[App] Bingomatic - Android Apps and Games

This is my first app, i hope you like it. Feedback and suggestions are very welcome 'cause the first people who rated my app didn´t give me any clue of what was wrong. I´ve tested in different configurations in the emulator but not bugs encountered. Everything seems to work fine.
If you like it please vote it well, i really need to get rid of this low rate avg...
Bingomatic is an application to play bingo games with friends no matter where you are. You only need some paper to copy there the bingo cards that the app generates. Then start the game, bingomatic will call the numbers like a bingo caller machine. It can do it in several languages and you can configure the speed at wich the numbers will be called.
Screenshots & QR Code

For the US style cards the number calling needs to include the letter B I N G O as well especially if you are playing with cards that you already own. Some older folks need to hear the letter and the number called. Other than that great app.

I'm working on It, actually it's already done but i have no time today to test it well and publish it, so probably tomorrow i'll publish an update.
I've never played this kind of bingo that was the reason I didn't knew it. So thanks for telling me!

Great update you made today. The letters and the numbers together are awesome plus the one at a time calling. If you want some more suggestions to expand the app, my mother who calls bingo at a senior living home says there are different ways to call the numbers to make different designs on the cards. She says to have an option to call only the b-numbers or the n-numbers and so forth. I guess there is a game card called small picture frame where only the I, N, G columns/numbers are called. Another one is called "X" or kite, where all letters/numbers except N is called. So the ability to call or not call certain number/letter columns is what I am suggesting. Let me know if you have a question or if that is even possible.

Thanks, I'm glad you liked it! About your suggestion, I just googled this games you tell me, and i know what you mean, but my question is, are those games frequently played, I mean, regular people know the different games for its names? it's because I'm thinking in case i implement this if it will be good to offer different games for its name just after select US bingo or just add an additional advanced preference where you select witch column will be called.
I think the second option is more flexible for the user and maybe it confuse less the regular players, probably I'll take this one.
Anyway i think its not hard to develop I'm gonna take a look now to the code. I don't have much time these days but if it not too hard I'll do it. Thanks for your feedback and ideas!

I would probably just give the advanced option for picking the columns. I wouldn't worry about specific names of games because I am sure they are called differently by different people and that would be way too much work to find all the different game styles.
You are welcome for the feedback. My mom loved the app too!

Where I can get pro version.
I want to get pro version.
But link seems not working.
Please advice where I can get and pay it.

where is the app?


