[Q] [q] HTC HD7 PRO POLL - Windows Phone 7 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Should HTC design, manufacture, and distribute an HTC HD7 PRO?

Of course!

We don't even know what the HD7 is yet. How can we say there should be a "Pro" model?!?!
Although I do think there should be a "360 Supreme-Oh" or "360 Extreme-Oh" model. This would allow it to be used as a controller for an XBOX360 AND also automatically dispense 2 slices of bacon whenever you complain about there being no cut & paste.

I think screens are big enough and with new typing softwares such as swype, doubled with a sensitive and smooth capacitive touch screen, there isn't really a need for a tactile keyboard. That's just because Im comfortable with using the on-screen keyboard.

lavike said:
We don't even know what the HD7 is yet. How can we say there should be a "Pro" model?!?!
Although I do think there should be a "360 Supreme-Oh" or "360 Extreme-Oh" model. This would allow it to be used as a controller for an XBOX360 AND also automatically dispense 2 slices of bacon whenever you complain about there being no cut & paste.
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I like this idea.

Sure. Why the hell not (even though we actually don't know what the HD7 is yet)?

I have played with the EVO and I don't like 2 things about it. 1. I don't like Android. The look and feel of the operating system on the phone you can not do as much with as with Windows Mobile, as customizing it and hacking it. 2. The capacitive screen. You either have to use your fingers or a special stylus to do anything. If you are wearing any type of gloves, you have to take them off. That really sucks in the friged winter, if you either want to do anything with the phone or need to do anything. Now all you Android fans, don't bash me for stating this. This is my own personal opinion. I am not bashing Android. All I am saying is that (I DON'T LIKE ANDROID). Notice I said ( I ). If you like it, that's fine. I know a lot of people who have the EVO, and I have also recomended it for a few people. I also want a phone that has a keyboard like my TP2. From the voting that has been done so far, I am not the only one who feels that HTC should have a PRO version of their phones, AKA physical keyboard phones.

theomni said:
I think screens are big enough and with new typing softwares such as swype, doubled with a sensitive and smooth capacitive touch screen, there isn't really a need for a tactile keyboard. That's just because Im comfortable with using the on-screen keyboard.
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Bu WinPho 7 won't have swype which makes me a sad panda.

I am hoping that HTC builds a monster of a phone with awesome specs and a sliding keyboard soon.

5 inches + FULL qwerty pls

HTC pro 7
apparently its only going to be a sprint exclusive

^ photos look great. Specs not so great, rather a slap in the face.

chizzwhizz said:
apparently its only going to be a sprint exclusive
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This one is HTC 7 Pro, Not HD7 PRO. So sad!

From what I have seen for the results of the Poll, the majority of people want an HTC HD7 PRO phone. The HTC 7 Pro will most likely make it to Sprint, but wether or not the HTC HD7 will make it to Sprint is unknown at this time. I said before that if we want HTC & Sprint to bring a phone to market, then we should E-Mail Dan Hesse at Sprint to show him that we are Very Interested in a specific type of phone. We should E-Mail him to let him know that we WANT! the HTC HD7 PRO. E-Mail him. His E-Mail address is [email protected] to show him that we ARE INTERESTED in the HTC HD7 PRO. If enough of us get together and E-Mail him, then our collective voice will be heard.

Ever think there might be technical/cost reasons why they won't do a HD7 Pro? The HD7 is the top-spec WP7 handset (actually, isn't it the highest spec phone currently announced?) so I doubt it's quite as simple as just strapping a keyboard to the back. There'll be size, weight and cost restrictions to consider.

Hopefully this is the HTC HD7 PRO that could come to Sprint.
If so, I hope that it comes very very soon.

Mr.Sir said:
Bu WinPho 7 won't have swype which makes me a sad panda.
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Let's throw a "yet" in there seeing as how we never know what's going to happen in the coming months.
Then again, if this Windows Phone 7 keyboard is as awesome as it seems, we may never need Swype. XD
gd761 said:
Hopefully this is the HTC HD7 PRO that could come to Sprint.
If so, I hope that it comes very very soon.
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The title is a typo. There is no such thing as the HTC HD7 Pro. That's just the HTC 7 Pro.
A huge 4.3" phone with a slide-out keyboard would make for a rather large phone. I suppose it could reach a certain demographic. I think it may be a bit too big for my tastes.

