[Q] Wifi Scanner Hidden APs, is there an app for this?!? - General Questions and Answers

Is there an Wifi Scanner App that can scan Wifi hidden APs and display those same APs ?!?!
Until now, I used about 3 to 4 Wifi Scanner apps, but none of them seems to scan any hidden APs...
I removed my home AP (it doesn't broadcast the SSID) from the phone's wifi list, and when I try to search for it with the several wifi scanner apps, none found my SSID as well dozen of others hidden SSIDs near my home... (that I know are out there...)
I'm coming from WinMo, and the 2 or 3 apps that I worked with, all of them had this feature. I found this very strange...
Is this a google policy, or suddenly the app makers forgot about this feature?!?!
I say this cause, on winmo I used the Wififofum app, and the same app in android lacks the ability to show hidden SSIDs...
Is there any app out there that can do this??

Try WiFi Analyzer 2.5.1

ParrotSquawk said:
Try WiFi Analyzer 2.5.1
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Yeah, I was going to wait until I got into work to check, but I'm 99% sure Wifi Analyzer shows them, plus it's damn awesome for channel planning.

ParrotSquawk said:
Try WiFi Analyzer 2.5.1
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I tried but it doesn't show hidden SSIDs
It was the first app that I use since I began using android on my old Touch HD, but only know I realize that it doesn't show hidden SSIDs...
I tried Wifi Analizer, G-Mon, Wififofum and none will display them...
What a big ashame... this was the last thing that I didn't expect not to have on a linux based mobile OS... or google has a policy do disable this type of scan (Apple does have one, does not even allow an app to do kind of wifi scan...) or it's developer's fault...

onesolo said:
I tried but it doesn't show hidden SSIDs
It was the first app that I use since I began using android on my old Touch HD, but only know I realize that it doesn't show hidden SSIDs...
I tried Wifi Analizer, G-Mon, Wififofum and none will display them...
What a big ashame... this was the last thing that I didn't expect not to have on a linux based mobile OS... or google has a policy do disable this type of scan (Apple does have one, does not even allow an app to do kind of wifi scan...) or it's developer's fault...
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Stop with the FUD, Wifi Analyzer DOES show hidden SSIDs. Period. I just checked it here. All of our corporate AP's are hidden to make it more annoying and difficult for us to navigate the already silly set of parameters required to get online wireless without any actual increased security....

What FUD?!?!?!
At my home and here at my work, two APs that I manage myself and both are not broadcasting SSIDs, if I remove from my Wifi Networks lists (in android settings) they simply don't show up on Wifi Analyzer!! I'm not lying about this!!!
Of course, if you have your hidden APs on the Wifi Networks they will also show on Wifi Analyzer... it's simple as that...
Another test,
With Wififofum working on Windows Mobile (on a Touch HD) at home (I live in a home building near other home buildings), I gather more than the double Wifi networks (most are hidden) than I get with Wififofum or Wifi Analyzer in Android....

I'm having the exact same problem with my HTC thunderbolt.

That's because that's how WiFi works.
An access point sends out periodic broadcasts announcing itself. If SSID hiding is enabled, those broadcasts don't have the SSID included.
So how can software tell what the SSID is? By waiting for a system to associate with (connect to) the AP. The connecting system transmits the SSID of the system it's connecting to as part of the association handshake. Software that watches for these connections can tell you what the SSID is for that AP. The problem is that at home you've probably got very few new connections being set up so you may have to wait for a very long time to catch a SSID. At a workplace, it's much more likely you'll catch the SSID in a short period of time.
I use WiFi Buddy on my dinc and it seems to work fine.

I think what you are telling is almost irrelevant ... The thing is... By default Android don't reveal any hidden SSDI. If it by default/design or any security measure by google, I don't know...
Too bad no developer won't code an app to do this (if possible to do)
Sent from my Desire HD using XDA App

Windows mobile will show hidden wireless access points and routers that have broadcast SSID disabled, they show up as a hardware address, you can connect to them if you know the name.
Sent from my ADR6400L using XDA Premium App

Maverick_TN said:
Windows mobile will show hidden wireless access points and routers that have broadcast SSID disabled, they show up as a hardware address, you can connect to them if you know the name.
Sent from my ADR6400L using XDA Premium App
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Right... but I also can connect to a AP or WIFI Router that has broadcast SSID disabled in Android... the same in (old) WinMobile...
What does not exist in Android, is that there's no 3rd apps that can show those AP and Wifi Routers with broadcast SSID disabled... it beyond me...

