UseNet apps for android? - Android Apps and Games

Has anyone found a good program to download usenet files right to the phone.
I tried newzdroid and that did not work that good and a few others that I don't remember the names right now.
Any recommendations?


nothing in sight... damn

These don't work?

Newzdroid NZB Downloader. Has anybody used it?


Utorrent WebUI

Hi, ive been trying to get my polaris [Syrius R0] to browse my WebUI page..
but it only gives me an error.. it works on normal computers and such but not with the polaris..
Ive been reading at their forums that it might be a JavaScript problem, but it might be something else..
Could someone give me a hint how to fix this?
Have a look at this topic.
Also search for uTorrent Mobile, it might help.
There isn't a proper solution for WebUI on WinMo (yet!).
if you look a bit closer, you can see that im one of the posters.
Ahh sorry didn't realise.
nope, you only tried to help
With which browsers did you try to reach the WebUI?
both opera and internet explorer

Splashtop Remote Desktop?

Does anyone know where i could possibly find the .apk for Splashtop Remote Desktop? I have searched Everywhere but still can't find it, and it doesn't show up in my market. I have already searched and found a thread "somewhat" similar, but it seemed old and didn't think people would want to read all the pages, so didn't bump it. If anyone could possibly point me in the right direction, or upload the .apk it would help me out a ton!!
SpawnOfSatan said:
Does anyone know where i could possibly find the .apk for Splashtop Remote Desktop? I have searched Everywhere but still can't find it, and it doesn't show up in my market. I have already searched and found a thread "somewhat" similar, but it seemed old and didn't think people would want to read all the pages, so didn't bump it. If anyone could possibly point me in the right direction, or upload the .apk it would help me out a ton!!
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Hmm here...
Use market enabler if you can't see it from your phone

[Q] what happened to TVShows7

I saw an application called TVShows7 before, and couldn't see it any more. What happened?
It is a really nice application
thanks for any information about it!
I use TVShow lite ...from marketplace...
Its a nice app that its also free ..maybe you should try it..
IMO its the best TV app out there
I think these two are different. Tvshows7 is able watch TV shows over internet,not a TV show track.
I used this app, it was awesome but after some time it started returning results for files and programs instead of tv shows....I uninstalled it
Also trying to locate the xap, filestube and google turned up nothing but links to the thread here, but it seems to be locked. anyone know why?? curious if anyone has the xap still laying around they might be willing to upload here or rapidshare.
Link to original thread:
For anyone i've had try it gives a no permission error
Did you download it?

Any good Usenet Apps for Honeycomb?

I see a few in the market for cell phones. Just wondering if anyone has tested anything and prefer it for Transformer or Xoom.
I am also interested in this kind of app for tabs.
Sent from my Transformer TF101 using xda premium
looking for the same, only one i found on market is newzdroid. Its dog awful bad uninstalled it straight away. easynews looks like the only other one but you need to use easynews to use that. shame.
i try'ed a heap of these form the market didnt find any i liked but will keep searching and let you know what i find
i use this, its called SAB Sheep (i cant link to marketplace , i dont have 8 posts yet), while it doesnt download directly to your phone, it connects with your SABNZB install on your computer.
so you can essentially push nzb files from your phone or tablet, to your pc, have your pc download the files, and then stream it back to your tablet using vlc all in the same program
it also works good if you have a nzbmatrix account, which is another reason i got it
SAB server is the only way to Usenet from your Android device. I love it.
SABMobile for me.

[Q] How can i easily sort bookmarks in firefox?

Hi, i like using firefox for android, the only thing it lacks for me is an easy way to sort bookmarks, unless im missing something, most other browsers ive used can sort them, so i cannot work out why it seems to hard to find a way in firefox to do it?
Tonight i looked at my phone and for some reason some bookmarks deleted on their own and the remaining ones all jumbled up in to a random order
I want to just easily put them back how i want them but cannot find a way, can anyone help please?
anyone please?

