[BASH SCRIPT][UPDATED] Governor Switch Scripts from the Command Line - Hero CDMA Android Development

UPDATE: Govswitch.sh has received an upgrade and it can now automagically generate an init.local.rc.new which can be used to set a governor on start up. It will also generate the chosen governor specific script and place it in the /system/bin folder. Thank you Duffkitty for the idea!
Original Post:
In the spirit of Open Source, I've written a couple of scripts that I wanted to share with the community. These are meant for advanced users familiar with the *nix command line. I didn't want to buy SetCPU (yes, I'm cheap ) so I decided to automate the process through the Bash shell language. For those interested, I've written a couple of Bash scripts that allow you to switch CPU governors via the command line. One script generates single instance scripts (one per governor) that can be used in conjunction with GScript for single click governor shortcuts. These single instance scripts are also ideal for changing the governor at boot. The other is command line only and prompts the user to choose from the available governors on the system.
I got tired of having to type it all out so I scripted the process. I just wanted to share with everyone else. I'm also planning to write a watch script that changes to the powersave governor automagically if the battery gets low.
I hope someone finds these scripts useful. Please let me know if anyone finds any errors in the scripts.
These scripts are offered under the terms of the GPLv2. Please see:
You must have root to run these. Usage is detailed in the scripts.
You use this script at your own risk. There are no warranties or guarantees of functionality or safety implied or stated whatsoever.
If you do not know what this does, please do not use it.
Despite my harsh warning above, I've designed these scripts to be as failsafe as possible so that nothing is written if the user does not want changes or the governor being selected is already in use. I use these scripts all the time and I have tried to make them as user friendly as command line scripts can be.
Unzip the attached zip to your SD Card. It contains:
Description: License file.
Description: This script generates a set of scripts, one per governor to '/sdcard/governors/'. If a governor is not available in the kernel, no script is generated for it. IE: You can't have ondemand on a kernel that only has interactive built in as the only governor. If you do happen to run a governor script for a governor that is not available, it will simply exit with an error message and no changes made.
bash /sdcard/govscriptgen.sh
bash /sdcard/governors/ondemand.sh
## This script is offered free for use and distribution under the terms and conditions
# in accordance with the GPLv2. For more inforation please visit:
# http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html
## Written by Alex Zaballa (8/23/2010) for use on Android OS.
## Description: This script is designed to facilitate CPU Governor switching from
# the Bash command line that comes with custom Android ROMs. It reads the governors
# available on the system generates a script per governor.
# This allows user selection and future automation through Bash.
# Running this script with preexisting scripts in the gen_path
# will automatically overwrite the preexisting scripts.
# If you are a Bash editor, rename/backup anything you want to keep.
## Usage:
# bash /yourpath/govscriptgen.sh
## For root users only.
## Disclaimer:
# You use this script at your *own risk*. There are no warranties or guarantees
# of functionality or safety implied or stated whatsoever.
# If you do not know what this does, please do not use it.
# User Editable: Change this variable to change the generation path.
# Please use quotes and end slash.
# What governors are available to us?
gov_list="$(cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_available_governors)"
# Create governor script folder if it does not exist.
if [ ! -e "${gen_path}" ]; then
mkdir ${gen_path}
# Main loop
# Loop through the available governors.
for gov in ${gov_list}; do
# Concatenate path + filename.
# Echo it all to script_name, rinse, repeat.
echo "Generating ${script_name} ..."
echo '## This script is offered free for use and distribution under the terms and conditions' > ${script_name}
echo '# in accordance with the GPLv2. For more inforation please visit:' >> ${script_name}
echo '## http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html' >> ${script_name}
echo '#' >> ${script_name}
echo '## Written by Alex Zaballa (8/23/2010) for use on Android OS.' >> ${script_name}
echo '#' >> ${script_name}
echo '## Description: This script is designed to facilitate CPU Governor' >> ${script_name}
echo '# switching from the Bash command line that comes with custom'>> ${script_name}
echo '# Android ROMs. The script name is generated from the available' >> ${script_name}
echo '# governors and when run, updates to the governor for which the script' >> ${script_name}
echo '# is named. If a governor is not available, it will exit safely with an error.' >> ${script_name}
echo '# These scripts can be used with GScript to create governor shortcuts.' >> ${script_name}
echo '#'
echo '## Usage:' >> ${script_name}
echo "# bash ${script_name}" >> ${script_name}
echo '#' >> ${script_name}
echo '## For root users only.' >> ${script_name}
echo '#' >> ${script_name}
echo '## Disclaimer:' >> ${script_name}
echo '# You use this script at your *own risk*. There are no warranties or guarantees' >> ${script_name}
echo '# of functionality or safety implied or stated whatsoever.' >> ${script_name}
echo '# If you do not know what this does, please do not use it.' >> ${script_name}
echo '##' >> ${script_name}
echo "" >> ${script_name}
echo "" >> ${script_name}
echo '# Set governor that the script controls. This was given at generation.' >> ${script_name}
echo -e 'gov='"\042"${gov}"\042" >> ${script_name}
echo '# What is the current system governor?' >> ${script_name}
echo -e current_gov="\042"'$(cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor)'"\042" >> ${script_name}
echo '# What governors are available to us?' >> ${script_name}
echo -e gov_list="\042"'$(cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_available_governors)'"\042" >> ${script_name}
echo "" >> ${script_name}
echo '# Failsafe: If the governor we are trying to set to is not available, exit safely.' >> ${script_name}
echo 'if [ "$(echo "${gov_list}" | grep -c "${gov}" )" != "0" ]; then' >> ${script_name}
echo '# Failsafe: If the governor we are trying to set to is already set, write nothing.' >> ${script_name}
echo ' if [ "${gov}" != "${current_gov}" ]; then' >> ${script_name}
echo ' echo "${gov}" > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor' >> ${script_name}
echo ' current_gov="$(cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor)"' >> ${script_name}
echo ' echo "Governor changed to:[${current_gov}]"' >> ${script_name}
echo ' else' >> ${script_name}
echo ' echo "Governor already set to:[${current_gov}]"' >> ${script_name}
echo ' echo "No changes made."' >> ${script_name}
echo ' fi' >> ${script_name}
echo 'else' >> ${script_name}
echo ' echo "Error: [${gov}] governor is not available on this kernel. No changes made."' >> ${script_name}
echo 'fi' >> ${script_name}
This script is meant for interactive terminal use (IE: use if you are staring at a command line prompt). It prompts the user for governor selection.
bash /sdcard/govswitch.sh
## This script is offered free for use and distribution under the terms and conditions
# in accordance with the GPLv2. For more inforation please visit:
# http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html
## Written by Alex Zaballa (8/23/2010) for use on Android OS.
# Description: This script is designed to facilitate CPU Governor switching from
# the Bash command line that comes with custom Android ROMs. It reads the governors
# available on the system and asks the user which they would like to use.
## Usage:
# bash /yourpath/govswitch.sh
## For root users only.
## Disclaimer:
# You use this script at your *own risk*. There are no warranties or guarantees
# of functionality or safety implied or stated whatsoever.
# If you do not know what this does, please do not use it.
# No root, no go.
if [ "$(whoami)" != "root" ]; then
echo "ERROR: You do not have sufficient privileges to run this script."
echo "Please re-run with root privileges."
exit 1
# Default paths. Most of these should not change unless AOS does.
# Recursive function to nag user for a sane and expected answer: (Y)(y) or (N)(n).
function yesno {
read -s -n 1 ans
case $ans in
# If the user has made a choice, update system variable and exit function and for loop.
Y|y) if [ "$2" == '/system/etc/init.local.rc' ]; then
# Do no harm. User has final say to replace 'init.local.rc'.
echo "Setting system to rw permissions."
mount -o remount,rw -t yaffs2 /dev/block/mtdblock3 /system
# Backup the original init.local.rc file if one does not exist.
if [ ! -e "${init_rc_path}.bak" ]; then
echo "Generating $2.bak"
cat "${init_rc_path}" > "${init_rc_path}.bak"
echo "Generating $2.new"
cat "$2" > "$2.new"
echo "$1" >> "$2.new"
echo "$1" > "$2"
echo "[$1] written to:"
echo "$2"
break 2> /dev/null ;;
# If the user wants something else, skip current item listed.
N|n) echo "Not writing [$1]..."
if [ "$2" == '/system/etc/init.local.rc' ]; then
echo "Done."
exit 0
fi ;;
# Garbage answer in; sanity nag out. Recurse.
* ) echo "Please enter:[y/n]"
yesno "$1" "$2";;
# What governors are available to us?
gov_list="$(cat "${available_path}")"
# Main Loop
echo "Available governors:[${gov_list}]"
# Failsafe: If all answers are no, we don't change anything.
echo "Answer (n)o to every question to keep current governor."
# Loop through available options.
for gov in ${gov_list}; do
# What is our current governor?
current_gov="$(cat "${gov_path}")"
# Skip question if the current governor and our option is the same.
if [ "${gov}" != "${current_gov}" ]; then
echo "The current governor is:[${current_gov}]"
echo ""
echo "Change to:[${gov}][y/n]?"
yesno "${gov}" "${gov_path}"
# Confirm what we've done.
current_gov="$(cat "${gov_path}")"
echo -e "\nThe current governor is:[${current_gov}]"
echo "Do you want to use this governor on startup?"
startup_script="$(echo -e '/system/bin/'"${current_gov}"'.sh')"
init_string="$(echo -e 'service gov_'"${current_gov} ${bash_path} ${startup_script}\n\t\t"'oneshot'"\n\n\n")"
yesno "${init_string}" "${init_rc_path}"
if [ ! -e "${startup_script}" ]; then
# Echo it all to startup_script.
echo "Generating ${startup_script} ..."
echo '## This script is offered free for use and distribution under the terms and conditions' > ${startup_script}
echo '# in accordance with the GPLv2. For more inforation please visit:' >> ${startup_script}
echo '## http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html' >> ${startup_script}
echo '#' >> ${startup_script}
echo '## Written by Alex Zaballa (8/23/2010) for use on Android OS.' >> ${startup_script}
echo '#' >> ${startup_script}
echo '## Description: This script is designed to facilitate CPU Governor' >> ${startup_script}
echo '# switching from the Bash command line that comes with custom'>> ${startup_script}
echo '# Android ROMs. The script name is generated from the available' >> ${startup_script}
echo '# governors and when run, updates to the governor for which the script' >> ${startup_script}
echo '# is named. If a governor is not available, it will exit safely with an error.' >> ${startup_script}
echo '# These scripts can be used with GScript to create governor shortcuts.' >> ${startup_script}
echo '#' >> ${startup_script}
echo '## Usage:' >> ${startup_script}
echo "# bash ${startup_script}" >> ${startup_script}
echo '#' >> ${startup_script}
echo '## For root users only.' >> ${startup_script}
echo '#' >> ${startup_script}
echo '## Disclaimer:' >> ${startup_script}
echo '# You use this script at your *own risk*. There are no warranties or guarantees' >> ${startup_script}
echo '# of functionality or safety implied or stated whatsoever.' >> ${startup_script}
echo '# If you do not know what this does, please do not use it.' >> ${startup_script}
echo '##' >> ${startup_script}
echo "" >> ${startup_script}
echo "" >> ${startup_script}
echo '# Set governor that the script controls. This was given at generation.' >> ${startup_script}
echo -e 'gov='"\042"${current_gov}"\042" >> ${startup_script}
echo '# What is the current system governor?' >> ${startup_script}
echo -e 'current_gov='"\042"'$(cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor)'"\042" >> ${startup_script}
echo '# What governors are available to us?' >> ${startup_script}
echo -e 'gov_list='"\042"'$(cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_available_governors)'"\042" >> ${startup_script}
echo "" >> ${startup_script}
echo '# Failsafe: If the governor we are trying to set to is not available, exit safely.' >> ${startup_script}
echo 'if [ "$(echo "${gov_list}" | grep -c "${gov}" )" != "0" ]; then' >> ${startup_script}
echo '# Failsafe: If the governor we are trying to set to is already set, write nothing.' >> ${startup_script}
echo ' if [ "${gov}" != "${current_gov}" ]; then' >> ${startup_script}
echo ' echo "${gov}" > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor' >> ${startup_script}
echo ' current_gov="$(cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor)"' >> ${startup_script}
echo ' echo "Governor changed to:[${current_gov}]"' >> ${startup_script}
echo ' else' >> ${startup_script}
echo ' echo "Governor already set to:[${current_gov}]"' >> ${startup_script}
echo ' echo "No changes made."' >> ${startup_script}
echo ' fi' >> ${startup_script}
echo 'else' >> ${startup_script}
echo ' echo "Error: [${gov}] governor is not available on this kernel. No changes made."' >> ${startup_script}
echo 'fi' >> ${startup_script}
echo ""
echo "***"
echo "WARNING:"
echo "CHECK init.local.rc.new for correctness"
echo "BEFORE overwriting the original."
echo "***"
echo "If you need a backup of the original,"
echo "init.local.rc.bak was created at runtime."
echo "Run the following or similar command"
echo "to overwrite init.local.rc in /system/etc/:"
echo ""
echo "cat init.local.rc.bak > init.local.rc"

Thanks downloading now.

duffkitty said:
Thanks downloading now.
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Please let me know if you have any questions.

