[Q] Help with package name and class - Android Software/Hacking General [Developers Only]

Hello guys! I need some voluntary help regarding package names and classes. Those are the ones you see as com.android.launcher, com.android.settings.Settings, etc.
I'm currently working on an app and I just remembered that each phone/ROM/version has different app packages and classes. So if you could find yours on your phone, I need the following:
Dialer/Phone (Android default)
Messaging/SMS (Android default)
Settings & Display Settings
Call Logs
I don't know any easier way than to install LauncherPro (home replacement app) and hold down the desktop, tap on Shortcuts > Activities, it will show almost every package/class that's in your phone.
Thank you and have a nice day!
Or where can I find these if ever they are available somewhere?


Tweakster - MortScript

Has anyone looked at TWEAKSTER for TREO. Seems quite nice but as I dont know anything about a TREO, maybe someone can port it to Der Kaiser?
"MortScript: Tweakster, BETA available
I know NOTHING about MortScript (have just started reading) so I hope that some of the The Mort Kings are here in Der Kaiser World and will give it a shot..
I cannot get the plugins to work, but main script seems fine..
"The Mort Virgin" =
Cool new app available for you Treo power-users!!
Tweakster has three major functions:
1) Scheduling : create profiles & schedule events (33 plugins included)
2) Tweaks : applying tweaks (97 tweaks included)
3) Probes : retrieve system info (44 probes included)
Here are some examples of what you can do...
- Set up profiles for your favorite settings
- Change ringtones at 9:00 Mon-Fri to one set of ringtones, and
evenings and weekends to a different set of ringtones
- Soft Reset at 3:00 AM every day
- Turn Bluetooth & Wifi on at 8:00 AM, Mon - Fri
- Clear you IE cache every night at 2:00 AM
- Turn Brightness up, but keyboard lights off at 7:00 AM
- Check an eBay auction every 15 minutes, display current bid on Today Screen
- Set a storage alert when your builtin flash storage drops below 1MB
- Leave yourself a Voice reminder for lunch at 11:45
- NEW: Use your Treo as a SpyCam, schedule a video recording in "stealth" mode"
That DOES sound pretty cool. I would imagine one of the skilled artisans here in the Kaiser world could take that and make it work.
The link is broken in the first post. You copied and pasted the abbreviated hyperlink
It would help your cause if you gave the working link
For those that are interested, here is ALOT more detail on Tweakster.
The plugins included are fairly simple in nature and intended to showcase what you
"can" do with Tweakster. Some of them are very useful, others are sorta lame, all of
them could be improved upon. By all means, I hope others will either improve upon this
or add to this collection to make it more useful.
Audio Play - Plays an audio file, currently scans the "\Windows" directory looking for
sound files. This can be changed by modifying AudioPlay.input.
Backup Folder - Will periodically zip up a folder and save the zip file in the specified
target directory. Currently these are specified via BackupFolder.ini
under [settings]. You can also configure how many backups to keep in the
target directory, in order to limit the number of backups, at which point
it will remove the oldest backup as it creates a new one. Note this is
not intended as a full-backup solution, please use one of the fine products
available for that. This is intended for periodic backup of notes, saved
text messages, etc.
Auto Dialer - Will call a number at the specified time. It cannot do much else because
I can't control sound while the call is connected, so it's only useful
as a wakeup call. Although one clever user added that this could be for
for voting on Americal Idol. Please use responsibly This requires
VJDialer from VJPhoneTools.
Battery Alert - Will alert you if battery drops below a certain percentage. Allows you to
set a higher threshold than the default of 10%, if you want to know sooner
rather than later.
Bluetooth Off - Does what it says, requires VJVolubilis.
Bluetooth On - Does what it says, requires VJVolubilis.
Brightness - Allows you to alter the brightness level. Note, even though the control
panel lets you set the brightness level to 0, this plugin will NOT allow
that setting because once it exits the control panel you would have no way
of figuring out how to put it back!!
Cleanup - Allows you to selectively clear the IECache, \Temp directory, or
\My Documents\temp directories.
Clear Call History - Does what it says, wipes out your call history.
Clock Radio - Sorty cheesy plugin, but cool at the same time. If you don't like the
techy alarms and prefer something more traditional, this may be for you.
It allows you to select a radio station (I preloaded a few, which you can
change by modifying ClockRadio.ini), and it wakes you up at the specified
time displaying a full-screen analog clock. The clock has an "exit" button,
and if you tap on the clockface, it will snooze for 10 minutes. This requires
an internet connection to work, so don't even bother if you don't have a
reliable connection.
