"USB host mode" app? - Android Apps and Games

is there a possibility someone could design a usb host mode app?
i figure that the best way to have a computer in the palm of your hand is to buy the logmein ignition for android and add it to a usb host mode...

http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=702742&highlight=host for ex.
Host mode for... old 2.6.32 kernel

Remzy said:
for ex.
Host mode for... old 2.6.32 kernel
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Sven killig's system is a lot of coding and stuff, im not in the coding field, i've asked for quite a while for a vid or step-by-step...
reading and a video are not the same thing.
thats why i asked for an app in the first place; all u have to do for apps are press install and ur ready.
my suggestion, get the motorola droid and monitor changes when hacking it because their's is more of a firmware hack


USB Host?

I've read the following articles
They show how to implement usb host on Hero and Droid. It's possible to do the same thing on G1 and Magic 32B? What about usb host driver?
Thank you.
Yes, at least on the magic Andrew's patch works with minor changes. Watch the android-kernel list for a cleaned up patch in the next day or so.
A kernel source is available and appears that it is working on the G1.
USB keyboard for magic?this sounds soo fu iPhone. XD
Have things evolved since that day ?
Seems like no, they haven't
We should get this rolling then, itd be sweet to have host mode
think so too. anybody is able to do it? (except firerat anderweb and cyanogen as it seems they are doing enogh other stuff)
Bump for that USB host
I'm not sure if you people realize this, but there is more to getting USB devices working than simply enabling "host mode". In fact, you need drivers for the specific hardware, and you need something to detect plugging and activate the drivers. Also FYI: You need to build an interface between android and those hardware drivers, otherwise you're stilll not getting anywhere.
I wish I knew about development enough to contribute. This seems like it would be top priority.
does anyone know if this is stock on any of the froyo roms?