At first I got a yesno error but ran it with sh and not bash.
Working but I can't figure out gscript it sends out stderr's. I have the lite so dunno.
I'm guessing to start at boot I would need to edit a bit =P
Sent from my CM 6 Blackmodded Heroc using the XDA app. Now with uncapped kernel and battery tweaks.

duffkitty said:
At first I got a yesno error but ran it with sh and not bash.
Working but I can't figure out gscript it sends out stderr's. I have the lite so dunno.
I'm guessing to start at boot I would need to edit a bit =P
Sent from my CM 6 Blackmodded Heroc using the XDA app. Now with uncapped kernel and battery tweaks.
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I found this for running scripts at boot. It's a good place to start.
This script generates a set of scripts, one per governor. It's those scripts you would want to use at boot or in gscript. If you didn't change the location, and assuming that you could write to your SD Card, they should be located in '/sdcard/governors'. There will be one per available governor (this is dictated by the kernel configuration).
In GScript do the following:
1. Open GScript Lite.
2. Menu > Add Script
3. Name the script. Let's say Ondemand.
4. Check 'Needs SU?'
5. In the text box type (without quotes), 'bash /sdcard/governors/ondemand.sh'
6. Create a shortcut to that script and it will set the governor it is named for.
This one is for use in a terminal and prompts the user for the desired governor.

I think I figured out and was gonna post it but you already did thanks. I appreciate it.
Sent from my CM 6 Blackmodded Heroc using the XDA app. Now with uncapped kernel and battery tweaks.

Added interactive.sh to /system/bin and fixed the permissions but I added
service gov_interactive /system/bin/interactive.sh
To init.local.rc and it doesn't start... I can run it in terminal emulator with just interactive.sh though....
Sent from my CM 6 Blackmodded Heroc using the XDA app. Now with uncapped kernel and battery tweaks.

duffkitty said:
Added interactive.sh to /system/bin and fixed the permissions but I added
service gov_interactive /system/bin/interactive.sh
To init.local.rc and it doesn't start... I can run it in terminal emulator with just interactive.sh though....
Sent from my CM 6 Blackmodded Heroc using the XDA app. Now with uncapped kernel and battery tweaks.
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I think it needs the interpreter in front of it. Could you try the following?
service gov_interactive /system/xbin/bash /system/bin/interactive.sh

zansatsu said:
I think it needs the interpreter in front of it. Could you try the following?
service gov_interactive /system/xbin/bash /system/bin/interactive.sh
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That does it. I guess it doesn't automagically know it's bash =P
Sent from my CM 6 Blackmodded Heroc using the XDA app. Now with uncapped kernel and battery tweaks.

duffkitty said:
That does it. I guess it doesn't automagically know it's bash =P
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I'm glad it worked. Yeah, Android's command line fought me most of the way until I learned to just call bash before running any scripts. I suspect it's probably because the command line on Android initializes in a relatively 'bare' state as compared to all of Linux's bells and whistles that I'm used to.
Let me know if you have any more questions.

zansatsu said:
I'm glad it worked. Yeah, Android's command line fought me most of the way until I learned to just call bash before running any scripts. I suspect it's probably because the command line on Android initializes in a relatively 'bare' state as compared to all of Linux's bells and whistles that I'm used to.
Let me know if you have any more questions.
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Thanks for helping =) I wonder if its possible to add bsd style init scripts. I guess you don't actually need to change many services but an rc.conf file would be cool =P
Sent from my CM 6 Blackmodded Heroc using the XDA app. Now with uncapped kernel and battery tweaks.

duffkitty said:
Thanks for helping =) I wonder if its possible to add bsd style init scripts. I guess you don't actually need to change many services but an rc.conf file would be cool =P
Sent from my CM 6 Blackmodded Heroc using the XDA app. Now with uncapped kernel and battery tweaks.
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I started on Slackware and a '/etc/rc.d/rc.local' file would be really awesome. Slackware being one of the oldest distros (if not the oldest) is very similar to BSD. I've had to configure Slack many times, but once you did it was rock-solid.
Android feels more like Ubuntu in some ways and Red Hat in others, but a very slim version of either. I can't really explain it.
Anywho. Glad I could help.

## This script is offered free for use and distribution under the terms and conditions
# in accordance with the GPLv2. For more inforation please visit:
# http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html
## Written by Alex Zaballa (9/23/2010) for use on Android OS.
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How did you write this script one month in the future?
Seriously....would this script be able to change kernel voltage from command line? Say changing from undervolted to regular voltage for certain tasks (like GPS nav for example), then switch back to undervolt for other usage? Is something like that even possible? I've seen a few others ask about something like that in other threads.

chromiumleaf said:
How did you write this script one month in the future?
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I'm just that ahead of my time! ROFL
I corrected and reposted the zip file.

chromiumleaf said:
Seriously....would this script be able to change kernel voltage from command line? Say changing from undervolted to regular voltage for certain tasks (like GPS nav for example), then switch back to undervolt for other usage? Is something like that even possible? I've seen a few others ask about something like that in other threads.
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If there is a command line associated with it, I can write a script that can easily handle it. I haven't looked into the specifics on changing voltages...
TBH: That thought scares the bejeezuz out of me.

zansatsu said:
If there is a command line associated with it, I can write a script that can easily handle it. I haven't looked into the specifics on changing voltages...
TBH: That thought scares the bejeezuz out of me.
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Check out this thread for some of the initial dev conversations on undervolting: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=697286 Ironically, I think some of it started from the guy who dev'd setcpu. Might have some info in it that could help you figure some things out. I'd try to sum it up for you but that stuff is just a bit over my head

Decad3nce said:
/* MSM7201A Levels 3-6 all correspond to 1.2V, level 7 corresponds to 1.325V. */
enum {
VDD_0 = 0,
VDD_1 = 1,
VDD_2 = 2,
VDD_3 = 3,
VDD_4 = 4,
VDD_5 = 5,
VDD_6 = 6,
VDD_7 = 7,
Thanks to kleranc for idea.
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These are kernel level calls that have to be compiled into the kernel. Unless they make this available as a system variable, like the governors are, I don't think changing the voltage from the command line is possible... or even safe. The governors are routines written to control different CPU modes of operation and are designed to be fairly safe to use in instances of power management. Adjusting the voltages from the command line would prove to be too close to suicidal because Bash can't operate at the speeds necessary to monitor voltage fluctations.
Example: We hit a voltage spike, which needs to be corrected in nanoseconds (billionth of a second), Bash would brick the phone by not responding until at least 50 milliseconds (thousandth of a second) later, if ever.
Now if they had modules written that the kernel had different voltage 'modes' and built-in safeties, then I wouldn't have a problem manipulating them from the command line. As it stands, I'll leave it to people who think in ARM Assembler, C, and C++. lol

However, I am taking script ideas, so feel free to suggest anything else you might think is useful.
No Hero gets left behind!
Sent from my FROYO HERO.

Govswitch.sh has received an upgrade and it can now automagically generate an init.local.rc.new which can be used to set a governor on start up. It will also generate the chosen governor specific script and place it in the /system/bin folder. Thank you Duffkitty for the idea!

zansatsu said:
Govswitch.sh has received an upgrade and it can now automagically generate an init.local.rc.new which can be used to set a governor on start up. It will also generate the chosen governor specific script and place it in the /system/bin folder. Thank you Duffkitty for the idea!
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Awesome I'm not longer using CM for a daily and switched to Zen-ROM but may go back when a release happens. Niche audience for the script but its very helpful
Sent from my HTC Hero using XDA App