Settlers of Catan

Hey there,
There is a Settlers of Catan game for the iPhone. I'm wondering if anyone knew of that game being ported to Android any time soon? All I can find for Android is the 'Better Settlers' which helps with setting up the board.
Thanks in advance for any info!
shameless "bump!"
I would guess there would be copyright issues or some such :S
well you could try developing your own game..
I'd like to see settlers of catan on this platform too!
Me too, if someone is interested in doing the gameplay, maybe graphics, or whatever else. I would be happy to do the development.
Doesn't neccessarily have to be clone as such, it can have similar gameplay. Try playing something like Travian, it's similar but not exact.
It's a game I'd love to have on my phone . . . don't know it well enough to have a go at dev, but I'd be happy to alpha/beta/gamma test if someone gave it a crack . . .
there was a flash game i found a while ago - never got it working on my mogul though. Also I could help with graphics if a new game was designed
I'd love a SoC game for my Evo. Any new info on this?
Sent from my HTC Evo using Tapatalk + Swype
This would really be great. Id like a version where you could play with others on different phones via wifi/3g. It would be a lot of fun to play with friends and coworkers through out the day (or week as needed)
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I897 using XDA App
mesasone said:
This would really be great. Id like a version where you could play with others on different phones via wifi/3g. It would be a lot of fun to play with friends and coworkers through out the day (or week as needed)
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I897 using XDA App
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Agreed. This would be an awesome
Multi-player app especially if you could save and resume a game. You'd almost have to have one person host the game so the data is all housed on one SD card.
Other thoughts are the ability to change the rules before starting, built in chat and or push to talk functionality, bartering alerts, next turn alerts, review of score and previous actions, the list goes on.
If someone is serious about developing this then I am totally willing to help think it through and create graphics. Send me a PM.
Sent from my HTC Vogue FroYo using XDA App
Settlers of Catan Android game in the works
I've been having a dabble with android development and have been working on a Settlers of Catan game as it is such a great game and it's a good way to learn android dev.
I'm ready to admit that someone might beat me to it, whether by making the iphone version available to android or whatever, but still if anyone is interested in a) helping out on the project b) doing some testing or c) pimping the game, let me know! You can contact me on cettlersofsatan at gmail dot com.
It's currently in SVN online in a single user repository. But I would happily move it to Google Code or something if others were interested.
I'm as eager as everyone else to see this project pull through. And stone do NOT lose faith. It is always better to have an option then only one option for a game/app.
I have assembled a list of people who expressed interest in helping:
stoneskin - work in progress
niknah - dev
Willuknight - graphics
ii Candor ii - graphics/thinktank
DJGibbon - test
You guys should really get together especially with stone and get cracking! Heard some good ideas and plenty of offers to help. The XDA community NEEDS A SETTLERS!
Thanks guys!
I'd love to help too. I don't think can commit the time to help with development though. Real life is just too hectic lately. However, I'd love to help testing.
If the time opens up, I'm interested in helping with development.
As to graphics, just no skills to bring to the table. Although, I did have a thought last night on this subject. The game might be more playable with simpler graphics. Instead of trying to have an understandable picture of sheep/ore/... on the hexes, just use colors. Light green for wool/sheep, dark green or brown for lumber, goldenrod/yellow for wheat, dark grey for ore and dark red for brick.
Work in progress!
Gino, Latenk, thanks for the feedback. Here's the deal.
I agree, simple graphics to start with, I've uploaded a screenshot, but before anyone analyses it too much , let me state what I want from the project initially.
1) The basic game (i.e. no expansions) in full.
2) Multi-player (up to 4 initially) or single-player (with AI) on one phone.
3) Basic graphics, but a clean separation in implementation so that the graphics, special effects, zoom, board rotation, whatever the monkey-magic one wants, can be added ON TOP OF the rest of the app.
4) Game is free (shouldn't be any copyright issues right?) and would be great if it could get onto Android Market or equivalent.
5) Open source?
I hate graphics, hate the tweaking, fiddling, pixel-adjusting and so on, so I've knocked up the simplest GUI imaginable. I've slapped on a handful of buttons which as you can see, have rubbish little text labels - RD = Roll Dice (in one of the screenshots it's displaying the number rolled), BR/BS/BC are build road/settlement/city, MR = Move Robber, C=Cancel, D=Done, X=exit.
In these shots I'm not even playing a game, I'm in a test mode where I'm just free-building. My colour is white. So a hex-side is painted white for a road, the small circles are settlements, the large circle is a city. The large red circle is me selecting a vertices. As you can see, the current player (Bob) has no resources (free-building) but resources are laid out with shoddy little cards.
So the graphics are v. poor. But I'm not too concerned right about it right now.
Where have I got to?
I've got the basic 'model' in place. That is the game model that maintains hexes, vertices, hex-sides and their roads/settlements/cities.
I haven't even touched on AI, ports, trading.
I'm trying to build the app cleanly, so the views have no concrete knowledge of the game model, and any calls to it are interfaced out.
But this is my first Android app, so I'm learning from scratch, possibly comitting all sorts of Android crimes.
I'm a full-time .Net developer, so I'm kinda fitting this in around job/family and so on, so progress is slow.
Here are my thoughts. I'll aim to get this to a clean/stable state within the next week or so, then if others want to get involved in dev I'll create a Google Code project (or equivalent) and sort it out from there.
I'm currently building against 1.6 because I have an X10 mini. It would be great to support up to the latest API versions.
Ok, uploading the images now. Graphics ARE AWFUL but I'm focussing on the game at the moment.
By the way, if anyone knows what licensing/copyright issues there are with something like this please let me know. I've currently called the project 'Cettlers of Satan' 'cos that made me smile. If rights issues meant it can't go through market places then so be it, but would be great if someone could research this.
