Bigger buttons for calling/texting - Android Apps and Games

Is there a theme or app that gives bigger buttons when you dial or write a msg? I'm new here and haven't found it yet

Well you want to install a bigger keyboard. I would try the htc_ime one (search for HTC_IME.apk)


screen keyboard upgrade?

been looking for this - not sure if it exist for Kaiser, it used to exist for other smartphones...just can't remember what it was called;
It's basically a replacement for the on screen keyboard - when you select the keyboard you get a transparent keyboard that fills the whole screen, so makes it easier to type with - and ya don't have to use a pointer or the keyboard itself...handy for one hand action.
Any thoughts if there is anything like that around now and what it's called, or if it's in a cab?

largest keyboard app

Which of these keyboards have the biggest keys when using the phone in portrait mode; the android keyboard, the ime mod keyboard or better keyboard? I am looking for one that makes it less likely for those of us with fat fingers to fat finger what we are typing.
Um, i'd have to say Smart Keyboard Pro with the HTC Skin has the biggests keys. And it's not as big of a file as the HTC IME mod so there isn't that much lag when using it
come keyboards i have used
There is a keyboard called thick buttons which resizes the keys as you type making the keys that are most likely the next letter in the word larger and the rest smaller, you can also set the resize rate (small,medium, large)
SwiftKey is a pretty cool keyboard that scans your chat history to try to predict what word you will type next. They keys are pretty much the same size as the htc keyboard though. feature updates to the app will be able to scan sms, twitter, email and then create different recommendations based on the app you are typing in i.e. sms, email, or twitter.
Right now my fav keyboard app is touchpal. Don't be afraid that a lot of the text about the app is in chinese in particular parts of the tutorial they board can be set to english and all your txt recommendations will be in english. This keyboard has three layouts (my fav is the compact keyboard which gives you two letters per key but with txt prediction enabled typing is not a problem. they keys in this layout are pretty big to making it hard to miss the one you want) What is really cool about this keyboard is the ability to swipe either side ways to change keyboard layouts or down to access the secondary key (e.g. swiping down on say e will give you a 3) or in full quwerty keyboard swiping up gives you the capital letter of the letter.
Another keyboard you might want to put on your radar is blindtype. It is not out yet but it looks really awesome. It functions similar to swype but instead of swiping your finger across the keys you type normally. Look it up and you can see videos of it being demoed. It is not aval right now though but it looks like the keyboard to have for us with big fingers lol
blindtype DOES look amazing!
cant wait for it.
umm, it does not show up in my market. wth
you might want to check out ultra keyboard it allows you to re-size the keyboard making it bigger or smaller and it also has incorporated swype style typing and it also allows you to use better keyboard themes it's a paid app but in my opinion well worth it
been using big buttons keyboard for months. since i only type one handed in portrait this works perfect. it's laid out different but within a minute of typing im a pro.
itrackit said:
umm, it does not show up in my market. wth
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
No offense if you looking for blindtype they said in the post its not in the market. Don't feel bad I didn't completely read it the first time
Sent from Froyo 2.2 Super Hero

any gb keyboard mods?

phone: inspire 4g (desire hd)
rom: virtuous unity 1.26 (sense 3.0)
keyboard: stock gingerbread
Using the stock GB keyboard i have tons of issues with hitting the damn period button instead of the space bar. are there any mods of the keyboard where the space bar is bigger or the period button is moved? i never use the settings button on the keyboard, id rather that be gone than have the period button where it is now. half my texts end up like this unless i type really slow "hey.hows it.going?" i personally do not like the HTC keyboard. Im not opposed to using another keyboard, but the GB keyboard is perfect IMO aside from my typing issues.
I saw a gbkb mod that removed the smiley button, I think it was in Android Themes and Apps. I didn't look at it as I use Swype, so I'm not sure if the removal of the smiley just added another button or if there's more room, I'm on my phone at work otherwise I'd link you.
i ended up switching to better keyboard 8 and dont have the issues anymore. its pretty close to the GB keyboard so im happy for now at least
Cool, I'm going to check that out.
I use perfect keyboard. Theres lots of customization settings, as in the height of the keyboard and the width of it as well. The colors of each tab and the background as well, but its a paid app

[Q] sense keyboard in aosp rom

hello! does anyone know of a way to get a sense-like keyboard in a aosp rom (liquid smooth rom is the one i am using)? Before i made the move to aosp, which i plan on staying with as its much faster and more efficient in my opinion, i had a keyboard similar to this with the arrow keys and such. I tried Perfect Keyboard from android market, which is very nice and works perfectly, EXCEPT it does not work with connect bot/ssh which completely defeats the purpose of having arrow keys for recalling recent commands lol, for some reason the keyboard refuses to enter text normally the second i open up a screen session in debian, although if i quickly switch over to stock android keyboard i can enter text perfectly, but the stock keyboard does not have arrow keys which is my original problem. I am open to any suggestions, so would really appreciate any help that i can get in finding a decent keyboard thanks!
try to disable the option "always suggest " in perfect keyboard settings.
Lacrosse, same here. Like the "older" style keyboard with the arrows, just prefer it and the bigger type box.
Tapatalkn with my Thunderbolt
Give SwiftKey a try. I've had wonderful results with it. Look in the options to enable arrow keys, plus the text correction and suggestions are fantastic. Themes could use a little work, though.
You might be able to get in with their beta program and download it for free to play with for a while without buying and having to drop it 15 minutes later.
Good hunting!
This is what I use on CM7 on my 'bolt:
You don't get the arrows, but you get the same layout and many more features.

[dev] suggestion for keyboard

Hello XDA Developers,
I just giving an idea here for any devs interested.
Why not making a android keyboard that have this functions.
1) I think letter placement customization is cool and i don't know there are other keyboard that let the user customize the placement of the letters [if there is, please point out to me because there are many keyboard apps in Play Store and i don't manage to try them all].
2) Theme is not very important from my point of view, make the keyboard look fancy with glossy color is ok. maybe let the user customize the color of the keyboard buttons also nice since the users do not need any theme.
3) Phone keyboard and QWERTY keyboard function. For most people with large screen does not has problems with QWERTY keyboard but for small screen devices there are. There are only some keyboard that gives Phone keyboard functionality and I love Phone keyboard because I love to message single handed.
Well, and also other things that many functions included in other keyboards in Play Store like swipe, dictionary, etc. etc. etc....
If anyone wants to add something here in this thread, feel free.