REQUEST/IDEA for a safety script for tweaking/OC

I had an Idea for a script that would run at bootup, and if a certain variable had a "value" of NOT 1.
then the script would change the CHMOD of a userinit.sh located in the sd-ext from 050 or 777 to 750 then it would change the variable "value" to 0 were it would stay untill another script that runs at shut down or reboot setts the variable to 1 and changes CHMOD back to 050 or 777 so that the userinit.sh is not run.
That way if a change is made during operating the phone that causes the phone to crash with out shutting down properly the script runs which causes the userinit.sh to run and "resets" userinit.sh values to a "default". Otherwise if shut down properly nothing happens.
This could be expanded on to include repairing the EXT or clearing some special cache or other stuff I am unfamiliar with but that you might want to run after a crash.(like logcat?)
any way what do you think? any promise?
I think, for overclocking purposes anyway, making the userinit.sh unrunnable would make the phone break immediately, as I think it would go to the highest available frequency. However, I like the idea, though I'm not sure how to run scripts on shutdown. I think for overclocking, it would check if the shutdown was clean on startup, and if not change the applicable line to the next lowest number, which it would get either from a seperate file or maybe it could be stuffed in the script itself. (Just my somewhat uneducated thoughts)
TheNewGuy said:
I had an Idea for a script that would run at bootup, and if a certain variable had a "value" of NOT 1.
then the script would change the CHMOD of a userinit.sh located in the sd-ext from 050 or 777 to 750 then it would change the variable "value" to 0 were it would stay untill another script that runs at shut down or reboot setts the variable to 1 and changes CHMOD back to 050 or 777 so that the userinit.sh is not run.
That way if a change is made during operating the phone that causes the phone to crash with out shutting down properly the script runs which causes the userinit.sh to run and "resets" userinit.sh values to a "default". Otherwise if shut down properly nothing happens.
This could be expanded on to include repairing the EXT or clearing some special cache or other stuff I am unfamiliar with but that you might want to run after a crash.(like logcat?)
any way what do you think? any promise?
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Keep it simple. If a change in userinit.sh breaks your system, reboot to recovery and edit it and reboot again.
TheNewGuy said:
I had an Idea for a script that would run at bootup, and if a certain variable had a "value" of NOT 1.
then the script would change the CHMOD of a userinit.sh located in the sd-ext from 050 or 777 to 750 then it would change the variable "value" to 0 were it would stay untill another script that runs at shut down or reboot setts the variable to 1 and changes CHMOD back to 050 or 777 so that the userinit.sh is not run.
That way if a change is made during operating the phone that causes the phone to crash with out shutting down properly the script runs which causes the userinit.sh to run and "resets" userinit.sh values to a "default". Otherwise if shut down properly nothing happens.
This could be expanded on to include repairing the EXT or clearing some special cache or other stuff I am unfamiliar with but that you might want to run after a crash.(like logcat?)
any way what do you think? any promise?
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most rom devs/tweakers launch userinit.sh by calling it with a sh
/system/bin/sh /system/sd/userinit.sh
so it will still run !! ( as init doesn't care about permissions, it is god )
don't believe me?
echo "echo I ran" > /data/test.sh
chmod 000 /data/test.sh
sh /data/test.sh
Keep it simple. If a change in userinit.sh breaks your system, reboot to recovery and edit it and reboot again.
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Yea thats the easy way!...
(Seriously I'm not that good at Linux Command Line code,wording,but i'm getting there.)
I think, for overclocking purposes anyway, making the userinit.sh unrunnable would make the phone break immediately, as I think it would go to the highest available frequency. However, I like the idea, though I'm not sure how to run scripts on shutdown. I think for overclocking, it would check if the shutdown was clean on startup, and if not change the applicable line to the next lowest number, which it would get either from a seperate file or maybe it could be stuffed in the script itself. (Just my somewhat uneducated thoughts)
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And I know that most roms now have a script called something like in /system/etc/init.d/20userinit that runs at startup and checks to see if a userinit.sh is present in sd-ext,if so it runs it.Also I noticed that the script can be there but if it is CHMOD to 777 it wont run. This is the "Reset script" Set to restet to something you like and run other tasks to help Fix/Diagnose probs.
The OC changes would be made from a different script such as 86supersettings
Or a userinit located in system/sd maybe ?
The thing is making sure one is read before the other.
Any way I probably will just learn the language better and do it from recovery console.
Thanks again
TheNewGuy said:
Yea thats the easy way!...
(Seriously I'm not that good at Linux Command Line code,wording,but i'm getting there.)
And I know that most roms now have a script called something like in /system/etc/init.d/20userinit that runs at startup and checks to see if a userinit.sh is present in sd-ext,if so it runs it.Also I noticed that the script can be there but if it is CHMOD to 777 it wont run. This is the "Reset script" Set to restet to something you like and run other tasks to help Fix/Diagnose probs.
The OC changes would be made from a different script such as 86supersettings
Or a userinit located in system/sd maybe ?
The thing is making sure one is read before the other.
Any way I probably will just learn the language better and do it from recovery console.
Thanks again
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chmod 777 makes it rw and executable by everyone!!!!!!!!
have a look here
but as I mentioned above, init ( the initial progam runs as root and doesn't care about permissions, ( it wouldn't be very good at doing initialising the system if it had to seek permission )
Yea your right. Well I said I wasn't that good at this linux stuff! Now I Proved it.
Any way as you can see this is more of a request..... I still think it's a good Idea.
Thanks for your help FireRat.
Keep it simple. If a change in userinit.sh breaks your system, reboot to recovery and edit it and reboot again.
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I understand how I could manualy Replace the modified script with a default one that was on my sdcard from within recovery after a faild OC change...but..
Are you saying I could actualy modify the original script from recover? Do you have any info on how? A link?
TheNewGuy said:
I understand how I could manualy Replace the modified script with a default one that was on my sdcard from within recovery after a faild OC change...but..
Are you saying I could actualy modify the original script from recover? Do you have any info on how? A link?
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If you have RA-Recovery, adb works, so you can pull/push the userinit.sh script. You can also enter the terminal and use vi to edit it from recovery. You may have to mount the ext partition first, but that's pretty easy. "mount /system/sd" will do it, if /system/sd doesn't exist, "mkdir /system/sd".
Ok, Thanks that makes sense. I'm still learning adb though. And I tried vi once before with no luck. But now I know what to learn about.
Thanks a lot I appreciate it.
TheNewGuy said:
Ok, Thanks that makes sense. I'm still learning adb though. And I tried vi once before with no luck. But now I know what to learn about.
Thanks a lot I appreciate it.
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ok, this would do what you want
bold is new
stop dhcpcd;
sleep 1;
[B]echo "1" > /data/cleanshutdown[/B]
for i in `cat /proc/mounts | cut -f 2 -d " "`;
busybox mount -o remount,ro $i 2>&1 > /dev/null;
if [ "$1" = "-r" ];
toolbox reboot -f;
toolbox reboot -fp;
your script
if [ "`cat /data/cleanshutdown`" != "1" ];
echo "shutdown was not clean"
[B]your tweaks[/B]
echo "shutdown was clean"
[B]your tweaks[/B]
echo "0" > /data/cleanshutdown
I'm not sure you need it,
this is for education value, if you want to play ^^^ is where to start
Thank You!
That is perfect
I need to add all of this to the startup script right?
if [ "`cat /data/cleanshutdown`" != "1" ];
echo "shutdown was not clean"
your tweaks
echo "shutdown was clean"
your tweaks
echo "0" > /data/cleanshutdown
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I am going to use the beta boot up script from ZKX called 86Supersettings, but I could use a userinit/user.conf like most do. Correct?
TheNewGuy said:
Thank You!
That is perfect
I need to add all of this to the startup script right?
I am going to use the beta boot up script from ZKX called 86Supersettings, but I could use a userinit/user.conf like most do. Correct?
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well, a .conf file should be just that
a file with configurations , not an executable script
well, a .conf file should be just that
a file with configurations , not an executable script
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OK. I guess I meant both together. I would use the user.conf to make tweaks. Then have to modify the userinit.sh with the part you made. Something like.
if [ "`cat /data/cleanshutdown`" != "1" ];
echo "shutdown was not clean"
Dont run user.conf
and set cpu or other stuff to "default"
echo "shutdown was clean"
Run user.conf for tweaked settings
echo "0" > /data/cleanshutdown
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If I'm way off then I guess I need to re-read the Userinit thread.
TheNewGuy said:
OK. I guess I meant both together. I would use the user.conf to make tweaks. Then have to modify the userinit.sh with the part you made. Something like.
If I'm way off then I guess I need to re-read the Userinit thread.
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well, in practise it doesn't matter
the file extension is only for use humans, if I'm looking in a directory and I see .conf I expect it to be a configuration file, I see .sh, its a shell script, .py python, pl perl .......
I see. Well Thanks again for your help. Your script does work. I tried it. crash on purpose.
I still have a lot to learn.
1) If you're OC'ing via SetCPU, remember that this doesn't change the recovery kernel, and you can uninstall SetCPU from Recovery. From there, all you need is a "safe" userinit.sh.
3) If you're OC'ing via userinit.sh -- same deal. Your phone crashes on you and you just edit it to a safe config from recovery.
Tweak away.
This is what I ended up with
Thanks to
echo 255 >/sys/class/leds/blue/brightness;
echo "+++ Now entering the speedy madness of Z.X.D.!"
echo "----- let's clear that Cache first."
echo "----- Too much DBs make System go sloow..."
echo "----- Also be shure to check out CacheMate"
echo "----- It's in the Market. (Made by Android AppCritic)."
echo "----- It's way more powerfull than this script!"
echo "----- (Times 10 or 100... Clears everything :P)"
echo "----- And this script already took hours to build..."
echo "----- domenukk - 2010."
find /data/data -name app_admob_cache | while read line; do du -s $line/* | cut -f1; rm -Rf $line/*; done;
find /data/data -name cache | while read line; do du -s $line/* | cut -f1; rm -Rf $line/*; done;
find /data/data -name google_analytics.db | while read line; do du -s $line | cut -f1; rm -Rf $line; done;
find /data/data -name webviewCache.db | while read line; do du -s $line | cut -f1; rm -Rf $line; done;
rm -rf /data/data/com.facebook.katana/files
rm -rf /data/data/com.google.android.apps.genie.geniewidget/app_news_image_cache
rm -rf /data/data/com.code.i.music/app_admob_cache
rm -rf /data/data/fm.last.android/databases/google_analytics.db
echo "--- All the Cache has been cleared."
sleep 10
echo 0 >/sys/class/leds/blue/brightness;
####determin if shutdown was clean####
if [ "`cat /data/cleanshutdown`" != "1" ];
echo 255 >/sys/class/leds/green/brightness;
####Turbo Script by [email protected]####
####Prioritize everyting ####
echo "----- Enabling Turbo."
/system/bin/prior &
# Linux-SWAP
if [ -e /dev/block/mmcblk0p3 ];
if [ -n /dev/block/mmcblk0p3 ];
echo "+++ Set Linux Swap"
busybox mkswap /dev/block/mmcblk0p3;
if [ -e /dev/block/mmcblk0p3 ];
echo "+++ Set Swapiness"
echo 100 > /proc/sys/vm/swappiness;
echo "+++ Activate Swap"
busybox swapon /dev/block/mmcblk0p3;
####Better CPU Settings...####
echo "----- Speed up the CPU"
echo 633600 > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_max_freq;
echo 122800 > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_min_freq;
echo 95 > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/ondemand/up_threshold;
echo 0 > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/ondemand/ignore_nice_load;
echo 100000 > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/ondemand/sampling_rate;
echo 0 > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/ondemand/powersave_bias;
echo 0 >/sys/class/leds/green/brightness;
echo 255 >/sys/class/leds/blue/brightness;
echo 255 >/sys/class/leds/red/brightness;
####Turbo Script by [email protected]####
####Prioritize everyting ####
echo "----- Enabling Turbo."
/system/bin/prior &
# Linux-SWAP
if [ -e /dev/block/mmcblk0p3 ];
if [ -n /dev/block/mmcblk0p3 ];
echo "+++ Set Linux Swap"
busybox mkswap /dev/block/mmcblk0p3;
if [ -e /dev/block/mmcblk0p3 ];
echo "+++ Set Swapiness"
echo 83 > /proc/sys/vm/swappiness;
echo "+++ Activate Swap"
busybox swapon /dev/block/mmcblk0p3;
####Better CPU Settings...####
echo "----- Speed up the CPU"
echo 576000 > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_max_freq;
echo 122800 > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_min_freq;
echo 45 > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/ondemand/up_threshold;
echo 0 > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/ondemand/ignore_nice_load;
echo 2000000 > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/ondemand/sampling_rate;
echo 200 > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/ondemand/powersave_bias;
echo "0" > /data/cleanshutdown
echo "+++ continue on lame stock SuperD boot "
##Clearing Davlik-Cache##
for dc in dalvik-cache;
umount /cache/$dc;
rm -fr /cache/$dc;
mkdir /cache/$dc;
chown 1000:1000 /cache/$dc;
chmod 771 /cache/$dc;
mount -o bind /data/$dc /cache/$dc;
Named 86supersettings so it runs after userinit.sh if one exists.
I put some Led indicators in so you can tell if it ran right at boot up. (about all I did besides copy and paste) Thinking about adding some other stuff like repair ext, or some kind of log to help me see what happed... any suggestions.
OK, here's another Idea for another safety feature...
I would like to "hard code" a temp fail-safe in to the code. I would like to get rid of SetCPU and when OC-ing it's nice to have a temp failsafe.SHUTDOWN!LOL
Any way I guess I would just add a few lines to some existing script in my phone?.... Any suggestions.
Thanks for your time.

Mod close this please

Mod please close this thread .
Thank you
Haven't download it yet but I'm just curious. Is this a "sync" followed by echoing "3" to the drop_cache file?
Sent from my Nexus S using xda premium
kοng said:
Haven't download it yet but I'm just curious. Is this a "sync" followed by echoing "3" to the drop_cache file?
Sent from my Nexus S using xda premium
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and followed by a echo 1 to let the system continue create caches
Should the terminal emulator typing repeat in every reboot (soft reset)?
imbawind said:
Adrenaline Shot
This script act like an adrenaline shot for your phone.
It helps you to clear your system cache, get more free ram for you and gravely boost your phone's performance !
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sleep 1
echo "3" > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches;
echo "1" > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches;
sleep 1
echo " ** Turbo Boosted ** ";
Is that all?
Not new. This script persists already in a lot of ROMs and tweaks.
My engine flush script included with V6 SuperCharger... it haz...
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
Just type "flush" in terminal
And what's up with the naming?
There is a well known Adrenaline Shot script plus there is a certain 3G TurboCharger but anyway instead of using 2 names (?) you should call it "Adrenaline Boost" or something
jolas said:
Should the terminal emulator typing repeat in every reboot (soft reset)?
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whenever u feel lag
alexdoux25 said:
sleep 1
echo "3" > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches;
echo "1" > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches;
sleep 1
echo " ** Turbo Boosted ** ";
Is that all?
Not new. This script persists already in a lot of ROMs and tweaks.
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really ?0.0
for my device this script echo 3 drop cache is indeed included in many script but none of them works
zeppelinrox said:
My engine flush script included with V6 SuperCharger... it haz...
Just type "flush" in terminal
And what's up with the naming?
There is a well known Adrenaline Shot script plus there is a certain 3G TurboCharger but anyway instead of using 2 names (?) you should call it "Adrenaline Boost" or something
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okay I'll make changes
but I really don't know tat ur v6 can clear ram by terminal..
and isit ur script only echo 3 without echo 1 back and sync
correct me if i'm wrong
zeppelinrox said:
My engine flush script included with V6 SuperCharger... it haz...
Just type "flush" in terminal
And what's up with the naming?
There is a well known Adrenaline Shot script plus there is a certain 3G TurboCharger but anyway instead of using 2 names (?) you should call it "Adrenaline Boost" or something
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if [ "$opt" -eq 16 ]; then
# see http://www.droidforums.net/forum/liberty-rom-d2/122733-tutorial-sysctl-you-guide-better-preformance-battery-life.html
# credit imoseyon
echo " Your device may get laggy after a day or two.."
echo ""
echo " ...if you haven't rebooted."
echo ""
echo " It happens when system caches keep growing..."
echo ""
echo " ...and free RAM keeps shrinking..."
echo ""
echo " ...and apps are starved for memory!"
echo ""
echo ""
echo " This Engine Flush will give you a Quick Boost!"
echo ""
echo " The system will drop all file system caches..."
echo ""
echo " ...which means more free RAM and no lag!"
echo ""
echo " ...so need to reboot!"
echo ""
echo " Credit to imoseyon for making this known!"
echo ""
echo " Continue and drop all file system caches?"
echo ""
echo -n " Enter Y for Yes, any key for No: "
read flush
echo ""
echo $line
case $flush in
y|Y)sync; echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches
echo " Engine Flush Completed!"
echo ""
echo " ...Enjoy Your Quick Boost :)";;
*)echo " File system caches were retained...";;
echo $line
echo ""
do u mean this one ?
# sync
# echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches
That's it. Not much to see here. The first command writes any cache data that hasn't been written to the disk out to the disk. The second command tells the kernel to drop what's cached. Not much to it. This invalidates the write cache as well as the read cache, which is why we have the sync command first.
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and from my opinion , it's better to echo 1 back to drop_caches, cause the caches which are still in use may be cleaned whenever u go task manager and clear ram
correct me if i'm wrong
imbawind said:
if [ "$opt" -eq 16 ]; then
# see http://www.droidforums.net/forum/liberty-rom-d2/122733-tutorial-sysctl-you-guide-better-preformance-battery-life.html
# credit imoseyon
echo " Your device may get laggy after a day or two.."
echo ""
echo " ...if you haven't rebooted."
echo ""
echo " It happens when system caches keep growing..."
echo ""
echo " ...and free RAM keeps shrinking..."
echo ""
echo " ...and apps are starved for memory!"
echo ""
echo ""
echo " This Engine Flush will give you a Quick Boost!"
echo ""
echo " The system will drop all file system caches..."
echo ""
echo " ...which means more free RAM and no lag!"
echo ""
echo " ...so need to reboot!"
echo ""
echo " Credit to imoseyon for making this known!"
echo ""
echo " Continue and drop all file system caches?"
echo ""
echo -n " Enter Y for Yes, any key for No: "
read flush
echo ""
echo $line
case $flush in
y|Y)sync; echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches
echo " Engine Flush Completed!"
echo ""
echo " ...Enjoy Your Quick Boost :)";;
*)echo " File system caches were retained...";;
echo $line
echo ""
do u mean this one ?
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Try this one
echo " Reported \"Free\" RAM = $ramreportedfree MB"
echo ""
busybox sync; echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches
sleep 3
echo 1 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches
ramused=$((`free | awk '{ print $3 }' | sed -n 2p`/1024))
ramkbytesfree=`free | awk '{ print $4 }' | sed -n 2p`
ramkbytescached=`cat /proc/meminfo | grep Cached | awk '{print $2}' | sed -n 1p`
ramfree=$(($ramkbytesfree/1024));ramcached=$(($ramkbytescached/1024));ramreportedfree=$(($ramfree + $ramcached))
echo $line
echo " ...RAM Stats AFTER Engine Flush"
Plus you ain't sleeping between the echo 3 and echo 1 - so sometimes that won't work.
zeppelinrox said:
Try this one
echo " Reported \"Free\" RAM = $ramreportedfree MB"
echo ""
busybox sync; echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches
sleep 3
echo 1 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches
ramused=$((`free | awk '{ print $3 }' | sed -n 2p`/1024))
ramkbytesfree=`free | awk '{ print $4 }' | sed -n 2p`
ramkbytescached=`cat /proc/meminfo | grep Cached | awk '{print $2}' | sed -n 1p`
ramfree=$(($ramkbytesfree/1024));ramcached=$(($ramkbytescached/1024));ramreportedfree=$(($ramfree + $ramcached))
echo $line
echo " ...RAM Stats AFTER Engine Flush"
Plus you ain't sleeping between the echo 3 and echo 1 - so sometimes that won't work.
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wow i din noticed that u hav new version , still can report ram free , awesome one of the best devs out there
thanks for your guidance
zeppelinrox said:
Try this one
echo " Reported \"Free\" RAM = $ramreportedfree MB"
echo ""
busybox sync; echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches
sleep 3
echo 1 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches
ramused=$((`free | awk '{ print $3 }' | sed -n 2p`/1024))
ramkbytesfree=`free | awk '{ print $4 }' | sed -n 2p`
ramkbytescached=`cat /proc/meminfo | grep Cached | awk '{print $2}' | sed -n 1p`
ramfree=$(($ramkbytesfree/1024));ramcached=$(($ramkbytescached/1024));ramreportedfree=$(($ramfree + $ramcached))
echo $line
echo " ...RAM Stats AFTER Engine Flush"
Plus you ain't sleeping between the echo 3 and echo 1 - so sometimes that won't work.
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the line which shows ram doesnt works
Works in my screen shot, no?
I just posted a snippet LOL
imbawind said:
wow i din noticed that u hav new version , still can report ram free , awesome one of the best devs out there
thanks for your guidance
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Thanks I appreciate the good words

[SCRIPT][v1.4]Bug Reporter (ultimate debugging) -- The MUST debugging AIO tool!

