are the best man
I just come to work I will try it now
Ok, let me know how it works.
flashing the rom now......
Robocik you have a htc Sensation now ? I will test your rom probably another time.I love your rom on the desire. For now I have the rom CrystalPyramid on my Sensation and love it.
Good Job!
I am not trying to hate or anything. I thank you for your free time. But when will someone make a good non sense rom? All we see is rehash of other roms. Something like cyanogenmod would be so awesome for this phone. One can only hope
Is arabic working even in gmail and browser ?
Is it possible to add the possibility to remove the 3D animation when changing homescreens? Like older Sense.
Will download and test first thing tomorrow
WOW! Now we are talking, RCmix Team is here! Downloading..
Very fast rom wow ..
No bug found
Only one thing the Arabic support really bad
and the browser also not supporting arabic lang
everything else very cool
Keep the good work
salman saso said:
Very fast rom wow ..
No bug found
Only one thing the Arabic support really bad
and the browser also not supporting arabic lang
everything else very cool
Keep the good work
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Click to collapse
thats right the Arabic characters appear separately.... in gmail for now !!!!
sayyas said:
thats right the Arabic characters appear separately.... in gmail for now !!!!
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Click to collapse
hmm... :/ got the files from idan, will check if it is fixable tomorrow...
found another "small" issue, maps are not installing, will make a RC2 before i go to bed.
hey, im not actually using this rom im on insertcoin but i thought i would share some base related problems to see if its replicated on this rom also as you share the same rom
firstly, news widget ONLY displays headlines, no preview of article, this is only in the widget. you should notice straight away as it makes the widget feel emppty with large gaps between articles.
secondly friend stream widget is not displaying time stamps below posts
lets see if any guys on your rom gets these issues too, thanks
vincepg13 said:
hey, im not actually using this rom im on insertcoin but i thought i would share some base related problems to see if its replicated on this rom also as you share the same rom
firstly, news widget ONLY displays headlines, no preview of article, this is only in the widget. you should notice straight away as it makes the widget feel emppty with large gaps between articles.
secondly friend stream widget is not displaying time stamps below posts
lets see if any guys on your rom gets these issues too, thanks
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seems like the same issues... need to port those proper, now its pretty dirty
anyway, i think there soon will be a proper 2.3.4 european leak, with all apps there, so there will not be any need for porting.
robocik said:
seems like the same issues... need to port those proper, now its pretty dirty
anyway, i think there soon will be a proper 2.3.4 european leak, with all apps there, so there will not be any need for porting.
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Click to collapse
Yer I can imagine. Yer it would be great to get a proper eu port on this base because its so much smoother then all the others
Sent from my HTC Sensation Z710e using XDA App

[rom] mhx-superlite-3.1 (final)

:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Version 3 Features ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
AT&T UCLA3 Base 2.3.6 --Thanks silver03wrx
UCLA3 0.3 kernel --Thanks romracer
More Free Memory
Longer lasting battery
Fast & Stable
STOCK Base /system/app has 174 items, mine has 126
Most other Roms are 300Meg+ Mines Under 300M
Bloatware Removed File by File to ensure a stable rom
/data/app functionality
/etc/init.d script with custom scripts
Bash Shell Support
TWlaucher Smoothness Tweaks
Ramdisk Tweaks Improved System Smoothness
Updated Stock Apps
5 Icon Dock
5 Icon App drawer
14 Toggle Mod, With Fixed USB Connect Screen
BLN Supported
Added Internet call settings to framework-res
VOIP/SIP Support (alternate rom download w/ older phone.apk)
Tiny Battery % in Status Bar
Internet Tethering Support
No Ads (Host File)
Vibrate Icon Deleted.
Search Button Fixed. Quick press goes to google search, long press goes to google voice search.
Extended Power Menu
SuperLite Theme: Block Lock Screen Background, Tiny Battery Icon with %, Custom Homescreen Background, Android Boot Animation.
**Rom Requires Full Wipe**
upgrad to the latest Modem before flashing
DOWNLOAD MODEM REX_MOd_LA3 --Thanks silver03wrx
Modem Install HOW-TO:
Download Modem & Reboot to Recovery
Wipe cache partition & Wipe dalvik cache
Reboot to Recovery
Wipe Data/Factory Reset
Under Advanced "Wipe Dalvic Cache"
Under "Mounts and Storage" Format /System
Flash ROM from sdcard
If you run 3.0 Upgrade to 3.1 with a Non Wipe 3.1 Update!!
This is a NON WIPE Update. JUST: Wipe Dalvic Cache before install.
Post Install Notes:
First boot will take a good 1min after you see your homescreen.
The Market Needs to Update Market > Google Play Icon. Do this first.
If you load backups/Titanium Backup, Do NOT restore the Market (or you will loose the NEW Play Store ICON)
Need SIP Support?