[DEV]PSFreedom Android [Bravo|N1|G1|Sapphire|EVO|HD2|Wildfire

EDIT 2 (6/09/2010):
Success at last!!!
Now confirmed working on numerous devices
Check http://psfreedom.com/wiki/index.php?title=Device_compatibility_list for compatibility.
Check http://www.github.com/psfreedom for source
http://github.com/kakaroto/PSFreedom (NO BINARY AVAILABLE YET BUT THIS DOES WORK)
Other MSM72K devices among numerous others are still being worked on. If you can in any way help please join #psfreedom on IRC.FREENODE.NET (By help I mean if you are a kernel developer or think you can offer some form of useful assistance, asking for status updates may get you kicked off the channel).
HSUSB Devices (Check the compatibility list) have not yet begun development. We are searching for a HSUSB developer to assist in the project, please join #psfreedom on irc.freenode.net if you are.
Q: What is all this about hacking the PS3?
A: A few weeks ago, someone released a USB tool that allows you to switch any PS3 into "dev" or "debug" mode. The long and short of this means that the PS3 has finally been hacked and homebrew is a real possibility. After a lot of clever reverse engineering, the hack was documented and distributed under the name "PS3Groove". Some clever people ported that code so that other USB devices could be used for this purpose. It just so happens that your smartphone is also a USB device and this was a project to port THAT code so that your Android smartphone could be used to hack your PS3.
Q: Cool! Where do I start?
A: Slow down there, cowboy. This is pretty technical stuff, if you've come here from another forum, or are unfamilliar with terms like "recovery", "flashing", "rooting" and such, take a deep breath and look around the forums for more information, as any mistakes could brick your phone.
First, you'll need to know if your device is compatible. There is a list of android devices maintained here: http://psfreedom.com/wiki/index.php?...atibility_list
This will tell you if your device is supported, as well as point you to where to go if it is.
Q: Ok, so I have a supported device, now what?
A: Just owning the device isn't enough. You'll need to root it to enable you to install custom ROMs. Once you're confident about installing custom ROMs, you're ready to rock and roll! Now, this IS the Desire dev forum, so from here on I'll assume you have a HTC desire, rooted and ready to go. If you have a different device, refer to the link above, or look on your device's own forum.
Q: What ROMs are compatible with this?
A: If you thought that you might need a specific ROM - you'd be right! The whole hack revolves around the kernel that's loaded into the ROM. Essentially, this means that not all ROMs will be able to do this. Right now, if you're looking for an easy solution, install OpenDesire. CyanogenMOD may well work, too, as well as ROMs based off either of those, but no guarantees or promises are made.
Q: What about Sense ROMs?
A: Unfortunately, this isn't feasible. HTC Have yet to release the source code for Sense 2.2, which means we can't port this into it. So if you have a ROM that you like running sense, you'll have to make a choice - Sense, or PS3 hacking? There's no middle ground with this. Alternatively, you can just nandroid between the two ROMs, however you'll soon see how tedious this can get =P
Q: Ok I've got Open Desire installed, now what?
A: Opendesire by itself is just a damn good ROM, not a lean, mean, PS3-hacking machine, so you'll need to add something else. The details are kept here, but essentially there are two update zip files. One will "enable" the PS3 hack and one will "disable" it. You flash those files directly over the ROM itself, using your favourite recovery.
Q: BDMV or Homebrew?
A: In order to keep PSgroove away from Sony's legal team, they released it without the ability to play backup PS3 games, only PS3 homebrew (to which there is currently very little, but stay tuned!), they did this by disabling BDMV. So there are TWO "enable" files. One is "Homebrew", which is a direct port of the PSGroove code and will not play backup games and the other is "BDMV", which will play both PS3 homebrew AND backups.
Q: Did you say BACKUPS?!
A: Yer darn tootin' I did! Legal backups, of course. One of the few pieces of homebrew available is the Backup Manager. This is a simple application that will let you backup a GAME THAT YOU OWN onto an internal or external USB hard drive, then play it without the disk. You'll still need a disk in the drive, but any PS3 game will work.
Q: Where do I get Backup Manager?
A: Backup manager is built with the PS3 SDK, which means it's technically illegal software, so you wont find it on this site, but it really isn't hard to find with a bit of googling. Whatever you do, don't ask for it here!
Q: Hey guess what, I found a copy of backup manager, how do I use it?
A: Ok, so before you start, do yourself a checklist:
You'll need -
Rooted phone,
running a ROM with the PS3groove code loaded onto it (e.g. open desire with klutsh's enable zip flashed on top of it),
USB cable plugged into your PS3 going to the phone.
Phone switched on and on the home screen.
A PS3 running Firmware 3.41 (support for earlier Firmwares will come later, but don't ask when).
Make sure there's no disk in the drive.
Step 1: POWER OFF your PS3 COMPLETELY. This means flipping the switch off at the back of it (if it's a PHAT PS3) or UNPLUGGING it if it's a SLIM PS3.
Step 2: Switch it back on and IMMEDIATELY press the "disk eject button". When I say immediately, I mean it - you've got 0.2s to press it!
you'll notice your PS3 takes longer to boot, a few extra seconds. Once it has booted, you'll notice under GAME, you'll have a couple of extra options.
Step 3: Plug in your USB drive with manager.pkg on it, then select "* Install Package File". Select manager.pkg and it'll install, giving you a new Icon.
Step 4: Backup manager is now installed. Run it and put a disk in the drive. You'll see it appear in the list and it'll give you an option to back it up. It'll first ask if you want the external drive, then it'll ask if you want to install it to the Internal drive. More on that later.
Now, go make yourself a cup of tea. In fact, make several, Blu-ray disks are frickin' huge and take time to backup.
Ok, so the game is backed up. Go ahead and put it back in it's box, where it'll be safe from harm. Now, get yourself ANOTHER PS3 game, any game at all and put it in the PS3. In backup manager, you'll see both your disk game and the backed up game. Select the backup game and press "X".
You'll now be kicked back to the XMB. But look at the disk icon. It should be showing you the game you backed up, NOT the game in your drive. You'll need a legit PS3 game in your drive for this to work, you'll also need to make sure you're running BDMV enable, or it wont work (it'll still show you the game in the drive).
Q: Sounds great! But what's the catch?
A: Actually, there are several. For one, the external hard drive must be FAT32, or it wont be detected by the PS3.