Exactly.... You would figure that Wifi Analyzer would show it as good as it is. But sadly, it and everything else doesn't :-(
Hard to plan for channel usage if you can't see what else is operating in range unless its broadcasting.
Sent from my ADR6400L using XDA Premium App

So still no app to show hidden networks?

Have you tried WiEye ??

Solution found without exclusive app - Needs ROOT access though.
I have a XPERIA X10 mini, rooted, running Android 2.1 update 1.
At home I have setup a wifi network, that has a non-broadcasting SSID.
Though I have setup my phone to connect to this SSID, my phone will report the Access point as "not in range, remembered".
When the Router is configured to broadcast the SSID, my phone will automatically connect.
Here I will describe the steps I followed to enable my device to detect a non-broadcasting SSID.
1. ROOT your Android Mobile
2. Get a tool to browse through the system areas of android
I used Shell Commander (to complete it smoothly). I shall explain why, later.​3. Navigate to /data/misc/wifi/
In shell commander, you have a graphical folder navigation.
The command will be cd /data/misc/wifi​[You can skip the next step of taking backup]
4. For backing up, copy the file wpa_supplicant.conf preserving its attributes.
This is the reason I needed shell commander.
The command will be, cp -p wpa_supplicant.conf wpa_supplicant.conf.bak​5. Edit the entry for the non-broadcasting network in the wpa_supplicant.conf file.
The content will be as below.​
ssid="No Broadcast SSID Main"
priority=17​ }
priority=14​ }
ssid="SSID 3"
priority=15​ }
​ add scan_ssid=1 to the non-broadcasting entry
ssid="No Broadcast SSID Main"
priority=17​ }
priority=14​ }
ssid="SSID 3"
priority=15​ }
​save the file.​6. Enable the Wireless in your mobile.
Having done this, the WiFi connection, corresponding to the edited entry, will be connected even if not broadcasted (provided the Access Point is indeed available).
Points to be noted while doing this.
The wpa_supplicant.conf file should retain all its attributes as is. While saving the file, if the permission group changes from "wifi" to "root", as it did for me, you will never be able to enable WiFi ever again. There is no way you will be allowed to set the user group for the file to "wifi", as such a group is stated to be invalid. In shell commander, I was able to retain the attributes, but had problems when I used ES-Explorer.
The double quotes (") around the SSID name and the Password are necessary. While saving in Shell Commander, the double quotes were not saved. I forced it to include quotes, by putting a backslash escape sequence (\").
Hope this helps.

Hi there.
If I understood it right, despite the fact that your explanation is quite complete, it doesn't apply to this case.
What they're looking for is a app that shows what hidden SSIDs are available for connection. Not a way to connect to it.
By the way, anyone have an app to suggest?

Oh, I am sorry for mistaking it.
I might be wrong here, but when an access point is not broadcasting, isn't it supposed to be hidden from those who scan for available APs?
Also it will be nice to have an app that does the entire process I had explained with a single check box that says "Connect even if not broadcasting".
I am a programmer. But I have not learnt to create Android apps yet .
XPERIA X10 mini

Despite allegations of FUD etc., onesolo is correct. It's a "feature" of Android - See issue 10305 at Google Code - rather than a problem with any of the scanning apps per se.

There is a WiFi scanner that shows up hidden APs that it's not broadcasting it's SSID finally?
---------- Post added at 02:56 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:54 PM ----------
There is a WiFi scanner that shows up hidden APs that it's not broadcasting it's SSID finally?

Hi, has anyone ever found a solution to this?
I have an old Access Point currently sending out a hidden SSID signal as an open network (as a test). I can connect to it via my laptop because I know the SSID.
However, all the android software I try on my Galaxy Tab 2 does not see it, even those that "say" they detect interference on channel show the channel as being clear.
I agree with what is said above, what use is this method of detection if there can be several signals on channels that are not being shown. I understand that the SSID is only transmitted during a device connection, with that in mind I have got my laptop consistently trying to connect.
Incidentally, my Windows 7 laptop can see the signal as "Other Network", and when running inSSIDer v2.1 it detects many details include the valuable information of Channel, Signal, It also provides the encryption, MAC address and vendor so this information must be available!!


