multitouch? - EVO 4G Themes and Apps

I recently just used the Droid x multitouch white keyboard and I like it a lot. I have swype also but the normal evo one. I was wondering to get it to look like the white Droid x multi touch swype. is that a skin for swype on the evo. Or another swype altogether.?

Just keeping this thread on top. I'd like to know this as well.

Anyone lol? Sorry if it is the wrong place. But its really bothering me lol. I lve seen the white multi touch swype on my friends droid x and it looks good. I would like that on my evo.
On another note im not asking for swype itself. I already have it.


Best Smartphone out there?

I've been an avid Windows Mobile/HTC fan for over 3 years now, but I was wondering everyones opinion on the DROID/Milestone by Motorola.
I feel like this phone might finally get me to move on to bigger/better things - I'm thinking about purchasing a Telus Milestrone (DROID) on ebay to use on AT&T. I NEED A PHYSICAL KEYBOARD!
Basically, does anyone else here feel like Android is a more stable and advanced OS when compared to Windows Mobile? I currently have a Touch Pro II and Nokia E71, but I think I may sell both of those phones to get the DROID.
Is there any limitations for the DROID that I should know about as WinMo user? Is there a different/better phone I should wait for instead?
Does anyone else feel like me currently?
I just want to find the ultimate smart phone! (I swear it's an eternal hunt)
Honestly in my opinion I think android beats windows mobile in every way. It is a much more innovative operating system in my eyes and with rooting the posibilities are endless. If you could go without a keyboard I would say get a nexus. The droid's keyboard is very flat and honestly when I used one I found the touch screen keyboard just to be easier to use. If you have used one you'd understand what I mean. The flatness makes it very hard to type on for me atleast but I guess as you get used to it, it gets easier. Honestly though the best smart phone is all up to. He user. I think out of the phones you mentioned I would take the Droid over the other two. But if you think you could get used to an on screen keyboard think about getting a nexus one because from what I've seen they are great and incredibly fast phones.
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WM doesn't need Root access because its already there. We can do what ever we please with our WM devices.
Go for the droid - it's a great phone.
If you really need a keyboard, make sure you check out the droid in person before you buy it. I don't know if a keyboard could be any flatter. It's amazing how some people can distinguish one key from another. If you have big/thick fingers, this may be an issue. As far as keyboards go, the touch pro 2 is the one for me.
If you really need a keyboard, make sure you check out the droid in person before you buy it. I don't know if a keyboard could be any flatter. It's amazing how some people can distinguish one key from another. If you have big/thick fingers, this may be an issue. As far as keyboards go, the touch pro 2 is the one for me.
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Yeah seriously. Do look at the droid's keyboard before you buy it. When I play with one I nd up using the on screen keyboard more but I've also used one for all f 15 minutes total. Friend who has one can tell each key apart and loves it. It all comes down to opinion
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On my opinion Rhodium is the best hardware keyboard device out there
Leo Has the option to test young funny Android but from the mature and stable WM platform
Ive been using Android 2.2 on my Nexus One for the last week.
Now Ive got to say im not the biggest fan of the Nexus One, it has some tech issues that still need to be worked out, but I have had it since it first came out so it is an early model.
Android is great though, its really intuitive to use and the new version is really powerful.

New G Tablet owner

Just dropping in to say hi. after looking at 4 different stores i was able to get my G Tablet. had the thing 10 minutes and had vegan beta5 running on it. was wondering what every one was using for there on screen keyboard. I really dont like TNT keyboard. i have swiftkey on my EVO but was thinking there might be a better one out there for tablets.
fitz.jon said:
Just dropping in to say hi. after looking at 4 different stores i was able to get my G Tablet. had the thing 10 minutes and had vegan beta5 running on it. was wondering what every one was using for there on screen keyboard. I really dont like TNT keyboard. i have swiftkey on my EVO but was thinking there might be a better one out there for tablets.
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Give the NI keyboard a try. GoJimi has the apk posted in the Themes and Apps section. It is listed under the thread about Notion Ink apps ported to the GTab. I have heard a few people really rave about it. I have it and like it a lot, but keep finding myself going back to the TNT one or Swype.
Thumb keyboard is nice. It has several layouts that are tablet friendly
cool thank you guys going to download them now.
thebadfrog said:
Thumb keyboard is nice. It has several layouts that are tablet friendly
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That's what I'm using. The split keyboard makes typing on a 10" device much easier.
thebadfrog said:
Thumb keyboard is nice. It has several layouts that are tablet friendly
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I am currently using thumb keyboard now but swiftkey is coming out with a table based version soon that will have the split keys as well and I love the predictive text system they use.

[Request] / Question about Themeing Keyboards...

