[Q] Needing JRE to access web page - General Questions and Answers

I have a HTC Fuse with Energy Rom running 2Jul10 WWE on it and trying to no avail to get this web page to load that needs Java Virtual Machine.
Web Address:
Well it won't let me post the url, being a "new" member. I can add it when I have access.
Then select the first 3270 icon. I have tired with Opera 9.7 that is included in the ROM and it acts like it is going to load, but then errors out saying "A Java Virtual Machine is required to use WebConnect applets."
So then I try in Skyfire, but the progress bar goes about 3/4 of the way and then just hangs.
Also tried in IE, and says "A Java Virtual Machine is required to use WebConnect applets."
So I have searched and searched for a JVM for Windows Mobile 6.0 or 6.5 and installed JavaFX. But still doesn't work. I also tried the Java that is included with the ROM, leaving it running in background while going to the web site in either IE, or Opera. Still doesn't work.
Where to now? I have been able to get this WebConnect applet, a 3270 terminal emulator, to work on an iPhone using "Cloud browser" as the browser.


Developing a Portal application in C#

I am wanting to develop a portal application in C# for Windows Mobile 6.0. I have installed the .net Compact Framework 3.5 on my device and have the necessary tools on the PC to develop for Windows Mobile. I am using Visual Studio 2005 to develop this application.
I am not a programmer, I have little experience with .net technologies but have for past assignments used VB.net to create small applications for assignments at uni.
I am now in my third and final year at uni and I decided to take on a project that is titled Human Computer Interaction of Mobile Devices. As part of my project I am required to produce an application, though designing various menu systems in itself will be quite a job, not to mention the documentation of it all.
The application I want to create now, is not necessarily part of my project, though it may influence me later on and should go some way to helping me. I have had the intentions of creating an application in Flash up to now.
Anyway, this application, its what I would call a portal. It has 4 tabs, Websites, Television, Radio and Programs. The Programs tab page has been designed much like the iPhone interface with either same or somewhat similar buttons. These buttons do not do anything at the moment.
I started the other week in designing an application in vb.net and run the debug exe as standalone on PC and linking to application that are on the PC will actually run when clicking on the picturebox as that is what I am using rather than buttons.
I put a Try Catch in and the error message comes up on the Mobile. If I take the Try Catch away then FileExceptionNotFound error message comes up and forces the program to close.
In C#, I have created much the same application, it does nothing whatsoever at the moment other than allowing me to flick from one tab to another. I am wanting to link pictureboxes in the programs tab to programs stored on the phone such as \Windows\Opera9.exe and \Windows\tmail.exe and so on.
I would like Radio Stations and Television channels to load up in a program specified in code if a default one does not start so I realise that I would need to call the link of the radio station (same with television channels) and then tell it to load up in specified program.
The other thing I am not sure about it how I would tell the phone to connect to the internet.
I didn't really want to be asking for help on here with this, as its probably not too difficult to create something like this, seeing as what some people (geniuses) on here have been able to develop. If nobody is able to help, then maybe pointing me in the right direction of some good reliable resources would be an idea. I have done much searching on Google etc for help with this and MSDN but my programming skills have never been up to much if I'm honest.
Any help would be much appreciated.
A few things then
For Visual Studio download and isntall the Windows Mobile SDK's (Version 6, standard and Pro).
Then when you create a new Mobile Device application you have everything you need. There should be a Toolbar in Visual Studio that allows you to select where your device will be run in Debug Mode (either the Emulator or on your device). This is the easiest way to debug your apps; also using MyMoblier will help.
Starting an App in C# is as easy as System.Diagnostics.Process.Start() method.
Connecting to the net is a little harder, I have written my own based on what I found using google. Basically it centers around 3 API calls:
static extern int ConnMgrEstablishConnectionSync(ConnMgrConnectionInfo connectionInfo, ref IntPtr connectionHandle, uint dwTimeout, ref ConnMgrStatus dwStatus);
static extern int ConnMgrMapURL(string url, ref Guid networkGuid, int passZero);
static extern int ConnMgrReleaseConnection(IntPtr connectionHandle, int cache);
Hope this helps
Also moved to Q&A to avoid upsetting them
Thanks for the advice. I have already downloaded Windows Mobile 6 SDK but I for some reason don't seem to be able to access the ROMS from WM6 inside of Visual Studio. I might be able work that issue out though. I will see how I get on with it and post back if I have any further problems.
Connecting to the internet.
I have found that the .net object WebRequest will open the connection if is not already open.
Stream ResponseStream = WebRequest.Create("yourURLgoesinhere").GetResponse().GetResponseStream() will return a stream to read to get the object.
If there is an active WiFi connection the phone will use it, or it will use an active GPRS connection, or fire up the default GPRS connection as a last resort.
The bottom line is - let the machine do all the hard work.

Java Script + Session Cookies enabled Browser?

I am trying to find out if there is a way to run thie IG Index's IPhone trading platform on Windows Mobile 6.
The platform can be found under this address:
When I try to log in I get a message from the website:
"We have detected your browser is not setup to allow Session Cookies"
I enabled them in my standard WM6 browser but with no luck. I also know that the platform is using Java Script.
I would be gratefull for your advise.

Windows Live ID, javascript and Pocket IE, why doesn't IE work?

When I go to xbox.com and try to sign in with IE I get an error about not having javascript. I am running a Wm6.5 rom from RRE.
I get the same error in Opera.
What browser does do javascript and why doesn't the newest pIE have this built in?
http://www.skyfire.com/support/faq/ this support it I believe

Java app run at the same time with Flash web site (WM)

Hi all,
I have HTC HD2. I have on my PC roulette bot - JavaSE application that plays roulette on web based flash casino. I want to run it on my mobile.
I have in my mind two solutions, how can I run Java roulette bot at the same time as the flash casino.
1.) Make bot as Applet and run casino in iframe on the same HTML page.
Applet needs to be signed because I want to capture screen and click mouse, and skyfire stucks on downloading signed applet:
Unsigned ones goes well.
2.) Install JavaSE JVM(if exists ) and run Java Application on Background and run at the same time Skyfire with opened flash web based casino.
Can you help me please with realizing this ?
Thanks a lot,

[Q] how to run java web?

can someone tell me how to run java enabled websites on my phone, as i need it for my online transactions through my banks website, my android phone is working fine but no result on windows phone?
Your bank should offer a mobile version of the site. There's no way to run Java applets on WP7 currently. I don't think you even can on Android (contrary to popular belief, Android doesn't use Java bytecode and has no JVM; Dalvik uses Java as the source langauge but can't load Java .class files). Try setting your IE to the "Mobile" browsing mode (this just causes it to tell web servers that it's a mobile browser, which often gets more useful code in return).