WPA Enterprise Auth - confirmed working

WiFi on campus here uses WPA enterprise auth - good. I was shocked when I saw that the phone seemingly didn't support it. Network didn't even appear in the list, and Add Network only supports WPA Personal / WEP. How Apple of them. But WHY? It's wpa_supplicant behind the scenes.
I've been using campus wifi successfully for a few days now. It seems to integrate well enough - the wifi settings menu doesn't seem to break at all, the enterprise-authed network and status are listed correctly including the 'lock' icon, etc.
These instructions are slightly modified from being specific to the particular university (posted locally too, you see). If you can rub some braincells together, this can be adapted. The parts regarding a certificates file may or may not be needed in your setup, for example.
* Get a root shell
* cd /data/misc/wifi/
* cat wpa_supplicant.conf
* The existing supplicant config is displayed - copy and paste it into a text editor (the beginning bits are important, as are your existing networks)
* Paste in a working wpa_supplicant.conf section for your network at the end
* Fill in username and password in the new section. Replace the path for cacerts.pem with /data/misc/wifi/cacerts.pem
* Save the new config onto the SD card
* Save the cacerts.pem (same site) onto the SD card also
* On the handset: In the settings/storage menu, disable the SD card for USB storage (otherwise, can't access it from the shell)
* rm wpa_supplicant.conf
* cp would be used here normally, but it isn't in the stock image: dd if=/sdcard/wpa_supplicant.conf of=wpa_supplicant.conf
* chmod 666 wpa_supplicant.conf (Warning! Readable/Writable by EVERYONE! Use 664 such that only root can write it if you want, but this will possibly disallow changes by the settings app - if chown was available, ownership would be reverted back to wifi:wifi)
* dd if=/sdcard/cacerts.pem of=cacerts.pem
* chmod 444 cacerts.pem (needs to be readable by wifi user)
* The network should appear in the wifi menu and connect if you enable wifi. Reboot if not maybe?
* Permissions are a bit wonky due to lack of chown. The process would be cleaner with busybox installed (possible with root), but this process is written to work on a stock RC29 handset.
* It will almost surely fail following an update. Try not to give up root before the WiFi UI is patched
* Maybe there's a reason that enterprise auth is absent from the settings UI
* WiFi settings page may or may not break. WiFi settings page may or may not undo your changes.
A quick troubleshooting tip: if you've dealt with wpa_supplicant before, note that wpa_cli is available to root. Helpful to diagnose any issues that crop up.
How Apple of them. But WHY? It's wpa_supplicant behind the scenes
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I suspect it's because the majority of consumers only access wifi networks secured through psk or mac-address. iirc my university used mac-address too. Not sure if that's changed by now. In any case, I wouldn't hold my breath for official support on the G1. Maybe on some future Android device with enterprise in mind.
Anyway, good tips and good first post. Welcome to the forum
busybox has chown
Can I ask a question?
The SSID for your campus wifi is not broadcasted, correct? if this is true, then it won't show up and the only way to get access is to add it manually.
Now when you go to add it manually, did you try to change the type of security before you flipped out the keyboard? Just wondering since WPA2 is clearly seen if you have the keyboard in and if you have it out it looks like WPA2 isn't an option but if you try to move the security box with a swipe up with your finger, WPA2 will be shown. I haven't had a single problem attaching to my home or work network using WPA2 PSK since RC19 and beyond.
Yep, busybox has chown - which makes the whole thing cleaner and safer. My instructions were written originally with no assumptions as to previous modding, incl how to get telnet.
