[Q] .pkg format - Android Software/Hacking General [Developers Only]

Hi, thought I'd throw this one out here to gather some more general interest, rather than posting it in the streak forum (where there's been some head scratching about it).
I'm trying to work out how we can sensibly extract the update.pkg files that Dell use for the Streak.
I can't see what format the file is, I've opened them with a hexeditor and can't see any obvious file headers.
I've tried various file and pkg utilities but no good.
Any ideas to point me in the right direction to keep looking?
there's a sample rom here



Here are some thoughts and ramblings I have been doing. For weeks and months now I have been flashing a different ROM about every 2 or 3 days, trying to find just that special one I like the best and suits my needs, which hasn’t happened yet. Then came along the Kitchens with all the ways to make it just the way I want it. I love it, and have just started in the last few days cooking my own ROM’s that do meet my needs. For arguments sake, I am using the Core 2.0n base ROM, Core Pro Kitchen. Have a Cingular 8125, Use the AT&T/Cingular Network. 1gb RAM card, and live in the US ….
Here is what I have found. If I am way off base or doing something maybe wrong, please let me know, there might be an easier way already out there, but I haven’t found it yet. And as of today, I have not bricked my phone with anything I have done below.
OK, It seems every ROM I have flashed, there was that ONE little program that stood out and really made me happy. So what I have been doing is this. I find a ROM that has that little special program I want, and use the kitchen to rip it all apart. When all is said and done, instead of flashing it right then and there, I enter the C:\Core\Kitchen\OEM or C:\Core\Kitchen\SYS and find that one certain program/package I like and cut it out and save it to a temp directory. I do that with 7 or 8 different ROMs until I get all the little parts I want. Then I take the Basic Core 2.0n and use it as my base, do all the steps right up to the part where you BUILD, and then I go to that temp directory and move all those special programs to where they belong in the Kitchen. THEN BUILD. So far it has worked great.
BUT, here is where I get to the MAIN POINT of this topic. Thinking of the word KITCHEN, I was wondering where do I go to get all my FOOD so to speak to COOK? Well in my house I go to the PANTRY. So, I was wondering, is there a way or someone who could start the PANTRY? My thinking of what it would be is a place for all those programs out there that are added to the OEM and SYS folders SEPERATLY. Kind of like an FTP site or something.
Here is an example of what could be in the PANTRY, using Total Commander as my example. And would have a TotalCommander2.zip file in it, along with all those others out there.
This is what is in my Total Commander 2 Directory, which is ready for the BUILD step.
Total Commander
As you can see, it’s complete with the initflashfiles.txt. dsm and the .rgu, and everything else that’s needed. So why not take that directory and everything in it and zip it up, and add it to the PANTRY. That way, say someone wanted a BASE ROM , with just Total Commander and NOTHING ELSE, they could go to the PANTRY, download that zip file, unzip it and put it in their Kitchen’s directory and it’s done. I have read a lot about the topic “How To Create A Rom Package” and this seems to be the easiest way, since 90% of them out there that we use are already built. All they need is to be placed in a PANTRY for everyone to share ? ??
Just my thoughts…………….
You're welcome to download the OEM pack from the kitchen thread, and contribute at will for others to use.
It's a collection of programs contributed and collected by the forum users.
While managing 50+ different downloadable files would be a pain, having it all in one directory is simple, it's not that big, and easily downloaded - and updated.
Heck, take it and start your own OEM pack thread - it's not mine to say you can't.

Orange Plugin - What goes where?