Because of this, any games that have files greater than 4Gb wont work (for example, God of War III), you'll need to install it onto the INTERNAL drive.
Even then, some games may not work at all. Luckily, there are a few lists showing which games work, which don't and which only work on the internal drive.
Oh and some games require you to delete all of their savegame data before they'll load. Sorry.
Furthermore, things like DLC, patches, etc. tend to not work, but this is very early days at the moment, so sit tight!
Q: What's this I hear about "stealth" backups?
A: Quite simply, everyone is expecting Sony to want to protect their precious PS3, which will likely come in the form of a banwave for anyone doing this. Make no mistake, do not assume for a second that you wont get banned for doing this. Still, some people believe that they might be safer if they use a "stealth" Backup Manager. This is simply a version of Backup Manager that tries to make it look like you're playing a different game, like MW2. So far, despite rumours to the contrary, Sony hasn't banned anyone yet, so nobody knows just how detectable it all is.
I'm hoping something comes of this, but I wouldn't get TOO excited, the developer of this is only 15 and while I'm sure he's quite talented, he's still quite young so it could take him a while, assuming it's possible at all.
Still, I like the guy, he makes no promises, doesn't pretend to be anything he isn't and makes it quite clear what he is and isn't capable of. He's essentially said "I'll give it a shot!" and that's good enough for me.
Sorry for the double post, but there's an update on this:
This guy is working on an Android port and, from what he's posted, he's not far off.
I sent the kid a donation, looks liek he already has the PSGroove part of the app working.
@ neoKushan, what does age have to do with anything? i know a few kids who are 15-18 who are smarter then half the people i have met on XDA, Including my self.
there is a version compiled for the n900. i have it and it works,would be good if someone could compile for desire? it is open source
abc27 said:
eavpsp is already working on this and we should offer him all the help that XDA has to offer.
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He's been exposed as a fake, unfortunately. There's a story on the front page of ps3hax about it.
I'd donate to Netzke if I had some good hard evidence that he's genuine but so far I haven't seen anything.
Relikk said:
He's been exposed as a fake, unfortunately. There's a story on the front page of ps3hax about it.
I'd donate to Netzke if I had some good hard evidence that he's genuine but so far I haven't seen anything.
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I'm aware. At the time I posted many people believed he had something genuine in store.
To be honest, porting over the N900 version mightn't be all that difficult.
Juggalo_X said:
I sent the kid a donation, looks liek he already has the PSGroove part of the app working.
@ neoKushan, what does age have to do with anything? i know a few kids who are 15-18 who are smarter then half the people i have met on XDA, Including my self.
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I'm merely trying to point out that at 15, even if he's extremely talented, he's still quite inexperienced. From reading his twitter, he doesn't pretend otherwise. I completely support the guy and wish him well and by no means want to make it sound like he's a n00b or anything, I'm simply saying that he's young is all.
what does bring a jailbroken android to us?
cCeT said:
what does bring a jailbroken android to us?
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It's not the android phone that's being jailbroken, it's the Playstation 3 being jailbroken through the use of an Android phone.
cCeT said:
what does bring a jailbroken android to us?
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I believe this is actually a software clone of the PSjailbreak exploit which has been re-engineered to be run off of our Android devices. I.E., Put your Android phone in "PSjailbreak Mode" and then connect to PS3, it would then perform the same functionality that having the actual USB device/dongle would provide.
A marvell idea and one that I would love to try out once the tool reaches a stable version. I'm sure over the next week or so we'll see who can actually port it and who is just 'fronting'.
I'll be subscribing to this thread for sure!
**EDIT** Seems neo beat me to the answer!
I've uploaded the binary files used on the N900 so we can get to work on the Android port.
It comprises of a kernel module and two shell scripts.
If what the other guy who's doing the android port says is true, you don't need a special kernel or anything to do this, just root access. Who knows how true that is, though.
Would be nice to see some collaboration from some devs here who know what they're doing lol
if this happens then its gonna be awesome!!
Finally region free BR!!
Netzke is obviously a scammer looking for a quick buck... he mentions in every post that 15$ will get beta access.
Yes, it looks like scam at mee too.
Anyway, looking forward to get the N900 version ported to Android (someone on PSX Scene said we just need to compile the source for the kernel of our phone)
It does appear to be all that's needed. It's a portable kernel module according to the dev. He's releasing the source later today so we wait in earnest.
Make that source release tomorrow, depending on time zone.
Was pushed on line just before he went to bed.
As for netkaz, he's scamming, first claim was donations for a server.
I offered up a full server for free for the life of the project, no response, now he's going to start on a iPhone port after he can afford a iPhone.
eavpsp, well his own private chat room was leaked, he was getting other dev's to do all the work then planned to put his name to it.
The dev that is showing most promise at the minute is qberty1337
But as already said, once the n900 kernel module source is out it should not take too long.
The PSP porting effort is a farce to be honest. We just need that N900 source code and we can get going.
Klutsh said:
Make that source release tomorrow, depending on time zone.
Was pushed on line just before he went to bed.
As for netkaz, he's scamming, first claim was donations for a server.
I offered up a full server for free for the life of the project, no response, now he's going to start on a iPhone port after he can afford a iPhone.
eavpsp, well his own private chat room was leaked, he was getting other dev's to do all the work then planned to put his name to it.
The dev that is showing most promise at the minute is qberty1337
But as already said, once the n900 kernel module source is out it should not take too long.
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thats good to hear
I hope someone is able to create a BR region free app for PS3 now!!