Haha, you know that is a basic layout but gets the job done! What you could do is have the game map be at least twice as large as say the resolution of a N1 screen. Enable finger scrolling and/or pinch to zoom (comlpex perhaps but a thought) and let people move around the game map as needed. That'd allow for better graphics, larger maps, and a larger feel to the game. The HUD could possibly go up either side of the game map. In fact I'd say make landscape mode MANDATORY so you have the extra real estate.
Check this out: http://games.asobrain.com/
That is what I envision this game like. That game is everything this game COULD be and he even found ways around copyright. Check that game out, play a round or two and it will give you plenty to think about/use as inspiration. Obviously no need to copy, but you can use it for ideas.
Lastly, the previous statement someone made about notifications is pure gold. Allow people to play their turns then pass to the next with a notification appearing. Great ideas.
I've been there before, but a while ago and he's closed all unactive accounts and stopped registration unfortunately.
If you are a member maybe you could upload a couple of screenshots or explain to me how the GUI works in more detail.
I love the idea of finger scrolling/pinch/zoom etc. I'm gonna give some of that a go tomorrow. But like I say, what I'm initially trying to achieve is
in a clean separation. So any visual representation would be possible. I'll try and knock out some basic zoom/finger scroll effects just to convince myself that my rudimentary framework will hold together.
Thanks for the quick feedback mate.
This shows the basic layout, how it all works, the HUD and such. Again this would have to be adjusted for the handheld, but in general it looks and works great!
In the top left is a pane for the players in the game. It shows Player Name, Player Color, a count of the cards in the players hand, any held and/or played D cards. This pane can be hidden if the player wishes.
The pane on the bottom left shows all things the plyer can buy and what it takes for the player to buy them. (in the android version I imagine this being a tab you can bring up to buy/see what you need and have.
Below that pane is Played Cards, and Table cards which speak for themselves.
Of course along the bottom you see your hand.
On the bottom right you have 3 buttons, claim victory, trade, and end turn.
And of course you see the dice.
Top right is the chat box.
All of this again is simply for inspiration and not for copying. This gives you a great idea of a fleshed out game and how it could look on a handset.
This is a trade window.
Two things of note here. First notice the top left. WHen a player gets cards on a roll, they show up face up for a brief moment. GREAT idea if possible to implement something similar.
Secondly, bottom right is what appears to be a chart. That shows how many times a number has been rolled. This is more advanced than what we'd need, but an interesting idea and prob easy to implement.
Now on this one a couple things to point out. Look at how they do cities and roads. Similar to what you've suggested. I was thinking maybe circles with symbols on the top (kind of like tokens or markers). Of course maybe more intricate and detailed models could be added later.
Also, that speech bubble that popped up shows where the person played their road or city or settlement. This is ESSENTIAL in some form or another on this game. Plan to include SOMETHING like it.
And lastly, this picture shows what it looks like when a person trades succesfully. Again not necessary but certainly handy.
I must repeat again that I DO NOT CONDONE OUTRIGHT PLAGIARISM with anything Asobrain has done. This is purely for inspiration and research. This should give you PLENTY of ideas!
I've got tons!
This is a beautiful start. Couple thoughts.
- The desert color isn't clearly distinct from wheat.
- The name will have to be something other than "Settlers of Catan". I'd avoid the current name for two reasons. One, a lot of us will take some degree of exception to the Satan reference. Two, it's not really different enough to dodge trademark concerns.
- I despise needing to scroll around in a game to see everything. This is my main complaint with "Pirates & Traders".
- On such a small screen, keep the UI as simple as possible. AsoBrain is wonderful. But, it is designed for a largish screen. (BTW, I hate that he killed old accounts when closing registration. I was away for just about the exact period to get locked-out).
- As we proceed, I'd like to plan for a multi-device/network play. This game would be awesome in a peer-to-peer, networked model.
Thanks for getting this started.
P.S. I *REALLY* like how you did the board. The buttons: meh. The board: Wow!
GinoAMelone said:
This is a beautiful start. Couple thoughts.
- The desert color isn't clearly distinct from wheat.
- The name will have to be something other than "Settlers of Catan". I'd avoid the current name for two reasons. One, a lot of us will take some degree of exception to the Satan reference. Two, it's not really different enough to dodge trademark concerns.
- I despise needing to scroll around in a game to see everything. This is my main complaint with "Pirates & Traders".
- On such a small screen, keep the UI as simple as possible. AsoBrain is wonderful. But, it is designed for a largish screen. (BTW, I hate that he killed old accounts when closing registration. I was away for just about the exact period to get locked-out).
- As we proceed, I'd like to plan for a multi-device/network play. This game would be awesome in a peer-to-peer, networked model.
Thanks for getting this started.
P.S. I *REALLY* like how you did the board. The buttons: meh. The board: Wow!
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1. Agreed, the desert should be a tan, and wheat clearly a gold.
2. Also agree. It cannot even closely resemble Settlers. We can worry about the name when we have a game worth naming (I was thinking something like Travista, or something resembling travelers).
3. That is why it'd also be prudent to include a pinch to zoom or zoom controls. Let the player get in close if they wish, or let them sit way back and view it all from a distance.
4. Agreed. Simple yet elegant/complex in its design is what I'd like to see. Again give the player the option of getting as complicated as they wish. This can be easily accomplished with tabs that the player can pull out as needed. The only thing that should remain on the screen is the players hand, and a few essential buttons. Look at a game called PocketEmpires, use that idea for assembling tabs. I do feel that certain tabs should be entirely devoted to one type of action (like a building tab).
5. Once you have a basic game framework laid, you can work on making it work across the board and with all devices. The dev should focus on getting it to work native first, then move onward. As for a p2p network GREAT IDEA! If there is a way we can link this either by device or via a server that'd be the best way. Allow players to run through an entire game, or let players take their turns and move on to another player (IE pass it back and forth via notifications, similar to how Scrabble works on the iPhone).
I only wish I knew any code/dev tools to help with. All these ideas and nothing to do about it!

