future feature - General Topics

this is just an idea for the next winmo:
with todays most winmo features that was just actually inherited from iphone, and with an issue over a capactive and resistive screen...how about a Nintendo Wii or Playstation MOVE or much better a xbox Kinect like sensor built in our devices? to use finger gesture without touching the actual screen!
i think this will become a new way of navigating, swiping, scrolling, zooming, pointing, turning pages, etch from a distance. executing commands will be a breeze with a simple finger movements. this will also lift the mobile gaming in winmo devices! this will be a cool feature and much user friendly without imitating the current iphone features. (hope that apple will not have this for their next iphone release!!)
but still...i think we will still rely on phyical keyboard or screen touching fo text input.
btw..my other winmo wish list
usb hosting capability
multi sim

front camera as motion sensor?
for programmer and developers:
regarding on my 1st post, can we use the front camera as a motion sensor?
since most phones equiped with front camera, if it can be used to detect simple finger gesture. i think it can serve as a motion sensor to do some basic action like left-right-top-down swipping without touching the screen.
if this is possible...i hope this can be a reality soon. i dont have a programming experience so i hope somebody can make a project out of this idea.

insomia said:
for programmer and developers:
regarding on my 1st post, can we use the front camera as a motion sensor?
since most phones equiped with front camera, if it can be used to detect simple finger gesture. i think it can serve as a motion sensor to do some basic action like left-right-top-down swipping without touching the screen.
if this is possible...i hope this can be a reality soon. i dont have a programming experience so i hope somebody can make a project out of this idea.
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ok, i think this gesture detection using front camera is impossible for now.
but i got a feeling, that this feature will be added in the next generation of mobile devices in the future....see you there!


Much Awaited Windows Mobile 7

The much awaited windows mobile 7 interface and all other info below
Microsoft is currently developing Windows Mobile 7, the first revolutionary change to its mobile device operating system. Recently, I was given a document by a source inside Microsoft that details the touch and gesture plans for Mobile 7.
Below, you’ll find over 3,000 words detailing my notes from the document. I can’t publish the document here, at least not until after the product is announced, to protect my sources. I will provide the document to trusted journalists in order to share and show proof of this information. If there is anything I leave out, please don’t hesitate to ask and I will try to provide a screenshot or answer.
Windows Mobile 7 will dramatically change the way we use mobile devices. It will emphasize the use of touch on the device, as well as motion gestures created by using the device. It is, absolutely, Microsoft’s effort to beat back the iPhone, and the iPhone is referenced several times in the document.
Windows Mobile 7 will use touch gestures, similar to how the iPhone does. You will be able to flick through lists, pan, swipe sideway, draw on the screen. A lot of emphasis has been put on making navigation easier and doing away with scrollbars, including a new scroll handle that allows for multiple ways of finding items extremely fast.
Windows Mobile 7 will use motion gestures, something the iPhone does not. It will not use an intricate and complicated series of gyroscopes and accelerometers. Instead, it will use the camera on the phone to detect motions and create appropriate actions. You will be able to shake, twist and otherwise manipulate the phone and get things done. The phone will be able to perform actions when placed face down on a surface, and it will know when it is in your pocket or bag.
Windows Mobile 7 will have an exciting locking screen, that will allow you to play around with it, draw on it, shake it and completely otherwise mess with it.
Windows Mobile 7 will have dramatically improved visuals, different from the iPhone and much more similar to the dark and futuristic visuals of Windows Vista. It will feature graphical transitions, subtle effects, and other things to make it more interesting to look at. This is not detailed in the document, but featured in the multitude of screenshots.
Windows Mobile 7 is designed to use the finger, not the stylus, though many devices will be required to include a stylus. It is designed to be easy to use with the hand, including one-handed, and to be fun to use and easy to understand. It is designed to be used on devices with no buttons, few buttons, lots of buttons, full keyboards, and devices without touch screens.
Windows Mobile 7 is clearly designed for better media playback, with screenshots indicating a much-improved Media Player and photo gallery application. There is talk in the document of a games mode. Mobile Internet Explorer runs full-screen web pages in a minimalistic interface, and has “tabbed” browsing, except you can switch tabs by shaking the phone.
The keyboard has been improved, but plans for a full touch keyboard, a la the iPhone, have been shelved until a future version of Windows Mobile.
Below are my detailed notes. Some of it is raw, some of it is very detailed. It is accompanied by screenshots direct from the document which show off other features planned for Windows Mobile 7.
Goals of the New User Interface.
Touch, gestures, scrolling, and direct manipulation. Also, animations, transitions, motion gestures, and codenames “Phosphur” and “Starburst”.
Goal: Finger optimized, best in class touch experience that users are comfortable with everywhere.
Requirements: simple, memorable and fun; consistent, predictable and interesting; natural movements, natural animations and transitions; and enhance the mobile experience, not degrade it.
Goal is to support hardware with buttons, hardware with buttons and touch screens, and touch screen-only devices. The Touch-only devices are specifically referenced as “iPhone compete”.
User experience requirements: consistent UI interaction across the device (up and down should always scroll up and down lists, not something else), should not be overloaded. The new UI will not be opt-in for applications, but required, so old applications will all get it. There will be a “game mode”, where games will be allowed to override the UI requirements and use similar movements for different actions, allowing games to have more complicated controls than the average app.
There will be audio and visual feedback, only where appropriate, like indicating the top and bottom of a list, which objects are touchable, and a “ring of fire” indicating where you press and hold down your finger.
Designed to be used by a finger, without a stylus. Microsoft Research is researching the size of the average fingertip/tap size. Currently, they are working with the assumption of a 7.6×7.6 millimeter fingertip size. The goal is a device that can be used almost entirely one-handed with the thumb of the hand holding the device.
There were plans to implement the Soft Input Panel (the on-screen keyboard) as a finger accessible portion of the UI (like the iPhone does), but it was cut for Windows Mobile 7.
Tap drills down in a list, but some lists will have you tab once to select, once again to drill down the list. Interface elements will be designed so there is no fear of users making a mistake and missing their target. It will be able to dynamically resize elements of the user interface, prioritizing them and making them easier to hit. Corners, like the close button, scrollbars, icons and the title bar/status bar, will all be able to grow to make things easier on the user.
A stylus will be required on devices meeting certain screen size, orientation, DPI and resolution marks. User interface elements will scale their size and be prioritized in order to make hitting them easier, especially scrollbars, corner elements, icons, the title bar and the status bar.
Touch may be the actual product name as it stands.
Gestures for scrolling (horizontal and vertical), task and menu access, press and hold controls, list items, press and drag, and launching shortcuts. The device will be able to detect finger velocity, scrolling further if the user’s finger moves faster.
