im just now understanding and utilizing RSS feeds (yes im late, lol)
and i wanna keep up with the latest headlines of digg and slashdot as a plugin.
im testing and playing with egress, while its nice and intuitive its only listing one headline at a time in random order on my plugin page.
I cant figure out how to expand the plugin to allow for more headlines or how to have two websites displayed at once.. is this software even capable of doing this? Or am i gonna have to just get used to one headline at a time?
Since we live in an age in which phones pack more computing power than PC’s from less than 10 years ago, the number of tasks we can accomplish with mobile devices grows very fast. Which means the functionality of applications gets better every day, to give us a faster way to achieve our goals, on a day to day basis. That’s why, a lot of automating apps these days try to stay on top of it for us. One of these aps is IFTTT – If This Then That.
Tasks we can accomplish with the app range from scanning for updates on RSS feeds, Ebay, Reddit or Youtube and connecting to different apps, like Facebook, Gmail, Twitter and much more. For instance, we can receive a notification, if a new item is available on Ebay, or when we are tagged on Facebook. It all sounds great, but the question is how well does it work in the real world?
I installed IFTTT mostly in the hope to be able to stay on top of news and new items, which works really well and is really easy to set up. All you need to do, if you want to scan for specific items on Ebay, is to add a new recipe (+ button on top) and search for the Ebay trigger, select it, and activate the channel. After that, enter the search terms or keywords for which the recipe should be searching for. Now that the trigger is set up, we can choose actions or in other words, what should happen when we get a match. There are a lot of actions to choose from, like adding the item to a spreadsheet or text file on cloud based storage services, or simply sending an email to a friend that the item is available.
The procedure to scan the RSS feed of a website is also very straight forward. We simply select the RSS trigger, after we created a new recipe, and then we paste the feed link and enter the desired keywords, for which we are searching for. Now, we just need to finish the recipe with the desired action, and we are good to go. Anytime something with the desired keywords is posted, we know about it. IFTTT looks for changes every 15 minutes.
On the other hand this is not an app which is great in automating only device based actions. It is not meant for that, yet. The problem is not in triggers which give you more or less what you need, but in actions. Lets say I want to disable the pattern lock screen when I get home. While the trigger for a specific wifi SSID is available, the action for disabling the pattern lock screen is missing. We can only choose to change the ringtone volume and update the wallpaper under actions, which is actually pretty scarce. But this is not where its true power currently lies.
To sum it up, IFTTT is great for connecting together services or different apps like Twitter or Pocket and it is also very straightforward with the building of recipes. Anyone can do it. This is something that other automating apps are missing, which is why IFTTT fits right in. Nobody did provide such functionality in such a simple manner to this day...
IFTTT in Google Play
Anyone else notice that on some websites the lateral right edge of text articles, etc., gets cut off and you can't ready the last 10-12 characters, thus having to fill in your head the remaining words while continuing the same sentence on the next line?
Is there a fix for this? (I know its likely a fixed text width thing on the websites ie verge, engadget, etc), but still rather annoying....
I can post a screen capture if you haven't seen this....
I created a little app that just displays a bunch of weird random sentences. It's main use was for playing games like Scribblish with people, once you're bored with the cards it came with (It's a good party game).
If you click the extra options in the toolbar you can also play a round of Scribblish right on your phone by passing it around to people. It's pretty basic
App store link
**What is the main concept of “faces history” ?
The main concept of facebook history is assisting you to review all activites, posts, stories and pictures that you or your friends have been tagged in on facebook from the time your account was registried.
Only by choosing the date, every posts or activites taking place on this date will immediately show up.
**What is facebook history used for?
Facebook history is used for looking back the history on facebook. However, it is not just that.
- When you happen to realize that you have just forgotten something that are very important you can use “facebook history” to get them back.
- When you feel empty or depressed about the future you may get your strength from looking back what you achieved or did in the past
- One day, you randomly flip through different date, you are surely filled with nostalgia for all the things that you and your friends did together on old days. Especially, if you are currently out of touch with your friends because of busy working life , this maybe a good chance for you to come together.
- If you want to understand someone more that you especially care about, knowing what they did in the past would be a good
**What are differences between facebook history and the activity log of facebook ?
- Facebook history brings you back to the exact date that you want. It shows clearly the total number of activities or posts you have on that day and lists out all of them. You are no longer have to slide up and down to looking for the date you want on the activity log facebook.
- You have two ways to choose the date. The first is using calendar and the second is enter the exact date.
**How to use facebook history?
It’s very simple. The only thing you have to do is choosing the date and then wait to see the results.
No valid download link, thread closed.