Just a clarification question...
I found the following files, packaged in a .cab, but don't think I need all of them and don't know where to put the files I do need.
Here's what I have:
I'm thinking that the 4orangeh.dll is the only file I need and that it goes in the application data/home directory, and that the other files are associate with a homescreen this particular individual authored. Is that correct or no?
Thanks for the help!
NO.....nononono....thats wrong.
You got the units for ABAXIA (all the files above exept the 4Orangeh.dll)and 4OrangeH.
You may copy the files to /Application Data/Home and register the .dll manually with wm5regsvce.exe.
May not work stable, but you got this: (Link to another Thread by me about the 2 DIFFERENT OrangePlugins called Abaxia and 4OrangeH (4Orangeh includes 10 different Plugins)
The Top Image is Abaxia, the second Images are 4Orangeh.Abaxia is poooooor, 4OrangeH really Impressive
Nice arpy!
You wouldn't know where I can find some (English) documentation on how to use this plugin?
erm,no...sorry.Ive created a German Doc with all needed attributes for this Plugin, it was a hard trip and needs a lot of try-and-error-sessions to get nearly all informations about it.
Here is a Howto in German, it includes nearly all Attributes and Parameters needed for 4OrangeH.Not finished yet...there are some more undocumented Features, like FreeMemory,Messages,Ringtone...it is like an OWN HOMESCREEN-PROCESS, so it can Host more than one Plugin in one Line...an REALLY DAMN ****IN **** MISSING FEATURE in my lovely SmartPhone.
the file maybe helpful, if you always create Homescreens...
Thank you. I'll try and see how this comes through a translater.

TMobile Dash WM9 Help

Somehow this was removed. A reason will be needed as this is a discussion forum and I have a legitimate inquiry. I've no time for immature administration. Have the decency to speak.
Back the to issue. I've got two .dll files for the WM9 codec and I cannot see them on my phone. Plus I cannot manipulate files in the \Windows directory even after using an app unlocker.
Any assistance will be appreciated. And again, I've no time for foolish admins. If this is in the wrong section please say so and actually step up to assist rather that just making the thread disappear.
first... you're making pretty big assumptions about the admins given the situation. unless you did something specific to piss off and admin, i quite seriously doubt your thread was removed intentionally by anyone.
that said, i don't understand your question about the .dll files. do you mean you can see them via active sync but not on the phone itself? i don't follow your problem. perhaps you can elaborate.
also... there are a vast number of files that are locked on a wm phone. app unlock does nothing to make these files accessable. if you need to del or overwrite one of these files, you're going to have to use total commander (or similar program) on the phone itself.
Yes, cannot see on phone but can see them when exploring it using my computer. This goes for any .dll files. Assumption or not, I'm not new to the discussion forum environment so what is stated above is most likely accurate.
Total Commander...care to elaborate on that?
ditto to my own previous comments and their accuracy.
at any rate, i've never specifically looked for any dll's on my phone so not sure about that. try total commander (see below).
total commander is a file explorer program that lives on your phone. much better than native explorer or resco even (imho). it will allow you to del or overwrite otherwise "locked" files.
Well TC did it so thanks for the advice. The videos a bit choppy still even with all of the plugins/codecs but I don't expect much as it is just a phone...

[Q] How to make .exe with simple command in it?

What I need: An .exe that is executible on my phone (TmoUS HD2 with Energy Rom for what it is worth) that simply points my phone to load a pdf, html file (tiddlywiki), .xlsx files.
Why: I am making my own action screen with medical programs. However, this action screen can only load exes. I have tried (along with pming other members with much experience) many different times but only exes load.
Goal: Simply an exe that when clicked loads a specific program (basically a mask for a link to a file.)
I have been searching and reading and am not adverse to reading more, however, am not sure what I should be reading. Can this be done? If so, how?
Thanks in advance!

[Q] Microsoft Surface Pro Custom Boot Screen

I am posting here, because I am new on forum, and I can not post on developers Microsoft Surface forum.
Here is the thing I want to do. I am user of Microsoft Surface and I want to change the boot (splash) screen (where it writes "Surface" and where the loading circle is) of my tablet to a custom image. So far I haven't found anything useful that would lead me to the my goal.
I know that this setting have to me changed in firmware (BIOS/UEFI). But is there any way to access to them? Maybe the right .ROM file, opened with MMtool would work?
That you very much for any information.
Regrads, Jerry
I've previously modified many BIOS/UEFI Firmwares, but as always, this requires research and reverse engineering. A good starting point would be either dumping the BIOS or use the UEFI.cap files which are packaged firmware (updates). I will try to do this, but there is a risk of bricking the board and unlike desktop boards I don't see a way to recover from a bad flash on the Surface. (UART might work, but you´d have to disassemble the device first, which isn't easy.)

