Help @Stericson for stress test on Google Lattiude. Add him [email protected] to your lattiude.. His goal is hit 1000 before midnight!!!
Currently at about 600 now...
I want a volunteer with a quad core device to run our small app, and send us 3 screenshots of his scores...
We are trying to test multicore/single phones, with multithreaded/single apps..
What do you have to do?
1) Pick up the Matrix benchmark from the "Choose Benchmark" list.
2) Then, choose as num of threads to "2", and "tick" the 3rd option, to run the benchmark.
3) After that, take a screenshot!
..) Repeat process with 4, 8 threads!
If you want to helps us more you can also try the Graphic Bench 1 and Graphic Bench 2.
(you dont need to choose threads num for those! We are checking only frames per second that your Tegra3 can get!)
So, we need 3 or 5 screenshots...
Thank you very much guys! You have a wonderfull phone!
**If you use google+ and instant upload, you can automatically upload your screenshots to G+, and share them with me. You can find my account in about me section in here!
NOTE**: its NOT implemented with an Async Task! So android may thinks several times, that application "doesnt respont"!
Please choose all times wait! Also other benchmarks, where ported wrong, so we dont want them, except the matrix, and the graphic benchs!
Thanks again!!
Benchmark Link
Sorry bud, the One S is only dual core.
I's so fast you thought it was quad core
I am in need of help creating two amazing apps for android. They shouldn't be that difficult to create but my computer doesn't work so I need somebody willing to fully help me out. Please message me, email me: [email protected] or reply to my post. This should be amazing for thousands of people I know... and more around the world. Serious Inquiries Only! Preferred some experience in the dreaded iPhone apps also. Thank you for your time. Will share more details upon replies.
Heello friends
I just finished my first game and could use some help on testing, and i think you guys will be able to give me more usefull feedback than most
This is the link :angel:
I would love some feedback on how it worked on your phone, and if you liked it.
I am new to the developing scene and would really appreciate some feedback and guidance on my game and how to spread the word to get people interested and the all important download and retention.
As I am unable to post links please search in google play: com.yrrucnevets.animaladventure
My game is Animal Adventure, this is a match 3 game.
Please could you provide feedback on how I could make this better or what works well? I am also struggling to find how to get installs without all of these pay for install type of emails coming through.
I really need some guidance from someone who has been there and has the knowledge to be able to help a new starter in this area.
Thank you for taking the time to read and I will greatly appreciate any help from you.
Hello XDA community !
I'm an Android developer, and I wanted to do a little application to try some new dev stuff. I had the idea of this app since I'm a little lazy sometimes and I needed motivation, so instead of working out I made an application to motivate me
The app is called DO IT!
With this simple application, you can add some objectives that you want to do every day, or at least the most possible (For example go at the gym, learn english...). And every day, you go in the app and check if you did it. You can also set a daily notification to remember to do it. You can also see when an objective was done in a calendar.
That pretty much it ! I still have a lot to do but I wanted to release a first version to gather some feedbacks and advices.
If you have questions (usage or technical) I'd be very happy to answer ! If you'd like to translate the app in your language you can also contact me. That would be very appreciated, and if you need I can translate yours in french too
The play store link :
Downloaded... I'm a lazy sod too. Will check it out and leave some feedback once ive used it a short while.
Thank you ! Your feedbacks will be really appreciated.
I did some updates since last time. Don't hesitate to give me some feedbacks
Again, I did some nice updates to the app. Now you also have the possibility to set an objective as weekly or monthly. I also added some nice animations. If you have some ideas of what could be next feel free to discuss with me! I'm putting a lot of energy in this app.
I added a new feature that allow you to choose how many times an objective must be done in the week or month. Hope you'll enjoy it!
I updated the screenshots since the app evolved a lot since its launch.