Copy to /system/app & reboot you will have SIP support. Use root explorer to copy the files.
**NOTES: this phone.apk will change the UI look/feel for making calls. This is only recommended if you want SIP support.
Other Downloads:
My Roms Background JPG
All Stock UCLA3 Base Apps from ATT
Want even more battery life out of my ROM?
Safe Apps to Freeze to squeeze all you can out of my rom:
Accuweather --weather widget
Clock 1.0 (the first one) --widget
Digital Clock 1.0 --widget
Dual Clock 1.0 -- widget
Email --stock email app
Email 1.0 --email widget
K9 mail
Memo 1.0
Mini Paper 1.0
News and Weather
NFC Service & NFC Test
Talk 1.3
Voice Recorder
Calender 1.0 --widget
Task 1.0
Other battery tips:
Disable GPS & wifi unless you need them
Keep screen brightness on AUTO or low
Screen timeout low
Use the active applications killer and exit all apps
Clear memory
Rom Notes:
I started this rom from scratch. I did mods 1 by 1 to ensure nothing conflicted with the stock UCLA3 base.
Bloatware Notes:
I went through every apk file one by one. This version has a few more things than 2.x did, at the same time I found more things I could remove.
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
Known Bugs/Issues
1. Touchwiz Bug Confirmed, reported by hcyplr29
"Is it me or something wrong when I create a folder and add apps to it then when I open the folder the box is too big and hangs off the screen."
First! good job
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I727 using xda premium
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I727 using xda premium
greekunit690 said:
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I727 using xda premium
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Click to collapse
I will take some later as I change/improve the rom. It looks stock, no theme mods.
mhx said:
I will take some later as I change/improve the rom. It looks stock, no theme mods.
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Click to collapse
Oh ok I was talking about the suggested battery mod. Thought you had it flashed
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I727 using xda premium
I will put up v1.1 soon & screenshots of what this lite weight rom looks like.
v1.1 changes: Less Bloat & Added TitaniumBackup
What do you guys want to see in version 1.2? I really wanted to make a lite weight rom with the newest kernel. Something that was simple & fast. Creating this so far was pretty easy.
Let me know what you guys want, I will try to make it
mhx said:
I will put up v1.1 soon & screenshots of what this lite weight rom looks like.
v1.1 changes: Less Bloat & Added TitaniumBackup
What do you guys want to see in version 1.2? I really wanted to make a lite weight rom with the newest kernel. Something that was simple & fast. Creating this so far was pretty easy.
Let me know what you guys want, I will try to make it
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Click to collapse
Any chance of the 14 toggle mod? That would be sweet.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I727 using xda premium
mhx said:
I will put up v1.1 soon & screenshots of what this lite weight rom looks like.
v1.1 changes: Less Bloat & Added TitaniumBackup
What do you guys want to see in version 1.2? I really wanted to make a lite weight rom with the newest kernel. Something that was simple & fast. Creating this so far was pretty easy.
Let me know what you guys want, I will try to make it
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Click to collapse
Are kernel changes possible or just rom changes? If kernel, I'd like to see USB-OTG Hosting enabled so our SRs can recognize a USB flash drive and be able to read/write/transfer files. I think it involves changing a flag to "Y", but requires the kernel to be decompiled/recompiled which is above my pay grade!
rom updated to 1.1.. screenshots posted
just Rom updates right now, no kernel stuff.
I will work on a toggle mod and adding perm battery icon so its in one ROM. Once i figure this out i should be able to add anything i want.
Looks good, I'll give it a shot.
Does this ROM's TW include 5 docks or 4?
ConfusingCurve said:
Does this ROM's TW include 5 docks or 4?
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Click to collapse
4, its stock rom.
I will make the all rows 5 icons. Its on my list of things to add
mrpickem said:
Looks good, I'll give it a shot.
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Click to collapse
thanks, let me know what you think. I need some feedback
Guys, this is how i started off as a dev 3 months ago, now look at me now.... This guy is going to be a great dev, Glad to have you working on ROMS, mhx!
Wanting to flash on my t989 but if I flash the modem and rom and rebooy I have no signal or data I even changed the apns and rebooted still didnt get any data or signal any ideas
Sent from my SGH-T989 using xda premium
I loaded this up last night. I was running SilverRom..
I wiped data, cache & dalvik
I did not format system
Flashed rom
Restored 19 user apps & data with TB
So far so good, seems very responsive, I use ADW launcher and it plays together very well. Battery seems much improved so far. I had 48% when I went to bed at 11 last night and still had 44 at 730AM!
I prefer minimal roms, so I can add what I WANT
Thanks for your effort!
The 14 toggle mod would be nice.
BTW...I'm on Straight Talk and I get 4G around 6-7mb, 24mb wifi, video camera works great, no bloat, me likey!