[WIDGET] Todo List Widget - a simple task list with ICS and HC scroll support

A simple but powerful to do list widget designed to be customized. Now with auto-hiding buttons!
★ Multiple independent, scrollable widgets
★ Quick, dialog based entry
★ Tick to delete or mark complete
★ Widgets are optimized for Honeycomb
★ Predefined themes or total customization
★ RTL support
★ Custom image backgrounds
This widget was inspired by To Do List from HTC Sense - for some reason, they were the only ones to get it right.
Lite Market link - restricted to 8 entries and only one widget
Must have
- More better themes
- Notifications and alarms
- Sorting
Could use
- Image background transparency
- Save custom themes
Would be nice
- Button themes
- Fullscreen note character board
Very cool! I love you guys apps
I knew you would mate Spread the word!
Nothing at all? I was hoping for a little feedback...
Sure... app rocks, looking forward to the image backgrounds!
ftgg99 said:
Nothing at all? I was hoping for a little feedback...
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I just downloaded and installed the free version and it looks really nice. However, I do feel that there is room for improvement in the functionality.
1. Scrollable please! I want to use the widget in a 2x4 space, but I have lots of things I want to put on it. Making the widget scrollable will allow me to use a smaller widget size instead of putting it in the 4x4 space I use now (I gave it its own screen). Ill pay for the app if you implement this.
2. Mark as done in one click! As of now, you click once to open a menu that shows your tasks, then you click a second time to mark a task done, then you click a third time to close the menu (EDIT This is totally wrong. Its only 2 clicks, but I think the point stands) Placing a check box or some other kind of button next to each task that marks it as done would streamline this process.
3. Option to display "notes" on the widget. Again, something that would remove "clicks" from the process of seeing notes. Maybe make a global default for displaying notes in all tasks, then be able to edit each tasks individual "note display options" independently of the default. Also, if a task has "hidden notes", maybe place an asterisk at the end to denote that is has hidden notes. As for tasks that display their notes on the widget, the notes should have their own font size, style, and color options, and ideally (for me) should be indented.
These are all just suggestions. I hope some of them get you thinking of ways to improve your app. I'm definitely looking forward to seeing what you come up with!
Great ideas... but may be difficult to implement. Lets see what ftgg says.
I say I'll look into it when I've had some sleep...
fafrehugen said:
Great ideas... but may be difficult to implement. Lets see what ftgg says.
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I'm probably the farthest thing you can find from an Android Dev, but I am sure that all of those things are common in other apps. There just isnt one with all of those features that I can find with all of the additional features of this app.
ftgg99 said:
I say I'll look into it when I've had some sleep...
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The amount of r&d I do depends on the number of people that buy the app. Everyone thinks its the other way round, but for a company time is money, so I have to see an app succeed first, before committing additional resources...
So when people just use lite versions, never leave ratings or comments but still demand features many studios lose interest.
ftgg99 said:
The amount of r&d I do depends on the number of people that buy the app. Everyone thinks its the other way round, but for a company time is money, so I have to see an app succeed first, before committing additional resources...
So when people just use lite versions, never leave ratings or comments but still demand features many studios lose interest.
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If this comment is directed towards me, I certainly wasn't demanding anything. I was just trying to help you improve your product.
If you think people will buy your app before it has the features they are looking for, you might want to reconsider. I rated your app a 3 because it doesn't have what I'm looking for. I'm not going to give you a 5, let alone spend money, on something that isn't what I want. I hope that makes some sense.
Just installed the free version. Looks good, and I will buy if I continue to use it.
EXQEX9 said:
If this comment is directed towards me, I certainly wasn't demanding anything. I was just trying to help you improve your product.
If you think people will buy your app before it has the features they are looking for, you might want to reconsider. I rated your app a 3 because it doesn't have what I'm looking for. I'm not going to give you a 5, let alone spend money, on something that isn't what I want. I hope that makes some sense.
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How nice... however, I am a professional developer with over 20 apps. Im pretty sure i know what im doing in this business.
The 3 star rating is just a sign of ignorance, because two of the three features you want implemented are not possible under android at all. In fact, i know of only one other to do list app anywhere near as good as the current early (0.2) release of Moogly. And its still rubbish.
Giving the app a low rating despite it performing exactly as described will only lead to generally lower ratings and less time spent on development. But thats our lot - getting flamed by noobs with $500 phones who shy away from spending $1.48 on something they will use on a daily basis.
Haha, i know exactly how you feel mate - people just dont understand
You are one of the few devs that actually engages with the users, and some are always just ungrateful. I have been trying to do some modifications to it, but as you told me before its not possible!
He gave it 3 star because it didnt have what he wanted, but the app never claimed to have more than what is in the description. The only good reviews are the ones that give 5 stars and say "Works as advertised".
@ftgg99 - Just out of interest which of those suggestions are not possible in Android? Just asking as I'm still getting to grips with what you can and can't do in apps and widgets on Android. Is it possible to mark as done directly in the widget? Also, I have been using GTasks and integrating it into Pure Grid Calendar so all my stuff is in one place, however I fancied a change so am trying out beOrganized at present (but getting really pissed off having realised that the Voice entry function only works when you have wifi/data available - wtf!). Anyway, I'd like to give your app a try so will feed back. Tasks is a big thing for me on my phone and something I use equally as much as my calendar, and having tried most things out there I have to agree that none of them are a perfect solution. So good luck with your app, if I like the lite version I will happily pay your humble price
BTW, would you consider adding in alarm/notification reminder for tasks like in GTasks - find that very handy...
Dunc001 said:
@ftgg99 - Just out of interest which of those suggestions are not possible in Android? Just asking as I'm still getting to grips with what you can and can't do in apps and widgets on Android. Is it possible to mark as done directly in the widget? Also, I have been using GTasks and integrating it into Pure Grid Calendar so all my stuff is in one place, however I fancied a change so am trying out beOrganized at present (but getting really pissed off having realised that the Voice entry function only works when you have wifi/data available - wtf!). Anyway, I'd like to give your app a try so will feed back. Tasks is a big thing for me on my phone and something I use equally as much as my calendar, and having tried most things out there I have to agree that none of them are a perfect solution. So good luck with your app, if I like the lite version I will happily pay your humble price
BTW, would you consider adding in alarm/notification reminder for tasks like in GTasks - find that very handy...
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Regarding the not possible thing - i was pretty red-eye after coding all night and after a second thought i must admit that i was wrong. All of them are possible. Im a noob.
Originally i just made this for myself after finding nothing adequate on the market, and i never use any other features - why bother with notifications for example when the widget is one one of only three screens i stare at all day anyway?
Now of course ill have to take people's suggestions into account so the minimalism i enjoy will have to take a backseat
The alarm, notification thing is on the todo list already. Will be implemented next week for sure.
You see, that's what happens. You make something perfect and everyone wants to change it
If you need a crash dummy just PM me, I don't break easily
ftgg99 said:
How nice... however, I am a professional developer with over 20 apps. Im pretty sure i know what im doing in this business.
The 3 star rating is just a sign of ignorance, because two of the three features you want implemented are not possible under android at all. In fact, i know of only one other to do list app anywhere near as good as the current early (0.2) release of Moogly. And its still rubbish.
Giving the app a low rating despite it performing exactly as described will only lead to generally lower ratings and less time spent on development. But thats our lot - getting flamed by noobs with $500 phones who shy away from spending $1.48 on something they will use on a daily basis.
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First off I want to say that the only reason I'm still in this thread is because I think there has been some kind of misunderstanding. I'm not one to argue online, but on the other hand, I don't like people thinking I'm flaming them when I'm trying to praise them.
I respect you're time spent as a dev, but I've been a consumer for longer than you've been a dev and I know that I will not buy a product based on future potential. Yes, even if it's $1.48. As a dev, you should know how those small sums can add up to be quite a bit over time.
Your app is the closest thing I have found to date to what I'm looking for in a todo widget. That having been said, I can't use it because it is missing some, of what are to me, key features. That having been said, I can't rate this app perfectly. The rating system, to me, does not reflect how well an app does what it advertises, but how useful/fun the app is overall and compared to other apps.
In my comment (EDIT: the one i made in the market), I did say that the app had serious potential. That's the highest praise I can give at the moment, but I think it's great praise.
I would appreciate you retracting the ignorant/noob comment, as you realized that the features are implementable.
Thank you if you've read this and thought about it objectively. Good luck with the app. I hope it's a success.
Great app, it would be perfect with Google Tasks sync