To prjkhack;
If you had checked out the link, it states there that it is an early prototype of the HTC HD7 PRO. So what you are saying is that not only the title of the link is wrong, but also the contents of the article. We should just wait and see. If it is an early prototype, then the chances of it really coming to market are good. HTC would not have made a prototype just to waste money. There was a reason why they made an early prototype of the HTC HD7 PRO. The reason is most likely that HTC knows that either there is a demand or will be a demand for it. There are many of us that want and need a physical keyboard, and there are the ones who do not want the physical keyboard at all. As I had said in the past, we have to let Sprint, or what ever other provider you have, and HTC know that we as their customers WANT certain features built into their phones. Both us and them know that it is something that can be done, since it has been done by them before. It is not like we are asking for HTC to build something totaly unrealistic.
As for everyone else;
We shal hope that this is something that will make it to market very very soon. Hopefuly, HTC would keep a lid on it and just suprise us all and release the HTC HD7 PRO for a Christmas release for Sprint.

I like how the voting is going on this. So, please keep voting.

I hope you can also run windows mobile on this device...i would buy it..if its only win7 it would be sad..


Successor to htc touch pro2

As we have seen and heard all about the new HTC HD2, most of us really like this phone or love this phone. We want this phone for our own likes. Some like it for the looks, some like it just because it is the latest and greatest, some like it but want it to have a keyboard, and there are the ones that agree with all these reasons and more. Well here is another HTC phone that we can all talk about and send an E-Mail to [email protected] asking for SPRINT TO GET THIS PHONE! http://htcpedia.com/news/hd3-is-goin...-the-line.html Check this phone out and yu decide for yourself on how much you WANT this latest phone from HTC to come to SPRINT. Send an E-Mail to [email protected] telling him how much and how bad you want this phone, and wether or not you also would like it with or without a keyboard. We had a choice between the HTC TOUCH PRO & HTC TOUCH DIAMOND. Now we have a choice between the HTC TOUCH PRO2 & will later be able to also choose the HTC TOUCH DIAMOND2. If SPRINT can get the HTC HD2 & HTC HD2 PRO from HTC because enough of their customers are asking for these, then it also would be that we can have SPRINT convince HTC to manufacture both the HTC HD3 & HTC HD3 PRO. So, again I say let's all send an E-Mail to [email protected] telling him that we SPRINT CUSTOMERS WANT THESE PHONES!
But I don't want these phones. I just got my Touch Pro 2. I'm a wierdo in that I don't buy a new phone every 3 weeks in order to keep up with the latest and greatest. At some point I have to call it quits and stick with whatever it is I have for a while. If they build it, I will not come.
Another issue is that I very seriously doubt that emails left with some Sprint exec are going to convince HTC to build the HTC NON-AMATEUR HD-12 or whatever it is you want them to invent.
I am glad that you read this post. You are entitled to your opinion. What you don't realize is that we can talk to these people and if enough of us do that, then they will talk to the manufacture in responce to the mass requests from the customers "US" who are the reason for them to have their jobs and also to justify their positions.
Anyone that has an opinion about this matter wether positive or negitive is entitled to let that be heard. So, everyone please post your opinion here. If you agree with me, then just send an E-Mail to [email protected] and also let him know what you think. The people who disagree, you can also send an E-Mail and explain why you don't want that phone.
[stupid duplicate post removed]
gd761 said:
What you don't realize is that we can talk to these people and if enough of us do that, then they will talk to the manufacture in responce to the mass requests from the customers "US" who are the reason for them to have their jobs and also to justify their positions.
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What you don't seem to realize, besides the fact that spelling things correctly is likely to make a better impression upon those executives you're trying to convince, are several factors:
- There is no evidence that Sprint has ever really listened to their user base irrespective of how vociferous or well-grounded their howls of protest may be. See, for example, the 21,352 threads about Windows Mobile 6.5 on the Touch Pro 2. Other examples include many months of disabled GPS on the Mogul, and so on.
- An executive who gets even several hundred emails requesting a particular extant device may very well presume that those represent a majority of everyone who wants it. They need to sell way more than that. The exec will listen to the company's research department, not emails.
- Emails demanding that one company somehow force another company to create and manufacture a device that does not currently exist are simply not going to carry any weight at all. At a level where developing a device costs millions, that's not how businesses work.
In short, I think this is, like every other internet petition, a complete and utter waste of time.
Worse, it distracts from current real issues with the phones we actually have in our hands. I'm not personally convinced that, for example, a letter-writing campaign about the broken Bluetooth on the Touch Pro 2, will do any good at all. However, it's a real problem with a real device for which we've paid real money and which has real consequences for for the day-to-day usability of the devices. Some would argue that it violates the implied contract of usability ("it has Bluetooth!") made when we bought the phones, since many people are unable to hang up through Bluetooth, obviating any real utility to the feature.