They are considering the need for scroll bars when users are scrolling with gestures. Current plan is to show them on Touch devices when flicking through a list, but not show them on button-only devices when scrolling.
When a dialog is longer than the screen and needs to be scrolled horizontally, they are considering replacing the scroll bar with a visual indicator, like text fading off the edge of the screen. Pressing and holding launched the context (right-click) menu, as it does now.
By default in a list, tapping drills down items, but there will be visual and audio feedback if drilling doesn’t occur and the user is merely focusing on an item.
A stylus will be required for device makers to include, based on screen size, screen orientation, and screen resolution.
Microsoft is considering if it needs to support screens and drivers that do multi-touch, but multi-touch is not a base feature of Windows Mobile 7. Multi-finger touch is shown for cropping and rotating photos, but there is no indication if this is software based or requires multi-touch hardware.
Motion Gestures.
There will be various finger motion gestures, used for scrolling vertically and horizontally, task and menu access, pressing and holding on controls, list items, pressing and dragging, and launching shortcuts.
Some UI elements, called Spinner and Pivot, will have a gesture where you swipe them from left to right. In a Spinner, you have a single item with left and right buttons next to it, but instead of hitting the left and right buttons, you can just swipe to change the option.
There will also be motion gestures, where the user moves the device to invoke certain commands. Microsoft Research has a technology concept that uses the device’s camera as a motion sensor, enabling motion control while using the device. This means devices will not need accelerometers and other complicated gyroscopes to get these features, and that existing Windows Mobile devices could be upgraded to full Windows Mobile 7 functionality. These gestures will require the camera to be operating all the time a gesture may be used, which will affect battery life.
There would need to be support for gestures when the device is locked, including slider control, which hints at a similar locking mechanism to the iPhone. It will also support changing screen orientation when turning the device sideways, just like the iPhone does, but using the camera, not a gyroscope.
Windows Mobile 8 will support gestures in the auxiliary screen. Windows Mobile 7 will not.
Gestures shown include in music or a slideshow, shaking the phone left or right to go to the previous or next song or photo, and shaking the phone in order to shuffle it. Here’s an image, which may only be a mockup, or it is showing us what Windows Media Player will look like on Windows Mobile 7, as well as the picture viewer:
As you see, Media Player has an emphasis on album art along with other cool visual elements. Also notice the ever-present battery and signal strength indicators have been placed inside the soft key buttons at the bottom of the screen, saving screen real estate and making them a lot cooler.
Another gesture: When pressing the directional pad down in a full-screen media application, such as a photo application, you can move the device forward and backward to zoom in and out of the image.
windows mobile 7 continue
The web browser will incorporate gestures for back and forward actions. Here’s an image:
Notice the differences in Internet Explorer. The interface is simpler and much nicer, with just an address bar and go button, the web page is a desktop version, just like on the iPhone, and the browser has tabbed browsing, used by gesturing through a series of graphical thumbnails. This is very impressive.
The camera will also cause certain actions based on light sensitivity. For example, if you put your phone in your pocket or in a bag, it will shut off the screen, and can even make the ringer louder or put it on vibrate, as directed. It can also turn the screen on automatically when taking the phone out, trigger the timer on the phone’s camera when the phone is placed face down on a surface, automatically activate the camera flash based on available light, snooze the phone’s alarm when waving your hand over the phone’s camera, taking a picture when anyone walks past the phone (or any other desired action, like making a noise), or remotely connecting to other devices when the phone sees them.
Waking Up and the Lock Screen.
Here’s an example of a gesture, shaking the phone to wake it up:
The document says that gestures should be distinct, convenient, easy to use, and they should also be fun and have feedback that responds to the user’s action. They shouldn’t be hard motion, but simple jiggles or shakes, with the screen reacting to the amount of shaking, the number of shakes, that sort of thing.
An example of the screen showing a transition from the device being asleep to awake:
As you see, it’s a very nice and detailed, but subtle graphical transition. Microsoft never cared about transitions before, but it looks like Windows Mobile 7 will be different.
There’s also a part talking about allowing the user to “doodle” on the screen (their word, not mine), letting users draw doodles on the device lock screen, as well as shake the screen to affect the wallpaper (like making water run, or blurring an image). The iPhone’s lock screen is an iconic part of the device, and Microsoft wants to have a cool lock screen without copying Apple, so the plan is to give you fun things to do on the lock screen.
Here’s an image showing the user doodling. Notice the use of two fingers, hinting at software-based simple multi-touch, or perhaps the image assumes the device has multi-touch hardware?
And a screen that has been shook or doodled on:
That makes for a pretty cool locked phone.
Touch Scrolling/Flicking.
Users will be able to flick their way through lists and swipe sideways for certain actions and pivoting views. When scrolling through lists, letters are shown to indicate as the user makes his way through the alphabet, as well as the addition of a scroll bar. There will be a visual bump when reaching the end of a list.
Besides flicking up and down, the user will be able to pivot sideways between different hotlists. The user can swipe to pivot between each, tap a selection in the pivot wheel, or hit an arrow to launch a pivot selector for all available pivots.
An example of pivoting in the Recent Programs menu:
Here’s a screenshot of Outlook’s inbox:
Also shown is flicking and swiping through an unnamed maps application, based on Windows Live Maps, and flicking based on the velocity of the user’s finger. Other types of finger gestures include the use of spinners and sliders, and unrestricted omni-directional movement.
A screenshot of panning in the maps application:
Those arrows on the sides of the screen are shown as being used in all applications, including IE Mobile, to let the user know when they are panning the screen.
When hitting buttons/icons on the screen, the UI will try to prioritize items and determine which one the user wanted to hit, so users who are sloppy with their fingers will still get the desired result. It will use this smart targeting when using your finger, but not when using the stylus, a very smart design decision. When using the keyboard, the letter enlarges and appears above your finger when you hit it, just like on the iPhone. When highlighting text, a zoom/edit box appears above it to show what you are highlighting. When in full page view in IE Mobile, if you hit an area with links it will zoom in with a bubble and help you choose from the links. Observe:
Notice Word Mobile. It has the Office 2007 Ribbon, but it appears to be lifted directly from Word 2007 and far too small to be used on a mobile device. Assume that this was put in for the mockup, and not an actual application screenshot, but also assume that they are going in the direction of a Ribbon-based user interface for Office Mobile.
There is handwriting recognition listed for OneNote Mobile.
An example of a context menu, activated by pressing and holding in an area (like right-clicking on a PC):
Other examples of what Microsoft calls Press N Hold UI elements include an application launcher and a quick scroller (for quickly moving through a list with a scrollbar and the first letter of list items):
Currently, when scrolling down a screen with the directional pad, the selector moves to the bottom of the screen, then scrolls downward one item at a time. In Windows Mobile 7, the list scrolls upwards as the selector moves downwards, acting in sync so that the selector does not reach the bottom of the screen until it reaches the end of the list. This gives the user feedback on how long the list is and where the user currently is within the list.
