MLB sends out C&D letters to developers - Android Apps and Games

Several developers received cease and desist letters from Major League Baseball today asking them to remove all apps containing property of MLB. This sucks and I hope it doesnt set a precedent for other organizations to follow.

SCSI_Manno said:
Several developers received cease and desist letters from Major League Baseball today asking them to remove all apps containing property of MLB. This sucks and I hope it doesnt set a precedent for other organizations to follow.
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Do you have a link?


Important notice to all Chef's and users regarding the 6.5 rom removal Hoax

EVERYONE need to read this thread in the link below, please post this other threads related to this, BTW it discusses that this is James Young is a HOAX read the last couple of posts
Admins: Just talked with Microsoft being my profession and this was not sitting good with me since it was missing A. a contact phone number and for these cases it must also contain a Digital Signature with that being said they said it is fraud, I gave them the link here and they verified that they do not have a James Young employ and that the email extension [email protected] is not valid furthermore they said on there notices they will also have a phone number for the person(s) to call and correspondence is done through written. I will be receiving an email with the case number and contact information for the antipiracy case manager who verified the information and will forward it to the Admins here and at PPCGeeks as well. If one one the Admins here can PM there email addy so I can send the email to them for future verification on these types of notices.
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More info on the Ms Hoax please pass this info along to all sites and admins...
Microsoft Impersonator Sends Fraudulent Letters, Disrupts Community
Posted by Chuong Nguyen
March 13th, 2009 at 02:53 PM
It turns out that there may be an impersonator lurking around disrupting Windows Mobile communities. In response to an article that was posted this morning about Microsoft demanding that Windows Mobile 6.5 ROM images that were cooked unofficially be taken down, our own Microsoft MVP Adam Z. Lein spotted that the guy responsible for the letter to XDA-Developers may be a fraud, as was posted on PPCGeeks.
A similar hoax had occurred before at msmobiles in regards to Windows Mobile 6.5 screenshots. In the cease and desist letter to msmobiles, the gentleman claiming to be with Microsoft's legal department asked the site to remove screenshots of the forthcoming operating system
. The letter was sent after Microsoft had publicly announced and shown the very screenshots at Mobile World Congress 2009. According to msmobiles: "In any case, if it is genuine action on behalf of Microsoft, it is a case of extreme incompetence that this guy is showing because he is requesting removal of pictures of something that has been officially announced few days earlier." It should also be noted that had posted screenshots and news of Windows Mobile 6.5 before, during, and after Microsoft's Mobile World Congress announcement and we did not receive a cease and desist letter.
The community over at msmobiles performed some additional investigations and found that the gentlemam, James Young, sent emails originating from IP addresses in London and not from Microsoft's corporate headquarters in Redmond, Washington, leading many to believe that he is not connected with the software giant. Additionally, emails were sent from [email protected], and not at a "" email address.
Whatever the case may be, other forum members in our original post here at made mention that only the Windows Mobile 6.5 cooked ROM made by ROM chef Da_G was affected and 6.5 ROMs for other HTC-made devices were seemingly okay.
i only hope it is a hoax
I f you read the links I posted you will see that some users and some who work for M$ verified that it was a hoax...
Thanks for this.
It has been raised in the Moderators Forum.
I'll closed this thread now because there are a few of them floating around, might as well keep the discussion focused.
Might I suggest that if this is found to be a hoax, the site admin (or a moderator maybe) will let you know. We would appreciate it if anyone who has had a takedown notice by the admin adears to it until further notice from xda.
I'll re-open this thread for discussion.
Can I request that if Flar removed your ROM images / links that you do not re-add them until you here from Flar (or maybe a moderator).
The takedown notice for those images may be genuine.
thank you Dave,
question, since this has affected several hosting sites, what would be the best way to get them to re-think there decisions ? To me I think is not going to be a easy task to do since they are now very unsure of where they stand..legally that is..I doubt the M$ is going to come right out and tell them "all is well"
Who ever this guy is..he hit a very tender spot and if it was not for a minor slip up this may not have been nipped in the bud as quick as it was..
I have unlimited bandwidth and file space to host...
I am just unsure of the "legality" of ROM images in the US on a file server.
If they are considered legit, and do not contain any illegal software in the ROM image itself, I would be more than willing to host on my 100MBit web server.
What a p*ss take but to be honest someone should have noticed the extension on the email address!!! Or even checked into it... "Just want to clarify not pointing the blame @ anyone"
I know now XDA has to do there research on this and comply with any thing that has happened till the all clear is called.
Just shame the ammount of disruption this has caused to chefs and users alike....
With regards hosting sites i think that they will be fines as i imagine the flagged ROMs were reported by the offender and most hosting sites do not have enough time to check every upload to there servers....
Not sure i got anything else to say except lets all get back to usual.....
stylez said:
With regards hosting sites i think that they will be fines as i imagine the flagged ROMs were reported by the offender and most hosting sites do not have enough time to check every upload to there servers... I have personally had to initiate a DMCA, send it, and follow up with individuals before, as well as removing illegal material from some of the websites our current and former clients have hosted.