M0D1441 said:
Guys, this is how i started off as a dev 3 months ago, now look at me now.... This guy is going to be a great dev, Glad to have you working on ROMS, mhx!
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Click to collapse
Kinda stuck, maybe you can help..
When I deodexed the ROM so i could add 14 toggle mod, I loose Market and APN settings and get no data. It happens after the deodexed and not even adding the toggle mod app/framework to the rom.
I also cant figure out how to get of that ATT Ready2GO crap
mhx said:
Kinda stuck, maybe you can help..
When I deodexed the ROM so i could add 14 toggle mod, I loose Market and APN settings and get no data. It happens after the deodexed and not even adding the toggle mod app/framework to the rom.
I also cant figure out how to get of that ATT Ready2GO crap
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Click to collapse
I got rid of all my ATT bloat by either just uninstalling from app manager or remounting /system as rw and deleting them from /system/app. I was able to get rid of all of the remaining ATT bloat. I did start from the rom and radio from cdshepherd's thread (1509978). Can't remember if I had to remove R2GO or if it was already removed. Anyhow most were removed when I remounted /system rw. I think there were only 2 that I was able to straight uninstall from app manager.
your not using android kitchen to make the rom?

[ROM] Froyo Cream Sandwich (AOSP and FroyobyLaszlo) (2012-04-17)

Hi guys! Here I am with my new AOSP Froyo and FroyobyLaszlo Themed ROMS
This is only a themed rom! ok I'm not a dev​
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
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"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
I don't really like too much Gingerbread ROMS (Feels laggy compared with Froyo) that's why I stay on froyo and did this rom with a beautiful ICS theme. Hope you like
This is an extremely barebones rom just includes basics apks ok, no youtube, gmail, maps, talk, etc. (You can install it from market/play or flash Extra-Apps) also removed almost all of ringtones, notifications, alarms. This rom is based on DREAMteam Froyo v2.0.0
From original rom thread:
tvall said:
Autokernel. Ezterry's ezgb v1.5.1f kernel
Apps2sdext (froyo parts app)
Compcache (same app..)
Other stuff in froyo parts
Light and quick
If there are any, tell us!
HTC dream: 1.33.0013d spl and 2708+ radio
32b sapphire: any. 0013(d) and 2708+ recommended
32a (not tested by dev team): I have no clue.... a 1.33 spl and a 3.22 radio
Most tested on the 0013d/28.25 radio/spl
custom recovery (to flash)
Ability to read the entire contents of this post
(Note: signing in to Google in the setup wizard hasn't been working. I recommend skipping it and setting up your account in either the settings menu or market)
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Click to collapse
If you use Custom MTD this sizes should be fine:
Dreamteam base:
63 system
2 cache
FBL base:
73 system
2 cache
If you don't know how cmtd works please please read this thread first
Rom mirror
Gapps mirror
Extra-Apps (ES File Explorer, Gmail, Maps(brut), Search, Voice Search 2.1.4, Youtube 2.4.4, all this apps will install on data so you can uninstall it) mirror
Optional Launcher (Themed Launcher Pro 8.0.6 free) If you want ICS dock line press menu, preferences, appearance settings, dock background, select froyo wide mirror
ezterry kernel 1.5.2
farmatito kernel
Installation instructions:
1. Boot into Recovery
2. Make a backup (Very important!!!)
3. Wipe all (including SdExt)
4. Superwipe (Recomended)
5. Flash ROM
7. Flash alternate kernel (Optional)
6. Flash Gapps (Not needed on FBL version)
7. Flash Extra-Apps (Optional, only flash it if you really use that apps)
8. Reboot
This update fix the unreadable text on some dark windows and add transparency to notification bar background, just flash on top (maybe a wipe to cache and dalvik-cache would be fine).
The first boot will be take longer than normal don't scare
Update mirror
FroyoByLaszlo Port!!!
After a long wait I finally finished to port this beautiful theme to FBL
You have two choices to get the ICS theme:
1.- A full themed rom but it's a light, stripped, barebones (or whatever you want to call it) version like all my roms, I also remove all the CPU mods in CMparts (Extras) cuz it eats around 3-5mb of ram and your battery dies early (But I upload a version with CPU mod if you like that feature)
ROM_wCPU mirror
ROM_woCPU mirror
FBL doesn't need GAPPS! ok they are included in the rom.