Any energy devoted to writing emails to Sprint execs would be better-spent asking them to live up to their obligations with respect to devices they're currently selling rather than non-existent devices that, based on past experience, they'll break and never fix in the future.
The sucessor to MY Touch Pro 2 must have Windows Mobile 7 out of the box and the speed to run it.
msh441 said:
The sucessor to MY Touch Pro 2 must have Windows Mobile 7 out of the box and the speed to run it.
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What? For some reason you harbor some doubt that if Sprint sells it with 6.5 with a promise of an upgrade they might not provide such an upgrade?
mstevens said:
But I don't want these phones. I just got my Touch Pro 2. I'm a wierdo in that I don't buy a new phone every 3 weeks in order to keep up with the latest and greatest. At some point I have to call it quits and stick with whatever it is I have for a while.
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I've owned the Motorola Select 2000e (literally the size of a brick), Motorola Timeport, Motorola Rizr z3, HTC Herald (Wing), HTC Touch Pro 2. Don't think I didn't want the devices in between them, but I agree, I'm eyeballing the HTC HD2 with double the horsepower of the Touch Pro 2 and God knows what the folks here on XDA will dream up for it but at some point you have to jump in with both feet and accept the reality like buying a PC the moment you do, your device is an instant relic. We also have to face the reality that whether contract, no contract and/or unlocked it won't be cheap. Yes, T-Mobile reduced the price of the TP2 from $349.99 to $269.99 to pave the way for the HD2 but at what cost. At what cost to any device as we move forward?
I have screen protectors, "Body Gloves" and 8GB memory cards; if I can't sell my devices in mint condition on eBay or Craigslist for what I paid for my devices I'll cry!!! I can sell my TP2 for $300; good luck selling my Dell Axim for even a $100.
Okay, the Snapdragon is twice as fast as my device, but what does that mean; twice as fast at what; opening my emails or my programs? I play Chess; now the day they make a program which I can give voice commands and type a document "vocally" as fast I type on a keyboard; then let's talk! Until then, I pout at what might have been.
I'm glad to see that there are both sides of this issue being discussed. I had also originally started out with a brick for a phone and had went smaller and smaller until the idea of using the phone for more than just making phone calls. I had the original HTC TOUCH and was happy with it for a while. I had quickly got very tired of using the onscreen keyboard, and wished that I could get a keyboard. I started looking for a new phone. The HTC TOUCH PRO was what I was going to get for an upgrade, so while I was waiting for the date that I could upgrade my phone I had found the HTC TOUCH PRO2 and really loved what I saw. At the time when I saw this, it was not even released from HTC anywhere. What I saw was leaked to the internet. there were people who also did not believe that would make it's way to market, but here it is. While waiting for my upgrade date, I had upgraded my wifes phone to the HTC TOUCH PRO. She was totally against that, but I did that for her anyway. Now she just loves it and can not live without having a keyboard on her phone. I told ter that I was going to upgrade my HTC TOUCH and she was not too happy with that, but once she had gotten used to her new phone, she was not against that idea except for one thing, the price. I told her that she did not have to worry since I would pay for it all from my side money, so then she was in agreement. My HTC TOUCH had quite a few problems with freezing and random rebooting, and some times I had to pull the battery to reboot it when it froze up. Then I had to have it replaced because it would not stop a continous loop of starting and shutting down, even if I had tried to do a hard reset. The second replacement would also do random reboots, but only once in a while no matter what, wether I was online or on a call. I was happy with getting rid of that phone. The very first day that the HTC TOUCH PRO2 became available from SPRINT, I had called and ordered it. I still have the original ROM on my phone and I have n
I still have the original ROM on my phone from SPRINT and I have not had the problems that most people are complaining about. I have downloaded some things to my phone to tweak it a little and to add eye candy. I use everything on my phone that it came with and what I downloaded except for 2 things, SPRINT TV & SPRINT MUSIC. I have no need for either of them at all. I download music and video's to my 16GB card and I stream video to my phone from my SLING BOX PRO. On average I stream anywhere between 10GB & 15GB of data every month. There are some things that I can not stand that ALL of the US carriers had requested from HTC. They had all requested that there be no FRONT FACING CAMERA, and that the FM RADIO be either disabled in the GSM modles and when the ROM for the CDMA models be written, that they wish for it to be excluded. They had ALL did this, so they can later SELL us their CRAP that we should have gotten just like the EUROPIAN & ASIAN models got right out of the box. According to HTC, they said that the carriers customers did NOT want those features. We know that is a load of crap. So, as I say LET'S STAND UP AND TELL AND DEMAND WHAT WE WANT! We don't have to just sit back and wait for whatever just happens to come our way. So, who ever your carrier is wether it be AT&T, SPRINT, T-MOBILE, or VERIZON, call them and speak up and be heard. If enough of us do just this, they will listen. That's why the HTC HD2 will be coming to the US and to T-Mobile first, because enough of us spoke up loud enough for us to be heard. So till nex time.......
gd761 said:
As we have seen and heard all about the new HTC HD2, most of us really like this phone or love this phone.
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TMO exclusive in the US.