Ebay Auction - Specify an ebay listing number, and it will display the current bid and
time remaining at the chosen interval in a message box.
Flash - Will flash the keyboard lights multiple times to get your attention. May be
useful if you want a visual alert, rather than an audible alert.
Keylight Off - Does what it says.
Keylight On - Does what it says.
Launcher - Launches an application or file is there is an associated handler with that
file type. You can type in file path and the arguments at the time of
configuration, or if configure Launcher.ini, it will take the file and
arguments from there. Note, there is a bug in MortScript that if you
bring up the "Alt" keys to select a "\", once you quit that it will send
a return key to Mortscript and you will never be able to type in the path!
Use the on-screen keyboard instead.
Memory Alert - Allows you to set a free memory threshold and once free memory dips below
that, it will bring up an alert notifying you. Note, this is not a real-time
memory monitor, it only checks when the plugin is scheduled. i.e.) every
15 minutes or whatever interval you choose.
Message Box - Type in some text, and a message box with that text will show up as a reminder
at the specified time.
NoDoze - Will keep the phone awake at the specified time, for the specified amount of
time, battery be damned. Use sparingly.
Note Reminder - Will bring up notepad and let you type in a note, or if you prefer you can
scribble your note, and it will bring it up at the scheduled time.
PhoneRadio Off- Does what it says, requires VJVolubilis.
PhoneRadio On - Does what it says, requires VJVolubilis.
Ringer Volume - Does what it says, speaker volume is set independently.
Ring Tones - Allows you to set the "known caller" ringtone, and the "unknown caller"
ringtones at the specified time. It will check the following directories:
\Windows, \Windows\Rings, and \My Documents\Rings. It has a limit of 96
files and it can be slow to bring up the selection dialog depending on how
many files there are, please be patient.
Soft Reset - Schedule a reboot at the specified time. There is a "cancel" message, that
will allow you up to 60 seconds to cancel before it reboots.
Speaker Volume- Does what it says, ringer volume is set independently.
Note, there is no "Call Volume" plugin yet.
Spy Cam - Schedule a video recording. You specify the number of minutes to record
and you Treo will automatically create a video recording. If you specify
"stealth" mode, the Treo screen will remain blank and appear to be off
when the recording takes place. If you have LEDup installed (another 3rd
party app), it will give you the option of blinking the green LED while
it is recording. Please make sure you have specified the "Storage Card"
as your save location in the camera app, otherwise you will run out of
storage very quickly. You will also need to disable Keyguard for this
plugin. And finally, another caveat is that there is no recorded audio
while in stealth mode, this is a bug that will hopefully be fixed soon.
As with the Autodialer plugin, please use responsibly
Stock Quote - Allows you to specify a space-separated list of stock symbols and will bring
up a message box with stock quotes at the scheduled interval. Currently
these must be specified at the time you configure the plugin, not from the
.ini file.
Storage Alert - Allows you to set a free storage threshold and once free storage dips below
that, it will bring up an alert notifying you. Note, this is not a real-time
storage monitor, it only checks when the plugin is scheduled. i.e.) every
15 minutes or whatever interval you choose. You can set thresholds for
builtin flash or a storage card.
Today Line - Display a short message on the Today screen by hijacking the Operator/Carrier
Name. You can choose from the following:
News Headline
Stock Quote
Weather Forecast
Battery Status
Storage Status
Memory Status
eBay Auction
Note, because of the limited amount of space, the amount of information that
can be displayed is minimal. Once again, this is not real-time, it is updated
as often at the plugin is scheduled. There is a lot of room for improvement
here, such as cycling through the various options.
Vibrate - Does what it says, nothing else.
Voice Reminder- Starts up notepad in recording mode and will let you record a voice note.
It will play the message at the specified time.
Wifi Off - Does what it says, requires VJVolubilis.
Wifi On - Does what it says, requires VJVolubilis.
Hi Martindhk and others,
Tweakster works fine on the Kaiser, just tested many of the tweaks.