Not sure i got anything else to say except lets all get back to usual.....
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I can speak to that since I am a partner with a game and web hosting company. We do look at the individual files on the box to determine if the reported apps or media violates either our Terms of Service or any copyright laws. We also check into each "report" we get to determine if the report is legitimate, and we do investigate IPs and domains, to determine if they are valid.
In our arena, we do get gaming guilds who pretend to be official companies who try to get us to take down a competitors site or server.
We have also used copyright DMCA ourselves, and we do send email notification, but ONLY after a written certified letter is sent. The email is sent to the listed contact of the company and contains a copy of what was sent via certified mail.
We do this since we normally engage in unofficial conversation if someone has used our copy-righted material to save us money, as most of the time they use it without knowing they can't.
As far as the DMCA goes, we can send notice using our own attorneys, but we HAVE to hire local counsel to serve any legal action notice if we end up going that route. However, we do have a choice of mediation and litigation clause which allows us to use the laws of and conduct legal activity in the state our company is registered in. MS would have to do the same thing.
so when will roms be back? will everyone have to re post them therselves?
If it's truly found to be a hoax, I'd sure hate to be "James Young", or whatever his real name is. He may quickly become the target of thousands of hackers. I would imagine with the combined power of everyone effected, he could find himself with:
An Empty Bank Account
Late Vehicle Registration/Stolen Vehicle
On the FBI's Most Wanted List/On MI6's Most Wanted List
His Face In Porn Movies/Beastiality Movies
A Failed Drug Test at Work
On People Magazine's Worst Dressed List
etc, etc...
More info from another thread.
By Dereth
this guy obiously has no life....
he sends these to the pirate bay all the time:
and read this email at the bottom it states the copyright on the email.
"IMPORTANT: The contents of this email and attachments are confidential
and may be subject to legal privilege and/or protected by copyright.
Copying or communicating any part of it to others is prohibited and may
be unlawful. If you are not the intended recipient you must not use,
copy, distribute or rely on this email and should please return it
immediately or notify us by telephone. While we take every reasonable
precaution to screen out computer viruses from emails, attachments to
this email may contain such viruses. We cannot accept liability for loss
or damage resulting from such viruses. We recommend you carry out your
own virus checks."
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Tell ya what this guy been everywhere!!!
Last month, Ars reported that Microsoft's Windows Media Audio (WMA) digital rights management protection had been cracked, and a program called FairUse4WM had been written that would strip DRM data from purchased audio files. Microsoft was aware of the workaround, but did not seem too concerned, merely stating that "we designed the Windows Media DRM system to be renewable, so that if such events occur the system can be refreshed to address them." Now it seems that the company has gone a little further than that, sending out cease and desist orders to web sites hosting the FairUse4WM program. According to the owner of the web site BG4G, the orders came in via e-mail.
The notices are of a standard boilerplate format, claiming that the sites are "offering unlicensed copies of, or is engaged in other unauthorized activities relating to copyrighted works published by Microsoft." The copyrighted works are Windows Media Player 10 and 11, and the unauthorized activities are listed as "offering 'Cracks' or 'Product Keys', intended to circumvent technical measures that control access to Microsoft's copyrighted works and that protect Microsoft's copyrights in those works."
The "Demand for Immediate Takedown" e-mail comes from a James Young, "Internet Investigator," who claims to be acting on behalf of Microsoft Corporation. The interesting thing about the e-mail is that it makes no mention of the DMCA, which is the one law that would make FairUse4WM (which does not contain any copyrighted code, portions of Windows Media Player, nor any copyrighted music files themselves) illegal. The DMCA contains provisions against programs that attempt to circumvent copy protection. It also provides a "safe harbor" for Internet Service Providers and web hosts that take down files in a certain amount of time (usually 10 to 14 days) after a warning letter has been received.
The DMCA is a US invention and applies only in the United States, but many companies have attempted to use it outside their country's borders. The notice advising web sites to take down the FairUse4WM program came from the domain, which according to DNS records belongs to Microsoft but is actually administered by the ISP Nildram Ltd, which is based in the UK (the web site itself redirects to a page on
Microsoft has not commented on the takedown notices, but they would be consistent with the sorts of notices given to web sites hosting cracks for other media-related copy protection. In the case of FairUse4WM, the problem may be somewhat more urgent from Microsoft's perspective, as the subscription-based model used by many DRMed WMA online music stores allows downloading an unlimited number of songs, but they can only be listened to for as long as the subscription is active
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More reading regards this:
Tell you what though there is a hell of alot of letters and some of them going back as far as 2004 from what i'm reading lets hope that XDA can nip this in the but...
this is all nice to be a freelance paid by M$ or ? black M$ funds haha. its way back to .... that this guy is scaring on the inet for them . SO XDA WHAT WILL BE RESPONSE TO ALL CLOSED THREADS
edit : i want my thread back restored from backup hehe red lines removed . WHEN ?
