LG GW910 question https sites - Windows Phone 7 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hello All,
I hope that someone can help me because I have a strange problem.
I have just bought a LG GW910 phone. The phone seems to work fine (calls, web-surfing, wifi etc) but if I am using my data connection (NOT WIFI) I cannot connect to any HTTPS sites. This also means that I cannot sync my phone with my exchange server across my data connection.
I have testes if across WIFI and it works fine.
I have also tested it by turning off the SSL (and making the necessary mod on the server of course) and then it also works fine, but I don't want to leave it sending my password in cleartext.
Can anyone help? Is this a bug in WP7 or should I send my phone back.
I would be very grateful if people could answer asap so that I can arrange to send this phone back if necessary.

given that you're the first to report it i might suggest speaking with your carrier about it?

Thanks for the comment! I would have thought the same thing if everything had not been working perfectly with my Touch Pro 2.
I cannot explain it, but I have managed to solve the problem.
I had tried resetting the phone and it hadn't helped.
I then tried (just to see how well it worked) doing a remote wipe of the phone (I had temporarily configured by exchange server not to require SSL). I then pannicked for about 40 minutes while my phone sat there with the LG logo and not starting.
FINALLY (YES... it takes AGES!!!) it started, and I configured it EXACTLY the same way as before, and now it works.
I honestly cannot explain it!
If anyone can come up with an explanation, I would LOVE to know.

well good to see you got it solved.

if i may: where did you acquire an LG GW910. is that not a developer phone? as in, not in the market? (it was actually the one WP7 that enchanted me the most.)

I bought the device on ebay for €200. The price was certainly interesting!!
Sadly however, the problem that I was having yesterday has started again!! It is very strange!! It worked perfectly for approx 2 hours, and then at 00:40 this morning, it stopped. Now, again, I cannot access any form of https site (for exemple: www.live.com won't work as it directs me to an https site.) if I use the data signal. If I use WIFI it works fine!!
I am just trying another remote wipe of the phone to see if this solves the problem again.
Does anyone have any idea what could be causing this? Bad memory chip????

Hello All,
Problem officially solved now... phone been running fine since Saturday Morning.
It seems that the problem was partially due to my service provider, and partially due to a mistake that I made.
I connect through Orange Luxembourg (Formerly VOX). They have 3 APNs: vox.lu (their old APN that still worked perfectly with my Touch Pro 2), iphone3g.lu (which they implemented when they got the iphone) and then one that I have never used before: orange.lu
I had tried vox.lu and iphone3g.lu and they both worked fine for HTTP, but not for anything secured (HTTPS, SSL etc).
On Saturday morning, I suddenly remembered that there was the orange.lu APN and I tried it. The phone has been working perfectly since then!!
I can't explain why this APN works and the others don't, but I am not going to complain. It is now working fine, and to be honest, I am very happy with WP7. OK... it has some missing functionality, but I am sure the MS will sort out some of these issues given time.


wifi spits in bluetooths eye

Hi all wondering if anyone can shed some light on this one:
i recently bought a htc kaiser (yay) and its great! but i cant get wifi and bluetooth to work simultaneously in any way shape or form - every time i connect the wifi, the bluetooth connections will die - so far ive tested it with multiple devices and its a consistent problem
i even sent the unit back for a replacement but they tested it and said it was fine (i don't believe them cause i tried every which way to get it working) either way ive got the unit back now and i still cant get both to work at the same time - ARGH!!
if i cant get the bastard to work in the next week or so im going to return the unit as its inside the 28 day period - i just wanna be able to stream music from the net over wifi and listen to it using my a2dp headset
anyone have any guru zen insight on this one they feel like sharing?
must be a kaiser or rom thing cause i do it all the time at home with the hermes (go hermes go!!!)
have the wifi running fine with AD2P via motorola Ht820s
My Kaiser does both WiFi & BT with no issues. The only thing I can suggest is tinkering with your WiFi access point settings (change the channel, encryption, etc.) -- in particular, channel changes may do the trick, as both BT & 802.11b use the 2.4 GHz band.
thanks for the replies guys i swear im going loopy with this thing - what wifi channels can you confirm it works on for you?
well ive tried every permutation. it doesnt work - supergps are talking out of their arse when they claim they got it working. im really sick and tired of bull**** companies. dont buy from supergps - they might be cheap but you get what you pay for.
Why don't you try asking supergps what they did to get it working and how they have their wifi configured? Sounds to me like it's something in your setup that's causing it if they confirm the device works.
i did
they claim they connected up a lenovo laptop and a sony phone and it 'just worked'
i tried it with the exact same make model etc of kit (and a whole host of other devices (must be about 30+ different devices now)) and it consistently fails
i cant see how they got it working - unless they were testing a different unit or they didn't understand what the fault was - even though i explained the fault in precise detail in about 5 different ways to them over the duration of the day they were testing it
i reckon they just dont wanna deal with the hassle of getting a duff device back
p.s. this is with factory defaults - no customisations or anything (though ive also tried with every permutation of configuration i could conceive) - it just doesnt work

