any apps to toggle gmail filters? - Android Apps and Games

Does anyone know of an app that I can use to easily toggle a gmail filter on and off? I get some automated emails that I need to monitor. But I don't need to monitor all the time. So I'd like a way to turn on a gmail filter automatically mark them as read so I won't get notified about them.
does that make sense? I've looked at using tasker but it seems to only support k-9. Also looked at this webservice called syphir but it only seems to work on a set time schedule and I'd like to be able to toggle it on the fly since the time I need to monitor the the emails isn't on a firm schedule.

This is interesting... maybe look for a hosted web "macro" thing... something that can execute a recorded "script" by clicking a link?
It'd be an interesting project... the most complex thing would be actually recording the web session, then you could use a RESTful API to call the script to toggle, send a value, or just get status of attribute.
Good idea... now... hmmm... maybe use and get some folks to write it for cheap


NEW: Activate Mail + Send & Receive

I've made a tool to activate email (built-in) and start syncing.
Tested only on WM2003, not sure if it would work on WM5.
Usuage: SyncAccount "MailAccount"
Using this, you can activate email, and sync with the push of a single button
makes life easy ;-)
Program here is delivered as is, use at your own risk.
i'm not gonna make any further improvements, as this suits my own needs as is.
happy mailing 8)
runs on my wizard... very good!
Heimiko: I made a similar app in VJPhoneShortcuts a while back. Did you manage to activate syncing even when the current account has been changed, eg, if the user switches to SMS, have you got it to switch back to email before syncing? I got too busy to figure it out at the time
Hai vijay555,
I did manage that, yes, even though SMS account is enabled, it will switch to the email account, and start syncing from there on....
I use your VJDialer app, and I wanted to use email in the same sort of way... couldn't find it anywhere, so.. here ya go ;-)
Good stuff. I'll look into it. I've never used my pda for email, but a few guys were asking for this facility.
No need, here's how to:
tmail.exe -Service "MailAccount"
tmail.exe -Sync
call those 2 after each other. Don't use them in a single call, because as soon as you use -Sync, the mail app wont be activated (not brought to the foreground).
so.. 2 * CreateProcess is all that's needed
Nice nice nice!
I was doing it in such a dopey way, as ever.
Is it ok for me to implement this into VJPhoneShortcuts? There's a couple of extensions I want to add, but it's a much neater then the way I was doing...
I'll give you full credit of course
Sure... no problem. Cool me being somewhere in those credit lines ;-)
I guess you actualy search for the button on that Doc and send a WM_CLICK to it... ? i was thinking in that direction at first, but then, i knew there had to be a simpler way. If you google for "tmail.exe command line", you'll find some other stuff, as you can see, tmail.exe can already do natively what you do with your phone tools, sending emails, sending sms's, etc. all from command line. (you just need to know how, hehe). But then, you can't ever find this -Sync option... that was trail and error to find out... i tried lots of different keywords, lolz. Weird that its not documented anywhere.
Anyway, use it wisely ;-)
Yes, the original VJPhoneTools were done in the same way through tmail.exe, but I've never used the email so never thought about doing -sync it through the command line. For someone who does everything through the command line, I was so stupid not to think of it
Many thanks.
vijay555 one request with your phonetools. Can you give identifiable icons to each function? I have shortcuts on my today but cant distinguish which icon does what. So maybe a mail icon for checkmail? Thanks
VJPhoneShortcuts will be remade shortly.
VJPhoneTools: I think they do have different icons don't they?
vijay555, sorry i actually meant vijayphoneshortcuts. The icons are all the same, of a cell phone. I use check email and speed dial and they look the same in my today launcher.
efjay: I'll try to fix the icons shortly. I'm actually just about to throw in a whole load of new features and finally put in WM2003/Wm5 dual compatibility. Heimiko's generous info has given me a reason to finish it, I've been sitting on the almost finished code for so long.
However, it's likely to be only one app, so one icon, but with about 8 functions. So you might have to set up your own icons (if I can find some relevant ones I will). However, have a look at this thread for info on how to set up nice icons etc for your shortcuts.
ok, thanks for the link. look forward to the new version.
Heimiko, I use your SyncAccount program and it is great, but I wonder if there is any way to get the email to start syncing without bringing the tmail.exe program to the front as if this happens I dont get any notifications - I run SyncAccount with a scheduler, so the PPC screen isn`t on.
sure, to do that, don't run SyncAccount, run this commandline instead:
\Windows\tmail.exe -Service "MailAccount" -Sync
Doing this will do exactly what you just asked.
g'luck ;-)
Wow as simple as that, thanks to you.
\Windows\tmail.exe -Service "MailAccount" -Sync
is very helpful!
Is there a way Empty Deleted Items along the same lines? In particular, I would like to have a single shortcut that first empties deleted items and then checks the mail in my pop3 account.
The other thing I would like to do is run activesync's connect via bluetooth as a single command, rather than navigating to that item.
I`m not sure if there is a single command to run Activesync via BT, but there is a program called SKSchema that is like the windows scheduler and will allow you to set up a load of things to run at a regular interval or just when you click an icon, it`s very powerful.
This is what I wanted with the check email in background command.
You have to enter the shortcut correct with Sync at the end. And correct LetterCase!
\Windows\tmail.exe -Service "MailAccount" -Sync

Disable delete sms function.