Hello everyone, I made a script to help developers solve problems and you become a more helpful user.
What does it do?
It exports to sdcard :
kernel version
logcat (normal and long)
radio (aka modem log)
getprop (aka build.prop)
running processes
partition info
mount info
RAM info
boot logs from kernels like : nAa, lupus
Total maximum possible logs are 14 files.
What should I do? :cyclops:
Send files from the folder with the time-stamp you have just created or send the tar.gz'ed file to the corresponding developer to help him. Each time you run the script it creates a different folder with a unique time-stamp of the time and date you dumped the logs.
Send whatever is needed, everything is in bug_reporter folder.
Ok, how do we install this thing?
Make sure you download the latest version [ v1.4 is the latest ] which is attached below and put it in your sdcard...and that your device is rooted.
Go to CWM recovery and flash it! It does no harm, it just copies a small 6kb file in your /system/xbin. So there is no need to uninstall it later. It will accompany you until you flash a new ROM.
If you are coming from another version, just flash it over.
If you are having any problems, first attach the debug.txt from bug_reporter folder and tell me your device, kernel and ROM. The problem might be your busybox installation though.
Ok, how do we use this thing?
Make sure you have a terminal app, I use this : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=jackpal.androidterm
Open a terminal app and just type :
That's it?
Yes. :good:
If you have any questions, feel free to ask anything. :highfive:
Any screenshots? :angel:
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
I want to contribute/redistribute
Oh, please do! :victory: Spread it, mod it, rewrite it, make your own version, inform developers, tell ROM cookers to include it, do whatever you want with it, but please don't forget me...
Post any improvements or modifications for me here. :fingers-crossed:
Here is the "source code" of it:
echo "Checking root permissions..."
if [ "$(id)" != "uid=0(root) gid=0(root)" ];
echo " - Denied?"
echo " * Please accept superuser permission..."
echo " /!\ FIRST TYPE: su"
elif [ "$(id)" == "uid=0(root) gid=0(root)" ];
echo " - Granted! SU binary version : $(su -V)"
echo " /!\ Some errors occured... Obviously..."
echo " * Run the script again."
echo " - Asking superuser permissions..."
echo " ( i ) If you see somewhere "root", we are OK,"
echo " else, we are NOT."
echo " Look at it :"
if [ ! -d "$DIRECTORY" ];
echo " - Directory not found.
echo " - Creating...
echo " - Done!
echo " - Fatal error! Exiting...
echo " - SU binary version : $(su -V)"
if [ ! -f $DIRECTORY/max_mb.txt ];
echo Logs can easily exceed over the size you can imagine.
echo So, I will ask you if you want me to delete them
echo in the future.
echo "How many MB of logs do you want to keep?"
echo "(5 MB recommended)"
read keep
KEEP_KB=$(echo $(($keep*1024)) )
echo $KEEP_KB > $DIRECTORY/max_mb.txt
SIZE=$(du -s $DIRECTORY | cut -f1)
MAX_MB=$(cat $DIRECTORY/max_mb.txt)
MB=$(echo $(($SIZE/1024)) )
if [ "$SIZE" -ge "$MAX_MB" ];
echo Log files have reached the maximum size you have set.
echo Their size is around $MB MB.
echo Do you want to clean all logs?
echo "(y = Yes, clean. n = No, reset max MB value)"
read clean
if [ "$clean" == "y" ] || [ "$clean" == "Y" ] || [ "$clean" == "yes" ] || [ "$clean" == "YES" ];
echo - Cleaned!
echo - Re-run the script to set again the max MB value.
echo - Bye!
elif [ "$clean" == "n" ] || [ "$clean" == "N" ] || [ "$clean" == "no" ] || [ "$clean" == "NO" ];
rm $DIRECTORY/max_mb.txt
echo - Value reseted!
echo - Re-run the script to set again the max MB value.
echo - Continuing...
sleep 2
echo "/!\ Illegal character. Try again...";
sleep 1
exec bug
ls dev/log > $DIRECTORY/devlog
MAIN=$(grep main $DIRECTORY/devlog)
RADIO=$(grep radio $DIRECTORY/devlog)
DATETIME=$(date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S)
echo " ,-------------, Everything is saved on sdcard"
echo " / [email protected] / under bug_reporter folder."
echo "/_____________/__,------,"
echo "| Bug reporter v1.4 / Remember the timestamp!"
echo "|_______________,-----' Format : yyyymmddhhmmss"
echo "It exports and compresses as tarball the following :"
echo "* dmesg"
echo "* last_kmsg"
echo "* wakelocks"
echo "* kernel version"
echo "* logcat (normal and long)"
echo "* radio (aka modem log)"
echo "* getprop (aka build.prop)"
echo "* running processes"
echo "* partition info"
echo "* mount info"
echo "* RAM info"
echo "* interrupts"
echo "* boot logs from kernels like : nAa, lupus"
echo - report timestamp : $DATETIME
mkdir "$DATETIME"
echo - exporting...
echo - dmesg
dmesg > $DIRECTORY/"$DATETIME"/dmesg.txt
echo - OK!
echo - last_kmsg
if [ -f /proc/last_kmsg ];
cat /proc/last_kmsg > $DIRECTORY/"$DATETIME"/last_kmsg.txt
echo - OK!
echo " /!\ last_kmsg not found!";
echo - wakelocks
if [ -f /proc/wakelocks ];
cat /proc/wakelocks > $DIRECTORY/"$DATETIME"/wakelocks.txt
echo - OK!
echo " /!\ wakelocks not found!";
echo - kernel version
if [ -f /proc/version ];
cat /proc/version > $DIRECTORY/"$DATETIME"/kernel.txt
uname -a >> $DIRECTORY/"$DATETIME"/kernel.txt
echo - OK!
echo " /!\ version not found!";
if [ "$MAIN" != "main" ] || [ "$RADIO" != "radio" ];
echo " /!\ main and radio logging aborted!";
echo "* I can't logcat properly, loggers may be disabled."
echo "- Your ROM's dev must have disabled it via a script."
echo " OR"
echo "- Loggers are disabled from kernel."
echo - logcat
logcat -d > $DIRECTORY/"$DATETIME"/logcat.txt
echo - OK!
echo - long logcat
logcat -v long -d > $DIRECTORY/"$DATETIME"/long_logcat.txt
echo - OK!
echo - radio
logcat -b radio -v time -d > $DIRECTORY/"$DATETIME"/radio.txt
echo - OK!
echo - getprop
getprop > $DIRECTORY/"$DATETIME"/getprop.txt
echo - OK!
echo - processes
ps > $DIRECTORY/"$DATETIME"/processes.txt
echo - OK!
echo - partition info
df > $DIRECTORY/"$DATETIME"/partitions.txt
echo - OK!
echo - mount info
mount > $DIRECTORY/"$DATETIME"/mounts.txt
echo - OK!
echo - RAM info
free > $DIRECTORY/"$DATETIME"/ram.txt
echo - OK!
echo - interrupts
cat /proc/interrupts > $DIRECTORY/"$DATETIME"/interrupts.txt
echo - OK!
if [ -f "/boot.txt" ];
echo " ( i ) Oh, I found a boot log too!"
echo "- That's found on some nAa kernels, backing it up."
cat /boot.txt > $DIRECTORY/"$DATETIME"/boot.txt
echo - OK!
if [ -f "/tmp/lupus.log" ];
echo " ( i ) Oh, I found a boot log too!"
echo "- That's found on some lupus kernels, backing it up."
cat /tmp/lupus.log > $DIRECTORY/"$DATETIME"/boot.txt
echo - OK!
echo - Cleaning up...
rm *.tar.gz 2>&1 | >$DIRECTORY/devlog
if [ -f "$DIRECTORY/devlog" ];
rm $DIRECTORY/devlog
echo - Compressing logs...
echo - Done!
echo " ( i ) Send "$DATETIME".tar.gz to developer(s)!"
tar -zcf "$DATETIME".tar.gz "$DATETIME"
echo - Exiting...
echo "http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=41107818" > $DIRECTORY/"$DATETIME"/"I used bug_reporter script.txt"
} 2>&1 | tee $DIRECTORY/debug.txt
- alternative root check
- now it's [B]not[/B] necessary to have SuperSU, you can use whatever you want, but you have to type [B]su[/B] first
- added additional logging of : [B]running processes[/B], [B]partition info[/B], [B]mount info[/B], [B]RAM info[/B], [B]interrupts[/B], [B]boot logs[/B] from [B]lupus[/B] kernel
- avoided potential bug with radio logging
- added some more info about kernel version logging (with [B]uname -a[/B] command)
- code clean up and more easier to follow
- faster? (it takes 1 second for me)
- corrected root check
- added compatibility with CM10.1, it uses an older version of su and the script will ask you to install SuperSU to update it
- corrected and re-ordered some text
- optimized script speed by removing unnecessary su requests (it just takes 3 secs to finish)
- added build.prop backup with getprop command, it will help devs understand more info about your situation
- added some sort of advertisement of the script, so that it'll become popular
- added compression of the last logging folder, so that you can easily send it to dev(s)
- added more info on the script, made more presentable and explanatory for those who are willing to modify it
- finally fixed logcat exporting, now it will work for sure, fully tested
- cleaned up the script a lot and made it simplier for reading
- added radio (aka modem log), wakelocks and kernel version logging
- fixed terminal output logging for debugging better
[B]v1.1[/B] [I][COLOR="Gray"]it won't logcat, but everything else works[/COLOR][/I]
- fixed wrong logcat exporting, now when it's disabled, you'll know it
- added an auto-check for vaccuming logs after reaching above the MB size you set (logs can easily reach 10 MB)
- small bugfixes
- root check, in order to be sure we collect logs as root
- terminal output logging for debugging reasons
[B]v1.0 beta[/B] [I][COLOR="Gray"]works, but has many errors, it may even fail to flash.[/COLOR][/I]
- initial release
Thank you very much, this script will help a lot of people, including me
Sent from my R800i using xda premium
Is it possible to move this bug file to system/xbin instead of flashing it (gives error). And if yes, what should be the permissions?
zadrozny91 said:
Is it possible to move this bug file to system/xbin instead of flashing it (gives error). And if yes, what should be the permissions?
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It's fixed. Just flash bug_reporter[v1.0]-nAa.zip, the permissions are 755. If you are unsure about permissions, see this : http://www.draac.com/chmodchart.html
But I am telling you to flash the fixed zip, it'll work.
leajian said:
It's fixed. Just flash bug_reporter[v1.0]-nAa.zip, the permissions are 755. If you are unsure about permissions, see this : http://www.draac.com/chmodchart.html
But I am telling you to flash the fixed zip, it'll work.
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nice concept ,,but there are some problems
after taking log
both lastkmsg and logcat file show nothing(empty files)
long logcat shows this: 9 com.android.settings
only dmesg is correctly extracted
- fixed wrong logcat exporting, now when it's disabled, you'll know it
- added an auto-check for vaccuming logs after reaching above the MB size you set (logs can easily reach 10 MB)
- small bugfixes
- root check, in order to be sure we collect logs as root
- terminal output logging for debugging reasons
Thanks man, I was going to write something similar until I found this.
I cannot attest to the zip's functionality as I use it with script manager, but I can say version 1.0 worked perfectly (producing the three possible proper log files) for me. Version 1.1 not so much it tells me 'I can't logcat' when I clearly can; gl with your 'main not found' problem.
Also a suggestion maybe include in your zip a copy of the script that goes to /sdcard/ so the user can easily access it in order to facilitate using it as a widget.
defiant07 said:
Thanks man, I was going to write something similar until I found this.
I cannot attest to the zip's functionality as I use it with script manager, but I can say version 1.0 worked perfectly (producing the three possible proper log files) for me. Version 1.1 not so much it tells me 'I can't logcat' when I clearly can; gl with your 'main not found' problem.
Also a suggestion maybe include in your zip a copy of the script that goes to /sdcard/ so the user can easily access it in order to facilitate using it as a widget.
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Indeed, logcating won't work no matter what. It's a bug. I am aware of it. I'll fix it today I guess along with some code cleanup and considering your suggestion.
Sent from my MT11i using xda premium
- finally fixed logcat exporting, now it will work for sure, fully tested
- cleaned up the script a lot and made it simplier for reading
- added radio (aka modem log), wakelocks and kernel version logging
- fixed terminal output logging for debugging better
Also v1.0 beta re-added in case you want it.
Might convert this to external scripts for windows and unix as well. Btw, why the root checker? If it needs to be in system/xbin then you already have root
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk HD
cybojenix said:
Might convert this to external scripts for windows and unix as well. Btw, why the root checker? If it needs to be in system/xbin then you already have root
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk HD
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:victory: Yeah, do whatever you want with it!
About the root check... Have you ever thought of "just in case" case? Well sometimes sh!t happens... Like the 7+7=16 embarrassing situation on final exams for example.
Anyway, probably won't need this check on other unix systems... You'll need to start the script with
sudo -i
and remove any
su -c
in the script. Also some logging files are available only for android, like logcat and logcat radio. If you need any help with converting I can help you both for windows and unix, just PM me.
EDIT : Opss, root check is buggy, I've discovered it thanks to you! I'll upload a fixed minor revision later.
leajian said:
:victory: Yeah, do whatever you want with it!
About the root check... Have you ever thought of "just in case" case? Well sometimes sh!t happens... Like the 7+7=16 embarrassing situation on final exams for example.
Anyway, probably won't need this check on other unix systems... You'll need to start the script with
sudo -i
and remove any
su -c
in the script. Also some logging files are available only for android, like logcat and logcat radio. If you need any help with converting I can help you both for windows and unix, just PM me.
EDIT : Opss, root check is buggy, I've discovered it thanks to you! I'll upload a fixed minor revision later.
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I mean set up a script to run from a pc to debug android. Let's you run it on non rooted devices (parts of it anyway)
It's quicker than getting a user to push and run via the android terminal (which not everyone has)
Easier to run via an adb interface which can be supplied, and implement an update script everyone is running the same version
Btw won't need help check my signature for the root scripts
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk HD
UPDATE! The tool is now in a super stable state of development.
- corrected root check
- added compatibility with CM10.1, it uses an older version of su and the script will ask you to install SuperSU to update it
- corrected and re-ordered some text
- optimized script speed by removing unnecessary su requests (it just takes 3 secs to finish)
- added build.prop backup with getprop command, it will help devs understand more info about your situation
- added some sort of advertisement of the script, so that it'll become popular
- added compression of the last logging folder, so that you can easily send it to dev(s)
- added more info on the script, made more presentable and explanatory for those who are willing to modify it
can i get permission for adding your script in my cm-10.1 for LG-P350 ?
PecanCM said:
can i get permission for adding your script in my cm-10.1 for LG-P350 ?
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Says in the post you can. Just credit
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk HD
Just sharing. I use this:
bugreport > /sdcard/bug_report_`date +"%Y%m%d-%H%M"`
You may want to incorporate it in some way.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium
RovG said:
Just sharing. I use this:
bugreport > /sdcard/bug_report_`date +"%Y%m%d-%H%M"`
You may want to incorporate it in some way.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium
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Thanks, I'll have it in mind, the reason why I didn't do this before is that I wanted it to be simple and not so informative.
In next update I might add some colors too!
Anyway here is an update... :fingers-crossed:
- alternative root check
- now it's [B]not[/B] necessary to have SuperSU, you can use whatever you want, but you have to type [B]su[/B] first
- added additional logging of : [B]running processes[/B], [B]partition info[/B], [B]mount info[/B], [B]RAM info[/B], [B]interrupts[/B], [B]boot logs[/B] from [B]lupus[/B] kernel
- avoided potential bug with radio logging
- added some more info about kernel version logging (with [B]uname -a[/B] command)
- code clean up and more easier to follow
- faster? (it takes 1 second for me)