Best Smartphone out there?

I've been an avid Windows Mobile/HTC fan for over 3 years now, but I was wondering everyones opinion on the DROID/Milestone by Motorola.
I feel like this phone might finally get me to move on to bigger/better things - I'm thinking about purchasing a Telus Milestrone (DROID) on ebay to use on AT&T. I NEED A PHYSICAL KEYBOARD!
Basically, does anyone else here feel like Android is a more stable and advanced OS when compared to Windows Mobile? I currently have a Touch Pro II and Nokia E71, but I think I may sell both of those phones to get the DROID.
Is there any limitations for the DROID that I should know about as WinMo user? Is there a different/better phone I should wait for instead?
Does anyone else feel like me currently?
I just want to find the ultimate smart phone! (I swear it's an eternal hunt)
Honestly in my opinion I think android beats windows mobile in every way. It is a much more innovative operating system in my eyes and with rooting the posibilities are endless. If you could go without a keyboard I would say get a nexus. The droid's keyboard is very flat and honestly when I used one I found the touch screen keyboard just to be easier to use. If you have used one you'd understand what I mean. The flatness makes it very hard to type on for me atleast but I guess as you get used to it, it gets easier. Honestly though the best smart phone is all up to. He user. I think out of the phones you mentioned I would take the Droid over the other two. But if you think you could get used to an on screen keyboard think about getting a nexus one because from what I've seen they are great and incredibly fast phones.
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WM doesn't need Root access because its already there. We can do what ever we please with our WM devices.
Go for the droid - it's a great phone.
If you really need a keyboard, make sure you check out the droid in person before you buy it. I don't know if a keyboard could be any flatter. It's amazing how some people can distinguish one key from another. If you have big/thick fingers, this may be an issue. As far as keyboards go, the touch pro 2 is the one for me.
If you really need a keyboard, make sure you check out the droid in person before you buy it. I don't know if a keyboard could be any flatter. It's amazing how some people can distinguish one key from another. If you have big/thick fingers, this may be an issue. As far as keyboards go, the touch pro 2 is the one for me.
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Yeah seriously. Do look at the droid's keyboard before you buy it. When I play with one I nd up using the on screen keyboard more but I've also used one for all f 15 minutes total. Friend who has one can tell each key apart and loves it. It all comes down to opinion
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On my opinion Rhodium is the best hardware keyboard device out there
Leo Has the option to test young funny Android but from the mature and stable WM platform
Ive been using Android 2.2 on my Nexus One for the last week.
Now Ive got to say im not the biggest fan of the Nexus One, it has some tech issues that still need to be worked out, but I have had it since it first came out so it is an early model.
Android is great though, its really intuitive to use and the new version is really powerful.