sudden problem with softbank connection. Why?

Hmm I just got back to Kyoto from a trip to New Zealand and found that my phone will no longer connect with the opensoftbank connection. THE PHONE CAN BE USED AS NORMAL. Anyway, when connecting to the internet, I get the following error:
"Dialed : open.softbank.ne.jp. Cannot connect for an unknown reason"
Neither installing of the connection .cab or the wifiwake method , with the correct wifiwake, nor even putting the password in by hand, worked. I have tried several different roms. Of course, I did the usual and checked the connection to make sure password was actually inputed, etc. Anyway, I am sure I know what I am doing since I have been doing this since the Hermes; and remember, the think worked before leaving Japan.
So, I thought perhaps I had a phone problem. Well it appears not. Installing the original softbank rom works! Anybody else had any similar issues of late? Strange indeed.
UPDATE: On the original Japanese ROM I deleted the original settings (which are hidden by the way) and manually put the opensoftbank settings in and all still worked. Now, get this: I installed jmckeejr's Chrome 23037_Beta2 and even put in the autosettings (the vodafone [email protected]) just to see if it would let me connect... it did not. SO, neither the old vodafone nor the softbank open settings appear to work. Damn, makes me think softbank have clamped down on us, somehow... Anyone got any good ideas, please let me know.
Softbank seems to have stopped service to my phone this morning as well. It was fine yesteday, I've been paying my bills and using the data connection very modestly.
For me, however, it's not only the data connection that won't work anymore but I can't even make phone calls. I reinstalled the 6.1 official Softbank rom and this didn't help the problem. Something strange is going on here.
Hi Jonathan. I hope you could solve your problem. I solved mine by installing the latest NRGZ28 EnergyRom Warhawk. It worked fine. It seems that some of the later roms than this (released around end of Aug/beginning of Sep) do not work with softbank's connection settings.
I will do a little more poking around to see if I can find out any more information as to what may be causing the problem, as at the moment it is all a mystery to me. Cheers.

