[Please Read] Welcome to the Forum! - XV6700, PPC-6700 Accessories

Welcome to the HTC Apache XV6700, PPC-6700 Accessories forum! I am your Forum Moderator.
If you have any problems with this forum or suggestions to make, please contact me. I cannot promise to act on every single suggestion, but I will do my best to entertain each and every one of them to the fullest extent!
Enjoy the forum and please follow the rules!


[Please Read] Welcome to the Forum!

Welcome to the HTC Apache XV6700, PPC-6700 Rom Development forum! I am your Forum Moderator.
If you have any problems with this forum or suggestions to make, please contact me. I cannot promise to act on every single suggestion, but I will do my best to entertain each and every one of them to the fullest extent!
Enjoy the forum and please follow the rules!

Welcome Inspire 4G Users!

Welcome to this General forum created for the Inspire 4G.
I am Mr. Clown your Forum Moderator.
If you have any problems with this forum or suggestions to make, please contact me. I cannot promise to act on every suggestion that is made but it will receive my attention and my best effort.

Welcome Inspire 4G Users!

Welcome to this Android Development forum created for the Inspire 4G.
I am Mr. Clown your Forum Moderator.
If you have any problems with this forum or suggestions to make, please contact me. I cannot promise to act on every suggestion that is made but it will receive my attention and my best effort.

Welcome Inspire 4G Users!

Welcome to this Accessories forum created for the Inspire 4G.
I am Mr. Clown your Forum Moderator.
If you have any problems with this forum or suggestions to make, please contact me. I cannot promise to act on every suggestion that is made but it will receive my attention and my best effort.

✯ ✵ ✤ XDA Assist Additional [Read Me] ✤ ✵ ✯

Just to add to the Welcome of the XDA Assist forum, please notice we have a group of Moderators and Recognized Contributors, that have been establish and trained to help/assist Members with their questions.
These "Gate Keepers" if you will, these FSMs and RC's that have been trained and positioned here on duty for the XDA Assist Forum, to provide those needing assistance. Now these FSMs and RC's will open the Gate for you and provide you the links and help needed for your issues. They will not make the travel with you, as "Gate Keepers" they will stand their duties here, you must make the travel into the Forums to learn on your own, it is your Device you seek Development on....But rest assure there will be more RC's and very helpful Members in the Forums we provided to you, they will provide more assistance if you require.
I ask any and all other RC's to refrain from posting within these thread of the XDA Assist. We thank you for seeking in providing to this Forum, but there is required training that goes along with the blue tag these RC's have and additionally, unless your are a Staff Member, Moderator, Blue Tagged RC your post will be removed, as outlined above these Members are trained to address the issues/questions here on the XDA Assist Forum. Thank you for your understanding,
Thank You all and any questions please do not hesitate to ask....