Looking for a good 'Word' Game

I'm looking for a good 'Word' game for the TF.
Not one like Scrabble or where you have to re-arrange a group of letters to form as many words as you can.
No, what I'm trying to find is one where you are first presented with a collection of letters in a large block and you then have to tap on each letter to form a word. You are then given a score for either the length of the word or the type of letters used.
As you tap away and a word is formed, the remaining letters above drop down the screen to replace the ones you have used and are then replaced with new ones from the top... if you get my drift.
I don't like timer's as I like to take my time, pause if I want or come back to a previously saved game.
It's a bit of an ask but can anyone recommend such a game?
You're describing the Dropwords game almost exactly (it does have a timer).
There are free and paid versions on the Android market:
Perfect Eric... Nice one.
When you said it had a timer I very nearly gave up on it as I don't like timers, I like to take my time and save so I can come back later.
However, because you took the effort to post I should take the effort in trying it out.
I'm very pleased I did because on loading I immediately noticed you can select a variety of speeds for the timer..... including a 'non-timer'.
Also, you can save the game and return later.
Perfect Eric..... perfect.
Good suggestion....it's a lot of fun...but it's not optimized for tablets...it would be even better then.
You're welcome. It's one of my favorites.
You actually helped me out - I never bothered to check out the timer options.
It may not be optimized for tablets, but it works great full-screen on my Transformer.
Some time ago, I was also looking for a similar game (on a different OS). So much so that I made my own, which seems to fit your criteria. The name is Wordsler and is available in the Android Market (I don't have 8 posts here, and apparently not allowed to place a direct link yet).
It's got a non-timer mode, a 2 minute timer mode, and an online mode (where everyone gets the same sets of letters within a 24 hour period).
This is just a spare-time hobby, and I'm not great with graphics, so it's nothing fancy or shiny, but I think the gameplay works quite well.
Silkswift said:
Some time ago, I was also looking for a similar game (on a different OS). So much so that I made my own, which seems to fit your criteria. The name is Wordsler and is available in the Android Market (I don't have 8 posts here, and apparently not allowed to place a direct link yet).
It's got a non-timer mode, a 2 minute timer mode, and an online mode (where everyone gets the same sets of letters within a 24 hour period).
This is just a spare-time hobby, and I'm not great with graphics, so it's nothing fancy or shiny, but I think the gameplay works quite well.
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For anyone else, here's a direct link to the game Silkswift mentions.
I had a quick look at the two pictures shown of the game on The Market. It wasn't much to go on but I downloaded and installed.
Unfortunately as soon as I went to run Wordsler it then asked me to download two sets of libraries.
Nothing is mentioned on either The Market or your developers Web Site of these libraries being required so to anyone not knowing what these are or what they do, I think most people will then do as I did which was to close the App down and uninstall.
If Wordsler is going to need additional files to run you do need to let the downloader know in advance and explain why they are needed and what happens when they are run.
HI Beards,thanks for checking it out. My apologies for not mentioning the additional libraries here. The description in the market does mention them at the beginning (with a few stars for emphasis), but it probably could use a better explanation. The extra libraries are part of the android-qt project (port of Qt apps to android).
Silkswift said:
HI Beards,thanks for checking it out. My apologies for not mentioning the additional libraries here. The description in the market does mention them at the beginning (with a few stars for emphasis), but it probably could use a better explanation. The extra libraries are part of the android-qt project (port of Qt apps to android).
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Yes, going back to The Market I see you have now added the information on the libraries required. You also now mention it may be better to install over Wifi.
This is a good call and another reason why you needed to mention the additional libraries in The Market link.
It would also be good if you stated the actual size of the additional download. That way the installer knows full well what to expect, which in turn makes for a happier user of the software.
Although I don't think it is what I am looking for (I prefer a much larger rectangular block of letters with actions similar to that of Dropwords).
However, I'll give it a try for you. Will report back later... have a very busy day ahead.
Silkswift said:
HI Beards,thanks for checking it out. My apologies for not mentioning the additional libraries here. The description in the market does mention them at the beginning (with a few stars for emphasis), but it probably could use a better explanation. The extra libraries are part of the android-qt project (port of Qt apps to android).
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Good game dude, i'll rate it on my computer since we can yet on market. Like said previous, you have a lot of extra sceen, so bigger blocks would be great. It would also be nice to have "Validate" button up with the words, and maybe a "Clear all" for quickly deselecting all, but that doesn't really matter. Thanks for the free DL!
Sent from my Transformer TF101 using xda premium