2.- An that you can flash on top on the original FBL rom
Theme mirror
pl_laszlo said:
SPL: 1.33.0013d (hboot)
RADIO: / 28.25
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
As we know CMtheme don't work on FBL so you will have to change the clock, carrier and notifications colors manually. Go to settings, extras, user interface and change:
Status bar
battery percent color = #ffffffff
Clock color = #ff3F9BBF
dbm color = #ff3F9BBF
Date and provider
Date color = #ff3F9BBF
Carrier PLMN label color = #ff3F9BBF
CarrierSPN label color = #ff3F9BBF
Notifications colors
Notifications ticker color = #ff3F9BBF
Notifications count color = #ff3F9BBF
No notifications color = #ff3F9BBF
Clear button label color = #00000000
Ongoing notifications color = #ff3F9BBF
Latest notifications color = #ff3F9BBF
Items title color = #fff2f2f2
Items text color = #fff2f2f2
Items time color = #fff2f2f2
Tips from ezterry:
Now that the system is installed I have some pointers to making the system as fast as possible, you may ignore these if you really must have something they don't allow but if the phone runs slower you know why:
Tip 1: Google Maps: If you can live without it the phone will be much more stable.. (Maybe using mapquest as an alternative) However if you really do need Google Maps note the newer versions require much more resources than the older ones.
If you must have google maps try an older version rather than maps 5+
Google Maps 4.7 MD5: b8c558351949be97eb8703d1f4a05807 (download/place on SD card and install with File Manager)
Brut Maps based on Maps v4.6
Tip 2: Facebook: Well I can't say facebook was ever fast on our slow Dream, but the most resent versions run an "Upload Service" 24/7 in the background eating much unnecessary ram.. v1.6.4 is the newest version I know of without this behavior.
Tip 3: sync: disable what you can
Go into settings -> Accounts &sync
Tap your Google Id. Unless otherwise needed, unchecked Sync Picasa Web Albums, and Books
If you have Google plus you may also wish to disable Sync Instant Upload.
Tip mine: If you restore apps with titanium backup or similar after that run in terminal
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Click to collapse
If you have fancy widgets I have a nice ICS clock theme
Link Mirror
How to use:
-Extract the file
-Go to your sdcard and put the extracted folder in: android\data\fancywidgets\clockskins
-Go to fancy widgets settings, appearance settings, clock skin, and select ICS theme
-You have to change text color too so go to: widgets settings, appearance settings, widget text color, pick the color (it's something like #3F9BBF)
- DREAMteam tvall, maximo360, Ldrifta, And everyone that tvall already thanked.
- Laszlo
- Special thanks to prusokas for the poster
ill try this out soon! ive heard good things about your work on other threads, keep it up
i love to know the g1 is still alive and kicking!!!
finally got a chance to try this out... been busy
amazing themeing! your boot screen is by far one of my favorites!
feels like my g1 is smoothly running ics.... weird... i love it!
demkantor said:
ill try this out soon! ive heard good things about your work on other threads, keep it up
i love to know the g1 is still alive and kicking!!!
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Hope you like this rom
Long life to the G1!
Updated Optional Launcher to v0.8.6
Great theme! I'll ask my girlfriend tomorrow if she wants this (she likes how ics looks on my phone, and I havent got a working build for hers yet...)
tvall said:
Great theme! I'll ask my girlfriend tomorrow if she wants this (she likes how ics looks on my phone, and I havent got a working build for hers yet...)
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Click to collapse
She will love this for sure
DorianX said:
She will love this for sure
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Click to collapse
One thing I noticed about the op tho, you said you removed talk. You can't get that on the market
tvall said:
One thing I noticed about the op tho, you said you removed talk. You can't get that on the market
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Click to collapse
That's right... I don't use it that's why I remove it, if people ask for that I'll upload a flashable zip for talk app
Edit: One guy said in your thread that is using the Gingerbread theme that I made for RyreeAOSP rom in yours, so you can also use the ICS I think
Nice Work man!! i am also constructing an ics theme for gb rom tho lol
ldrifta said:
Nice Work man!! i am also constructing an ics theme for gb rom tho lol
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
run slow !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Great job! Nice light set up, yet with good choice of apps.
vuvantuan59 said:
run slow !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Click to collapse
Are you serious? don't feel slow to me at all, try optional launcher seems faster
ldrifta said:
Nice Work man!! i am also constructing an ics theme for gb rom tho lol
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Click to collapse
Thanks! if I had a LG Esteem I would install your rom for sure
I just tell my senses every time you try to compare with the FroyobyLaszlo rom that view!
This looks great. I'm gonna try it later.
Sent from my HTC Flyer P512 using Tapatalk
nice work. Thank you for a great rom. Fast and no fc.
vuvantuan59 said:
I just tell my senses every time you try to compare with the FroyobyLaszlo rom that view!
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Click to collapse
Man google translate don't work very well, but I think that I understand your point
Infinimint said:
This looks great. I'm gonna try it later.
Sent from my HTC Flyer P512 using Tapatalk
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
If you like AOSP roms this is great
puppetcarl said:
nice work. Thank you for a great rom. Fast and no fc.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
You're welcome! but all credits are for the DreamTeam
Haha AOSP roms are my favorite, I think I'm gonna like this rom
It looks gorgeous.
Sent from my HTC PH39100 using Tapatalk 2 Beta-4

