[Live Wallpaper] Live Circles wallpaper - Android Apps and Games

I have given another shot at Live wallpapers,
Random Circles draws random circles of random colors and random radius to give striking effect to screen.
wallpaper follows your touch inputs, circles follow you where you touch the screen.
Search for "Live Circles wallpaper" on Android market...
Extremely light and small footprint...
Do try....

nice one man...................

Good work
Awesome!! Thanks for your work dude!

Nice work, dude


[Tweak]Home Screen Weather Animation On/Off

Hi All
hope this wasn't already posted but i have found way to switch off weather animation and keep your static wallpaper.
if you go to
and change "HomeWallpaperMode" from "0" to "2" you will end up having your static wallpaper but without weather animation.
0 - Weather Animation ON
1 - Animated Wallpaper
2 - Static Wallpaper and Weather Animation OFF
This will work until you change your wallpaper.once you do that,weather animation is back.i'll try to find solution for that.
Edit #2
I feel so dumb now.if you don't want weather animation just select animation wallpaper and choose one of your static ones.and that is it!
Thanks, I was looking for a solution for that.
I like the weather animation and was wondering if there's actually something more along the lines of the opposite of this.
What I mean is when you get the animation with the clouds going across the screen, it seems to stop if you slide across the tabs & back and the clouds disappear. I wish it was that easy to change the weather!
But I hope that makes sense - I like the animations & would be happy for them to continue moving whilst my screen is active.
Good find for those who don't though obviously!
I'm okay with all the other animations but the cloud anims just piss the crap outta me . Is it possible to leave the little animation in the center of home screen but remove all the other crap flying around?
EDIT: Ah, this was solved simply by selevting one of the static wallpapers. Thanks!
An I just gotta say, don't yall just love how tweakable the OS and all the interfaces are? Gotta love WM. Screw my old iPhone!
Yep - that's why I love this, but each to their own.
Heh heh - it's the clouds etc that I really like. I want to keep them there longer.
Again - each to their own I guess!
just curious, when it rains on the home screen, is it me or is the wall paper hidden and then slowly comes back when the wiper wipes? It's quite annoying that it goes all black and then back to red (i have the xmas theme)
Theres a cab for that ... its called dirty rain and the cab removes it so the rain is over your wallpaper...
thanks, worked perfectly
Longer Animation
I also would like a longer weather animation, it looks cool. Has anyone any suggestions??
Thanks, Carlos.
Touch Pro2

are custom animated wallpapers possible?

ive seen people change the floating circles to different things in the animated wallpapers but id like to be able to create completely new one like those used as live wallpapers in android. If they were able to put the measly 3 animated ones on the phone theres gotta be a way to make them. Anyone have any ideas on how? i know animated gifs wont work
A quick search for "Animated Wallpaper", would have given you these and more.
santod040 said:
A quick search for "Animated Wallpaper", would have given you these and more.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
That's just a layer on top of a wallpaper, not an animated wallpaper.
Luggruff said:
That's just a layer on top of a wallpaper, not an animated wallpaper.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Actually these are what HTC calls "animated" (or moving) wallpapers.
Yes they are simple and not as coooool as Android Live Wallpapers,
but these are the type that's available for our HTC Sense, as far as animated wallpaper goes.
dam that realy blows theres only so much you can do with those. Ive only mainly seen the falling circles wallpaper animated and im not too keen on that one. Theres gotta be a way to get this dam thing to show gifs or swfs or something as animated wallpapers.

How do you make live wallpapers scroll?