[APP][1.6+] Track My Salary 1.1.5

Hi everyone!
This is my first app in the market (after I created some apps but didn't uploaded them).
This app used to track the salary of people who work on shifts.
As a teenager I was working in many different places and the number of shifts that I was working every month wasn't constant, so as my salary.
When I wanted to track my salary I needed to track it in Excel tables, which is very annoying!
So I created this app for people that are just like me.
Very simple! You create a workplace -> fill the salary field in the settings -> whenever you arrive to work you press check in and when you leave you press check out.
And to make it even simpler it even has a widget!
And you can also backup/restore your data, that you won't lose it (And can easily flash new roms on your device ).
So go on and install the app,
And if you have suggestions, feedbacks, bug reports and anything else you can tell me here/pm me/send an email to [email protected].
And you can also like the app's Facebook page and share it with your friends!
Thanks and enjoy this app!
Great App!
Best app ever!... good job!
Great app thanks for your work
Sent from my GT-I9001 using Tapatalk
Really nice app. Thanks for creating it.
Thanks a lot guys!!
A new update which includes fix in salary calculation when you using days with different salary and your shift ended in other week.
If you had any problem with calculation, you are welcome to try this version
Hey everybody,
Version 1.1.4 is up!
Added some new cool features
1. Viewing shifts in weekly view.
2. Watching your shifts ascending or descending way.
3. You can create future shifts manually.
4. Little bug in calculation.
Enjoy and have a nice weekend!
Great App!
just downloaded it and its a great app! i actually thought of doing this but never did lol
a request, as i dont get paid for lunch hours, is there a way to incorporate that into the app? saves me having to alter the hours i worked
Thanks ! great workk
Looks like a great app, but I think it would look better if you just did the background a solid color rather than those stripes.
checking this out now
Thanks a lot, I'm happy to hear that you like my app..
mitz101 said:
just downloaded it and its a great app! i actually thought of doing this but never did lol
a request, as i dont get paid for lunch hours, is there a way to incorporate that into the app? saves me having to alter the hours i worked
Thanks ! great workk
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When you press check in, a toggle button that says "working" is revealed, when you press it, the text changes to "On break" and this time won't count on the final salary calculation. Enjoy!
kingdavidd said:
Looks like a great app, but I think it would look better if you just did the background a solid color rather than those stripes.
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Hey, I already tried but the app look very empty.. Maybe in the future I will add an option for themes for those who don't get along with this background..
this looks really handy, great idea. The current setup can really only handle my base pay because i have a somewhat complex pay plan.
I earn bonus amounts of cash for selling various things, can you make it so you can add on different amounts on different shifts?, I'd wanna be able to add that on after the fact or during the shift if it makes any difference.
If you wanted to go even farther out, adding some kinda system for handling commissions, like enter the dollar value for a given shift, and calculate a set percentage as commission to add to the hourly rate.
Hey beddess,
People already asked me about bonuses.. It will be added in the future..
cool, bonuses (we call them spiffs, special incentives) are the more important one i was asking for. I get those fairly regularly.
Commission comes into play less for me, i have to consistently do good all week; plus our commission system is complex enough system that i only dimly understand our plan. So, even if you jump on the idea it might be hard to model the plan.
I've been working a lot of slow shifts so with hourly + bonuses it'll model things pretty well for me.
Hey everyone!
After a long time, I've released a new version with some pretty cool new features!
You are welcomed to check the new version out and also Like the app's Facebook page.
You can ask questions, suggest things and share it with your friends!
Let me know what you think!
Have a good week!