[KERNEL][3.4.5][4.1.x-4.2.x] andiroxu's Kernel [GOVs][IO SCHEDs][SWAP]

Hi to all!
Check for new kernel for Micromax A110 device.
Not a long description here.
Major features:
1. abyssplug, dancedance, smartassv2, intellidemand, hyper, ondemandx, lulzactiveq, minmax, pegasuq, wheatley, sakuractive, hotplug, nightmare, dyninteractive, intercative, conservative, hybrid, ondemand, userspace, powersave, lionheart, zzmove, performance CPU governors added.
2. noop, deadline, cfq, sio, bfq, fifo, fiops, row, vr, zen I/O scheduler added.
3. Changed LMK values for internal task manager means more free memory.
4. Changed to smartass2 and sio as default CPU governor and I/O scheduler (4.2.x).
5. Changed to zzmove and sio as default CPU governor and I/O scheduler (4.1.x).
6. NTFS OTG support added.
7. init.d support added.
8. Battery saver and performance MODs added.
9. Compressed with lmza means less size means more performance and less time to boot and more battery juice.
10. Compiled with linaro's latest toolchain.
11. lzo compression enabled.
12. Network/WiFi speed and connectivity improved.
13. Readahead set to 1024 KB.
14. All cores working on loaded with heavy process (hotplugging).
15. vfs reduced to 10 means more battery saving.
16. Camera capture quality improved.
17. Improved Multitasking.
18. Dynamic cache included (Thanks to @faux123).
@tri_zet for all help and support.
Bruno Martins for repacker scripts.
@faux123 for dynamic cache.
aquila-dev and Acer for sources here and @khan_frd2002 for making aware of it..
To all my testers.
For More on CPU Governors and I/O schedulers and their performance, visit following thread:
ROMs (Released) that are using my kernels:
Dark™ NeXuS 4.2.2 http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2439632
LegoIce™ Project ROM 4.2.2 [LegoIce™ Galaxy S4] http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2458879
LegoIce™Canvas 4 4.2.1 http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2463118
Micromax Mega™ ROM 4.2.2 [Aroma] http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2463987
Rayne™ Rom http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2463118
BLACK PEARL ROM 4.1.1 http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2447212
If anyone else want to include in one's ROM, kindly PM me. If anyone found using my kernel in one's ROM will be treated as per xda rules.
I or xda is not responsible for any kind of mess you do with your device after flashing this kernel and don't complain any, if done.
My Kernel sources:
Mod Edit: Downloads removed as this is under investigation. Thanks for your patience.
How to change CPU governors and I/O schedulers
Guys. I created a cputuner script for all devices and not just for MMX. The code is given below. Just copy it in the file and name it cputuner. Run the script using SM. The settings will stick in every reboot.
# CPU Tuner
# by andiroxu [user=934623]@xda 2[/user]013
# Copyright (C) andiroxu
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License,
# or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program.
# If not, see
busybox clear
busybox mount -o rw,remount rootfs /
busybox mount -o rw,remount /system
if [ ! -d "/sqlite_stmt_journals" ]; then
mkdir /sqlite_stmt_journals
chown 0.0 /sqlite_stmt_journals
chmod 777 /sqlite_stmt_journals
busybox rm -f /system/etc/init.d/01cputuner
busybox touch /system/etc/init.d/01cputuner
busybox chmod -f 777 /system/etc/init.d/01cputuner
busybox chown -f 0.0 /system/etc/init.d/01cputuner
busybox echo ""
busybox echo "============================"
busybox echo "= Please select a governor ="
busybox echo "============================"
busybox echo ""
busybox sleep 1
AVAIL_GOVS=(`cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_available_governors`)
for GOVS in ${AVAIL_GOVS[@]}; do
busybox echo "$SERIAL_NO) $GOVS"
busybox echo ""
busybox echo -n "Select which governor you would like to use: [ 1 - $SERIAL_NO ]: "
busybox echo ""
busybox echo "You selected '$SELECTED_GOV' governor..."
busybox sleep 1
for c in `ls -d /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu?`; do
if [ -e ${c}/cpufreq/scaling_governor ]; then
busybox chmod -f 644 ${c}/cpufreq/*
busybox echo "${SELECTED_GOV}" >> ${c}/cpufreq/scaling_governor 2>/dev/null
fi 2>/dev/null
done 2>/dev/null
# Making all cores active
for c in `ls -d /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu?`; do
if [ -e ${c}/online ]; then
busybox chmod -f 644 ${c}/online 2>/dev/null
fi 2>/dev/null
if [ -e ${c}/online ]; then
busybox echo "1" >> ${c}/online 2>/dev/null
fi 2>/dev/null
done 2>/dev/null
busybox echo ""
busybox echo "============================="
busybox echo "= Please select a scheduler ="
busybox echo "============================="
busybox echo ""
busybox sleep 1
COUNT=`cat /sys/block/mmcblk0/queue/scheduler | wc -w`
busybox chmod -f 644 /sys/block/mmcblk0/queue/*
while [ $SERIAL_NO -le $COUNT ]; do
busybox echo "$SERIAL_NO) `cat /sys/block/mmcblk0/queue/scheduler | awk '{print $'$SERIAL_NO'}' | cut -d '[' -f 2 | cut -d ']' -f 1 `"
busybox echo ""
busybox echo -n "Select which scheduler you would like to use: [ 1 - $SERIAL_NO ]: "
SELECTED_SCHEDULER=`cat /sys/block/mmcblk0/queue/scheduler | awk '{print $'$INDEX'}' | cut -d '[' -f 2 | cut -d ']' -f 1 `
busybox echo ""
busybox echo "You selected '$SELECTED_SCHEDULER' scheduler..."
busybox sleep 1
for a in $dm $stl $bml $mtd $emmc $loop $ram $zram; do
if [ -e ${a}/queue ]; then
busybox chmod -f 644 ${a}/queue/*
busybox echo "${SELECTED_SCHEDULER}" >> ${a}/queue/scheduler
busybox echo ""
busybox echo "============================="
busybox echo "= Please select a max freq ="
busybox echo "============================="
busybox echo ""
busybox sleep 1
TRANS_RANGE=(`cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state | awk '{print $1}'`)
for AVAIL_FREQ in ${TRANS_RANGE[@]}; do
busybox echo "$SERIAL_NO) $AVAIL_FREQ KHz"
busybox echo ""
busybox echo -n "Select which max freq you would like to use: [ 1 - $SERIAL_NO ]: "
busybox echo ""
busybox echo "You selected '$SELECTED_MAX_FREQ' max freq..."
busybox sleep 1
# Setting max frequency on active cores
for c in `ls -d /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu?`; do
if [ -e ${c}/cpufreq ]; then
busybox chmod -f 644 ${c}/cpufreq/scaling_max_freq
if [ -e ${c}/cpufreq ]; then
busybox echo "${SELECTED_MAX_FREQ}" >> ${c}/cpufreq/scaling_max_freq
busybox echo ""
busybox echo "============================="
busybox echo "= Please select a min freq ="
busybox echo "============================="
busybox echo ""
busybox sleep 1
TRANS_RANGE=(`cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state | awk '{print $1}'`)
for AVAIL_FREQ in ${TRANS_RANGE[@]}; do
busybox echo "$SERIAL_NO) $AVAIL_FREQ KHz"
busybox echo ""
busybox echo -n "Select which min freq you would like to use: [ 1 - $SERIAL_NO ]: "
busybox echo ""
busybox echo "You selected '$SELECTED_MIN_FREQ' min freq..."
busybox sleep 1
# Setting min frequency on active cores
for c in `ls -d /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu?`; do
if [ -e ${c}/cpufreq ]; then
busybox chmod -f 644 ${c}/cpufreq/scaling_min_freq
if [ -e ${c}/cpufreq ]; then
busybox echo "${SELECTED_MIN_FREQ}" >> ${c}/cpufreq/scaling_min_freq
busybox sleep 1
busybox echo ""
busybox echo "CPU Tuning has been done!!!"
busybox echo "These values will be stick on boot."
busybox echo ""
busybox echo "THANK YOU!!!"
busybox echo ""
busybox sleep 1
cat >> /system/etc/init.d/01cputuner \${c}/cpufreq/scaling_governor
# Making all cores online
for c in \`ls -d /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu?\`; do
if [ -e \${c}/online ]; then
busybox chmod -f 644 \${c}/online 2>/dev/null
fi 2>/dev/null
if [ -e \${c}/online ]; then
busybox echo "1" >> \${c}/online 2>/dev/null
fi 2>/dev/null
done 2>/dev/null
# Changing to the selected I/O Scheduler
for a in \$dm \$stl \$bml \$mtd \$emmc \$loop \$ram \$zram; do
if [ -e \${a}/queue ]; then
busybox chmod -f 644 \${a}/queue/*
busybox echo "${SELECTED_SCHEDULER}" >> \${a}/queue/scheduler
# Changing max frequecy on all cores
for c in \`ls -d /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu?\`; do
if [ -e \${c}/cpufreq ]; then
busybox chmod -f 644 \${c}/cpufreq/scaling_max_freq
if [ -e \${c}/cpufreq ]; then
busybox echo "${SELECTED_MAX_FREQ}" >> \${c}/cpufreq/scaling_max_freq
# Changing min frequecy on all cores
for c in \`ls -d /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu?\`; do
if [ -e \${c}/cpufreq ]; then
busybox chmod -f 644 \${c}/cpufreq/scaling_min_freq
if [ -e \${c}/cpufreq ]; then
busybox echo "${SELECTED_MIN_FREQ}" >> \${c}/cpufreq/scaling_min_freq
rm -r /sqlite_stmt_journals 2>/dev/null
busybox chown 0.0 /system/etc/init.d/01cputuner
busybox chmod 777 /system/etc/init.d/01cputuner
exit 0
Note: This is 100% genuine work and don't try to reproduce it any way or no one is allowed to use it their ROM with prior permission.
After all I'm a coder and real developer and love coding and this is known to many of you
Now feeling good with mmx a110 coz of talented devs engaged with it :good::good::good:
Reserved 1
Reserved 1
proseray said:
Now feeling good with mmx a110 coz of talented devs engaged with it :good::good::good:
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Ah you are so quick. I was just making the thread ready and was reserving some post for future use. But never mind I will manage somehow.
andiroxu said:
Ah you are so quick. I was just making the thread ready and was reserving some post for future use. But never mind I will manage somehow.
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My Bad Extremely Sry for that
andiroxu said:
Hi to all!
Check for new kernel for Micromax A110 device. No Bugs at all.
Not a long description here.
Major features:
1. Swap support added.
2. init.d support added.
3. interactive and conservative CPU governors added.
4. ondemand and noop as default CPU governor and I/O scheduler.
5. Battery saver and performer.
P.S. No OC added due to fast draining of battery but you will enjoy equal performance as if it would OC.
Working on other governors and schedulers like zzmoove, smartassv2, interactiveX, ondemandX, lulzactive, hotplug, sio, zen, bfq etc.
@tri_zet for all help and support.
Bruno Martin for repacker scripts.
Wiko King for sources.
Download as an attachment
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Kindly add Over clocking feature bro so that we can enable or disable when we need.
Thx in advance.
Sent from my A110 using xda app-developers app
showstopper1 said:
Kindly add Over clocking feature bro so that we can enable or disable when we need.
Thx in advance.
Sent from my A110 using xda app-developers app
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Alright. Soon. But it will eat your battery.
andiroxu said:
Alright. Soon. But it will eat your battery.
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and please provide oc till 1.4ghz....and i don't mind if it eats battery....its just the feature every one will use accordingly what they
Sent from my MICROMAX A110 using xda app-developers app
andiroxu said:
Alright. Soon. But it will eat your battery.
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bro @andiroxu
please try to add overclocking! many of us use that a lot! it really is a ver useful feature after all!
and with battery.. we'll manage..
thanks a lot again for this kernel!
Good work!
Have you added cifs?
Also add native NTFS support for USB OTG for connecting HDD
Hit Thanks If U Like.....
Sent from MMX A110 By XDA App
LFC-YNWA said:
Have you added cifs?
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No cifs yet.
venu007 said:
Also add native NTFS support for USB OTG for connecting HDD
Hit Thanks If U Like.....
Sent from MMX A110 By XDA App
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Will try.
Sent from my GT-I9500 using xda app-developers app
Can you give all features that varun chitre gives in her thunderzap kernal
Sent from my Micromax A110 using Tapatalk 4
akashvfx said:
Can you give all features that varun chitre gives in her thunderzap kernal
Sent from my Micromax A110 using Tapatalk 4
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Why you are comparing each others works? BTW I'm on adding new features and will release new updated kernel soon with OC, NTFS support for OTG, etc.
andiroxu said:
Why you are comparing each others works? BTW I'm on adding new features and will release new updated kernel soon with OC, NTFS support for OTG, etc.
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Dont forget to add Cifs
Kernel Source?
nolinuxnoparty said:
Kernel Source?
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Check OP.
Sent from my GT-I9500 using xda app-developers app
LFC-YNWA said:
Dont forget to add Cifs
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I'm ready with cifs enabled kernel. More features NTFS support for OTG, now interactive as default CPU governor.
More coming soon: other CPU govs and I/O schedulers, OCing.
Sent from my GT-I9500 using xda app-developers app
Edit : deleted
Sent from my A110 using xda app-developers app
---------- Post added at 06:41 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:32 PM ----------
andiroxu said:
I'm ready with cifs enabled kernel. More features NTFS support for OTG, now interactive as default CPU governor.
More coming soon: other CPU govs and I/O schedulers, OCing.
Sent from my GT-I9500 using xda app-developers app
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Bro can you upload your sources to guthub and is it possible to build cyanogenmod from your kernel build.
You ve done something very great dont think im asking again n again juz upload your siurces to github which is your modified sourcr used to build this kernel it will be very useful for most of the mt6577 who are missing something in the sources...
Sent from my A110 using xda app-developers app