[APP][2.3.3-4.1][ROOT] BlueCtrl - Bluetooth input device emulator

BlueCtrl is an open source Bluetooth input device emulator that can control remote devices. This means that you can use the touchscreen and keyboard of your Android device to control other devices which support Bluetooth.
Because this app is using the Bluetooth input standard, it supports various operating systems without any special server software. It has been successfully tested with the following systems:
Linux (Fedora, Ubuntu...)
Mac OS X
PlayStation 3
Please note that if you want to use this app with Microsoft Windows, you probably need to disable a conflicting Android service. For more information look at:
This app requires root permissions because it needs direct access to the Bluetooth adapter. Another restriction is that it is only compatible with a specific Bluetooth stack that is called BlueZ, which is used on many but not all devices with a Android version smaller 4.2.
What's new
New system specific touchpad gestures
The gestures are now optimized for the chosen remote device system. Linux and Windows systems also got a new setting for the gesture mode. So, for example, if you are using Windows 8 you can configure the appropriate gesture mode to enable the special Windows 8 edge gestures.
New interactive touchpad tutorial
The interactive tutorial will explain all gestures for the current system and can be activated via the menu.
New menu item for composing text
This is especially helpful if you want to write a longer text because you can keep your eyes on the device and see what you write and it also allows you to correct the text before it is send.
Voice input can be corrected before sending
Voice input will be displayed in a edit box before it is send so that you are able to correct misinterpreted words.
New "Stay awake" setting
This setting prevents that the device is going into standby and disconnects the connection. To save some energy the screen will however be dimmed after 30 seconds of inactivity.
New "Scroll sensitivity" setting
You can long press the keyboard button to change the input method
Full Changelog
Project Page
I thank you sooo much I needed something like this alot for school and you have helped me big
I would donate but I'm only a kid sorry but I would get this out to the world. It would be big
Sent from my HTC Vision using XDA App
This app sounds great, running a rooted SGS2 running XXLPB ICS (4.0.3). Have installed and all appears fine, trying to manipulate my PS3 with it nothing happens... Does it only work for custom OSs on PS3? or does it work with the standard PS3 'XMB'?
P.s. I realise that I have used a very large amount of acronyms... many apologies, but I estimate to have saved myself a small age in not writing them all out!
Works well ! Thanks for this apk.
I try it with another android device and it runs.
NJ72 said:
This app sounds great, running a rooted SGS2 running XXLPB ICS (4.0.3). Have installed and all appears fine, trying to manipulate my PS3 with it nothing happens... Does it only work for custom OSs on PS3? or does it work with the standard PS3 'XMB'?
P.s. I realise that I have used a very large amount of acronyms... many apologies, but I estimate to have saved myself a small age in not writing them all out!
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If I try to pair it with PS3 the ps3 said: "error..." and the app seems to be connected and nothing seem to work but if I try to pair again the PS3 still said "error..." but the app works perfect... at least as long as you dont restart the ps3.
Wont connect to PS3
Firstly thank you for making this app..
so i go into "manage bluetooth devices" and try to pair my rooted i9000 ics 4.0.3,
and i get error (8000315c2) try to regester again i try again and again and and and nothing.... please help....
I'm currently investigating the PS3 error but it will take a little bit longer because I don't have a PS3.
FC on galaxy note
Sounds like a useful app though!
JonoRSA12 said:
FC on galaxy note
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Could you send me the log message of the error?
What IDE do you use to build this app? I'm new to Android and so far I've just used Eclipse. In your source code I didn't see gen folder with R class.
I also met problem when connecting two devices (two Android phones). after paring, I pressed "connect" button then I received a message "Connection refused. The remote device is busy or the devices aren't correctly paired".
Is there a phase to enter the key used to pair two devices? If yes, I didn't see that phase.
thangng90 said:
What IDE do you use to build this app? I'm new to Android and so far I've just used Eclipse. In your source code I didn't see gen folder with R class.