[APP][4.x][BETA3] House Account Book

The app is now published to Google Play Store.
Have you ever wondered, what you spend you money for? With Budget Book you can simply track all your expenses and incomes. Furthermore you can label them with a payment type and a suitable category. This enables you to use wide filters, so you can analyse for example, what you've spent your money for in a specific timespan.
Great news!
We have something awesome coming! In the new version of the
Budget Book we introduce you to our new feature:
See at a glance what you spend your money on and how much it was.
Interacting with the feature we implemented in the most recent
update, the category editor, you can personalize the statistics with
your own custom categorys. This applies to your incomes, too. Just
click at the top of the screen on "Incomes by category" and there you have it.
We hope you'll like it!
PS: take a glimpse at the screenshots
Keep track of your expenses (and incomes)
Simple and intuitive UI
Android 4.x Holo Design
English, German and French Translation (more to come)
Predefined categories
Backup and Restore to/from SD-Card (check the options-menu)
Export as CSV (Full only)
Sum of the displayed entries
Filters for analysis
NFC-Sharing of entries
Custom Categories
Planned Features
Backup via Google Backup and Restore
Google Drive backup
Limits (w/ notifications)
Different Accounts (definded by user)
Receipt-Management (Ability to attach image(s?) to an entry)
Circle my G+-Site, to be informed about updates on my apps
Beautiful Interface! Great Work!
Works perfect thanks!
Maybe Tablet optimized in future?
WingnutStrikesBack said:
Beautiful Interface! Great Work!
Works perfect thanks!
Maybe Tablet optimized in future?
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sure! I knew that i forgot something to mention
just uploaded an update, which changes the standard language from german to english
The app instantly forces closes to me. Will create a logcat and upload in a sec, and edit this post.
EDIT: Logcat attached.
On my Evo 4g LTE, I can't do anything. I just see a white screen, with no buttons or menu button. Possible compatibility issue?
Sent from my EVO 4G LTE using XDA Premium app
Same on my HTC One S.. Just the white screen, and then it crashes..
Thank you for your feedback. I don't have any problems on my 4.1 Galaxy Nexus.
The good news: I also have that issue when running the app in an 4.0.x emulator
The bad news: I don't know, what's wrong there
I'll do some research on that and post here if I can adress the issue!
LucasR93 said:
Thank you for your feedback. I don't have any problems on my 4.1 Galaxy Nexus.
The good news: I also have that issue when running the app in an 4.0.x emulator
The bad news: I don't know, what's wrong there
I'll do some research on that and post here if I can adress the issue!
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Ok. Good luck. I forgot to mention that In using a Xperia S, 4.0.4
Sent from my LT26i with Tapatalk 2
I just updated the App to a new version! The issues on Ice Cream Sandwich should now be fixed!
Have fun!
Thanks. Works fine now
Will start using this to keep control on how much I spend at my school restaurant.
Sent from my LT26i with Tapatalk 2
I have a few requests for your app.
First, I want to edit something I have created. Errors happen, and have to write it again is tedious.
Second, a resume of how much you have. If you got 20 dollars, it would say a 20 down there. If you add a 5 dollars expense, it would show 15 down there.
Third, It would be nice if you could separate the incomes and expenses in categories created by user. For example, I have R$ 27,90 to spend on calls for carries except mine (for my carrier is free of charge). Then I could create a category called: Phone. I would set this 27,90 and, using the last mentioned feature, I would have a control of how much I still can call. Another category would be for SMS + Data usage. It costs for me R$ 0,50 for each day you use each, and I have a R$ 10 limit per month. Then I would have a third category. I would like to keep control on how much i spend at my school to eat.
I think it's pretty good, the explanation, but if you need something else tp understand, let me know.
What could be nice is a use of barcode scaner, you scan some product and you put a price, then every time you scan it, you will have an expense of it
I don't know if i have explained well ...
Another feature that could be great is to have diferents accounts One for register the bank movements and another to our home money xP
Sent from my U20i using xda premium
Felimenta97 said:
I have a few requests for your app.
First, I want to edit something I have created. Errors happen, and have to write it again is tedious.
Second, a resume of how much you have. If you got 20 dollars, it would say a 20 down there. If you add a 5 dollars expense, it would show 15 down there.
Third, It would be nice if you could separate the incomes and expenses in categories created by user. For example, I have R$ 27,90 to spend on calls for carries except mine (for my carrier is free of charge). Then I could create a category called: Phone. I would set this 27,90 and, using the last mentioned feature, I would have a control of how much I still can call. Another category would be for SMS + Data usage. It costs for me R$ 0,50 for each day you use each, and I have a R$ 10 limit per month. Then I would have a third category. I would like to keep control on how much i spend at my school to eat.
I think it's pretty good, the explanation, but if you need something else tp understand, let me know.
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1. yes, definitely essential
2. I also had that idea, maybe the app can display a notification if you've exceeded your limit
3. I think this is very special...maybe later
untweetless said:
What could be nice is a use of barcode scaner, you scan some product and you put a price, then every time you scan it, you will have an expense of it
I don't know if i have explained well ...
Another feature that could be great is to have diferents accounts One for register the bank movements and another to our home money xP
Sent from my U20i using xda premium
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1. sounds like an idea, but the problem is the information gathering, what you really paid for the product, because it won't be the same amount in every store, you know?
2. This is already a bit implemented, when adding an entry you can choose wether it's cash or credit card for example