Personally I don't like the Mortscript interface, but the tweaks and features of Tweakster might make it better than for instance KaiserTweak or Schaps AdvancedConfig, which both contain similar, other or the same tweaks as Tweakster...I guess someone is going to have to work through all applications and make one
I agree on your point. Have tried some of the plugins and they seem to work. Could be cool with a nice interface towards the plugin part and the possibility to address them to buttons instead of a schedule
maybe you could post how to actually use the application? thanks
From the "readme"
Unfortunately, there is no CAB installer yet, you will have to manually
install Tweakster. The following steps should get you up and running:
1) Install MortScript 4.0
Note, please make sure you install 4.0 and not 4.01 since there are still
compatibility issues in 4.01 that Mort is working on.
2) Install Tweakster
- Unzip the Tweakster_v1.0_BETArXX.zip file on your PC. Copy the entire
"Tweakster" folder to your Treo under "\Program Files".
(Note: It can be installed anywhere if you prefer elsewhere, but please
install it on built-in flash memory rather than the storage card to
minimize any issues.)
- If you want Tweakster to show up under "Programs" from the Start Menu,
you will need to create a shortcut to "\Program Files\Tweakster\Tweakster.mscr"
and place the shortcut under "\Windows\Start Menu\Programs"
3) Install VJ utilities.
These utilities allow you to set bluetooth, wifi and phone state,
as well as use the Autodialer plugin. They aren't strictly required but
are recommended, especially if you intend on using Tweakster profiles.
VJVolubilis: http://www.vijay555.com/?Releases:VJVolubilis
VJPhoneTools: http://www.vijay555.com/?Releases:VJPhoneTools
For now, they must be installed in the default location.
Both MortScript and the VJ utilities are lightweight, stable and very well
tested. These applications are donation-ware, but if you feel these apps are
useful, you can visit the author's site and make a contribution.
4) To start up Tweakster, select "\Program Files\Tweakster\Tweakster.mscr" with
the file browser of your choice, or if you made a shortcut in the Programs
Folder, select the shortcut you place there..
For more information on the scheduling plugins and what they do, please see
"PLUGIN DETAILS" in the Details.txt attachment. If you want to know how to create
your own plugins, you can take a look at the example plugin scripts in the Templates
folder of Tweakster.
In general, you should use precautions when applying tweaks. This goes for
ANY tweaking program, you should make sure you have a full backup of your Treo
and have a backup of your registry before you start trying out tweaks. Some of
the tweaks require a soft-reset, so if the tweak is not immediately effective,
you may need to reboot. If you are not completely sure what the tweak does,
please do some research on the internet. Most of these tweaks are widely known
and you can find information on them at the following locations:
Has anyone looked into the reason why PLUGINS are not working??
Martinhdk said:
From the "readme"
Unfortunately, there is no CAB installer yet, you will have to manually
install Tweakster. The following steps should get you up and running:
1) Install MortScript 4.0
Note, please make sure you install 4.0 and not 4.01 since there are still
compatibility issues in 4.01 that Mort is working on.
2) Install Tweakster
- Unzip the Tweakster_v1.0_BETArXX.zip file on your PC. Copy the entire
"Tweakster" folder to your Treo under "\Program Files".
(Note: It can be installed anywhere if you prefer elsewhere, but please
install it on built-in flash memory rather than the storage card to
minimize any issues.)
- If you want Tweakster to show up under "Programs" from the Start Menu,
you will need to create a shortcut to "\Program Files\Tweakster\Tweakster.mscr"
and place the shortcut under "\Windows\Start Menu\Programs"
3) Install VJ utilities.
These utilities allow you to set bluetooth, wifi and phone state,
as well as use the Autodialer plugin. They aren't strictly required but
are recommended, especially if you intend on using Tweakster profiles.
VJVolubilis: http://www.vijay555.com/?Releases:VJVolubilis
VJPhoneTools: http://www.vijay555.com/?Releases:VJPhoneTools
For now, they must be installed in the default location.
Both MortScript and the VJ utilities are lightweight, stable and very well
tested. These applications are donation-ware, but if you feel these apps are
useful, you can visit the author's site and make a contribution.
4) To start up Tweakster, select "\Program Files\Tweakster\Tweakster.mscr" with
the file browser of your choice, or if you made a shortcut in the Programs
Folder, select the shortcut you place there..
For more information on the scheduling plugins and what they do, please see
"PLUGIN DETAILS" in the Details.txt attachment. If you want to know how to create
your own plugins, you can take a look at the example plugin scripts in the Templates
folder of Tweakster.