The wifi network here does broadcast, but is filtered out due to "unsupported" security. Add network lists wpa2 personal but not enterprise.
I modified my wpa_supplicant.conf file using your instructions and it worked!
vSymm said:
How Apple of them. But WHY? It's wpa_supplicant behind the scenes.
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Because there's a substantial amount of UI work that needs to be done for WPA2-Enterprise compared with the relatively common WPA2-PSK.
My advice? If official support is something you'd like, go write it and submit a patch to the Android devs.
Not working
I can't get this to work. It says "failed to start wifi".
My non-enterprise wifi won't even work now. It connects but apps say network error.
I am trying to connect to my university's wifi that is "Secure 802.1X authentication and EAP-TTLS with PAP inner-authentication (anonymous)"
Can anyone give me an example config for this? It doesn't use a certificate.
Confirm that the permissions were set correctly on wpa_supplicant.conf
I'm sure you can find an example for that particular setup online somewhere.
happyface_0 said:
I can't get this to work. It says "failed to start wifi".
My non-enterprise wifi won't even work now. It connects but apps say network error.
I am trying to connect to my university's wifi that is "Secure 802.1X authentication and EAP-TTLS with PAP inner-authentication (anonymous)"
Can anyone give me an example config for this? It doesn't use a certificate.
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try this:
adb shell
cd /data/misc/wifi
chown 1010:1010 wpa_supplicant.conf
Worked for me too, but the connection was really unstable. I've added the option bssid to wpa_supplicant.conf to prevent roaming. Now it works really well on my desk, but I haven´t tried the rest of the company.
need help connecting
I'm trying to connect to a campus network, I see the SSID detected (as following), and It tries to connect and aborts by itself.
my wpa_supplicant.conf shows this:
hey guys,
will this also work with WPA2 and EAP/TTLS with PAP?
or do you know when this feature will be integrated?
thaks a lot
linulli said:
hey guys,
will this also work with WPA2 and EAP/TTLS with PAP?
or do you know when this feature will be integrated?
thaks a lot
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Yes, I have it working.
Note: It seems to drain my G1's battery pretty nicely and it starts to get hot after being connected for a bit. Also, my G1 added disabled=1 to the end of this network after the ADP1 v1.1 update, strange.
Thanks happyface_0,
so I will have a few minutes online.
Is there a way to alter your wpa_supplicant settings on an unrooted German G1 , or how can i downgrade and then alter the settings, does anyone know?
I'd love to know that too, i really want to use wifi at work.
Can we do anything to help you help us?
Maybe someone with a US RC33 can look if the WPA 2 Enterprise support finally made it into the gui of the G1 , then our problem would be solved ,
can´t find something on the net which says that WPA 2 Enterprise was part of the Internet .
So please can somebody look up his or her connection settings for wlan and tell us if WPA 2 Enterprise is available now?
Gedomania said:
Maybe someone with a US RC33 can look if the WPA 2 Enterprise support finally made it into the gui of the G1 , then our problem would be solved ,
can´t find something on the net which says that WPA 2 Enterprise was part of the Internet .
So please can somebody look up his or her connection settings for wlan and tell us if WPA 2 Enterprise is available now?
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Neither WPA-Enterprise nor WPA-2 Enterprise are available yet without actually editing the wpa_supplicant configuration manually, even on RC33.
Hmm thats pretty sad, is it actually possible to write a program which can edit the Wpa_supplicant file so that we can manually insert the settings we need to get WPA 2 Enterprise working , even on phones without root?

