[App] Open-Source MMORPG - Android Apps and Games

Hi all , I am just wandering if anyone is interested with working on open source Android MMORPG , I have starter writing it a while ago as a closed source project , but now i have changed job and i have not enough time to develop it alone so i have decided to put it in to open-source here code.google.com/p/valkyrie-android/ and a link to my website: valkyrie.firegnom.com (sorry it is not a link but i can't put outside links)
There is already lots of work done , but plenty of it left so all help is welcome


developing an open source game for android, can anyone help?

please see the website
it's a game based on the travelers game Yaniv ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yaniv_(card_game) ) developed for the android platform
Project is in a Very advanced state, looking for talented people who can help with graphics, a website, and most importantly with android\java development.
please let me know if you can help
the site is:

Scouter, The true multitasking ! :D

(First of all, sorry for my bad English I'm a French boy who learn English )
Hi guys ! Today I've found a new software under development which can unleash the power of the TRUE multitasking ! Two applications at the same time on the same screen. Is it possible ? YES ! But we need your help !
At this moment the project need 30,000 signups to be developed on android (10,000 to iOS, why Android is always on the backside...), and there is 12,000 signups when I write this. So if you want this, I really invite you ton contribute for this unbelievable app' that can be a MUST on any Android device.
Share this site to have the maximum contributors for this application, and it's FREE. All you need to do is write your email on the website to be advised when they launch the beta of their work
Search "getscouter" in your search engine (I'm new I can't post links sorry )

[Completed] Decompile apk back to working project that can work in eclipse

Hi,i created game: Smiley escape The cube invasion
I made my game with game engine,compilation was done through company website!
When i made my game,company didnt wanted to publish my game,and i have only apk file!
Since original project file that i have only generates xml,and its only working with company website,i cant do nothing with that project file anymore.
I need someone to reverse engineer my game,because i dont know how to do it!
Resources are encrypted ,dex2jar doesnt seems to work well,or maybe i dont know how to use it
Anyway,i distributed my game to third party websites,but i want original project file,so i could change package name,do signing ,insert ads on proper way etc!
If someone could help me and do this,i would put my game source code opensource ,since i dont have a lot of money to spare to pay developers to reverse engineer my game
If you need more details,please ask
Here is link for my game:
I don't think that reverse engineering of apk to exact source is quite easy(or may not even be possible for now). Though you can try this amazing tool, I found by searching about this- APK to Java RC2
EDIT: I guess you did a right thing by asking here. You can get better help there

Looking for Android or iOS Collaborator / Partner. I've completed 90% of the code.

Looking to collaborate/partnership on a project I've worked on for a while. I've already created the Android app and am 90% complete. You can see the original html prototype below. Basically I want to create a social content portal for mobile. Let me know if you want to learn more or see the Android app. Hopefully it's ok to post this here.
redbluekey dot com/Jupiter
redbluekey dot com/World War II

Looking for a tutorial

Hi everyone i am new to android and i want to learn how to make android apps and games, is their a official link to a tutorial or pdf for the android studio that i could use to learn and master android studio, or if there is a respected community developer who has made a set of videos to teach and explain android studio to novices i would much appreciate a link to that youtube channel.
some background on me.
I have no programming experience at all.
i dont know any of them programming terms
my best skill would be inspecting a webpage and removing any line of code that gets in my way such as an addvert or popup etc but thats as far as it goes.
i should start with this .
I had tried becoming a game creator some years back but i was a complete novice i couldn't even find how to download and install the studio program so i gave up but the ideas for games with either an amazing storyline or funny storyline would always come to me but i would always shrug it off.
now with covid-19 ruining everything im jobless and i also have a lot of free time. i believe it would be very advantageous to learn something amazing during this time, i could wish i came here this time last year but regardless im here now
i decided to post this in xda forums as anytime in the past when i had a problem on my phone and id ask google for a solution i'd always get a link to some article or an xda-forum page which would explain and help how to fix said problem while i was their i could see that this website was really interested in android apps games etc
thank you in advance