In general, you should use precautions when applying tweaks. This goes for
ANY tweaking program, you should make sure you have a full backup of your Treo
and have a backup of your registry before you start trying out tweaks. Some of
the tweaks require a soft-reset, so if the tweak is not immediately effective,
you may need to reboot. If you are not completely sure what the tweak does,
please do some research on the internet. Most of these tweaks are widely known
and you can find information on them at the following locations:
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thanks much. checking it out now.
Martinhdk said:
From the "readme"
Unfortunately, there is no CAB installer yet, you will have to manually
install Tweakster. The following steps should get you up and running:
1) Install MortScript 4.0
Note, please make sure you install 4.0 and not 4.01 since there are still
compatibility issues in 4.01 that Mort is working on.
2) Install Tweakster
- Unzip the Tweakster_v1.0_BETArXX.zip file on your PC. Copy the entire
"Tweakster" folder to your Treo under "\Program Files".
(Note: It can be installed anywhere if you prefer elsewhere, but please
install it on built-in flash memory rather than the storage card to
minimize any issues.)
- If you want Tweakster to show up under "Programs" from the Start Menu,
you will need to create a shortcut to "\Program Files\Tweakster\Tweakster.mscr"
and place the shortcut under "\Windows\Start Menu\Programs"
3) Install VJ utilities.
These utilities allow you to set bluetooth, wifi and phone state,
as well as use the Autodialer plugin. They aren't strictly required but
are recommended, especially if you intend on using Tweakster profiles.
VJVolubilis: http://www.vijay555.com/?Releases:VJVolubilis
VJPhoneTools: http://www.vijay555.com/?Releases:VJPhoneTools
For now, they must be installed in the default location.
Both MortScript and the VJ utilities are lightweight, stable and very well
tested. These applications are donation-ware, but if you feel these apps are
useful, you can visit the author's site and make a contribution.
4) To start up Tweakster, select "\Program Files\Tweakster\Tweakster.mscr" with
the file browser of your choice, or if you made a shortcut in the Programs
Folder, select the shortcut you place there..
For more information on the scheduling plugins and what they do, please see
"PLUGIN DETAILS" in the Details.txt attachment. If you want to know how to create
your own plugins, you can take a look at the example plugin scripts in the Templates
folder of Tweakster.
In general, you should use precautions when applying tweaks. This goes for
ANY tweaking program, you should make sure you have a full backup of your Treo
and have a backup of your registry before you start trying out tweaks. Some of
the tweaks require a soft-reset, so if the tweak is not immediately effective,
you may need to reboot. If you are not completely sure what the tweak does,
please do some research on the internet. Most of these tweaks are widely known
and you can find information on them at the following locations:
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also, i dont see a "readme" file or details.txt file in the attachment or post.
SRY - was not part of first post..
Here it is..
The thing is that I cannot get the plugins to work. Tried to SPYCAM - ooohhh - but nope, it needs to be tweaked to fit our device, I guess...
Hi. I was able to get the plugins to work to a certain extent. However I have into two problems in using this script and wonder if anyone might be able to directed me to the solution.
1) When I run a profile of my settings, the program tells me - Error: Script file not found: ". (Quotation mark is the script file not found) It proceeds to run the script I selected from Vjay555 folder anyway after I acknowledge the error message. I tried to look for an extra quotation mark in the Tweakster script (I don't think it is the plugin script that is causing the problem), but I can't make heads or tails of it.
2) When I run the -radioon script, it will turn on my phone radio, but it will not connect to my wireless provider. I'm not sure what that would be the case. If I use the Comm Manager or if I use Battery Status taskbar to turn off the phone and turn it back on again, I will get the phone to connect to my wireless provider.
Can someone help me figure out how to work out these problems? Thanks.
UPDATE: I tried the scripts that were in the plug in folder and found that the scripts were causing the first error reading. The more troubling finding was that VJVolubilis may not work for my phone (8125) as described on
What a bummer. Any suggestions on a fix? Thanks.
Hi C
Did you find any solutions?
Martinhdk said:
Hi C
Did you find any solutions?
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No solutions, but I have a hint to one of the problems. I installed PPC Profiles Pro from Modaco.com and PocketZenPhone and got the same problem with the lack of network connection when the phone radio is toggled back on. This may suggest that the problem is with the Wizard or with WM5. I don't know how to solve that problem.
Curious D said:
No solutions, but I have a hint to one of the problems. I installed PPC Profiles Pro from Modaco.com and PocketZenPhone and got the same problem with the lack of network connection when the phone radio is toggled back on. This may suggest that the problem is with the Wizard or with WM5. I don't know how to solve that problem.