[Q] Problem with making and receiving calls

Hi folks
I have a Nexus S (i9020a). It has stock 4.1.2 Jelly bean from Google (downloaded the stock image and flashed it). It worked fine for over a month.
Suddenly few days back this device got a problem. When I dial any number I can't hear any dialing sounds and even after the call has connected I can't hear the opposite person and the opposite person also can't hear me (The phone still shows as 'Dialing' though it's already connected). The same is true when I answer any call. Both parties can't hear anything.
This is solved by rebooting the phone for the first phone call only. After I reboot, the 1st phone call works fine, then this problem persists for any calls I make/receive until I reboot the phone again.
I tried flashing a different radio but this problem is still there. I tried my sim card on a different phone and it works fine, so the problem is not that too. My 3G data works just fine.
I need this phone for the next few days/weeks (hopefully not months) before my Nexus 4 gets delivered :laugh:
Edit: Modified the title; Probably gave the wrong meaning that the problem is solved.
<bump> Modified the title. Earlier title gave an impression that the problem is solved whereas I still have a problem.
Have you installed any apps which could somehow affect the dialler?
Unless someone else can give you a different advice, I can't think of any other option than do a full wipe and reflash.
I haven't installed any such apps.
Also, I already did a full wipe and flashed the stock image again. The problem is still there.
Don't know what else you could try, sorry mate - hope someone else can help you sort it out!
Thanks for trying. I think I will go to some hardware shop and see if they can figure out..
Try using a headset for making phone calls so that we can identify if it's really the hardware's problem.
ej8989 said:
Try using a headset for making phone calls so that we can identify if it's really the hardware's problem.
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That's the first thing that I tried... doesnt work.
mailrachit said:
That's the first thing that I tried... doesnt work.
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I had similar problem when RAM running out. Usually a reboot fix the problem for a bit.
What I did:
1. With Titanium Backup Pro, froze unused RAM hogging system apps, like Google+, Google play magazine,etc
2. Froze or uninstall Facebook, Word with Friends, etc which are resident and hog RAMs .
3. Install marmite kernel, free up more usable RAMs.
Hope it helps you too.
_android_ said:
I had similar problem when RAM running out. Usually a reboot fix the problem for a bit.
What I did:
1. With Titanium Backup Pro, froze unused RAM hogging system apps, like Google+, Google play magazine,etc
2. Froze or uninstall Facebook, Word with Friends, etc which are resident and hog RAMs .
3. Install marmite kernel, free up more usable RAMs.
Hope it helps you too.
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Thanks for the suggestion!
I tried this too but doesn't work...
Try any custom ROM instead of stock ROM and a different kernel too. There could be chances that you've flashed the wrong ROM / radio too.
Sent from my Nexus S
Problem solved.
I went to a hardware store today. The guy said that it's a problem with the 3G service of my carrier (Vodafone India). The moment I enabled the '2G only' option in the Mobile networks settings area, this problem was gone. The technician said that this issue is affecting some people randomly. He said that since 3G service was launched just last year, the networks are not yet capable of handling all kinds of devices (he claims that the bug is so erratic that another Nexus S i9020a may work just fine with the very same bootloader/radio/rom which doesn't make any sense). When I said that 3G service was working fine before, he said that most probably my carrier changed some settings on their side which is causing this issue for me.
I have tried this for 6-8 hours now, making a lot of phone calls and it seems that the issue is gone. It saddens me that I am off 3G for now but at least my phone calls and basic EDGE internet works fine. I will have to work with Vodafone to solve this or simply wait for my new phone (Nexus 4) and hope it won't have the same problem..