School wifi problem

Just got my Samsung Captivate about a month and I got my wifi connected to the school network, but when i open the broswer or any apps need internet i didnt get any connections? at the first week it works.. and when connecting to the school wifi it should be come out with the school login page,, then the internet will work.. however the wifi is connected doesnt matter how strong the wifi singal is.. it just cant load and cant bring me to the login page..
I really need help..
and the wifi works everywhere.. except my school...
btw my friends iphone 3gs works..
I am also at college and have had the same problem. the best reason I have found is the phone itself. half of our wifi is an older standard that does not work on the phone. it shows up as wep and i can not get it to recognize it as 802.1x . in my tinkering I have also messed up the wifi that was working.
long story short it probably won't work. I have spent a long time trying to get it to work with no luck
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I897 using XDA App
Hello to both of you,
I also attend a college with an 802.1x connection and the captivate supports most of these networks; however you will probably need to configure the network settings manually (usually retrievable on your schools IT site). If you dont mind digging up your settings I would love to check to see if I can configure your phone.
FYI, you might be having a problem similar to what's seen in this post.
I definitely had this problem today. It appeared connected but no web pages would load. Going to have to investigate further. Why can't things just work
I know my school recently implemented some new security certificates that you must agree to before logging in, has anything like that changed for you? My wife's Aria is running 2.2 and can log into the school network, but my captivate cannot. It is frustrating I know.
Seems some colleges and universities are noticing issues with android devices letting the DHCP leases to expire but keeps using the IP address assigned instead of requesting a new one.
See the following links.
h t t p ://www . natecarlson . com/2010/08/27/android-att-captivates-wifi-networking-is-broken/
h t t p ://www . net . princeton . edu/android/android-stops-renewing-lease-keeps-using-IP-address-11236.html
I actually have similar issues with my Belkin wireless router at home. My laptops and other wireless devices have no problems connecting or re-connecting but the Captivate just refuses to re-connect after the connection was terminated. Even after resetting the router, the phone just keeps trying to use the same IP address for some reason.
The only way I could get it to reconnect is to either reboot the phone or to remove the AP entry which is a pain especially if you have wireless passwords.
Hopefully someone with better insight into how Eclair and Froyo handles WiFi can come up with some fix.
more solutions?
I believe the new 2.2 firmware solves this issue. I too am at College and my captivate FAILS to actually access the internet through wifi unless I statically assigned the IP.
I just updated to Froyo and it connected instantly. I'll have to do more testing to make sure, but I think Samsung finally fixed it.
captivate wifi issue at school
i just got Galaxy S (Captivate) and wi-fi is giving trouble.
when i tried at a university campus, it gives error and says can't open and try again later. it is like, i get connected to the network, IP and DNS and everything is generated. But when i open browser to open a website, instead of taking me to login page it gives the above error.
here is what i get when i try to open a website.
'web page not available'. the page might be temporarily down or it may have been moved permanently to new address.
here are some suggestions:
- check to make sure device has signal and data connection. (I made sure it is connected to wifi)
- reload page later. (i tried after 5 mins, same result)
- view cached copy from google. (doesn't work either)
i am not able to understand why is this happening. i tried restarting the phone after connecting to wifi but no luck. any pointers?
Sounds like they use a portal system which requires logon and doesn't play nice with the Captivate's browser. Unfortunately many such portal systems are written poorly and I've even seen some that only work with Internet Explorer.
You could try a different browser on the Captivate. Dolphin allows spoofing assorted User Agents, which might help.
Hey guys, I have the same problem connecting to m school's network login page. It would say connected but the website always says cant be found. But the good news is that I found a way to connect to it manually! What you need is your captivate and friends iphone 4 or 3gs. First have use your friends iphone to connect to the wifi and then go into wifi settings. You should see 2 DNS address, Ip address, netmask (subnet mask) and router address. Now jot those addresses down except the ip address. Go to settings->wireless and network->Wi-Fi settings->now tap the bottom left button under the samsung logo and click advanced. Now check use static ip. Do not enter anything for your ip address just yet (we will do this last). Now enter router address into gateway, subnet mask into netmask, DNS1 to DNS1 and DNS2 to DNS2. ok when you are done click back and tap the network you want to connect to. Once you are connected jot down your ip address by taping the network once more. now go back to where the static ip was and input the ip address you just jot down into the ip address underneath use static ip. Disconnect and reconnect to the desired network. You may have to do this a few times or reboot your phone. This has been working for me so far around different buildings but with the same school network connection. I hope this helps cheers!
sremick said:
Sounds like they use a portal system which requires logon and doesn't play nice with the Captivate's browser. Unfortunately many such portal systems are written poorly and I've even seen some that only work with Internet Explorer.
You could try a different browser on the Captivate. Dolphin allows spoofing assorted User Agents, which might help.
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Yeah, my school uses the Bradford dissovable agent. Funny thing is, some connections work perfectly, others not at all. Technically none should work, and sometimes I feel that maybe I should tell them that sometimes somehow it is possible to bypass the whole agent thing- but why rock the boat just yet
Does it need a proxy to work? If so, this app is amazing.
I figured it out a month ago, and it is actually petty easy. But you really have to change ip address manually, usually just the last number.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I897 using XDA App

Could we get a new user sticky guide?

