hi there i just purchased weather and toggle but i cant seem to get it to find my location in the UK i only get US locations. has anyone got it to find there location in the uk. any help greatly appreciated.. cheers
I am having problems with the travel clock widget (4th choice under htc's clock widgets) in that it never shows the correct time for the current location. Also the colors for the home and current are switched around. Anyone else having these problems or similar ones? Can anyone direct me toward a fix?
This is a known issue (known at HTC). I'd say report it at the HTC website as well, just for more visibility.
Also the colors of the clock have to do with AM/PM, or rather daylight/night, not home and current.
Ok thanks for the info. I went to sprint and they gave me a new hero outright when they couldnt fix it but it still had the same problem. I had not heard anything about it from searching google and the forums so I thought I would ask. Thanks for the help
Hi guys
I'm running with PCarvalho's (23547) rom at the moment and was wondering if it is possible to have a location on the weather tab that updates the five-day forecast automatically depending on where you are at the time. What I mean is to make it perform in pretty much the same way as the location on the Home tab does. I've done some searching on the subject but didn't come up with any results.
Any ideas gratefully received.
can hel me to get the lockscreen like the iphone stiyle please?
use u2u2 here is a link http://s2u2.ac-s2.com/
Hope this helps.
Maybe there is allready my request but I couldn't find it. So, can someone post for me the apk for the Wind live wallpaper (the one that connect's to accuweather)? I saw it today in a showroom and I like it very much, I want to add it on my SGS2. Thx in advance!
can someone please extract the apk and share it to us?
L.E. it seems that I found it here but the weather doesn't updates, and when I press on settings, it crashes.
wrong forum i guess...you posted in SG Note, and you have an SG2
Hey all,
I can't set weather details on my GW4. App crashes on phone(S21 U). Any help would be much appreciated