[SCRIPT][UPDATED 03.26.14] Fix Lag, Defrag/Free Memory with |=>TrimDropOff<=|

Updated 03.26.14 - Released v2.1 - bug fixes and code cleaned
I am by no means a developer. I am just an android enthusiast who has learned a bit of bash. The reason I made this script was that settings>>wifi>>advanced was not promptly turning wifi off when my device would sleep; sometimes it would not turn off at all. So I figured since I am making a script to resolve this issue I might as well add a couple of other functions as well. To this end I noticed some people saying THIS APP was helpful and I missed the Flush-O-Matic script from V6 SuperCharger so I added fstrim and drop_caches=3 to the script.
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Click to collapse
What will this do?
The script will allow you to sync wifi, fstrim, and/or drop_caches=3 with sleep and/or it will allow you to schedule fstrim and/or drop_caches=3 using crond. The scheduling option can work on either a hourly (you can choose to run desired programs every hour on the hour, every two hours on the hour, every 3 hours on the hour, etc) or daily basis (you can choose to run desired programs at a given time on the hour).
Both the sync and schedule options will load themselves in to memory each boot and each time your device goes to sleep and/or when scheduled the scripts will depending on your options: (1) sync your data so as to ensure no data is lost; (2) TRIM your /system, /data, and /cache partitions; (3) DROP CACHES = 3; and (4) turn off wifi.
In addition, there is also an on-the-fly script to manually trim partitions and drop caches when desired.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Reduce lag/improve i/o efficiency (see THIS and THIS).
Although android automatically invokes fstrim when certain conditions are met, these criteria could seldom if ever be met depending upon your usage style. The init.d script should ensure fstrim is invoked more frequently for most users.
Should use less ram than apps that perform similar functions (I say should because I have never used such apps, but I imagine they consume more that .2-.5 mb of ram).
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
fstrim (should be in all nexus 4.3+ roms)
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Although these scripts function as intended on my device – Nexus 7 (2013), SlimKat (weekly), ElementalX...Use at your own risk. Neither I nor XDA are responsible for any possible deleterious effects.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Known Issues/Bugs:
If you use the sync option, scripts with a lower priority than Z99 will not execute.
The log files don't always display as intended...dunno why...any help/suggestions would be appreciated.
Let me know if you find any others .
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Install, Usage/Verification, & Uninstall:
Install -
Note: If you use crond for other tasks, both the install and uninstall routine account for this potential contigency and should leave your other crond tasks uneffects.
make a nandroid backup
download the zip (<<NOT flashable) attached to this post
extract the zip’s contents
if you were/are using the first version of this script manually delete: /etc/init.d/07TrimDropOff, /data/TrimDropOff_Awake.log, and /data/TrimDropOff_Sleep.log
run TrimDropOffInstaller with superuser permission via terminal or script manager.
follow the scripts prompts
Usage/Verification -
Assuming you have followed the install procedure, next, put your device to sleep and then wake it if you are using the sync option.
Now check the various logs in /data/TrimDropOff. The logs will show the time, the script’s PIDs, the path of the PIDs (just to double-check the PIDs are correct), the ram used by the PIDs, action(s) preformed (amount trimmed from each partition and/or if drop_cahes was run), or errors.
If you want verify manually via terminal do [pgrep -f TrimDrop] for the sync option or [pgrep crond] for the scheduling option to get the PIDs, do [cat /proc/PID/cmdline] for each PID to verify it truly belongs to Z99TrimDropOff or crond, and do [dumpsys meminfo | grep PID] for each PID to verify ram usage (this command will yield duplicates, which can be disregarded and may output undesired additional results, which can be filtered by looking through the results for the relevant PID).
To use the on-the-fly script to trim and/or drop as desired, in terminal do [su -c trimdrop].
Should you want to reconfigure your setup, uninstall before reinstalling to avoid potential issues.
Uninstall -
Note: If you use crond for other tasks, both the install and uninstall routine account for this potential contigency and should leave your other crond tasks uneffects.
Rerun TrimDropOffInstaller with superuser permission and use uninstall option at the beginning of the script.
Reboot and all will be back to as it was before.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
To-Do List:
Make in to an AROMA package.
I don't know, you tell me .
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
# This script was authored by Defiant07 @ xda. Feel free to use it as you see fit, but please give proper credits.
# Big thanks to zeppelinrox, dk_zero-cool, & gu5t3r @ xda for their contributions to portions of this script (see the code of my other script SwapItOn @ xda for detailed citations).
# Read Karl Marx.
echo "That is not a valid input...try again...bye ."
exit 69
mount -o remount,rw / 2>/dev/null
mount -o remount,rw rootfs 2>/dev/null
busybox mount -o remount,rw / 2>/dev/null
busybox mount -o remount,rw rootfs 2>/dev/null
mount -o remount,rw /system 2>/dev/null
busybox mount -o remount,rw /system 2>/dev/null
busybox mount -o remount,rw $(busybox mount | awk '/system /{print $1,$3}') 2>/dev/null
mount -o remount,ro / 2>/dev/null
mount -o remount,ro rootfs 2>/dev/null
busybox mount -o remount,ro / 2>/dev/null
busybox mount -o remount,ro rootfs 2>/dev/null
mount -o remount,ro /system 2>/dev/null
busybox mount -o remount,ro /system 2>/dev/null
busybox mount -o remount,ro $(busybox mount | awk '/system /{print $1,$3}') 2>/dev/null
if [ ! "`busybox`" ]; then
echo "Missing busybox...try again...bye ."
exit 69
id=$(id); id=${id#*=}; id=${id%%[\( ]*}
if [ "$id" = "0" ] || [ "$id" = "root" ]; then
echo "" 1>/dev/null
echo "Not running as root...try again...bye ."
exit 69
if [ ! -d /etc/init.d ]; then
echo "Missing /etc/init.d...try again...bye ."
exit 69
if [ ! "`grep -r fstrim /system/bin`" ] && [ ! "`grep -r fstrim /system/xbin`" ]; then
echo "Missing fstrim...try again...bye ."
exit 69
echo "Do you want to install or uninstall TrimDropOff?"
echo "Note: If you are rerunning this script to"
echo "reconfigure your setup, uninstall first."
echo -n "Input (i)nstall or (u)ninstall: "
read install_uninstall
case $install_uninstall in
if [ ! -d "/sqlite_stmt_journals" ]; then
mkdir /sqlite_stmt_journals
if [ ! -d "/data/TrimDropOff" ]; then
mkdir /data/TrimDropOff
chmod 755 /data/TrimDropOff
rm /system/etc/init.d/Z99TrimDropOff_Sync 2>/dev/null
rm /system/etc/init.d/07TrimDropOff_Cron 2>/dev/null
rm /system/xbin/trimdrop 2>/dev/null
rm -rf /data/TrimDropOff 2>/dev/null
echo "Are you using cron.d for any other services?"
echo -n "Input es or o: "
read crond_use
case $crond_use in
y|Y)sed '/TrimDropOff/d' -i /system/etc/cron.d/crontabs/root 2>/dev/null;;
n|N)rm -rf /system/etc/cron.d 2>/dev/null;;
echo "All done. You can close your app now."
echo "Reboot your device to stop all processes."
exit 0;;
cat > /system/etc/init.d/Z99TrimDropOff_Sync << EOF
while [ ! "\`ps | grep -m 1 [a]ndroid\`" ]; do sleep 10; done
while [ 1 ]; do
AWAKE=\`cat /sys/power/wait_for_fb_wake\`
if [ "\$AWAKE" = "awake" ]; then
exec 1>/data/TrimDropOff/Awake.log
svc wifi enable
echo "\$(date +"%r %Y.%m.%d"): Waiting for screen to sleep. Confirming script in memory..."
echo "PIDs:"
pgrep -f TrimDrop
pidls=\`pgrep -f TrimDrop\`
echo "Verify Correct PIDs:"
for i in \$pidls; do
cat /proc/\$i/cmdline
echo ""
echo "RAM Usage:"
for i in \$pidls; do
dumpsys meminfo | grep \$i | grep sh | grep -m 1 pid
SLEEPING=\`cat /sys/power/wait_for_fb_sleep\`
if [ "\$SLEEPING" = "sleeping" ]; then
exec 1>/data/TrimDropOff/Sleep.log
echo "\$(date +"%r %Y.%m.%d"): Offing."
svc wifi disable
if [ "\`ps | grep -m 1 [a]ndroid\`" ]; then tdo_time
else exec > /data/TrimDropOff/Sync_BootErrors.log 2>&1
tdo_time &
exit 0
cat > /system/etc/init.d/Z99TrimDropOff_Sync << EOF
while [ ! "\`ps | grep -m 1 [a]ndroid\`" ]; do sleep 10; done
while [ 1 ]; do
AWAKE=\`cat /sys/power/wait_for_fb_wake\`
if [ "\$AWAKE" = "awake" ]; then
exec 1>/data/TrimDropOff/Awake.log
echo "\$(date +"%r %Y.%m.%d"): Waiting for screen to sleep. Confirming script in memory..."
echo "PIDs:"
pgrep -f TrimDrop
pidls=\`pgrep -f TrimDrop\`
echo "Verify Correct PIDs:"
for i in \$pidls; do
cat /proc/\$i/cmdline
echo ""
echo "RAM Usage:"
for i in \$pidls; do
dumpsys meminfo | grep \$i | grep sh | grep -m 1 pid
SLEEPING=\`cat /sys/power/wait_for_fb_sleep\`
if [ "\$SLEEPING" = "sleeping" ]; then
exec 1>/data/TrimDropOff/Sleep.log
echo "\$(date +"%r %Y.%m.%d"): Trimming."
echo "/system:"
busybox sync
fstrim -v /system
echo "/data:"
busybox sync
fstrim -v /data
echo "/cache:"
busybox sync
fstrim -v /cache
if [ "\`ps | grep -m 1 [a]ndroid\`" ]; then tdo_time
else exec > /data/TrimDropOff/Sync_BootErrors.log 2>&1
tdo_time &
exit 0
cat > /system/etc/init.d/Z99TrimDropOff_Sync << EOF
while [ ! "\`ps | grep -m 1 [a]ndroid\`" ]; do sleep 10; done
while [ 1 ]; do
AWAKE=\`cat /sys/power/wait_for_fb_wake\`
if [ "\$AWAKE" = "awake" ]; then
exec 1>/data/TrimDropOff/Awake.log
echo "\$(date +"%r %Y.%m.%d"): Waiting for screen to sleep. Confirming script in memory..."
echo "PIDs:"
pgrep -f TrimDrop
pidls=\`pgrep -f TrimDrop\`
echo "Verify Correct PIDs:"
for i in \$pidls; do
cat /proc/\$i/cmdline
echo ""
echo "RAM Usage:"
for i in \$pidls; do
dumpsys meminfo | grep \$i | grep sh | grep -m 1 pid
SLEEPING=\`cat /sys/power/wait_for_fb_sleep\`
if [ "\$SLEEPING" = "sleeping" ]; then
exec 1>/data/TrimDropOff/Sleep.log
echo "\$(date +"%r %Y.%m.%d"): Dropping."
echo "drop caches:"
busybox sync
busybox sysctl -w vm.drop_caches=3
if [ "\`ps | grep -m 1 [a]ndroid\`" ]; then tdo_time
else exec > /data/TrimDropOff/Sync_BootErrors.log 2>&1
tdo_time &
exit 0
cat > /system/etc/init.d/Z99TrimDropOff_Sync << EOF
while [ ! "\`ps | grep -m 1 [a]ndroid\`" ]; do sleep 10; done
while [ 1 ]; do
AWAKE=\`cat /sys/power/wait_for_fb_wake\`
if [ "\$AWAKE" = "awake" ]; then
exec 1>/data/TrimDropOff/Awake.log
svc wifi enable
echo "\$(date +"%r %Y.%m.%d"): Waiting for screen to sleep. Confirming script in memory..."
echo "PIDs:"
pgrep -f TrimDrop
pidls=\`pgrep -f TrimDrop\`
echo "Verify Correct PIDs:"
for i in \$pidls; do
cat /proc/\$i/cmdline
echo ""
echo "RAM Usage:"
for i in \$pidls; do
dumpsys meminfo | grep \$i | grep sh | grep -m 1 pid
SLEEPING=\`cat /sys/power/wait_for_fb_sleep\`
if [ "\$SLEEPING" = "sleeping" ]; then
exec 1>/data/TrimDropOff/Sleep.log
echo "\$(date +"%r %Y.%m.%d"): Trimming, Offing."
echo "/system:"
busybox sync
fstrim -v /system
echo "/data:"
busybox sync
fstrim -v /data
echo "/cache:"
busybox sync
fstrim -v /cache