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Did you get any succes with the other plugins??
Haven't wanted to pay for one if one was available for free. If I can get help in fixing the radio toggle problem, then I'll be happy with PPC Profiles Pro. I'm tempted to try Phone Alarm or PocketZenPhone 6.0 (the version I tried was version 4.5.1), but I had read some bad stuff that happened to other users phones with this program (while others liked it).
help me
any way to reset all my tweaks?
PocketZenPhone 6.02 works on my 8125. I don't know what is different between the two versions that allows it to work. If I can't get an answer within the next few weeks, I'll probably purchase the program.
fily1983 said:
any way to reset all my tweaks?
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Which tweaks are you looking to reset?

[APP] SwitchMe Beta - multiple users WITH OWN DATA on a single device

SwitchMe - An Android first
Welcome to SwitchMe, an application for root users that allows you to log in and out of your device just as you would on a personal computer.
The technology behind SwitchMe saves all of your applications and data, protects it and stores it as a file in memory. You can then log out of
an account and log into a fresh installation of Android or another account with its own unique content.
You may create as many profiles as the memory is capable of holding. Some of these may require very little free memory because they contain
few apps, others will be larger as they contain many applications and lots of cache and data.
Why is this functionality useful?
Privacy - the most obvious benefit is that you can securely share one device among multiple users, which gives you privacy and peace of mind.
Testing - if you are a developer, you can use profiles as clean sandboxes to test your applications and their interaction with the system.
Speed - the games your kids play slow down your tablet, but with SwitchMe you can easily create profiles in without games or messengers.
Battery life - when the battery is low but there are important emails or documents to edit later, switch to a profile which only contains these essentials.
These of course are only suggestions - there are plenty of other uses for the functionality SwitchMe offers.
SwitchMe explained
In order to start using the application, you must create at least two profiles. The first you create will contain all your current data, the second will be a
fresh installation of the operating system.
Once you have created a second profile and booted into it, you will be presented with the Welcome screen, where you can add a new Google Account.
After you have set up your wireless connection and logged into the Google Account, you will find that SwitchMe comes preinstalled so that you can switch
back to the original account without needing to access the Market.
Advanced users can also clone their current profile - this can be useful if, for example, you want to see how the installation or removal of an application
affects your device.
Recommended usage
The most basic use for SwitchMe is creating multiple profiles for your family members. To do this, create separate profiles for yourself, for your significant
other and for the kids. Then log into these profiles and install the relevant software.
For your wife, for example, you can set up an email account and create bookmarks and widgets. For the kids, download and install some games.
From now on, handing your device over without worrying about them reading your emails or installing lots of junk is as simple as switching profiles.
Usage warning
Its very important to understand that incorrect use of this application can potentially harm your device. This can happen if you create and switch to
a profile that exceeds the available memory - switching into this profile will cause a boot loop as Android attempts to unsuccessfully build the Dalvik cache.
Before proceeding the use we recommend that you perform a full nandroid backup through recovery.
Looking forward
These are early days for SwitchMe, which means that a lot of additional functionality will be added to the app in the months to come. Planned features
include full profile encryption, profile storage on external memory and switching without the need to reboot your device.
We also plan to expand the information window to include data about each profile's applications, as well as the ability to reserve memory for profiles.
This Beta
The apk attached to this post will expire in 24 hours. Use that time to tell us if there are issues and to send logs (as always, with descriptions) via the
"Write to us" function.
Lots of functionality has been removed from this version, but will be added over the coming days.
Known issues
Help doesnt work outside main screen
Persistent notification doesnt enable in new profiles
Hot switch not working on ICS (almost fixed, currently unavailable)
Encryption doesnt work (only password protection atm)
Sweet! Going to try it.
This allows me to have multiple chars on 1 device for games also? (like Emross War or the Storm8 games?)
edit: Sended my first crash log allready
Yes. I see there is an issue with the trial...
This is a brilliant idea! If you can add a feature to disable su for accounts it would be great.
For my use, I would probably have a default account that has limited access and limited apps. It should not have su or the ability to install new apps via the Market or via adb. The second account would be an admin account with everything enabled. I'm very interested in the encryption features as well. This and a password protected bootloader combined will keep my phone pretty locked down
Hi guys. Sorry I'm on a tablet ATM, so you'll have to use this filehost link for the next few hours. The apk has been updated:
Okay this is what I've seen so far:
At first launch it asks me to create a profile, works fine.