Currently using Windows Mobile 6.1 Prof and am looking for an app/regedit/hack that would prevent the deletion of sms, email, call log, etc. Or, disable menu options such as delete from SMS, email, call history, etc. Want to retain the functionality but prevent changes from being made. Kiosk mode maybe? Limited user account?
There is prob a reg hack for this, but why are you trying to do this?
I will have a sniff about for something.
Why? To make sure the kids are following the rules! Just because my kids are on restriction from using the phone doesn't mean that I am going to take their phones away when they go off to school, practice, etc, because I want them to have it in case of an emergency. But, also I want to know that they aren't using it when their not supposed to...during class, after bed time, while at the library, etc. I am not willing to install spy software, I don't want to view their sms conversations, I just want to keep them honest so they know if they use it when their not supposed to there is a record of it.
Edit: Oh and BTW, thanks for the reply.

Request for rules-based email alerts

I know I'm not the only one that wants this...
Being an admin my box is constantly filled with stuff that I really don't want to wake me at 3am. However, when an outage or other high priority alert comes through, it would be AWESOME if I could alert on only those messages, or have a different alert for them.
Any chance that anyone is working on an app that would let the user specify an alert based on an email rule or filter? This is one I'd pay for gladly.
fastlerner said:
I know I'm not the only one that wants this...
Being an admin my box is constantly filled with stuff that I really don't want to wake me at 3am. However, when an outage or other high priority alert comes through, it would be AWESOME if I could alert on only those messages, or have a different alert for them.
Any chance that anyone is working on an app that would let the user specify an alert based on an email rule or filter? This is one I'd pay for gladly.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
You need to specify which mail client you're using.. If you're using K9, you can most likely use Tasker to do this.
For me, I have it notify me with a second, remarkable notification immediately after the standard one for new email for special emails I want to read immediately. You could get fancy and have it only notify once with a unique sound if necessary.
As an admin, what are you using for business email? If it's Exchange/Outlook or Google Apps/Outlook you can simply set this up a series of rules in Outlook and have only relevant/whitelisted emails pushed to your mobile device. It's probably possible with Gmail as well, but I haven't tried it.
Good luck!
We're on Exchange. Your solution has merit, however I still want access to all emails on my device. I'd just like to be able to configure which ones alert via some very simple rules/filters.
I know that Froyo is supposed to have better exchange support. I can only hope that if it supports folders, perhaps I can set alerts for certain folders. Then I could set some server side rules to auto-sort as they come in.
We'll see...

Looking for an App for Gmail notification from a specific email address

Looking for an App that will force a loud ringtone (even when on silent) when an email arrives (into Gmail box) from a specific email address (or addresses).
Basically a 'prioiry email' type application. I have had a nosey round the market and various apps seem to offer partial results but nothing concrete.
This is needed for overnight support at work - to make sure that any incidents wake up the on-call guys
in other words it needs to be a pretty stable app
Any thoughts ? should be the solution, you'll need to set up a rule in gmail to put the mail in a certain label and then use this app
You might also be able to do something like that with Tasker. I know it is possible to trigger alarms and other changes/activities with SMS messages, so email may be as well.
Thanks Guys .... Ill have a tinker with both

[Q] Is their a way to delay the sending of a text?

Hi guys!
I was just wondering if their is a tweak/hack/app/way to set a timer for a SMS.
Like telling your phone to send a specific text to a specific person on a specific time.
Could anyone help me?
In theory, such an app could be written. The official SDK doesn't support automatically sending SMS, but the APIs exist and a homebrew app could use them. I don't think anybody has ever bothered to write such an app, though.
That's sad/
Anyway, thanks for clearing this one up.
I'd like that ability too. Unfortunately (using the official routes) Microsoft only make available to developers the ability to create a text message, and then launch the phone's sms application - leaving it for the user to press send. The code isn't able to do the sending so an app wouldn't be able to do it via the phone's own SMS at a scheduled time. You would also have the problem that if you set it to be sent more than two weeks in advance, and didn't go back into the app during that time, the scheduling 'agent' that runs in the background on the phone would expire after two weeks (so the sms would never be sent).
There are however some web sites that do it - e.g.
You might be better using a web site anyway due to them being always on (whereas a phone might be off or out of signal at the scheduled time).
It would be possible, however, to write an app that uploads the text to an on-line service (such as the one mentioned as it has a developer API) so that a web server could reliably take care of the scheduled send - and then perhaps sending a push notification to the phone to confirm it has been sent.
Hey, I think here is one app for that, I didnt have time to look it totally through...
Did any1 try the app?