Use common sense, people! (Admins mainly)
IF Microsoft would have sent any of such letters, it would require you to remove ALL of their products, not just one - isn't it obvious?
I cannot imagine msoft asking xda to remove anything WM6.5 related, but not mentioning WM6.1 and WM6.0 ROMs and files
It's like Sony would have ask i.e. The Pirate Bay in a C&D letter to remove links to just 1 movie torrent and not mention links to all other Sony-owned movies present there.
I don't think it ever happened that way.
And letter coming from ? That's a no brainer LOL! It's as credible as if it would have come from
Sure it's a hoax.
You've been pwnd
F2504x4 said:
More info from another thread.
By Dereth
this guy obiously has no life....
he sends these to the pirate bay all the time:
and read this email at the bottom it states the copyright on the email.
"IMPORTANT: The contents of this email and attachments are confidential
and may be subject to legal privilege and/or protected by copyright.
Copying or communicating any part of it to others is prohibited and may
be unlawful. If you are not the intended recipient you must not use,
copy, distribute or rely on this email and should please return it
immediately or notify us by telephone. While we take every reasonable
precaution to screen out computer viruses from emails, attachments to
this email may contain such viruses. We cannot accept liability for loss
or damage resulting from such viruses. We recommend you carry out your
own virus checks."
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Interesting... the confidentiality notice is often a sub mail server attachment, meaning its attached to the email as it leaves the companie's mail servers, not when it leaves the users outbox... There are universal clauses out there, but since this one matches pretty much 100% it would be safe to say that the company James Young mailed it from and this company are one and the same, or connected through a parent or something like that. Here is the one that my company attaches once the emails leave our intranet and go out:
This message w/attachments (message) may be privileged, confidential or proprietary, and if you are not an intended recipient, please notify the sender, do not use or share it and delete it. Unless specifically indicated, this message is not an offer to sell or a solicitation of any investment products or other financial product or service, an official confirmation of any transaction, or an official statement of <removed>. Subject to applicable law, <removed> may monitor, review and retain e-communications (EC) traveling through its networks/systems. The laws of the country of each sender/recipient may impact the handling of EC, and EC may be archived, supervised and produced in countries other than the country in which you are located. This message cannot be guaranteed to be secure or error-free. This message is subject to terms available at the following link:
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James probably worked there at the same company that sent the sony notice and got fired, so he's taking it upon himself. Maybe he got served a notice, and got mad that everyone else has it so he is sending out notices himself as a revenge plot... who knows... he has issues thats all.
Good news for xda developers :
Thanks and regards

[Q] Copyright doubts. Request for app removal

Hi All,
Some time ago I've created a game called "Boulders and Diamonds" for Android.
The game was similar to well known 80s game "Boulder Dash", but contained no original code, graphics, levels or name. I've also added a lot of additional elements never present in "Boulder Dash", which makes game-play very different.
But after few weeks after distribution, I've got an email from "President" of First Star Software (original Boulder Dash publisher - not author!), that my game is not legal and have to be removed from market, because is violating their copyrights. See email below for details.
They assume that nobody can use falling stones or any other elements which were present in "Boulder Dash". Actually, thinking this way leads to conclusion that there is no legal application created nowadays, because every application contains some elements introduced previously!
Do you think they are right and I cannot create a game which is similar (but not the same) to their game or everything they say is just a bull****?
Note: As far as I know they don't have any patents for a game.
I've decided to unpublish my game from Android Marked for now.
Thanks in advance for comments.
Here is an email from First Star Software:
Hello again Arkadiusz,
We are writing to you once again regarding "Boulders & Diamonds" to let you know that the current version also infringes upon our copyrights which are registered with the United States Copyright Office.
Further due to international copyright laws, treaties and conventions, your continued distribution of "Boulders & Diamonds" is illegal; and, as pointed out in prior email, such continued distribution, even of a free, ad-supported game, has already caused us to suffer financial damages and losses.
The fact that you have changed the graphics and cave maps does not mean that 'Boulders & Diamonds" no longer violates our Intellectual Property rights. As stated above, it still does. While indeed, the graphics and cave maps are PART of our copyrighted material there is a GREAT deal more that is also copyrighted by us that remains in "Boulders & Diamonds".
Among these, without limitation, are the following non-obvious elements that comprise our copyright: the rules of physics that we created to determine when and how a boulder falls; the rules of how diamonds fall and their effects on the player; the 3 x 3 tiles size of explosions; the movement patterns of the enemies; the ability to push/grab/dig without moving; having the death of one type of enemy result in the creation of 9 diamonds, while other enemies die with a 3 x 3 explosion but without creating diamonds; having explosions destroy certain types of walls but not those that create the border of the cave; etc., etc.