Is the HD2 The best all around phone ever made?

I mean- it has the capabilities of 4G on TMO when released
dualboots android (perfectly stable and daily driver)
win mo 6.5 for buisness use/ more apps/ preference
top of the line specs... snapdragon, 4.3inch screen, dual led flash etc.
the only thing missing is an 8MP camera, but i would rather have a dualboot android than 3 more MPs.
This leads me to the question- is the HD2 the best all around phone out today?
Yes ....if it wasn't on t-mo
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I bought one the day they debuted and it was a pile of crap I went through three of them and didn't get one that didn't freeze on boot at least every other time, or delete all my information every other day. So no I do not believe it is the best all around phone, I would say thats the nexus one personally
It not only let you boot Android and WM, coming soon will boot WP7 too!
So it will be the first and only device booting 3 OS and specs are same or even better than newer devices.
I say yes: Leo is one of the best HTC devices ever made!
Dont forget Ubuntu and now: MeeGo
that´s right thanks!
I believe it might be...I own an N1, G2, iphone 4, and soon to be Glacier and I use my HD2 the most...Android is now stable as ever...Gingerbread will be on it soon...this phone has been a monster since it dropped..!!
Sent from my HTC Vision using XDA App
I love my HD2. Wouldn't trade it for any phone out right now. I still get questions about it.
Agreed (^_^)
I would agree too, which is why I'm finding it so difficult to upgrade and part with now.
The HTC HD7 or HTC Desire HD are my current next thoughts (hopefully this month too), but can't say I'm excited about either of them and hoping for something a little more special to come out by anyone really (of course leaning more towards HTC as I have done so for over 8 years now).
Easily my favorite phone ever which is non-Android.
I was actually thinking about picking an HD2 up for the hell of it to throw Android on since I'm getting sick of the size of my HTC Aria...but I may switch from AT&T to Spring to get an Evo or Evo2.
I'm one of those guys who won't use a phone without a physical keyboard. I can't get used to screen-typing, I just don't like the feel of it. If the HD2 had a Pro variant with a slide-out, I'd own it already. I recognize it's an awesome phone though, just not for me.
5318008 said:
I'm one of those guys who won't use a phone without a physical keyboard. I can't get used to screen-typing, I just don't like the feel of it. If the HD2 had a Pro variant with a slide-out, I'd own it already. I recognize it's an awesome phone though, just not for me.
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+1. If there was a pro-version THEN it would be THE best phone ever to-date. I consider myself a VERY heavy user and the ROM I have seems to work like a charm.
The only reason I have to take the battery out is to turn it off as the on/off button has been reprogrammed!
Sadly, switching to a Dell Venue in two weeks... oh for the keyboard.
(Orb, AFAIK - and I could be wrong! - WinPho7 requires hardware mods for it to work on a HD2 so don't expect it)
Hell Fire MB
Monty Burns said:
+1. If there was a pro-version THEN it would be THE best phone ever to-date. I consider myself a VERY heavy user and the ROM I have seems to work like a charm.
The only reason I have to take the battery out is to turn it off as the on/off button has been reprogrammed!
Sadly, switching to a Dell Venue in two weeks... oh for the keyboard.
(Orb, AFAIK - and I could be wrong! - WinPho7 requires hardware mods for it to work on a HD2 so don't expect it)
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So you're going the W7P route? The Dell Venue looks good, but not please with the 3.5mm jack on top (like silly iPhone thingys) and the keyboard looks like old school keyboards being far to small to actually use. Hmm... decisions... decisions?!
fazz said:
So you're going the W7P route? The Dell Venue looks good, but not please with the 3.5mm jack on top (like silly iPhone thingys) and the keyboard looks like old school keyboards being far to small to actually use. Hmm... decisions... decisions?!
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The jack on top means that when you dock it (which I'm guessing you will be able to) into a 3rd party desktop cradle you will still be able to listen to music - unlike my HD2's docks!
Don't know how the keys will feel.... I can always send it back if they are bad
I had a Rhodium before and must say I´m a real keyboard device person but got tired of the slowness of Rhodium, then got Leo and I´m still missing a real kb but in terms of speed there is no comparative.
5318008 said:
I'm one of those guys who won't use a phone without a physical keyboard. I can't get used to screen-typing, I just don't like the feel of it. If the HD2 had a Pro variant with a slide-out, I'd own it already. I recognize it's an awesome phone though, just not for me.
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I moved to T-Mo almost two weeks ago over from VZW. I had T-Mo before but coverage was far less back then.
I picked up the HD2 and really liked it but missed Android. I had several failed attempts to get Android to run. I then decided to separate my work and personal line with two phones so I grabbed the G2.
Now I re-flashed my HD2 to a Mega Leo Rom, was an Energy ROM. Then I made a second attempt at Android on a fresh reformatted sd and put on Mdeejay EVo Sense rom.
I was amazed how slick Android boots on HD2. Of Course there has been some bumps with a Flaky Data connection and it will not install Angry Birds from the Market. I was drawn to the HD2 because I had a Droid X and the larger screen was the attraction.
In the end the HD2 is a great device with all the options and have a Snapdragon processor makes it available to compete with current phones.
Android or W7P?
Monty Burns said:
The jack on top means that when you dock it (which I'm guessing you will be able to) into a 3rd party desktop cradle you will still be able to listen to music - unlike my HD2's docks!
Don't know how the keys will feel.... I can always send it back if they are bad
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That maybe, but I've never used mine for playing music through a dock, I usually make my own custom docks and prefer to have the ability to pick up my phone from out of my pocket, with it being the right way up already and the jack underneath for easy usage generally, especially whilst seated on the TfL for example.
However, I'd image this is a 50/50 point, where half would prefer the jack on the bottom and vice versa.
CPW are bugging me weekly to upgrade to anything fro free and with just a 12 month contract, but stuck in what to go for. I'm only going to keep the phone for 3-4 months too and probably give it to my other half to use (whose a heavy Outlook user) so thinking a W7P, but I know she'd prefer Android with the newer HTC sense. I'm also not impressed enough with the Desire HD, so wondering if I should be waiting.
I just bought a Sony LiveView to go with an Android 2.0+ and can't find out if it will work with a W7P at all (too early to ask I guess), so thinking to go with a Desire HD with the Sony LiveView until a newer handset comes out that is much better (probably in a couple of months) and give the above to my Mrs to use, maybe?
I think I read that Android 3.0 (Gingerbread) needs 1.5Ghz to run well and in general smartphones are still some months away from that official speed.
best non android and android phone ever ... its the BEST FONE EVAAA !!
dowmace said:
I bought one the day they debuted and it was a pile of crap I went through three of them and didn't get one that didn't freeze on boot at least every other time, or delete all my information every other day. So no I do not believe it is the best all around phone, I would say thats the nexus one personally
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After 3 phones, the statistical odds are is that you're the one with the manufacturing defect.

[Resolved] [Q] Q: what should i buy Hd7 or HD2 or?