NEC Terrain Rooting and Flashing Guide

I am starting this thread to be a place for Terrain owners to come for the latest info on how to root and flash their phones. The Terrain is one of the best "rugged" phones on the market, but it has been abandoned by it's manufacturer, leaving owners to find their own solutions to problems and upgrades. This is actually a good thing price wise as you can now buy a brand new Terrain for less then $85. The Terrain has about as of hardware specs as any other ruggedized smartphone on the market currently, but at one third or a 1/4 of the cost. This makes this phone a huge attraction to anyone who is looking for a rugged waterproof phone on a budget and is why this guide is essential for users.
The NEC Terrain still has plenty of life left and this is why we need to come together and find solutions for it. Please feel free to post you success stories in rooting and flashing your terrain to this thread for the benefit of all. Hopefully, will be able to form a complete guide from all the information that get's posted here.
I myself just today recieved this phone, and it would be great at least to debloat it.
Previous threads on XDA, just for reference:
NEC Terrain: ADB/CDC Serial Driver, 3e Recovery Password, and Root
[Q] Rooting NEC Terrain
[Q] Unlocking of NEC Terrain SIM/Root
gamerka said:
I myself just today recieved this phone, and it would be great at least to debloat it.
Previous threads on XDA, just for reference:
NEC Terrain: ADB/CDC Serial Driver, 3e Recovery Password, and Root
[Q] Rooting NEC Terrain
[Q] Unlocking of NEC Terrain SIM/Root
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Thanks for the post and the links. It appreas that much of the information on these links are still a work in progress. Hopefully this work will continue and we can create a How To guide from this.
For those that may be interested. You can buy the NEC Terrain Unlock on Amazon for $79.99. Here is the link.
For full specs on this great phone you can go here.
Well, I almost bricked it few days ago. :good:
I read a thread about a patch to unlock GSM in CDMA phones and saw there a code to enter some hidden menu. I entered that menu and messed a little with band settings (wanted to get LTE to work with my operator). Next thing I know Terrain stopped receiving any GSM signal and for next hour I tried to fix it. Factory reset got me 2G signal and that's all.
It turned out that the only way to fully fix it is to re-flash firmware or radio module and as we know that can't be done.
Well, this is not about unlocking or flashing, but it is a solution to another problem I and many other have been having with the predictive text bar blocking critical function keys from being accessed. The predictive txt bar is a function of the Adaptxt keyboard app and disabling it does remove that bar, but the keyboard also loses all special character function, upper case letters and numbers. After trying more then a dozen keyboard apps to replace adaptxt, I found one that works and brings back all keyboard functions without the stupid predictive text bar. It is called TouchPal.
Forgive me for this slight OT-posting, but it's not that easy to find people with this device - let alone an unlocked one. I'm located in Germany and the device runs just fine - except for the fact that Tethering does not work - neither USB nor WIFI. The PC can connect to the phone, however the connection in Windows 7 always is shown as being limited (no internet access), while internet on the phone works fine.
GMail - as well as some other functions of google also rarely sync and basically just do so on request, while they sync just fine when being connected to Wifi. And no, background data are not restricted in the settings.
Has anyone experienced something similar?
laserdrome said:
device runs just fine - except for the fact that Tethering does not work - neither USB nor WIFI.
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I have the same problem! After few minutes of "thinking" phone reports "There is a temporary nework problem... bla, bla, bla"
Is there any suggestions how to fix it?
iDomino said:
I have the same problem! After few minutes of "thinking" phone reports "There is a temporary nework problem... bla, bla, bla"
Is there any suggestions how to fix it?
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Well actually I know that message as well. For me changing the APN helped. You could also try to restart the phone. I just remember I also had this problem sometimes. But like I said - even without that particular message I would not get tethering to work.
iDomino: Do you also experience the problem with syncing that I had?
That's funny, actually I haven't noticed syncing problems untill I read your posts. I myself have all the same problems that you mention.
Even more of that, Terrain has some silly feature that TURNS OFF WI-FI if it thinks that that hotspot has no internet connection. It is massively annoying and can drain all your data traffic. The only solution that I found is to install the app "Smart Wi-Fi Toggler", it constantly turns wi-fi on if terrain turns it off, but only in places where I turned wi-fi on myself (like home and work).
It's a pity the phone has so many flaws and due to its tight security and the locked down NEC mobile devision no one can do anything about it. I wonder if this just affects the users who use an unlocked phone outside the US or if people in the US have similar problems. I have tried contacting NEC about this - actually about providing us with some kind of unlock mechanism - but all I got was this:
"Dear Sir,
Thank you for inquiry.
We, however, regret to inform you that our phone is not available about your request.
If you have any issue, would you try to contact the company or shop where you have purchased this model, who might be of help to you.
Thanks and Best Regards,
Fujii /NEC"
By the way, I discovered a new bug: When Roaming the actually used Network-Provider is not shown and I also didn't find a way to choose one...
Do you also experience the problem with syncing that I had?
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I had some sync problems and I don't know working methods to fix it.
First time I solved it this way:
turning off apps sync -> open Gmail app -> it will show notification offering to enable synchronization -> use it -> sync works.
But this solution worked just once. (
Other time sync turns on by itself after one day disabled.
P.S. My Nec reboots while connecting via USB to ubuntu laptop.
Battery life
Can someone tell me how your Terrains battery hold up charge? Because mine discharges completely in about 10 hours (without using phone at all). I think it's wakelock problem.
iDomino said:
P.S. My Nec reboots while connecting via USB to ubuntu laptop.
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Does it crashes once or infinite loop begins? I had infinite loop problem while connecting NEC Terrain to Ubuntu, Linux Mint, Debian or CentOS. Removing "ModemManager" package solved it.
FFDA said:
Can someone tell me how your Terrains battery hold up charge? Because mine discharges completely in about 10 hours (without using phone at all). I think it's wakelock problem.
Does it crashes once or infinite loop begins? I had infinite loop problem while connecting NEC Terrain to Ubuntu, Linux Mint, Debian or CentOS. Removing "ModemManager" package solved it.
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My phone works about 25-30 hours (30 min. calls, 5-10 sms, 30 min. messaging, 2 hours e-mail, internet & other applications. No video/gaming/music at all).
Infinite loop. Removing "modemmanager" helps! Thank you! :laugh:
Also got spontaneous rebooting after installing FTP Client made by Zifero. :silly: Removing app solved the problem.
Dreaming about root and working wi-fi tethering.
Who have usb driver of nec terrain? I need it, thanks
zolahn said:
Who have usb driver of nec terrain? I need it, thanks
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Maybe this topic will help.
Cpu-z shows only 665MB RAM on device... Where are another 335MB???
Lets continue discussion in one thread!
I created a GitHub repo to collect information, also on how to disable apps (since thats as good as it gets for now).
Another Terrain user here!
Hi guys!
i am Kharl
i am another Nec Terrain user here!
due my lifestyle, i needed a phone which could gives me reliability and power under ANY circunstance, that could be done by any rugged phone, BUT i needed querty keyboard, fm radio, gps, gyroscope, accelerometer, loud speakers, that could work worldwide and touchscreen... the only one with those features was the Terrain... and with the extra, that it is amazingly cool, i dont know opther but i find this phone really cute, very sober and elegant design.
well, i live outside USA so, for me, to work it couldnt be locked to ATT, so i was able to get one unlocked.
my phone has almost all the problems you mentioned, althught i am still happy with it and i am not going to change it because its problems does nto interfere a lot with me, BUT of course id like to get those problems sovled.
trying to solve the problem i bough three of thes phones and all the three had the same problems
the first one was by mistake, locked to att, but it had the same problems, random restart and locked hotspot, i sold it, i got a second one, works with any sim, everything fines, but with the same problem, random restart and no hotspot, i bought a third one to see if the problem was with my particular phone... and n luck the same problems.
it has some other minors problems, like no stereo audio recording despite it has two mics and IT STATES IT CAN record in stereo, but thats not a problem, i can deal with that, and sometimes the people at the other side (while in a call) says my voice sounds like from within a box (lack of trebble or too much bass) and when i press the check too much to the phone boddy there is also clarity sound problem.... but thats ok....
regarding the two main problems
random reboot and hotspot
many of us suspect what the cause is
for the random reboot many could think it is a installe app which is causing it... NO, because it does it at factory state, to solve that i dotn think root is needed, there is a certain factory process that is causin to reboot, the reboot is VERY random, could doit threee times in a day or could happen only three times in a week, what i have notice is that it happe lessoften in cold weather.
the hotspot problem IT IS cause because att locked that function, even when the phone is ulocked, that part remain locked because ATT.
what about you guys?
u can try hard reset for begging

