KiK Messenger - General Topics

Hey guys! Any of you use this? It's like BBM but for iPhone, android and blackberrys. It's really new.
It's really nice and simple, wanted to see how many use it and what you guys think.
Add me and we can chat about fun android stuff! Haha.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App

I've been trying it out but it's really lacking in features/settings.
It's also a battery KILLER.


App like the Big Brother app for IP4

Was wondering if anyone has run acrossed a app like that for the Iphone 4 called Big Brother?
Pretty neat integration that I would not mind having on my evo.

Idea: gTalk widget

Sorry for the double post. I had posted this in the vibrant section by accident. I think it would be best placed here. Anyway. A gtalk widget, One that shows the last 2 or 3 messages and has the ability to answer back. It could look like a twitter widget in all actuality.
Anyone know of one or have the knowledge to make one? I would pay and im sure others would too.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
This is a great idea. I know I would use it as I mainly GTalk, not text.
Yeah, I never use texts. All of my contacts and I use gtalk. Is there anyone out there with enough coding knowledge to do it? I'm sure it would be profitable. Gtalk is built into almost every Android device that I've seen and having a widget would be awesome.
Bump!!! I'd love a widget!! I pretty much only use gtalk
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
There is a demand for it. I'm sure of it. I am not a coder and I wish I was. Argh.
Final bump. I guess this is just not meant to be. Imagine a widget like this with gtalk, aim, facebook, msn, etc. A dev could charge 99 cents and make thousands.
Oh well.
BUMP: Seriously, why isn't there a Gtalk widget of any sort? I primarily only use Gtalk instead of texting and I would love to reply without going into the app.
Money can be made here people! If I was a developer, I would be all over this. We have billions of battery/calendar/clock apps but the one thing that hasn't been touched is something as common as Gtalk. I would definitely pay for something like this.
Also bump. This is a great idea.
bump. a gtalk widget would be great!
Love this idea!
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I897 using XDA App
I think without hacking the google talk apk the only way to do this would be to write a independent app with the google talk api.
So you would have to use that app instead of gtalk and maybe not have it integrated into android as well.
Buba BUMP. Please someone create this app, I am really surprised there is nothing out there. Come on Google get your finger out ya @#*
I knew there would be a market for this!
I really wish I knew how to code, this would be the first thing I would make.
Any takers? I don't know how hard it would be to make, but there are people willing to pay.
One last bump for bumps sake.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App

[Q] QTweeter Replacement

oOkay, so many know of or have used qtweeter for iPhone. I loved it on my iPhone 4 and now that I have the Thunderbolt its the last thing I need to make it perfect. I don't want to hear a lot of people saying oh iphones better, or android kicks iphones butt. Both platforms are good in their own rights. I just want to know if anyone has any good alternatives to qtweeter for android.and no I don't want widgets. im using launcher 7 and widgets don't look very nice on it.
Do you find any replacment App on Android? I searching, too. I love qtweeter without a timeline sms für simultan Picture Uploader go Twitpic (Twitter) and to a Facebook Album (Facebook Wall).
Sent from my R800i using XDA Premium App

For anyone who wants Emoji, REAL EMOJI

The #1 reason I am sticking with miui is because it has completely incorporated emoji since 1.5.13. I'm not sure if everybody knows this because I find topics all over the web. No other ROM can do this. And the best part is that you don't have to download additional apps etc to receive emoji. I can send and receive emojo to any AT&T iPhone. Its perfect! I just found it out today when one of my friends sent me an emoji by accident because she had forgotten I didn't get them. But when I did I was ecstatic! So just thought you guys should know! Running the latest MIUI.
Sent from my LG-P999 using XDA App
Long ass paragraph and you didn't say what that was...does it come with egg roll and a drink??
Emoji.... hmmm. Googled it... Japanese emoticons. Cool you can receive those but I personally dislike emoticons. I really wanna try miui soon though. Excited.
Sent from my LG-P999 using XDA App

Looking for good notes app.

Doesn't need all kinds of fancy features. I just want it to have a nice interface. Kind of like the one that comes with MIUI. Anyone know any?
Thanks in advance and stuff.
Sent from my Droid using XDA App
jjrudey said:
Doesn't need all kinds of fancy features. I just want it to have a nice interface. Kind of like the one that comes with MIUI. Anyone know any?
Thanks in advance and stuff.
Sent from my Droid using XDA App
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
ColorNote is a really good one. Been using it for a few months now.
Sorry about the long link lol, not sure why it came up like that.