Hey guys, i know there is a lot of themed keyboards floating around, but they are either for the gingerbread or froyo stock keyboard. I know we can't attach .apks of SlideIT or Swype because of copyright laws and that they are paid for apps or trials licensed how ever they are licensed... But i have a paid for copy of SlideIT 3.0 and a trial of the new Swype as well, but i would like to theme one or both of them. I have no clue how to even begin to theme an .apk muchless a keyboard. I dont even know if it is possible to theme a keyboard like either of these keyboards. I really like both, i just got SlideIT last night but i have been using Swype for a good while now. They are just not the prettiest colored keyboards out there. I really love the gingerbread keyboard, its amazing, i like its compact/smallness look. And in aospCmod/cm7 with the theme chooser, androidian makes it a nice black/green... i really do like it... but the sliding your finger across the keyboard is just so damn cool, especially to be on our aged Heroc's. So i was wondering who could help me and/or direct me into theming both or either of these keyboards into a black/android-green, black/gb-orange, or even a black/android-green/gb-orange mix.... cause they would fit my theme a little better... and i think they would be really kick ass...
thanks to anyone and everyone who directs me in the right place or helps me put one together.
and basically, thanks to everyone on XDA, ESPECIALLY EVERY DEV on here. You guys are awesome and do very great work. You make my phone so bad ass its unbelievable, i love showing it off, especially to people who have better higher-end phones
Check out the android themes board. I know there are swype skins there, and probably slideit ones, too.
Sent from my CDMA Hero. I got some hot Gingerbread-on-Hero action here!
I havnt been able to find any SlideIT or Shapewriter themes... Which is sad because these work better than swype imo. I did some searching on the base Android forum and there are some Swype HVGA(which is the hero's resolution) themes
But the really awesome looking ones are WVGA only. If we could just figure out how to port the ones found here
or create something like it for Shapewriter or SlideIT

motorola keyboard

Can it be ported to Inspire?
I noticed the Atrix has the same one as in Droid X
UPDATE: I googled and tried all the ones found on other forums as well as here FC
go up please
It's probably locked to motorola phones only. certificates etc?
I had problem when went from x10 to inspire all aps i liked on the x10 didn't work on inspire.
It works on other phones
sent from planet snarf
So no one knows if it can be ported to the Inspire? I would love to have that Keyboard on my phone. I tried out a Droid X when they first came out and loved the keyboard!
I hate the HTC keyboard and am using the paid version of Steve Lin's gingerbread keyboard.
I found a skin for smartkeyboard pro
What is the skin called? Ive tried searching in the market and can't find it.

[Q] What's everyone's favourite keyboard?

I saw this post from last year and thought it'd be fun to get another consensus on the subject, particularly as there is now way more choice.
Personally I've fallen in love with SwiftKeyX, but I'd be interested to know where people's preferences/frustrations lie. Do you stick with Stock, or love Swype or GO, or any of the other hundreds out there?
SwiftKey X for me too. I've used Swype as well. The typing experience in the two is totally distinct so i guess it boils down to individual preference. But even leaving that aside, SwiftKey X is better, IMHO.
Definitely SwiftKey. One of the best keyboards I have used. Simply brilliant.
I like to use my hardware keyboard connected via bluetooth i'm just faster with a hardware keyboard.
I have swype themed red, love it.
Stock Gingerbread Keyboard <3
I have to agree with you there! I just flashed my Thunderbolt and Galaxy Tab 7 to GB. However, I w2ill find myself going back to Flex T9 because I dictate a lot and the voice recognition is Godly. You don't have to put punctuation in like you do with Google's voice recognition and unlike Google's I have dictated near paragraphs using Flex T9.
Also, I got Flex T9 off of Amazon's Daily Free. It has to be my most used app.
I prefer the Better Keyboard 8 to anything I've tried.
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I love SlideIT, very fast and easy.
My favorite feature is the shortcuts you can add, just slide the abbreviation you can set yourself and it will type your specified sentence.
E.g. some built in ones, slide BRB = Be right back, very simple, but very handy if there is something you type again and again, the shortcuts can really speed up your typing. Also it's a nice way to type in e-mail addresses in really fast on sites or apps that you need to log in to.
The new default skin on SlideIT looks bad though, but you can switch to the classic skin, looks much better.
SWYPE keyboard.. works really well for me..
And I just got SwiftKey x because of this thread and... I freaking love it
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I just took a look at the couple preferred by previous posters, but I am so happy with the free Swype, I couldnt see spending for perhaps a slight advantage.
I love the swype technique along with the voice feature (tho that requires data I believe). You basically slide your fingers across the keys without lifting between keys. It works faster than you can slide the finger around. I like that I can swype a paragraph and very quickly edit any wrong words it selected. Its intuitive for making quick corrections.
My wife converted to it after insisting on getting droid with physical keyboard due to a neurological disorder that makes her hands rather jerky and flinchy. She is so taken with it she forgets she has keypad when she does need it...
A close second is also a free app called shapewriter, which is essentially the same app, but doesnt have the microphone button. It isnt a market app so I got it elsewhere (dont remember who provided a link to it). Definitely worth a look if you can find it. I use titanium backup to preserve it on my phone.
I never had an android phone, but i did once got to try swype on my friend's phone. simply love it. its amazing how fast you can type with it. so i'll go with that
Right now I'm using Beta Swype. I think I'm going to try Swiftkey X since I got free from the Amazon market.
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I switch between the Sense 3.0 keyboard and SwiftKey X. Both are pretty good.
Nokia N900... I got used to it. Now my Android Xperia play
smart keyboard pro and swype
Funny, but i love htc ime from the start
Smart keyboard is BEST!! if you prefer T9
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I really like Swiftkey X, the predictions is scary accurate.