Ok thanks, sounds great, hmm ohh but it can ask you if the prize is correct no? For example, you go to the shop, for buy, the first time you scan everithin you buy with the prize and the next time you go, if you scan the chips, the cocacola..., the app suggest you to put it as expenses
Like if the app reemember recurring expenditures from the past
I just re-downloaded it, and it looks great. I love the style and how it feels, but I do have some suggestions for you, if you get to develop it more.
1) Have accounts - I would love to be able to put my different bank accounts, gift cards, etc. on this, and track how much money I have left in each. Make it so I can put a starting amount on each account, and then subtract from there. Also to make special note of: transferring money between accounts. This was something I ran into with my project a while back.
2) Receipts - It has always been a goal of mine to be a better record keeper. As such, I would love to be able to take pictures of receipts and either upload them to a service for cloud storage or have them linked to from my SD card. This way I can back them up to my computer at home every once in a while and make sure I have everything when tax time comes.
3) While I'm at it, making it so that two users can share the same account... that would be amazing. Joint checking accounts are awesome for couples, but not if they don't both know what's going on.
4) Backups - I don't want to college months of data simply to have it wiped out if my phone goes south. Allow me to backup to my SD card, or, better yet, sending the data in an email so it can be backed up on any computer I have access from.
5) Statistics - We can track our money, and where it goes, but unless we can analyze our spending patterns, we can't see where we need to go in the future. Having graphs and charts would make this really nice to have. You already have the categories all set up, so getting the statistics (and statistics per account) setup shouldn't be too much more.
I have been trying to develop a reliable solution like this using PHP, MySQL, and jQuery for about a year now. The sad part is that I can't interact with the phone's camera like I want to, to allow me to capture receipts. I guess what I'm saying is, I'd love to help you out on the back-end stuff if you ever need it. I'd love to get this kind of project up and running, as I think it can help a lot of people in a lot of ways. Oh, and have you thought about uploading this to Google Play? Are there any limitations holding you back from doing that? I admire what you're doing, and think it's great that you are putting your talents to such a great use. We all need to be more financially savvy, and this is a great tool to help that.
Thank you for your hard work.
m.ark said:
I just re-downloaded it, and it looks great. I love the style and how it feels, but I do have some suggestions for you, if you get to develop it more.
1) Have accounts - I would love to be able to put my different bank accounts, gift cards, etc. on this, and track how much money I have left in each. Make it so I can put a starting amount on each account, and then subtract from there. Also to make special note of: transferring money between accounts. This was something I ran into with my project a while back.
2) Receipts - It has always been a goal of mine to be a better record keeper. As such, I would love to be able to take pictures of receipts and either upload them to a service for cloud storage or have them linked to from my SD card. This way I can back them up to my computer at home every once in a while and make sure I have everything when tax time comes.
3) While I'm at it, making it so that two users can share the same account... that would be amazing. Joint checking accounts are awesome for couples, but not if they don't both know what's going on.
4) Backups - I don't want to college months of data simply to have it wiped out if my phone goes south. Allow me to backup to my SD card, or, better yet, sending the data in an email so it can be backed up on any computer I have access from.
5) Statistics - We can track our money, and where it goes, but unless we can analyze our spending patterns, we can't see where we need to go in the future. Having graphs and charts would make this really nice to have. You already have the categories all set up, so getting the statistics (and statistics per account) setup shouldn't be too much more.
I have been trying to develop a reliable solution like this using PHP, MySQL, and jQuery for about a year now. The sad part is that I can't interact with the phone's camera like I want to, to allow me to capture receipts. I guess what I'm saying is, I'd love to help you out on the back-end stuff if you ever need it. I'd love to get this kind of project up and running, as I think it can help a lot of people in a lot of ways. Oh, and have you thought about uploading this to Google Play? Are there any limitations holding you back from doing that? I admire what you're doing, and think it's great that you are putting your talents to such a great use. We all need to be more financially savvy, and this is a great tool to help that.
Thank you for your hard work.
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Hi m.ark,
thank you for your nice feedback!
Except your thrid point I think everything would be implementable - I also updated the "features-to-come" in first post (thanks to all the others for the great ideas!!)
Your third point is very hard to implement, but I keep an eye on that topic!
A vision is, that one is able to completely manage that stuff via a web interface, if the data is uploaded to google drive for example. Maybe in a late state we can think about collaborating on this thing?!
Regarding the Google Play thing: At the moment I'm not willing to spend the 20$ for the developer license if the app has not even a minimum of possible features implemented - a long-term-goal is definitely publishing this app to Play Store.
Just released and uploaded BETA3 - check the changelog and have fun
Beta 3 looks good, and runs smooth. I love the backup and restore option. It will be a real saver.
One thing I noticed: if you are at the home page, the only drop down from the menu is for backup and restore, but if you are in the backup and restore tool, the drop down menu lists only "Settings" but doesn't do anything. Just a small bug. Maybe have it go back home since there's no way to do that right now other than hitting back?
Once again, thank you for the awesome app. Keep us up to date on how you're doing, it'd be fun to see the progress you're making. Don't make it a chore, though, that's for sure.
How do you change the currency for this?

