Seamless Bootanimaton?? - EVO 4G Themes and Apps

Does anyone know how I can make my animation seamless? What I mean is some of my animations are set up so I use the following;
480 800 10
p 0 1 part0 or
480 800 10
p 1 1 part0
p 1 1 part0 etc..
yet it flashes a white or dark screen at the end of the loop.
Is there a way that I can get it to loop without the flashing white screen?
*Edit I have attached a Call of Duty MW2 in landscape orientation for reference.

should look like this.
480 800 10
p 1 0 part0
p 0 0 part1
the second 0 , before the folder is a time out/pause.
if you want audio, you should change your folder names.
instead of part0, rename it to android, the second folder really shouldnt matter.
so it should look like this..
480 800 10
p 1 0 android
p 0 0 loop
'480' is the width of the animation
'800' is the height of the animation
'10' is the desired fps of the animation
'p' defines a animation part
'1' how many times this animation part loops
'0' defines a pause (max 10)
'android' is the folder name where the animation images are
'p' defines another animation part
'0' defines that it loops forever (until android starts)
'0' defines a pause
'loop' is the folder for the second animation part.
i did notice a few of my animations had different filenames within each folder.
this caused my animation to have a pause inbetween the first folder and the loop folder.
make sure your images have the same name layout throughout the folders.
android folder:
loop folder:
this helped out.

Thanks for responding but I know how to setup desc files. Unfortunately that doesn't help out because my desc file is setup like that. (in my first post it didn't type it out as such) I have attached a copy of a boot if that helps any it's a Call of Duty MW2 in landscape orientation.
This one instead of flashing white flashes dark. I want it to be seamless without any breaks. Any ideas?

here ya go
your desc.txt file was all wrong

Thank you I appreciate it.


Android Supernova Boot Screen For EVO...???

I am digging this boot screen. I had it for my Hero and I am trying to resize for my Evo. I I change png size. I also changed the desc.text file to:
480 800 30 (formely 320 480)
p 1 0 fade_in
p 0 0 loop
480 800 being our screen size... when pushed I get nothing but dark screen during the boot time!
Change to
480 800 30p
1 1 android
Change your folder name to android
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
I had a similar problem earlier today when I was trying to figure this out for myself Google kept bringing me here even though there was no solution.
After screwing with it for over an hour I figured it out. The problem occurs when re-zipping. When you go to zip up your folders make sure your compression method is "Store", by default the drop down for "Normal" will be selected in WinRar, so change that. I re-zipped your file and tested it, works fine on my evo.
I usually use my own boot animation and this desc works for me.
480 800 30
p 1 0 part0
p 0 0 part1
Name your main folder part0 and your loop folder part1.
I use 7zip to "add to archive" and choose the compression method of "store".
Hope it helps.
Edit: Here's the you uploaded with my proposed "fixes".

[Q] Issues with boot animations (need a themer's advice)