You yourself in the game state: "Based on ideas of game developed by Peter Liepa and Chris Gray in 1980s." As stated in previous email (August 1, 2010, again below) First Star Software, Inc. purchased ALL rights to that game = Boulder Dash(R) and no one can use the protected ideas contained therein without our prior, written approval.
If you have any doubt or questions about the copyright claims being made here by First Star Software, Inc. you should consult an attorney who specializes in Intellectual property law; but, let me say, in summary form, and without prejudice of any kind: our Intellectual Property rights, including copyrights, protect the fundamentals of Boulder Dash(R) e.g. the unique and non-obvious expressions of ideas that were original and unique to Boulder Dash when it first came out. So, for example, even if someone changes the way things look (the in-game elements) we're still protected.
For example in Boulder Dash(R) one collects diamonds, however, the fact that in a 'clone' the player collects carrots instead, does not mean that the clone is non-infringing. Thus, if a clone is 'different' from Boulder Dash(R) because they both use different graphics to represent the corresponding 'elements' e.g. diamonds become carrots, boulders that fall are made to look like something else (say a melon), walls that block your path look differently but serve the same purpose, etc., etc. then the clone IS violating our Intellectual Property rights.
Sometimes the 'differences' are that some features in Boulder Dash are not included in these clones; BUT, all of the features, gameplay mechanics, etc. that are used in the clones FIRST appeared in Boulder Dash. (For example, we have enemies which turn into diamonds if they are killed by a falling boulders and others that do not turn into diamonds when killed...each enemy type moving in a unique pattern (algorithm) that controls how they travel in empty spaces). It is things such as these, and those listed above, that are protected under copyright law.
Once again, as we did in August, we are contacting you immediately upon learning that you have again posted 'Boulders & Diamonds" to the Android Marketplace, as required under law, in our attempt to mitigate our losses and enforce our Intellectual Property rights.
So, once again, with this email we are formally requesting, in writing, that you immediately remove "Boulders & Diamonds" from the Android Marketplace as well as any and all other distribution platforms and channels.
Please send an email acknowledging your receipt of this email and let us know when you have removed 'Boulders & Diamonds' from the Android Marketplace. Further, please attempt to notify the sites below, and any others that you are aware of, that you have been contacted by the owners of Boulder Dash(R) and that you have agreed to cease all distribution of any type or manner of 'Boulders & Diamonds' and request that they remove any and all download links from their sites. Thank you.
Again, by way of full disclosure, I must mention that if we have not heard from you by 10:00 a.m. (New York time) Monday morning, Nov. 1, 2010, we will be filing a formal Android Market Digital Millennium Copyright Act Complaint with Google.
Arkadiusz, now that we have further explained the basics of copyright law, it is my hope and expectation that you will please conform to our request; immediately remove 'Boulders & Diamonds' from the Andorid Marketplace and as many other sites as you can and work with us in protecting our Intellectual Property rights.
Thank you in advance for your prompt attention to this serious matter,
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IMHO these guys are mental. They apparently aren't familiar with the 21st century. Name something that hasn't been cloned?
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App

[WARNING] DavinciDevelopers steal apps from this forum !

/!\ BE AWARE OF YOUR APP, DavinciDevelopers try to steal them and sell them on the market !!
Hello guys,
Be careful, if you post an apk of your free app here, somebody will try to take the apk, remove the signature, and upload it as a paid version on the market !
The proofs : (edited to add new stolen softwares)
(removed today, on 5th january)
Typo clock
Iron soldiers
(removed from market today, on 5th january, but still referenced)
Championship racing 2010
(removed today, on 5th january)
Liquid wallpaper
Bluetooth Scanner
(New !! Now, we have proof that ALL his apps are stolen)
And even Gameloft best sellers (paid games) :
(removed from market today, on 5th january, but still referenced)
(removed from market today, on 5th january, but still referenced)
Zuma's revenge
How is it possible ?
Google does not check your apk signature when you upload a software.
Even if you signed yous apk with you key, somebody else can put this on his google account.
The signature can be deleted easily if needed.
He can change the title of your app, so nobody see it, but he can't change the apk name nor the icon.
Why do we post our apk here ?
To have testers, to correct bugs, to have a perfect look and feel before put it on the market.
Because on the market people are rude, we have only one chance, so we need to avoid bugs.
And when we put our app online, we want to choose if it's paid or free (with ads or not).
What is the problem ?
If DavinciDevelopers steal and upload your app, he will lock your pak name.
2 apps can't have the same name on the market.
You may have a name like com.myname.myapp.apk
Where "myname" is the same in every app you do.
If he take that, this is a major issue for you because you will be associated to him on every search (, market...).
So, you will have to change your app name and maybe your company name....
Within 1 or 2 days, the market is parsed from androlib, androidzoom, appbrain... and it's done. will see those websites, and you are trapped.
You will have your buggy app on the market, some people will pay for that, the thief will have some money, and every users will have a bad opinion of your app.
Why DavinciDevelopers does this ?