svc wifi disable
if [ "\`ps | grep -m 1 [a]ndroid\`" ]; then tdo_time
else exec > /data/TrimDropOff/Sync_BootErrors.log 2>&1
tdo_time &
exit 0
cat > /system/etc/init.d/Z99TrimDropOff_Sync << EOF
while [ ! "\`ps | grep -m 1 [a]ndroid\`" ]; do sleep 10; done
while [ 1 ]; do
AWAKE=\`cat /sys/power/wait_for_fb_wake\`
if [ "\$AWAKE" = "awake" ]; then
exec 1>/data/TrimDropOff/Awake.log
svc wifi enable
echo "\$(date +"%r %Y.%m.%d"): Waiting for screen to sleep. Confirming script in memory..."
echo "PIDs:"
pgrep -f TrimDrop
pidls=\`pgrep -f TrimDrop\`
echo "Verify Correct PIDs:"
for i in \$pidls; do
cat /proc/\$i/cmdline
echo ""
echo "RAM Usage:"
for i in \$pidls; do
dumpsys meminfo | grep \$i | grep sh | grep -m 1 pid
SLEEPING=\`cat /sys/power/wait_for_fb_sleep\`
if [ "\$SLEEPING" = "sleeping" ]; then
exec 1>/data/TrimDropOff/Sleep.log
echo "\$(date +"%r %Y.%m.%d"): Dropping, Offing."
echo "drop caches:"
busybox sync
busybox sysctl -w vm.drop_caches=3
svc wifi disable
if [ "\`ps | grep -m 1 [a]ndroid\`" ]; then tdo_time
else exec > /data/TrimDropOff/Sync_BootErrors.log 2>&1
tdo_time &
exit 0
cat > /system/etc/init.d/Z99TrimDropOff_Sync << EOF
while [ ! "\`ps | grep -m 1 [a]ndroid\`" ]; do sleep 10; done
while [ 1 ]; do
AWAKE=\`cat /sys/power/wait_for_fb_wake\`
if [ "\$AWAKE" = "awake" ]; then
exec 1>/data/TrimDropOff/Awake.log
echo "\$(date +"%r %Y.%m.%d"): Waiting for screen to sleep. Confirming script in memory..."
echo "PIDs:"
pgrep -f TrimDrop
pidls=\`pgrep -f TrimDrop\`
echo "Verify Correct PIDs:"
for i in \$pidls; do
cat /proc/\$i/cmdline
echo ""
echo "RAM Usage:"
for i in \$pidls; do
dumpsys meminfo | grep \$i | grep sh | grep -m 1 pid
SLEEPING=\`cat /sys/power/wait_for_fb_sleep\`
if [ "\$SLEEPING" = "sleeping" ]; then
exec 1>/data/TrimDropOff/Sleep.log
echo "\$(date +"%r %Y.%m.%d"): Trimming, Dropping."
echo "/system:"
busybox sync
fstrim -v /system
echo "/data:"
busybox sync
fstrim -v /data
echo "/cache:"
busybox sync
fstrim -v /cache
echo "drop caches:"
busybox sync
busybox sysctl -w vm.drop_caches=3
if [ "\`ps | grep -m 1 [a]ndroid\`" ]; then tdo_time
else exec > /data/TrimDropOff/Sync_BootErrors.log 2>&1
tdo_time &
exit 0
cat > /system/etc/init.d/Z99TrimDropOff_Sync << EOF
while [ ! "\`ps | grep -m 1 [a]ndroid\`" ]; do sleep 10; done
while [ 1 ]; do
AWAKE=\`cat /sys/power/wait_for_fb_wake\`
if [ "\$AWAKE" = "awake" ]; then
exec 1>/data/TrimDropOff/Awake.log
svc wifi enable
echo "\$(date +"%r %Y.%m.%d"): Waiting for screen to sleep. Confirming script in memory..."
echo "PIDs:"
pgrep -f TrimDrop
pidls=\`pgrep -f TrimDrop\`
echo "Verify Correct PIDs:"
for i in \$pidls; do
cat /proc/\$i/cmdline
echo ""
echo "RAM Usage:"
for i in \$pidls; do
dumpsys meminfo | grep \$i | grep sh | grep -m 1 pid
SLEEPING=\`cat /sys/power/wait_for_fb_sleep\`
if [ "\$SLEEPING" = "sleeping" ]; then
exec 1>/data/TrimDropOff/Sleep.log
echo "\$(date +"%r %Y.%m.%d"): Trimming, Dropping, Offing."
echo "/system:"
busybox sync
fstrim -v /system
echo "/data:"
busybox sync
fstrim -v /data
echo "/cache:"
busybox sync
fstrim -v /cache
echo "drop caches:"
busybox sync
busybox sysctl -w vm.drop_caches=3
svc wifi disable
if [ "\`ps | grep -m 1 [a]ndroid\`" ]; then tdo_time
else exec > /data/TrimDropOff/Sync_BootErrors.log 2>&1
tdo_time &
exit 0
echo "Do you want to sync fstrim, drop_caches=3, and/or"
echo "wifi with sleep?"
echo "WARNING: This will cause init.d scripts with a"
echo "priority lower than Z99 to NOT execute."
echo -n "Input es or o: "
read TDOsync
case $TDOsync in
y|Y)echo "Which function(s) would you like to sync with sleep?"
echo "Input 1 for wifi only, 2 for fstrim only,"
echo "3 for drop_caches only, 4 for wifi and fstrim"
echo "5 for wifi and drop, 6 for fstrim and drop, or"
echo -n "7 for all: "
read sync_opt
case $sync_opt in
chmod 755 /system/etc/init.d/Z99TrimDropOff_Sync;;
cat > /data/TrimDropOff/TrimDropOff_Cron << EOF
# This script was authored by Defiant07 @ xda. Feel free to use it as you see fit, but please give proper credits.
# Read Karl Marx.
exec 1>/data/TrimDropOff/CronRan.log
echo "\$(date +"%r %Y.%m.%d"): Trimming."
echo "/system:"
busybox sync
fstrim -v /system
echo "/data:"
busybox sync
fstrim -v /data
echo "/cache:"
busybox sync
fstrim -v /cache
exit 0
cat > /data/TrimDropOff/TrimDropOff_Cron << EOF
# This script was authored by Defiant07 @ xda. Feel free to use it as you see fit, but please give proper credits.
# Read Karl Marx.
exec 1>/data/TrimDropOff/CronRan.log
echo "\$(date +"%r %Y.%m.%d"): Dropping."
echo "drop caches:"
busybox sync
busybox sysctl -w vm.drop_caches=3
exit 0
cat > /data/TrimDropOff/TrimDropOff_Cron << EOF
# This script was authored by Defiant07 @ xda. Feel free to use it as you see fit, but please give proper credits.
# Read Karl Marx.
exec 1>/data/TrimDropOff/CronRan.log
echo "\$(date +"%r %Y.%m.%d"): Trimming, Dropping."
echo "/system:"
busybox sync
fstrim -v /system
echo "/data:"
busybox sync
fstrim -v /data
echo "/cache:"
busybox sync
fstrim -v /cache
echo "drop caches:"
busybox sync
busybox sysctl -w vm.drop_caches=3
exit 0
cat > /system/etc/init.d/07TrimDropOff_Cron << EOF
# This script was authored by Defiant07 @ xda. Feel free to use it as you see fit, but please give proper credits.
# Read Karl Marx.
while [ ! "\`ps | grep -m 1 [a]ndroid\`" ]; do sleep 10; done
exec 1>/data/TrimDropOff/CronBoot.log
echo "\$(date +"%r %Y.%m.%d"): cron.d service started."
echo "PIDs:"
pgrep crond
pidls=\`pgrep crond\`
echo "Verify Correct PIDs:"
for i in \$pidls; do
cat /proc/\$i/cmdline
echo ""
echo "RAM Usage:"
for i in \$pidls; do
dumpsys meminfo | grep \$i | grep -m 1 crond
if [ "\`ps | grep -m 1 [a]ndroid\`" ]; then tdo_time
else exec > /data/TrimDropOff/Cron_BootErrors.log 2>&1
tdo_time &
exit 0
echo "Do you want to run fstrim and/or drop_caches"
echo "on a schedule?"
echo -n "Input es or o: "
read sched_opt
case $sched_opt in
y|Y)echo "Which function do you want to schedule?"
echo "Input (f)strim only, (d)rop_caches only,"
echo -n "or (b)oth: "
read funct_opt
case $funct_opt in
chmod 755 /data/TrimDropOff/TrimDropOff_Cron
echo "Do you want to schedule the function(s)"
echo "on an hourly or daily basis?"
echo -n "Input (h)ourly or (d)aily: "
read sched_opt
if [ ! -d "/system/etc/cron.d" ]; then
mkdir /system/etc/cron.d
chmod 755 /system/etc/cron.d
if [ ! -d "/system/etc/cron.d/crontabs" ]; then
mkdir /system/etc/cron.d/crontabs
chmod 755 /system/etc/cron.d/crontabs
chmod 755 /system/etc/init.d/07TrimDropOff_Cron
case $sched_opt in
h|H)echo "Input 1 to run every hour, 2 to run every two hours,"
echo -n "3 to run every three hours...etc: "
read hour_opt
if [ ! "`echo $hour_opt | awk '!/[^0-9]/'`" ]; then
if [ -f "/system/etc/cron.d/crontabs/root" ]; then
echo "0 */$hour_opt * * * nohup /data/TrimDropOff/TrimDropOff_Cron" >> /system/etc/cron.d/crontabs/root
echo "0 */$hour_opt * * * nohup /data/TrimDropOff/TrimDropOff_Cron" > /system/etc/cron.d/crontabs/root
chmod 755 /system/etc/cron.d/crontabs/root;;
d|D)echo "Input 0 to run at midnight every day,"
echo "1 to run at 1:00 am...13 to run at 1:00 pm"
echo -n "...etc...up to 23: "
read daily_opt
if [ ! "`echo $daily_opt | awk '!/[^0-9]/ && $1<=23'`" ]; then
if [ -f "/system/etc/cron.d/crontabs/root" ]; then
echo "0 $daily_opt * * * nohup /data/TrimDropOff/TrimDropOff_Cron" >> /system/etc/cron.d/crontabs/root
echo "0 $daily_opt * * * nohup /data/TrimDropOff/TrimDropOff_Cron" > /system/etc/cron.d/crontabs/root
chmod 755 /system/etc/cron.d/crontabs/root;;
cat > /system/xbin/trimdrop << EOF
# This script was authored by Defiant07 @ xda. Feel free to use it as you see fit, but please give proper credits.
# Read Karl Marx.
echo "/system:"
busybox sync
fstrim -v /system
echo "/data:"
busybox sync
fstrim -v /data
echo "/cache:"
busybox sync
fstrim -v /cache
echo "drop caches:"
busybox sync
busybox sysctl -w vm.drop_caches=3
echo -n "Do you want to run (f)strim, (d)rop_caches=3, or (b)oth? "
read funct_opt
case \$funct_opt in
*)echo "That is not a valid input...try again...bye ."
exit 69;;
echo "All done...enjoy! You can close your app now."
exit 0
chmod 755 /system/xbin/trimdrop
echo "In addition to making the files required by"
echo "your desired configuration, I have also made"
echo "an on-the-fly script to run fstrim and/or"
echo "drop_caches on-demand."
echo "To use it, in terminal do: su -c trimdrop"
sleep 3
echo "Reboot your device to start your desired services."
sleep 3
echo "If you want to know how to verify everything"
echo "is working, read the script's OP (FFS)!"
sleep 5
echo "All done...enjoy! You can close your app now."
exit 0
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made in to installer script
added cron options
added bootloop precautions to the init.d scripts (should make it compatible with all devices that meet the requirments)
the on-the-fly script, trimdrop, now allows user to choose fstrim and/or drop_caches=3
added more syncs to further ensure no data is lost
a bunch of other stuff I probably forget
bug fixes - fixed issue if using only sync option (missing directory); fixed display of irrelevant errors in uninstall routine
cleaned code a bit (reduced redundancy)
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Download History:
Defiant07s_TrimDropOff.zip - [Click for QR Code] (1.6 KB, 162 views)
Defiant07s_TrimDropOff_v2.0_[NOT_FLASHABLE].zip - [Click for QR Code] (3.0 KB, 89 views)
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Click to collapse
Big thanks to @zeppelinrox, @dk_zero-cool, & @gu5t3r for their contributions to portions of this script (see the code of my other script SwapItOn for detailed citations).
Much thanks to @mdamaged for spotting the issue with sync init.d script and his note regarding syncing data.
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Don't forget to click THANKS and RATE 5 STARS if you found this useful :highfive:.
peep my other script SwapItOn
Update to v2.1 if you were only using the sync option.
If you were using both the sync and schedule options or only the schedule option there is no need to update; the bug I found would not effect you.​
reserved...on the off chance it will be needed
Thanks, sounds interesting. I'm assuming the zip can be flashed right after flashing a new rom?
MidnightDevil said:
Thanks, sounds interesting. I'm assuming the zip can be flashed right after flashing a new rom?
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Not a flashable ZIP per line 2.
AnarchoXen said:
Not a flashable ZIP per line 2.
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Click to collapse
Oh, thanks
Is compatible with custom kernel? Franco in my case
vía n7II r-paco
Will performing trimming operations too frequently cause additional flash memory degradation?
MidnightDevil said:
Thanks, sounds interesting. I'm assuming the zip can be flashed right after flashing a new rom?
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As you were informed the zip is NOT flashable. If there is sufficient interest (say a 100 downloads) I'll make it flashable/aroma.
jordirpz said:
Is compatible with custom kernel? Franco in my case
vía n7II r-paco
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Click to collapse
