[Game] Connect Five - Android Apps and Games

Hello everyone,
I released my first Android game a week ago - Connect Five. I've always been an aspiring programmer (still only 17 and I'm propably going to study it). It's a simple Gomoku game - nothing too fancy, I made it because I wanted to learn the ins and outs of Android. It's free and it's fun to play with a friend if you're in a queue and have a couple of minutes.
I've released three updates since then (mostly bug fixes but some features were improved aswell). If anything is wrong then please reply and I'd like to hear everyone's general opinion about it so I have some things to keep in mind (design flaws and so on) for my next project.
Just search the market for Connect Five (since I'm a new user, I can't post a link to the qr code or screenshots, sorry).
Hope you like it

That's a good start! Keep it up, I wish I had applied my programming knowledge at that age... now I've forgotten it all..


[App/WIP] Android Quiz Application (Working Title) - Create and take quizzes

Hello everyone!
I recently got myself an Android phone and decided to dive into development. This app is what I came up with after a few days of work. It's very rough, but it appears to work.
The app lets you browse through a database of other peoples' quizzes and challenge yourself with them. If you get tired of answering trivia questions, you can make your own and upload them for others to try.
Obviously this is nowhere near finished. There are still a bunch of features I have to add (like being able to edit your quizzes once uploaded, heh) and heaps of polishing to be done. In the meantime, I would really appreciate any feedback I can get .
A couple of notes for anyone who's brave enough to give it a whirl: it currently requires Android 2.1+, to be able to upload a quiz you must have registered and/or logged in before going into the create quiz section, and there are no actual quizzes in the database at the time of this post (except for a test one) so whoever goes first, please be creative .

Droid Trivia - Quiz game

Later last year my Google Play account has been suspended (long story short, you can't publish an application that tests if the user's device has a security hole. The application didn't do any harm at all, but it's Google rules so nothing I could do when because of that minor detail they removed my account along with all its associated applications; you can read about the app that caused my expulsion here: http://www.xda-developers.com/android/location-security-exploit-on-samsung-devices/ ).
Later, I got in touch with Google which they didn't have much to say but said I could republish the applications I had that had not led to my expulsion back on the Market but I would have to use another account. Not all good, but not entirely bad.
Enough about that, for almost half a year I had the intention of getting some of my content back on Google Play, but I decided early on that if I already had lost all download statistics there was no rush in doing it and I would look at with as an opportunity to make all the stuff that I wanted to do the way I think it should be done, I'm talking about refactoring the code and bugfixes; note that the game was on the Android Market since the days of Android 1.5 and I had learned so much in the meanwhile that when I was looking at the code I wanted to make it all over again but only better. So that's what I did and even if it does not pay back, at least I know I did it my way .
To avoid the confusion with the previous version, and since I rewrote most of the application from scratch, I renamed the game as Droid Trivia.
Without further talk, here's the Google Play link:
or on Handster: http://www.handster.com/droid_trivia_r788.html?dm=1&multi=1
I really appreciate if all of you reading this would try the game and rate. I'm really proud that I made the game easily playable with up to 4 players and not to repeat questions until it is no longer possible to not repeat. The game is also way more stable and faster than before, and it now bundles 3 languages : English, Italian and Greek.
As any good programmer, I always want to do more and more and end up never thinking it is perfect but at least I think it is ready for deployment and stable enough for the general public. Some things I plan for the future are tablet support and some more eye candy, and of course more questions as that is the game's fuel . That said, I'm open to suggestions and bug reports has I always have been.