Hey guys, I have been creating some custom boot animations, and particularly the one located in my signature (revolver 4 boot animation) has some quirkiness to it..
It seems to want to stop playing on a certain image (around 57 of 69 images, something like that). I have checked;
My desc.txt file (all is in order and even swapped out some known-working files as a test, only modifying the resolution/fps line)
The image names and sizes (no numbers skipped/duplicated, no anomalies, all images around the same size of 47KB, all filenames are 5 characters, all PNG format)
I even copied the part0 folder and renamed it part1 and added a part1 line to the desc.txt file to allow it to change to try and get it to loop, it will loop the first 'part0' folder (even playing the images that are usually cut off) but as soon as it reaches part1, it hits the 57th (or whichever file it is) and goes blank..
I am using VIM to edit text and 7zip to pack the files, though that would seem to be OK since if either one was a problem the animation wouldn't play to begin with..the file is in my signature if anyone wants to play around with it and help me out. I can't seem to figure out what the main problem is- so the compromise is either have part1 folder, and/or loop the part0 a few times (haven't even tried but suspect it will go blank on first repeated loop), or have part1 added, add a part 2, etc. to allow it to loop (or just add another 'p1 0 part0' in the desc.txt). And btw, I have tried;
800 700 20
p0 0 part0
It won't play but once, even though the first 0 is by all accounts supposed to make it loop, I'm at a loss.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I am having a pretty big problem with bootanimations as well but mine will not even run once. Super frustrating. Even when i take a working boot animation and swap out the photos with the same resolution it does not work.
There is something funny about bootanimations- I think you have to use the store function, so that it isn't compressed. Also, maybe the old fashion zip would be compatible- 7zip might not be? Isn't that a windows thing?
gee one said:
There is something funny about bootanimations- I think you have to use the store function, so that it isn't compressed. Also, maybe the old fashion zip would be compatible- 7zip might not be? Isn't that a windows thing?
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Using WinRar and Store... Probably something to do with the depth of the pictures or the encoding on them
The red flags are flying- It has the same first letters as windows and it's not open source.
Try taking a working bootanimation and re-arranging/re-numbering the images. If it works, then it's your images. If it doesn't, go open source.
gee one said:
The red flags are flying- It has the same first letters as windows and it's not open source.
Try taking a working bootanimation and re-arranging/re-numbering the images. If it works, then it's your images. If it doesn't, go open source.
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i got it i forgot to flatten my images in photoshop. i feel a little stupid
This is the first issue I've had with it..t may be that I converted the mages from an animated GIF into several frames and then n photoshop saved them as PNGs, but I have other animations that I have created that run fine;
You do need a unix-friendly notepad, like notepad++ or VIM, and yes I pack the files so that they are simply stored; like I said, they play, they just don't finish the animation cycle..and I have heard that there is a limit to how many files can be in a folder, but that it was well-above 70..I have should not be an issue. Anyone tried my boot animation? It still plays and looks cool, but doesn't loop like it should.
Hey luna this might help its the desc file i used to finally get mine working
1280 800 20
p1 0 part0
p0 0 part1
mrevankyle said:
Hey luna this might help its the desc file i used to finally get mine working
1280 800 20
p1 0 part0
p0 0 part1
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The code means;
1280 800 20
This is resolution (w x h) and the fps (how many images cycle per second)
p1 0 part0
p1= play once (p5 would be play 5x, p0 is play indefinitely), 0 = 0ms delay between initiation and first image and part0 is the folder for the images..
My problem is this; my image files are 800 x 700 and play at 29fps, so first line is obvious- 800 700 29
second line is p0 0 part0, where the image is supposed to run indefinitely. It does not though. It runs once if I use 'p1 0 part0', but does not play all the way through. Yet if the desc file were not right at all, it wouldn't play it would be blank. So I have the desc file compiled, properly otherwise the image in part0 would not even play..the problem is the images do not fully cycle..I appreciate your help but it seems I know more about these files than you do (no offense mate)..I need to figure out why the settings do not run indefinitely until boot, and does not even finish the animation completely..but plays and then goes blank halfway through it...
But when I put a duplicate folder, part1, with the same animation images, and add 'p0 0 part1' to the desc file, the FIRST animation WILL play all the way through, then the second one crashes it..
Android is funny about some things, folder hierarchy, capitalization and folder name structure, file size and compression ratio, etc..I can't seem to figure out why one of my animation images seems to crash the animation altogether..halfway through.
you probobly do know more than me about it as this is the first boot animation i have worked on. Bud i did know what everything in the code meant. And i have looked at quite a few boot animaions in the last few days. It seems to me that the standard workaround is that if you put only the first frame in part 0 with "p1 0 part0" then everything else in part1 with "p0 0 part1" it may fix it.
mrevankyle said:
you probobly do know more than me about it as this is the first boot animation i have worked on. Bud i did know what everything in the code meant. And i have looked at quite a few boot animaions in the last few days. It seems to me that the standard workaround is that if you put only the first frame in part 0 with "p1 0 part0" then everything else in part1 with "p0 0 part1" it may fix it.
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Good idea...I am going to give it a shot, one thing I have not tried yet is splitting the part0 folder up into multiple folders, I have some doubts that will work but at this point it is worth trying I'll let you know if it solves the issue.
Nope...couldn't even get that one to play at all..and now for some reason my desc.txt file isn't working, I even created one from scratch in VIM and it would not work..blanks screen now. WTF..this should not be this tricky..
png software
could anyone tell me what software I can use to convert a gif animation into a series of png files. I have tried a few freeware converters but not had any luck, or even better a program that can convert any video file into a series of png's so I can skip the gif altogether?

bootanimation loop question

i have no experience with android beyond the rooting and flashing of devices, i have had experience with java programing (basic knowledge of the language long time ago) so i understand some programing basics.
anywho; i have successfully created and modified a few files but im curious if there is away to have a bootanimation that responds based on the loading progress of the phone.
a simple example of what i would expect the desc.txt file to look like:
480 800 30
p 1 0 part0
if x = true, then p 1 0 part1
if x = true, then p 1 0 part2
p 0 0 part3
where "x" would specify the load sequence has not completed or ideally where "x" returns a % of how far along the load is in which something to the effect of
if x = < 25% then p 1 0 part1
if X = > 25% then p 1 0 part2
in my currant sequence i simply have
p 1 0 part0
p 0 0 part1
where part0 is a long sequence and part1 is a short sequence that loops until the the phone finishes its boot.
P.S. i supose ive missed an important question; if the length of time of the partX exceeds the length of time needed to boot will it be interrupted or will the phone allow the animation to complete the cycle before it continues?

