Trying to extract some APKs - Galaxy Tab Themes and Apps

I am trying to extract and deodex the APK's for contacts, email, and calendar apps from one of the update files (doesn't matter which one, I just want to have them support mdpi). Before I get told to beat my head against the internet trying to figure out why those ones won't deodex with the script I found: Does anyone already have them and will you share?


Modifying a ROM

Hi guys, I was wondering how you would go about personalizing ROMs for your own use. Nothing code-wise, but installed programs and such. Opening up the zip files of downloaded ROMs I see the apk files and the system apk files - is it really as easy as just removing those you don't want and plotting in the ones that you do?
If this rom is from the same board as you, can say so.
But, .. you still need to run a linux terminal the code to sign the package that you previously made with same special files..
Just the search tools and you'll find it!
...You can easily too start porting rom's too...

Theming the phone

Hello all,
I am new here and just got my Galaxy S 4g. I am used to creating themes on the iphone and am getting very frustrated with this phone so far. I have rooted my phone, and also downloaded go launcher and a couple widgets. and a couple different file explorers.
Problems I am having is that everyone says the apps and themes are located in the phones data folder. My data folder is always blank with nothing inside. I search for the exact name or location of the apps and it says 0 files. I look at the apps running and details of them tell me they are in the /data folder, but My folder says empty. I even have the show hidden files checked.
Also I am trying to find a way to browse the phones files (not the memory card files) from my computer. I have now read over hundreds of pages of searches and can not find any answers.
Please help me.
the files that you are going to want to find are the framework-res.apk and twframework.apk.
those files are located in the system/framework/
i use android commander to push and pull files cause it is the easiest for me. you will need winrar to unzip the apk's but if you want to edit the .9.png's you will need APK manager to unpack the .9.png's and Ultimate Compiler to recompile after you edit or the png's will stretch wrong and look horrible.
There is a link on the main Android Themes page on XDA that has a wonderful write up in PDF about theming...
ill see what else i can post when i have time later to help you out.

[Q] Determining Library Links To APK

I'm trying remove garbage from my stockrom but I'm having trouble figuring out how to determine which lib***.so links to specific .apks.
For example, if I want to completely remove VoiceSearch.apk I should also remove Pretty self explanatory.
However, AIME.apk (LG keyboard) is linked to and and the entire 'system/usr/xt9' folder. I know this only because someone packaged it in a flashable zip.
I've searched the web and forums but nothing, am I asking the question incorrectly? How can I figure this out on a per apk basis for myself?


Dear comunity,
is anyone here who can tell me how to find out which files are necessary for a uncertain apk?
This question might look strange but I'm asking because I try to get an apk from a 4.0.x firmware to a 4.1.x and it doesn't work.
The apk I'm talking about is the Snote.apk from the N8010 device and this apk needs a lot of lib's and other fils to run.
So to get it run on other firmwares I need e.g. a tool that shows me which files are in cooperate with Snote. Or otherwise in which file into the apk are these information written?
This question might be helpfully for all android-users who want to find out which files are needed for an apk they want to port.
Thank you

[Q] Any option to detect changes in apk files

Hello guys.
I am wondering if there's any option/programme/app that can detect changes in apk files.
For example:
A dev releases a mod for something, let's say swaps a .png files to a custom .png and shares the mod in a thread.
And i want the same mod but in a different .png.
Now i can ofcourse ask the dev to do it, which is easy but i wont learn anything.
So i decide to try to make it for myself, but having no past experience with android i don't know how to do it.
And here's where the app/programme comes in (if there is one, ofc). A software that can detect any kinds of changes after decompiling apk files. Now many of you know that apk files have several folders inside, and inside those folder are various files.
So this software (if it exists) could be able to detect changes in the modded apk compared to my unmodded apk, and tell me where exactly the change(s) have been made.
In this way i don't need to bother a dev, and i maybe start to learn how to mod special areas of my phones UI.
Thanks for any reply!
Good day!