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The app is build with the Ant build tool on the command line (see the README) but I use Eclipse to develop the Java code. The gen folder will be automatically generated if you build the project.
thangng90 said:
I also met problem when connecting two devices (two Android phones). after paring, I pressed "connect" button then I received a message "Connection refused. The remote device is busy or the devices aren't correctly paired".
Is there a phase to enter the key used to pair two devices? If yes, I didn't see that phase.
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Before you press the “connect” button you should wait a little until the other device shows that the devices are paired (sometimes the “connect” button is enabled too early because Android reports that the devices are paired even if the pairing process hasn't finished yet). Before that you should normally see a pairing request dialog or notification where you enter or confirm the key.
Thaks alot
Out of all the applications o the market yours is the only one that works on all systems. If you want to post a donation version on the android market I'll gladly donate to help you improve your work.
Hey thanks for the app. Its amazing. I was the first post but I got one thing that I was wondering if you could look into.. I have two devices. A htc g2. And a Samsung galaxy player 5.0. Both rooted but g2 on cyanogenmod. And galaxy player on stock. This app works on my g2 but the galaxy player gets this error. The application encountered a problem and cannot continue (error -53). Please help!
Sent from my GALAXY PLAYER 5.0 using XDA
andslide said:
This app works on my g2 but the galaxy player gets this error. The application encountered a problem and cannot continue (error -53). Please help!
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Sorry for the late response.
If you are familiar with ADB, it would be helpful if you could try to start the app again and send me the result of the following command:
adb logcat bluectrld:D *:S
I am very familiar. And will try to get it to you right away
Sent from my HTC Vision using XDA
Amazing App! Though I connected my phone to another Android phone and wondering what gesture is the Home button.
2 Fingers is the Back button
3 Fingers is the Menu button
Also I tried connecting it to my iOS device and I get the "Connection Refused" message. On my iOS device it just keeps on trying to connect? Has anyone else got this problem?
Wrote this message using the app onto my Mac!
BudgyN1 said:
Though I connected my phone to another Android phone and wondering what gesture is the Home button.
2 Fingers is the Back button
3 Fingers is the Menu button
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Try a two finger swipe left (mouse button 4 on a PC).
BudgyN1 said:
Also I tried connecting it to my iOS device and I get the "Connection Refused" message. On my iOS device it just keeps on trying to connect? Has anyone else got this problem?
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Have you seen the "More information" part on the "Add device" screen and followed the instructions?
2 finger swipe left worked for the Android Home
And I got connected to my iOS device but no pointer (not your fault, **** iOS fault). Thanks man, really helped me with my Mac, great app!
hi guys! great app! I wish I could use it! lol Actually... just tried it on my macbook pro... works great!
Okay so you say it can connect to iOS but no pointer? But the BTstack tweak in cydia is supposed to solve that issue.
However I can't connect to my ipad 2. here's what I sent to the developer of BTstack mouse:
"Hi, I've tried to find a solution for a while now, but to no avail. I go to connect the mouse and it just sits on the "mouse selector" page.
I have an ipad 2 (wifi only) (not the ipad2,4 either) jailbroken ios 5.1.1
Everytime I try to pair. it wont. Then the app blacks out and freezes my ipad. I'm then forced to do a hard reboot."
now... your app warns me that another Bluetooth input service is active on my device T-MOBILE HTC G2 cyanogen mod 7.
I click the link to read more info, but it doesn't really help me out. I would love an answer. maybe a how-to only have one bluetooth input service running on the G2 at a time? I really want to use my phone as a mouse, I already have an apple wireless keyboard that I use with my ipad a lot and would love the addition of a mouse. (I'm currently NOT trying to pair both at the same time.. fyi)
So if someone could help me out, this could be a big step in bridging the gap between ios and android and getting them to actually play nice together.
Thank you for your time!
Hi I had a g2 and I kinda have a ipad 2 and it worked flawlessly. What works is don't try to connect them from outside the app.
And if you need more in-depth help just ask
Sent from my GALAXY PLAYER 5.0 using XDA

[APP] USB OTG Helper (Need testers..)