IF this device is sold in the thousands on Black Friday, there will probably be a "couple" or more people interacting with this forum. Perhaps the following would be handy:
1. Start from scratch guide (CW and non-CW methods)
2. Pros and cons of CW vs non-CW (assuming non-CW will be an option with the OEM update based roms)
3. Survival kit if in boot loop
4. Links to roms & add on apps (with dates of when updated)
If Roeb, Roth and others could consider a guide and approach it from a general audience level (not clueless, but not a root vet either), this could save a LOT of posts due to questions related to how to do it or fix it when doing it wrong.
I thought i was already doing that.
If a user can't do a firmware update, then they might as well stick to TnT stock. I think the biggest issue they'd face is the infinite reboots, since the fix sometimes requires cwm or even nvflash.
EDIT: I have a general FAQ in tegratab - - I'll port it over.
Good point
BTW, anybody able to get the Gtablet to work with either USB or wifi tethering? I have struck out with both using my Incredible, which works fine with my laptop.
rushless said:
Good point
BTW, anybody able to get the Gtablet to work with either USB or wifi tethering? I have struck out with both using my Incredible, which works fine with my laptop.
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WiFi tethering worked for me using my Nexus One. I had to do nothing special to get it to work. At the time I was running Zpad 0.2. I'm on Cyanogen Beta 2 right now, but I've been running on my home WiFi. I'll try the wifi tether and report.
rushless said:
Good point
BTW, anybody able to get the Gtablet to work with either USB or wifi tethering? I have struck out with both using my Incredible, which works fine with my laptop.
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Does the Incredible (like the Droid1) only provide Adhoc (vs. Infrastructure/AP) Wireless tether???
If so, then you will need to make the 2 wpa_supplicant.conf file edits SIMILAR to what I described for the ZT-180...
I say Similar, as the ctrl_interface=wlan0 on Gtab vs. =ra0 on ZT-180... but otherwise it's just edit the same 2 files the same way...
jtbnet said:
Does the Incredible (like the Droid1) only provide Adhoc (vs. Infrastructure/AP) Wireless tether???
If so, then you will need to make the 2 wpa_supplicant.conf file edits SIMILAR to what I described for the ZT-180...
I say Similar, as the ctrl_interface=wlan0 on Gtab vs. =ra0 on ZT-180... but otherwise it's just edit the same 2 files the same way...
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Not sure, but I do know this works with my M11X, but I mainly do USB tether, which I am guessing does not work either (since I could not get it to work on the Gtablet). Not had to mess with settings before...
Dang, if I can not fix this, my love affair with the G will be but a short fling- need to be able to tether.
I can not even get the blue tooth to pair.
I was so focused on the PSX gaming and web & Flash at home, but never figured in a million years that I could not connect to my Inc.
There is a bunch of options in the app I use, simply called "Wireless Tether".
The Gtablet will sometimes say "network available", but does not show it (probably work's, but even my Inc will show the network here). Then again, I turn my Inc off and the G still says "network avialable", so go figure.
rushless said:
Not sure, but I do know this works with my M11X, but I mainly do USB tether, which I am guessing does not work either (since I could not get it to work on the Gtablet).
Dang, if I can not fix this, my love affair with the G will be but a short fling- need to be able to tether.
There is a bunch of options in the app I use, simply called "Wireless Tether". Not had to mess with settings before...
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All you need to know is the SSID... for your phones tether... I believe I used what was the default for the Droid1 which is likely the same... you can enable Wifi Analyzer on the GTab to determine the SSID when you enable tether on the phone and that should be the only thing you need to know for Adhoc with Not change of settings to the phone... then the 2 file edits... my example locks my 2 home networks and my Adhoc tether configured and overwrite/updte disabled so when I temp find roaming nets I can cannect but Not sane them for later but that works just fine for me... so I'd say copy the networks you have saved Now in your /data/misc/wifi/wpa_supplicant.conf and use them to replace my jtb* networks... and try just using my adhoc network as is, with same globals I show in the examples...
Are there not sub-mod's that can do this stuff on this sub-forums? If not, this will be really annoying trying to get a sticky.
jtbnet said:
All you need to know is the SSID... for your phones tether... I believe I used what was the default for the Droid1 which is likely the same... you can enable Wifi Analyzer on the GTab to determine the SSID when you enable tether on the phone and that should be the only thing you need to know for Adhoc with Not change of settings to the phone... then the 2 file edits... my example locks my 2 home networks and my Adhoc tether configured and overwrite/updte disabled so when I temp find roaming nets I can cannect but Not sane them for later but that works just fine for me... so I'd say copy the networks you have saved Now in your /data/misc/wifi/wpa_supplicant.conf and use them to replace my jtb* networks... and try just using my adhoc network as is, with same globals I show in the examples...
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How can I do both at the same time? Using same device (using Inc for wifi analyzer and wifi tether at same time should not work)
Gtablet does not see my phone, but connects to my home system and see area networks fine at home Traveling on the road is the killer for me
I am not understanding the file edits you mention. Is there a highlight of what parameters to edit, or is this all new script?
Even using PDAnet is a bust with Bluetooth. The devices pair, but no connection.
rushless said:
How can I do both at the same time? Using same device
Gtablet does not see my phone, but connects to my home system and see area networks fine at home Traveling on the road is the killer for me
