[Q] Controlling apps using 2G/3G or adjusting sync settings - XPERIA X10 Themes and Apps

I can often use wifi for free, while 2G/3G has a cost per MB. I'm sure many are in the same situation.
When I'm on wifi, I'd like to have e-mails, TimeScape, weather, contacts, etc synced quite often. (As my current settings allow.)
When I switch to 2G/3G, I don't want these apps to sync, unless I ask them to.
Is there an app to control which apps get to use 2G/3G, or even to store different sets of permissions (one set for wifi, another for G)? Or perhaps an app to change sync times for all apps? Or perhaps the "background data" option in google sync has something to do with this?
I think I have seen a similar thread, but 30 minutes of searching didn't help, sorry.

Well, one app i know is Droid Wall but is not working on X10 yet
At least i couldn't get it to work.
You might want to give it a try but, you will need some iptables modules for kernel and iptables binary.
If you find a different app or you have success with Droid Wall please let me know.


Script to disable 3G unless manually launching Opera?

I, like many others, have my device setup to check my email for me every half-hour. Originally, this killed my battery because the connection wouldn't drop. That was fixed with the advanced config tool (set the time-out to three minutes).
Now I've a new question. I'm almost positive someone has already come up with this, but evidently my forum searching skills aren't up to snuff, because I can't seem to find anything.
I've enabled the 3G switch in the Comm Manager and, unless I'm specifically using it for web surfing, I leave it off. (Checking email works fine on edge.)
What I'm looking for is a script that automatically enables 3G when I launch Opera, YouTube, ICS or any other app that I would personally be interacting with and then disable 3G again once I close that app.
not exactly what you requested but ...
Chainfire is developing an App that will do this and many more
Just be patience like i am and everything will be fine

Connection at specific time/frequency

I'm looking for an app which can, as happens on nokia phones or on iphone, enable internet connection with the specified and desired frequency.
I'd like to download mails and get apps synced using the internet connection which should turn ON only, for example, 1 time each hour...
Internet Connection should be kept OFF during time other than when sync is needed also to preserve unuseful battery consumption.
Any ideas?
By Android settings I can see only "keep internet connection always on".
Look for Timeriffic in the Market
Really unuseful app for my request... sorry but removed.
Sent from my HTC Desire using XDA App
Did I make a so strange question??
Is there a so stupid answer or solution or it's impossible to do what I ask?
Tasker can set Auto Sync or Mobile Data entirely on/off on any kind of schedule you want. Mobile Data manipulation relies on APNDroid, which might have caveats or requirements, not sure.
Tasker can do a zillion other things too.
Honestly, however, with all of the things I have running on my Nexus One, including K9 Mail syncing two IMAP mailboxes, weather, some periodic GPS stuff going on in Tasker I have set up, I still see 2-2.5%/hr battery usage. I charge nightly, so this is plenty of battery life for me.

Having troube getting Juice Defender to play nice with my POP mail.

I think I know the answer, but just want someone to confirm for me it before I upgrade to the paid version.
I have my POP email set to download every 30 minutes. I have Juice Defender set to allow connections every 30 minutes but do not get all my mail each time.
Can I set my email to override the settings in Juice Defender and force it to connect with the paid version?
Thanks for any feedback.
Yes, I believe the paid version allows for configurable apps.
I just wanted to confirm the stock email is compatible with the override in Juice. It is really causing me issues. Have you used it for that purpose?
jcbofkc said:
I just wanted to confirm the stock email is compatible with the override in Juice. It is really causing me issues. Have you used it for that purpose?
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Just a quick question... why not setup your email as exchange? most servers support it now (I know gmail, hotmail, etc do) That way you can use push.
Othewrwise, you can set it to allow the email application data access whenever it requests it (even when the screen is off) and to not disable data until the traffic has dropped to a certain level. I'm still tinkering with it to get maximum battery whil receiving email and sms/mms whenever it comes across... It would be nice if we could tell the app do enable specific radios based on application (if you open the wifi calling app then turn on wifi, if you're not at a known wifi spot and you open the browser turn on mobile data but leave wifi off, turn wifi on but leave other radios off for data at home, etc.) The app has a lot of options and it takes a bit to figure it all out.

WP7 is always data connected

Hello my friend,
I have recently migrate to WP7.5(Tango) and i have some little questions.
My data is always connected, but, i don't have activate the pushmail.
So, why my data are always on ?
Does Windows Phone has an autodisconnect feature ?
If no, is there a way in order to install an application in order to autodisconnect data after X seconds of innactivity.
Thanks a lot for your help,
What phone you are using?
Does your cellular provider charge by the minute, or something like that? All the rates for data that I've seen are either by the month or by the megabyte. I don't think I've heard of auto-disconnect as a desired feature since the days of literal modems (the kind that sent sudio tones over the telephone connection instead of using a communication protocol actually intended for data).
The only way I know of to turn off the data connection is manually, in the Settings hub. Be aware that a lot of the features of WP7 use data connectivity in the background, not just email sync. For example, syncing your Facebook (and Twitter and LinkedIn) account, syncing your contacts and calendar from the server, checking the Marketplace for updates to installed apps, and so on. These use very little data, but they connect fairly often.
In theory, I'm sure there's a way to programmatically turn the data connection on or off. It might even be possible to tell when it's not in use, and hasn't been for some time. This is not going to be easy, though, and as far as I know nobody else has figured it out.
Thanks for the answers,
So, i will coding an apps in order to turn OFF the DATA connection during a period.
( the night for me)

[Q] NoRoot Firewall app and apps access the internet

I recently installed the NoRoot Firewall app so I see which apps are accessing the internet and block those which shouldn't need access. The good part is that I haven't seen any apps access the internet that shouldn't - no flashlights, notepads, etc.
The problem is that I'm seeing some apps that will need internet access trying to connect dozens of times. I haven't used soundhound in months and it's trying to connect dozens of times in a half hour period. There are other apps that I rarely use that are trying to connect once in a while, like flickr, cloud drive (which isn't even set up), that I wish I could disable unless I need it, but I can live with those.
My questions are:
Why are some apps connecting so often when they're not in use?
Is there a way to disable apps from making connections until I'm actively trying to use them?
jrocket said:
My questions are:
Why are some apps connecting so often when they're not in use?
Is there a way to disable apps from making connections until I'm actively trying to use them?
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They're connecting because they want to sync or maybe load some infos in the background. You can force them into hibernate mode with Greenify, but should all only work perfectly with root. Else you can't directly access the internet access.
Try Greenify and you will see if it works event without root. Not the best solution but a good beginning
Skulldiver said:
They're connecting because they want to sync or maybe load some infos in the background. You can force them into hibernate mode with Greenify, but should all only work perfectly with root. Else you can't directly access the internet access.
Try Greenify and you will see if it works event without root. Not the best solution but a good beginning
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I know they're trying to connect, but my thinking is that they shouldn't when there's no account set up and all notifications are disabled. With apps like evernote where they're set to sync every few hours that makes sense, but if it's not serving ads, and there's no account to sync, I don't see why it needs to connect. I'm sure the app dev thinks it needs to, but I wish there was a way I could better control it.
I'll try greenify, thanks for the suggestion.