To make benefit from your work.
Because he doesn't care you are working from a long time on your app.
Because he doesn't care if your work is ruined, he will find somebody else.
How can we be protected ?
Because 2 apps can't have the same name, you should put your app on the market first.
If your app is in development stage, you can upload it as "draft", so it will not be visible on the market, but the name will be locked.
Who is DavinciDevelopers ?
Somebody that have 83 apps on the market !
Almost all of them are themes.
If you look the package name you can see for example :
at :
google search : "pandatheme", first link :
So he is not a developer. He makes themes with a free online tool and sell them... nice.
And for the real apps he uploaded (about 5), they all are stolen, coming from poland, germany, and other places.
Almost every of them comes from XDA dev forums.
ps : this message should be marked as sticky in every development section.
Wow, I can't believe this
It gets even better! Check this out:
He released the liquid physics live wallpaper I posted on here as well.
Attacking GameLoft was a bad move for this/these guy(s).
They hit somewhere they shouldn't have I think.
Khoral said:
Attacking GameLoft was a bad move for this/these guy(s).
They hit somewhere they shouldn't have I think.
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He has ripped off Popcap as well
And MiniGore
It's really funny the website slogan:
Innovation is everything. WTF
What do you thing, does it matter to left a comment like: app is stolen,... Seller steals apps from real developers or something else in market for "his" apks?
I wrote an email to appbrain and told them about this: maybe they can at least exclude this person from appbrain???
Has anyone emailed him to let him know that we all know?
Sent from your mom's phone
kiltedthrower said:
Has anyone emailed him to let him know that we all know?
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Like they would care... they just want to make some quick money from other's work.
The only way we can solve this if somehow we contact google to do something about it.
Since yesterday, he deleted some apps from his market.
I'm the developer of iron soldiers, I had been notified yesterday by another xda forum user that he stole my app.
I emailed him and within 3 or 4 hours he removed the app.
He answered me that he is so sorry, that he shares his key with other people and he didn't know... blabla.
Anyway, he has many stolen apps so he is hard to believe.
Now I see that thanaos2042 created a new thread (thanks ) and that google already referenced it :
If you google "davincideveloppers", this post is already in the first page !
Internet has a memory, and his name will not be forgotten.
they sell a lot of apps which is 80++ but they still using free website ....what a cheapskate...
Holy ****. Mods, please sticky this!!
I sincerely hope Google kicks their ass for this. I'm not familiar with the ToS but I hope they get hit with a lawsuit and instant refunds to say the least.
Stealing from Indie Developers is simply ****ed up. Wouldn't it be funny if a massive attack was launched against this asshole's website? (wink wink)
Chalup said:
Stealing from Indie Developers is simply ****ed up. Wouldn't it be funny if a massive attack was launched against this asshole's website? (wink wink)
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No, it wouldn't. He/they are using a free web host so that would effectively be an attack on a whole lot of innocent sites.
Terrible to steal!
stolen apps are all over the market, ive even seen the r2d2 live wallpaper from the droid, on the market for 99p,
Good to know about these flagrant ripoffs
Looks like someone took their website down. The link now shows a page that isn't published.
Edit: Looks like Google could do something about this since it appears to be a violation of the terms of service (see 11.4, 13.3 and 16)
11. Content licence from you
11.1 You retain copyright and any other rights you already hold in Content which you submit, post or display on or through, the Services. By submitting, posting or displaying the content you give Google a perpetual, irrevocable, worldwide, royalty-free, and non-exclusive licence to reproduce, adapt, modify, translate, publish, publicly perform, publicly display and distribute any Content which you submit, post or display on or through, the Services. This licence is for the sole purpose of enabling Google to display, distribute and promote the Services and may be revoked for certain Services as defined in the Additional Terms of those Services.
11.2 You agree that this licence includes a right for Google to make such Content available to other companies, organizations or individuals with whom Google has relationships for the provision of syndicated services, and to use such Content in connection with the provision of those services.
11.3 You understand that Google, in performing the required technical steps to provide the Services to our users, may (a) transmit or distribute your Content over various public networks and in various media; and (b) make such changes to your Content as are necessary to conform and adapt that Content to the technical requirements of connecting networks, devices, services or media. You agree that this licence shall permit Google to take these actions.
11.4 You confirm and warrant to Google that you have all the rights, power and authority necessary to grant the above licence.
13.3 Google may at any time, terminate its legal agreement with you if:
(A) you have breached any provision of the Terms (or have acted in manner which clearly shows that you do not intend to, or are unable to comply with the provisions of the Terms)
16. Copyright and trade mark policies
16.1 It is Google’s policy to respond to notices of alleged copyright infringement that comply with applicable international intellectual property law (including, in the United States, the Digital Millennium Copyright Act) and to terminating the accounts of repeat infringers. Details of Google’s policy can be found at
16.2 Google operates a trade mark complaints procedure in respect of Google’s advertising business, details of which can be found at

Google ousting Facebook from Android

So in its latest release of 2.3.3 Google ousted the Facebook contact sync from stock Android. Personally, I believe that was a horrible idea on Google's part. Part of the reason I stay with the stock mytouch rom is because of the Facebook integration it comes with. I also was hoping Google would have actually stepped up the integration among social websites. I don't think anybody can argue that the majority of the population spends a lot of time on those web sites and with companies such as Apple and HTC stepping up their intergeneration, I believe this makes Google fall behind all over some pride issue?