I am not understanding the file edits you mention. Is there a highlight of what parameters to edit, or is this all new script?
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Yes, my example does both... I can turn on tether sitting in my home lab and sometimes the gtab even switches from my weaker AP to the phone adhoc... usually I just toggle wifi off/on to get it to switch... if I stop tether it jumps to my AP...
Really the only params that are required are the ones I set in the example...
These global params would be same for you...;
# Globals
This Adhoc specific network would be same for you I believe just verify your ssid all else is definitely same as default in tether from market...;
Then paste what you currently have saved for networks you frequent below these like my 2 home AP nets, so your currently saved networks would differ here...;
# Lab default
auth_alg=OPEN SHARED
# Home default
Once you have the /data/ short version of your file like above... just also paste that piece to top of the /etc/wifi sample file that the tablet uses as a starting template and comment out the 2 differing settings further down in that original template file...
# update_config=1
# ap_scan=1
And you should be good to go to work on your current saved local nets as you can now, plus your Wifi Adhoc Tether.... the update_config=0 says don't overwrite these files with any found nets, or change any of my default settings... , but you can still roam and connect... just won't save any of the temp nets you find roaming as they will change some of the critical settings like ap_scan=2 if you let them update... you can always manually edit and change or add locked down nets later...
rushless said:
Good point
BTW, anybody able to get the Gtablet to work with either USB or wifi tethering? I have struck out with both using my Incredible, which works fine with my laptop.
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Most likely an android issue.
If you are using barnicle or wifi tethering your laptop will see it fine, the laptop can normally see what is called Ad Hoc networks.
Android cannot (unless tweaked?) normally see an Ad Hoc Network, they need what is called infrastructure mode, which is what a normal wireless router transmits at (unless modified to something else), so the GTab will not see your incredible's signal like your laptop will.
I am using the droid X and the 3g hotspot app, the 3g hotspot transmits in infrastructure mode by default and the gtab sees it fine.
There are hacks to get 3g hotspot for free, but I would not guarantee Verizon can't still see a connection and charge you, use at your own risk.
rothnic said:
Are there not sub-mod's that can do this stuff on this sub-forums? If not, this will be really annoying trying to get a sticky.
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Yes there are See my profile
theimpaler747 said:
Yes there are See my profile
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Awesome, so would you rather on person PM you if we need a sticky?
rothnic said:
Awesome, so would you rather on person PM you if we need a sticky?
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Yeah, that would be the best way to do it, and then I'll review it and deem it as worthy
rushless said:
Good point
BTW, anybody able to get the Gtablet to work with either USB or wifi tethering? I have struck out with both using my Incredible, which works fine with my laptop.
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i'm connected to my incredible right now, it works fine using wifi tether from the market.
I am still having no luck with Incredible and getting the Gtab to see it. No problem with my router at home.
I am using TnT 1.02, wifi tether app and even tried the binary file add on from the EVO.
1) This thread seems to have turned from sticky to tethering -- different but extremely useful info. May I suggest the moderators to move the relevant posts to a new **sticky** thread?
2) Speaking of tether: Have anyone managed to do USB tether with the g-tablet? This could very well be the key factor in my decision to keep or return the g-tablet, and I'd be most appreciative for any help and advice from the advanced users here.
I have tried everything software likely, but still no wifi tether being seen by the device. I can activate hotspot and the Gtablet sees it and ask for a password, so at least the G can see my Inc- just not in straight wifi mode. Does not see it at all and I do think it is the ad-hoc issue. Gtablet not seeing it for some reason.
Could it be due to having TnT lite 1.02? Perhaps the people having luck are using Z-Pad .03 or CM?
Wonder if it is possible to create drivers for USB tether?
Here is what I had to do after the newest dec 2010 update
# Connecting your viewsonic gtablet to your Ad-HOC wifi
adb pull /system/etc/wifi/wpa_supplicant.com
cp wpa_supplicant.conf wpa_supplicant.conf.orig
[Edit WPA_supplicant.conf]
adb push wpa_supplicant.com /sdcard/wpa_supplicant.conf
use androot or root explorer to delete the current wpa_supplicant.conf file and copy the modified version to /data/misc/wifi/wpa_supplicant.conf
chown the wpa_aupplicant.conf file to owner wifi group wifi (ie #chown wifi.wifi wpa_supplicant.conf)
Your ad-hoc network should be the first in the list as outlined above. make sure that the priority is set to a high number.
when enabling your teather on your phone you may need to disable the wifi on your tablet then reenable. wpa_supplicant will always attempt to
connect to the first network with the highest priority first so it should connect right up. If you have problems you can use logcat to debug.
you will see wpa_supplicant getting enabled and if there are any errors you will see it there. You should not need to set the update_config option
but if you have problems with your conf getting overwritten you can set update_config=0 and this will not allow wpa_supplicant to update the config.
The only downside to that is that you will not longer beable to save new network blocks to the file, You can still connect it just will not save them.
I just loaded TNT 3.0 and the supplements yesterday. I jus tried the Wireless Tether app from the market on my Droid 1 and my G Tab sees and is able to connect.