When the user flicks to scroll within a list, a scroll handle will appear on the side. If the user touches it, the user can drag the scroll handle up and down for faster scrolling. This replaces the scroll bar. The more the handle is moved, the faster the screen will scroll. A screenshot:
Scroll bars in Windows Mobile 7 will never be part of the screen, but rather floating transparent visual elements on top of it. They will only be used when necessary.
A filmstrip view is shown, with the music filmstrip clearly showing a Zune icon with the option to purchase the song:
There are many pages showing other UI elements, including radio buttons, Spinners, sliders, text entry boxes, combo boxes, drop down menus and such, that I have left out. If anyone desperately wants to see them, let me know and I can add screenshots.
There’s a list of gestures that are being explorer and may or may not make it into Mobile 7, including a gesture to dismiss an on-screen notification by shaking it off the screen, a gesture to automatically take you to a Smart Search notification panel, turning the phone like turning a key to unlock it, Pivoting by gesturing the phone sideways, moving through lists by shaking the phone up or down, switching the camera into black and white or other modes by shaking it down, adjusting camera aperture and shutter speed by rotating the camera, sending a file by “tossing” it to another device.
I left out most of these, but if there are any more you want to see, just let me know and I will try to accommodate. Here’s the camera gesture, just because the UI is so cool:
There’s a list of list view options that are likely cut, including expandable/collapsible headers in grid view (I also didn’t cover grid view), a carousel view (sort of like a vertical pivot), scrolling one item at a time with touch, accelerometer gestures.
Windows Mobile 7 will ship in 2009, according to the document. This makes sense with the Mobile 6.1 point release that is coming around now. Hopefully, Bill Gates will announce Windows Mobile 7 at CES tonight, but if not, you now have advance notice of what is coming next year. Microsoft clearly has a lot planned to make Windows Mobile 7 the revolution it needs to be to compete with Apple, and Mobile 7 is going to bring some cool and excitement to Microsoft’s smart phones.
welcome to yesterday
A quick link to the same old story would have saficed...
this sounds so familiar...
hmmm thx for the "new" information i wouldnt have known if it wasnt for u thankyou
Did they say how many times a day it would crash and reboot itself?? lol
Sorry, I was being rude to the original poster! Thanks for the informative highlights of WM7 and I look forward to all future threads concerning this subject.
**Note** I aim saying this under direst from my wife who thinks I'm being rude....
mchapman007 said:
Sorry, I was being rude to the original poster! Thanks for the informative highlights of WM7 and I look forward to all future threads concerning this subject.
**Note** I aim saying this under direst from my wife who thinks I'm being rude....
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The documentation is really huge.... i will have to sit and sort it out ..!
if you want a peek through this , visit http://www.htcclub.net/en/shownews.php?ID=294
i just wanted to help the homies right here ...
let me know who needs further clarification
SpringfieldXD45C said:
Did they say how many times a day it would crash and reboot itself?? lol
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Well i will ask them and let you know... how many times exactly it will ... crash ...
i have a feeling these new gestures will take using (read: failing to use) the phone while drunk to new levels!
constantly using the camera as a light sensor is going to be just great for battery life......

[APP][2.2+]Assistive Zoom - One finger zoom control in any browser (ROOT) test needed

NOTE: This App is ROOT required
First time on Android device. This App allows you to send pinch to zoom in/out event on any window with JUST ONE FINGER. So when you are only one hand free, and want to zoom in a web page, Assistive Zoom can help you big time. Just hold on the floating zoom button of Assistive Zoom and move up/down to control the scale factor. This App works in any pinch to zoom enabled window or App.
Since this is my first release and due the the fragmentation of Android system, I am not sure it works on all kind of platforms. I have tested on my 2.2, 4.0, 4,1, 4.2 devices without a problem. So please help to test if it works on your device. If you experience any problem, please let me know. Also, any suggestion is welcome.
☆ Works in any pinch to zoom enabled window
☆ Floating trigger button can be disabled/enabled at anytime
☆ Control scale ration at finest level
☆ 3 styles of trigger icon to choose from
☆ Customizable triggering and zooming options
☆ Works from Froyo (2.2) to latest Jelly Bean (4.2)
(1) Playstore Link [HERE]
(2) Attachment below.
[Video By Robert Olejnik]
(1) Why it doesn't work?
Ans: This App requires root to function properly. If you are greeted by message your device is not rooted upon launching the App first time, then you probably have an unrooted device.
(2) Why webpage scales unexpectedly?
Ans: Please enable alternative pinch action
(3) Why some text on a webpage is automatically selected after scale is finished?
Ans: Please disable alternative pinch action
Amazing. Never thought it was possible. Good job. It really comes in handy when i neesnit.
convenient. I think Button Savior can also have this button.
Very convenient! Although, I suggest that the icon for the zoom could look a bit more minimal and nice looking. Other than that, it's very good!
EpiclyEpic said:
Very convenient! Although, I suggest that the icon for the zoom could look a bit more minimal and nice looking. Other than that, it's very good!
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I will add more zoom button styles in later release. If you want minimal design, there is a style called Hilo in trigger icon style. Also, you can set lower transparency value in auto dim transparency setting to make zoom button even less obstructive looking.
Great app! but one question
is there any way to change position of zoom button vertically?
nice app....really handy
fanfan-liu said:
is there any way to change position of zoom button vertically?
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currently u cant move vertically. I am still finding a good way to do it. The problem is if zoom button is not centered vertically, user will get unequal distance in either vertical direction to triggernzoom action.
Sent from my SCH-I535 using xda app-developers app
good to know no failed case for now. looks like my 2.2 to 4.2 handling is good.
Sent from my SCH-I535 using xda app-developers app
jerryfan2000 said:
currently u cant move vertically. I am still finding a good way to do it. The problem is if zoom button is not centered vertically, user will get unequal distance in either vertical direction to triggernzoom action.
Sent from my SCH-I535 using xda app-developers app
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If this is the main concern, then you will have same problem if you want to integrate this function in Button Savior.
Hi, new user to the forum and expecting my first tablet, Sony Xperia Tablet Z on Thursday.
I stumbled across this forum and thread while searching for Android apps that might be able to zoom in/out with one finger. I am a high level quadriplegic and use a capacitive mouthstick made by griffin for touchscreens since I cannot use my arms/hands/fingers. I am looking forward to seeing this app progress to the point that I can use it. Being new to tablets, I am not going to be comfortable rooting a brand new device that I have much to learn about, but maybe after a few weeks I'll be ready to experiment and help test this app.
I am just excited to see that someone is trying to develop such an app, so kudos to jerryfan2000!
fanfan-liu said:
If this is the main concern, then you will have same problem if you want to integrate this function in Button Savior.