Please let me know all of your thoughts on this issue?
Social Media = Empty Minds
Facebook is lame.
Mind numbing drivel for the brains full of mush masses.
useless useless//
mark manning said:
So in its latest release of 2.3.3 Google ousted the Facebook contact sync from stock Android. Personally, I believe that was a horrible idea on Google's part. Part of the reason I stay with the stock mytouch rom is because of the Facebook integration it comes with. I also was hoping Google would have actually stepped up the integration among social websites. I don't think anybody can argue that the majority of the population spends a lot of time on those web sites and with companies such as Apple and HTC stepping up their intergeneration, I believe this makes Google fall behind all over some pride issue?
Please let me know all of your thoughts on this issue?
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Google removing the bloatware from the Stock Android has nothing to do with integration nor disintegration.
What does the included app do that another Market app can't? Keep the crap out of the ROM and in the Market.
oh so you read engadget than, kudos for bringing this important information to our attention....anyways facebooks a bunch of freaking hypocrites they want to have access to everything else, but let no one have access to their api's.....*****es
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA App
cal3thousand said:
Google removing the bloatware from the Stock Android has nothing to do with integration nor disintegration.
What does the included app do that another Market app can't? Keep the crap out of the ROM and in the Market.
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You know not of what your talking about, Google specifically took away all Facebook contact syncing ability in 2.3.3!!! I believe thats disintegration. Please know the facts before you post.
This happens whether its in the market app or comes preloaded on the phone, its an attempted dis to facebook at the cost of people who enjoy the syncing abilities
mark manning said:
You know not of what your talking about, Google specifically took away all Facebook contact syncing ability in 2.3.3!!! I believe thats disintegration. Please know the facts before you post.
This happens whether its in the market app or comes preloaded on the phone, its an attempted dis to facebook at the cost of people who enjoy the syncing abilities
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I do know the facts. Google is not ousting anybody, they are requiring Facebook to follow Android rules like everyone else.
You will still be able to access your precious little FB contacts from the app... again.. like I said... what did it do that an app cannot?
Simply put, all this does is require FB to actually use the provided APIs like everyone else. So now, your FB contacts will actually be on the phone instead of 'in the cloud'.
Quote from GOOGLE:"...Like all developers on Android, Facebook is free to use the Android contacts API to truly integrate contacts on the device, which would allow users to have more control over their data."
More reading here:
Another question for you, who the hell is Google "falling behind"?
Sweet, maybe they will replace it with XDA instead...much more useful...
I don't think Facebook will follow this rule, at least until Android gets a bit more popular. Remember back in 2009, when we didn't have a offical facebook app? Facebook itself even that they weren't planning on making one, but then we seen all the leaked screenshots and widgets off course. They will, just give it sometime. The mobile site and the touch site of facebook sucks as well, so I'm really hoping they stepup the game.
going_home said:
Facebook is lame.
Mind numbing drivel for the brains full of mush masses.
useless useless//
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Did you call for me?
going_home said:
Facebook is lame.
Mind numbing drivel for the brains full of mush masses.
useless useless//
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+1.9 quadrillion
xdviper said:
I don't think Facebook will follow this rule, at least until Android gets a bit more popular. Remember back in 2009, when we didn't have a offical facebook app? Facebook itself even that they weren't planning on making one, but then we seen all the leaked screenshots and widgets off course. They will, just give it sometime. The mobile site and the touch site of facebook sucks as well, so I'm really hoping they stepup the game.
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Can i ask why Facebook is so important to you?
To anyone?
I say this because when Justin "beaver" got his hair cut he lost some 80,000 follower from Twitter and Facebook.
(Now do not get me wrong i do not like the little sh!t as it stands but that is a different story)
So what kind of image is Facebook and Twitter promoting? self indulgence into believing you or i are actually important in this world. Twitter is the number one "screaming in silence site" in the known planet. No care what you have to say. Know why i say that? pick 10 people out of your group of friend that you follow and follow you. @Mention them with nothing but the word "duck". Then on person 11 @mention them with the word "goose". Everyone that sees their @ mention will reply with something related to "WTF". Meaning all they are read is stuff directed to them.
People claim that "Facebook makes it easy for people to find me". Wait a tick if you look on Google News at any given point in time there are articles related to Privacy and how to protect it on the web.