When pressing the lock icon in the top right-hand corner it crashes.
The 3 dots open the settings page, and the notification icon works fine.
I can't seem to figure out how to create a 2nd profile?
When opening my profile I don't see any data in there, it just says "Details" in the top left-hand corner. It has the 3 dot setting icon thing, when I press settings, nothing happens. When I press the lock icon it crashes.
To view the details of my profile I have to hold-press on my profile in the main screen and then select details. Now I see some bars and I can put a password on my profile with the lock icon, settings still don't work. After you've done this, you don't have to press details anymore unless you restart the application. By pressing the activate button when I long-press on my profile it also allows me to see the details when I click on my profile.
A lot has to be done, but the concept is there, good job!!
ybinnenweg said:
Okay this is what I've seen so far:
At first launch it asks me to create a profile, works fine.
When pressing the lock icon in the top right-hand corner it crashes.
The 3 dots open the settings page, and the notification icon works fine.
I can't seem to figure out how to create a 2nd profile?
When opening my profile I don't see any data in there, it just says "Details" in the top left-hand corner. It has the 3 dot setting icon thing, when I press settings, nothing happens. When I press the lock icon it crashes.
To view the details of my profile I have to hold-press on my profile in the main screen and then select details. Now I see some bars and I can put a password on my profile with the lock icon, settings still don't work. After you've done this, you don't have to press details anymore unless you restart the application. By pressing the activate button when I long-press on my profile it also allows me to see the details when I click on my profile.
A lot has to be done, but the concept is there, good job!!
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Thats what happens when people code at 4am from home. All shall be fixed today - they are just cosmetic issues.

[Q] Customising System Bar (Task Bar) With custom text

I am trying to test the water to see what is possible for an enterprise tablet deployment we are working on.
We are working on a dual persona device - which enables the user to switch between two android instances.
I want to be able to notify the user which persona they are using, and an ideal way to do that would be via the "System Bar" at the bottom of the screen. I am thinking of a couple of options:
1) Change the colour of the system bar
2) Add some text to the status bar (that is always there)
If I understand correctly, the settings for this menu are in SystemUI.apk, and i have pulled this using adb from the device. I believe I know how to go about changing the colour, by searching out the relevant png's and swapping them.
How would i go about implementing option 2, for example I may want the string "Home" or "Work" displayed dependant on the instance the user has loaded. Would this be a case of changing a layout XML definition? If so which one?
Why not just use the system notification services that already exist in android? You can have persistent notification icons, text etc. and no need to build a custom ROM, just use an app.
DigitalMD said:
Why not just use the system notification services that already exist in android? You can have persistent notification icons, text etc. and no need to build a custom ROM, just use an app.
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Good question - I am open to all suggestions - the key requirement is that an item of text would be visible at all times to the user, and couldn't be dismissed.
Wasn't looking at a custom ROM - we have to make some changes to the device anyway which need us to Root it - so was thinking while we were there to mount the Filesystem read/write and swap SystemUI.apk to solve this issue.
As I say open to good ideas.
This may be what you're looking for...
LeftyGR said:
This may be what you're looking for...
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Hi, interesting but not quite what we are trying for just yet. These devices will be single user devices (currently) which we intend to run dual persona's on, essentially we will be running a micro hypervisor, that allows a user to switch between virtual OS's.
So - we are just trying to find a decent feedback mechanism to present the user with an "always visible" way of telling them which persona they are in.
patonar said:
Hi, interesting but not quite what we are trying for just yet. These devices will be single user devices (currently) which we intend to run dual persona's on, essentially we will be running a micro hypervisor, that allows a user to switch between virtual OS's.
So - we are just trying to find a decent feedback mechanism to present the user with an "always visible" way of telling them which persona they are in.
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Ok. So I think what you are looking for is this:
* Single User sign-on - where one person (considered the owner) logs into the device.
* Switching profiles (essentially) between two user interfaces.
**Where in one environment the owner has a general setup to use as a personal device, for lack of a better term.
**And in another environment the owner has a cusomized setup that is more optimized for work purposes. Not necessarily "different than the first environment, but obvious enough that when they unlock the device they will know which environment they are in.
Basically correct?
If so, what about this as a general solution: Using multiple Launcher Apps.