USB OTG Helper App with all details here -> http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1588940
As mentioned by reputed Developer DooMLoRD, this may work on Play also..
Any brave people who could test this and report?
I used it moment ago and it didnt work. Maybe i should change file system on my pendrive (i tried 2 - both on on FAT32). which is the best?
The Play doesn't have OTG kernel drivers, DooMLoRD couldn't get them to work, so this app won't work.
See here for details
I know this. but they need tester so i tried it. doom tried to make it works in his kernel on v1-v3.
Thanks for the info guys..
Maybe some mods can move it to the General section then.
Looks interesting. So lets say the kernel had support for us play. Would this mean we could use a usb gamepad? My question is, some devices I know only work if you have a powered dongle and wireless battery device, since from what I read, most devices dont output power from its usb port.
Mysticales said:
Looks interesting. So lets say the kernel had support for us play. Would this mean we could use a usb gamepad? My question is, some devices I know only work if you have a powered dongle and wireless battery device, since from what I read, most devices dont output power from its usb port.
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If the kernel had support, then yes we could use USB mouse/keyboard and usb drives. Unfortunately, this app uses DooMLoRD's kernel modules for the Arc and he wasn't able to get them to work on the Play
I'd love to see these working though
Question, I know with cifs manager, it has a way to load modules using insmod. So it didnt have to be in the kernel itself. Couldnt something like that work here too?
Mysticales said:
Question, I know with cifs manager, it has a way to load modules using insmod. So it didnt have to be in the kernel itself. Couldnt something like that work here too?
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All modules work like that, but they are compiled with the kernel, so need to match.
Is there not cifs modules for the Play?
The play has cifs. (Yay) but my Streak 7.. on Honeycomb.. still wanting one compiled for that.. Thats the one I REALLY need it. Dock + cifs = Win video watching from NAS!
But yea, what I am saying is, if someone could compile a play one, we could just insmod load it without waiting for a rom dev to put it in their builds.

LG 360 VR - OpenHMD Journey (Linux, Mac, Windows, BSD support and SteamVR)