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yes, this feature would poses some challenges to me on Button Savior if I want to make it as easy and simple to use as it is right now on Assistive Zoom. So far, the best solution I figure out is to show a separate zoom button at middle of screen upon tapping on Zoom Button on Button Savior. So that would require user to press 2 times compared to 1 touch to zoom on Assistive Zoom.
Bob422 said:
Hi, new user to the forum and expecting my first tablet, Sony Xperia Tablet Z on Thursday.
I stumbled across this forum and thread while searching for Android apps that might be able to zoom in/out with one finger. I am a high level quadriplegic and use a capacitive mouthstick made by griffin for touchscreens since I cannot use my arms/hands/fingers. I am looking forward to seeing this app progress to the point that I can use it. Being new to tablets, I am not going to be comfortable rooting a brand new device that I have much to learn about, but maybe after a few weeks I'll be ready to experiment and help test this app.
I am just excited to see that someone is trying to develop such an app, so kudos to jerryfan2000!
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It is glad to know it has potential to help you. Rooting is not as harsnor dangerous as you think. You still need to manually grant root permission to any App that requests root. And you can also unroot at any time if you need to send your device back for repair.
Sent from my SCH-I535 using xda app-developers app
Bob422 said:
Hi, new user to the forum and expecting my first tablet, Sony Xperia Tablet Z on Thursday.
I stumbled across this forum and thread while searching for Android apps that might be able to zoom in/out with one finger. I am a high level quadriplegic and use a capacitive mouthstick made by griffin for touchscreens since I cannot use my arms/hands/fingers. I am looking forward to seeing this app progress to the point that I can use it. Being new to tablets, I am not going to be comfortable rooting a brand new device that I have much to learn about, but maybe after a few weeks I'll be ready to experiment and help test this app.
I am just excited to see that someone is trying to develop such an app, so kudos to jerryfan2000!
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I think this would be great for use with mice or the S-pen, but I have 2 suggestions that would improve on it.
1: allow (homescreen) shortcuts to enable, disable, and toggle the service so it's easy to automate it with apps like tasker and GMD S-pen control.
2: undo dimming upon "mouse over"/hover for supported devices like a mouse, or Samsung airview(Note 2/8, S4)
this would make the icon easier to find if it's set to hide completely.
edit:I noticed a small problem that makes this app useless in some apps.
in opera mobile classic it only switches between zoomed out and standard(double tap) zoom states, nothing in between.
and in the image viewer built into FX File Explorer you can only switch between zoomed in completely, and zoomed out completely.
I just started testing the pro version, and find it to be a great app. It's particularly useful to me when operating my Note II with one hand.
My first suggestion is to enable faster zoom speeds.
Tis is a really great idea. I tried it for five minutes and then bought the Pro version.
Well done and very many thanks for a great app!
thedicemaster said:
I think this would be great for use with mice or the S-pen, but I have 2 suggestions that would improve on it.
1: allow (homescreen) shortcuts to enable, disable, and toggle the service so it's easy to automate it with apps like tasker and GMD S-pen control.
2: undo dimming upon "mouse over"/hover for supported devices like a mouse, or Samsung airview(Note 2/8, S4)
this would make the icon easier to find if it's set to hide completely.
edit:I noticed a small problem that makes this app useless in some apps.
in opera mobile classic it only switches between zoomed out and standard(double tap) zoom states, nothing in between.
and in the image viewer built into FX File Explorer you can only switch between zoomed in completely, and zoomed out completely.
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Both suggestions are good Idea. I will take them. I don't have s pen device but I can try mouse over with my nexus 7. I am not sure is it possible to detect mouse over in Android but I will try.
For problem with opera and image view, you can try testing again with alternative pinch fix on or off. I will also try it on my phone. But if you have discontinuous zoom problem, alternative pinch action toggle is always the first to try.
mouse-over is definitely possible on android, many websites rely on this for their menu and those websites work fine in opera mobile classic if I use a stylus or mouse.
Photoshop touch, and many Samsung apps support it through airview.
and the xtralogic remote desktop app can track the mouse cursor so the remote cursor follows the android cursor.
and I did test the different zoom methods, but there was no difference.
particularly in FX it's annoying, because it's zoom levels are so far apart and it doesn't have double-tap zoom.
Nice app!!
This is a great app - I've been looking for something like this! Works well for my GSII on Android 4.1.2. I just saw that the Pro version allows to control whether or not the zoom is shown per app, so I'm going to have to give that a try. Ideally I'd just like to have the assistive zoom for a few apps: Chrome, Evernote, etc. ...

[GAME][4.0+] Shape Rotate

Hi guys
I am a software engineering student, eager xda reader and in my (little) free time i like to mess around with my android phone. So i developed a little game over the last half year. It's called Shape Rotate.
I wanted to do a simple but new game, not another flappy bird clone. So finally i put the first version online in the playstore yesterday, here is a short description:
In my game you always see two equal shapes, in random rotations. Your task is to rotate the outer shape so that it is equally aligned to the inner one - once they are aligned equally tap the screen anywhere to get the next one. That sounds easy, but since time is not on your side (you gain some extra time every time you get the two shapes aligned identically) it gets really tricky once the shapes are not that obvious any more. The goal is to survive as long as you can.
It would be really great if you check it out, i would really appreciate feedback (or, even better: positive reviews )
Here is the playstore link: Shape Rotate in google play
It is of course free (no in-app purchases or what-so-ever), and i plan to add a lot more different shapes in the future! I attached some screenshots of the app, and i also added a demo video in the playstore description.
Great game. Has great potential to be a time waster. There does seem to be some lag between the shape changes that can prematurely end your game. Get that timing down and you've hit a home run.
As for some suggestions to add. Maybe have levels to unlock similar to an angry birds setup. In level one hand similar shapes with minimal colors, next thing to unlock, add another shape or two with an additional color. Thus making each level progressively harder.
ph37rd said:
Great game. Has great potential to be a time waster. There does seem to be some lag between the shape changes that can prematurely end your game. Get that timing down and you've hit a home run.
As for some suggestions to add. Maybe have levels to unlock similar to an angry birds setup. In level one hand similar shapes with minimal colors, next thing to unlock, add another shape or two with an additional color. Thus making each level progressively harder.
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Thx for your feedback! Regarding the lags, may i ask which device you are using?
I tested it on several devices from an I9000 to my Nexus 4. The only lag i found was that on older devices it takes some time to start the game, but once it displays the first shape i haven't found any lag :s
Yes i already thought about such a thing - creating different "shape packages" and unlocking them time after time. That is definitely a good suggestion for the future and i will soon start working on this. This now is just a first version where i wanted to check out how the game mechanics work and how people react to it.