[GUIDE] All Related to Boot Animations !!!

A Guide To Support My Other Thread On How To Create Boot animations So It Is Easier For People To Understand And Grasp The Concept.
so they will ask less questions XD
The Basics
Inside the file
Featured Boot Animations
Basics :
The Android boot animation is contained within a an uncompressed zip file called that can be found in the media folder of the system partition i.e. /system/media on the internal memory of the device. This single file contains all the information required to play the boot animation, and is loaded automatically when the device boots. Thus, customizing or changing the boot animation is simply the process of editing or replacing this file.
Inside The Bootanimation.Zip File
This section is for those interested in finding out how the Android boot animation works. If you just want to install one without bothering yourself about what’s in the file, feel free to move on to the next section, as this one will get a little technical. Though it should be easy and simple enough for anyone to grasp.
While the Android boot animation might appear to be in a video format during playback, it is in fact a little different. If you extract the contents of the file to your computer, you will see:
A desc.txt file
A part0 folder (Contains PNG images named in incremental numbers)
More part1, part2 etc. folders (May or may not be present)
As you can see, merely contains one text file and one or more folders with PNG images. The animation is played simply by displaying the images in a sequence, and the text file defines how they are to be played. In essence, first the PNG files in the part0 folder are displayed one after the other and afterwards, those in the part1 file – if it exists – are displayed, again one after the other, and so on. All of this is defined in the desc.txt file.
Let’s see how it works in a little detail by taking a closer look at the contents of the file.
The folders
These contain PNG images named in numbers, starting from something like 0000.jpg or 00001.jpg and proceeding with increments of 1. There has to be at least one folder, and there is no known upper limit to the number of folders.
The desc.txt file
This file defines how the images in the folder(s) are displayed during the boot animation, in the following format:
Width Height Frame-rate
p Loop Pause Folder1
p Loop Pause Folder2
An example of a desc.txt file is:
320 480 30
p 1 0 part0
p 0 0 part1
As you can see, in the first line, 320 and 480 define the width and height of the boot animation in pixels for this example. This must be the same as the screen resolution of your device for the boot animation to properly play in full screen. 30 is the frame rate in fps (frames per second) i.e. number of images to display per second.
The second and third lines have a same format, start with p, which stands for a part of the animation and end in part0 or part1, which denotes the folder in which the images for that part are present.
The number after ‘p’ defines how many times this part will loop (repeat playback) before switching to the next part (if present). Specifying 0 would make the part loop indefinitely till the phone has fully booted.
The next number is for the pause, and is expressed in the number of frames, which can be translated into time by dividing it by the frame rate. A pause of 15 for example, would mean pausing for the time it takes 15 frames to play and since the frame rate is 30 frames per second, 15 frames would take half a second.
Translating all of this in case of the above example, the boot animation will play at a resolution of 320 by 480 pixels, at a frame rate of 30 fps, starting with the contents of part0 folder and after playing them in one loop, switching to contents of part1 folder and playing them continuously till the device fully boots.
A note on resolution: Most high-end Android devices with large screens have a resolution of 480 x 800 pixels, and are referred to as HDPI. Some mid-range devices have a resolution of 320 x 480 pixels and are called MDPI. Lastly, the screen resolution of some low-end devices is 340 x 320 pixels and these are called LDPI, though these are either the really old Android phones or the cheapest Chinese models.
As a rule, a boot animation made for a lower resolution device will run fine on a high resolution one but it will be centered on the screen, with the extra screen space around it not being used. Using a high resolution boot animation on a low resolution device will result in the boot animation not fully displaying on the screen, with its outer parts being cut off due to being outside the screen’s bounds.
Featured Boot Animations
Link for some boot animations for ace plus :
May u make guide how to make boot splash? Like gaple rom and mb-14 kernel does?
Sent from my GT-S7500 using my finger
mohdradzi84 said:
May u make guide how to make boot splash? Like gaple rom and mb-14 kernel does?
Sent from my GT-S7500 using my finger
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Thnxxx for d suggestion dude !
Sent from my GT-S7500 using my finger.
OX Mobile Spy
Very useful tutorial, it is worth I came to learn
Harshraj said:
A Guide To Support My Other Thread On How To Create Boot animations So It Is Easier For People To Understand And Grasp The Concept.