Hello everyone;
hope you keeping well, I have HTC Touch Pro in mean time and I wanna replace it, so with what I should replace it, HD7 or Hd2 or HTC Touch Pro2 ? Please help me decide one and why?
Thanks in advanced
You really want WP7 without basic features? For example: No SD Card support, no copy and paste, no default browser selection, no multitasking.
WM6.5 is not supported by Microsoft, so there willn't be any new updates.
Think about alternative platforms Android, Bada OS.
But if you really want Windows, I'd choose HD2.
First of all are you a tmobile customer? Most likely I'd say. But give some more options to choose from. Hd2 and touch pro 2 are both outdated already. Even though hd 7 looks pretty tempting but nah windows phone 7 is still a pretty weak platform. Consider buy a g2 or my touch 4g or vibrant 4g instead. But here of you decide the vibrant make sure it's vibrant 4g not the original one ok?
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out of those two id choose the hd7..its much more current hardware wise and it has the newer version of the windows mobile os...also in response to AdmcPL, those features arent available now but they will be released in a major update due out this spring, and even more features will be out in another update later this year
Why not go with the HTC Desire HD?
It's basically the same phone as the HD2, but comes with FroYo
I'd say HD7 is good , but not good enough .. wait and get something like dual core with better screen .. because soon HD2 & HD7 will be last gen. smartphones.
good luck anyway
If you have only these 3 options I'd go for the HD2 without any hesitation (I had one before my Z and had a Touch Pro before that one). You'll be able to flash all kinds of ROMS and install almost every OS on it (Android, WP7 etc.). There's a lot of support for this device.
Touch Pro2: only if you want to keep both a hard keyboard and WM. Otherwise forget it. Too old as already said by a previous poster.
HD7: I really don't like WP7. It looks so boring and ugly. Will there be as much applications and development as for Android or WM? I don't think so but that's just my opinion.
On the other way if you are not against other options I'd suggest you to buy an Android device like the Desire Z or HD as Android is really the best OS. You could install it on the HD2 but IMO the physical buttons are not appropriate and make the user experience less pleasant than with the soft keys on Android devices. I noticed immediately the difference when I switched from my HD2/Android to my Desire Z.
Hope it'll be helpful
GYIVIjuNkY said:
out of those two id choose the hd7..its much more current hardware wise and it has the newer version of the windows mobile os...also in response to AdmcPL, those features arent available now but they will be released in a major update due out this spring, and even more features will be out in another update later this year
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I doubt that there is any difference in hardware between HD7 and HD2 except for the kickstand in HD7.
But if anybody would ask me I will tell then to get HD2.
It can run WM6.5, Android and WP7 as good as any other phone.
@all thank u so much guys seriously I'm so greatful , and yes I will go and buy the HD2 today. I'll give my touch pro away I really liked the keyboard on it, guess ill buy external keyboard for the HD2 and for andorid I don't know didn't really use it that much but ill give it a shoot on my next HD2 hehe ... Thank you so so much

Facebook Phone!