Varjo said:
Thx for your feedback! Regarding the lags, may i ask which device you are using?
I tested it on several devices from an I9000 to my Nexus 4. The only lag i found was that on older devices it takes some time to start the game, but once it displays the first shape i haven't found any lag :s
Yes i already thought about such a thing - creating different "shape packages" and unlocking them time after time. That is definitely a good suggestion for the future and i will soon start working on this. This now is just a first version where i wanted to check out how the game mechanics work and how people react to it.
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I'm running on an N4 with KK 4.4.4 and hellscore b47, most kernel settings default.
To be sure I'm understood, I solve one shape and before the transition to the next set of shapes, there is a noticeable pause.
This is a good concept. There’s a lag also when rotating the outer shapes. Though this might be because of my slow samsung galaxy tab.
Overall, this is a good gameplay.
There should be an mp4 video to illustrate the lag.
Seems there may be an issue with the timer as well.
ph37rd said:
There should be an mp4 video to illustrate the lag.
Seems there may be an issue with the timer as well.
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hm, well it could be that what you think is a lag is actually my poor description and/or implementation?
The playing mechanics should be: you rotate the outer shape so that it is correctly aligned. IF it is so, then you tap anywhere on the screen to "submit" it. if it is correct you get the next shapes.
(The reason why it cannot "auto submit" the moment it is correctly aligned is because then it would be trivial, you would just rotate it until it snaps in - thats why you need that extra "next shape please"-tap)
The possible rotation is actually split into 12 different angles, so there are 11 different angles with which shapes can appear.
The best way to control it is to drag with a finger on the border of the screen (or use two fingers as in normal rotation gestures). you have to drag the finger a bit until the shape snaps in to the next one.
so could it be that it's because i didn't explain the intended controls enough? If so, do you have any suggestions to improve that, or how to better explain the way to play it?
really really appreciating your feedback btw :good:
Varjo said:
hm, well it could be that what you think is a lag is actually my poor description and/or implementation?
The playing mechanics should be: you rotate the outer shape so that it is correctly aligned. IF it is so, then you tap anywhere on the screen to "submit" it. if it is correct you get the next shapes.
(The reason why it cannot "auto submit" the moment it is correctly aligned is because then it would be trivial, you would just rotate it until it snaps in - thats why you need that extra "next shape please"-tap)
The possible rotation is actually split into 12 different angles, so there are 11 different angles with which shapes can appear.
The best way to control it is to drag with a finger on the border of the screen (or use two fingers as in normal rotation gestures). you have to drag the finger a bit until the shape snaps in to the next one.
so could it be that it's because i didn't explain the intended controls enough? If so, do you have any suggestions to improve that, or how to better explain the way to play it?
really really appreciating your feedback btw :good:
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I may not have read it if you wrote it. When initially testing something like this I go for intuitive. The extra tap isn't.
What about doing the the auto next based on a touch release. You know when the shape is being rotated, the screen is being touched. Can you detect when a finger is removed? There would be no more rotation and wouldn't allow just spinning randomly to get it to snap as you describe.
Looking it up it's called a touch event using MotionEvent class with ACTION_DOWN and ACTION_UP
ph37rd said:
What about doing the the auto next based on a touch release. You know when the shape is being rotated, the screen is being touched.
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That is actually a quite interesting suggestion! I tried it out, and it feels kind of nice. it also makes the game easier, maybe i have to reconsider the additional time gain... I created a debug build, would be nice if you would download and try it and tell me what you think ( you have to deinstall the appstore version first, since this one is signed with my local debug key)
It now checks the correct alignment each time you lift your finger from the screen.
Edit: i think that is a gamebreaker because it makes the game way to easy. you just have to swipe very quickly on the border, and due to the "auto" check you always get the alignment correct very quickly.
another version would be this one. here it is also checked on touchUp but if the alignment is wrong it jumps back in the initial state. that makes it even a bit harder, but also requires more focus and looking.
what do you think?
OK, going to leave this one up to you. I didn't catch a difference between the two in how they play. The first one appears to be snappier and jerky, as opposed to the second one being smoother and slower.
Either way, you nailed what I was saying. What do you think? I think this is far more intuitive. Now you just need to figure out the levels of difficulty.
The ultimate would be to have the shapes and colors auto generated with random attributes. You would not have to map anything out, the app would automagically create them.
Ok i found some issues that caused the touch input to be way to sensitive or way to unresponsive - that fixed i got some feedback that the overall control is way better now (especially on high res devices).
ph37rd said:
Either way, you nailed what I was saying. What do you think?
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I still like the idea, but it brings some new issues that i need to figure out. Once you got the current control mechanism people don't think to much about it - so i'm not quite sure if it is really that much benefit. I will test that out over the next iterations and try gathering more feedback (about the current control and about how much people think it's good/bad).
ph37rd said:
The ultimate would be to have the shapes and colors auto generated with random attributes. You would not have to map anything out, the app would automagically create them.
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That is the second big point on my todo list. but i don't really know how to start.
The best way that comes to my mind is to define different "base shapes" that are then just colored randomly. but that again would require alot of different base shapes to keep up a good variety?
at the moment i add hand drawn shapes with each update (around 170 now and using .gif its not that of a size problem anymore)

Feature Requests - (I see you essential team)

Since you guys peruse here and reddit.
-Stay awake while reading/holding
The same way the sony xperia series detects the phone is upright and being held, delays the screen time out.
- Setting to adjust the bottom round corner overlays
There two overlays at the bottom of the screen. Would be great to add some setting stop adjust.
-Hide Navbar
Similar to the GS8 That give you granular control over when it's hidden.
-Auto Pin unlock
Again the on the xperia series, the check mark is removed, so once you put the correct pin the phone accepts and unlocks.
More to come....
So most of the things suggested above are actually pretty gimmicky, imo.
Only thing I miss coming from other phones is gesture support for things like camera and flashlight with screen off. Double tap power for camera works fine, but no way to get to flashlight without turning the screen on, pulling down quick toggles, and clicking flashlight. Maybe holding down the volume down button with screen off?
Moto has the best gestures, then oneplus, then everyone else. Unfortunately, there is hardware support required for these to work without killing the battery, so totally understand if we never get gestures like these.
Those are pretty lame requests.. Essential runs AOSP.
A request that are needed & needs addressing:
- manual mode for camera
- hdr auto toggles the flash on??
- release system images already
- beta program/Oreo
- timely security updates (just getting October?)
- fix touch issues and scrolling
- fp scanner causing lockups
Let's get the OS polished and working better before we add more features
tlxxxsracer said:
Those are pretty lame requests.. Essential runs AOSP.
A request that are needed & needs addressing:
- manual mode for camera
- hdr auto toggles the flash on??
- release system images already
- beta program/Oreo
- timely security updates (just getting October?)