Well i'll end with this
IF you are a US Citizen, born in the USA. IF you have your Hometown and your Birthday (month/day/year) listed on facebook. There is a 13+% percent that a random computer that does nothing but search facebook for B/days and hometown will guess your social security number.
is an area code that you were born in
Is a code for the hospital and state you were born in
is nothing more that a sequential number
So yes it is possible. Yes Facebook is for the mindless minions, Yes i respected my privacy enough to get rid of it.
neidlinger said:
Well i'll end with this
IF you are a US Citizen, born in the USA. IF you have your Hometown and your Birthday (month/day/year) listed on facebook. There is a 13+% percent that a random computer that does nothing but search facebook for B/days and hometown will guess your social security number.
is an area code that you were born in
Is a code for the hospital and state you were born in
is nothing more that a sequential number
So yes it is possible. Yes Facebook is for the mindless minions, Yes i respected my privacy enough to get rid of it.
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That's hilarious, total BS information. I can go on and on as to why that is false but anyone with a SSN knows that's incorrect.
I find it highly amusing that anyone would bash FB and then allow Google to access their personal data.
Google is the biggest abuser of private information on the planet. Case closed.
If you don't like FB, don't use it, but just because some of us do enjoy it, does not make us ANY of the things you want to label us as.
have fun with your tin foil hat and denial of who the real privacy violator is.
mark manning said:
So in its latest release of 2.3.3 Google ousted the Facebook contact sync from stock Android. Personally, I believe that was a horrible idea on Google's part. Part of the reason I stay with the stock mytouch rom is because of the Facebook integration it comes with. I also was hoping Google would have actually stepped up the integration among social websites. I don't think anybody can argue that the majority of the population spends a lot of time on those web sites and with companies such as Apple and HTC stepping up their intergeneration, I believe this makes Google fall behind all over some pride issue?
Please let me know all of your thoughts on this issue?
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Agreed. I believe this is a control issue. FB is a big boy in the control of private information, information Google wants to get it's grubby hands on.
Whatever the end result, the motive is definitely not to benefit our privacy. Guaranteed.
$pitacular1 said:
Agreed. I believe this is a control issue. FB is a big boy in the control of private information, information Google wants to get it's grubby hands on.
Whatever the end result, the motive is definitely not to benefit our privacy. Guaranteed.
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True... but you should only put information that you want shared with the world on the internet. Personally, I believe privacy concerns should come down to personal responsibility.
Interesting thread. Personally I love the contact sync feature and would be thoroughly annoyed if it disappeared. I believe it will come back eventually.
So can someone clarify the issue to make sure we all understand correctly? Facebook only allows contacts to be displayed from the cloud but not synced down to the phone where they can be edited and then synced back? Is that the big issue? What API is Facebook currently using and what API is Google trying to force them to use that's resulting in this feature disappearing?
I like having contact information of facebook friends (phone numbers and emails) automatically show up on my phone. Very convenient. The pictures are nice and status updates are cool too.
Agree on privacy. If it bothers you, check your settings or delete your facebook. BFD.
Oh, and lol @ tin foil hat.
$pitacular1 said:
That's hilarious, total BS information. I can go on and on as to why that is false but anyone with a SSN knows that's incorrect.
I find it highly amusing that anyone would bash FB and then allow Google to access their personal data.
Google is the biggest abuser of private information on the planet. Case closed.
If you don't like FB, don't use it, but just because some of us do enjoy it, does not make us ANY of the things you want to label us as.
have fun with your tin foil hat and denial of who the real privacy violator is.
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Read this,8599,1909133,00.html
Cyanogen Powered; Android designed
Ill pass on tinfoil hat.
(Hah. Sorry to previous poster. Didn't see you already used that term).
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA App
Who cares what data Google or Facebook has? If they abuse the privilege of having so much personal data, how do you think they would go about doing it and why? I absolutely don't care that they know exactly how much granny-porn I look at. I don't have anything they want...and neither does anyone in this thread. NEXT.
Sent from my HTC Glacier
neidlinger said:
Read this,8599,1909133,00.html
Cyanogen Powered; Android designed
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Nowhere does it state the identification pattern as you described it.
Mine and my wife's, daughters, brother's, sisters and fathers SSN all have the 3 first digits different and we were all born in the same State, same county. Also, my brother and sister were born in the same hospital and their 4th and 5th digits are completely different.
Also, you failed to note that they thieves would require VOTER REGISTRATION info to piece it together with a highly refined ALGORITHM that I'm sure isn't just floating around out there for the average identity thief.
Dude, seriously, even the article is stating this could be done IN THEORY.
This is from the same article you are citing:
Mark Lassiter, a spokesman for the Social Security Administration, dismissed as a "dramatic exaggeration" the suggestion that a successful prediction code has been developed. In a statement, Lassiter urged the public not to be alarmed by the report, stressing that there is "no foolproof method for predicting a person's Social Security number."
Like I said, tin foil hat, LOL, total BS
have a nice day
And to address the topic of the thread more directly,
I will be EXTREMELY pissed if this is an unresolved issue.