Android passive wifi survey - hidden networks / ssid not seen

I am using a samsumg galaxy tab to conduct WIFI site surveys of both work and other wireless networks. The issue is that it can only see hidden networks / ssid's which the device is connected to. If there is a network next door and it is hidden, the device can not see it. I have been using wifi analyser and wifi manger, plus tried many other apps but none of them could see the hidden networks.
From what I can tell, android can not see hidden wireless networks (unless you know about them and connect to them). Is this correct? if so, has anyone come up with a workaround or fix? I know from a PC, there is many apps that I use to see all these networks. It is just easier to take the tab then to take a laptop. I also use it to identify faulty AP's, works a treat if you know the network.
I also have faced the same problem with my HTC Hero! :S
Per default a hidden network can not be seen because it doesn't broadcast it's SSID. If you know the SSID though, you can connect to the network.
WiFi stumblers that show hidden networks basically just grab packets from the air and grab the SSID from them. (simplified explanation)
I understand that hidden network do not broadcast the SSID, however they still broadcast management frames that a WIFI analyser can pick up. For example, on a PC using netstumbler, you can see AP's without the SSID being broadcasted. This at least shows you what AP's are in adjacent buildings, channel they are on and their mac address, regardless if the network is hidden or not. I am wanting to know, if there is an app around that can do the same but on the Galaxy Tab.
I am not trying to connect to these networks, I am just wanting to know if they are or might be interferring with out company's wireless network. (ie same channel)
Can anyone assist me please or answer my question?
scre80 said:
Can anyone assist me please or answer my question?
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I can't even connect to my wifi from my Android phone if I shut off SSID broadcast...
I'm not sure if it's even possible!
m3t4lw01f said:
I can't even connect to my wifi from my Android phone if I shut off SSID broadcast...
I'm not sure if it's even possible!
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It definitely is, I just tried it.
frosty_ice said:
It definitely is, I just tried it.
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What device/rom/modem?
I'm on an I9000 with Darky 10 and zsjpg modem, and I cannot use a wifi with hidden ssid.
I revise my question to: is it not possible on certain devices/roms?
You can connect to hidden networks if you know the SSID, however I am trying to see all hidden networks around me without connecting to them. The same as you can do with netstumbler on a laptop. I have tried the netstumbler android app and this can also not see hidden networks. So far, all apps I have tried can not see them. I am thinging this might be a restriction of Android. Can anyone confirm this?
I haven't found one that does either, but like I said my phone doesn't seem to be able to even connect to a wifi with hidden SSID, so that may be why for me.
I have a buddy with a Xoom here at work, I'll see what he says. It runs Honeycomb though, so not an apples to apples comparison.
Yes please. Would be good to know if a xoom can see hidden networks.
scre80 said:
Yes please. Would be good to know if a xoom can see hidden networks.
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He isn't 100% sure, but he doesn't think it does.
Can anyone assist? Any android experts?
I would also like to know. How can we get this working on Android?
bump for answer
I had this problem on my Galaxy S2 I9100 with kernel UGKG2 but the problem went away after flashing kernel XWLA4.
Not sure if that will help anyone or not but it now works correctly with the new kernel for me.

[Q] deprioritizing network blocks in wpa_supplicant; scans forever

I have a hacked device that runs android 2.2
fyi sony reader prs t1.
adb allowed me to fix a wifi encryption setting problem which plagued many other official phones, by editing wpa_supplicant.conf
So now, when I'm in range of that hotspot (office), the network{} block is set right in wpa_supplicant.conf, with priority=2 against my home network priority=1.
But, when I'm at home, it does not connect.
Others have thought it's an issue with setting wireless standbye.
My testing controls for this. With standard wpa_supplicant.conf that is missing this hi security network block, the device scans and reveals all local networks and lets me pick.
With my custom wpa_supplicant.conf, it scans forever and never connects and never even shows a list of local wifi hotspots.
So, it's obviously waiting to discover that far away network, instead of listing it as "out of range".
This only happens after I reboot. If I load an empty wpa_supplicant.conf, turn off and on the wifi, then the local networks come up.
If I then load the custom wpa_supplicant.conf, cycle the wifi, again all shows up as it should.
Upon reboot with the custom conf file, just scans forever.
So, is there a way that I can tell wpa_supplicant to relax or ignore that custom network block entry, if it can't see it?
I want to use my device with the custom wpa_supplicant.conf loaded, everywhere. Not to come home, replace the custom wpa config with an empty one and then put back the custom the config before I go to the office.