- fix touch issues and scrolling
- fp scanner causing lockups
Let's get the OS polished and working better before we add more features
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I mean, those requests of yours are already what they're doing, and bug fixes. So like duh list.
As for essential running aosp. They do, and they are already adding stuff on top.
The elegant solution for the status bar is to run devices in full screen, then manually
bring back the nav bar and status bar. So options for that would just be additional to what they are doing.
The rounded corners. They are already overlaying black corners on top. So options for that would just be additional to what they are doing.
Double click power button for cam isn't aosp last I checked.
So hence "feature requests" not just another list asking for "do it faster". :good:
Fix the camera.
Show us you can do this and smash the naysayers. Please don't just throw in the towel and let companies like Razer come in and show you up.
I would like Oreo like everyone else, but keep the guns pointed at the cameras.
There's seriously no rush to race to Essential phone 2.
You have reduced the price and now have the stage yet again. (Not to mention a ton of dedicated customers waiting with faith and phone in hand. )
Seize the moment an knock it out of the park.
This is the perfect time for you to take gobs of consumers away from the Pixel line. Google is against the ropes with its own set of issues.
Now that your price is set where margins are thin, its time to prove your name. Fix the camera and move units like crazy to get it in as many hands as possible.
Essential Phone 2 will help when you user base confidently upgrades ans recommends your product.
I bought an Essential phone for tight finish. (Software & Hardware)
Oreo will clean up a lot of peoples wants.
Again though, make the hardware work to it full potential.
Essential, you put yourself in this position with Stock android promises coupled with exceedingly high end hardware.
If I wanted bells/whistles with headaches, I would have zero troubles finding and OEM for that.
I essentially want you to focus on the hardware and leverage what you have to a higher standard and level.
Fix the EIS
Bring the camera levels to LG G6 results since the parts are the same.
Fix the Camera Icon (The only one you created) - Its ridiculously amateur and sticks out like a sore thumb.
Keep up the AMA's
Stay focused and steady.
Don't just kick the can down the road.
Another point:
I feel you should point out and lean your American roots. Lots of consumers purchase phones from offshoot companies that are created outside of the USA. Subsequently, many of them have been busted by running data collecting and or malicious algorithms.
You will not have more attention than you do now. Get cracking on it and show us what your made of.
Show us you can do this!
I agree totally with Maven1975 this phone is an awesome piece of equipment, I think that the weak link is the stock camera app and the way it processes the photos taken (compression) I have been able to take some pretty good looking photos with the stock app, but both The GCam port and FV-5 take far better pics but why?
Over the past year I owned the G6 which took some really nice pics, I sold it to purchase the S8 which took some amazing pics but I just couldn't deal with the UI of either of those phones even with the themes and the S8 wasn't user friendly for myself because of how I hold a phone I need me some side bezels with how I hold phones. I ended up getting the U11 and I love HTC and the UI but the phone was "big" but it took the best pictures out of the three.
Then the Essential PH-1 came out with it's awesome form factor and amazing quality and design I figured hey it has the same image sensor as the G6 with newer hardware and dual camera setup I bought into the"Image Fusion" hype and figured the photos should be somewhere in between the G6 and U11
Fix the camera, give us a Pro/Manual Mode and Release the System Image
I love stock Android, so keep the updates quick and the owners of this high quality phone will be some of your best advertisement "bang for the buck"
Become part of the development community and make this a "flash happy" phone ..... I come from a time when the HTC Hero had so many options for flashing different roms and apps it was so pleasing make the Essential PH-1 an ICON like the Hero

Honor 10 Change for Better- Share your Thoughts with Honor and Win an Honor 10

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Leave a comment below telling us your favorite things about the Honor 10 for your chance the win a prize! One lucky user will be selected to win a new phone. Ten others will be selected at random for the lucky draw. We will be accepting comments until June 7 2018. Comments should say what you like about the phone, or what issues you think need to be improved.
This is part of Honor's Change for Better campaign, as they work to improve their products by listening to our community. So keep in mind, Honor will be here to read your comments and see how users are getting along with their new phone.
First Prize: Honor 10
Lucky Draw: Honor Accessories (Bluetooth Earphones, Selfie Stick Ect.)
Rules: Irrelevant, abstract or meaningless massages are not valid.
Sorry for the delay, the results are in!
Grand Prize Winner: Tamil15 wins an Honor 10
Lucky Draw Winner: Genoxis wins a Bluetooth headset from Honor
Hi Honor Team,
Thanks for this wonderful opportunity to share our thoughts on Honor 10. So after 15 days of usage with Honor 10, here i will be sharing my full thoughts on Honor 10 with what all features will be improved and fixed with updates & what the users will be expecting in Future Honor Products.
*An unique design, Undoubtedly one of the best designs in smartphones of 2018 with Spectrum colourized back panel with Aluminium frame and placement of Fingerprint, Cameras, Speaker, Sim tray & Volume buttons, No complaints whatsoever.
*Having 5.84inch includes Notch with 19:9 aspect ratio its compact and weight less!
Rating:- 4.8/5
Future Product Design:-
*An unique design same as Honor 10 with multiple color options would be really great.
*As far as display goes, its rich and vivid. Under the sunlight a vast improvement from the previous phones like Honor 8 Pro. Color Accuracy and auto-brightness works like charm, having different screen modes is a nice to have feature, so good job!
Rating:- 4.4/5
For Next Version:-
*Being a flagship competitive smartphone, i would like to see honor introducing a AMOLED Screens or at least Super LCD displays for rich color and great viewing angles!
*Basically am not a gaming user, so with my usage with Honor 10 4gb/128gb with March 2018 Patch, i found a little here and there lag and little ram consumption at the background , i know these things will be fixed in future updates.!
Rating:- 4.5/5
For Next Version:-
*Please given an option to use SD card in 2nd sim slot, it could be a welcome option for many users since most of them stores/shoots lots of media's where an option to use SD card on 2nd Sim Slot will be handy in many situations.!
*Also i want honor to consider about its own cloud storage to give users an unlimited storage of their media's like Google Photos.
*Having 3400mah with SUper Charging its fine, standby timing is also great. On 15+ days with Honor 10, While normal usage like camera, or browsing phone gets heated up due to which battery backup is just fine, and again these can be fixed in upcoming updates, so no worries.!
*SuperCharge, hats off to it, really works beyond as it was advertised! a great job!
Rating:- 4.4/5
For Next Version:-
Introduce max 4000mah with Supercooling technology for heating problems.
Audio & Speaker:-
*A single speaker, does a fantastic job - it's loud and clear. With Stock music player consists of more options for headphones is great plus and Music player design and animations, Man, I love it!
