Hi, someone have this fantastic app? Thanks
Hi there,
I am a proud owner of Samsung I9000 (Froyo) and am looking for an app which would give me a daily listing of football games of the current day with satellite channels on which I could see the games (something like the web page liveonsat.com).
Any suggestions other than going to the web site?
Thanks in advance.
Hello everybody, as you know the ICS music app has leaked recently, and it works great on our phones, but seems to have a problem with Honeycomb. We keep having a fc while trying to play (excluding the shuffle all which seems to work....).
Has someone got an idea on hiw to fix this problem....?
thank you in advance.....
Hi guys,
There is a new BBC News app for tablets. Can someone from UK download it and post it here please?
market.android.com/details?id=bbc.mobile.news.uk&feature=search_resul t#?t=W251bGwsMSwyLDEsImJiYy5tb2JpbGUubmV3cy51ayJd
Hey Guys
I am searching for an app for android (4.2.2 Xpert on maguro), which can play videos backwards. There is an app for iOS named Vlix, that works great, but I can't find something like Vlix for Android. Hope you Guys can help me.
Greetings from Switzerland
Hello guys,
since I have installed CM12.1 I'm not able to watch stuff on instant video with my OpO.
Maybe somebody has the same issue and a idea to fix it?
THX sirmrmartin