Basically, use the system default as one environment. Setup/arranged for the purpose of general use. Use a second (3rd party) Launcher as the second environment. 3rd party launchers are very customizable and most are themeable. And there are a few Launcher Manager apps on the market that allow for faster switching between them. Even provide desktop shortcuts on each launcher to quickly do between. Lock the 3rd party launcher from being able to be uninstalled easily by placing it into system/app folder. And if you want to take certain functionality away, modify it so an owner can't change the theme or settings you choose for it.
LeftyGR said:
Ok. So I think what you are looking for is this:
* Single User sign-on - where one person (considered the owner) logs into the device.
* Switching profiles (essentially) between two user interfaces.
**Where in one environment the owner has a general setup to use as a personal device, for lack of a better term.
**And in another environment the owner has a cusomized setup that is more optimized for work purposes. Not necessarily "different than the first environment, but obvious enough that when they unlock the device they will know which environment they are in.
Basically correct?
If so, what about this as a general solution: Using multiple Launcher Apps.
Basically, use the system default as one environment. Setup/arranged for the purpose of general use. Use a second (3rd party) Launcher as the second environment. 3rd party launchers are very customizable and most are themeable. And there are a few Launcher Manager apps on the market that allow for faster switching between them. Even provide desktop shortcuts on each launcher to quickly do between. Lock the 3rd party launcher from being able to be uninstalled easily by placing it into system/app folder. And if you want to take certain functionality away, modify it so an owner can't change the theme or settings you choose for it.
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Yes basically correct, but I have a solution for the device "persona" switching - imagine I am actually running two completely separate ROM's running on VM's.... so each ROM behaves as its own device, unaware of the other...
All I want to do - is add some text to the system bar that is always there....
patonar said:
Yes basically correct, but I have a solution for the device "persona" switching - imagine I am actually running two completely separate ROM's running on VM's.... so each ROM behaves as its own device, unaware of the other...
All I want to do - is add some text to the system bar that is always there....
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Click to collapse
Ok. Two completely separate OS running at same time. I could see that as possible, save the problem you may run into with internal space in the current format. Would you need to completely repatriation the entire device to achieve this? Or maybe you could use an AOSP base, which is considerably lighter. I'm saying two completely autonomous systems would essentially duplicate all files needed to run to make them truely separate. Actually, I think that's what you're saying...
LeftyGR said:
Ok. Two completely separate OS running at same time. I could see that as possible, save the problem you may run into with internal space in the current format. Would you need to completely repatriation the entire device to achieve this? Or maybe you could use an AOSP base, which is considerably lighter. I'm saying two completely autonomous systems would essentially duplicate all files needed to run to make them truely separate. Actually, I think that's what you're saying...
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The implementation of the virtualised android is being done by a company for me... that isn't the issue.
I have been making some kernel mods, to beef up encryption, but also wanted while i am there to make some mods to the system bar / task bar.
Forget about the two OS issue - imagine a single device, one OS, ICS 4.0.4 - i want to add some text to the task bar (static text) how could i do it?

[Guide] Multi User Setup for Kitkat 4.4.4 (for noobs)

This tutorial will show you how to setup your device as admin and configure other user profiles (this is important when you're not the owner). Your device maker disabled multiuser functionality in Kitkat, like on my Lenovo Tab 2 A10-70L? - then this for you. At least, that's where this procedure is tested on. Afaik, this should work on Lollipop too. But will it work for your device? - No clue, you tell us!
Basically it's an accumulation of what I've read here (thanks again) and my personal experience as a noob myself.
So far, this guide is incomplete and I'm hoping for some pro tipps to perfect it. Please help me sort out the unclear parts highlighted in red and I'll update this post accordingly. The sooner the better, because this actually is not my device and someday soon I'll have to pass it over to my mom since it's my present to her, I'm only setting this slab up...
Android treats the first account created as "owner". Only owner will have root privileges if installed accordingly (=admin).
Root permission and a file manager (e.g. ES File Explorer) are required for this fix so go get that first. For the Lenovo Tab 2 A10-70L, I followed this beautiful guide, besides that, I can't help much here.
Unable/uninstall all bloatware (I was adventurous with Titanium Backup with no probs so far, but some crap remained from looking at new user folders; still in search of a vendor/device-specific "save to remove" list)
Install ALL apps you and the other users suppesdly need. This will avoid the need to redownload and reinstall all the apps for each and every user wasting storage. Think thrice, usually it'll be more than desired, but better you do it instead of a DAU... Each user will be able to install apps later though. Full control over user restrictions can be applied for "guest profile" only.