Rating:- 4.8/5
For Next Version:-
*Even with Single speaker Honor 10 was awesome.! So i would like to see Honor coming up with dual stereo speakers, Hi-fi Quad DAC or Dolby etc. May be with the front firing speakers with notch design, it will be a great treat!
AI Camera & Video:-
*So here comes the most innovative part in Honor 10, AI - For all the ages thats what i will call.!
*With AI or Without AI - Pictures were deep with details, Fast Focusing, AI Scene detection was picture perfect in every clicks whether the picture with AI or not or even Monochrome, awesome work.!
Front Camera:-
*It's a 24MP with beauty options as well as portrait option. But its not upto the mark as of now because beauty options needs to controlled more by the user instead of automatic handling, pictures look more artificial like shiny or more brightness around the faces, especially eyes & cheeks.
*More importantly the portrait selfie mode works good but when two persons taking a selfie portrait picture means it just blurred second person or whoever behind the person who clicks for a selfie. This need to be fixed as soon as possible because you can't take a group portrait with all persons.!
*Video clarity is awesome and H265 Coding option comes in handy. But the audio clarity is not upto the mark, improvisation is much needed with update. For Videos user must need to have Tripod or else it will be shaky!
Rating:- 4.4/5 Hopefully with bug fixes in Front Cam
For Next Version:-
*Being a flagship competitive phone, atleast in next version, Please do have OIS, EIS & Fixed Focus for Shooting Videos.!
*Honor 10 packed with right specs with great build quality but it missed out the important factors like OIS or EIS (I hope it can be enabled with updates may be!)
*Super Slow Motion, Reverse video options etc.
*Instead of 24Mp Shooter on the front, i would rather go with dual 8Mp or 12Mp with Wide angle, aperture mode.! so which gives users a more control over bokeh modes as well.
*First of all i would like to thank and appreciate Honor for launching devices with latest Android Versions.
*So with EMUI 8.1.0 along side Android Oreo 8.1.0 with NPU & Kirin 970, great performance and a competitive one against the ODDS.!
*From Picture in Picture mode, Navigation gestures, Clean System UI.
1. Themes:-
*Being a Theme developer, am completely disappointed with EMUI 8.1.0, i don't know why these changes happened , EMUI is famous for more customization but even a simple things like notification panel icons, settings menu icons can't be themed as of now. a completed disaster i hope Honor will reconsider to enable full customization like it was in EMUI 5.1/8.0.
2. Removal of Stock Message app:-
*As a theme developer i don't like this option but as a user i love google messenger app.!
3. Navigation Gesture:-
*A must have feature and i hope more options like tap, double tap options will be enabled in future updates!
4. Face Unlock:-
*It's super fast, works great! it works even upside down i dont know its a bug or it tends to work in that way as well.!
5. FingerPrint:-
*A controversial placement, i personally i love it but many users still prefers at the back.!
*Ultrasonic fingerprint it works well in wet hands, its fast but there is a half second delay now & there and setting up takes a lot of time compare to fingerprint sensors at the back, hopefully it will be fixed soon.
6. Notch:-
*Notch! Notch! an option to off and on, but disabling it in LCD Screen won't be good rather i will have my Notch On.!
7. Notification:-
*Lockscreen notification expansion, a must have feature but it's removed i don't know why!?
please enable in future updates.!!
Rating:- 4.4/5
For Next Version:-
*Water resistant and Shatterproof with gorilla glass would be really handy.!
*LockScreen Notification Light, it's too tiny to view the glow, hope it will be taken care in future devices.!
*Huawei Home Launcher:- It's superb, with an option to enable app drawer,widgets more importantly Google Now integration etc but in the same way why can't Huawei introduce features of Nova Launchers or Action Launchers,i hope these things will be considered in future.
**So over all Honor 10, a complete smartphone in every aspects and wins against the ODDs thanks to AI, Of course there is a few misses but some misses but those things can be fixed in updates and other misses will be repacked in future devices.
Honor AI - An Living Innovation
Huawei - We Build Smiles
I am a great fan front mounted fingerprint so in every aspect Honor 10 fulfilled.
I have seen how Honor fixes Bugs or Providing updates even it's delayed so not worrying about the updates.!
Things to get improved:-
* Please include EIS (in reception video 1080 60fps and more stability)
* With AI and NPU improve performance generality
* Front Camera with beauty or without beauty mode needs to get improved in Honor phones which launched recently.
Yes, add more settings and changer DPI. Improve performance and fluidity , Honor 10 have microlag and thermaltrottling is very High pls fix it...
I really like the Honor 10, especially because of the really good overall performance and the battery life.
Also, the quick charge feature is way faster than most other phones I have used. I have no problem with the notch and I absolutely love the face unlock (I don't even use the fingerprint sensor anymore because it is so fast).
On the other hand, maybe include an AMOLED screen the next time since you see the space next to the notch slightly glowing even when off (typical for LCD). Additionally, the fingerprint sensor tends to be a bit slow, which is why I now only use the face unlock.
All in all, this is a really great phone for the value!
This seems like a great device! I like it because it has fast charge, a good camera, and AI.
To top it off, there is a sweet design (Aurora Glass Design) on the back, and it looks amazing!
It is a great phone for the price!
One thing I would change personally would be to move the fingerprint sensor to the back, and to add an AMOLED or OLED screen.
I feel like moving the fingerprint sensor to the back would give more space for more screen.
this goes for everyone else
especially with the track record that most devices get abandoned by their creators in a year or two...
complete and timely open source code release for everything, at the same time as it is widely released on devices in most peoples hands. not just because of gpl, but because it is the right thing to do so interested community members can start learning to provide some support from the beginning and beyond.
along the same theme, full support for standards like Treble with A/B partitioning and unlockable bootloaders, and that of course the hardware, including camera, should all function just as well with a generic AOSP image for those who prefer a stock or alternative experience.
hardware that can support standards around VR / AR as it so frustrating to find a phone just misses a small requirement in some area to not support these, like accel / gyro, nfc, high resolution screens... and headset jacks so you can enable fm radio (obviously useful in case of emergency).
along with the hardware theme, user replaceable batteries, because others have figured out how to do it and keep water protection, so can you. it is much easier to carry a spare little battery that can be swapped in vs being able to tease someone with an older phone who basically has it connected to a big battery pack all the time. bonus points if you choose to be environmentally friendly and have some sort of cross phone model "standard size" user swappable battery.
that covers most issues with most phones, hope that helps.
I love the color! Honor Is number one in beauty
and its quick and fast.
I'm on board with everyone else.
Regardless of these being high, midrange and even on budget phones.
There's no reason not to have EIS or OIS. I would rather have
1 really really good camera with OIS then multiple lens without it.