I use FB as my main contact list, and it's completely idiotic of Google to try and pull rank on this issue to force FB into doing what it wants.
If this can't be resolved, don't be surprised if you see a FB phone in the future... they are an empire capable of doing what they deem necessary.

Can i collect public emails in database and sell it?

Hello friends,
I want to make a script has a database with thousands of emails and sell this script so is it legal or not ?
Important: These emails are public on a website and, means anyone can see these emails on its owners's pages. I just collect them in one database!
Thanks in advance said:
Hello friends,
I want to make a script has a database with thousands of emails and sell this script so is it legal or not ?
Important: These emails are public on a website and, means anyone can see these emails on its owners's pages. I just collect them in one database!
Thanks in advance
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It depends on the country. And there might be different reasons why it is illegal.
One of them is that emails are obviously copyrighted in the U.S. The Supreme Court in Feist Publications, Inc. v. Rural Telephone Service Company has little of a requirement to what that text must be: "[T]he requisite level of creativity is extremely low; even a slight amount will suffice. The vast majority of works make the grade quite easily, as they possess some creative spark, ‘no matter how crude, humble or obvious’ it might be."
So, as soon as it is more than a few words, you will need to contact every author to make sure they are okay with it.
MrQuincle said:
It depends on the country. And there might be different reasons why it is illegal.
One of them is that emails are obviously copyrighted in the U.S. The Supreme Court in Feist Publications, Inc. v. Rural Telephone Service Company has little of a requirement to what that text must be: "[T]he requisite level of creativity is extremely low; even a slight amount will suffice. The vast majority of works make the grade quite easily, as they possess some creative spark, ‘no matter how crude, humble or obvious’ it might be."
So, as soon as it is more than a few words, you will need to contact every author to make sure they are okay with it.
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But the point in this case that all emails are public and anyone can see it directly. I just collect them and i will add a choice in the email for authors to remove their email from this email list if they want. so what's the case now ? said:
But the point in this case that all emails are public and anyone can see it directly. I just collect them and i will add a choice in the email for authors to remove their email from this email list if they want. so what's the case now ?
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Just that it is online doesn't mean that the material is in the public domain. There is a lot of text online that actually qualifies for copyright protection. Emails are no exception. To know if it is actually public domain you either have to contact the author (who might have explicitly donated it to the public domain) or find out when it has been published (after many, many years text becomes public domain).
PS: You use the word "emails", so I understood this as such. If you actually meant "email addresses", I would recommend to ask another question, because that is something totally different.
MrQuincle said:
Just that it is online doesn't mean that the material is in the public domain. There is a lot of text online that actually qualifies for copyright protection. Emails are no exception. To know if it is actually public domain you either have to contact the author (who might have explicitly donated it to the public domain) or find out when it has been published (after many, many years text becomes public domain).
PS: You use the word "emails", so I understood this as such. If you actually meant "email addresses", I would recommend to ask another question, because that is something totally different.
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Yes, I really mean email addresses not emails content itself. I mean email addresses like ( ccdd[at]gmail[dot]com )
So what is the difference about that ?
MrQuincle said:
Just that it is online doesn't mean that the material is in the public domain. There is a lot of text online that actually qualifies for copyright protection. Emails are no exception. To know if it is actually public domain you either have to contact the author (who might have explicitly donated it to the public domain) or find out when it has been published (after many, many years text becomes public domain).
PS: You use the word "emails", so I understood this as such. If you actually meant "email addresses", I would recommend to ask another question, because that is something totally different.
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Yes, I really mean email addresses not emails content itself. I mean email addresses like ( ccdd[at]gmail[dot]com )
So what is the difference about that ?
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Waiting for your clarification friend because this subject is very important for me said:
Yes, I really mean email addresses not emails content itself. I mean email addresses like ( ccdd[at]gmail[dot]com )
So what is the difference about that ?
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That's another question. I'm sorry.
MrQuincle said:
That's another question. I'm sorry.
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You mean you don't know it is legal or no ?? said:
You mean you don't know it is legal or no ??
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This is just an entire different question. And also this depends on the country etc. etc. It is in this case not related to copyright laws, but to SPAM laws. In Australia for example even the creation of scripts to harvest emails (from public sources) is illegal. In the US there is for example the CAN-SPAM law. This laws forbids to send a message to a harvested address. Regarding the fact that you might have sold these addresses, that very well might be considered complicity.
MrQuincle said:
This is just an entire different question. And also this depends on the country etc. etc. It is in this case not related to copyright laws, but to SPAM laws. In Australia for example even the creation of scripts to harvest emails (from public sources) is illegal. In the US there is for example the CAN-SPAM law. This laws forbids to send a message to a harvested address. Regarding the fact that you might have sold these addresses, that very well might be considered complicity.
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No, I didn't do that yet so i asked about it first Thanks at all! said:
No, I didn't do that yet so i asked about it first Thanks at all!
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You're welcome