Who is getting the ChaCha?
The form factor makes me so interested. But I know they're gonna ruin it by putting it on 2 year contract and pricing it awfully without the contract.
That keyboard reminds me of the HTC Snap!
Ugly. As. S#!t.
And what's with that fakebook button? For the love of bloody albatros...
Post delivered via piece of paper tied to a brick... sorry 'bout the window! XD
I have that device for my wife and sure I´ll be upgrading her to Chacha!
svetius said:
That keyboard reminds me of the HTC Snap!
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love it!
don't care if it's facebook phone, every phone can run facebook... i've been waiting for candy bar qwerty android phone for many years already!
Glad to see there was actually some innovation happening. I think these 'gimmicks?' were the star of HTC's MWC show, and at CTIA is coming the superphone everyone expected. I love the design of the ChaCha, i't's just so different from all the other phones. Keyboard looks great too. I hope the screen has a good resolution.
The form factor is pretty cool, I'd get it if I got the chance to.
I like the form factor with the keyboard, let's hope it's also powerful enough CPU-wise, I found the Acer QWERTY Android phones too slow to work with.
drait said:
I like the form factor with the keyboard, let's hope it's also powerful enough CPU-wise, I found the Acer QWERTY Android phones too slow to work with.
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same concern here, i guess you are using e130... well i also have one, just wondering why it looks NOT so slow in youtube video!
If it's anywhere close to the price tag on desire z... then you should have no doubt what to pick.
I guess most people here on XDA care for the QWERTY physical keyboard on a candy bar form factor, which, sadly, is still very rare in Android world. As far as I know, there are only 4 phones launched or to be launched: Motorola Droid Pro, HTC Chacha, Samsung Galaxy Pro and Spriiing Smile (http://www.spriiing.com), all of which are inferior to full touch screen super phones, either in CPU, Memory or Screen specs... Hoping that those big guys will introduce more compelling Candy Qwerty phones.
I came from Blackberries before getting into Android, I once owned the Charm but chucked it quickly due to its massive bugginess and Motorola's sucktacular lack of support, so this device (and perhaps the Samsung Galaxy Pro) has me interested. Only thing is if they'd eliminate that Facebook button for the North America version, or perhaps it can be binded to a custom shortcut, I don't use FB nor care about it.
sookster54 said:
I came from Blackberries before getting into Android, I once owned the Charm but chucked it quickly due to its massive bugginess and Motorola's sucktacular lack of support, so this device (and perhaps the Samsung Galaxy Pro) has me interested. Only thing is if they'd eliminate that Facebook button for the North America version, or perhaps it can be binded to a custom shortcut, I don't use FB nor care about it.
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Remapping the button shouldn't be too hard to do. We wont know until someone actually gets their hands on one and tries it.
sookster54 said:
I came from Blackberries before getting into Android, I once owned the Charm but chucked it quickly due to its massive bugginess and Motorola's sucktacular lack of support, so this device (and perhaps the Samsung Galaxy Pro) has me interested. Only thing is if they'd eliminate that Facebook button for the North America version, or perhaps it can be binded to a custom shortcut, I don't use FB nor care about it.
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be careful with Samsung Galaxy Pro, it only has a 320x240 screen which won't give u good android experience... i almost overlooked it when choosing between 9300 & 9780
If the chacha comes to AT&T, I may try to find a good deal on craigslist
thangnh said:
I guess most people here on XDA care for the QWERTY physical keyboard on a candy bar form factor, which, sadly, is still very rare in Android world. As far as I know, there are only 4 phones launched or to be launched: Motorola Droid Pro, HTC Chacha, Samsung Galaxy Pro and Spriiing Smile (http://www.spriiing.com), all of which are inferior to full touch screen super phones, either in CPU, Memory or Screen specs... Hoping that those big guys will introduce more compelling Candy Qwerty phones.
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strongly disagree, xda members are exactly the type of people that know better then to buy a hardware qwerty. why you'd want a slower and smaller keyboard is beyond me.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA Premium App
There are different users and different opinions. I my self, use right now a Nokia E72 after i played with a htc Desire. I love the android functions and the OS in general but i hate touchscreens. This is why i use E72. I don't like Blackberry OS and i waited for a long time to see an android phone like ChaCha. I am sure that people who will buy this phone will use the qwerty feature and will love the android OS. If they want hy res display's and dual procesors they will head out for toucscreens like galaxy S II or something else.
still waiting... blackberry 9900 also on the way... i hope somebody resign from google and join blackberry as CEO (I assume you all knew what's happening in nokia now)
Samsung Galaxy Pro = awful screen
cocaice2009 said:
be careful with Samsung Galaxy Pro, it only has a 320x240 screen which won't give u good android experience... i almost overlooked it when choosing between 9300 & 9780
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Yes the screen resolution on the Samsung Galaxy Pro is awful to look at. Spoils an otherwise reasonable qwerty phone.
Also if you use it as a wifi hotspot the signal for me was significantly weaker and unstable compared to my dell streak.
The chacha looks interesting but the whole facebook integration puts me off. I just can't stand facebook.