Honor smartphones are truly smart and innovative. Its own Hisilicon Kirin 970 processor is really fast and good. But in most cases its lags behind the latest Snapdragon 845 processor. Although the Kirin 970 is best for machine learning or artificial intiligence(AI) as it have a better NPU but still now software advances are not upto that mark to use its potential fully rather than camera and basic face recognition tasks for better picture quality, face unlock features, etc. Snapdragon 845 on the other hand provides Qualcomm Audio equilizer and support for EIS and OIS. So I would just suggest if at least EIS or OIS is provided. Also the video recording supports only upto 30fs and does not support 4k recording and slow motion which is very demanding and easily available in the price segment. Looks and feel of this smartphone is decent. And I really appreciate the front mounted fingerprint sensor as its really handy. Display also could have been better though.
Thank u.
As much as i want to give my own point of view, i don't have any honor device and don't think i can avoid one, at least not with my country economic crises and insane high naira/dollar exchange rate. Well with the review and comment have read, it such a great and beautiful device. i will surely appreciate it if i can get one. Thanks.
Honor 10 phone provides 32-bit audio, and a fine tuned equalizer, which the OnePlus totally misses on. Apart from the megapixel count, the Honor 10 clearly has a better camera as well, being the first to bring dual cameras to the mainstream market.
Even without the Leica branding like its siblings, Honor phones have amazing cameras and photography software.
This phone comes with an option to remove the navigation bar, and (one step ahead of the Never Settler) provides an option to use it's front mounted under-glass fingerprint sensor to navigate. Better than on screen gestures (also provided), in my opinion.
Hopefully I win!
I have never won a giveaway before, but here it goes!
What I like to see from the Honor 10 is the move to Stock Android as opposed to using EMUI. This is subjective, but I prefer stock android as it is the most optimized and speed efficient.
I also would like the Honor 10 to have a better camera than its predecessors. Since it's supposed to be the latest and greatest!
If not the move to EMUI. Then I would love software support to the latest android os. If Android P gets released. Then I hope that Huawei implements it quickly .
Bottom Line: THe Honor 10 looks like a beautiful device that I would love to have! The Ai camera seems like an excellent feature to have. I hope the camera takes great pictures.
Thank you for hosting this giveaway!
Need More Space....)!
The one and only demand from my side is "NEED MORE SPACE".
128 GB is not enough for camera lovers like me."CHEES" "SMILE" "SHOOT"
Hope the day will come and I can see 256...
[email protected]@n
Favorite things about Honor 10-
Camera- With 24MP+16MP Dual AI Camera and F1.8 wide Aperture, Camera enables professional and amateur photographers to take clear and crisp images.
AI feature-Real-time Recognition of 500+ Scenarios in 22 Categories, even Honor V10 is doing well under 13 categories but Honor 10 has really gone a step forward.
Huawei Super Charging - Don’t need to hang the phone to wall charger to get that full juice.
Aurora Glass Design - looks stunning. The new Aurora glass design reflects vivid colors from different angles. Simply WOW. (Have seen glass design on my Honor 8 and I feel like switching back to Honor 8 from my Honor V10 sometime due to looks)
The colours- Phantom Blue and Phantom Green, Huawei is really serious on the looks and inching a step forward with every launch.
Ultrasonic Under Glass Fingerprint Sensor -The ultrasonic fingerprint sensor under the glass for fast unlock (even with wet hands)
Things that can improve this (or in fact any other Honor/huawei phones) further-
Implementation of EIS/OIS.
Things I like :
The most important thing I like about Honor 10 is its screen to body ratio.Its can be held in hand with ease and have bigger screen.Initially I was hater of Notch but now I see why its being introduced in the latest devices.It gives maximum screen to body ratio (others may have different opinion).
Its battery optimization is one of the plus point for this device.Its juice gives me two days of usage time.
Its symmetry amazes me it has nice design with good look.
I love the health app included in the phone simple yet efficient.
Things need to improve:
The back camera is great in most of the scenarios but it need to improve its AI integration.While taking photos in low light with AI enabled the quality of photos is not good as compared to normal mode.
Front camera need to be improved a lot while taking photos in low light . Please give us an option to disable beauty mode in front camera not every one likes it.
I think portrait mode is not working as desired in Honor 10.Its not blurring the surroundings .
Please fix the bluetooth connectivity issues . I cant connect my Honor 10 with Honor bluetooth headphones its not visible even while searching for headphones.If you need any more specific logs I am glad to help .
Also include option to scan QR code from the camera itself which is available in older EMUI versions.Currently its buried deeply into the system settings .
I would also like to have AMOLED screens in the upcoming models.
Its network reception is not upto the mark in congested regions I will be happy if this includes Network+ option like in EMUI 4 which increases network stability.
Also enable type of network connection made(like 2G,3G,4G/LTE) by the device on the top of network bars .
Even though we have finger print sensor to unlock I like to have double tap to wake the screen .Currently just to check notifications or time we need to unlock the screen.But if we have DT2W it wont be the case.
I know above three options can be enabled by a simple build prop edit which I made in my older devices. But I want them to include in the core.
In addition to above
I would like to have
1.Slow motion setter
2.Square cut
3.Auto enhancement based on surrounding as it has AI and NPU
4.Extreme zoom
5.HDR+ mode
6.Low light enhancement
7.Auto noise cancellor.
8.Setting up aspect ratio with different resolution
9.Photo scanner to digitalize printed old photos.
10.Gif animation creator after shooting burst photos.
11.Slow motion setter
12.Frame rate setting while shooting videos
I love the shining color of this phone, the fact that has a fingerprint on the front, a very good camera implemented with AI perfectly , the hideable notch (remains in all apps), a face unlock and a headphone jack..YESS. The price is perfect for its performace!! For me the AI technology should be implemented for other things (not only for the camera). Should be improved even the battery ( i think can be solved with an update) and the gestures with the fingerprint sensor that sometimes does not recognize it. Loving this phone, want to have it!! Thanks for reading!!
I like AI camera & the color spectrum on the back panel.
i Have Honor 7 I like all of it
honor 10 is the best update of me
Likes : *AI* cameraaa , Honor design <3 and Battery :victory:
want to improve : Photo Processing , display ppi density and move fingerprint in back again for more features :cyclops:
I really like the look of this phone.
The screen looks amazing, and the fact that I can still use a fingerprint unlock.
I'm not a fan of the notch, but I have not yet had the opportunity to use a phone for any length of time with a notch, so hopefully this will give me that chance
Huawei is an uprising brand in the world of technology. If they Keep working like this soon people will forget that Samsung Exist
Things to be added:
AOD (Always on Display)
More Fingerprint gestures.
Better Pro Camera Shot (At Average for now)
Support for more PPI and Screen Scales
The things that I
Like the Most:
Battery 3400 mAh Hell enough to get through the day
Fast Charge
Storage and RAM
Processing with new generation processors
The Latest Android
& The cool dimensions and shape of the phone

