Request: Droid X Wallpaper with black background - Android Apps and Games

can anyone please make a droid x eye LWP with a black background.


[Request] Animated Bubbles BG from HTC Droid

Hi! Is there a chance I can have the floating rainbow bubbles of HTC Droid's Vanilla Android 2.1 as an animated background for the HD2?
Can anyone provide a cab?

request for a Droid X theme for Hd2

Is it possible to import that big red eye to WM??
Moved as not theme release.

[REQUEST] Droid 2 wallapaper theme

Hey guys....I am looking for a blue version of this:
There was one like this floating around, but instead of the whole thing being red, the circuit board in the background, was dark with the red lines and such. Can someone make me one like that buy in blue? I will pay!
This wallpaper in all colors will be included with this theme
Blue should be out today.

[Q] Chenage theme from black with white font to white with black font

I am currently running on iphone 4 jb and droid x. Really like the voice reliability of the droid X for business days over the iphone. I really dislike the email inbox theme on the droid X ...the black background with white letters. Does anyone know, if I root the X, can I change the background color on the email inbox as well as settings to a white background using a file like the iphone png files and also (of course) change the font to black. White letters on black background s*** and is not a battery concern to me as much as the processor. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Cheers
Yes you can if you root it. Many themes or custom roms have this built in. search around the droid x themes or did x android development section.
I can't think of any exact theme or rom but will post back if I find something
Sent from my DROIDX using XDA App

S5 Wallpapers [HD] Inc. Blue Shades.

S5 Wallpapers [HD] Inc. Blue Shades.
Multi Color Original
Blue Shades Light
Blue Shades Medium
Blue Shades Dark
Blue Shades Very Dark
Multi Color Soft NEON
Hit the thanks button if this helped you
Warning : Do not repost my work on any thread or website with out my permission. These wallpapers have been edited by myself so you will not find them elsewhere.​
Thanks:fingers-crossed::fingers-crossed::fingers-crossed: I like HD Samsung Wallpaper