Hey all,
So i am currently working on a OpenHMD driver for the LG 360 VR and want to keep a bit of a log here for development, since other developers might be able to pitch in.
I have been able to open the device and start it up (with help of user Supportit), enabling the screen and backlight and getting the IMU data what i am currently working out, if that is figured out which should take a week or 2, we can start using it.
OpenHMD (http://www.openhmd.net) will make it possible to use the LG 360 VR on Windows, Mac OSX, Linux, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, Android and on SteamVR through the SteamVR-OpenHMD project (https://github.com/ChristophHaag/SteamVR-OpenHMD).
Current issues i am having is the screen, it reports back as a single 1440x960 display and they are rotated inwards per eye.
https://imgur.com/a/iuToEAP In this image i modified a DK2 image real quick and compensated for the screens, the arrow is where "UP" is.
I need to find a method to set the orientation of the screens either by setting a mode in the firmware (no idea how to do that, have not looked into other usb calls), or a custom EDID (less desirable).
Edit: We got it working!
As long as you have USB-C with DisplayPort mode, or use a PCIe card with DP passthrough you are set.
There were some strange things with the device, that we had to deal with, like the IMU packet report was a bit odd, there is still some work to do to calibrate and drift correct it.
Initial Support: https://youtu.be/_9Jqm6uyFHQ
Branch: https://github.com/OpenHMD/OpenHMD/tree/LG-R100
Vlogs while building:
Update 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-U3nJOVIWnk
Update 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=APzf4e0T9j0
Hi. This is like it runs on the lg g5. In the firmware it is not possible to edit the resolution. Or orientation
In the vr goggles is one toshiba chip that drives the displays and get its signal as normal hdmi and then there is one chip that turns the usb c displayport data into normal hdmi signals.
The firmware on the stm32 is just there for the gyro and acc and also for the powermanagement. It has no image connection to the toshiba chip.
Here is the datasheet https://www.google.de/url?sa=t&sour...FjAAegQIAxAB&usg=AOvVaw0UekijaakssHFFEoNwewFR
Supportit said:
Hi. This is like it runs on the lg g5. In the firmware it is not possible to edit the resolution. Or orientation
In the vr goggles is one toshiba chip that drives the displays and get its signal as normal hdmi and then there is one chip that turns the usb c displayport data into normal hdmi signals.
The firmware on the stm32 is just there for the gyro and acc and also for the powermanagement. It has no image connection to the toshiba chip.
Here is the datasheet https://www.google.de/url?sa=t&sour...FjAAegQIAxAB&usg=AOvVaw0UekijaakssHFFEoNwewFR
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So, do you know if they rotate the images in software? You took your device apart if i remember correctly, could you try rendering a application and filming the screen?
That could help me determine how to fix this.
I wonder if the firmware has information regarding orientation of the screen, or if there might be a command you can set to change it.
Since they are sending raw strings on the usb line, that might be a thing.
The image is rotate in the software.
The problem also is the resolution of the device on android.
The 1440x960 is only supported by the kernel from the LG G5 and has to be added to any other phone to make it work.
The firmware is not able to change or rotate the picture/resolution.
TheOnlyJoey said:
So, do you know if they rotate the images in software? You took your device apart if i remember correctly, could you try rendering a application and filming the screen?
That could help me determine how to fix this.
I wonder if the firmware has information regarding orientation of the screen, or if there might be a command you can set to change it.
Since they are sending raw strings on the usb line, that might be a thing.
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I think the screens are connected inside like this so they always need to be rotaded from software side ...
I checked OpenHMD Git and there is no mention about LG do you have some code to share ? Thanks.
-=xXx=- said:
I checked OpenHMD Git and there is no mention about LG do you have some code to share ? Thanks.
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OpenHMD now support LG 360 VR out of the box.
As long as you have USB-C with DisplayPort mode, or use a PCIe card with DP passthrough you are set!
Works on Linux, Mac OSX, Windows, FreeBSD and OpenBSD, and even supports SteamVR through the SteamVR-OpenHMD wrapper!
Initial Support: https://youtu.be/_9Jqm6uyFHQ
Branch: https://github.com/OpenHMD/OpenHMD/tree/LG-R100
Vlogs while building:
Update 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-U3nJOVIWnk
Update 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=APzf4e0T9j0
TheOnlyJoey said:
OpenHMD now support LG 360 VR out of the box.
As long as you have USB-C with DisplayPort mode, or use a PCIe card with DP passthrough you are set!
Works on Linux, Mac OSX, Windows, FreeBSD and OpenBSD, and even supports SteamVR through the SteamVR-OpenHMD wrapper!
Initial Support: https://youtu.be/_9Jqm6uyFHQ
Branch: https://github.com/OpenHMD/OpenHMD/tree/LG-R100
Vlogs while building:
Update 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-U3nJOVIWnk
Update 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=APzf4e0T9j0
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Big update thank you sir
Thanks for sharing, did you try to compile it for windows, I tried to use mingw but I think I miss configured it. Maybe you know what files should I get after compilation ?
Did someone get OpenHMD to work ?
-=xXx=- said:
Did someone get OpenHMD to work ?
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Yes I did. It kinda works, LG-R100 it is detected as a normal display in Ubuntu 16.04 but it doesn't display anything without OpenHMD.
I have downloaded OpenHMD, switched to the branch LG-R100, build and installed it according to the guidelines on the OpenHMD site and tried the examples. After trying the examples I have managed to turn on the glasses and to use it as a display. Actually kind of the display and here I have some problems that I still haven't solved.
Glasses are recognized by the pc as one display, so in the left eye I see left half of the desktop and in the right eye I see right half of the desktop also both halves are rotated differently. So currently in best case I can see half of the desktop without rotation and close my second eye.
I saw that there where some updates in git regarding R100 but I still can't compile version for Windows for now best option I think is reshade.