I just got a live wallpaper and Ive seen youtube videos of it where the user would scroll between the pages and the picture in the background would move, however my one just stays in the same background it wont move left or right. Its the same wallpaper how do I get it to move?
You cannot use features with multiple pages for the background using the Sense launcher (rosie) -
- you have to install an aftermarket launcher.
The way Rosie (Sense launcher) works with the background image is weird, so you also can't use things like Multi picture live wallpaper that I love on my Nook Color, and have set up on the one I gave to my lady with all of her pictures.
Blue6IX said:
that i have set up on the one I gave to my lady with all of her pictures.
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Click to collapse
So smart! Niiice
Typed by ---- oh wait! I'm schizophrenic!
Yea, she is all about care bears, so I made her a personalized care-bear edition nook color for her birthday.
Custom icons, each home-screen to a different folder for wallpapers, the system font is in the actual care bear font (which I had to make from scratch because the ones available on the internet suck)...custom boot animation, etc..etc... it was a fun project, and got her to stop borrowing my nook color since she has her own.
She also got a taste of what the dev work i'm doing actually turns into, so she's more willing to give me dev time - all in all it was a big success and a lot of fun.
It really hit home when she had a chance to use someone else's nook color recently that was factory stock - lol - she was like "I couldn't do ANYTHING with it".
haha nice

Glowtopia Live Wallpaper [FREE][Live wallpaper]

Hey everyone. I've just finished making my first live wallpaper. It's completely free, and also fully customizable. Watch as beautiful, glowing shapes travel across your screen, and as they follow your finger to form interesting patterns. Customize the shapes from the selection presented in the settings menu and even use your own custom image as a shape! This wallpaper will surely spice up a previously static, bland home-screen.
Key Features:
- Very customizable, choose any color you want for the shapes, and choose any shape you want.
- Interactive. Shapes will respond to touch gestures.
- Beautiful. Live wallpaper glows underneath the shapes to create an entrancing effect.
Search "Glowtopia" on Google Play.
Thanks! I would greatly appreciate any feedback, advice, or tips.
For those that want a link
Sent from my SGH-I777
Updated app to include more shapes, and added a pretty cool new background.
Updated UI and made it easier to use.

[Live Wallpaper][5.0]+ Parallax 3D wallpaper with beautiful spinning stars. day/night

Hi XDA, I was inspired by the Nexus 5 mountain wallpaper, so I decided to make this Parallax Wallpaper, but with Night and Day effects, and also beautiful spinning stars at night. I spent more than 2 years on it part time, hesitated a lot about it, but finally here it is!
Here’s a quick gif of what it looks like https://gyazo.com/35f34eb4fbde0a981aa952bbdf6634aa
Download the app: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.formless.parallax.live.wallpaper
Story of why I wanted to make this app:
When Nexus 5 came out, I remember seeing the pink mountain wallpaper that stunned me. It inspired me to make something like it but EVEN better. I thought about improving it, so I decided it would be amazing if I could add beautiful night stars to it. I looked at existing parallax wallpapers. Most of them just offer a simple parallax effect, but I wanted to take it a step further, so I added a spinning effect to the stars, much like the stars slowly moving at night. I also wanted it to be dynamic, and have a day/ night time effect, so that they transition beautifully. Here it is!
How is it different: Unlike the other parallax wallpapers, this one allows you to choose a day wallpaper and a night wallpaper and blends beautifully between day and night. The stars spin slowly in the background. You can customize the different day and night time wallpapers, set the sunrise/sunset times, and how fast you want the wallpaper to rotate.
• 11 backgrounds to choose from
• gyroscope effect
• Night and day transition
• Spinning wallpaper
• Earn points to unlock all wallpapers for free, or simply purchase for $2.49.
• battery consumption: Almost none. You can even turn off the accelerometer to save battery.
If you have any questions, please let me know! otherwise I'd appreciate your support. On some phones you'll notice that the foreground doesn't entire go to the bottom. I'm aware of this issue and will fix it. thanks all! .
maxima818 said:
On some phones you'll notice that the foreground doesn't entire go to the bottom. I'm aware of this issue and will fix it. thanks all! .
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Click to collapse
On my S9 it's the opposite. The black bar is on top. Other than that I love this!
Will the wallpaper be higher resolution on upcoming updates? They look pretty blurry on an S8+
Hello, are there some requirements for this app? I can't get to install it as it is listed as not available on my devices.
Can't find the option to am/pm the wallpaper. Amazing effect. Just love it.