[APP] [1.5+] Quiz/Treasure hunt app, uni app project

A bit about me:
I've just started uni to do software engineering and after the first week of "bonding" and stuff, we've been put into groups of 6 to develop an android app and market it. We're students of the Preston campus of the university of central Lancashire aged 18. My group has next to no programming experience, with only me having done anything before although it's mostly been python, I also did some C++.
I've been on XDA for a few years, since I got my first android (a HTC Desire HD, now on a galaxy note) and have mostly been a lurker, not really saying a huge amount because I don't want to get in the way of developers and annoy people, but also because I don't know a huge amount about android, although I have provided some logcats and advice where I knew the answer and could help. I often also use alpha or beta releases as a daily driver as I just text a little and love fiddling with the android operating system.
Our task:
Our first task as a group is to create a android based quiz-type app that will eventually double up as a GPS located treasure hunt app. We have to build this in appinventor as few of us know a programming language and it's a good introduction in how a program is built up and the logic behind it. The app is built up over a few weeks, as we learn how to do different things. It starts as a quiz app with hard coded questions, then we have to develop it into a quiz app that uses a server to get questions and finally into a treasure hunt that uses GPS locations and questions to lead us around the city of Preston to get points.
All throughout the 4 weeks we have to do it, we gain points which transfer into the grade we will get for this module of the course.
The catch:
During these 4 weeks, we have to market our app and our brand, to try "sell" our app and get it out there. As I'm the programmer of the group, mainly building the app, I'm not so involved in this process but I thought I'd ask on here for feedback and to ask you to help us out.
What I'm asking:
So, please will you go follow us on twitter and retweet us, spread the word on facebook about us and our app and (when it finally gets put up) view our "viral" YouTube video.
Go to our website if you want to download our app and have a look, any feedback would be fantastic, thanks. It won't be up for a few days, but if you can please follow us on twitter and facebook for now and when it's uploaded we'll update everyone.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FrustrationTeamSkittles
Twitter: https://twitter.com/UclanSkittles
Youtube: *Coming Soon*
Website: http://www.teamskittles.co.uk/

[APP][BETA] WowBulletin - source for all your news of World of Warcraft

WowBulletin - Beta testing starts for my new app
World of Warcraft has been a major presence through my life - taught me many things and I couldn't be happier to have played it for a long time. Blizzard games has also been a huge part of my life since Warcraft II - Tides of Darkness, and I've devoted more time playing these games than doing whatever other kids were doing while growing up.
The problem that I tried to solve was very simple: I couldn't find any mobile-oriented and easy way to read news about my favorite online game. MMO-Champion being the biggest and most popular website for all-Blizzard related news and they don't have a mobile app (well they do, but it's SO terribad that I can't even consider it an app).
I decided to build an app that will help the millions of players to browse news articles, blue posts etc without having to deal with a website that isn't mobile optimized.
The decision to work on this was also to work on something different, outside any Root related tools, which allowed me to try new APIs, new design choices, and made me think out of the box.
I know this app isn't something for the majority of users that follow me, but nevertheless I would like to hear feedback from anyone, WoW user or not.
I pushed the app to the BETA channel couple hours ago and you can try it now, completely for free (I'll have some premium functions for the final release). The app isn't finished, I'd say it's about 85% done, and it will have bugs. Although I had a couple users who been using it and reported some ideas/bugs it WILL break sometimes.
If you want to help or just check it out you have to:
1 - Join https://plus.google.com/u/0/communities/107239563570541693646
2 - Apply for testing: https://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.franco.newsforthewarcrafter
3 - ???
4 - Download it: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.franco.newsforthewarcrafter
I'm pretty happy about what I achieved so far, it's been tricky to come up with something like this without an API, but it's been tremendously fun. So fun that I think I never coded something in such short time with the amount of complexity involved.
The icon/banner/promo banner are placeholders, I'll have proper graphics for the full release.
I'll leave you with some screenshots, hope to see you helping me BETA test the **** out of it

[GAME] "YKWIM?" - a new Taboo-like game (free)

Hi there,
I've been self-learning app making and started with Android. Creating a Taboo app was one of my first ideas and after a long time I finally finished it. It's one of my first apps, but I believe it's leagues above any of the other taboo apps out there!
It's called "YKWIM?" (You know what I mean?). It works like the the card game Taboo, where you get your friends to guess the word without using the words listed on the card. I'd argue my app's sleeker design and swipe-functionality makes it stand out against the competition.
Here's a link to the google play store page:
The idea has been something I'd been working on for over a year. But only a couple weeks ago I really buckled down and re-did the whole thing from scratch. There are over 450 cards in there, that I made myself -grueling. Most of the code work was done in two days. But it took me about two weeks from start to finish to finalize the designs, create the pictures, etc etc (on top of going to school). I don't study cs or have a background in it (history major actually), but despite that, this project didn't feel too tough to do.
I'm hoping to get any kind of feedback - critique on how the app can be better, advice on development, etc. Looking forward to learning more!