Yes, it should be compatible...the fstrim utility is part of the rom (it should be in all nexus 4.3+ roms).
creeve4 said:
Will performing trimming operations too frequently cause additional flash memory degradation?
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No, to my limited knowledge it should not be harmful (in fact it should increase lifespan - google "fstrim lifespan"). Did a quick google search but could not find anything definitive/reliable regarding frequency...what I did see seemed to suggest 'no' though.
If you are concerned about the frequency, you could not install the init.d script and just use the on-the-fly script, trimdrop, to trim on-demand. Should there be interest and if I have the motivation and time, I have been thinking about making this in to an installer script and/or aroma zip with cron-based options so it could be scheduled hourly, daily, or weekly.
Scheduling options would be awesome!
creeve4 said:
Scheduling options would be awesome!
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creeve4 said:
Scheduling options would be awesome!
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BUBA0071 said:
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Seems there is a decent amount of interest (almost 100 downloads already ...thanks peeps), as such I'll add options and make things more configurable.
Regarding scheduling, I was thinking of doing hourly, daily (with ability to choose time), and weekly (with ability to choose day and time) options. Would every other hour or some other setting be desirable?
Regarding installation, what would be the preferred method, an installer script (e.g. V6 SuperCharger) or AROMA? Flashable zips would be another option, but would have less options/be less configurable.
Gimme some feedback and I'll put something together in the next week or two depending on work and my motivation .
wasn't this a nexus 7 2012 issue and fixed in the new version 2013?
defiant07 said:
Seems there is a decent amount of interest (almost 100 downloads already ...thanks peeps), as such I'll add options and make things more configurable.
Regarding scheduling, I was thinking of doing hourly, daily (with ability to choose time), and weekly (with ability to choose day and time) options. Would every other hour or some other setting be desirable?
Regarding installation, what would be the preferred method, an installer script (e.g. V6 SuperCharger) or AROMA? Flashable zips would be another option, but would have less options/be less configurable.
Gimme some feedback and I'll put something together in the next week or two depending on work and my motivation .
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My 2 cents:
I would choose a daily option for my device.
I prefer Aroma over a script, but if you cannot get the customization you want with Aroma, then by all means go with a script.
Thanks again for the script and willingness to make it even better!
Thanks for the scripts, I time my startup, and this improved startup time by about 3-4secs, among other noticible improvements, apparently the stock OS does not run fstrim enough, initial operations freed several gigs on the data partition, and hundreds of megs on the others...
creeve4 said:
My 2 cents:
I would choose a daily option for my device.
I prefer Aroma over a script, but if you cannot get the customization you want with Aroma, then by all means go with a script.
Thanks again for the script and willingness to make it even better!
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Im going to turn this into a cron job, that will take care of scheduling, unless anyone else gets there first ( please lol )
Will give it a go in its present form, whats its resource footprint just sitting there waiting for screen off ?
Can we trigger the action from the screen off event ? or some other interupt type way ?
Great script by the way, your bash is damn site better than mine, jealous lol
KiaraTheDragon said:
wasn't this a nexus 7 2012 issue and fixed in the new version 2013?
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Yes, I think this is true to a degree...it was more of a problem on the 2012 and other nexus devices. See the links in the OP for the conditions that need to be met for fstrim to autorun...for some users (myself included) the conditions will seldom if ever be met. Also see @mdamaged post; I get similar results the first time fstrim is initiated by my script after each boot...subsequent runs normally only frees up memory on /data.
creeve4 said:
My 2 cents:
I would choose a daily option for my device.
I prefer Aroma over a script, but if you cannot get the customization you want with Aroma, then by all means go with a script.
Thanks again for the script and willingness to make it even better!
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imfun said:
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Okay will get to making an AROMA package...it will be my first, but it looks easy enough :fingers-crossed:...gimme a week or two to put it together and fully test.
mdamaged said:
Thanks for the scripts, I time my startup, and this improved startup time by about 3-4secs, among other noticible improvements, apparently the stock OS does not run fstrim enough, initial operations freed several gigs on the data partition, and hundreds of megs on the others...
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Thanks for the feedback. I get similar results.
jubei_mitsuyoshi said:
Im going to turn this into a cron job, that will take care of scheduling, unless anyone else gets there first ( please lol )
Will give it a go in its present form, whats its resource footprint just sitting there waiting for screen off ?
Can we trigger the action from the screen off event ? or some other interupt type way ?
Great script by the way, your bash is damn site better than mine, jealous lol
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See the first post on this page and my response to @creeve4 and @imfun in this post. I will make an AROMA package with cron options for fstrim and drop_caches=3.
However, should you feel ambitious and beat me to it, props to you...I will give you full credit in the OP and link your post as the d/l source so you should get the 'thanks' too.
Regarding triggering with screen on/off or some other event: It can probably be done, but I it's beyond my knowledge (screen on/off was actually the first trigger event I looked in to using, but despite fairly extensive searching I could not find how to detect it).
Regarding resource footprint: Read the OP (usage section) it explains where to find the log which contains this info and how to do it via terminal (should you not trust me )...also see OP (benefits section): in all my testing I have never seen it use more that .8 mb, but most of the time it is less than .2 mb.
Okay will get to making an AROMA package...it will be my first, but it looks easy enough :fingers-crossed:...gimme a week or two to put it together and fully test.
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Can't wait already, because after whole day or two, hard usage of my nexus 7 tablet, the tablet starts to get laggy. I can see this on web browsing, touch press delay time, and onyl rebooting seems to help... Hope after istaling this will solve the problems
ohhh no dont want any credit lol lol, i have turned it into a cron job quite simply by adding it to the cron initilising script
. /system/etc/init.d.cfg
symlink_system_bin() {
# crond has "/bin/sh" hardcoded
if busybox [ ! -h /bin ]
mount -o remount,rw rootfs /
busybox ln -s /system/bin /bin
mount -o remount,ro rootfs /
export_timezone() {
# set timezone (if you're not between -0500 and -0800 you get PST)
# todo - support other timezones
timezone=`date +%z`
if busybox [ $timezone = "-0800" ]; then
elif busybox [ $timezone = "-0700" ]; then
elif busybox [ $timezone = "-0600" ]; then
elif busybox [ $timezone = "-0500" ]; then
export TZ
set_crontab() {
# use /data/cron, call the crontab file "root"
if busybox [ -e /data/cron/root ]
mkdir -p /data/cron
cat > /data/cron/root << EOF
0 20 * * * sync; echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches
0 20 * * * sync; fstrim -v /system
0 20 * * * sync; fstrim -v /data
0 20 * * * sync; fstrim -v /cache
01 * * * * busybox run-parts /system/etc/cron/cron.hourly
02 4 * * * busybox run-parts /system/etc/cron/cron.daily
22 4 * * 0 busybox run-parts /system/etc/cron/cron.weekly
busybox crond -c /data/cron
# MAIN #
if $enable_cron -a is_busybox_applet_available crond
adding the lines
0 20 * * * sync; echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches
0 20 * * * sync; fstrim -v /system
0 20 * * * sync; fstrim -v /data
0 20 * * * sync; fstrim -v /cache
should drop the caches and fstrim every 8 hours, oviously set to anything you want.
i also stuck it in boot at the end
if $file_system_speedups
busybox mount -o remount,noatime,barrier=0,nobh /system
busybox mount -o remount,noatime /data
busybox mount -o remount,noatime,barrier=0,nobh /cache
busybox mount -o remount,noatime,nobh /system
busybox mount -o remount,noatime /data
busybox mount -o remount,noatime,nobh /cache
echo "$(date +"%r %Y.%m.%d"): Trimming, Dropping."
busybox sync
echo "/system:"
fstrim -v /system
echo "/data:"
fstrim -v /data
echo "/cache:"
fstrim -v /cache
echo "drop caches:"
busybox sysctl -w vm.drop_caches=3
exit 0
For an aroma script you will prob have to stick the file in /system/etc/cron/cron.hourly, daily, weekly and just give peeps that choice, will be most simple way. Ps not a fan of aroma lol
Ok, I should have spotted this issue right away, but did not, so here goes. It seems the use of while loop in the script in the OP causes any scripts with a lower priority in init.d to never get ran, if the script in the OP is the only one in your init.d this does not matter, nor should it matter if you have at boot script with a higher priority (they get ran before the OPs script).
I run the ElementalX kernel which depends on a init.d to initialize some parameters for the kernel, with this script in init.d they never get initialized, in my case this resulted in some things not 'taking' such as the battery life extender, which on my device, is set to stop charging at 4100mv, however, since the while loop kept the ElementalX init.d from running, it kept charging to ~4300mv, this is how I noticed (actually none of my settings wrt ElementalX were being initialized, but this symptom was most pronounced).
A simple fix would be to move up the priority of the ElementalX init.d script, but this would have to be done after each flash, and frankly since I run Tasker anyway, I saw no need for this, what I did was remove the OPs script from init.d and simply made a very simple task in Tasker to run /system/xbin/trimdrop when display goes off, it could just as easily be a time event.
Anyways, hope that helps someone who may come across this with other kernels, or other at-boot scripts which depend on being ran before the OPs script.
Again, thanks to the OP for his work. Also, I added another sync just before the drop caches, since the state of dirtyness could change after the fstrims.