In file explorer, go to /system/ and open build.prop
Check if you have anything like the below text (you shouldn't, otherwise edit accordingly) and add these lines at the end of it:
# Multi Users
Replace X with your desired digit (up to 7?)
(I've read somewhere that 7 users is maximum that system can handle, but I haven't tried)
Save, reboot and log in as "owner" (your profile)
Go to Settings>Device and say hello to new item "Users"
Create new users and/or a guest profile (important: write down the order in which you created them!)
All new user profiles are now shown as "new user" no matter what you wrote in the profile properties (only guest will be shown as "guest"). Mind you, this also applies for the lockscreen!
In file explorer, go to /data/system/users/ to find your users' folders containing some system files (what exactly?) Now guess what - the order of the numbered folders and #.xml files match the order you created them. "0" is you, the owner.
Open each .xml file and replace "Owner" with "Your Name" and "New user" with "Username"
Put the device to sleep, trigger lockscreen and log in to each user profile and
Pull down shortcut menu from top right and enable autorotate
Go to Settings>Users>Security, check all settings and note each unlock-code
Disable background services like sync, location, etc. that could potentionally drain battery where applicable
Rinse & repeat 8) for all new profiles
Install "Multi-User App Share" and set apps per user. (Or is there a newer app or more hackish approach without the need for xposed or compiling stuff etc.?)
= DONE =
If you want the user icon in status bar, follow http://forum.xda-developers.com/gal...-users-mod-t3017782/post58659868#post58659868 (haven't tried that ).
Well... build.prop fixes are working, at least for me. It's good alternative to multi-user app from Xposed (we don't want to use Xposed too much...).
Still tried with decompiling & compiling framework for fixing icon problem, and... in framework-res there is not status_bar_expanded_header.xml file, se we are in deep ****.
I am working on: LP

General Ways To Open Chrome (or File Explorer) from Settings (Android FRP)

Hello, this is my first post here. I've used the info on these forums many times through for years and love you guys. If this is in the wrong sub-forum I apologize. I've removed FRP from dozens of phones & tablets in a multitude of ways but I am far far far from being an expert. (A bad memory doesn't help, I forget methods in a use-it-or-lose-it type of way.) I also apologize if I am not pithy!
Anyway, the point of this thread. A situation happens fairly often where I can access Settings, but then I am stuck. Usually on a device that is too new and/or unique to have a specific tutorial for it online. I remember from various tutorials there being a handful of methods for once access to Settings is achieved. I hope we can make a list of them here.
Once I have access to Chrome and/or File Explorer I know how to load various apks (GAM and FRP Bypass / Gmail Browser Login or QuickShortcutMaker if need be). So this thread is not for those things that occur later in the FRP removal process.
I do have a tablet I am stuck in this situation now, which made me think of making this thread, and I will list the details below. But I would like this thread to have various methods for opening Chrome or File Explorer from Settings even if they don't apply to the situation below. Especially considering many of the normal methods have the user opening the web browser and then just typing Chrome into search to access Chrome.
I'll start off with a couple:
Open any link
You should be able to find a link in a multitude of places in Settings. Then in the default browser that opens type Chrome into the search to access Chrome.
Users > Guest
This will often load the desktop, which will let you just select Chrome or File Explorer.
Apps > Data Usage > Application Settings
Usually Application Settings is not highlighted (not selectable). I'm not sure if I even remember successfully opening Chrome via this method, though this can sometimes let you open some apps like Gmail or Maps.
Any other general and/or novel ideas on how to access files once in Settings would be appreciated!
RCA Voyager Pro
Android Version 6.0
Android Security patch level June 1, 2016
Kernel version 3.18.22 Aug 19, 2016
I had 3 cheapo RCA Voyager tablets to do, the first two were easy, but this Pro is being a problem. And here is why. Any web link I find opens up in a very restricted, no-feature, pop-up window browser. It does not let me do the normal search > Chrome to access chrome. And, what is worse, this browser does not allow access to download links.
I am in Settings. (Accessed via Highlight characters in a wifi field > Share > Gmail (Hold) > Data Usage > App Settings > Manage Accounts)
I have tried the Users > Guest > Guest trick. It doesn't work (it switches back to Owner almost immediately). Users > Owner just lets you change the User Name. Users > Add User or Profile both also just switch back to Owner upon loading.
Any ideas would be awesome.
Argh, I'm dumb! I completely missed a very obvious vector. (My memory is so bad; I had just used this method several months ago and completely forgot.)
File Explorer
Storage & USB > SD Card