so they will ask less questions XD
The Basics
Inside the file
Featured Boot Animations
Basics :
The Android boot animation is contained within a an uncompressed zip file called that can be found in the media folder of the system partition i.e. /system/media on the internal memory of the device. This single file contains all the information required to play the boot animation, and is loaded automatically when the device boots. Thus, customizing or changing the boot animation is simply the process of editing or replacing this file.
Inside The Bootanimation.Zip File
This section is for those interested in finding out how the Android boot animation works. If you just want to install one without bothering yourself about what’s in the file, feel free to move on to the next section, as this one will get a little technical. Though it should be easy and simple enough for anyone to grasp.
While the Android boot animation might appear to be in a video format during playback, it is in fact a little different. If you extract the contents of the file to your computer, you will see:
A desc.txt file
A part0 folder (Contains PNG images named in incremental numbers)
More part1, part2 etc. folders (May or may not be present)
As you can see, merely contains one text file and one or more folders with PNG images. The animation is played simply by displaying the images in a sequence, and the text file defines how they are to be played. In essence, first the PNG files in the part0 folder are displayed one after the other and afterwards, those in the part1 file – if it exists – are displayed, again one after the other, and so on. All of this is defined in the desc.txt file.
Let’s see how it works in a little detail by taking a closer look at the contents of the file.
The folders
These contain PNG images named in numbers, starting from something like 0000.jpg or 00001.jpg and proceeding with increments of 1. There has to be at least one folder, and there is no known upper limit to the number of folders.
The desc.txt file
This file defines how the images in the folder(s) are displayed during the boot animation, in the following format:
Width Height Frame-rate
p Loop Pause Folder1
p Loop Pause Folder2
An example of a desc.txt file is:
320 480 30
p 1 0 part0
p 0 0 part1
As you can see, in the first line, 320 and 480 define the width and height of the boot animation in pixels for this example. This must be the same as the screen resolution of your device for the boot animation to properly play in full screen. 30 is the frame rate in fps (frames per second) i.e. number of images to display per second.
The second and third lines have a same format, start with p, which stands for a part of the animation and end in part0 or part1, which denotes the folder in which the images for that part are present.
The number after ‘p’ defines how many times this part will loop (repeat playback) before switching to the next part (if present). Specifying 0 would make the part loop indefinitely till the phone has fully booted.
The next number is for the pause, and is expressed in the number of frames, which can be translated into time by dividing it by the frame rate. A pause of 15 for example, would mean pausing for the time it takes 15 frames to play and since the frame rate is 30 frames per second, 15 frames would take half a second.
Translating all of this in case of the above example, the boot animation will play at a resolution of 320 by 480 pixels, at a frame rate of 30 fps, starting with the contents of part0 folder and after playing them in one loop, switching to contents of part1 folder and playing them continuously till the device fully boots.
A note on resolution: Most high-end Android devices with large screens have a resolution of 480 x 800 pixels, and are referred to as HDPI. Some mid-range devices have a resolution of 320 x 480 pixels and are called MDPI. Lastly, the screen resolution of some low-end devices is 340 x 320 pixels and these are called LDPI, though these are either the really old Android phones or the cheapest Chinese models.
As a rule, a boot animation made for a lower resolution device will run fine on a high resolution one but it will be centered on the screen, with the extra screen space around it not being used. Using a high resolution boot animation on a low resolution device will result in the boot animation not fully displaying on the screen, with its outer parts being cut off due to being outside the screen’s bounds.
Featured Boot Animations
Link for some boot animations for ace plus :
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what about these codes :
320 480 36
p 1 0 part0
s 1 /system/media/poweron.ogg
p 0 0 part1
s none
could you explain those ???????


I want to create my own boot animation , i created one with bootanimation factory but it's useless. The Boot animation is attached below , some help to make it perfect?
1st line: 400 400 30 means that you screen resolution is 400 x 400 pixels. Do you have a blackberry device?
2nd line: p 2 0 part0 means that your png files will be played twice only. Why not use 0 instead of 2?
Finally all your png files (except the first one) have a transparent border? Why?