Internet is very slower, pls help

Hi guys, i have really annoying internet problems. For some reason a week ago my wi fi connection got very bad, and its just on my phone. On other devices in house wifi is fine, but in my case there`s a problem. Maybe problem is new update for nougat, i dont know, maybe something else. At first i tried with deleting cache memory and deleting some apps, but that didnt work. Then i checked other devices in my house and they arent lagging.
I hope u will help me, because i bought this phone a month ago and im losing my faith in him.
Problably a simple software issue, like a wrong dns, delete(forget) the wifi from your phone and reconect to it without any manual settings.
vidra said:
Problably a simple software issue, like a wrong dns, delete(forget) the wifi from your phone and reconect to it without any manual settings.
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naah, that didnt help
Then just try factory reset
Blame Ajait Pai.
Zippoza said:
Hi guys, i have really annoying internet problems. For some reason a week ago my wi fi connection got very bad, and its just on my phone. On other devices in house wifi is fine, but in my case there`s a problem. Maybe problem is new update for nougat, i dont know, maybe something else. At first i tried with deleting cache memory and deleting some apps, but that didnt work. Then i checked other devices in my house and they arent lagging.
I hope u will help me, because i bought this phone a month ago and im losing my faith in him.
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I had slow WiFi too, in my case somehow it's caused by the Bluetooth. Whenever it's on, my WiFi slows down from 30 mbps to 1
Have encountered the same problem and only thing I tested, is disabling the Bluetooth or going to Direct Wifi changing the Name and trying a Speedtest then .. All is OK But if you enable/disable Bluetooth again it stops working correctly.
It doesn't work anymore since B402.. And no solving solution found in this last update from Huawei.
Same problem here! since B402 update my wifi gets stuck at 0.5 Mbps if i have bluetooth turned ON. As soon as i turn bluetooth OFF my wifi works great!
Just updated manually with formware finder to version C432B404 and problem fixed!! Attention, it will update 2 version of the firmware: first a B404 normal, and then i get a new B404 (programmer) . Just updated both ad now everything works fine regarding internet speed with bluetooth on.
Had the same problem and it was the google home app for me. Uninstalled it and problem went away. Hope this helps for someone.

